lgcmanager · 1 month
it's official legacy's IDOLS, ACTORS and MODELS are joining the platform UNIVERSE to connect with fans ! as such, every month, on the sns post, we'll give a choices of question from which you may answer to ONE of them as fansite activity. your answers must have a minimum of 75 words! this can be a good alternative for muses with less visual content !
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lgcsena · 1 year
sena takes a personality test
mbti: estj-t [the executive]  
sena is a sensible and sophisticated girl. she likes to keep organized and well-prepared in order to keep herself (and whoever else she’s working with) on a tight ship. she’s also very loyal to those she considers her closest confidants; she’d fight to the death to ensure they are all safe at the end of the day. where she begins to struggle is her focus on the way she is perceived by others. while she loathes that she thinks this way, most of what she does is influenced by the social implications they have. while she wishes she could break this mindset, she is rather inflexible, struggling to break out of her ways and to put herself in unconventional situations.
enneagram: type eight [the challenger]
sena is extremely protective and strives for control of herself. while she is confident in the skills she’s good at, she is extremely dedicated to pinpointing the areas where she struggles and correcting those issues head-on. what often holds her back is her biggest fear: being controlled by others. this mainly comes in the form of her image; she wants to be in control of how she is perceived, not to be what others want her to be. while she is pretty well in-tune with her own self, she often struggles with empathy. she doesn’t understand why others don’t always see things the way she does, which can often drive her defensiveness even further.
daemon: badger [competitive, private, ambitious]
sena doesn’t tend to share things about herself. other than the closest of friends, she doesn’t often share her deep thoughts, feelings, or life experiences in general, instead often keeping things surface level amongst most people. however, this doesn’t stop her from having her ambitious and competitive nature. she knows what she wants and will strive for it, even if it means having to put herself over other people. as soon as she scouts out a weakness a ‘competitor’ has, whether or not it actually matters in the long run, sena will make sure she is more skilled, or at least more confident, in that skill than the person who was called out for their lack thereof, though she won’t ever tell anybody why.
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lgcxnoeul · 2 years
During his first week of training, Noeul becomes the antithesis of the teacher's pet. He disrupted the class by fooling around with other trainees, forcing the dance instructor to stop several times and disperse them around the room. After class, he was asked to stay behind by the dance instructor, who expressed her disappointment and frustration for his lack of consideration of the other trainees and impeding them from learning the choreography for their upcoming evaluation. He was warned that he wouldn't be allowed to return unless he was willing to genuinely apologize, or risk failing the evaluation.
Instructor Yoo, I should know better than to start with excuses, but hear me out for a bit. I'll be honest and confess that I didn't know what to expect when I decided to be a trainee. I heard the stories of classmates who had become trainees years before me, knew of their struggles, and saw how difficult walking daily on that wobbly tight-rope was for them (from their societal contribution as a student and then towards their dreams in their afternoon). It feels like there are not enough hours in the day, or that we have to choose what is more important when we can barely wake up on our own, or make a meal without supervision. I'm not blaming our parents, our teachers, our instructors either. We were the ones that decided to chase our dreams without thinking of how it would impact us. For me, that tight-rope doesn't exist, instead there is a chasm in front of me that I have no idea how I will make it to other side. It's not lack of confidence, but rather, I feel like I lack experience— maturity if I'm being honest. It's only been a week and I'm overwhelmed. I don't know if I'm cut out to be a trainee, or even an idol. All I know is that I enjoy music and if I can make a career out of something I love, I've cracked the code on life, right? Maybe that is wishful thinking too. Or, I'm incredibly naive like the rest of the trainees. Only a small percentage of us will make it. What makes me any better than the rest of the trainees that I stand beside every single afternoon? I decided that I won't see my time as a trainee as a waste of time if I don't make it. A year from now, or two years, or three... I hope that I won't be this version of myself, but rather a more improved version that is still madly in love with every facet of music. Someone whose end goal isn't to become an idol, but rather be able to see beyond the horizon and focus on how I can evolve with the help of those around me, including my fellow trainees, instructors, and the staff. I'm only seventeen. I'll continue to be immature, flawed, and will probably continue to enjoy pushing too many buttons until I feel pushback that I can respect. Don't worry, instructor Yoo. I'll leave that version of myself outside in the hallway and promise to commit to the challenge that I signed myself up for. I sincerely apologize for disrupting our practice session. You won't hear a single squeak from me unless it's from my sneakers, I swear! — Noeul.
