#lemon oppy
rask · 1 year
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nj vs car – game 5 [5/11/23]
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malusrecord · 16 days
~"I swear I heard classical music from your transmission line last night, Oppy. Were you trying to give me something soothing to listen to while doing repairs?" (LISTEN GIRL I LOVE THAT HC AND THE FACT THAT YOU'RE MUSING HER)
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If the Driver could see her face---and thankfully she couldn't, no one could---she'd undoubtedly laugh. Ophelia's steady and cool expression had shifted into a grimace as if she'd just bitten into a lemon, peel and all, and refused to return to normal. She must've held the button down, dammit...!
"I have absolutely NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, Driver." At least her voice sounded normal---and that's all that mattered, all things considered. "You're constantly blasting the radio in my auto shop so maybe you forgot to turn it off?" It wasn't a jab, either. Oppy could understand the want for noise, the want for life even if it was clearly recorded or stuck on loop for who knew how many years, hell she could even understand wanting to prattle on about nothing like Tobias was wont to do, especially considering the fact that she'd been living in A LARGELY SILENT LOOP FOR DECADES NOW. She'd---
No. There wasn't time to focus on any of that, not when so many things were at stake. Now she presses the button almost angrily, waiting for the click that cut through the other woman's nigh constant, excitable chattering. Words. Noises. Life. Ah.... "Speaking of repairs you're liable to crash into an anomaly head first if you keep prattling on so KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD, mh?"
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withlovelica · 9 months
Oppenheimer x Tiong Bahru Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice
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I am not sure how it goes in other countries, but where I am from, there is a designated day where seniors can watch a movie for free!
In our city, Monday is free movie day so dad and I opted to watch Oppenheimer. We have seen Mission Impossible, now it was time for something historical.
Our date started with lunch at a restaurant called Tiong Bahru in a mall called Estancia. It was a franchise from Singapore and it served really good Hainanese, Lemon and Roast Chicken to name a few.
For some reason, dad and I went on a Singaporean food frenzy the past days starting with Hawker Chan, then Nanyang three days ago and now this! And I am not regretting any of it.
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We had Veggie Fritters (P 165.00), Lemon Chicken (P285.00), and Hainanese Rice (P 70.00).
I was trying to discipline myself by not looking at my phone while waiting for our food so I brought a book with me haha. I bought I am a Cat by Soseki Natsume three month ago and have only recenly picked up again. That is how bad I am at reading.
Movie started at 2:00 PM and ended at 5:00 PM. It was a mighty long film (the longest by Christopher Nolan) and it gave a detailed narration of how the Americans raced against the Nazis in creating a so-called atomic bomb. They succeeded with the help of a Jewish-German scientist named J. Robert Oppenheimer, but sadly as predicted, the super nation wanted more. On that note, it was also story of how Oppi (how his comrades joyfully called him) was tried and tested by the government because he was morally against the creation of the hydrogen bomb which was said to be megatons stronger than what was formerly created.
Long before stretching my legs to enjoy this movie, I was already scouring the internet for videos and literary pieces that would give me a sense of what times might have been like during the dawn of WWII to its very grim end. It was a very dark and interesting topic to delve into. The more I dug deeper, the more apparent it became that we are at the brink of history repeating itself one more time.
I hate to say that WE ARE at the age of war once again, and it is only a matter of time when things start escalating beyond control.
Oh well, but Lord I pray I am wrong. There is always hope. And though I have lost my faith in humanity, my faith in the Lord has not wavered - whether we do find ourselves armed with arsenal whose power is beyond anything we can imagine or not.
Oppenheimer was incredibly good by the way! maybe I can watch Barbie naman for a change haha.
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pleasegetadiary · 11 months
Lemon Oppy
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baneswood-sins · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers Animated (2007) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Optimus Prime/Megatron Characters: Optimus Prime, Megatron (Transformers) Additional Tags: Wet Dream, Oral Sex, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Power Dynamics, Mild Painplay, Fingerfucking, Topping from the Bottom, Power Bottom Megatron, Panic Attacks, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Hatred, Someone get Optimus a hug and a therapist, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence Series: Part 1 of By Night Summary:
  the side of a planet or moon facing away from the sun and therefore in darkness.
the world at night; activities that take place during the night.
I’m so sorry guys this is shameless megop 
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everypronoun · 3 years
anything plant related that’s isnt plantself???
