lgcxsarang · 2 months
a yawn left sarang’s mouth as she made her way to their little spot. a river not to far from the company, there was a tiny little walk way that lead to what sarang would consider the perfect picnic spot. for now, it was the perfect spot to eat some snacks, listen to music and enjoy the quietness of the outside. she has found this little spot by accident and had started to come hear in the early hours. and she hadn’t been the only to find the little hideaway. now, it was a regular meetup spot with her and yunseo.
sarang had just started the playlist and cracked open her first beer and found something to snack on when she heard the sound of yunseo approaching. well, once she checked her phone and realized that he was said he was on his way. “welcome, welcome.” sarang flashed a smile at him, moving a way over so he could sit down. her eyes went back to the water and she turned down the music a bit. “how were classes today? I brought beer and snacks.”
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lgcmedia · 25 days
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! thank you to everyone who has sent well wishes. here is to 26! can't wait to see where this year leads me!
#lgctrainees #lgcent #imyunseo
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rowonlgc · 2 months
         catharsis       ( w. ) @lgcyunseo   
  it’s not his usual scene, but he doesn’t look out of place. faded jeans, white tee, cuffed, he’s seated in the far back corner, tucked away in a half-circle booth shared by four others. they’re strangers, each one of them, but he treats them like close friends, chatting, cheering – all while keeping an eye on his actual friend. she’s meeting an ex ( just to talk things out, she insisted, whatever you do, don’t let me go home with her ). so far, so good. they seem bitterly amicable. he looks away.
  across the dimly lit floor, a familiar face catches his attention. im yunseo. how curious. for some time, rowon watches him. watches how the shadows dance across his features, watches how he moves about. it’s different, somehow. and when yunseo approaches the bar, rowon excuses himself from the table and makes his way over.
  “didn’t expect to find you here,” he greets, easing into the empty space to yunseo’s immediate right. a small smile, a head tilt. “can i buy you a drink?”
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lgcjiho · 10 months
━━ by the river
a picnic starter for @lgcyunseo
the weather is starting to not be so hot now, and he's realized that he has a little bit of free time and he also hasn't seen one of his good friends in a while. so why not kill two birds and one stone right? thankfully, yunseo had accepted the offer and jiho had happily planned out what they would do at the river.
of course, they had to order chicken eventually but he brought a bag full of snacks and some water in case they got thirsty. he had missed being able to do this, and had tried his best to find somewhere that was relatively secluded, though he knew that once it got a bit darker, it would be easier to hide. he's going to keep his mask on until then though.
waiting at the spot, he had texted yunseo his exact location and set out the picnic mat, complete with blanket and little rented tent and everything, to block them from the sun. he had even sent a picture of the place all set up in hopes that the older would have an easier time finding it.
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it doesn't take too long, but he thinks he sees a familiar figure in the distance and he stands immediately, waving his arms in the air and jumping up and down. hopefully it really was yunseo or this would be awkward.
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lgchyoseop · 10 months
sweet as a strawberry
the warmth of summer was something hyoseop had missed. it felt like the past year had gone slower than usual, like he’d been waiting for summer for longer than it should’ve been. summer was different from the other seasons, no rain (or well, less rain), no snow, the sun shining. he’d needed summer, the winter depression hit harder this year than usual. there was so many things he had on his list to do, he could only hope legacy wouldn’t make his schedule too busy.
one thing on his to-do-list was going strawberry picking, and along with him today he’d brought yunseo. “the weather is really nice” he says before wiping some sweat off of his own forehead. “what do you want to do with all of these strawberries? there’s so much we could do, jam, ice cream, maybe just eat them like they are” he turns his head to look at yunseo. “wow, you even look good in the hot weather” he runs a hand over the other’s forehead, wiping the other’s sweat too.
<3 @lgcyunseo
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hyuntaelgc · 9 months
what are we grateful for? - @lgcyunseo
scavenger hunt? sounds fun.
in this alternate universe hyuntae was much more carefree. he didn't have such a weight on his shoulders. he was happy. not too far from him he saw yunseo. one of his many group mates for this hunt. "yunseo!" he called out playfully, running over and linking his arm with his own.
"how far have you gotten? i have gotten a picture of my food and a picture of a cacti! this is surprisingly easy!" he teased holding onto his friend playfully. today was a good day to hyuntae. the weather was beautiful, the air quality was perfect, and he was having fun with his friends. nothing could stop him ( in his mind at least )
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lgcwenjun · 10 months
lgc family concert starter for @lgcyunseo
wenjun doesn't think of himself as an amazing singer. but he does know he's a better singer than the average person. or well, sort of. it's something that he doesn't like to admit out loud – he finds it a little embarrassing to say, but if there was anything that wenjun could pride himself in, he thinks it's his ability to at the very least hit a note.
but hitting a note was not the problem here. despite his attempts at trying to brush up on his korean, he still found himself struggling with pronouncing and reading a few words here and there. this sort of frustrated him, the inability to say the words in a way that felt natural. his tongue would constantly twist, and his eyebrows remained furrowed as he stared at the few words on his sheet of paper.
