#leo lechance
love-toxin · 2 years
Laughing my ass off over the fact that you have an oc named Leo, which is my name too XD how would he react to a darling with the same name as him? (Feel free to not do this one if it feels too specific tho!)
he'd probably give you a nickname! it would feel kinda weird to call you by his own name, so he'd think up something nice to call you, like a cute petname. maybe "lovey" or just "honey" or something like that!
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love-toxin · 2 years
I love Leo :( I wanna smooch all over his face and ask him to teach me how to get good at blackjack. I’ll punch anyone that makes him uncomfortable while he’s working >:( I’ll even let him use me for his heat cycles, just because I’m that nice and TOTALLY not smitten teehee :)
kya! omg what a nice darling 🥺 he would adore that kind of protectiveness, and it would definitely make him way cockier than he usually is. he'd probably wait for a time when one of the back rooms of the casino is empty and most people have gone home, so he can pull you back there and propose a "friendly" game of strip poker. and you'll just have to watch his wholesome smile quickly become a smirk as you lose clothes faster than you can blink, and he plays it out just enough so that he can lose his shirt and give you a little reward back. but more than likely he'll end up pulling your legs over his shoulders and going down on you once he wins <3
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love-toxin · 2 years
i feel like it in my gut that leo and/or avi have sprained their tails from wagging it too much... i wouldn't let them live it down lol
If it does happen, they're such whiny babies about it--Avi tries to mask the pain with a smile and some jokes but he whimpers whenever it starts wagging again out of instinct, and Leo wants nothing but to cuddle and for you to put your arms around him while he hopes the aches and soreness goes away sooner rather than later. Both of them would want you to rub their tails too, because they swear it's the only thing that will make them feel better!
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love-toxin · 2 years
Leo and Mel def bully Noel because they’re Québécois no?
Noel's cute, and he's nice, so he gets a pass. But they definitely giggle over his accent on the rare times they hear him speak French, and sometimes throw in some of the slang he tends to use when they talk to him just to tease him a little bit.
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love-toxin · 3 years
Hi! I’ve been reading a bunch about your new batch of oc’s (it’s really cool how they’re all super distinct from each other—that’s pretty hard to pull off, but you do it so well!) I was wondering (only if it’s ok!) to ask/req about how your new batch would react to a mouthy/sassy s/o who’s really not interested in a relationship? Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!
merci!! ;w;
"I love you too much to let you push me around."
he may be domesticated, but there's no way he'll let your mouth run him away. he hates how much your laughter pisses him off in this moment, how it reminds him that you don't take him seriously enough to even consider his confession. nobody else makes him so crazy, so angry, so needy like the dog he's accepted that he is. you can barely collect yourself, and it's humiliating. it's all he can do to keep himself from baring his teeth and sink them into your neck to take you down and show you your place.
"are you serious, Leo?"
your voice cuts so deep into his chest, deeper than any knife of the most dire sharpness.
"this has to be a prank. you're not my type, puppy, and you know that."
you reach out to ruffle his ears, you think it's all just a joke at his own expense. you won't even look him in the eyes long enough to see how dark and cold they've become. if you don't see that he loves you now...
well, he'll just have to make it clear to everyone, so you'll never doubt him again.
"Mh? Is that an attitude I sense?"
it is. undoubtedly. but it's of little importance to him--he knows how to play this game, and he'll play it better than you ever will. you mouth off like you've never been shut up before, that much is very clear, and he didn't mind so much at first. thought it was just a little teasing back and forth, which isn't unnatural considering his personality.
but you don't wanna be his, and that's not allowed! haven't you realized by now that you're special? what the two of you have is rare, impossible even--he loves you so much he would give up his own life, and he knows you would do the same if you just admit it to yourself.
but you're so closed off. you serve back every flirtation with sass, get mouthy with him when he tries to be real and honest with you about anything, much less those times that you've been alone together and he tries to tell you how he feels.
this isn't how things are supposed to be. he won't let you shy away from the most passionate love he'll ever let you experience.
"Please, just listen to me....I love you."
how could you do this to him? just stop, pause, and stare right into his soul....and give him attitude? you're gonna make jokes like he didn't just pour his whole heart out to you?
what else can he do, now? he feels so lost, and for once your smile can't comfort him when you're holding back saying something rude to him. he doesn't want to cry, he wants to be strong, but the tears spill down his cheeks whether he wants them to or not.
"c'mon Noel, you know I don't want to be with you. is it really such a surprise?"
oh, now you've done it. his tears will abide soon, but only because he's realized what you're doing now.
you're just trying to string him along. test him to see if he's worthy enough to deserve being yours. and with that in the back of his head, he can find the strength to smile through the pain in his heart--because nobody has more patience than he does, and you'll understand just how much of your abuse he'll endure for the sake of your love.
"So feisty, so cute! That's all I need to hear. You're mine."
it's adorable how you think a little brattiness will get you off the hook. don't you realize she's the master of this little game you've got going on? a few little scathing remarks aren't gonna make her run with her tail between her legs--in fact, quite the opposite. she loves the chase, after all.