big list of plant related pronouns
misc plants:
bam/bamb/bambs/bambs/bambself (bamboo)
haw/hawth/thor/thorn/hawthornself or hawthself
po/pon/der/deros/ponderosaself, ponderself or ponself
se/seque/quoi/quoia/sequoiaself or sequoiself
spru/sep/ruce/spruce/spruceself or spruself
vi/viol/viols/viols/violself (violet)
ae/onium/onis/onis/aeoniself or aeoniumself
aloe/vera/ver/veras/aloeself, veraself or aloeveraself
barr/rrel/barr/barrs/barrself or barrelself
buck/horn/bucks/bucks/buckself or buckhornself
cacta/ceae/ceaes/caeas/cactaself or cactaceaeself
claret/cup/clar/clarets/claretself or claretcupself
eche/veria/ver/veries/echeself, veriaself, or echeveriaself
grapto/petalum/petals/petals/graptoself, petalumself, or graptopetalumself
jovi/barba/bar/barbs/joviself, barbaself, or jovibarbaself
liv(ing)/stone/livs/livs/livingstoneself or stoneself
pachy/cereus/cer/cereus/pachyself, cereusself, or pachysereusself
pe/yote/yotes/yotes/peyoself or peyoteself
peyo/te/tes/tes/peyoself or peyoteself
prickly/pear/pear/pears/pricklyself or pricklypearself
ro/sette/rose/rose/rosetteself, roself, or setteself
rosu/laria/lar/larias/rosuself, lariaself, or rosulariaself
succu/lent/cus/cus/succuself or succulentself
succu/lent/lents/lents/succuself or succulentself
other floral:
bloom/blooms/bloomself (might be plantkin-exclusive? i can’t tell if a troll submitted that)
bo/bel/oss/bloss/blossomself or blosself
ca/cam/mel/mellia/camelliaself or camellself
co/lum/bi/bine/columbineself or columself
haw/hawth/thor/thorn/hawthornself or hawthself
hy/cin/hyas/hyacin/hyacinthself or hyaself
hy/hys/hyself (hyacinth)
lau/rel/aur/laur/laurelself or laurself
lav/lav/lavs/lavs/lavself (lavender)
lav/laven/lavend/lavends/lavendself (lavender)
ma/mag/nol/nolia/magnoliaself or noliaself
nar/narc/narcir/narcirs/narcself (soft c as in certain, narcissus)
pe/per/peri/peri/periself or periwinkle
rie/orch/id/chid/orchidself, orchiself, or orchself
vi/viol/viols/viols/violself (violet)
wi/win/winkle/winkle/winkleself or periwinkle
wi/wist/wis/wister/wisteriaself, wistself, or wisterself
apri/cot/apris/cots/apriself, cotself, or apricotself
av/avo/avs/avs/avself (avocado)
ban/bana/bans/bans/banself (banana)
black/berry/berr/berrs/blackself, berrself, or berryself
blue/berry/berr/berrs/blueself, berrself, or berryself
canta/loupe/loupes/loupes/cantaself, loupeself, or canataloupeself
clemen/tine/tines/tines/tineself, clemenself, clementself, or clementineself
cot/cot/cots/cots/cotself (apricot)
crai/sin/crais/sins/craiself or craisinself
cran/berry/berr/berrs/cranself, berrself, or berryself
cur/rant/curr/currs/currself or currantself
gua/va/guas/vas/guaself, guavself or guavaself
honey/dew/dews/dews/honeyself, dewself, or honeydewself
ki/kir/kirs/kirs/kirself (kiwi)
kum/quat/quats/quats/quatself or kumquatself
lem/lem/lems/lems/lemself (lemon)
lon/gan/lons/gans/lonself or longanself
ly/chee/lys/chees/lyself, cheeself, or lycheeself
manda/rine/rines/rines/rineself, mandaself, mandarself, or mandarineself
mango/steen/steens/steens/steenself or mangosteenself
mul/berry/berr/berrs/mulself, berrself, or berryself
musc/musc/muscas/muscas/muscaself (muscadine)
pa/paya/pas/payas/payaself, papaself, or papayaself
pass/sion/sions/sions/sionself or passionself
per/simm/per/pers/persimself or persimmonself
pine/apple/pines/apples/pineself or pineappleself
plan/tain/plans/tains/planself or plantainself
pom/pom/poms/poms/pomself (pomegranate)
pom/pome/pomes/pomes/pomself or pomeself
prickly/pear/pear/pears/pricklyself or pricklypearself
pum/pum/pums/pums/pumself (pumpkin)
rai/sin/rais/sins/raiself or raisinself
rasp/berry/berr/berrs/raspself, berrself, or berryself
rasp/rasp/rasps/rasps/raspself (raspberry)
sour/sop/sours/sops/sourself, sopself, or soursopself
star/fruit/fruits/fruits/starfruitself or starself
stawb/strawb/strawbs/strawbs/strawbself (strawberry)
tama/rind/tamar/tamars/tamaself, tamarself, or tamarindself
tange/rine/rines/rines/rineself, tangeself, tangerself, or tangerineself
toma/tom/toms/toms/tomself (long o, tomato)
winter/melon/melons/melons/melonself or winterself
anise - ni/an/anise/anise/aniself
arugula - ru/gul/aru/aru/aruguself
basil - bas/basi/basilself
chervil - che/vil/cher/cher/chervilself
chive - chi/chiv/chives/chive/chiveself
cilantro - ci/lan/cil/cilan/cilanself
cinnamon - ci/cin/cinnself
cloves - clo/cloves/cloveself
coriander - co/der/cor/cori/corself, coriself, or coriaself
dill - di/il/dill/dills/dillself
lavender - lav/lav/lavs/lavs/lavself
lavender - lav/laven/lavend/lavends/lavendself
marjoram - ma/mar/marjor/marjoram/marjoramself or marjorself
mint - mint/mints/mintself
myrrh - myr/myrs/myrrhself
oregano - re/or/reg/oreg/oreganoself or oregaself
parsley - pa/par/pars/pars/parsleyself or parself
rosemary - ro/rosem/rosemself
saffron - saff/saffs/saffself
sage - sa/sage/sageself
sage - sa/sage/sas/saes/sageself
tarragon - ta/tar/tarra/tarrag/tarragonself
thyme - thy/thyme/thymeself
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Heat~ Bay! Optimus x Human! Reader (Lemon)
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Plot: Y/N went into a heat thanks to her hormones but Optimus used his one big secret to help her. Tentacles. ;)
This is a lemon! Also, I came across 2 parts of one-shot about Optimus having tentacles and I had an inspiration to do it, only this place takes somewhere else.
This takes place in Transformers 5: The Last Knight (TF5 TLK).
WARNING: If you feel uncomfortable with this one because of the tentacles then leave!