"yunseo," he says, and for some reason he'd found himself going to yunseo quite a bit for help lately – and he's always thankful for the presence of the other boy. he feels a bit like a lost sheep.
he points to a line from the song they're supposed to perform and frowns a little. "i can't seem to pronounce this word right... i keep trying but my tongue is – it's not listening to me. could you help me, please?" he asks.
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lgcjinyoung · 10 months
「      catch that                                                                                                                    feat. @lgcyunseo                                                                                                                      family concert 2K23        ���    
jinyoung missed the stage. he was just a tad bit upset he was missing out on the new song spring boys were doing. he would have loved to be on board for that as well. unfortunately his schedules just had to overlap with the preparation for the song so the male had little choice but to dip his head and sulk as he was shipped off to gimhae.
at least for the final stage he found himself back looking down at the fans, a wide smile on his lips and happy to be just jamming away.
he'd run into several of his friends along the final stage, 3 minutes by far not enough for him to properly dance with everyone he wanted to. trying to make the best out of his time as the music continues to play and they're just wrapping up, he runs into yunseo, a wide smile on his lips.
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lgcbyungho · 10 months
⏤let's play ball
with @lgcyunseo
yunseo, was probably the main reason why byungho felt so comfortable in his own skin. and even though his schedule is jam-packed byungho made sure that he still had time to see the other on his off days.
holding the bowling ball with his right hand, the male looked at the pins that were standing in front of him. running down the lane he tossed the bowling ball down the aisle and watch as it collided with the pins. "a strike!" he yelled from excitement, starting off with a strike was lucky so maybe today would be the day that he finally wins.
"you're turn," he said with a playful wink at the other as he walked back to take a seat. "are you hungry yuseon?" byungho asked as he turned his head to look at the menu options "i can probably grab us some food and drinks." looking over at the other bowling rows byungho could hear his stomach growling at the sight of food. "or we can share something like a basket of fries? what do you say?" he asked once more listening to his stomach growling grow louder.
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lgcpoints · 3 days
𝐢𝐦 𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨 ᐢ..ᐢ ᴍᴀʏ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ +3 vocal +10 dance +2 rap +2 performance +2 music comp +1 english
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lgckyoka · 25 days
౨ৎ strawberry season with @lgcyunseo
It's Monday morning again, and Kyoka is plopped on the hallway floor in front of the practice room, waiting for the cleaning staff to finish their morning clean. In her hands is a small container of fresh strawberries, a morning treat for being so disciplined, so brave to wake up early to practice (never mind that waking up early has been drilled into her bones already). Still she finds herself dozing off, head slipping over every few seconds as she fights the drowsiness.
It's taking longer than expected today, and surely enough, she succumbs to a power nap during the wait. Just as well, except Kyoka feels someone pick the strawberry she had in her hand (the audacity!) and hears a scoff. Blearily, she cracks one eye open and pouts at the figure.
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lgchanie · 21 days
𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 —
written for 𝐢𝐦 𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨 ( @lgcyunseo ) ♡
Hanbin's apprehension about his vocals kept gnawing at him relentlessly in recent days, like an unwelcome voice in his hand shadowing his every move. The weight of his concerns was probably felt as he and Yunseo settled into the cozy confines of the training studio, the hum of anticipation swirling around his head. He went over the lines with him, but his voice wavered with uncertainty like walking a tightrope.
A song's crescendo is his biggest weakness. Hanbin's voice faltered slightly, stumbling over the notes. There was always a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. His brows arched slightly as he tried his best, a pout to his lips, and he didn't want to hold Yunseo back from practicing, too. In a worst-case scenario, he'd stay up late on his own.
Hanbin turned to Yunseo with a tentative smile, his heart laid bare to a familiar trainee for feedback and advice. "What do you think?" he asked, his words hanging in the air. "I feel like I reached the pitches well enough…" He mentally winced; not even he believed that. "
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lgcmedia · 28 days
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happy 26th birthday, im yunseo!
