#lfts is the second fic I ever started
missgryffin · 23 days
I'm roughly 6k away from finishing LFTS and I'm having a lot of emotions about that 🥺 That's less than my usual one-shots. That's like…two scenes in ES. I feel like when you think about 6k of words on its own, it's like holy shit that's a lot, but then when you keep plugging along and plugging along and one day you look up and you're nearly at 50k, all of a sudden 6k feels small? It's not a mountain anymore—it's a final stretch. And there's a letting go in that, in finishing a story, that I often find difficult. It's like I want to hold on, because I'm not ready to leave this world behind, but I'm also ready to be done because I've been working on it so long, but I'm also sad that it's ending, so I want to put off ending it? I'm trying to push through, because I know I'll also be thrilled and so proud when I type that last word and get to read it all back and share it with you. But gahh the emotions of finishing a multi-chap are such a rollercoaster.
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