Head area:
Brain: Processor / Brain Module
Head: Helm
Face: Face plate
Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials
Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor
Eye brow: Optical Ridge
Eyes: Optics
Mouth: Intake
Lips: Dermas
Teeth: Denta/Dentas
Tongue: Glossa
Chest area:
Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity
Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula
Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour:
Chest plate
Back plate
Mid-section plating
Neck guard
Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus
Forearms: Bitarlueus
Hands: Servos
Fingers: Digits
Arm armour:
Shoulder pads
Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis
Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate
Thighs: Tibulen
Calves: Cadulen
Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour:
Skirt plates
Aft plate / Skid plate
Thigh guard
Ankle guard
General/Internal components:
Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question.
Veins: Fual lines
Stomach: Tanks
Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating.
Heart: Spark
Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark
T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Note: the art goes to the owner!
It's been like two days ever since the battle in the UK. It was hard and brutal kinda. First, Viviane managed tp get the staff, knights had awoken, Optimus Prime came back, who he called himself Nemesis Prime since he was being controlled, and many more...
Optimus left a few years ago to Cybertron to go find his Creators. He was gone for so long that everyone was worried if he was even alive still, especially Y/N was very worried and she even missed him a lot. She was very close with the Prime, even though he's Cybertronian and tall, he can still transform into his bipedal holoform so that he's close to Y/N's height.
A few years passed by and Y/N lived with Cade and other Autobots. It was hard for some bots because their leader was gone and Bumblebee was in charge. Let's just say that the bots didn't like it that the scout was in charge. Bumblebee tried his best to keep his team good, but almost all the time he got into fights and arguments with the bots. There were of course Dinobots and sometimes they do not listen. But everyone had to leave because the Decepticons were looking for them. They met a teenage girl named Izabella. The story continued and yadda yadda yadda. Hot Rod joined others and Cade and Y/N met a woman named Viviane. Cogman also joined and others too.
Later, they had to get the staff and they did it thanks to Viviane, but Optimus appeared and he called himself Nemesis, which was very strange. Everyone knew that he was being controlled. It was just... terrifying, especially when Y/N looked into his optics and they were... purple/magenta instead of gentle blue. Bumblebee even fought against Nemesis and he got almost killed! It was very sad to see this! Like when Nemesis ripped Bumblebee's wings off! Anyway, Bumblebee managed to wake Optimus up. He felt extremely guilty and he also almost got killed by the knights, they called him 'traitor'.
When the battle was over, the bots had to leave to rebuilt Cybertron, but they returned one day to visit others with their big ship. It was very nice!
Right now Optimus was spending time with Y/N. He missed her dearly and he wanted to be with her. Y/N was very happy when she saw him that she hugged him tight, even though he's metal. Cade and Viviane started dating and Tessa was very happy for them! Actually, everyone does.
Y/N was watching TV and Optimus was next to her, in his bipedal holoform. Did I forget to mention that Y/N lived in a big house? Yep. Ever since she helped Autobots to win the war (or fights) in Chicago and other places, she got noticed a lot by important people. Not only her of course, even Sam, Mikaela, Carly, Cade, Tessa, etc. She got A LOT of money then you think. Millions. She can easily support herself. She did not only support herself, but she also supported others, she even gave some money to charities. How nice was that?
Y/N's head was against Optimus' chassis, listening to his sparkbeat. The Prime had his arms around her, holding her protectively.
Y/N was paying attention to the TV until she started to think... dirty. Oh no... Her hormones were starting to control her. She started to think dirty about Optimus. She had thoughts about his grunts, moans, roars in pleasure, his spike... She even thought about how his glossa would like her. Oh boy... She's getting turned on. She was getting wet... She was trying to push her dirty thoughts away, but it was impossible. But what she forgot was that Optimus can actually smell it. Yes, they did had sex once, but the last time was a few years ago before he left to go find his Creators.
"Are you ok, sweetspark?" Optimus asked, feeling a bit worried.
"Y-Yeah," Y/N whimpered while rubbing her legs together and they're closed tight.
Optimus then finally saw what was wrong with her. He even smelled it quietly and he smirked! His sparkmate was in heat because of her hormones. Welp, time to fix that. "Would you like me to help you with your heat?~" He whispered in her ear.
Y/N whimpered and nodded. "Y-Yes, please."
"I want to try something with you. I think you'll love it, my dear."
Y/N became curious. He was gonna try something? She's now wondering what it was. "W-What is it?"
Optimus then turned the TV off and picked Y/N up bridal style. He walked towards Y/N's bedroom and opened it with his ped. Her bedroom was big so there was enough space to do... fun things. ;)
Optimus set Y/N down in the middle of the room. He closed the bedroom door and even closed the curtains to have privacy. Suddenly candles light up in a romantic way. The Prime stood a tiny bit away from Y/N. "Now, before I help you, I want you to not freak out, sweetspark. You have to trust me."
What was he talking about?
Suddenly tentacles came out of his back! What? How!? Y/N looked very surprised. Since when did Optimus have tentacles? "How...?"
"When I was in Cybertron, Quintessa and Megatron did something to me while I was cuffed. I was unconscious. I was scared what others would say but I told my team one day. They accepted it. I was scared fo your reaction."
Y/N looked soft while still feeling hot. She found actually Optimus with the tentacles. She was shocked and surprised, but it made her sparkmate hotter. She walked to Optimus and cupped his cheekplate. "Optimus, it's alright. I am shocked and surprised, but you're still yourself. And, uhm..." She blushed.
Optimus looked at her a bit worried.
"And, you're hot with the tentacles," Y/N blushed redder, but she was telling the truth.
Optimus blushed blue but then his blue optics were filled in with lust. "Stand still and enjoy, sweetspark."
Y/N stood still as she felt Optimus' tentacles started to undress her. Not only that, but they started to stroke Y/N's body, especially her private parts. Y/N couldn't help but moan softly. It felt... amazing. The tentacles undressed her fully until she's naked and she was being lifted up in the air gently and carefully. Optimus made sure that she will not drop her. The tentacles started to spread around and one went between her legs while others spread her legs open. Her boobs were being squeezed gently and the tips were teasing her nipples. Y/N moaned.
