#let's redesign yandere simulator
LONG RANT: You can't fix Yandere Simulator. Let it die
Yeah there's no beating around the bush here. Everyone know what happened. Alex is a groomer. If this is your first time hearing about this, look Yandere Dev up for two minutes and you'll be up to date.
And yaddada I am feeling a lot of emotions, mostly anger and a shred of disappointment watching the thinnest sliver of hope I had for this game die. I'm guessing about 20k of you feel something similar, that or you're enjoying watching the shitshow unravel.
I guess if you've been on this subreddit, or twitter, or tumblr, you probably know what my title is referring to. For almost ten years now, Yandere Dev would get into a controversy and the fucked up aspects of his game are exposed and fanartists and writers and devs take it as an opportunity to 'fix' Yandere simulator. The most notable example I can think of is Love Letter from 2020 I think. It's a good idea in theory, literally separating the art from the artist by recreating his concept without the problematic stuff. There was a time when I agreed with this idea and even wanted to do something similar on my own.
But now with Alex's practically confirmed abuse, this concept I guess is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth, It has for a long time, but now I think It's time to address the concept of 'fixing' Yandere Simulator.
For starters, I believe it has gotten to the point where you can't separate the art from the artist with Yandere Simulator. Not after this. And I don't wanna get into an hour long discussion about how that works, but Yandere Simulator is different because the source material was never good in the first place. It was something people were *following in hopes of getting good*. So when fixing the game, the question isn't really what you should repair, (assuming you are up to date on Yandere Dev's controversies) but what you should even bother keeping. It's like trying to redesign a building accidentally built to make sure tall people can't get in. Yeah you can redesign the doors and the rooms, but when does it get to the point where you have to throw out the building and start from scratch. That's the problem with Yandere Simulator. It's not one or two flaws. It's basically the entire concept. It's this murder borderline porn game centered around Yandere Dev's barely disguised fetishes about an inaccurately portrayed underaged person with some mental illness killing other schoolchildren (and pedos, accidentally based Ayano???) for a mediocre audience self-insert where you have to take panty shots to get information and all the people your killing are offbrand anime characters and everyone's name is bad Japanese and, well you're in this subreddit, you know all the problems with Yandere Simulator. Putting heart clips in Ayano's hair or making Taro hot or Amai chubby or give Osana freckles and make the teachers minors or making any of the character different races blah blah blah, that doesn't actually change anything systemically wrong with the game, story, and concept. It's putting frosting on a moldy boot
(btw, I'm not actually against the Yandere Archetype. You can write problematic stuff so long as you give it respect. But this is part of a bigger issue.)
So You could remove all of that, but at what point are you just, making other piece of Yandere Simulator that has loose inspirational ties. Not that there is anything wrong with that--It's actually a good idea--but you can't reasonably say that you've 'fixed' Yandere Simulator after throwing out 70% of it. Yes, it may be true, but It's not good writing criticism when you're erasing the core of what make Yandere Simulator Yandere Simulator. Yandere Simulator is an anime fetish amalgamation made up of what Alex likes taking place in a pseudo-dating sim world gone wrong where sexy murder stuff happens. Once you start to remove that, you're removing its (admittedly cringe) soul. Not to mention, comparing some of the content in the game to his abuse, it gives the game itself a bitter taste. Is this something that you really want to reform? Is this something that *should* be reformed?
It's always "When will someone finally recreate Yandere Simulator" and not "Why should anyone recreate Yandere Simulator."
Additionally, whether you like it or not, when you keep posting fanart and rewrites and advertising your fangame as 'inspired' by Yandere Dev. You are giving him attention and free advertising. Even if you put 'Yandere Dev fans DNI' in your bio. I promise that all this time you are trying to spend 'fixing' this horrible game made by an abuser, you could be spending so much of that time making fanart for actual indie projects who deserve your attention who could use that exposure to grow or maintain a community.