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lgcmilan · 2 years
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milan likes to considers herself a friendly introvert, and while it’s true that for the past couple of years, she has closed her feelings and thoughts to the others, she’s still an extrovert through and through in every other aspect. ESFJ's have the following personality traits: extraverted, observant, feeling, and judging. just like those of her type, milan is attentive and people-focused. her actions are also guided by strong values that she has a hard time deviating from. however, offering guidance isn’t in her nature due to a lack of experience. maybe as she matures, this side of hers will come out more often. 
from the youngest age, milan has always been known as a child trying to those around her happy. when she was just a baby, it consisted in making faces that made others laugh, and as she grew older, it evolved into her caring for those surrounding her and trying to never upset the people dearest to her. therefore, it’s no surprise that she has grown to become a type 9. type nines are described as “easygoing, self-effacing type: receptive, reassuring, agreeable, and complacent”. these patterns certainly define the core of who milan is with its goods and bads; while she’s flexible when people present opposite opinions, she also breaks her own heart quite often by accommodating others. as a self-effacing type, she also bottles up her deepest thoughts and feelings. her worse trait however, is her complacency which manifests in sort of apathy towards the future, far or near.
considering milan’s MBTI and enneagram type, it comes with no surprise that her daemon would take the form of a domestic dog. this daemon type show that she is loyal, service-oriented and loves to be in the presence of others. she is also obedient to set rules and would do anything to keep those she cherishes away from arm.
from the various races of domestic dogs, hers would be a ginger cocker spaniel, demonstrating her playfulness and joyfulness. she is definitely close to her inner child and lets her heart guide her path. speaking of heart, the ginger color of her daemon show that she wears hear heart on her sleeve!
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lgcpoints · 8 days
- BIRTHDAY SOLO: +5 singing, +3 notoriety [ LINK ]
CocoPeach (drink): real peaches, ice, orange marmelade, 0% alcohol italian spritz and coco milk blended together
Play Love Jams (dessert): an assortment of 3 mini bundt cakes, each garnished with a different jam (blackberry, raspberry and blackcurrent).  
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lgcxminji · 3 years
minji takes a personality test
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mbti: esfp-a [the entertainer]  
an extravert through-and-through, minji strives off being known as a ‘busy bee.’ as a child, she was known to be a friendly, talkative, and energetic child. this has translated into her teen and adult years well; she’s now a confident, bright, cheerful girl who loves to get to know people, which is an important trait to have in the industry. however, it also has its downsides. she tends to take criticism quite harshly, but doesn’t let that show in her demeanor. she will let the words and let them eat her alive if she doesn’t take the time to manage them. additionally, she’s extremely indecisive and doesn’t know what her plans are for the future. she tends to do things on a whim, which can sometimes get her into a sticky situation.
enneagram: type 3 [the achiever]
minji is an incredibly ambitious person. what she lacks future planning, she makes up for in her big aspirations. although she doesn’t know how she’s going to get there, she knows her ultimate goal is debut. afterwards... who knows. she’s also very self-assured. when she’s not losing her mind over a mistake she made or an offhanded comment, she’s actually very confident and strives to be seen for what she’s worth. she’ll make sure she performs well in order to garner whatever positive attention and praise she can, though this also leads her to be quite competitive and a workaholic. she tends to practice from early in the morning to very late at night, taking any time she has available to her in order to rehearse anything that’s coming up.
