#less a peeve and more an instruction manual
oldmagpie · 2 years
number 5: tagging
Whether AO3 or Tumblr, tagging is so damn important it might as well be an unskippable box. Wish it was, really. So what is tagging, why tag and how do you tag?
I’m fairly sure I’m repeating not only myself but a thousand other exasperated people, including almost certainly the brilliant AO3tagoftheday account. But the simple answers are: 
Tagging is a list of individual search terms that are attributed to your work. Tag so that people can find your stuff who want to, and so people can avoid it who want to. Tag the things that are in your fic, and don’t tag things that aren’t. If it is useful to help someone find your fic or to know to avoid it, tag it. 
In more depth:
Tagging is your way of listing the things in the fic. Whether that be a pairing it covers, the genre, some tropes, elements of the plot or setting, or simply a good ramble. It can actually function as its own sort of blurb for the fic itself, giving an insight into the story that will happen at a glance. On AO3 there are distinct sections (pairing, characters, and ‘other tags’) which give you an outline for putting some things in, but there are some disagreements over what belongs where sometimes. I’ll cover that below in the how to.
Why tag? Because readers want to know what they’re getting into. They might be specifically searching for something they want to read, or they might just be curious and find your tags interesting and click where they might have passed by otherwise, or they may see a tag that contains something they very much don’t want to read and know to avoid it. Your tags are not there to trick people into reading your fic, they’re there to inform the reader what’s inside. It’s entirely unlike irl books, but the system is so useful that it has been growing in popularity with irl book readers, and there are sites you can look up a book and see its tags before buying, the same as some sites exist to do the same for films. 
How to tag is the thing people don’t seem to understand. It’s fairly simple once you get into it. Firstly you put the pairing, then the characters. Simple, right? Well, until you get into minor appearances and background relationships and the like. For these two you need to consider your readers. Someone searching the minor character tag will see your fic and read it, will they be pleased or disappointed that you were recommended to them to read and their character only appeared for a few lines? In that case put something along the lines of ‘cameo by X’ or ‘minor/background X’ in the ‘other tags’ section, so people can still see that it’s in there, but there won’t be any confusion about what the story is actually about. This goes for pairings as well. Other things to put in the tags, is the setting (the Alternate Universe: X tags are very extensive by now), the style or genre (or give a sense of this with other tags, list a few things like ‘first kiss’, ‘romance’ and ‘meet cute’ and people will know it isn’t a murder mystery), and then any notable elements. Is there a dog companion? Great! Tag them! A particular focus on food as a method of therapy? Tag it! Aliens? Tag! And that goes for warnings too. You don’t need to list everything out as a warning, someone might be looking for that kind of story. It isn’t putting people off or damning anyone that includes that thing to tag it, it’s simply a statement of content. Are there guns and warfare? Tag them! Unhealthy relationships? Tag! 
There are also what we might call main content warnings, which are right at the start. You have the option between ‘chose not to use’ which implies a fic could include any of the above but doesn’t want to disclose (and which a fic defaults to if you don’t pick any), ‘no warnings apply’ which tells a reader none of the above apply, or those above options, which range from character death to non consensual sex. You can also put these into the other tag section if you choose, why not double up? Tagging is all about being honest and on the safe side, for the sake of your readers. Don’t want angry comments? Tag properly. Want to be found by readers looking for your niche content? Tag! Want to be searchable down the line for someone with a list of search tags and filters a mile long? T a g.
This isn’t even a recommendation, it’s essentially an order. Tag your shit. Everyone benefits, especially you. 
13 notes · View notes
psychopersonified · 4 years
Legend has it...
Part of the prequel series to "Are we ever going to talk about this?".
A glimpse into Bond’s shared office with the Double-Os. Explore a little more of Q’s recent backstory prior to meeting Bond. Mostly banter and fluff, but there are spots of emotional poignancy - it all ends well so it is safe. 
This one was inspired by a few things: like Bond in his Naval uniform, HRH Prince William’s real life weeklong stint in the Secret Service incl MI6.
Tags: Not dating, dates. Clueless Q but getting there. Intimacy in plain sight. Naval uniforms. 006 is a bit of a cad. Banter. Humour. Q Origins. 
“So you do have an office. A rather nice one in fact. Why then do you insist on doing your paperwork amidst the clutter in Q-Branch?”
Bond looks cagey, like he’s hiding something. He clears his throat and mutters, “The WiFi is better down there.” 
SIS Building, Level 9 - Double-0 Division Office
Of course Bond knows where his office is, the Double-0s share a bullpen somewhere on the 9th floor. Only Agent 009 ever uses it with any regularity, so the man practically has the whole space to himself - which if you consider the square footage alone, makes his office larger than Mallory’s, even if it is not as imposing. He’s even arranged his desk so he sits apart, monopolising the fantastic view behind him. 
Bond is mildly peeved. 009 had put him charge of housekeeping the Double-0 office though who made him the boss of the division is anyone’s guess. Agent 009 fancies himself Mallory’s deputy, which if you ask virtually anyone in SIS, he is - informally at least. 
In all honesty Bond can’t argue with that, 009 is possessed of good leadership skills and experienced enough to carry it well. It is just that aside from 009, Trevelyan and himself, all the other agents are away on mission. 009 is with Mallory and Tanner, busy finalising the itinerary for the coming royal visit by The Royal Highnesses Prince Charles and Prince William - a weeklong visit to the British Intelligence Services (which included MI5, MI6 and GCCHQ) so they are understandably swamped with the planning and coordination. 
The least Bond could do is to help out by doing this comparably small task of making the division office presentable for the visit. Alec is present in the office with him, but practically useless. He had injured his arm (bullet wound) during his last mission and it is conveniently in a sling at the moment. From the sounds if it, it was merely a flesh wound that Alec is milking for all it is worth in the face of menial labour. 
What this all means at the end of the day is that 007 is on his own - it reminds him of boarding school, only this time all his roommates are gone and he is saddled with the responsibility of cleaning clean up before the professors come to inspect their dorm or they all cop the punishment. 
“Would you stop your moaning?” Bond snaps irritably at his ‘roommate’. “All you have to do is feed the bloody papers into the shredder, you’re not a complete invalid.”
“I’m doing that! It keeps jamming!” Trevelyan slams the cheap plastic feed cover shut, having just unstuck the temperamental machine - possibly because it was cheap.
“Take the staples out first will you? And feed the thicker papers in one at a time.” Bond instructs. 
“Arrrgh! This thing is mind numbingly slow...” Alec continues to moan. 
“You have to empty it Alec. It’s not a bottomless pit.” Bond reigns in the temptation to throttle the other agent. 
The childish part of Bond is indignant, it is not fair. He hasn’t stepped into this office space for almost two years, preferring to do his paperwork and research in Q-Branch where he’d cleared a small empty space on Q’s workbench. Other times he would commandeer the makeshift Q-Branch lounge with it’s well worn Chesterfield sofas. If anyone asks why he’s there, he just uses the excus that the WiFi is faster down there despite not having a shred of either empirical or anecdotal evidence. 
Bond’s prolonged absence from his office means that his desk has since been converted into a catch all purgatory; collecting detritus from all thirteen agents - things that they couldn’t be bothered to decide to keep, file or dispose. There are at least two years worth of interdepartmental circulars, equipment manuals, Health & Safety reports, copies of expense claims, greeting cards, even copies of his premature obituary - piled a foot high over the entire surface of his desk. Even his chair hadn’t escaped the treatment. 
Bond continues to sort through the papers, sending those that need disposal to Alec’s growing ‘to shred’ pile. The other agent shoots him a dirty look. 
“Do you smell something?” There is a stench coming from somewhere around his side of the room that has been bothering Bond all morning. 
“Aside from your poor choice in aftershave?” Alec’s juvenile insult is automatic. 
Bond rolls his eyes even though they have their backs turned to each other. “No really, smells like weeks old bin.” He wrinkles his nose. 
Alec could care less as he is wrestling with the shredder bin. He finally manages to wriggle free the overfull collection drawer with a Neanderthal yank. Strings of paper explode absolutely everywhere. “Bloody fuck!”  
Bond turns around, Alec is trying to keep the mess under control by trying to shove the bin back in, which of course is now impossible. Her Majesty’s finest, ladies and gentlemen. 
“James! Hand me a bin liner will you?” Alec requests with some urgency. His useful arm pressing down on the springy mess threatening to overflow.
Bond grabs the roll and lobs it in his direction. The other agent only has the use of one arm so he can’t conceivably catch the projectile. It hits Trevelyan square on his injured arm. “Oww! Bond what the hell?!”  
“Stop your whining, you’ve endured worse. Now, clean it up.“ 
Minutes go by and countless invectives later, Alec has the situation under control. No, that’s too generous. The damage has been somewhat contained - with the majority of the shredded mess now in the bag, Alec ties it off then declares, “I need a break. I’m going to take these to the incinerator.”  
“Already? You’ve only been at it for an hour.” Bond can’t believe the lazy arsehole. There are at lest four more boxes awaiting his attention. 
“Try doing it with one arm, it’s hard work man.” he grouses. 
“Will you stop milking it. Take the blasted sling off, you don’t even need it.” Truly annoyed now.
“How dare you! It’s medically prescribed.” Alec defends himself with exaggerated affront, hefting the bag over a shoulder. 
Bond huffs in resignation, “Fine, then get me coffee while you’re at it please.” 
Alec is already heading out, his back is towards the other agent, he flips him off with the hand on his supposedly injured arm, “Not bloody likely!” and disappears out the door. 
A moment later, Alec’s booming voice carries down the hallway, “Oh hello Quartermaster. Come for a visit have we?” 
“Hello 006. How’s the tidying up coming along?” Comes the softer reply.
“It would be quicker if 007 would pull his weight. Look at this! He’s making me do all the work. Have a word with him will you?” he shakes the bag on his shoulder for emphasis.  
“Trevelyan!!” Bond warns from inside the room.
“Ah! There he goes again. Toodles Q.” Alec hurries off before 007 makes good on his threat. 
Q peeks around the door into the legendary Double-0 office. “Heard that you’ve been put to task. Came to see it for myself.” Q says cheerily.
Bond is standing behind a desk, a stack of papers balanced on one forearm, another held in his other hand hovering between two piles he was making. All around him are open box files labelled with post-it notes. Agent 007 doing filing. The rumours were true - only the Queen or in this case two Princes could compel Bond to clean up his office. Either that or hell really has frozen over.
“If you’ve come to gloat, please make it a quick one - before I set this place on fire.” 
Q steps further into the room. It’s a generous size. Each agent has a set comprised of a decent sized desk, high backed chair, side cabinet and a tall cupboard. There are even a little plaques on the desks engraved with their names. So very civil service. 
The room itself is divided into roomy cubicles and arranged into four rows of three. However, One set stands apart, closest to the panoramic glass windows and looking ‘over’ the others - Agent 009, Q presumes. 