And getting to the elephant in the room when it comes to people 'fixing' Yandere Simulator. It's no secret that Yandere simulator fangames fail. Paper Will made a good video on this but oh boy do they fail hard. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRLCsWhiNTc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRLCsWhiNTc). But I don't think It's a curse problem--even though that theory is funny. Talking about why they fail outside a game perspective (young inexperience devs, reliant on volunteers, biting off more than they can chew, unrealistic expectations, drama etc.) Devoting years of your life to something you hate isn't sustainable. And most of these games DON'T last years, they last months. Because spite is a spice, it's awesome, hot, everyone loves it. But you can't serve a meal with spice alone. Making as something as difficult as a game out of spite is an absolute loaded task that requires the stamina of a God to achieve. And if you're thinking about doing this as an after school hobby. You're gonna get burned out fast. I don't have any data on this, but even though I don't do coding. Creating a project out of hate is so exhausting, because It just doesn't work as that good of a motivator down the line. Just investing all this time, resources and energy into constant hate, and to prove what? That you're better than possibly one of the worst indie game devs of the century? Who do you need to prove it to?
The heart of all art is love, love for something. Even satire and art made to criticize has love for something, even if it's just itself and the joke It's trying to tell or for the message It's trying to send. And spite isn't the worst motivator as long as it's not the *only* motivator. And that's really what these "Fan" (word used incredibly loosely) games fail at their most basic mechanics. It's not actually made for love for the source material, but to one up it and make a point, and the entire concept collapses in on itself.
And to finally addess why I made this post. Responding to Alex's grooming by posting about how you can 'fix' the story of his game and redesigning/claiming characters and stuff is downright insulting and inappropriate. Not every Yandere Simulator fixer does this so I'm not trying to lump everyone together. There was a time when Yandere Dev would do something embarrassing or whatever and posting about how his ideas could be fixed was insightful, but as a response to this situation, It's just bad. People are hurt, and making this about you and how you can redeisgn or rework the game is clout chasey and tone death. Please don't use grooming to one-up Yandere Dev for whatever reason. Nobody wants that. Not the victims, not the former staff and volunteers. Nobody. Just keep it to yourself.
I honestly am just tired. I hope anything I just said is even somewhat comprehensible. But if you as someone who thinks they can fix yandere simulator takes away anything from this, It's to just make your own original stuff. Enough with the fangames and redesigns towards a person who does not deserve even a spec of your effort. Stop giving this guy more publicity and trying to revive this dead horse that is Yandere Simulator. If you still like aspects of the game I beg you to just make your own yandere themed piece of media, webcomic, book, game whatever separate from yandere simulator. Post your ORIGINAL characters that are yours and not reskinned versions of whatever Alex made. And let's just let this goddamn game from by a groomer die. Don't try to fix it, don't touch it. Just give it the sad death it deserves.
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tarill · 8 months
Days 10, 11, 12! Soon I will be in a foot with a calendar!
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She is soo cute! It was my first time drawing a furry and I’m proud of it. You can say that it is not a day to draw a self insert, but for me there is no point to draw a “mouse” with out a “The greatest mouse detective”’s setting.
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That is my Osana’s redesign (she is from Yandere simulator). To be honest, I never was in this thing, but I didn’t have any other ideas(
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I always loved fairies more then they looked more like sentients and less like humans. Usually people don’t agree with me, so I guess that’s my “Niche Interest”. If you have the same opinion, let me know, please, or start the discussion if you want
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Let’s Redesign Akademi High School
First off the name. Let’s just change the name to a last name, cause that’s easiest, let’s go with Hoshino Academy.
The main setting of the game is the school, so it’s important to flesh it out. Personally I don’t have a major issue with the layout of the school. I think the central courtyard is a good idea, the school is fairly easy to navigate, there are a lot of diverse areas to the school, the layout is not a major issue.
As a whole I think the major issue with the location itself is cohesion. Take for example these three rooms.
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They feel like they’re all from very different locations, not three rooms in a high school. I think that this could be improved by having a neutral color scheme for the walls/floors and then have most of rooms with wall décor and furniture that changes. For instance the drama club room might be more like a dressing room connected to the theater, or be a dance rehearsal room. The martial arts club during the day has the mats rolled up in the corner of the room. 
In addition some of the clubs probably wouldn’t be approved by a prestigious school, so I think it would be more interesting if some of the clubs were more unofficial. For instance the Occult club operates in one of the storage closets, or the gaming club is instead a more informal group of friends in the computer lab. I think that this would make the social dynamics more apparent, for instance you might lose some reputation points for joining the occult club. 