hogwarts house: ravenclaw [wit, learning, and wisdom]
despite her bubbly and friendly personality, minji is actually very serious about her studies, whether that be her training or her academics. even before she was a trainee, she made it a point to study for hours a day, practice lines for whatever time was left, and stopped only for six to seven hours of sleep a night. additionally, she’s quite intelligent. she tends to think creatively in situations where she needs to do so, especially when there’s a problem that needs to be solved.
daemon: wild cat [confidence, strength, leadership]
minji’s confidence, friendliness, creativity, and strength make her a strong leader type. she tends to take charge when creativity is a factor, such as when creating dances or vocal arrangements for practices or finding new and unique ways to present a scene or skit when acting. additionally, she always tries to make sure that everyone is able to have a say in what happens in whatever minji is leading. she still believes in group efforts, she’s just the one organizing all the thoughts into a cohesive project. 
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lgcrp · 5 years
question for the event: it has to be of your muse's fc correct? just want to make sure
Yes, you are correct! The picture should represent as closely as possible what your muse physically looked like in their introduction video!
- admin c.
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: ONE-TIME GIG RESTRICTIONS: Idols in permanent groups, actors, and models.
we wanted to introduce to you a new system that we’re going to implement, which is called the SCANDAL SYSTEM! inspired by the recent punishment a few months ago, we thought that as an interactive roleplay this would be a chance for some people to create drama for their muses. but because some actions and behaviors can impact more than just the individual we’ve added some rules to it: 
only applies to debuted artists ( idols, actors, models ). however, if your muse recently debuted ( ex. just transferred to the career path the same month ), there is a chance that they will be demoted from their status.
if you plan to go through with this, your muse will lose notoriety depending on the severity of the issue. 
to claim this, you will be the one writing the article and this will take up between 2-4 NETIZEN CREDITS ( 2 for internal and minor, and 4 for major ).
depending on the scandal, the muse may deal with additional consequences ic and ooc wise ( ex. skip out on all of the events for a trimester, demotion, etc. ) 
we’ve categorized the scandals based on three categories:
internal: actions where the debuted artist is seen doing something negative within the company grounds ( ex. talking back to a coach, skipping out on practice, etc. ) and can be reported by someone in the company. this can only happen ONCE A YEAR. redeeming this means losing 10 NOTORIETY, but there won’t be any pause in activities.
external ( minor ): actions where the debuted artist is seen doing something that is viewed negatively in a public setting ( ex. lazy dancing, caught reacting negatively towards someone, past photos, surgery allegations, etc ). this can only happen ONCE A YEAR. redeeming this means losing 20 NOTORIETY, but there won’t be a pause in activities.
external ( major ): actions that tend to have a bigger effect to the public ( ex. dating, drunk driving, academic probation, bullying, etc. ). this can only happen once in a career so once it’s redeemed, you CANNOT do it again ( exceptions are dating related scandals as noted below ). redeeming this also means losing 50 NOTORIETY ( if the news is false ) or 75 NOTORIETY ( if the news is true ) and skipping out on all of the events for the trimester. for this particular category, we will be a bit stricter with determining whether the scandal is acceptable because unlike the other two, what your muse does will most likely affect the whole rp as well. 
for dating scandals, they can be npc artists within the company ( exceptions are blazing’s sarang, dbsd’s woonjae, siwoo, and haneul, haru’s minwoo ) OR another debuted artist in legacy ( people who work outside of the industry do not count for this because press will not disclose that info to the public ). however, you have to ask for the admins’ approval first before going through with this because it depends on the people involved and the circumstances. to prevent having too many dating scandals at once, there will be a limit of one dating scandal per YEAR for IDOLS and one dating scandal per TRIMESTER for MODELS and ACTORS. if you choose to pick a npc artist, there can only be ONE dating scandal per NPC ARTIST ( if it’s confirmed ) or ONE dating scandal per year for each NPC ARTIST ( if it’s false ).