On one wall there is a setup of communal facilities like a bulletin board, stationery cupboard, printers and a shredder. Speaking of the shredder, the poor machine is in a state; the collection bin is detached and lying on its side a few feet away. Scattered around the base of the shredder and indeed all over the carpeted floor are bits and strings of shredded paper; like someone had a fight with the machine and lost. The static from the carpet is going to make this mess an absolute pain to hoover up. 
Q comes to stand in front of Bond’s executive sized desk and picks up his name plate ::James Bond C.M.G, R.N::
“So you do have an office. A rather nice one in fact. Why then do you insist on doing your paperwork amidst the clutter in Q-Branch?”
Bond looks cagey, like he’s hiding something. He clears his throat and mutters, “The WiFi is better down there.” 
Q looks skeptical. He would know, he had worked with Mark to add secure repeaters all over the building’s dead spots. They had carried out WiFi speed and coverage tests all over the building and there isn’t any significant difference anymore. “That’s a common misconception, 007. We’ve tested the speeds—“
“—Yes well, it just feels that way.” Bond cuts him off before Q pokes more holes in his excuse with inconvenient facts. 
Q decides to let it go. Instead, he makes a slow circuit around the room out of curiosity - observing the individual touches that each agent has added to their space, a little glimpse at their personal choices and preferences.  
For example 001, their longest serving female agent, silver haired matriarch with a razor sharp wit that could cut through any armour better than depleted uranium bullets - but collects tacky porcelain teacups from her travels. Q fears she might become a politician someday and maybe even Prime Minister.
Then there is 008, who is retiring by the end of the year. Poignantly he has pictures of his family all around him. An ex-wife whom he still loves and is battling serious illness; and teenaged children that he has missed out on most of formative lives. His retirement couldn’t come soon enough. 
When Q is finally done snooping, he comes to a stop at the cubicle opposite Bond’s and seats himself on the edge of the desk, “Ugh something smells ripe….”
“Yes, it reeks in here.” Then suddenly Bond looks up concerned, “It’s not me is it?”
“No…don’t think so.” Q reassures distractedly. He turns around in place, sniffing. “It think… It’s coming from around here,” he spies the owner’s name on the plaque - Alec Trevelyan. Q gets up and rounds the desk. When he bends over closer to the desk drawers the smell gets significantly stronger. “I think it’s coming from in here.”
“What is it?” Bond asks curious now. 
“Well I’m not opening it! Who knows what kind of souvenirs 006 brings back from his missions,” Q backs away from the desk, images of severed ears and pinky fingers briefly crossing his mind. After all, they are all barely restrained psychopaths at the best of times. Although if that were true, what does that say about Q then; that he prefers their company to that of most people - well not all of them, just one in particular if he were to be honest. 
Bond laughs, knowing exactly what Q is imagining, “No stomach for the macabre?” he crosses the short distance to Alec’s desk, gently moving Q out of the way. “Besides if he were to bring back a souvenir, he would be sure to pickle them first.”  
He’s teasing of course - but nevertheless, as he hooks his fingers under the drawer pull, he braces himself for what he might find. The drawer slides out smoothly, releasing a noxious plume of rotting stench.
“Oh Christ!!” The smell nearly makes him gag. Q covers his nose with the sleeve of his cardigan and leans over Bond’s hunched shoulder to see. In there lies what looks to be the remains of someone’s putrefied lunch or lunches. A banana so rotten its has liquefied into black slush, a circle of half eaten soft cheese sitting on top of the rotting liquid that is now absolutely overgrown with mould and the piece de resistance - a quarter tray of what must have been sashimi of some kind. The rotting seafood, vegetation and cheese slurry a potent combination. 
Fucking Alec is always leaving food around to the dismay of his colleagues that share the space. It is no wonder then, there is every so often the passive aggressive ‘cc all’ email from some returning Double-0 about clearing out leftover food and a reminder to consume all food in the break room at the end of the hall outside. 
Bond slams the drawer back shut and retreats to his side quickly, herding Q along with him. 
Q looks a little green around the gills, “I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing that I ate lunch before I came in here.” 
“I hope you don’t mind being one agent short, because I’m going to kill Alec when he gets back.” Bond resolves.
“IF he comes back you mean. You know him, he’s likely absconded to an early dinner by now.”
Bond dreads the implication, ”There is no way in Hell I’m cleaning that mess up.” He draws the line at that. Nope. No way. 
Speaking of killing agents, there is a small stack of printed cards on the corner of Bond’s desk. Q picks them up, he’d seen these before, several years ago. It’s Bond’s premature obituary from the small ceremony the service held in his honour. Q was a senior tech then and had not known Bond other than brief glimpses when he came to pick up his kit. 
“Are you shredding these?” 
“Rather odd to keep them.” A curios thought pops into his mind, “Where were you then, Q? Had you joined the service?”
“I was Senior Tech, equivalent to Nish’s S position. It’s likely we never crossed paths but you would have been familiar with my tech in the field… You didn’t spend as much time in Q-Branch then as you do now.” Q tries to needle him about that again.
Bond sidesteps it with an expertly placed question, “Did you come to my funeral?”
“No, it was a small private affair. Only the old Q and R went. Besides, I was atoning for my sins then.” The question triggers Q to reminisce about those few months before he met 007 and how much his life changed within that short span on time. 
Flashback: 3 years prior...
45 minutes before the start of The Istanbul Incident.
The phone rings down in Q-Branch’s general line. After the sixth ring, “Anyone going to pick that up?!” Engineering Minion A calls out as he wipes his hands on an oily rag. Its early, 7:30am so Q-branch is mostly deserted. Minion A is loading ammo into 008’s BMW before the agent arrives to pick up his car. 
Nobody answers, so Minion A has to trudge over to the phone. For his trouble, he is rewarded immediately with a string of expletives as greeting coming through from the other end. It is too early in the morning for this, “Look either you calm the hell down or I’m hanging up.”
“Where are the cyberboffs in Q-branch?!” the voice on the other side demands. 
Minion A takes a deep breath and explains that it is early, they’re not in yet but he’ll check. He finds a still sleepy Q (who is currently still Collin Mitchel, holding the S rank) in the small pantry hidden in the back of Q-branch nursing his cup of tea. Hair in a wild mess as usual. He informs him about the call and warns that the person on the other end is in a right mood. 
Q picks up the transferred call to a frantic Mark of IT-Branch on the other end. “Fuck Mitchel! Please tell me its you guys messing about the Level 5 servers right now! I know we said surprise us but it’s a little early in the day don’t you think??” Mark is referring to the CyberWar games that IT and Q Branches usually play on Friday nights to strengthen MI6’s cybersecurity. 
“What are you talking about? I’m hardly awake enough to operate anything more sophisticated than a kettle…” Q sighs as he removes his glasses and rubs his sleepy eyes. 
“Collin…” Mark’s voice goes dead serious as he attempts to calm down, “… I’m not dicking around right now. If it’s not you or anyone in Q-Branch, then why the hell is my system logging unusually large data downloads from Level 5 severs?”.
That gets Q’s attention. Mark is one of the best in IT-Branch and and they share a mutual concern about the state of MI6’s cyber security preparedness. There have been times when Q has thought of asking Mark to transfer to Q-Branch, coaxing him to the ‘dark-side’ as they call it. So Mark’s uncharacteristic panic is like a jolt of adrenaline that wakes Q up faster than the strongest cup of tea. Q punches the speaker button and replaces the receiver before grabbing the nearest chair, spinning it around and settling in front of a console. He logs in and pulls up the data traffic log Mark is monitoring. 
Over the past year IT and Q Branches have come to a truce so to speak. Q-Branch will provide the cybersecurity tools and IT will carry out the implementation. What it meant was that Q and his colleagues would build the encryption and protocols, but it was up to IT to roll it out, monitor and patch. So just like what they did for the field agents, they made the weapons but it was up to the agents when and where to use it. In the event an active threat was present, they will work together to repel the attack. IT was in the midst of overhauling the systems - but as anyone can imagine, with so many layers of legacy systems, it was a slow process. But at least it no longer resembled Swiss cheese. 
They’ve secured the most sensitive files with the latest encryption at least - but that is always double edged, put too many padlocks on a door and you’re telling the burglar where you’re hiding your best stuff. 
“I see it. When did it start? Q switches to his game voice. Crisp, efficient.
“15 minutes ago. I was on my morning run when the alarm came through. I ran back as fast as I could.”
“Can you shut down the server?”
“Not while Ops is running. They’ll loose access to classified files for cross-referencing. As well as the encrypted satellite feeds that run though it. We’ve got Eastern Russia running right now and Istanbul is coming up soon.”
“Has M been informed?”
“Not yet. I was hoping it was you guys mucking around.” 
“Mark, I don’t have full access to the servers from Q-Branch terminals. I can hack it, but I’d rather not cause even more alarm.” 
“Get up here then! M and Tanner just arrived, you can work up here and.... I’d rather you came with me to face M.” 
“You’ll have to buzz me up, I don’t have full clearance.” 
A second later he hears Mark’s muffled voice yell something to someone in his team.
“Davis is going down to get you now. Fuck. …Mitchel is this it?”
The question hangs heavily. They’ve been predicting something like this to happen for a few months now. In the last 18 months, there has been an increase in breach attempts on MI6 systems. Together IT and Q-Branch have managed to repel most of them or limit the extent. It’s a cat-and-mouse game. Both sides using each successive attempts to gauge skill and strength. 
The elevator ride up to Q-Branch was excruciating. Q now understands why M wants to have the two branches working closer together, the bureaucracy is eating into their response time. 
When Q arrives at IT-Branch, Mark is tracing the source. M and Tanner standing close by. It’s coming from an MI6 laptop - using the credentials of an Agent Sebastian Ronson who is currently on mission in Istanbul. Q slides into the station next to Mark, they fall into practiced ease. Mark will defend the keep, and Q will chase the trail. 
“Contact Agent Ronson, now!” Tanner tells Mark. Mark calls the mobile number registered to Ronson in Istanbul. 
*Click* an automated female voice informs them that the number is currently not in service. 
They pull up the Istanbul Ops file, Ronson has three other field agents with him. He calls the other numbers with the same result. He calls the hotel next, but the front desk informs them that the men have checked out. 
While Mark is trying to make contact, Q is tracing the breach, trying to identify the affected files. To his relief, the files in this partition were not just encrypted, they were protected with a copy prevention and decryption protocol that he had written. He didn’t know what the files contained, he didn’t have that security clearance. He just built the moat and the fortress that surrounded it. What the higher ups put in it was anyone’s guess. But one thing he did know was that whoever wanted the data had to physically retrieve Ronson’s authorised hard drive to to get to it. 
He informs M as much. 
Something about the this whole situation seems odd, ”Ma’am if the hackers anticipated that they would need an authorised laptop as a file cache, and they’ve cut off Ronson’s communication with us - the only logical assumption is that they not only know the location of Ronson and the team but they have a plan to retrieve that laptop.... and very soon. Before we re-establish communication or Ronson suspects something is amiss.” 