Next, the uniform. 
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The current uniform used by the game, as many have pointed out is the “sailor uniform” which in japan is essentially a middle school uniform. A lot of people have pointed this out before. Although the uniform is iconic in anime, it carries some pretty uncomfortable undertones. These characters are wearing a uniform for very young students (japanese middle school students are ages 12-15) while the characters in the game are implied to be sleeping with older men for money or being seduced by their teachers or taking photos of girl’s underwear. All of these elements are pretty gross at any age but the idea that they’re dressed up as middle schoolers makes it even more uncomfortable. So my solution is to use a high school uniform.
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This is a common high school uniform style in Japan. The summer uniform style in silhouette looks very similar to the sailor uniform style. Make the bow red and the skirt blue and the girl’s uniform is very similar to the previously established sailor uniform.
Plus with this version you can add more on top of it. For instance giving the student council blazers while everyone else wears the summer style, different characters can have different sleeve lengths or skirt lengths or add sweaters or different kinds of bows/ties. Characters can look vastly different while still adhering to a uniform beyond just excessive hair accessories or stockings. 
In addition with the summer uniform male characters can also have variety in their uniforms. With the male uniform currently employed by yandere simulator there is little variation for male students. With the summer-style uniform you can have various sleeve lengths, ties, or add jackets onto the uniform to vary male students.
Next is the staff. 
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The staff is too sexualized. The two teacher rivals will get their own posts but I think it’s kind of gross how sexualized the female faculty is compared to the headmaster, I know he’s supposed to be older but we all know why the female staff is designed the way they are to be sexy for the dev. 
The teachers all look alike, which I don’t think is a huge problem, maybe just changing some of their hair colors if they are intended to be distinct individual characters but keeping them similar makes them quickly recognizable. The guidance counselor I think looks fine but should have a different outfit, the hyper-sexualized outfit is too much. Conversely I think that there should be some male teachers or something, it just feels strange that all of the teachers are just sexy women. 
I also think it would be interesting to have the staff be more fleshed out. Some of them have favorite students or are supervisors of certain clubs. This would give more obstacles in the social dynamics of the school. Killing one person affects a web of others, insulting one person affects a web of others, befriending one person affects a web of others. And I think that should include the staff. 
Finally the mechanics of the classroom. 
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Currently on each day the player can attend two classes of their choice. The options available are biology, chemistry, language, physical education, and psychology. These classes are intended to improve certain skills utilized in the game. Language in the final product will likely improve speech checks, and chemistry will likely allow you to use more poisons, etc. However I think that since school is such a major part of the game, it should have more utility.
Obviously it would be boring to attend a full class, but I have three ideas of random events that could occur during a class.
Let’s say a player picks a class. While in the class at random a short dialogue option appears where a student asks to cheat off of your work. You could report the student for cheating, hand over your work, tell the student you’ll help tutor them, or say no. These options would either improve or decrease the player’s social status, or even get the teacher’s trust. Small social events like this would be interesting and make the environment feel more like a school with classes and assignments going on instead of a sandbox. 
My second idea is to give the player a chance to learn some information at random. Kind of like helpful hints, maybe during the class two girls are talking about how they were going to hang out with Rival X, but she was going to be at the pool tomorrow. Or the player hears the teacher talking to a repairman about how the vents have such cheap screws and should be replaced next year. Or the player learns that certain types of cleaning fluids used by the chemistry room, and the school’s cleaning supplies are flammable, and should be handled with care. Small pieces of information that the player could use to their advantage, making the classes more useful.
My final idea is having a random event for the player to ingratiate themselves to the teachers. Maybe the teacher asks for a volunteer and the player does a simple minigame. Or the teacher asks the class a question and the player has to choose the correct answer (or choose not to answer at all). If the player succeeds these minigames, the teacher likes and trusts them a bit more. Keep this up, and the you’ll become a “teacher’s pet” where the faculty isn’t as suspicious or defensive of you as you’ve proved yourself a good student. 
