#leon is a bit more free with the vulgarities now
14dayswithyou · 11 months
The gang at Disney headcanons?
Ren He'd secretly want to go on all of the fast paced, thrill-seeking rides and haunted attractions; but he'll stay by your side and go on all the rides you want to instead. Ren will pay for you, and you only — everyone else has to supply their own ticket and money to buy food, drinks, and souvenirs. He also won't let anyone else sit next to you and will 100% take up the entire seat if necessary jdhgjhds
Moth They're with you in spirit! Right now, Moth can't afford to travel abroad just to go to Disneyland T_T But if they could, they would prefer meeting the Disney cast and taking pictures with them! It might even give Moth ideas on who to cosplay next.
Violet She'd want to check out all of the attractions and landmarks! Lots and lots of photos are taken that day, and she'll happily go dressed (vaguely) as Kida Nedakh if you wanted to dress up as well ^^ She also somehow keeps getting seated next to Teo on all of the rides, and it takes everything in herself not to unscrew his safety harness every time.
Elanor One of the only two who actually has a plan for the day ^^; She has the entire map memorised and the most optional route from A to B fully panned out. El is usually the type to bring her own snacks, sunscreen, and spare hats for everyone; and greatly prefers to stand to the side and wave at the gang while they zip past on all of the rides.
Conan Designated Dad™️ of the group and the other one with a plan. Conan is probably the one who carpooled everyone to and from the airport/hotel, and will most likely be the one who drives everyone back to Corland Bay. Like Elanor, he's more than happy to sit on a bench while everyone else has fun. He'll wear the Mickey ears if you put them on him — but only if you share your photos of the characters to his phone later (so he can show them to his daughter!)
Jae Bee lines straight to the bumper cars and the closest water park with you (and by extension - Ren), Leon, and Teo in tow. He's the one that gets chewed out by Elanor for not waiting half an hour to finish his churo before swimming, and also the one to buy cute little Disney accessories for Maple. Jae probably won't go on any of the rollercoasters, but he'll happily go on all of the teacup rides!
Leon Happily goes along with whatever you have planned! He doesn't really have any expectations or desires, though he does find the thrill rides/rollercoasters especially interesting. Would probably be the one going on the drop towers and laughing his head off while Jae is screaming for dear life and Ren is stone-faced next to him.
Teo All of the little kids will 100% mistaken him for Gaston, so you have to be the one to pull him away before he starts swearing and saying vulgar phrases. Teo probably prefers going on the scary rides just to watch your mortified expression and have someone cling to his biceps. He'll also sneak off into the restricted zones for fun, so make sure to keep an eye on him (or ask Elanor to).
Olivia Only came along because she won free tickets from a raffle. She situates herself next to Ren and Teo always, and gets a bit irked whenever Ren follows after you like a lost puppy instead of her. Olivia would want to try all of the different foods and get a souvenir to remember the day by! She might also ask you to burn any embarrassing pictures of her from all of the fast-paced rides.
Kiara Doesn't mind paying for everyone, and is most likely good friends with the hotel manager at the place you're staying at (so you knoooow you're getting good rooms!!). Would likely be trying all of the foods with Olivia or taking photos of flowers for her mood-board/fashion inspiration folder back in London. Secretly buys matching cellphone charms for herself and Elanor. If you catch her, she'll most likely buy one for you too.
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noonmutter · 7 years
Little Chats
Darlain has just informed Leon that the pleasant night elf male fishing in the stream is actually Balinore, saving him the intense embarrassment of flirting with a literal bear. One very awkward and mutually frustrated whine-fest later…
Darlain sighs and hands Leon popcorn as they continue watching Balinore doing wilderness things.
Leon sighs, sits down, and eats popcorn. "'S'not fair. First you, now 'im."
"Oh hush. You have like, eight folks all over you. You'll just 'ave tae settle with imagination me. She's kinkier anyway."
"Tch, you write th' books, you know damn well 'ow unbearable th' forbidden is." He thoughtfully munched a bit more popcorn. "B'sides, I kin teach anybody t'be kinky if they wanna."
She chuckles. "Well, you know yer my first choice if 'e ever mucks up this whole love thing."
"Don't lie, luv, it's not kind; we both know that's 'Enii."