Tanners eyes go wide, M goes very still. This would mean the hacker’s plan is live - making this a life threatening emergency.
“Do you know what files were downloaded?” M asks. 
“I can show you the list of files, but I don’t know what’s in it.” Q pulls up the log and moves aside for M to look for herself. 
One of the folders makes M’s heart skip a beat. It’s a summary of field reports from across NATO agencies informing each other of their activities including embedded undercover agents and informants. The idea was to coordinate efforts and reduce doubling up agents which might increase suspicion and also prevent ‘friendly fire’ so to speak from multiple agencies working independently. It’s not a list per se, but it would be fairly easy to put the information together into one. 
M points out the folder to Q, absolute certainty in her voice, “He’s after this folder. Can you delete it remotely?” 
Q activates remote access of the agent’s laptop and gets to work. 
::ERROR. Remote access denied. Sys admin required::
Q tries 3 more times with different admin credentials with the same result. Now they’re in real shit. 
“Mark I’m locked out.” Q looks to Mark. Mark tries an even higher level credential and still nothing.
“We have to pull the plug—” Mark tells him. 
“—Wait till I’m done. If you do that now, the download stops, and the hacker will know we’re on to them and cut the connection.”
“Isn’t that the point?” M interrupts him sharply.
“Ma’am, if he already has the file you think he’s after, and everything else is just a blind grab, then this is the last chance we have at wiping that drive. I need him to remain connected until I can hack in and execute the delete code.” 
M sees his point. Use the other files as bait, the hacker doesn’t actually know the right folder yet. Q turns back to access the laptop through backchannels, several long minutes later, he finally manages to get in. He has partial access, one of them happens to be turning on the webcam on the laptop. 
“Come on, come on…” The webcam turns on, but no-one is in front of it. “Mark, the webcam! Try getting through to Ronson.” Q broadcasts the feed to the main IT room monitor and the video conferencing camera attached to it.
While Mark scrambles into action, Q continues to chip away at the hijacked laptop’s protocols to gain delete access. Over his shoulder and speakers he can hear Mark trying to make contact with their agent, accessing the laptop’s volume control remotely and cranking it up as high as it would go. 
“Agent Ronson! Can you hear me?… Agent Ronson?” 
There are sounds of men talking in the background, and suddenly Ronson comes into view. 
“Agent Ronson! Your position has been compromised. You need to move urgently. You are to remove the laptop drive and destroy it immediately.” Mark informs him. 
“What? What’s going on? We’ve just finished our morning briefing and about to head out.” These precious few seconds of confusion will cost Ronson his life. 
“Abort mission, get out of there and destroy the laptop!” M steps into view of the camera and barks the order. 
Ronson finally realises the severity of the situation, but it is too late. He barely has time to draw his weapon when the sound of a door being kicked open is heard. Automatic gunfire sprays into the room, including two right into Agent Ronson’s torso and its over. Ronson collapses into the armchair, as they watch, impotent. Few seconds later the assailant pushes shut the laptop screen from behind. They never get a look at the person. 
In those few seconds before that, Q finally gains access. Just after he executes the secure delete code, the connection is terminated. The screen goes dark. Q doesn’t know if it worked. 
All eyes are on him. Not just his superiors, but the rest of IT techs, the room is dead silent. 
“I..I can’t be sure it worked. If they shut down the laptop before the drive is wiped, it would mean the data is still on it. But they will have to still break the encryption on the files to read it. That buys us time—”
M starts walking away before he is even finished talking. Tanner on her heels. Q can hear her rapid fire orders to him as they turn to enter the main Ops room and to her office. 
“Where is 007?”
“On his way.”
“Who else do we have in Istanbul?”
“Eve Moneypenny, junior field agent.”
“Get her on the ground to support 007.”
“Medical evac for Ronson and the team?”
“Still trying to contact them…..” Their voices fade away as the doors close. 
Mark and Q share a look. -Shit-….doesn’t even begin to cover the magnitude of this cockup. Q can’t stop the feeling of crushing disappointment building inside. They’ve lost this one. 
Mark in an uncharacteristic fit of anger-filled frustration, picks up his mouse and hurls it at a wall. There is nothing they can do anymore, Ops team will handle it from here. “I’m going to shower,” he announces to the quiet floor. Q notices that Mark is still in his running gear and sweaty either from the run or the emergency. 
Q waits till Mark is out the door before slowly rising and facing the rest of the IT techs staring at him wide-eyed. It’s literally first thing in the morning and they’ve just watched a field agent take two right in the chest. Not an everyday occurrence. 
He takes a deep breath and starts rattling off orders even though Q isn’t technically their boss. 
“Revoke Ronson’s credentials, check and update credentials of all the other agents in the field that we can contact, pull the activity logs and study the hack, comb the application code for a trojan, check the other servers to see if anything else was downloaded, request for Ronson’s laptop to be returned as soon as Ops can recover it…..” and so on. No one questions him, and the floor bursts into a hive of activity. 
Weeks later, when the dust settles and the forensics completed, they would learn that Agent Ronson was never aware of the breach. Ronson’s laptop was just an entry point, they intercepted data traffic through his WIFI. It was excruciatingly simple once they examined the remains of the laptop. The hackers switched out his secure mobile hotspot and used the same network name - a moment of inattentiveness on Ronson’s part and that was it. A key logger captured his credentials and the hacker used it as an entry point to gain access to the system, releasing a virus that burrowed into deeper levels of the classified database. 
Two Weeks later…
The young woman about his age in the monochrome pantsuit looks over at him,”What are you in for?”
Her question stops Q’s nervous pacing outside the conference room. 
“I mean we’re both here for the Istanbul investigation…” she coaxes. There is no smugness - just deadpan with a hint of dark humour to her tone. She doesn’t look so great herself, her hands have kept up their anxious smoothing of the fabric covering her thighs. It somehow puts Q at ease, knowing he’s not the only one here facing the firing squad. 
Might as well, she’ll hear about it in the meeting anyway, “Failed to delete Ronson’s computer hard drive in time. What about you?” 
“Shot the double-0 agent who was in the middle of retrieving said drive,” the woman replies wryly.
“Ah... that is unfortunate,” was all Q could come up with. He’s heard the story. It was all everyone could talk about the past weeks. So this is the junior agent with the dubious honour of being the first field agent to kill a Double-0 through friendly fire. 
Then because Q is an emotionally bumbling halfwit who thinks humour solves everything, he adds, “Do you think they’ll put us in neighbouring cells? I hear the dungeons are pretty bleak this time of year.” 
Instead of the exasperated look he is expecting, the woman regards him and smiles slowly, “Eve Moneypenny, Station-T.” She eventually offers as introduction. 
“Collin Mitchell, Q-Branch” he reciprocates, shaking her hand.
The meeting goes as expected. No intel about the drive or any sign of decryption activity. 007 is still MIA, no body was recovered - if they don’t find a body in another week, they’ll call off the search teams. There is now serious pressure to restructure how Ops is carried out. They can’t have Ops, IT and Q-Branches working separately without a clear chain of command not in this day and age. 
In addition to that, the incident brings home the need to have the handlers and agents work much more closely, like a ‘hand in glove’ so to speak - instead of fobbing them off to a constantly rotating shift of support team. Ronson second guessing Mark’s information was a result of a combination of factors; the unexpected mode of communication and him not knowing who Mark was and therefore not trusting the information. Precious seconds wasted in establishing veracity of the information likely cost him his life.
Agent Moneypenney is suspended from field duty. Pending reassignment possibly to a desk job. Q is temporarily assigned to IT branch to help with securing MI6 systems - he has already been helping out Mark the past few weeks, but this order means he has to dotted line report to IT-Branch Head Timothy Hayden who hates his guts and second guesses everything Q does. It is not going to be pleasant. 
Outside the SIS building in the park across from the train station, Eve and Q sit morosely on opposite ends of a bench, picking at their lunch arranged between them. 
“Well, I think we got off lightly all things considered.” Eve speaks first. 
“Speak for yourself. Hayden still wants his pound of flesh after the print-pocalypse I caused two years back. I’m going to be debugging applications for the rest of my life if he has any say in it.”
Eve snorts, then a few moments later very sombrely reminds him, ”I killed someone Collin.” 
Q hangs his head. Perspective. “OK. You win... “ He says very gently, trying to lighten the mood. “…So much for our promising careers in espionage.”
They eat their lunch in silence for a while before Eve speaks up again. “I thought of going to see his next of kin; you know... to make amends. Tell his wife and children how brave he was, how his last moments were spent defending his country. Least I could do... Maybe even ask for forgiveness one day.” Eve’s face crumples, her voice cracking. 
She draws in a long shaky breath, then through a thick sob she says,“Tanner tells me he didn’t have any. This bloody -job- was his whole life.” She gasps, a hand coming up quickly to cover her mouth and nose, muffling the earnest sobs that were wrecking through her now. Before this, she had held steady for two weeks to the day since she pulled that trigger. 
He doesn’t know what to say, up to two weeks ago he had been mostly sheltered from the more gruesome aspects of his job - Ronson was the first agent he’d ever seen killed live, not a recording after the fact. One moment he was talking, the next, fatally wounded - his story ended right that moment. Ronson had an ex-wife, no child.
Not knowing what else to do, Q moves their lunch away and scoots close, wrapping his arms around Moneypenny and she does the same for him. They don’t say much after this. But it is the start of their standing Thursday lunch. A friendship forged through mutual adversity and tragedy. The both of them having to work their way back into M’s good graces. 
Back to Present…
“Oh? Not classified is it? Would you be able to tell me about it?” Bond looks genuinely interested. 
“Over dinner… if you can finish up here by then.” Q raises an eyebrow at the amount of work still to be done. 
Alec chooses that moment to swan back into the room, two ladies from the secretarial pool in tow, one on each arm. They gingerly lower him into his chair and he sighs in excessive relief. The ladies coo soothingly at him, massaging his allegedly sore shoulders and back.
“Awfully nice of you to come back.” Bond says but refuses to acknowledge his theatrics. 
“I had to, left my pills here. Sam dear, could I have some help with these?” He pouts pitifully at her as he hands her the blister pack of pain medication that was on the table. Then,“Ta, so kind of you,” when Sam pops the requisite number of pills into his mouth and Ginny brings his coffee to his lips. 
Q shakes his head at 006’s antics. He can be such a loveable cad. Not too long ago 007 was reputed to be the same - twin terrors that made M rethink her decision on a daily basis. 
“Oh, and we brought your coffee as demanded.” Ginny comes over to hand Bond his coffee - it is no longer hot but warm. She glances apologetically at Q, “Sorry we didn’t get you one, sir.” 
“Well, now that you’re back, mind finishing up here?” Bond shakes a box of papers awaiting the shredding machine for emphasis.  
“Ooooh… give me a moment. The meds haven’t kicked in.” Alec moans woefully, which prompts the women to renew their fussing over him. 
“Really sir! Can’t you see Alec isn’t fit to do any heavy lifting?” Sam admonishes Bond. 