#lgctrainees #lgcent #imyunseo #lgcbirthday
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rowonlgc · 10 months
rowon isn’t that delusional.
he knows, out of all the trainees that’ll take the family concert stage, he won’t be the most eye-catching performer. he’s only been here for a little over a year, and it shows: his dance isn’t the strongest, his vocals pale in comparison.
he has a good face, and he knows how to work a crowd. step one is to find a fellow male trainee. someone tall. someone photogenic. someone with very striking, very distinctive features that would turn heads. that part is easy. he goes for yunseo. step two is persuading him. think about it. who’s our primary audience? what would catch their attention? fabricating fanservice for the fangirls. every idol group does it. why can’t they?
step three brings them to the practice room.
“- brief touches like this -” he places a hand on yunseo’s mid-back, lets it slip just a bit before drawing it away. “- and like this -” he reaches up to brush a stray strand of yunseo’s hair to the side. “not overly affectionate, but enough to appear close.” his hand drops. “we need a story. what’s our relationship? good friends? or something more? example. i can look at you like this -” as if on cue, his eyes soften. it’s wistful. distant, almost. he looks at yunseo as if nothing else matters. “- or i can do this.” and just like that, it flips. his gaze darkens. the corners of his mouth lift ever so slightly, and he stares at yunseo as if he wants to devour him. “your choice.”
of course, he knows which one is appropriate for the concert, and which one is better for a delulu fangirl’s compilation video - but he’ll let yunseo decide.
practice room: play pretend. / @lgcyunseo
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lgcjiho · 10 months
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name lee jiho year fourth major music theory subjects ranking i. music production ii. photography i iii. drawing i iv. performing arts v. japanese conversation through movies
random facts
he was accepted into university as a full-ride student, majoring in music production because he's always been very much interested in music theory and composition. originally he wanted to be creative writing major, but he figured this was the best way to both be musically creative as well as express himself through writing lyrics as well.
frequents the library all the time because during his first year, he had really rowdy roommates and despite now living alone, he's used to studying outside of his dorm. he uses his dorm as recording studio and mostly only sleeps there and relaxes. it's a 'safe space' and he doesn't usually 'taint' it with homework or anything. but he does like to draw/sketch in his dorm and the walls are covered with things he's created over the years, though he would consider his specialty to be water colours/oils and not anything with a pencil.
would technically be considered both a nerd and a teacher's pet, but he's generally loved for it because he likes to help everyone out despite being an introvert. he's most definitely a TA for music production and he helps everyone out in anyway that he can.
more facts because i love aus and i don't know how to shut up
he keeps mostly to himself but he has a group of friends that he genuinely trusts with his whole life (@lgcyushin, @lgcharu, @lgcyunseo, @lgcalex, @lgcyeonwoo, @lgcjaesun, @lgcyura, @lgchyejoo)
if he gets any hate on campus it's definitely because he's a goody-two-shoes and he has a general reputation for that but also because people think he's handsome and have the assumption that he's useless but when it comes to attention that he's smart too, people get annoyed
he's most definitely part of the student council and has a good reputation for being reliable. i imagine that he would probably be a good event coordinator because he's very punctual and very organized.
he bleached his hair blonde and then almost immediately decided to stay blonde forever. he only let his hair grow out because he honestly forgot to get a haircut, and it's kinda become his signature look so he doesn't really plan on cutting it. though, since he's always working on stuff, he usually keeps it out of his face in a half up ponytail. if he's at home though, he has a fluffy cinnamoroll hairband to keep his hair out of his face when he's painting or working on anything.
had a crush on @lgckai for ages when they met in a class and was very pleasantly surprised when he "accidentally" confessed and had that confession accepted. jiho is still kinda in shock about it and randomly gets happy thinking about him.
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lgcrp · 7 months
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im yunseo ( @lgcyunseo ) - november 12
kurosawa akio ( @lgcakio ) - november 12
shin mina ( @lgcxmina ) - november 12
ahn jaehwa ( @lgcjaehwa ) - november 12
park chaekyung ( @lgcchaekyung ) - november 12
xue yichen ( @lgcyichen ) - november 12
baek byeongkwan ( @lgcbk ) - november 19
han seunghyun ( @shxlgc ) - november 19
kim yubin ( @lgcyubin ) - november 19
park taeha ( @lgctaeha ) - november 19
son nabi ( @lgcnabi ) - november 19
yeon jihwan ( @jihwanlgc ) - november 19
jo eunwoo ( @lgceunwoo ) - november 26
yu milan ( @lgcmilan ) - november 26
ayutthaya maya ( @lgcmaya ) - december 3
kim jinhyuk ( @lgcjinhyuk ) - december 3
if you need a hiatus, please message the main by SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 at 4 PM EST with your date of return to facilitate tracking (if no date is included, we automatically put 1 week until stated otherwise). you may contact an admin directly to make sure we received your request, but always make it official through the main. this would greatly help us. thank you !
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