Optimus chuckled while watching her. "Enjoying, sweetspark?"
"A-Ah, y-yes!~"
"There's more."
A tentacle suddenly rubbed her clit, causing Y/N to jolt and moan. She was slightly shaken because of pleasure. The tentacle started to rub her clit a bit faster to make her cum fast. Y/N was indeed cumming fast. "O-Optimus! A-Ah!~"
Optimus chuckled deeply and smirked. He watched as Y/N came. She even panted
"Are you ready for more, sweetspark?"
Y/N nodded and felt in fact excited. That's when her legs got spread more open so that it will be easy. A tentacle suddenly entered her, causing to gasp, moan and arch her back. It was very pleasurable. Optimus' growled lowly as his tentacle went deeper into her. Y/N felt no pain so it was ok. She moaned loudly as the tentacle started live in and out and it sped up.
Optimus watched her moan, pant, gasp, scream, and arch her back. He got surprised and flinched when Y/N grabbed one of the tentacles since her arms were free and started to suck. The Prime couldn't help but grunt quietly and shake a bit.
Y/N moaned loud as she continued to suck. The pleasure was just unbelievable! Optimus' tentacle picked up more speed and that's when Y/N felt a knot in her stomach, signaling that she was cumming. "O-Optimus, I-I'm cumming!"
"Cum for me, my dear," Optimus growled.
Y/N screamed as she came. The tentacle that she sucked left her mouth so that she could scream. The other tentacle stayed inside of her as her cum covered it and the Prime could feel it actually. It felt very nice. He gently pulled the tentacle out of her and laid her down on the bed.
Y/N panted as she looked at Optimus flustered. "T-Thank you, Oppi. I... I loved it." She showed a smile.
Optimus smiled, but then smirked and got on top of her. His spike was free this time. "Ready for the real fun, my dear?~"
Y/N blushed but felt excited again. This was going to be a long late...
There you go. I hope you enjoyed a Bayverse one-shot :)
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whumphoarder · 5 years
Grand Entrance
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Prompt/Summary: "Would you ever write something in which Peter gets carsick with Tony taking care of him?"
Or, in which Tony and Peter attend a science expo just north of the border and Peter vomits his way into Canada.
Word count: 1,869
Genre: Sickfic, whump, hurt/comfort
A/N: Shout outs to @sallyidss for beta reading and being ever so helpfully Canadian, and to @xxx-cat-xxx for all your edits and ideas!
Link to read on Ao3
“I still can’t believe I’m going to be in a room with Søren Thygesen,” Peter says in awe. He’s scrolling through the conference workshop list on Tony’s Starkpad. “Do you think since you’re a speaker too, we can get backstage and meet him? Will he sign my textbook?”
Tony scoffs as he shifts gears on the Audi to overtake a slow-moving semi truck. Peter grins—he loves the rush of the 532 horsepower V10 engine lurching forward. “You have to be the only teenager in this country excited to see a three-hour lecture by an eighty-two-year-old Danish astrophysicist,” Tony remarks.
“A world-renowned Danish astrophysicist,” Peter corrects, looking up from the tablet. “Plus, he’s like the god of clean energy!” At Tony’s raised eyebrows, he quickly throws in, “Well, besides you, of course.”
Tony rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry kid, I’m not feeling threatened by your Scandinavian grandfather.”
“He’s just so awesome,” Peter gushes. “If anyone is going to figure out how to get humans on Mars, it’s Thygesen.” He lets out a long sigh. “I really want to go to the Q&A panel on Saturday, but I don’t know what questions I would even ask.”
“You know you don’t actually have to ask a question to go to a panel, right?” Tony points out for the second time that day. “You can just sit and listen.”
“I know,” Peter groans, “but I don’t wanna waste what might be my only opportunity to ever speak to him.”
Tony snorts. “That’s a good point—he is eighty-two. Probably doesn’t have a lot of science expos left in him.”
Peter whips his head around to throw his mentor a horrified look. “Mr. Stark!” he gasps.
“I’m just saying ...” Tony chuckles. “Toronto isn’t exactly a stone’s throw from Denmark.”
“He can’t die,” Peter says firmly. “He’s Søren Thygesen.”
“What is he, the new Chuck Norris?”
Peter’s brow furrows in confusion. “Who?”
“Never mind. God, you’re young...” his mentor mutters. Tony shifts over to the right lane to take the next exit. “Alright, alright, what about asking him something related to his biosphere project?” he suggests. “Or the new Mars Land Rover design, now that Oppy’s kicked the bucket?”
Peter sticks his lip out in a pout. “Too soon, Mr. Stark...” he complains.
After a brief stop for gas, they pull back onto the highway and Peter spends the next half hour pouring over the tablet, looking up every article he can find related to Thygesen’s Mars exploration research. Most of the journals are written in abstract, theoretical language, but Peter has always been a good reader and he can usually get the gist. Whenever he comes across a term or concept he’s unfamiliar with, he reads the paragraph aloud and Tony helps him work out the meaning.
Peter just forgot one little fact.
He can’t fucking read in the car.
The nausea doesn’t come all at once. It creeps up on Peter—slowly, gradually—until he has no choice but to pay attention. By the time he realizes he’s not feeling well, his stomach is already churning inside of him and a headache is pounding in his temples, leaving him feeling as though his forehead has been stretched too tightly around his skull.
He abandons the Starkpad, shifting his gaze to look out the window and doing his best to take deep, even breaths. Tony flips his blinker on and speeds up to pass another truck. The lurch of the engine is the same, but this time Peter’s expression is more of a grimace.