Her audacity takes Bond aback, he glances at Q and spreads his arms in a ’look what I have to endure because of Alec’ gesture. Q smiles back at him sympathetically. 
An idea forms in Bond’s mind. He makes a show of stapling a stack of papers that needs to be filed. “Oh bugger!” he proclaims loudly. “Ran out of staples. Alec do you have any refills?”
Alec still basking in the female attention pulls open his desk drawers distractedly before turning to look. Within seconds, the stench of his past meals come back to haunt him as it wafts intrusively into the room. He slams the drawers back shut again. 
“Oh! What is that smell?!” Ginny straightens, alarmed. Sam recoils as well. Both women stepping away from his desk instinctively. 
Alec shots to his feet, eyes wide, “Whoops! Looks like break time is over. I ought to get back to finishing the housekeeping.” 
006 quickly usher the women out, sending them on their way with a wink and a flirty quip, “I’ll see you ladies later this evening. 5:30? I shall count down the hours.” 
When they are out of earshot, he rounds on 007, “You bastard!” 
Bond’s infantile snickering turns into outright uncontainable laughter. “How is it my fault? Throw your dammed leftovers away.”
“Oh I’ll throw something alright,” Alec grabs his empty coffee cup and is about to pitch it at Bond’s head when Q slides in front of him. Q levels them both with his Quartermaster stare, quelling any further childish escalation of hostilities. 
“Well now, if the both of you are quite finished sabotaging each other, perhaps you’d like to bring those boxes and the offending drawer down to Q-Branch?”
Twin looks of confusion.
“We have an industrial shredder and a power washer down in the lair... If you gentlemen would like the use of it.” Q smiles and nods his leave. 
Day of HRHs Prince Charles and William’s Visit
Q-Branch is abuzz with activity, even more than usual. The labs are cleaner than they ever will be again. Not pristine, but not quite the mad scientist lair and far less a safety hazard than it usually is. 
Everyone has on their cleanest lab coat, overalls and PPE. Q’s even had a haircut and attempted to tame it with ‘product’ this morning. 
Center stage for this portion of the visit is the modified Aston Martin V8 Vantage recovered from 007’s latest mission - with a battered front end and deep gouges along its flanks. On top of Bond’s decorative additions - it was also generously riddled with bullet marks, much of it concentrated on the pockmarked windscreen and windows, none of which penetrated the bulletproofing thankfully. 
Q nearly had a fit, it would have been impossible to repair the damage in time; but Moneypenny had the brilliant idea to turn the narrative in their favour - a gritty, uncensored example showcasing the dangers their agents face in the line of duty and the tech used to keep them safe. And what better way to bring the message home than to have the actual agent that survived the ordeal; Commander James Bond aka 007 regale the Royal Highnesses with the story himself. 
So they left the car pretty much alone, other than rolling it into the centre of Q-Branch. It cut a forlorn picture sitting there, with its damage on full display - gun barrels sticking out, boot open and bits of carbon fibre hanging off. It looked like a squashed insect in the middle of a clean floor. 
As for the man of the hour himself, he had sauntered into Q-Branch right after the tour of the Double-0 office was done. He’s there practicing his story, memorising the script Eve wrote for him. Not that he needed a script to remember what happened - he was there after all, but he tended be a little sarcastic and churlish with his words, at least in his written reports so the script was an insurance against that. 
Moneypenny had insisted that 006 & 007 wear their military uniforms as it added to the pomp and circumstance, Mallory agreed. So Bond and Trevelyan were in their Naval uniforms. Trevelyan was somewhere in the building making full use of the uniform and the effect it produced on anyone inclined to go home with him. Last Bond saw of him, he had amassed a small entourage of both sexes in the cafeteria. 
There were loud appreciative catcalls and whistles when 007 made his entrance to Q-Branch wearing his immaculate Naval Commander ensemble. He’d politely tipped his hat to everyone as he went around looking for the Quartermaster to present himself - curios to see if it produced any effect.
“How are the preparations coming along?” He found the Chief Overlord in the back pantry making a cup of tea and had sidled right up behind him to rumble in his ear. Q chokes on his tea. Bond quickly rescues the mug from the quartermaster’s hand while the man sputters and recovers from the fright. 
“Bond! How many times have I told—,”Q’s words are cut off abruptly when he turns around to face the insufferable agent. 
“… have I… I…,” He tries to restart his standard tirade, but it dies on his lips so he gives up and resigns to just staring. His brain is frizzing out, Q’s sure. The only thought on his mind is what a dashing figure he cut - those magnificent the gold braids on his cuffs, the eight gold buttons glinting in the light, the shoes polished to perfection. 
He could almost forgive this man for ruining his prized car. Almost. -The navy colour brings out his eyes-. And for loosing the rifle. Maybe. -What do all those insignias mean?-
A minute later, and Q is still lost in contemplation. Bond leans in close again, blue eyes shining, “Are you nearly done with your assessment?” He brings Q’s rescued mug up to his lips and takes a long sip, never breaking eye contact throughout. 
Q’s eyes trail down to Bond’s throat, the way his Adam’s apple bob against the white collar and dark tie as the agent swallows. At the sound of Bond clearing his throat, Q’s eyes snap back up again to regard the agent in the eye. -What were they taking about again?-
“Right. Yes. Preparations. Everything’s ready… And how are you with your script?” Q reclaims his mug, clutching it with both hands to protect it. The bastard has taken to stealing his drink at every opportunity, ever since that night of the party* here at Q-Branch. 
“All squared away in here,” Bond taps his temple with a finger. “The hair’s new,” He makes an observation of his own. He brings up his right hand and lightly cards his fingers through Q’s fringe. It breaks up the neatly gelled hair, letting a few pieces fall more beguilingly over his forehead. Personally, he prefers the perpetually messy look Q wears on a daily basis.
Q is transfixed by the presumptuously familiar gesture. All he can do is let his gaze drift along the hands, up to the white cuff peeking out of the navy sleeve, the triple gold braid rank insignia on the sleeve, up the arm to the crisp line of the shoulder and back to Bond’s face. 
Those fingers that were a second ago in his hair lowers slowly to touch the back of Q’s hand that is wrapped around the mug, drawing a slow teasing circle on the skin before circling his wrist to pull his hand and the mug up to the agent’s mouth - stealing another long sip. When Bond finally withdraws, his bottom lip graze lightly over Q’s forefinger. 
Q’s breathing has transformed into embarrassingly short and shaky pants. -The fucker doesn’t even drink tea on a regular basis- so all this, is for Q’s benefit. And it is highly effective. The warm flush that has crept over his cheeks throughout the ordeal, spreads like wildfire over his skin right down to his groin at that final touch. 
It comes out as an almost whimper, “Is it just me, or is it too warm in here?… Perhaps I should check on the settings. It wouldn’t do to broil our royal guests.” Q edges along the pantry counter, out of the agent’s magnetic circle of influence - he needs all his faculties intact right now. 
“Are we still on for dinner tonight?” Bond catches his cardigan sleeve just before he is out of reach. 
“Yes, of course. See you after.” Q ducks out of reach as soon has Bond’s fingers release him.
Post Royal visit…
-It is perfectly normal to have a standing Friday night dinner with a colleague isn’t it?- Q questions the reflection in the lavatory mirror.
The royal visit to Q-Branch had gone off without a hitch. M was mighty pleased, 007 was engaging and respectful, his minions competent and efficient and all of Q’s live tech demonstrations went smoothly as rehearsed.  
Now that it was over, Bond was waiting for him outside so they can adjourn to their dinner appointment. The prospect of spending this evening with the agent, as they almost invariably do countless nights before this, feels daunting all of a sudden. What the bloody hell is wrong with him tonight? This is so uncharacteristically like him.
Q knows that Bond loves to tease. And Q has permitted and played along all this time - but he’s not sure how Bond would feel if the agent knew how many less than ‘proper’ fantasies of Q’s he has had a staring role in. Q feels bad about using the agent like this. He genuinely enjoys Bond’s company and tries to stay in it for as long as the other would permit; but sometimes Q thinks he might be imposing on the agent’s down time.
-This is karma- Q thinks. His sins finally catching up to him. That blasted naval uniform and its amplifying effects on Bond’s already considerable charms - he can’t think straight when the agent is in it. Squashing his arousal has been especially difficult this evening. He doesn’t want to cause Bond any discomfort... in case the agent notices. 
Perhaps cancelling tonight would be the decent thing to do; and maybe put a stop to subsequent dinner invitations. Oh but no… the thought of not having these evenings with Bond hurts him like a round kick to the chest. A curious if painful reaction, one that he is not prepared to examine just yet.
-Oh you selfish prick.- We all know how short a Double-0’s tenure can be. Bond should be spending his time with someone he has a chance of developing a consequential connection with; not humouring a romantically challenged quartermaster. There he said it, happy? 
Where had this melancholy mood come from? -From the depths of your guilty conscience you dolt.- Or maybe its sexual frustration?
By the time he’s done with with the self recriminations, Q’s so morose he’s close to losing it emotionally. He had turned his back to the mirror at some point, and is now leaning against the sink counter, head bent, a hand in his hair, phone in the other. He seriously considers calling Eve, she knows how to deal with… squishy emotions like adult. 
But before he can make the call, the lavatory door creaks open. It is after hours, so there shouldn’t be many people still about. 
“Q? Are you in here?” Bond’s voice calls out. Shit. He must have been waiting too long for this liking. 
The man steps into view. One look at Q and immediately concern colours his voice. “Q, are you alright?” Then seeing the phone in Q’s hand, “What happened?” He steps in close, wrapping his hands around Q’s elbows. 
“I uh… I… I don’t know where to start.” Q is hesitant for a few seconds, looking for his words. But then it seems the cork on his bottled up emotions pop and it all comes pouring out.
“Bond… I feel… somewhat guilty. These dinners, I mean. I sometimes feel I’m taking advantage of your time. I’m not imposing am I? And please be honest. I won’t hold it against you. I know you Double-Os have this weird game about flustering the quartermaster, but I don’t want you to think I take the game seriously and that I’ll withhold any tech you’ll need because of it. If you have somewhere better to be, please don’t hold out on my account—” 
He feels a full on ramble developing. Maybe he should stop talking so the man can answer. Or maybe he’s afraid of the answer and that’s why he can’t stop talking. 
“—Don’t get me wrong, I genuinely enjoy these evenings with you. I look forward to every one of them in fact, but I don’t want you to feel like you -have- to continue with them because of some silly game. We both know your down time is precious and you don’t have many opportunities to socialise outside of your cover. So it would be immensely selfish of me to continue to take up that time…“
Q pauses, not because he ran out of things to say, but because he ran out of breath. He gulps air like a drowning man and continues… because if he stops talking, he just might start blubbering like some hysterical idiot. 