"yeah right, Vivi. I don't think so, but thanks anyway."
aww, are you getting a little scared? she can see the twitch of your fingers against your arm, that look in your eye that befits an animal of prey. you couldn't get rid of her if you tried, and even if you did it would just end up pissing her off. so you keep hiding behind that wall of words you always put up to protect yourself, but she's gonna tear it down in seconds and take you for herself if you're not careful.
oh, dear. she didn't just say all that out loud, did she? your eyes are really struck with terror now...but it's such a cute look, isn't it? it really suits you more than all that attitude you like to give.
"just be still, darling." it'll hurt a lot more than your words ever could, otherwise.
"Settle down, little red. Don't make me bite you."
he's always liked playing with his food, but you bring a whole new meaning to that. you distract him with your little remarks and snarky comments, sometimes so much so that he forgets how perfect you would look with his teeth against your throat. he could choke you down and spit you up, churn you up from the inside out and leave you wanting more, absolutely ruin you so nobody else would even think of picking up such a filthy little pet.
and you still give him the best view of that pretty little mouth of yours. just that one comment alone has you giving him lip like your life depends on it, but all he can see is your energy wearing down bit by bit, your breaths getting slower with every passing word you spit back at him with more sass than you should be allowed. maybe he'll suit you up with a muzzle if you get this mouthy on your way back to his place.
just wear yourself out, he thinks to himself. you can't keep up the chase forever, little red.
"I think you need to wash your mouth out."
does it not sound as serious when it comes from him? you laugh like you think he's joking, but he couldn't be more sincere. you like to tease him but this is different, this stings right in his heart and you know exactly how to twist the knife so it'll hurt the most. he can already imagine the expression you'll make when he grabs you by the jaw, fingers digging into your cheeks so you'll open up and he can squirt a bit of soapy foam on to your little pink tongue. just so you know he's really serious...but he can't stop thinking of sticking something else in there too, something that will really show you how serious he is.
he doesn't remember every little comment or ill-spirited jab, but the pang in his chest when you brush off his compliments and flirtations is enough for him to know it happens more often than it needs to. you're just being difficult for attention, and that's okay. you just need more of it, that's all, and who better to give it to you than him?
who better, darling? he'll wait for your answer, as long as it'll take to hear his name on the tip of your tongue.
"Are you sure you wanna play this game with me?"
it's less of a question, more of a test. Thorn likes to drop these little riddles into your lap, and stand back to see how you'll react when he does. it's field research.
"you're gonna lose anyways, so what does it matter?"
oh, how cheeky. you always surprise him no matter what he throws at you, and this is no different--but this time he's just sick and tired of the answer. it's always the same no matter which way you phrase it, like unwrapping a candy and finding each one to be your least favourite flavour. there's always a part inside of him that thinks you're gonna change your mind one day, as if by a magical transformation--but no, you refuse, and to be honest it's really starting to irritate him.
you really don't know how good you could have it, do you? you don't understand how much he's been doing out of sight, and for you out of mind, just to ensure your happiness. you're royalty, and you don't even know it even when your prince is staring you right in the eyes, begging for the smallest scrap of your attention.
but you'll be the one begging soon. he knows it for sure.
"That's enough out of you."
you may find it funny, but he doesn't think the same about you mocking him. sometimes he dreams about slapping that stupid little smirk off your face, but he's swiftly reminded that that may garner him the opposite reaction that he wants. people don't often take kindly to violence, that's right....but oh, you make it look so tempting. perhaps one day he'll get the chance to feel your throat bend beneath his palms, and listen to those sweet cries sputtering off your lips as you gasp for air....but you have to accept his love first, and you've promised him that it's never going to happen.
don't you realize how it breaks his heart? that your rejection time and time again is enough to make him feel like he may just die without you? why do you always do this to him?
he just has to collect himself. breathe. remember that your constitution is much weaker than his--you can't keep up this fight forever, and once you realize that he has no intention of letting you be loved by another soul on this earth, that's when he'll swoop in and claim you all for himself.
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love-toxin · 3 years
If you're accepting requests for your ocs right now could you tell us the preferred pet names of the new waves of ocs if you haven't already? I just saw the post that had the first couple batches preferred pet names so I was wondering about the newer ones :O
likes: puppy, baby, sweetheart, good boy
calls you: beautiful, my angel, mate
likes: kitty, sexy, babe, honey
calls you: cutie, troublemaker, my darling
likes: my bunny, mine, slut, y/n's whore
calls you: pumpkin, my love, my baby, mine
likes: my love, my only, my wife, darling
calls you: little one, sweetie pie, darling, baby
likes: stud, big red, alpha
calls you: shortie, little red, sweetie, dolly
likes: my sweet, handsome, my husband/hubby, big guy
calls you: my bride/groom/beloved, my blessing, my everything, gorgeous, darling, honey
likes: my prince/king/lord, my world, sugar, handsome
calls you: my queen/king/highness, my lover, my beloved
likes: darling, my sweet, fälla, the wind through the leaves
calls you: fälla, mine, my love, my only
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