“Um… Mr. Stark?” he mumbles. “Are we almost there?”
“About ten more miles to the border, and then another eighty or so to the conference center,” Tony replies. “Don’t worry, you’ll see your elderly man crush soon enough.”
“Oh.” Peter swallows hard in an effort to push the queasiness back down. “Like, how many minutes is that?”
“Minutes are not a measure of distance, kid,” Tony retorts.
Peter groans and rolls his eyes, then immediately regrets it as his stomach rolls as well. He quickly locks his gaze back on the horizon. Between carefully measured breaths, he mutters, “I was just wondering if we’re going to stop soon.”
Tony frowns at him. “I asked you twice if you needed the bathroom at the gas station, and you said no. It’s been less than an hour and now you need to go?”
Peter feels his cheeks flush slightly. “Never mind, I’m fine,” he mutters. “Just wanted to stretch my legs, but I can wait.”
“Damn right,” Tony scoffs. Keeping one hand on the steering wheel, he fishes around on the car’s floor with the other for an empty plastic Gatorade bottle and tosses it onto Peter’s lap. “If you have to pee, use this. I’m not stopping because you suddenly remembered you have a bladder.”
“Ha, ha. Very funny,” Peter huffs. He shoves the empty bottle back in the cup holder before twisting in his seat to press his cheek to the cool glass of the window. “I’m fine, Mr. Stark.”
Fifteen minutes later, Peter is no longer fine.
“Got your passport ready?” Tony checks as the car rolls to a stop behind a silver SUV.
Peter nods, his lips pressed into a thin line. That’s not entirely accurate—the passport is actually in the front pocket of his backpack, which is currently sitting on the floor beside his feet—but he doesn’t feel quite up to bending down to get it at the moment. Beads of cold sweat are dripping down the back of his neck and it’s all Peter can do to keep his stomach in place as they inch their way towards the border crossing.
“I’m thinking we’ll stop for dinner somewhere around the Falls,” Tony goes on. “Have you ever had poutine?”
Peter chances opening his mouth just long enough to breathe out a quick, “Um, don’t think so.”
Tony hums as he follows the SUV forward another couple meters before braking again. “Gotta admit, I was skeptical the first time Rhodey made me try it, but it’s not nearly as gross as it looks. You’d think it would be soggy, what with the gravy soaking into the fries and the cheese curds sort of half melting, but—”
“Yeah, sounds great,” Peter cuts his mentor off. Saliva’s been pooling in his mouth for the past five minutes, but it’s definitely not from the prospect of eating traditional Canadian food. He swallows hard and breathes carefully through his mouth.
A red minivan ahead of them clears the security checkpoint and each vehicle in their lane rolls another car’s length forward.
“Butter tart isn’t bad either,” Tony remarks, braking again. “And Montreal bagels put New York ones to shame. But if you breathe a word of that to anyone, I’ll deny it.”
With a small grunt of acknowledgment, Peter squeezes his eyes closed, silently praying the man will just shut up.
The border patrol officer waves the next car through.
“Alright, passport time,” Tony announces while the SUV ahead of them moves into the inspection zone. He holds one hand out expectantly over the kid’s lap. “Hit me.”
“It’s in my backpack,” Peter mumbles without making a move for it. His ears are ringing and he’s actually dizzy now. For a brief moment, he wonders if it’s possible to pass out from motion sickness. If only he could be so lucky.
Tony frowns, retrieving his own passport from behind the sun visor. “Well, hurry up. We’re next.”
“Right, right…” Carefully—ever so carefully—Peter bends forward to unzip the backpack. He fishes out the passport, but just as he starts to sit back up, the SUV drives off and the border patrol agent waves Tony forward.
Peter’s stomach lurches along with the car’s movement and he burps, tasting the pickles and ketchup from the hamburger he’d had for lunch. Bile is rising in the back of his throat and instantly Peter knows he has mere seconds to prevent a tragedy. His eyes dart around desperately for a cup, a plastic bag, a tissue box, anything. But there’s nothing. Absolutely nothing.
In pure desperation, he does the only thing he can think of to save Tony’s custom leather interior.
The moment the Audi rolls to a stop at the checkpoint, Peter yanks the collar of his hoodie up over his mouth and pukes all down the inside.
At the sound of the kid’s gag, Tony whips his head around. “Jesus, kid!” he swears in surprise.
Standing just outside, the border patrol agent—a gangly red-haired kid who looks to be fresh out of high school—is staring wide-eyed at the gasping teenager in the passenger seat.
Tony blinks at Peter, his expression morphing as the initial shock is replaced with concern. “Are... Are you okay?”
Peter gives a small nod and blushes, trying not to move any more than necessary. Inside his hoodie, hot, gross vomit is running all down his front, soaking through his t-shirt. “Yeah, sorry,” he rasps out. “Just… got kinda carsick.”
Tony blinks again. With barely concealed disgust, he reaches over and starts trying to wiggle the passport out from the kid’s grip, but the officer intervenes.
“Uh, it’s fine. You can just pull on through,” the redhead instructs, still staring at Peter as he waves the car forward. “There’s, uh, there’s a rest stop not too far from here.”
Peter flashes the other boy a grateful thumbs up as he pulls the sweatshirt back up over his face and heaves again.
When Peter emerges from the rest stop bathroom, he’s wearing a completely new set of clothes and carrying a knotted plastic Pharmasave bag containing his vomit-soaked hoodie and jeans. In the other hand, he’s clutching the remaining quarter of a package of baby wipes.
Tony is standing in the parking lot beside the car, his arms crossed casually over his chest and a mildly amused look on his face. “Feeling better now?”
Peter gives a half-hearted shrug and deposits the bag and baby wipes in the backseat. Tony passes him the bottle of PC lemon-lime soda he just purchased from the vending machine.