“You ought to be spending this time more constructively, with someone you care about and have that reciprocated. Not that I’m indifferent… your welfare concerns me greatly. Hence this overdue lecture about not wasting your time on something that would essentially amount to… to… to nothing.” -Oh wow… that fucking hurt to say out loud.- Right in the diaphragm, just under the sternum. Q unconsciously presses a thumb as close to the spot as he can get. 
He meant every word of it. He wouldn’t stand in the way if Bond found someone he would rather spend time with. -What is he even saying, of course he wouldn’t be in the way, he had no claim in the first place.Silly dolt.-
“Not that there are any expectations on my side.” Q is quick to put him at ease on that front. -Liar-. Why is he even saying these things? It was just dinner between friends. Why is he being so bloody melodramatic about it? -Shut up. Shut up.-
Q gives his head a shake for finality, “Bottom line is, I’ve taken advantage of you and I apologise.” He finally looks Bond in the eyes, or tries to. The man’s face is blurry, Q thinks to reach up to clean his glasses but realises to his horror that it is unshed tears that is clouding his vision. -Well isn’t this perfectly humiliating.-
Bond is studying him with intense blue eyes - searching for something. The moment stretches…
It reminds Q of that silly Netflix show where the characters roll a dice and their futures split into six different outcomes. For the first time Q wonders if there exists a timeline where he and Bond could conceivably end up more than friends. There is a likelier chance that in some timeline, maybe even this one - Bond walks into the sunset with some femme fatale he picks up along the way. Alive and whole with the possibility of finally finding the happiness he so deserves after years of tragic sacrifice. And Q has no choice but to shake his hand and watch him go. Knowing Bond, he’ll probably ask to keep the DB5 too. 
-Well, good luck getting that thing serviced at any random garage.- Q digs his thumb harder into his diaphragm to distract himself from the flaring discomfort. 
Bond’s voice is low and soft when he finally says something, “Q… this might have been longest ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ speech anyone has made. Are you breaking up with me?”
That earns Bond an involuntary chuckle even through his unshed tears, “Don’t be facetious… *sniff*…I’m being serious.” Bond is right though, this whole conversation was silly, they were just friends. What kind of person weeps over dinner with a friend?
From Bond’s point of view; he knows if he leaves Q to his own devices tonight, the quartermaster will play the gentleman and logic himself out of going out with Bond ever again. Even if that’s not what Q wants himself. Bond can’t risk that. 
At the same time, he doesn’t want to push too hard, not when Q hasn’t had a chance to process his own revelations. He has heard enough between the lines of Q’s rambling admission to be fairly confident that his affections are not in vain. All that is needed is patience. 
Bond chooses his words and tone carefully, “You’re right… in some aspects. My time is precious, and perhaps limited—,” wry smile,”—So the fact that I choose to spend it with my quartermaster says something about the depth of my fondness for his company. 
“As for taking advantage of me, in so much as it is possible,” this one, he is less clear how Q came to the conclusion, “It is true, if there was anyone in the world who might be capable of it, it would be you. But only because I allow it.” He gives Q a few moments to process what he had said. The quartermaster wasn’t the only one who can tiptoe around a subject without actually referencing it. 
Bond studies Q as he mulls over the words. He would make a terrible poker player. Q fidgets when he thinks; self soothing gestures - fingers stroking his own hands or turning an object over and over. Over the last half year, those unconscious self soothing gestures have spilled over to include Bond himself, if he is in close enough proximity. Q’s favourite is the tie pin if available, and if not, the cuff links on his sleeve. The satisfaction he derives from be being a source of comfort to Q is unquantifiable.
This evening is no different, despite the ‘breakup’ speech, Q’s fingers have found their way to a gold button on Bond’s uniform - the pad of his thumb worrying over the embossed gilt crown and anchor motif. 
“So… it’s not an imposition then? You don’t mind this?” Q summaries felling terribly silly, now that the melancholic fog is lifting. 
“Q, not even terrorist with a gun to my head can compel me to give up state secrets, what makes you think I can’t fend off an unwanted dinner appointment?” This statement coming from anyone else would have been hyperbole, but from Bond, it puts his little freakout into perspective. “Believe it or not, I look forward our evenings as well.” 
“Ah. Right… “ More contemplative fidgeting with the gold button. Then a deep breath and a noisy sniffle, “Does the invitation to dinner still stand? Some food would do me good I think.” Maybe it’s the low blood sugar that is causing this silliness, Q’s certainly going to play it off that way. Though he suspects this weekend is going to be one of quiet introspection about this oddly personal relationship developing between them.
Bond smiles, leaning close to whisper in his ear, “Dinner always stands.”
Q lets Bond lead him out of the washroom and into the lift, thankful that no one was around to notice how long they spent in there.  
In the lift, Q rests his back and head against the side wall. Bond is crowding close next to him, despite the empty lift. He has his arms crossed, one shoulder leaning against the same wall, body angled towards Q and watching him contemplatively. 
“You don’t mind my aftershave do you?” Bond asks all of a sudden with cheeky grin.
“What?” The bizarre question makes Q turn his head to look at him.
“Its not offensive or overpowering is it? You know, in case its off putting to the marks.“ Bond continues, verbally nudging Q to play along, to fall back into their usual banter. 
“I didn’t think it appropriate that I should have an opinion about it before.”
“Well, what if I want you to have an opinion about it now?”
Q can’t stay away from their usual play for long; this time it is him that initiates, leaning in close. Bond tips up his chin automatically, to give his favourite boffin better access. Q presses close, nose just shy of touching the underside of Bond’s jaw and takes a long whiff. 
It’s the end of a long day so there is only the barest hint of aftershave mixed with his natural scent. -God. He smells good.- 
Q passes his verdict, “I… I suppose if I were to have opinion about it, I’d say you smell… perfect.”
————The End————————-
Extended scene….
The lift dings and the doors open. Bond and Q part reluctantly back to a semi-respectable distance. But not before a waiting SIS employee on the other side of the door catches sight of them in what could be construed as a compromising position. 
What’s-his-name takes longer than normal to step into the lift, dawdling on the threshold trying to make up his mind to get in or take the next one - despite the virtually empty lift. 
The man in the Navy uniform is undoubtedly a Double-0, but the younger one he isn’t so sure, one of the boffs in IT or Q-Branch from the looks of it. If they’re carrying on a secret affair, he doesn’t want to be an unwitting witness - rumours have it, those Double-0s have a way of making interlopers… disappear. 
His indecisiveness makes both men shift their attentions towards him. Both expressions quizzical. Navy man sweeps an arm round the empty lift, welcoming him to enter.
“I’ll… um… take the next one…” he says awkwardly and steps quickly out of sight. 
Note: If you liked this fic, there’s more like it on the blog. Enjoy!
Q’s Origin story might make more sense if you read my attempt at writing Q’s backstory in the plot outlines below: (they’re not full fics but you’ll get the sense of who this version of Q is.)
Series 1 Pilot here. 
Series 2 Episode 1 & 2 here. 
And Episode 3.
Also I’m lazy, so some of the other Double-0s are based on pre-existing characters from other fandoms. 
009 is based on Harry Hart (Galahad) in Kingsman.
001 is based on Emma Thompson in Johnny English and Late Night, I love how comedically irreverent and straight talking she is, I can imagine her being fed up with the way everyone else talks in their roundabout way and calls them out on it.
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masterofdeath · 4 years
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NAME:  harry james potter EYE COLOUR:  green HAIR STYLE / COLOUR:  jet black, curly and messy but, like, effortlessly messy. he keeps it long from the age of seventeen on, preferring something to run his hands through when he gets stressed, it also helps to cover his forehead.  HEIGHT:  6′2″ CLOTHING STYLE:  well-worn to the point of falling apart. he tends to wear things that are too baggy, but learns to moderate as he gets older. BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE:  his smile is something to behold, but if pressed he would tell you that some people are big fan’s of his knobby knees    ——-      or that his eyes are one of the few heirlooms left to him from his mother, and he’s grown to quite like that, even as he’s heard the sentiment considerably less as years have passed. 
FEARS:  being afraid, typically takes shape in the form of a dementor and while he has made strides to cope with this fear, he will always hold on to the anxiety of being debilitated by fear. GUILTY PLEASURE:  sweets, so many sweets.  BIGGEST PET PEEVE:  rip to mcgonagall’s hat choices and luna’s raddish earrings but sometimes his fashionista leaps out. he also can not abide a liar, especially if it is born out of cowardice.  AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE:  he’s working on it. a family, to settle, to have a life. 
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP:  some form of dwelling on whatever dream he was just having, he tends to have very vivid dreams.  WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT MOST:  his loved ones.  WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED:  he tends to let his mind race while he’s laying in bed    (    most likely lending to the dreams    ),     either way it could be a whole range of things from the not-so pleasant to the extremely pleasant.  WHAT THEY THINK THEIR BEST QUALITY IS:  his loyalty, his ability to face things ‘straight-backed and proud.’ 
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES:  single, the more private the better.  TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED:  he’s indifferent to the shows of respect people lay at his feet, typically because they are usually indicative or done just before demanding something of him. what harry craves, near constantly, is to be loved.  BEAUTY OR BRAINS:  brains. DOGS OR CATS:  dogs. 
LIE:  yes, but only in the pursuit of a greater truth. BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES:  yes. BELIEVE IN LOVE:  yes. WANT SOMEONE:  yes.
BEEN ON STAGE:  yes    (    please don’t ask about his primary school christmas pageant.    ) DONE DRUGS:  yes. let harry potter smoke weed challenge. CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN:  no, to his literal detriment. 
FAVOURITE COLOURS:  warm tones, gold and deep crimson.  FAVOURITE ANIMAL:  owl, one in particular will always hold a piece of his heart. FAVOURITE BOOK:  he’ll claim he doesn’t read much but the boy can destroy instructional manuals, sometimes the nerd just leaps out of him.  FAVOURITE GAME:  quidditch.
DAY THEIR NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL BE:  31 july. HOW OLD WILL THEY BE:  dependent on the thread / verse.
I LOVE  and have been loved.  I FEEL  too much.  I HIDE  what i am ashamed of.  I MISS  something that may have never existed.  I WISH  i could have done more.
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beindiymusic · 4 years
Home Studio Recording Mistakes You Might Be Making! Killing your chance of making a hit record!
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If you really want to produce music in your own home recording studio but you don't know where to begin hopefully this guide is going to help you out! Once you've got your home studio set up for recording with these 5 Music Production Studio Essentials, there's nothing to stop you and you can actually begin creating music, and avoid the most common mistakes with home studio recording. To save time from the get-go, knowing about these 10 common mistakes people tend to make when first starting out will hopefully mean that you won't make them yourself. Of course, making mistakes is all part of the learning curve towards achieving your goal and some errors are unavoidable - blunders are always part of the process - it's how we learn.
