letterstosirsonic · 3 months
My dearest Sonic,
Though you may never find this letter, I write in hope that someday you might.
I fear my quest is coming to an end, Sire, for it has been a long and agonising few months.
We have battled valiantly with the forces that dare threaten to take away the land you ruled, we fought and lost many amidst the rains of arrows. The army that remained, and I, led them far up to the mountains and away from your people.
The treacherous conditions of nature's towers have aided us, yet it may mark the end of my journey. Forgive my handwriting, the icy chill of the wind draws cruel.
I laugh, with what breaths of mine likely remain, and smile with my dampened eyes at the notion of the wind of yours ever hurting me.
An impossible task, I thought.
Your honestly always was an admirable quality of yours, and so I must be honest with you.
I fear I am succumbing to the injuries I collected in this battle of honour, Sonic.
What few brave men remain, lay, and I pray peacefully, in a mournful trail leading up to the cliff of where I reside now. If I could draw or paint like the artists you were so fond of, I would show you the magnificent view I have from this ledge of mine.
It embodies everything I loved about you.
Have no fear, I believe I will be comfortable here, rested against the gentle moss and smooth stones.
I face the world eastward, an almost reminder of all the times we had that I cherish in the kingdom below, and a chance for the rising sun to warm me one last time, as I go on my way to the other side.
Perhaps I'll see you there, Sire.
Though that may be the selfish side of me speaking, I have and always will pray that you are still home with the family you spoke so longingly of.
The world needs you far more than it needs me, Sonic.
I have fulfilled my duty as a Knight, I hope it was enough to have made you proud. My eyes are growing tired and I feel my breath falter beneath the toll of battle. I'm afraid this is all I may write.
I will lay here, facing the rising sun, and place down my paper and quill.
I shall savour each crisp breath of thin air, and rest in the comfort of your presence.
From my body, flowers shall grow.
I am them, and that is eternity.
We shall meet again, Sonic, amidst a celestial tapestry of the stars.
Yours lovingly,
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sonics-left-shoe · 1 year
Just found and read your Letters to Sir Sonic blog, and wanted to say they are great T . T my emotionsss
Thank you!! I'm glad people are still reading and enjoying them ❤️
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letterstosirsonic · 9 months
My dearest Sonic,
Oh, how I wish to speak with you, just one more time.
Though I acknowledge that these letters may never grace your sight again, I trust you would find comfort in this solace that grows within me as I pen the emotions weighing upon my heart.
This realm of ink and paper lets me safely release these feelings, allowing them to flutter and soar like wondrous butterflies.
It grants me that of closure, knowing that these words serve as a testament to the love and memories we once shared, tenderly preserved within these pages.
I am forever changed by the mark you left on my soul.
In this continued act of writing, I find myself ever more connected to the essence of your being, as though you were gently guiding my pen with the touch of a noble hand.
I cherish the memories we created, holding them close as if they threaten to slip away with the passage of time.
Slowly, I'm learning to draw strength from these memories we shared.
Despite the void you left seeming insurmountable, it is an endearing reminder that life can be as cruel as it is beautiful.
This loss is a shadow that clings to my every step, a constant reminder of the emptiness that haunts our once vibrant world, an ache that refuses to fade with time.
Still, even in the depths of my loss, your essence remains an ethereal beacon, guiding my path as I journey through this world without you.
Oh, Sonic, how I long for the sound of your laughter, the warmth of your embrace, and the unwavering courage that defined you.
In your absence, I find myself adrift in a restless sea of grief.
On these long nights, I whisper your name, praying that somehow, you can hear me across the realms that separate us.
I cling to the belief that love transcends time and space, and one day, our souls shall reunite in the embrace of eternity.
But for now, I'll allow the weight of losing you to envelop me for a while longer.
Forever missing you,
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letterstosirsonic · 1 year
My darling,
I have never held you closer in my heart than now.
I have watched the rise and fall of the sun every passing day, knowing you would be too in the place you reside.
It has been a journey accepting that we are together no more, my love.
Though it has always sat heavily in my heart, I will forever hold your happiness far above my own, you longed to return home with all the adventures that awaited you.
As you wished, Sire.
Whilst I know we will someday be together again, my yearning in your absence only cements the true depth of my love.
As I pray each night, through cries of longing and sorrow, I pray to let you know that I love you and have never stopped loving you since the day we lost you.
That I lost you, Sonic.
When I reminisce on you and our rich conversations, I feel that warmness inside. Warmth that grows from my chest to my fingertips from your touch, your laughter and foolish grins
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and my fondness has no bounds.
I cannot hide my smiles, Sire, even when we are apart.
Though, many have asked to know what happened to reveal this fond and loving side of myself.
I tell them, without hesitation, that it was you.
And I wish to keep your spirit alive amongst these castle walls, but I fear I am not strong enough to carry on.
This pain of longing to see you once again brings tears of shining grief to my eyes more and more through every passing night.
However, until I can see you and hold you again, you will remain omnipresent in my dreams.
Forever mourning,
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letterstosirsonic · 2 years
Oh, my love, how I long for you.
In these endless days of missing you, I cannot entertain the idea of another in your place.
No greater good had ever blessed our Kingdom than you, Sonic. With your powerful spirit not only brought strength and hope to your people, but a sense of pride for those who ever spoke of you, gratitude and determination from those you saved, joy spoken in your memory and sadness in your loss.
Though this longing has become a road I can walk forever, to see you once more would be worth the wait.
I found myself angry, Sire, betrayed by the Universe and Gods alike, those who brought us together only to dare take us apart.
Yet, I feel I am making my peace with it.
As much as there is the slight comfort of safety in learning how to rely on myself without you, I miss your presence without measure.
Still, I have become as close to independent as one could be for a soul such as myself to reach, my dear. This is what I needed to achieve, to slowly learn and accept in order to heal.
I must learn to fight alone, Sire.
For now, I will continue to live and thrive each day, to continue the legacy you left behind with patience.
If I must wait for your arrival, then eternity isn't so long after all.
Yours always,
Sir Lancelot Du Lac.
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letterstosirsonic · 1 year
Oh, my love,
As these letters sit idly on your desk, collecting dust and sorrow, it reminds me of the days we have survived without your gracious lead, Sire.
While writing has been a source of solace for me, as of late it feels as though the act of putting pen to paper has only added to the weight these words I write hold in my heart.
I feel each entry reflects a piece of my soul, Sonic, parts of me that I have poured out longingly onto these pages.
As I ponder them now, I cannot help but feel a sense of melancholy arising.
However, I believe you would find such pride in me following my heart.
I find myself thinking about your whereabouts often, wondering what you are doing or who you may be with, and how blessed they are to be in your presence.
Oh, how I miss the sound of your laughter, the warmth of your embrace, your smile that would light up my world, the way your touch would ignite a spark within me, and the way your gentle voice would soothe my aching soul.
I trust they treat you well, for I know you are strong enough to never settle for less than you deserve, even amidst your admirable humbleness and modesty.
I wish, I beg the Gods could tell you that I'll always cherish the memories of our love, how much I miss you, and how overjoyed I am that you have returned to your home.
I will always find comfort in your happiness, my love.
Your dearest Lance.
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