“I’ll rephrase,” Tony tries again. “Feeling better enough to get back in the car? We’re about seventy minutes out from the hotel.”
“Minutes are not a measure of distance, Mr. Stark,” Peter deadpans.
Tony rolls his eyes. “Just answer the question.”
Peter hesitates, opening the soda to take a cautious sip. He’s feeling less sick now that he’s on solid ground and his stomach is blissfully empty, but the thought of getting back in the car still makes him queasy. “Um, maybe in another five minutes?” he mumbles. “If that’s alright…?”
“Sure,” Tony agrees easily. “We can go take a walk by the Falls or something. Maybe pick you up some Dramamine.” His brow furrows in thought. “Although that might knock you out, and your buddy is giving the keynote tonight.”
“I’ll be okay,” Peter assures. “Just need a few minutes.”
Tony huffs out a quick laugh. “Yeah, can’t risk missing Thygesen. Even if you just vomited your way into Canada.”
In spite of everything, Peter grins. “May always said I liked a grand entrance.”
Click here for chapter 2!
A/N: Additional shoutout to @awesomesockes for for helping to invent the exceedingly awesome character of Søren Thygesen, for whom we now hold so many dumb irrelevant headcanons (such as that he holds the Guinness world record for the longest nose hair and can play the didgeridoo).
Fic Masterlist
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tonystarkbingo · 5 years
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Week Two fills!  We have a TON of them again, so please click on the readmore to see what amazing things your fellow creators came up with this past week!
Title: The Ups and Downs of Dadhood Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - bathing/showering together Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff Summary: Tony has absolutely got this dad thing handled. One way or another. Word Count: 1415
Title: Hospitality is Overrated Collaborator: schroedingersfox Link: AO3 Square Filled: Square S2 - Snowed In Ship: Loki and Tony Rating: Gen Major Tags: canon divergence, hunting related animal death Summary: For the briefest of moments halfway between seconds, Tony was able to contemplate that, perhaps, this wasn't the smartest thing he had ever done. Ahead of him, among the trees a short distance away, a bewildered man stood staring. The man adjusted the body of a small deer on one shoulder and stepped closer. “Stark,” Loki said. His mouth quirked. “To what do I have the honor?” Word Count: 1660
Title: Tony Stark BINGO Fills Collaborator: StrangeMischief Link: AO3 Square Filled: ALL SQUARES FILLED! Ship: IronStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: drabbles Summary: All my Tony Stark BINGO fills in one spot. Word Count: 2586
Title: I'd Thought You'd Never Ask Collaborator: yourselenite Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 -  meeting alternate universe counterparts Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: dimension travel Summary: Somehow Tony jumps dimensions, but he gets to meet someone special Word Count: 514
Title: Vampires and Teenagers Have a Lot in Common Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Writing Format: Diaries & Journals Ship: Tony Stark and Janet Van Dyne Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff Summary: someone appears in a vampire outfit and the others have to seriously figure out if they have actually been turned into a vampire or not Word Count: 852
Title: Inhale, Ex-sail Collaborator: justanotherpipedream Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - AU: Steampunk Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: steampunk AU Summary: "Rich pirates decked out in top-of-the-line black market gear,” grumbled Tony, ”why don’t I have the budget to make those again?’ Rhodey inched back so that he and Tony were back-to-back. “We’re apparently law abiding citizens now, which means having to pay taxes.” Tony scowled. “Urg, right. Remind me why I wanted to do that again?” Rhodey rolled his eyes. “What was it you called him last time? Your sweet tart? Your apple pie in the sky? The wind beneath your wings? Hopefully he’ll fly here fast enough so we don’t get killed. Or worse, mugged.” Word Count: 1826
Title: Demon in a Bottle Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - image of Tony raising his glass “to peace” in Afghanistan Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alcoholism Summary: Moodboard for Tony and his alcoholism
Title: With Your Hands Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R3 - image of IM1 Tony wielding the Iron Man gauntlet Ship: None Rating: None Major Tags: None Summary: Moodboard for Tony and his hands
Title: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Collaborator: FreyaS Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - De-Aging (Any) Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Underage, explicit sexual content, high school AU Summary: “Gentlemen, might I remind you this is the library?” A voice interrupted. Tony jerked and fell backwards out of Steve’s lap and they both turned to look into the less than amused face of the librarian, Mr Coulson. “Please for the love of God, leave before I have to explain to Principal Fury why the school’s football star and resident genius both got detention,” Mr Coulson said. He had a hand over his face, as if trying to block the sight in front of him. (Or: Steve and Tony can't keep their hands off each other and everyone else suffers the consequences. Also known as that inevitable high school AU.) Word Count: 11428
Title: Just About Perfect Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Kink: Cock Rings Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, bondage Summary: Bucky thinks Tony can come while wearing a cock ring. Tony’s not so sure. (100% pure PWP smut) Word Count: 841
Collaborator: monobuu Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T2 -  takeout/pizza Ship: None/WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff, art Summary: Tiny Tony and Bucky with a chinese takeout container
Title: Browse With Confidence Collaborator: James Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 Lost Their Powers Ship: IronStrange Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Tony might have lost his genius - or at least his computer. Word Count: 1609
Title: Tinker With That Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - nightmares Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: nightmares, PTSD Summary: The missing scene after Tony's PTSD nightmare in IM3. Word Count: 637
Title: Lab Buddies Collaborator: darthbloodorange Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Science Bros Ship: Science Bros Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary:  Tony and Bruce are working together on a project in Bruce's lab. Tony gets himself a lab coat. Bruce... is a little less than impressed.
Title: Thinking Collaborator: darthbloodorange Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - robots Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: Just a usual day in the workshop. Tony is trying to think out a problem, and Dum-E and U want to play around.