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Photo by Jesman fabio  Once you've finished reading you will know about 10 common home studio recording mistakes that people often make and hopefully it will instrument you in actually avoiding making these mistakes yourself! It's always good to know what you're doing in advance and instead of feeling unprepared, you're going to know exactly what to do if you encounter any of these oversights... Here are 10 common home studio recording mistakes you need to check out to make sure that your home music recordings are at a decent level that can be acceptable to a music industry professional: Recording at 16 bit . First of all something to understand is that audio resolution is measured in 'bits' and nowadays we record at 24 bits - the more bits, the greater the dynamic range of soft to loud sounds that your song can have. When CDs were first introduced back in the 1980s, they were only 16-bit. 24-bit dynamic range gives the digital music more quality by allowing more headroom for peaks so there's less risk of 'clipping' and it also enables a greater separation between the recorded audio and the noise floor. In the simplest sense, audio clipping is a form of waveform distortion.MAX MCALLISTER - ProduceLikeAPro.com Whilst producing an audio file in your home recording studio you will want all the headroom you can get which is why 24bit beats 16! More headroom means you can worry less about transient peaks causing clipping distortion, and generally results in a better, more open and natural sound, so it's a good thing. Use 24-bit audio and record at lower levels, that way you don’t have to worry about putting your recording into the red because that is something that can't be fixed later in the process. .
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. Not considering the amount of 'room noise' . First and foremost most home studio recording takes place in rooms that aren't exactly acoustically ideal. Sound that might end up in your song isn't always obvious to the naked ear and sometimes unwanted noises can end up in your audio file especially during the early stages of learning to record at home - noise exists everywhere and can be captured or generated at any stage of the production process. Simple things like your PC itself, heaters, air con units, etc. all produce sound, and noise is a troublesome issue for a home recording studio. So your set up is important and during the recording process, you should switch off whatever isn't essential and banish anything noisy as far away as possible! Click here to learn how to soundproof your own home recording studio. . Having the microphone too close to the wall . The next possible oversight when first starting out in your home recording studio is having your microphone too close to the wall. Positioning a microphone can be tricky in any home recording studio situation, particularly if your mic is omnidirectional. Where to place your mic for vocal recordings varies according to your set-up and the size and shape of your room. The wall is a reflective surface so the closer you are to the wall the faster sound is going to come back to your microphone and interfere with your recording so try to stay away from the wall. However, if you have no choice but to be near to a wall you need to put some kind of absorbing material up on the wall closest to where your microphone is so that sound doesn't immediately bounce back into your microphone. Check out this article for some effective soundproofing ideas for your room and it may also be wise to invest in a reflection filter for your mic to stop unwanted sounds getting to it. . Having the microphone level up too high . Nowadays with everything being digital, you don't really need to record so loud. Back in the analog days', people would overload their pre-amps because they enjoyed how it sounded but with digital audio recording, it doesn't sound good, it's just going to cause distortion on your song. Most audio interfaces already come with built-in preamps, and 'gain' is the first control that the microphone signal goes through in a mixer. As a rule of thumb, most producers record usually somewhere around negative 6 DB but it depends on your space and who or what you're recording. If you turn the pre-amp gain up too high whilst recording it will clip, which looks like this: .
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So gain is the volume of the input level of the microphone and you need to make sure that's set at the correct setting so your audio waves flow and there's no distortion. Digital clipping sounds terrible! And should always be avoided! . Having the microphone level too low . Depending on what you’re recording, there are three variables; . how loud the sound source isthe microphone distancethe microphone sensitivity . And the same way that having your mic level up too high can result in an imperfect recording, having the mic level too low can also cause problems later down the production road. The trick is to improve the level of signal coming into the mic. If the microphone preamplifier gain control is turned down way too low basically later once you start to add EQ, and compression, etc. and you need to turn that audio up you will hear everything on the noise floor increase too. So just remember everything else the mic picked up will also get louder too. To fully understand the ins and outs of gain control of a microphone preamplifier click here. . Being too close or singing into the wrong side of the microphone . The next mistake that you'll often hear pro producers complaining about when receiving home studio recordings to mix is that they just aren't clear enough. This happens because the vocalist has either recorded too close to the mic or delivered their vocals at the wrong angle! All microphones have a pickup pattern and not singing into the right side or being too close creates sound distortions that happen from overloading the mic from being excessive. If you're not sure which way your mic should be facing or what side you should sing into, read the instructions manual. As a vocalist, you may have to try out many techniques and learn how to position yourself correctly - practice singing or rapping into the mic to discover what works best. The two biggest peeves are whenever a vocalist sings a “p” or “b” sound or any other sound from your mouth that has a quick expulsion of breath through the lips. You will hear them being referred to as "P-Pops" or "plosives"! Then there's also 'sibilance' which is excessive hissing when producing S’s and F’s sounds. This can be minimized by using a pop filter screen so just get a pop filter to place 2-3 inches away from the microphone and reduce those plosives! Or you can make one yourself with a clothes hanger and some tights! Here's an article Microphone Setups – How To Find The Sweet Spot if you want to learn more about getting the perfect vocal recording from your home recording studio. How close you should stand or how far you should be from the mic is up to you, it differs because it will depend on your space and what type of microphone you are using - click here to learn about all the different microphone types. Quick Tip: To minimize the proximity effect you should be looking to place your microphone between 15 and 30 cm (6-12 inches) away from the sound source.
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. Not using nice-sounding vocals . Whilst we're on the subject of vocals and vocalists...if you suck at singing and you can't hit the notes you desire for your song perhaps it's best to find some else to do it for you. You can ask around or hire someone who's vocally talented before you record it for others to listen to. Don't put yourself on the song, just for the sake of it because it would be a huge shame and a pretty bad mistake if you are creative and can really make amazing music but then the vocals just kill it! A good song that you've written but let someone who's better sing it has more chance of success. You can record yourself prior to hitting the studio to give the person an idea of what you want? If you have an okay voice then singing lessons and practice will help you learn to perform your songs better. Either improve your own skill or get someone who's voice is their forte to do the vocals for you. . Recording mono sources onto a stereo track . If you plan on creating music from your own home recording studio something you need to wrap your head around is the concept of mono and stereo. Many newbies when starting out in their home studio make the mistake of recording a mono source onto a stereo track. Mono audio means recording onto one channel of audio; one recording with one microphone onto one channel. If you have one microphone, one XLR cable, and you're using one input on your audio interface, you are recording in mono. Stereo tracks need two input sources; both left AND right. Nowadays most music is mixed in stereo, stereo is two channels of audio; left and right. When we listen to music through our headphones or speakers we are hearing mono sound in a stereo environment. Watch this video to understand it all a bit more to ensure you don't make the mistake of recording mono audio onto a stereo track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVgc7v-4n8k Joe Gilder • Home Studio Corner -What's the Difference Between Mono and Stereo? ...or you can read this: The Difference Between Mono and Stereo Sound which will teach you the the difference between mono and stereo audio files, playback, and recording. . Having the hardware buffer size turned up too high . Another mistake people make and it's definitely something to avoid...is having the hardware buffer size turned up too high. Buffer size and latency can affect your recording in your digital audio workstation (DAW). Buffer is to do with latency; buffer size dictates how much latency that you will have when you are recording instruments and vocals. . What is latency? Latency is basically the time that it takes for the audio signal (of whatever it is that you're recording) to travel from the microphone through your interface and then back out to the headphones or your monitor. . Generally, you might hear that the hardware buffer size should be set high for mixing and low for recording - the lower you go the less latency and the higher...the more latency! So there's a time delay there - latency is the time difference between a sound being created and heard. You want to have your hardware buffer set as low as you can possibly handle and many pros will recommend anywhere between 256 and lower. The higher you go, the more latency so you'll get a form of an echoey, delay effect which is why you've got to ensure you've got the correct buffer size setting to avoid latency. . Over-Compression . Compression is the best way to control dynamics, not only does it bring control and keep some instruments in check it makes other elements of the mix tighter and more powerful. Too much compression can make your tracks distort. The two hallmarks of over-compressed vocals are sibilance and pumping. If you're wondering whether you should EQ before or after compression generally, using EQ in front of your compressor produces a warmer, rounder tone, while using EQ after your compressor produces a cleaner, clearer sound - EQ is a massive subject for professional audio engineers.  Keep in mind that a little compression goes a long way.The producer's handbook to mixing audio stories . Click here to check out 'The Animated Guide to Compression' . Of course the only real way to get better at making music in your own home recording studio is just by jumping straight in and doing it because with time and practice comes knowledge and skill - it's inevitable that you will learn and improve. It's definitely important that you get some professional mixing services on your song once you've finished but to avoid any embarrassment you want to get your production to a point that's semi-professional right? If you follow the advice given above you can combat any of these problems should you encounter them. At Indiy, we believe artists should have complete ownership of their creative content.  We are the online marketplace for musicians, the place to buy and sell your music services. . Get your music heard and build your audience with us, or head to our home page to take a look at some of the amazing services being offered to help you progress on your music career journey. Read the full article
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Hey Lolly! I just got a line number for Staff Sergeant! I'm excited but super nervous. I know you're already an NCO and I think you're pretty cool, so I wondered if you might have any advice for me? My biggest worry is that I want to do right for my troops and be understanding and set them up for success without being a pushover. :'D
I’m sorry I didn’t answer this earlier, i was away at warfighter training, wheee. So FIRST OFF, I’m sorry if most of this stuff is what you’ve already heard of. I am not trying to insult your intelligence I promise. Just putting emphasis on important things I’ve learned along the way!!
THE TRANSITION TO NCO CAN BE ROUGH There is a huuuge jump between junior enlisted and NCO. You are now accountable for your actions as well as your officers, and subordinates. Also your junior enlisted pals are..not just pals anymore. They are now your subordinates and need to see each other a little differently now. If not? You’re going to have to put your foot down and it’s gonna suck. But none the less, be the leader you needed when you were junior enlisted and you’ll do just fine. =)
YOU’RE GOING TO FUCK UP SOMETIMES We ALL fuck up as brand new NCOs. It’s GOING. TO. HAPPEN.  Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward, my friend.
THEY ARE LIVING, BREATHING HUMAN BEINGS, NOT NUMBERSNever ever put them through hell if you’re not capable of handling it yourself.
KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NECESSARY DISCIPLINE AND SELF-REWARDING ABUSEDo not punish a subordinate just to make yourself feel better or vent off steam you’ve had on them. Only punish an equivalent of the ill meaning action they made. Use your best judgement, not your heart on these decisions. Make time in your schedule for them if need be for the corrective action. (ex: PT failure, you make them go to the gym with you to ensure they are getting the right exercise and can pass) 
FAKE MOTIVATION IS BETTER THAN NO MOTIVATION Fake it till you make it! Being a NCO will rip you out of your comfort zone very, VERY often. Remember, they’re looking up to you for guidance! 
DON’T SHOW THAT THEY’RE GETTING TO YOU Expectations on you multiply tenthfold by everyone. There are times where even your best wasn’t enough and you get chewed out for something you had no actual control over. Hold it in until you can cry on the shower floor alone in the middle of the night if you have to, but don’t let them have that power over you.