These events would make the class time not feel like a waste or glossed over. They would be useful in multiple ways to gain information or social status or new skills. They would also give the player options for what kind of character they want to be. If they want to be a quiet wallflower they can simply observe. Or they could be a delinquent who gets questions wrong and cheats off other students. Or they can be a studious over achiever who’s respected by the teachers. 
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These changes and additions I think would improve the setting to make it feel more like a school. Considering how a majority of the game takes place here and that a large part of the mechanics are dependent on understanding the school, these simple changes I feel would help flesh it out from a gimmicky, unrealistic location to a complete academy.  
Beyond the school I think there should be a small town or street, but that will be a separate post. 
Tldr; make the academy more complex and interesting by adding a few random events and aesthetic changes. 
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cryptid-gore-arts · 4 years
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Redesigned them!!
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youtubepoop2009 · 3 years
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fuck it. yansim character redesigns/remakes. heres the yandere bitches
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avlillustrations · 3 years
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Okay yes, isn't really much of a redesign. I did just trace over my original redesign and colored it digitally. Can you blame me for liking it still? However I did make one tinsy tiny little change. The hair color. So before I talk about my idea for her backstory as well as my issue with the way she's originally introduced. I want to address my issue with the background character designs. Like I get he was trying to poke fun at the main character has weird hair trope in anime. We all have. However, it is a trope for a reason. When creating a visual media you want all the focus on your main character not the background characters. You want them to stand out, that's why you make them interesting to look at and keep everyone else boring looking. There are obviously exceptions to this. Shows like Rick and Morty, Helluva boss, and Hazbin hotel have characters that are honestly even more interesting to look at than the main characters. Sadly it doesn't really work as well in Yandere Simulator. Or at least it stopped working once the rivals were introduced. The original idea was that the background characters would look like main characters and the main characters would look like background characters. But if that's the logic why don't the rivals look like Ayano and Taro (Hanako excluded)? And honestly this is my issue. Giving the unimportant background characters such outlandish designs and so much effort into their personalities the rivals don't stand out at all. Ayano may be the character we play as but she's not the only important character in this game. I don't mind the idea of the main character looking like a background character but I just feel like the execution falls flat. I think he should put the background characters where they belong. In the background. Give Ayano some characters to blend into. I think that would solidify the idea of protagonist looks like a background character. Really the rivals and other important story characters should look as if anyone of them could be the main character while our actual main character looks like one of the background characters. (Does any of that make sense? Um, I'm not sure if was really able to articulate my point. I'll admit I'm not really good at writing down my thoughts. Yeah, let's just move on. This was literally just me making up a reason for why I changed Amai's hair color). Anyway, quickly let's just get my issue with her intro. Mainly how sudden it is. It's especially bad if you eliminate Osana by killing her. Literally the day after Taro's best (and only) friend is mysteriously murdered new girl comes in with some stupid cupcakes and it's all Osana who? Seriously this boy is fucking savage. His friend hasn't even been dead a couple days and he just doesn't give a fuck. Please can we give the boy a chance to actually grieve? I'm not asking for much. Just some small impression that more than a day has passed? As for her backstory, I'm continuing with the idea that Academy is a school for the children of the wealthy, famous, and influential. As much as I love Amai, the daughter of a small family owned bakery would not be able to afford an education at this school. No matter how successful the business is. So what if her parents are famous chefs instead? Like world traveling, super famous chefs who have kinda lost their way. They've forgotten what made cooking so special to them and now it's all about the money. And while they continue living it up in luxury they've left their only daughter with her aunt and uncle(who actually own the bakery). While Amai is certainly lonely and misses her parents daily, she does love living with her relatives and helping with the bakery. It reminds her of helping her parents in the kitchen back when they were still a family. Back when cooking actually meant something more than a paycheck. Amai is set to inherent the bakery as her aunt and uncle were never able to have kids of their own. And honestly she can't wait.
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sugar-lxve · 2 years
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Hello !
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This is the first post to this blog !
In this blog, I'll be posting concepts for a Yandere Simulator redesign/rewrite/remake/whatever.
The name I have for it currently is "Sugar Love !"
This will be kept in just writing and drawings as I have no idea how to code a game and I'm too broke to pay somebody to do it for me lmao
Well, now let's get to an introduction !