"Oof, you 'ave me pegged."
"I kin accept silver medal, though, when first is that. Bloody 'ell, I'd go after 'er so fast glass'd shatter in my wake if she let me."
"Sad ya met 'er in such a terrible time in 'er life, because I bet she would."
"First time I met 'er, she was pretty clear on 'no worgen.' Dunno if 'avin' control over it changes anythin'."
"Yeah, would probably 'ave tae stick tae 'uman. Good fer you that you 'ave two gorgeous forms. And aye, kissing is big fer 'er, from my understanding. Nae the most easy thing tae do in yer other form."
"Iunno, I've met a couple filthy li'l devils 'o managed it with a 'uman mouth just f--nngh I made m'self sad. An' really 'orny."
She chuckles. "Don’t think watching Balinore fishing is gonna 'elp tha'.
"No, but at least it's fun."
"So, any candid tales from the Ambroce love life to share with the housewife friend?"
He smirks a little. "Fin'ly found a domme 'o scratched ev'ry possible itch I 'ad an' then some. 'Course, then she went an' got attached t'somebody else, an' she doesn't do open relationships."
"Aww, that’s a shame. Another o' yer friends across the factions?"
"No, actually. But she'd prolly kill me if I named 'er."
"Oof, now I’m tryin' ta guess, but I 'spose yer doin good by nae blabbin."
"It's bad enough t'be complainin', honestly, but it kills me.”
"Well, since you did me one, I 'spose I kin give somethin in return. Drogar was doin' a test drive o'a new prototype tank, and I put a new challenge tae 'is target practice by doin’ my best tae distract 'im. Missed 'alf 'is targets, I’m proud tae boast."
That gets a good belly laugh out of him. "I kin only imagine!"
"I swear, a tank, a submarine, and an airship now. Think we just 'ave giant robot on the list."
"Really? 'E seemed so enamored with a giant mechanical spider."
"Yeah, nae gonna get 'orny on top of a spider, mechanical or nae."
"Ah well, 'e's a lucky bastard anyway."
"Just as lucky a woman 'e made me." She sighs happily. “Used tae dream about this kinda life as a young'n. Family, 'usband, adventures. It's nae all been as glamorous, but... it’s still nice."
"Seems pretty glam'rous from th'outside, if tha' means anythin'."
"Being up tae yer eyeballs in baby shit fer four years does kinda lose its luster. But honestly, I see all this fer you. Already 'ave the love in yer life, everything else is just timing."
He chuckles softly. "Bein' fair, I was up t'my eyeballs in cow shit most days till I was seventeen. 'Least babies're cute. Most o'th'time, anyway." He leans his head back and looks up at the sky. "Told Vandy I love 'er. She said it back. Felt like a dick doin' it right after I got done tellin'er I was goin' t'th'tomb, but it kinda came out on its own."
She smiles, "Some folks 'ave trouble finding one person tae say that. Now it’s three. I’m 'appy fer ya." She flexes mockingly, "All the more reason fer yer amazing priestess tae see to it ya come 'ome without any ugly scars."
"Hah!" He traces a finger down the line on his eye. "Only sexy ones, hey?"
"Of course. You get a little one on the jawline, or maybe across the shoulder, well. I fear I must leave it. I’m a dedicated patron of the arts, you see."
"Maybe we'll both score big, nice cris-cross on th' stomach just 'ere." He makes the motion across his abs with the same finger.
She smiles.
"I’m glad I met you, Leon Ambroce. Yer a good friend, and a nice person tae spend a lazy summer day with."
Blinking, he ducks his head a little with a sheepish grin. "Aw."
Noticing that Balinore has now filled his cooler full of speared fish, and has now shifted back into a bear to messily snarf up his cleverly caught meal, she chuckles. "I think it’s time I walked my bear 'ome."
"B'fore 'e gets bored an' picks one of us fer a nap, prolly."
She chuckles. "I guess I’ll see ya out there, lad. Will be nice working with ya again."
"Makes thin's easier knowin' yer along fer th' ride, luv."
"Feeling's mutual, lad." She gives him a wink as she gets up and heads to Balinore.
He considers getting up, but just flops back into the grass instead. Eventually, he’d have to do something to get the image of night elf shoulders glistening in the midday sun out of his head, but for the moment, he was comfy.