since the scandals are situational, the severity of the scandal can depend too as to which media outlet will reveal the information ( ex. sojang for the internal and some of the external ( minor ), dispatch for the major scandals ).
this is currently a trial and error process, but as time goes on we’ll do our best to refine it so that it will be easier to distinguish the scandals and its categories. if you want to utilize this, the first step will be to fill out the form below and send it to the lgcmanager blog: 
muse name · scandal information form netizen credit used: ( tell us which netizen credit you are using ) category: ( internal, external (minor), external (major) ) are there any other additional muses involved? ( yes/no, if yes please list who it is. for this to be considered, both you and the other person must agree to submit the form ) information: ( information about this scandal. the more detailed, the better so we can have a good idea as to whether it is acceptable. if you’re planning on doing a dating scandal, please mention as well whether the news is confirmed or if it’s false! if you pick that the dating scandal is confirmed, it might not be 100% guaranteed since it will have to depend on the admin team’s approval. )
if your proposed scandal has been approved by the admins, we’ll give you any other necessary comments and information that might help you with writing the articles ( ex. if your muse or the other party involved is having a comeback, any events they might be attending, etc. ) after this, you have TWO WEEKS from whenever we’ve given you the approval to write the article. if it’s not written within that period of time, it will not count! just like the netizen and notoriety tier articles, fill out the information below and send it to the lgcmedia blog:
muse name · scandal article netizen credit used: ( tell us which netizen credit you are using ) title: ( title of the article ) image: ( image you want to be used for the article ) text: ( 100 words minimum ) comments: ( three comments, at least one of which should be neutral or negative. try to keep your muse’s public image in mind! )
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: ONE-TIME GIG RESTRICTIONS: Idols in permanent groups, actors, and models.
among the many new features we are introducing for this term, one of them is the birthday event for debuted artists ( this includes idols, actors, and models )! every time it’s the debuted artist’s birthday, legacy will host a small event at the legacy café, where fans can get a customized cup sleeve and random photocard for every purchase of the limited edition dessert and drink combination!
to make this extra special, a few days before the celebrant’s birthday, they will be requested by one of the staff members to head to the legacy café’s kitchen and create their drink ( non-alcoholic ) and dessert with the help of one of legacy’s top bakers and baristas! once they are done, the celebrant will then be asked to name both their dessert and drink. this will be filmed by one of the staff members and posted on lgc’s youtube channel on the day of the celebrant’s birthday.
for this open event, you will need to write a 300+ WORD SOLO about your muse creating the drink and dessert combo. because your muse only gets to celebrate their birthday once a year, you can only redeem this once! please tag all solos with the hashtag lgc:birthday. when you are done, submit the following form to the lgcpoints blog: 
- BIRTHDAY SOLO: +5 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ] - NAME OF DRINK & DESSERT: [ LIST OVER HERE ]
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lgcpoints · 2 months
im yunseo - open event 001
+5 vocal+2 notoriety 
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lgcpoints · 2 months
+5 performing [ !!! ]
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lgcpoints · 2 months
美咲  ✰  OPEN EVENT 001 !
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lgcpoints · 3 months
park zoe - open event 001
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lgcpoints · 3 months
Jaejin Carter∙ OPEN EVENT #1
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lgcpoints · 3 months
えみ ❥ OPEN EVENT 001
+5 performance
+ 2 notoriety
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lgcpoints · 3 months
NAME OF DRINK   ›   yakgwa float     ›   magnolia berry tea latte sprinkled with honey and cinnamon; topped with whipped hokey-pokey (new zealand honey comb toffee) cream, and a dusting of hokey pokey crumbs and a yakgwa coffee for decoration. can be served hot or cold. 
& DESSERT   ›   jino’s best friend   ›   a set of 2 japanese rice flour dumplings skewered and shaped to look like a dog’s face with a sweet soy glaze
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