Y'all can call me Bunny. I'm a minor from Puerto Rico who likes to draw, write, and read. I'm a Pansexual non-binary and I use any pronouns.
The reason I decided to make this blog is because I had been a fan of Yandere Simulator since it came out. I've had my own ideas on how the game could be improved and things that should just be removed entirely.
Well, I think this is all for now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask !
I don't support Yandere Dev or his actions. In fact, I'm against them. This blog and it's content is done purely for fun and because I wish to share my ideas.
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callimara · 3 years
I wanted to ask a very interesting question, you don't have to answer it if you want. Let's say that in the distant future Yandere Simulator is no longer developed by "the one not to mention" but by another more experienced game developer, and that developer wants your permission to use your redesigns in the game, would you accept?
Yea, absolutely. It's not like I'm going to develop a game with the concept myself haha
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New Series????
I know, how many new times am I going to start something and never finish it.
Well, in my defence, I usually don’t continue things when it seems like ppl don’t enjoy it, or I completely lose motivation for it.
Still, something I’ve missed are redesigns. I want to get back to those. I’ve been playing some mobile video games, and I want to start making redesigns for characters in these games.
Food Fantasy
Illusion Connect
Cookie Run (maybe)
I’ve also considered doing redesigns for Yandere Simulator (something I admittedly do not enjoy very much, and haven’t for a few years) thanks to YouTuber Callimara. She’s ended her YS redesign/rewrite series (understandably), and I encourage everyone to go check them out.
If I do redesign YS characters, though, I will be completely reworking the story. Yes, that includes throwing the Yandere part out the fucking window. Let’s be real, that character trope hasn’t been sexy since the early to mid 2010s. Let’s move on.
Let me know what you think, and what I should do!
Apologies for wasting your time
-Spooky S Skeletons
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dazxt · 3 years
My first OC throughout the years :D
Buffy DemonWolf (2015-2016)
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First “human” oc
Started out in Minecraft, who knew
She was the second thing I drew when I was introduced to digital art (knockoff mspaint style)
Buffy Jallashade (2017-2018)
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The introduction of her signature ponytail
Boring as tar
Redesigned during my anime phase,, im ignoring her schoolgirl uniform ripped straight from Yandere Simulator
Buffy Keron (2020-Current)
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A fucking QUEEN
Let’s be honest, she’s the best of the bunch
She was given something new- a personality
She still has magic from her 2015 design, only now she’s not OP and is actually fun imo
So yeah, I’m not sure if anyone actually cares about my ocs but here you go!
These were my first real drawings on my new drawing tablet, so sorry if they’re a lil wonky- but yeah! Hope the one person who cares about my oc world enjoys skshsjhs
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crowemaiden-writes · 6 years
Sota Yuki
WARNING: VERY LONG POST (every post is pretty much a long post, sorry..)
I know. I know. He's a minor character, but for my redesign he's pretty important. I like his personality in YS!
(Hoo boy @ negative anon, you thought Mochi was ugly?? Here's Sota: A Before and After)
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(Cry mad about it. Every character is ugly today.) Sota is supposed to have a kind of goofy-looking, mischievous, and childish appearance.
New Name:
Sota Yuki | Kogane, Sota
黄金, 颯太
黄 (ko) meaning "yellow"
金 (kane) meaning "gold, metal"
颯 (so) meaning "sudden, sound of the wind"
太 (ta) meaning "thick, big"
Kogane, Sota is a 15-16 year old first year at Byaku Academy. Because his family is pretty well off financially, his parents decided to send him there so he could get the best education possible. He at first wasn't too happy to go, but then found out his best friend (and huge crush) Umemoto Mochi was going as well. He got a scholarship as well for his art skills but it was barely enough to pay the entire price to enroll.
Sota's personality is generally the same redesigned as it is in Yandere Simulator; he loves anime, especially Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki!, he's very funny, and a bit weird. One of the numerous things I've added about him is his unhealthy obsession with cats; he has three of them in his house named Choco, Panini, and Ruuruu. Sota has two scars on his lips from repeatedly trying to kiss Ruuruu’s paws. He wears braces because of his crooked teeth.