(( Bit of a silly chatlog, but I figure there’s been a dearth of that lately on my blog, so why not? 
@darbiebot @shedwyn @heniimagic @drogartruthhammer @vandrysse for mentions ))
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dante-mightdie · 4 years
Lewd Masterpiece
Pairing: Leon Kennedy/Reader
Warnings: Smut, Swearing, Degredation and Humiliation, Use of The Words Slut, Whore, and Cumdump, and Shibari Bondage.
A/N: I have to credit @ambientauraa​ for this fic because she provided me with the scenario and the fantastic dirty talk. Thank you, Queen!
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The rope that bound your wrists left a pleasant burn on your skin, the intricate design that wrapped it self around your upper body made you feel like a piece of art. A lewd masterpiece. You wriggled your fingers in anticipation for what was to come. The rope was the only thing that covered your body save for a pair of flimsy panties that left little to the imagination.
The gentle midnight breeze tat came through the cracked window left goosebumps on your bare backside. You wiggled your hips into the air in a sad attempt to warm yourself up. This attempt pressed your breasts further into the mattress. Leon’s mattress, to be specific. The cool material of his silky sheets caused your nipples to harden. You let out a shaky breath at the feeling, which caused a new wave of arousal to flood your system.
“I hope you’re behaving yourself in here”
Leon’s deep voice cut through the silence that dominated his bedroom. Your muscles tense as you hear his feet against the hardwood of his bedroom floor. You lift your head to look at him, your lips parting at the sight of him. Leon was shirtless, his toned muscles on display for your eyes only. A slight trail of dark blonde hair made its way from his belly button and down his abdomen before disappearing below the waistline of his jeans. Below the waistband you could see his large bulge. Your fingers twitched once more, aching to reach out and grip it. However, your current circumstances wouldn’t allow such behaviour.
“Of course I am, Sir.” You say in a meek voice. The corner of his mouth twitches upwards at the use of his bedroom name. He climbs onto the bed, on his knees behind you. He grips your hips, pulling your ass up towards him, parallel to his crotch. He grazes his fingertips along the rough material of the rope, clearly proud of his handiwork. His hand grips the section of rope that bound your hands behind your back and tugged roughly, pulling your ass back against his crotch. The sudden jolt in your body made you squeak but it quickly changed to a moan as he lightly ground his hard-on against your clothed cunt.
“Keep quiet and remember… Good girls take their spankings.” He said before he rested his other hand against your ass, rubbing your left cheek gently. 
“You are a good girl, aren’t you?” The touch was gone as soon as it can just before he bought hand back down to deliver a rough slap to the skin. You gasped loudly, your skin stinging at the sensation. His hand creeped down your body, finding its way to your hair before he gripped it tightly and snapped your head back. He leaned over your body and pressed his head to the side of yours.
“What the fuck did I say? Keep quiet or I’ll make you whine” He gritted in your ear before he loosened his grip on your hair and pushed the upper half of your body back into the mattress. His hand returned to you ass and spanked it once more. The force of the slap caused your body to move forward on the mattress. Tears pricked in the corners of your eyes as you bit your lip. It took everything in you to not make a sound. The next 10 minutes went like that, Leon spanking your ass until tears streamed down your cheeks. 
When he saw your tear-stained cheeks he chastised you. “Don’t act like you aren’t enjoying this, Sweetheart. Your panties are soaked.” He alternated between which cheek he delivered a harsh spank to which meant your ass was burning on both sides rather than just one. Yet you kept silent.
“Mmm… Keep this up and maybe you’ll get a reward, you little whore.”
Your skin was tingling and you didn’t need to look to know there was a very defined handprint on your ass right now. You expected another slap but all you felt was Leon’s hard cock rubbing against you from behind. The rough material of his jeans was a welcome feeling against your swollen clit, although it didn’t do much to soothe the burn of your ass. The unexpected feeling shocked you. Not that much, but enough to cause you to let out a small whimper. The moment it left your parted lips, you knew you fucked up.
“What was that I heard? Did you just make a noise after I told you not to?” Leon shook his head before continuing. “Tsk. You naughty, naughty girl.” You squeezed your eyes shut. Disappointed in yourself for breaking his rules. He wasn’t gonna let you off for this.
