Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kanato Dark [05]
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ー The scene starts in Kino’s manor
Mysterious Man A: ーー Therefore, Kino-sama. Now that we have accepted your help, it is of utmost importance that you act quickly. 
Mysterious Man B: Exactly. At this rate, Demons will gain control over the Human World as well. 
We must prevent an invasion of these Demonic species at all costs. 
ー Cheerful game music starts playing 
Kino: Yeah, yeah. Gotchaー ... There...Oh! Found the Boss!
*Tap tap* 
Kino: ーー Kaboom! Ahaha! Weaklingー!
Mysterious Man A: ...Kino-sama. Are you listening? 
Mysterious Man B: We are discussing a very important topic regarding the future of the human race. 
Would you please stop playing your game for a second? 
Kino: Ahー Sure, sure. I know. 
Just leave both the plan as well as those Demons up to me. I’ll deal with it somehow. 
So, are we done talking then? 
*Tap tap* 
Kino: Ehー I’ve run out of items again...Better stock up...Voila!
Mysterious Man A: ...Like we said, we...!
Kino: Haah...We’ve talked for long enough haven’t we? Can you guys please just go home already? 
This timed event is going to end soon, so I’m very busy!
*Tap tap* 
Kino: Go go! Activating my special skill!
Mysterious Man A: ...
*Beep beep beep*
Kino: ーー Ah! Godー ...This sucks. I was so close to getting a spot on the leader board and redeem one of the top rewards!
Hey, Yuuri! My charger! Hurry up and fetch it for me!
ー Yuuri walks up to him
Yuuri: ーー Kino, here you go. 
Kino: Mmh, thanks. ...Wait, huh? What happened to those other guys? 
Yuuri: They returned home not too long ago. Did you not tell them to do so yourself? 
Kino: ...Really? I was so caught up in my mobile game, I don’t remember at all. 
Oh well, whatever. Having to listen to their complicated explanations only makes me sleepy. 
...Right, Yuuri. Make sure to scatter some salt in the entrance hall later, okay? 
Yuuri: Eh...?
Kino: It’s pretty clear that they only think of us as convenient tools to achieve their goals. 
They’re ridiculous yet dangerous, you see. Exactly the kind of people who get on my nerves. 
Yuuri: Understood. 
...That being said, in our current situation, their goal to rob the Demons of their power should play in the favor of our organization, the Ravens, as well. 
Therefore, it is important that you take this seriously, to ensure that we will continue to be able to use the Church to our advantage. 
Kino: I mean, you’re not wrong. I did mess up the other day, so I need to start yielding some results soon...
ー The scene shifts to Kanato’s room
Yui: ...I guess it looks a bit more tidy now.
( I feel as if Kanato-kun has become even more impulsive than he was before... )
( His room finally got fixed up, but he keeps on making a mess out of it again. )
( I suppose he’s really feeling the pressure now that he has become the ruler of the Demon World. )
( I truly want to accept him as he is. )
( But I wonder how I can convey that to him? I don’t know anymore... )
*Thud thud* 
Yui: ...? 
( That sound just now? It came from the entrance hall? )
( I wonder if somebody came to visit? We don’t get visitors all that often... )
ー The scene shifts to the outside of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: Hello? ...Ah!
Ruki: My bad for dropping by uninvited. 
Yui: Oh no, I don’t mind. However, you definitely do not visit this house every day. 
Ruki: There’s something I’d like to discuss. 
Yui: I see. Then please come on iーー 
( Should I? I guess it should be fine to let Ruki-kun in without earning Kanato-kun’s permission first...? )
( But Reiji-san and the others aren’t home right now...So I have to consider that if I end up making him mad and that leads to his powers flurrying out of control again... )
→ Feel guilty for having to turn Ruki-kun down regardless
Yui: ( Still, I can’t ask Ruki-kun to talk by the door when he came all the way out here to visit us... )
( I should probably invite him in after all... )
→ Turn him down for Kanato-kun’s sake as well (❦)
Yui: ( I feel guilty having to do this to Ruki-kun but... )
( I don’t want to upset Kanato-kun, so I should probably say no. )
L-Listen, Ruki-kun...
Ruki: ...
Oh well. I’ll let myself in then.
Yui: Eh? W-Waitーー
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Yui: E-Excuse me...!
Ruki: Hmph...You truly are so easy to read. 
It won’t cause you any issues if I was the one who selfishly let myself in, right?
Yui: ...! B-But...
( He realized that I was worried about Kanato-kun’s reaction... )
Ruki: I don’t mind. I know very well what kind of guy he is.
Yui: Yeah...Thanks. Well then, I’ll show you to the living room, okay?
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: Sorry for the wait. I went to get us some tea and cake. 
Ruki: Yes. Sorry for having you go through the trouble. 
Ruki: This might take a while. You should have a seat as well. 
Yui: Eh? S-Sure...
( I wonder what this could be about? Am I the one he wanted to talk to...? )
Ruki: Are you aware...Where my family and I are currently residing? 
Yui: ...Um, I haven’t been informed of any details...
Ruki: We are currently at Eden in the Demon World, protecting the late King’s castle. 
However, now that the castle has been left without an owner, combined with the chaotic times in the Demon World following that man’s passing...
Even Eden itself is at risk of falling into ruin. 
Yui: ...I see.
Ruki: It is said that Eden and its ruler share one mind. 
If the current ruler fails to wield their powers, it only makes sense that the castle itself would fall into crisis as well. 
Yui: Um...Ruki-kun? Can I ask just one thing? 
Why are you telling me all of this...?
From what I’ve heard, I cannot imagine that I’d be able to prevent Eden’s destruction. Yet...
Ruki: Because you’re the only reasonable person in this manor at present. 
Besides, aren’t you the only one who can actually talk to the current head of the household?
Yui: ...In other words, you want me to convince Kanato-kun and bring him to the Demon World? 
Ruki: Yes, exactly. 
Yui: ...
( I feel conflicted but...I’m sure the situation must be very dire if Ruki-kun has resorted to asking me of a favor... )
Ruki: I very much understand that it is difficult for you to make this decision on the spot. 
However...I don’t care if it’s simply out of pity, but if hearing my story made you feel some kind of way.
ーー Would you please consider convincing Sakamaki Kanato for me? 
Yui: I-I...ーー 
‘ーー I don’t care if it’s simply out of pity (同情).’ 
When Ruki-kun spoke those words,
he looked more mentally exhausted,
than I had ever seen him before. 
I want to fulfill his request. 
I want to help out. 
Of course, those feelings crossed my mind.
However, I could not nod my head straight away. 
After all, most of all
it is important for me to consider,
what Kanato-kun’s wants (意思) ーー 
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