He gets made fun of a lot because of his thin, greasy hair. Many people call him "Mop Head" or "Rat Face". He also gets made fun of because of his acne and patchy skin even though some of it is freckles.
Sota loves sleep and loves going to school (unlike Mochi). The droning on and on helps him sleep and he sits in the back of the classroom so it makes it easier to not get caught.
He is a class clown, so when he isn't sleeping, he goofs off, talks to his friends, and/or draws. He loves drawingand wants to be an artist, preferably for video game design. (He also has a ball of clay in his bag that he likes to mold into various little characters.) Mochi always gives him any notes he missed and let’s him copy homework. Mochi understands that he gets distracted easily or gets an idea for a drawing and he just has to write or doodle it out before he forgets.
Sota also has a part time job, (which is against school rules) but he only works to give Mochi’s mom money because they struggle a bit with paying for their house. His parents refuse to help the Umemoto family, so he took it into his own hands. He's very caring and would do anything for his friends.
Sota has a huge crush on Mochi, therefore making him Mochi's suitor. He met him during their fourth year in elementary school and they became best friends that same day. (As stated in Mochi's post) Sota started developing feelings for him in their last years of junior high school and told Mochi's mother (because he needed advice from someone) who accepted it and kept it a secret.
In their relationship I believe Sota and Mochi have a lot in common! They both love kpop and vocaloid and get teased because "vocaloid is pretty old” but they don’t care! They love many girl kpop groups like Twice, 2NE1(rip), EXID, and Red Velvet but they like boy groups too, like BTS and Seventeen. Sota loves to randomly break out into girl group dances, most commonly EXID’s Up and Down. They both love food, especially junk food and sweets, however Sota is the “I eat so much and never gain weight!” friend so Mochi gets a little jealous of him. Sota is also pretty obsessive, much like with cats, he gets obsessed with shows too; similar to his senpai Hayato, Sota tried to get Mochi into “Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki!” but he got bored of it, which made him a bit sad. But they enjoy many activities together, like cooking.
Sota joined the cooking club a little after developing a crush on Mochi just to spend even more time with him than he already does. Another reason being that Sota can't cook for his life so Mochi dragged him to the cooking club room.. He hated it when Airen started coming around.
Sota and Mochi also often hold hands platonically and hang out at carnivals, parks, and the cafe where Sota lives near and works at. They also have their own private place in Sota’s empty shed behind his house. They used it as a hideout ever since they met.
Sota is an only child and his parents are very overbearing. They also don't approve of his wanting to be an artist. They want him to be a businessman like his father. They do, however, like that Mochi is very smart and helps him with his homework, so they let Sota go over his house any time he wants.
His uncle and his family lives with Sota. He has two older cousins, both boys, who pick on him and call him names. They also make fun of Mochi. The adults don't listen to him when he complains about them. His uncle tries to force him to play sports and get him out of the house. He signed him up for soccer/football (I know most countries call it football. Sorry, I'm American. We're dumb) but instead of going to practice, he goes to Mochi's house to hide out until it's over.
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ono-nee · 6 years
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Was a long time fan of Yandere Simulator :) But as the game went on, I didn’t like some things so I decided to redesign some characters!
This my version of Amai Odayaka! I’ve turned him into a boy because of the lack of LGBT representation! Many things have changed about him but he’s still sweet little Amai~
Firstly his name is now Umemoto, Mochi. He’s a 16 year old first year, a bit chubby and average height, which is 5ft 8in or 172cm. His hair is naturally curly and thick. He always tries new hairstyles, especially ones he’s seen on kpop idols. He gets in trouble a lot with his hair shaved or different styles that are against the rules. He also gets bullied because of this; gets called homophobic slurs and hit. He is made fun of because of his feminine name as well. His mother gave him the name Mochi because he was cute and fat as a baby~
He’s gay and the first rival. He is the cooking club leader and very sweet. He has three brothers who are 7 year old triplets, Jin, Kosuke, and Daiichi, and one sister Hitomi. His mother Umemoto, Sachiko is a single mother. Her husband left her after the triplets were born because he couldn’t handle the pressure of taking care of s many children he hadn’t wanted. She works all the time and feels bad about not being able to be with her children a lot. She tries her best to let her children know she loves them and Mochi is the one who knows best. He’s a mama’s boy.