“Now I’m gonna have to punish you. What a shame. You were doing so well but of course you have to act like a need little slut because that’s all that you are, isn’t it?” He wasn’t happy. You could tell by the grating tone in his voice. It causes you to whimper again, protests leaving your lips. You were practically begging him not to punish you for your disobedience but you knew it was useless. It was all part of the game. Leon liked to hear you beg before he denied you. He gripped your hips before flipping you over onto your back with little to no effort. You bounced slightly on the mattress. He leaned over you and you spread your legs to accommodate him. You tense your thighs against his waist. Leon spoke once more.
“See all this noise you’re making? You could have been making it on my cock. But you won’t get that, you should have stayed quiet, you fucking slut.” Leon’s hand reaches down to the zipper of his jeans, pulling it down slowly. He tugs his jeans and boxers down his thighs, letting his cock free. You bit your lip at the sight of it. His heavy balls which were aching to be emptied. His long and girth shaft, decorated with veins which travelled all the way up to his red, aching tip which leaked pre-cum. You ached to touch it. In any way possible. You wanted to feel him twitch under your palm as you stroked him or feel his come squirt onto your tongue. But you knew he wouldn’t give you that. You were bad, and you needed to be punished.
He gripped his shaft, giving a slow stroke. A groan leaves his lips as he finally stimulates his full cock. Using his free hand, he grips your knee and spreads your legs further, giving him a clear view of your drenched panties. He lets go of his cock and grips the material covering your cunt and tears the flimsy fabric, revealing your bare pussy to him. Once again, he wraps his hand around his erect cock and strokes himself to the sight of you. Aching and trembling, red rope decorating your torso. The style adds extra emphasis to your breasts. The rope wrapped around them like ribbon on a present, ready for Leon to unwrap.
The noises he makes are sinful. A shaky moan leaves his lips every time his thumb brushes against the sensitive tip of his cock. When his other hand grips his balls, he lets out a deep growl. Each noise he makes has a different effect on you. And it doesn’t go unnoticed by him. He can see your pussy clench around nothing, your hole begging to be filled by him. It only spurs him on more. 
“Oh fuck…” He moans. “See what you did to me you slut”. You squirm in your restraints, trying to free your hands to touch him. He lets out a deep chuckle at your pathetic attempt to escape the rope. He twists his hand up and down his shaft, thrusting his hips forward every once in a while.
“Please, Sir. Please touch me, I wanna come so bad.” You whined in a pathetic and needy voice. Still fisting his cock, Leon leans down, gripping your jaw in a bruising grip. He forces you to look at him before he spoke.
“Listen to me, whore. You don’t deserve my cock. All you’re good for is being a cumdump, aren’t you? Say it. Say you’re just a cumdump for me.” His degrading words sent a jolt of arousal straight to your pussy, causing it to flutter and clench.
“I’m just a cumdump for you, Sir.” A blush coats your cheeks at the vulgar language but you say it regardless. If you disobeyed him once more, you would really be in for it. Leon smirks at your embarrassment. “Good Girl.” He replies. His stroking speeds up and you can tell he’s getting close. You fidget once more. The twisted look of pleasure on his face making it hard for you stay still, especially as you feel a dribble of your arousal leak from you. Dripping onto the sheets below you.
“The only thing you’re gonna be feeling is my come all over that slutty little body of yours so I’d stay still if I were you.” Just a few more strokes of his cock and Leon was spraying his hot come all over your chest and stomach, moaning as he empties his cock all over you. A mixture of your name and profanities spilling from his mouth.
After regaining his composure, he stands and walks to the side of the bed. He grips his cock and wipes the excess come off onto your cheek. “Mmm… That’s what you get, you little slut. Listen next time and maybe you’ll be allowed to come.” He leaves you there, drenched in his come and still aching for a release. He strolls back into the room with a towel and wipes his semen off of your body. He’s smirking. “You’re not even good enough to taste my come.”
The excess he wiped onto your cheek is still there, dripping down your face, close to your tongue. Before you could taste it, Leon swiped it off your face, causing you to whimper.
“Ah-ah-ah, I said you aren’t good enough to taste it, Whore.”
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