A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY… Say hello to everyone, check up on them, ask little questions every once in a while. Learn little things about them so that when they’re really sad or mad, you’ll know how to perk them right up and defuse situations. You’d be amazed at how receptive people will be if you just take the time to notice them.
ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO GET PROMOTED: Constantly ask people of the progression for their next rank and promotion packets. Make sure they’re getting slots for their schools, and that they’re talking to the right people. Make sure they have “I Love Me” books too. 
LEARN TO PROJECT YOUR VOICE, NEVER LOOK DOWN AND KEEP SPINE STRAIGHT WHEN WALKING...Looking the part is halfway there, and actions will drive you home. Speak from your diaphragm, not your throat. Inject confidence into your words like they're indisputable. (which they naturally should be)
RAPPORT RAPPORT RAPPORT RAPPORT: There will be times when its not what YOU know, but what THEY know too. Crosstalk with other sections and learn what they do too! You’d be surprised how beneficial others can be to you (and likewise)
YOU WON’T MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY Sometimes you’re going to have to make some really cringey decisions you really don’t want to do. Use your best judgement and stick to your guns. 
YOUTUBE IS YOUR FRIEND!!!! Freshen up with a manual as well as watching youtube for visual. Literally almost anything you can think of is on that site. It’ll save a life trust me 
CTRL+FThis will save you so much time when looking up something on google or when you’re researching an online manual or any other resource for that matter. 
LEARN TO “FORECAST”/PLAN AHEADDon’t just tell your peoples to be at the motor pool for clean up duty and not think to bring/tell to bring any cleaning supplies. Predict what you’ll need and act accordingly. ACT, DON’T REACT. 
CONSTANTLY WRITE DOWN NOTES, ALSO GET A WATCH, ALSO EXCELWrite down all the things, especially times, dates, and locations as well as which subordinate you sent on which task. Get a watch since there will be times you cant use your cell phone. Also, if you know how to use excel minimally, it’ll make your life so much easier with keeping track of things and compiling information. With the power of all these combined, you’ll be top tier highspeed. 
LEARN TO DELEGATE!! DONT LEAVE THEM OUT IN THE COLD!! Remember that your subordinates are there for you just as much as you are there for them!! Use any moment you can as a teaching moment. Doing some complicated paperwork or task? Dont ignore them, teach them as you go along! Teach them what YOU know! Be on the same page so that when you’re super busy and could use a hand, you can give them tasks with confidence of their abilities. Give clear instruction, and a time limit if need be. Not only does this keep them busy and out of trouble, but also good for future bullet points on awards for promotion points…. *WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE*
DON’T FORGET HOW IMPORTANT INITIAL COUNSELINGS AREMake your boundaries known to your peoples, especially your pet peeves. Set the standard as well as your own personal ones on day one. Make sure you both have a solid copy of the counseling so that if they try to come back at you for something, you can simply show them your copy as proof. ;)
FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE NOT END ALL, BE ALL/RUMORS ARE DUMBSee for YOURSELF that a person is genuinely a shitbag. Remember that there is a such thing as toxic leadership and some people were just doomed to fail under circumstances not in their control. Give them a chance to blossom under your leadership, and have faith. You never know.. 
REMEMBER TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TOO!!! Listen, I know you want to save the world from itself constantly…. But every once in a while.. you just gotta take a step back and take care of yourself. 
There are so many more things I want to say but…I’ll leave it here. I really hope at least one of these things help you out. Congrats on your stripes and welcome to the NCO Corps. YOU ARE NOW THE BACKBONE OF THE MILITARY, YOU BADASS
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oldladydatin · 5 years
My half built house.
I had this dream the other day about my ex and I have been thinking about him since. I hate it! No...I fucking hate it! That’s worthy of the profanity. If there’s anyone in this world I never want to think about again it’s him. I think of that movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and I wish it was a thing, I’d erase him from my mind and make it spotless. I’ve had people say they learn from people like him but I think what lessens are there to learn from this? I got to learn people are cruel, selfish and will use you up and throw you away like trash. I got to learn to be cautious of people, to protect myself, to not get attached, to avoid falling in love, that it’s okay to hurt others to get what you want in the end. Those aren’t lessens I wanted to learn, I want to believe people are basically good, I want to give without concern of what’s going to happen to me, I want to fall in love and share myself with someone, I liked being carefree. Then someone came along and now I’m what not supposed to be? I don’t want to be hardened, cruel, selfish and suspicious, in essences I don’t want to be like him.
On a day to day basis I actively try not to think about this guy and it’s mostly going okay. I really only think about him when shady shit happens in the dating world. Like this time a guy I was seeing blocked me on that bdsm site to avoid me seeing he was playing with others and then he said he just deleted it because he met me and I was all he was interested in? I said to myself ahhh no that’s some Eric shit right there and I’m not falling for no more Eric shit. When men play these games I often wonder if Eric wrote a “how to play women online manual” and they are all following it, but I often think pfft you all should meet my ex and step your game up I’m not falling for this shit. I think about him when I scroll through my messages on my dating apps and the guys named Eric, I think nope I’ve had enough Eric’s for the rest of my life. Like I’ve sworn off an entire group of people because of this one guy, like I would rather be single for the rest of my life than have his name roll off my tongue again. I think about him when I see that the guys astrological sign is leo, I think fuck that I’m not dating another leo, my ex husband was also a leo.
To be fair, I knew, I have some weird ability to know things I shouldn’t know, I don’t know if it’s intuition, if it’s that I’m extremely sensitive to stuff, I don’t know. It’s weird to know things but not be able to definitively say I know this because. I’ve gotten in cars with people and immediately gotten out because I sensed something wasn’t right. I’ve removed my kids from places because I had a bad feeling about someone. I showed up to Eric’s house one day and knew there was another women in his life and couldn’t explain how. The times I’ve ignored that I’ve been hurt, and badly. I knew he was lying, cheating and hiding things from me, I guess I thought if I was patient he’d love me like I loved him. It was foolish, it’s foolish to accept less than you deserve, it’s foolish to let people treat you like trash hoping for love. I lost friends over this guy. Because people got tired of watching this, if you were my friend it was frustrating. I got told I was stupid. People told me I was just looking for attention. I lied to people because I didn’t want to be lectured, I lied to people to protect him, I lied because I didn’t want my friends and family to hate him. The first guy I was in love with, my parents hated him because he wasn’t making good choices. After he pulled a knife on someone at my house we weren’t allowed to see each other but we’d sneak around and do things together anyways. One day a good family friend came over and caught us together when she knew we weren’t allowed to be, I tried to hide him in my room and lie about it. She told me if a man makes you feel like you need to lie he’s not a good man. I thought about that when I was doing this with Eric because she’s right, I lied for my ex husband too.
I don’t want to think about him because every memory of him is tainted. We went on very very few dates and they were always rushed like he didn’t have time for me he was just meeting some quota, he didn’t enjoy spending time with me. He’d look over his shoulder in public like he didn’t want to be caught with me. Every thing he ever said to me was a lie. Every nice thing he did for me, he did 20 awful ones behind my back. Even sex in the end was very one sided, I wasn’t enjoying it but it meant I got to spend time with him. He attacked me during sex twice, and made me think he was going to attack me another time. I know you think how can you be attacked in a bdsm relationship? Well the big difference is consent. There’s a difference between someone saying I’m going to flog you for this long, and we’re having normal sex and all of a sudden I’m being forced kicking and screaming, yelling no, please no, while being beat, into restraints. There’s a big difference. I didn’t tell anyone, I lied, I hid bruises, I cried everytime I saw them, I was embarrassed and ashamed that I let things go that far. When I finally told my best friend what happened, months after, when we weren’t together, we were at the bar going to see Biz Markie it was happy thing and I started crying. I couldn’t even talk about it. Because it’s hard to be hurt by someone you loved and trusted, it was so much more mental than it ever was physical. 
I used to not believe in God. I didn’t get raised in church or around positive people. I thought if there was a God surely he hated me, right? So many bad things had happened. One night when I was in the hospital worried I was going to die I had an experience that made me see this whole thing differently. I think God gives us signs but we have free will and we have to recognize those signs and act on them. Since then I’ve become a lot more aware. I had signs, and bad feelings and I ignored them. I really believed if I loved him enough he’d love me too, I thought I could make him be a better man. We do that as women, all too often. Imagine if we put that much effort into loving ourselves instead of worrying about these broken weak men. He had no intention of loving me, he didn’t even try to get to know me. He already had someone and I was just a toy for when he was bored. He lied to me all the way up to the last day. I dropped his son off one morning and saw a car and had a feeling and I ignored it. I’m house shopping and I’ve driven past his house unfortunately, and guess what car is parked there. Yep this man cared so little about me or my feelings he had a girl stay over when we were together and didn’t hide it, just treated me like some common whore, and I ignored that. The final straw he was texting me saying things like that he loved me, or that he was enjoying looking at personal pictures of me, asking for pictures of me, playing on my emotions especially when he heard I was seeing someone. Then I went to the store. I wasn’t supposed to be there, I was supposed to go the night before but I overslept for work, I wasn’t supposed to be there. So I chanced dropping kids off at school late and I see him with another girl, I had never seen him at this store and I used to go there all the time. I tried to dodge down another aisle and not have that awkward interaction, because at first he didn’t see me, but it ended up happening anyways and he saw me and waved and it was awkward. I held my shit together because I was with my son, I dropped him off to school and I cried for hours. I prayed to God for him to take him out of my life and I didn’t care how. I really cried please God this hurts I just want this to go away. I never pray, I was just hurting that bad. I was just so exhausted and I took that sign, and I committed myself to getting past this.
I’ve been reading books on how to do that and journaling. I read this book by Guy Winch, he has a few Ted Talks. I followed his advice, I made two lists “Reasons why I shouldn’t be with Eric” and “Pet Peeves” it was things like he’s a pathological liar, he doesn’t care about my feelings, washes his dick after sex, doesn’t care if I orgasm, acts shady about everyday things, has an inability to communicate, is extremely negative about life, tells the exact same stories repeatedly, anything that’s ever bothered or hurt me and I look at that when I think about him. I blocked anyone I knew was associated with him, I went as far as to find his family members on facebook and block them because he said that when we miss the person we’re trying to get over we like facebook stalk the person, I don’t do that. Changed locks, changed my number, instructed my kids not to talk to him or his kids. He said we search for reasons why it didn’t work out rather than accepting what’s infront of us. I did that. Because I don’t really know what the issue was? I have no idea why he did this to me. In this circumstance I just have to accept there really are bad people in the world. I decided to make up one myself and when I start wondering why he did these things to me I say it out loud. I sometimes imagine what a life with the man I got to know would be like, not the one he pretended to be, but the one he actively presented time and time again, what kind of a life would I have had with that guy? And I try to be thankful I dodged that bullet. I’m trying not to let this experience turn me into him. And I’ve gotten past a lot of this, I really only think about him when the above things happen. But now I’ve had this damn dream.