His suitor is Sota Yuki, or as I renamed him Sonohara, Sota. They became friends during class in the first few weeks of school and are currently inseparable.
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Let’s Redesign Yandere Simulator
Hey, my name is Gwen, and I���ve been thinking a lot about Yandere simulator in the past few weeks. I first heard about it like a lot of people did, by youtubers playing the game in around 2016. Back at this time the game was a sandbox game where you get to play as a deranged teenage girl who is obsessed with a young boy (or a yandere). It was a goofy and entertaining simple game. I played it myself for a bit, but eventually uninstalled the game and moved on from it. 
A few months ago I heard about a lot of the drama with Yandere/dev (aka Eva/xephon aka Alex) in a call-out post. Out of my own morbid curiosity I decided to look into the game and what’s happened since. There were a lot of updates, but also a lot of questionable choices by the creator (just google it if you want to learn more). I closed the tabs, and forgot about the game for a while.
However I’ve been thinking a lot about the game again lately for some reason. There is something entertaining about the game in theory. The vast cast of characters, the idea of playing a teenage stalker, the rivals, the multiple elimination methods, some of the designs, the anime tropes. I think these are all positive aspects of the game that make it entertaining, but this doesn’t excuse the issues. I’m not a programmer, so I’m not going to comment on the build of the game or the programming, but beyond that the story, characters, character designs, and game planning I think could be changed for the better. There are a lot of interesting creative ideas that could be put into a game like this. 
I know the game is not complete, but I’m not just going to try to improve the existing material. Things like the game’s main story or rival backstories are things I can make an educated guess on where they’re going, so I will be working with all potential materials, current and future. 
So this blog is a personal thought experiment of mine. Not only do I get to draw some cute anime characters but I also get to practice writing and improving an existing entity. So let me know what you think of my ideas, I am open to criticism, but please don’t try to defend Alex, I don’t care.
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wonderlace19 · 7 years
Person: I did a redesign of the rivals and gave of them a new name
Me: nice
Person: Now let me shit all over the dev and the game itself but still is basically into it
Me: less nice
Person: What dark things yandev suggests are bad even though this is a game about murder and psychological manipulation
Me:...you need to stop following yandere simulator entirely.
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avlillustrations · 3 years
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So I just looked up Hanako's wiki. And well......
Thanks I hate it. Just I like her design, hate her. I hate that she's a rival, I hate that she's supposed to be lewd, jailbaity and pervy. I hate that she's just creepy female senpai. No just fucking no! No this character doesn't just need to be redesigned. She needs a total character over hall (just like this piece of shit game)!
And believe it or not I've been thinking way too much about how to do that. With some influence from YouTube artist Callimara. Just please do me a favor and go watch her what's ruining Yandere simulator video (also check out her reworking of Yandere-chan and senpai. They're really well thought out and a fun watch.) Seriously, the story line in this game just needs to be completely redone. Alright mini rant aside (note: I'm not done with this topic but I'll probably type out my thoughts some other time, just not here), lets talk about the redesign.
First off, there's no way this character is older than 15 (fuck what the wiki says). So I'd thought I'd play up her cute/adorable aesthetic with Lolita style! (well, I tried at least) She's wearing the full uniform, except, like Kizana, she's wearing her own peter pan collared lolita top.(look it up you'll see what I mean). Also put the petticoat under the skirt again, and changed her plain socks to cute button-up leg warmers with a heart clasp to match her hair beret. I changed her pigtails mostly because I was having trouble drawing her original ones. (kinda not happy with them. She looks too much like Marinette from Miraculous). Finally I changed her eye color to separate her from her brother a little more. Unless they're twins, which they're not, there is no need for her to look like a carbon copy of senpai and I hate those type of family designs.
On to Megami.  You're sick of hearing me say it by now.....