Title: Tar and Feathers Collaborator: darthbloodorange Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: It was just like in those old cartoons he used to watch as a kid. He just never thought it would happen to him though...
Title: Looking out into Space Collaborator: darthbloodorange Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - image of Tony in space Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: Off all the things he thought he would and could do when he goes to space for the first time... this wasn't it. He wouldn't have chosen this to be the way he was in space either, lost and feeling alone. He wouldn't have chosen any of this.
Title: A Monument To A Hero Collaborator: darthbloodorange Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - graveyard Ship: none Rating: non Major Tags: art  Summary: The hero Tony Stark died fighting to save the people of Earth. The people in turn constructed a monument in his image.
Title: Tame Your Demons Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 -  Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: child abuse, violence Summary: He builds his picture of Tony one detail at a time, until the flash-blindness from Tony’s brilliance starts to ease and Bucky sees things in the shifting shadows. Tony is a man of many shadows, some old and deep. Word Count: 1841
Title: Bent, Not Broken Collaborator: ShippersList Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - nightmares Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: implied/referenced child abuse Summary: A momentary loss of control is all that’s needed for Tony’s world to come crumbling down. Luckily for him, Steve is there to catch him. Word Count: 2658
Title: Can we live that real life Collaborator: cutebutpsyco Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Thor Ship: Tony Stark and Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags: canon divergence Summary: Canon Divergence: Instead of the short movie of Thor in Australia during Civil War, he goes back at the Compound, just while Tony is back from Berlin to recruit Peter. Word Count: 1329
Title: K5- Workshop Troubles Collaborator: thudword Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - workshop troubles Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff, bot feels Summary: All Tony wants is a chance to rest. But DUM-E has other ideas. Word Count: 1028
Title: A Very Muppet Conundrum Collaborator: SbiderSlut Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Humour Ship: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff, crack Summary: In which Tony Stark wakes up, and the world has become a Sesame Street set. Long story short: Everyone, including his fiancé, looks like a Muppet. Yes, it is as ridiculous at it sounds. Word Count: 1832
Title: Heroes for Oppy Collaborator: shadowgrl94  Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Space  Ship: WinterIron, Iron Dad and Spider Son Rating: Gen Major Tags: bot feels Summary: Peter was in the car with Happy on the way to the Avengers Compound when he heard this news. "What?!" He scrolls through Twitter. Then his facebook. Then his Tumblr and Insta. "No. No. No. No. No!"  Word Count: 737
Title: Wanted: Mom Friend Collaborator: singingwithoutwords Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 -  AU: Sci-Fi/futuristic Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: The crew of the Starlit Spear just want their human to not accidentally kill himself. Is that really so much to ask? Word Count: 1797
Title: Open Hearts, Open Doors Collaborator: mistrstank Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Marriage! Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff, wedding Summary: In which Tony and Bucky have a very special day, DUM-E is a regular disaster and Tony's friends are a bunch of trolls. Word Count: 6806
Title: Open Hearts, Open Doors Collaborator: TheKitteh Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Never Again Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff, wedding Summary: In which Tony and Bucky have a very special day, DUM-E is a regular disaster and Tony's friends are a bunch of trolls. Word Count: 6806
Title: Open Hearts, Open Doors Collaborator: FeignedSobriquet Link: AO3 Square Filled: Square K3 - Day in the Life Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff, art, slightly lemon Summary: WinterIron art
Title: There's Always Next Year Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Cheesy Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff, Valentine’s Day Summary: Five times Tony's Valentine's Day plans totally failed... and one time it all went perfectly. With a few successes from Pepper! Word Count: 5193
Title: Scandal Collaborator: katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Past Tense Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: canon diverget, not Team Cap friendly Summary: Tony knows the return of the Rogues is going to cause a scandal, no matter what the President's polling data says, however James decides that they'll counter a scandal with a bigger, better, more shiny scandal. Tony approves. Word Count: 1433
Title: Missing You Collaborator: Ironspider Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - Missing You Ship: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Rating: M Major Tags: implied underage Summary: Moodboard
Title: Sounds Like A Plan Collaborator: katling Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3: Rocket Raccoon Ship: background Pepperony Rating: Teen Major Tags: none Summary: Tony's not sure what to make of the walking, talking raccoon in his workshop but he's tired, upset and determined that Thanos has to die. Rocket agrees and a plan is formed. Word Count: 568
Title: Coffee, Curses, Kisses Collaborator: wakandan_wardog  Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4: FIRST KISS Ship: WinterIron, Clintasha Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff, flirting Summary: Tony Stark drags himself out of his workshop on a regular Thursday morning. Well, mostly a regular morning. Except for Clint Barton lying on the breakfast bar in themed underwear. The theme is new, the rest is depressingly familiar. Ok, so maybe the rose petals are new too. (What the hell, Clint?) It's enough to make a billionaire grateful for the Avengers Alarm. Wait a minute, magic too? Fuck, this is just not Tony's day. (Until it really, really is.) Word Count: 1614
Title: Take My Heart in Sweet Surrender Collaborator: shadowgrl94 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Cheesy Ship: WinterIron, Vision/Wanda, Carol/Rhodey Rating: Teen Major Tags: none Summary: 5 Times Tony and Bucky treated each other on Valentines Day and 1 time they didn't (on valentines day that is) Word Count: 2168
Title: Ice cream Castles Collaborator:  lilithenaltum Link: A03 Square Filled:  K2 - holding hands Ship: Tony Stark/Shuri Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hurt/Comfort, angst Summary: He didn’t deserve you,” Tony says with a vicious edge to his voice. Neither of them did, really. Word Count: 3,186 
Title: The Pull of the Past Collaborator: dracusfyre Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Misunderstandings Ship: Loki/Tony Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: PTSD, panic attacks Summary: Stephen has Tony come over to fix a sink and things go very sideways. Word Count: 2149
Title: But did you do it? Collaborator: panna-acida Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Square Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: AU no powers Summary: “But did you do it?” Minute of silence stretched in the little cell, after the other man voice, James, call me Bucky, reached his ears soft and soothing like velvet. Word Count: 557
Collaborator: lbibliophile-mcu Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K1 - Arc reactor Ship: none Rating: G Major Tags: bot feels, art Summary: DUM-E knew Valentines cards were supposed to show a heart, so that’s what he drew. 