In my dream, it was dark out and I was in the middle of the desert and I was frustrated. I was trying to call him, it was odd. It was like trying to call the cartel or some other black market organization, like super shady and I had to go through different channels to get a hold of him. Then finally I get ahold of him and I’m pissed off and suddenly I’m standing in the middle of a half falling down single wide trailer. I’m yelling because he was supposed to have finished my house, I’m so mad because what am I supposed to do with a half built house? He was him, extremely dismissive of my feelings, offering cold detached apologies, giving extremely vague explanations and in the end clearly my house wasn’t getting built. Just like how in the end of our relationship clearly this man was never going to love me. So I was standing there with my kids, at night, in a half built house, pissed off and then I woke up. I was so dumbfounded by this dream I couldn’t go back to sleep. So I started researching the symbolism of it. I read that in dreams houses represent our self, and the state of the house matters. The fact that this house was run down, neglected and under construction may mean the same for myself, that maybe I’m neglecting parts of myself, that I need to work on myself. Ex boyfriends matter too, even if they barely qualify as being a boyfriend and again the specifics surrounding the ex matters. However it seems this could be anything from my ex also represents parts of myself that I’ve neglected, or it could be a warning not to make the same mistakes again. It could also mean I’m angry with myself, or just plainly it’s my subconscious trying to help me get past him. I did learn that ultimately I want to have a dream where he dies. If you dream your ex dies then it means you’re over him. I completely agree with the half built house maybe representing my need to work on myself. After the things I’ve gone through the last few years there’s just no way I’m a fully built house. However I’ll never be a single wide trailer, especially not an off white one. I’m too amazing of a woman for all that.
I want to share this quote I saw today, “Satan loves to take what’s beautiful and ruin it. God loves to take what’s ruined and make it beautiful.” I love this, concentrate your energy on your house, make it beautiful, and avoid those who seek to ruin it. 
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
15 ways to run a terrible website
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/15-ways-to-run-a-terrible-website/
15 ways to run a terrible website
Image: fizkes, Getty Images/iStockphoto
If you’re old enough to remember the horrendous content displayed on Geocities websites back in the 1990’s you can call yourself a seasoned internet veteran. You can find some hilarious examples around the web, but suffice to say, the dawning age of the internet was one of experimenting with what worked—and what didn’t.
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Websites have come a long way since then, and for the most part are more polished and professional, especially business-related sites. However, there remain some stubborn pet peeves among users, which plague some sites and drive away customers (or potential ones).
With that in mind, here are 15 tongue-in-cheek tips on how to run a terrible website.
SEE: Job description: User experience specialist (Tech Pro Research)
1. Require a certain browser/plugin
It amazes me that some sites still depend on a certain browser, or at the very least offer their full range of features and accessibility on only one browser. For instance, I deal with two business-related sites at my job that depend on using Internet Explorer.
I suppose it’s understandable if the company makes said browser (such as Microsoft). However, in many cases it’s simply a fact that the web server or various related apps aren’t elegant enough to support the range of available web browsers out there.
Worst of all are the sites, which don’t bother telling you that they depend on a specific browser for best results, forcing you to guess (or abandon your efforts to use the site entirely).
It’s the same for plugins. Being told that you have to install an Adobe plugin, for instance, can turn into a frustrating exercise. Some users may have locked-down browsers, which they can’t add plugins to. Chrome is usually the best of the bunch here, often already having the necessary additions, but for best results avoid such requirements where possible.
SEE: Hiring kit: User experience specialist (Tech Pro Research)
2. Use a cumbersome URL
How can you spot an amateur website? The URL often gives it away. What works better: www.company.com or www.joeandbobstastyclamshack.com? To work well, keep the URL short and snappy, especially for people who type it in manually. What’s worse? Using a hosted site with a link like www.hostingorg.com/joeandbobstastyclamshack.com.
For the above example I’d go with www.jbclamshack.com.
3. Annoy or distract the user
One of my biggest gripes as an IT guy is when I google a certain problem, click a link to a vendor website (which purports to offer a solution), start avidly reading, and then get hit with a pop-up asking me to take a survey. I have responded affirmatively to 0.00% of such requests.
It’s also frustrating to use an ad-blocker and be told by a website that you can’t view any content until you disable said ad-blocker. I realize websites depend on ad revenue to exist, but such heavy-handed approaches cause many users (myself included) to just go somewhere else.
SEE: Research: The evolution of enterprise software UX (Tech Pro Research)
4. Make the user login to interact with the site
It is time-consuming and cumbersome to force a user to create a login account and login to interact with a website. I realize many sites must require this for you to post content, such as when replying to a news article, as spammers and scammers would quickly overrun such comments sections posting nonsense. However, it’s absurd when a site demands that you create an account simply to give an article a virtual thumbs-up.
5. Make the user log in and then take them to the homepage
We’ve all come across a website where you are told to log in to proceed with your action, such as replying to another user’s comment.
As I’ve said, that’s fair enough to prevent spammer or scammer antics, but when the user logs in, make sure they’re not taken directly to the site’s homepage—let them continue with their action. Nobody wants to hunt for the content they just wanted to reply to.
6. Set a low timeout threshold
Banks are notorious for this, and I suppose I understand why, but it still causes stress. While conducting my banking online I might lose focus on the site by figuring out my checkbook details, for example, and invariably the site times me out. Then I have to log in again. So, when I pay bills online I often hurry to get the amounts entered and logged so I can click Submit as quickly as possible.
A timeout session of five minutes is fair, but anything shorter than that inconveniences and aggravates the user, making the site less desirable.
SEE: Research: Defenses, response plans, and greatest concerns about cybersecurity in an IoT and mobile world (Tech Pro Research)
7. Design a lousy layout/navigation
A website without an intuitive interface or one that limits the user’s ability to easily find what they’re looking for is burdensome.
I recall one famous printer manufacturer website, which was laid out so poorly that it was extremely hard to find drivers and downloads for my device.
Another vendor website actually had the Chat tech support function hidden so successfully that I could only reach that link by Googling it. That’s a very bad vendor mistake.
SEE: Cybersecurity strategy research: Common tactics, issues with implementation, and effectiveness (Tech Pro Research)
8. Provide substandard or no search capability
Without a search function your website is doomed. Yes, it’s possible to offload that task to Google, but many already know how to do that.
Worse than no search function is a bad search function. To search for phrases and receive irrelevant or no results at all is unforgivable. Make sure the search option works well—and quickly, too. That spinning wheel (or similar Please Wait icon) leads to exasperation.
9. Provide no (or poor) mobile access
Let’s face the facts: Many of us have to access websites on our phones. A site which doesn’t have a mobile option (like m.facebook.com), or which renders very poorly on a mobile phone browser isn’t one many people will want to use.
10. Utilize cumbersome or non-working two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication involves something you know (a password), and something you have (a one-time code). It generally entails the use of an RSA token or a special code transmitted to your phone or email, for instance. This is required to log in.
I fully understand and support the need for two-factor authentication, but when there are too many hoops to jump through it becomes tiresome. I don’t need to have a code sent to my mobile phone EVERY time I try to log into my carrier’s website, or just because I’m logging in via a different PC.
Worse is when I enter my mobile number or email address to receive the code—then wait. And wait. And wait.
If you use two-factor authentication, make sure it performs in top-notch fashion.
See: IT leader’s guide to cyberattack recovery (Tech Pro Research)
11. Don’t maintain or update links
You know what screams “stale website?” Outdated links. When users click on the URLs you provide, those URLs should go to their intended destinations, otherwise the site loses credibility—and so do you.
12. Don’t update content
Content on a website should be reviewed and updated on a periodic basis. If instructions or details change, make sure to reflect this on your website.
Also, make sure to retire obsolete content, which is no longer relevant or valid, so as to avoid wasting users time with misleading or incorrect information.
SEE: Quick glossary: Computer graphics (Tech Pro Research)
13. Make it difficult to contact you
We’ve all hunted for it. That elusive link on a website, which provides information for how to contact the website operators or customer service group. While I’m sure website owners would love for everything users need to be located on the site, but this isn’t always the case. Provide a Contact Us link on the main page containing phone numbers, email addresses, physical mailing addresses and a feedback field, which allows users to communicate directly with you.
Which leads me to my next point…
14. Don’t request or act upon communication and feedback
Invite your users to get in touch with you via the previous suggestion—and make sure to monitor communication and answer queries/requests in a timely fashion. When you facilitate contact from users, and then ignore or disregard, it’s as if you are pulling a football away from someone trying to kick it.
15. Don’t apply operating system or application patches
You don’t want your website to become a Typhoid Mary whereby it gets infected or hacked, and then turns around and attacks users who access it. Always apply all operating system or application patches to keep your site secure—as well as data of your users confidential. Your business depends on it.
Also see
Source: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/15-ways-to-run-a-terrible-website/
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colleyalyssaed · 6 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2roU36N - Omega Paw Self-Cleaning Litter Box, Pewter Coupon -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 3139 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmORCfxVpkOKu0qfC0mxhFg?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Omega Paw Self-Cleaning Litter Box, Pewter Coupon  Omega Litter Box: - Simply tilt liter box to one side and then back again! Clean litter sifts back to the main compartment and clumped dirty litter now sits in a pull out compartment that you empty into the trash. It's really that simple - At roughly $30 a great and affordable alternative to electric boxes that require filter replenishment Litter Locker II Litter Disposal System: - Diaper genie for cat litter - Pour dirty litter in, pull handle to seal below - Very convenient... Reviewer : Jill R. I am going to make this short and sweet, since there are MANY good reviews and just a few very bad reviews. What to believe heh? Here is the scoop (or 'roll' I should say). This product does what it says, and I have owned those automatic cat boxes for years. This is cleaner and easier to use. You may wonder about that since it is technically not "automatic". But it is SO much better that the automatic cat boxes AND LESS EXPENSIVE. My automatic cat box broke, so I bought this instead a... Reviewer : J Black Click http://ift.tt/2roU36N to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. Easy to use Takes no electricity, liners or filters Patented Grill separates clean litter from waste Easy Assembly.Please refer user manual attached below for instructions and troubleshooting steps. Large litter box self cleans by rolling to the right and back again Waste collects in the pullout tray for quick, easy disposal Effectively controls dust and contains odors Ideal for big cats or multiple-cat households Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging Having married a "cat person", I have become an experienced cat owner. I love one, tolerate the other, and generally spend a lot of time with my dog. Aside from frequent grumblings about a certain smoky kitty poking holes in my furniture, my pet peeve centers around The Litter Box. This dreaded necessity has been my bane for the past four years. Until now! I have tested a variety of litter boxes, from the Booda Dome to the Breeze system, but have never been happy with their performance. ... Reviewer : Jacqui V. Click http://ift.tt/2roU36N to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmORCfxVpkOKu0qfC0mxhFg See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmORCfxVpkOKu0qfC0mxhFg?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Omega Paw, #Omega Paw Self-Cleaning Litter Box, Pewter This is a review video for : B005E2S77C Manufacture : Omega Paw Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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