I hate the fucking socks in this game! Especially hate Megami's. Not the socks themselves, but in combination with the sailor uniform and the matching gloves, they're garbage. Also quick note why does the student council have different uniforms from the rest of the students? would 't make more sense to give everyone the same uniform and just alter it a bit? Honestly I think I like the student council uniforms more than any of the other uniforms you can choose from in the game. Why not just give everyone that uniform and invert the colors? Leave the student council uniforms white with red accents and everyone else can have red with white accents. As for what I did for Megami. I wanted her to look more sophisticated and proper compared to everyone else. You know cause she's the student council president and daughter of a wealthy influential businessman who just so happens to own the school? So compared to everyone else she wears her uniform more properly. No unnecessary accessories, no eye catching bold colors, full uniform. I do still like the idea of the student council having a slightly different uniform, so I made her blazer white with red details. Also put her hair up in a half bun to complete the look.
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avlillustrations · 3 years
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Okay so the more I think about this game and it's narrative, the more I dislike so many parts of it. I do stand by the opinion that Yandere Simulator has the potential to be a really good game but as it is now it needs a lot of work and revision. But I'm not really going to talk about that too much right now... but I will talk about it at a later date. So for now lets talk about Senpai Taro Yamada and by extension Hanako.
The more I think about Hanako's character and the role she plays as a rival the more pissed off about it I become. It's so damn stupid! I really want to make her character more interesting and less dumb. And in order to do that her brother also needed to be redesigned. Lets face it Taro Yamada has got to be one of the blandest, most boring aspects of this game. Not just design-wise either. (Also can't get past that he looks like a Yandere-dev's self insert character.)
Like seriously where's his personality? All I really know about him is he's a loner who reads books all day, listens to Mozart, and his only friend is a girl he's lived next door to most of his life. How is this loser attracting attention from 10... no 9...no SEVEN kickass female characters?! (Not including Yan-chan). And before I get carried away there's nothing wrong with reading (I love reading) or listening to classical music just that it seems he doesn't have any other interests besides those things. Honestly Taro gives me old man vibes more than 18 year old boy.
I have a kind of vision for how to make Taro at least a little more interesting. Obviously, this is just my opinion and some other people could most likely do a much better job with him than me but I'm gonna take a shot at it anyway. First off I was trying to draw a much more handsome version of Taro. I was trying to make him look like a Shojo manga love interest. The vision I had in my head was maybe a bit of a cross between Kyoya from OHSHC and Asuka from the Otomen manga series. I didn't really succeed in my opinion but I do still like this drawing. As for his personality I kinda want to stay true to the original Senpai but just expand on it a little. Bear with me here, I'm not the best story teller when it comes to typing things out. Imagine a school boy whose so insanely popular due to his handsome looks and intelligent, cool persona. Everyone is in awe of him but also a little intimidated as well. Though there's really no need to be. Rumors circulate about how kind and sweet he is but no one seems to have the guts to say hi. Except his best friend Osana. However once you get to know him he's a huge dork! Clumsy, shy, socially anxious, and longing for some friends buy too introverted to really try to make any. It also doesn't help that every time he walks past a group of people they all start whispering sometimes giggling behind him. "Why are they laughing? Do I have something on my back? Why does no one talk to me? Do they hate me or something?" Maybe it's a little trope-y and silly but this is all I've really got at the moment. I just really think it could work for his character if he's an introverted, clumsy bookworm with severe social anxiety. At least so it contrasts his looks. Thinking about the rivals I could easily see some of them (like Kizana) being taken in by his looks, and the others (like Amai) falling for him as a person. Plus it makes it easier to rewrite his relationship with Hanako. Basically I want her to be the exact opposite of her brother. He's shy, introverted with social anxiety. She's an extraverted, social butterfly who thrives on social interaction, Taro is oblivious and not very good at reading social cues. Hanako is attentive great at reading people. Basically I'd like them to be very close siblings who care for each other. Instead of Hanako acting like a clingy 5 year old how bout she's actually acts the way a younger sibling would act, but just more friendly? I'd like her to be encouraging of her brother to put more of himself out there and make more friends but also extremely protective of him in social situations. I'm not finished fleshing out this idea so I'll return and talk about it at a later date.
As always let me know what you think. I know I probably didn't really paint a good picture here but I do hope it makes Taro at least slightly more of an interesting character.
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