Collaborator: monobuu Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A4 - Hogwarts AU Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Tony as the four Hogwarts Houses
Title: we can't save everyone (but we can try) Collaborator: ironspider Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - image of Tony zip-tied to bedframe in IM3 Ship: Tony Stark and Maya Hansen Rating: Teen Major Tags: minor character death Summary: Maya Hansen dies unable to make amends for her wrongdoings. Tony Stark watches her die. Word Count: 633
Title: Thanks Fur Everything Collaborator: calmena Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Werecreatures Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: shapeshifters, fluff Summary: In which Bucky begins to bond with a dog in Stark's lab, and the dog turns out to be... something else. Word Count: 2147
Title: A Very Muppet Conundrum Collaborator: SbiderSlut Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Humour Ship: Tony Stark/Peter Parker Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff, crack Summary: In which Tony Stark wakes up, and the world has become a Sesame Street set. Long story short: Everyone, including his fiancé, looks like a Muppet. Yes, it is as ridiculous at it sounds.  Word Count: 1832
Title: Cold As Snow (But Just As Soft) Collaborator:  Gothic_Lolita Link: AO3 Square Filled:  K5: Graveyards Ship: Maria and Tony Stark, Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes Rating: Teen Major Tags: implied/referenced character death Summary: Tony hated winter and the memories that came with it. He hated visiting cold graves and dead bodies. But sometimes, it was worth the while. Word Count: 1259
Title: helluva 'vacation' Collaborator: rainbowshoes Link: AO3 Squares Filled: S1: Shipwrecked (Ch 1) R5: Desert Island (Ch 2) K3: Merpeople (Ch 3) S5: Carnival (Ch 4) A1: Arc reactor angst (Ch 5) A2: Infinity gems (Ch 6) R3: Science and Magic (Ch 7) K1: Shapeshifters (Ch 8) S2: Heat fic (Ch 9) Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: PTSD, nightmares, panic attacks, explicit sexual content Summary: Pepper and Rhodey join forces against Tony and force him to take some time away from SI after Stane and the palladium poisoning incident. So, for his vacation, Tony gets his yacht and takes it out on the open ocean all by himself. He has to get over his ‘thing’ with water, after all. Only then, there's a storm… Word Count: 19618
Title: Lights (Guiding you Home) Collaborator: mistrstank Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - AU: Canon Divergence Ship: IronHubands Rating: Teen Major Tags: angst, fluff, pining Summary: Rhodey's terrified of losing Tony and it seems every time he's not looking, Tony's dying or almost-dying. Or, in which the author looks at Rhodey through Tony's experiences in the MCU and cries over how many times we almost lose our boy, Tony. Word Count: 2626
Title: I’ll Show You the Darkest Parts of You Collaborator: mistrstank Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S2 - Wanda Maximoff Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: fan edit gif Summary: “Ultron can’t see the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that from?
Title: Forests and Centaurs Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Centaurs Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: mild smut, Fluff and crack Summary: Tony’s not quite sure where he is, or how he got here. And something seems just not quite right. Word Count: 1370
Title: School Time Legends Collaborator: SyoshoHiataki Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Peggy Carter Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Peggy Carter has punched Nazis, dealt with sexist military leaders and had to teach Steven Grant Rogers how to properly throw a punch. The thing she hates more than that? Stupid rich self entitled people.... Word Count: 835
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cakeblock1008 · 2 years
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espercr · 3 years
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NAME.    hope bernadette baxter .  NICKNAME.    oppy , hopey , owl-eyes , stellar jay , glow girl , light lass .  AGE.    currently , 33 ( timeline / verse dependent )  SPECIES.    human + some alien gunk . 
MORALITY.    lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true . RELIGION.    agnostic .  SINS.    greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath . VIRTUES.    chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice . KNOWN  LANGUAGES.    english , french .  SECRETS.    as stellar jay , her identity . as herself , her powers & vigilante streak . also about her steadily crumbling mental health & emotional stability . 
BUILD.    scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average. HEIGHT.    5′6″ SCARS / BIRTHMARKS.  scars from frequent injections on her arms & wrists . one on her arm from falling out of a tree as a kid . one on her forehead , covered by her bangs .  NOTABLE  FEATURES.    bright blue gaze , freckles .  ABILITIES / POWERS.    photo-telekinesis , manipulation of the environment using light / photons : flight , enhanced strength , telekinesis , blasts of light .  RESTRICTIONS.    her own endurance , mental state , physical strength , & emotional stability . 
FOOD.    cupcakes .  DRINK.    coffee / tea , her mama’s lemonade .  PIZZA  TOPPING.    olives , mushrooms , & onion .  COLOUR.   periwinkle .  MUSIC  GENRE.    indie pop / rock / folk . BOOK  GENRE.    all fiction , poetry , self help .  MOVIE  GENRE.    action , adventure , sci-fi .  SEASON.    summer .  CURSE  WORD.    hell / damn . . . fuck ( only in bed )  SCENT(S).    bergamont , vanilla , fresh linen , lemon . 
BOTTOM  OR  TOP.    the switchiest switch . SINGS  IN  THE  SHOWER.    absolutely , always - she blasts music .  LIKES  PUNS.    yes , but she pretends she doesn’t . 
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