#leila has diabetes
seriallovertrait · 15 days
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boba and your girlfriend will always make things better🧋👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
leila just wanted to enjoy her time with sarai so she didn't go into full detail of what has happened or her plans
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seymour-butz-stuff · 3 years
The anti-vaxxer madness has descended to a new level of insanity. Teachers at the Centner Academy in Miami have been advised against getting the COVID vaccination before school resumes in the fall. The Academy’s founder, Leila Centner, lays out the school’s position in an e-mail to parents
“It is our policy, to the extent possible, not to employ anyone who has taken the experimental COVID-19 injection until further information is known,”
And why does Centner take this position? She claims the vaccination is “new and yet to be researched.” She also recommended that faculty and staff hold off on taking the injection “until there is further research available on whether this experimental drug is impacting unvaccinated individuals.”
There’s the rub. It is one thing to be against mandatory vaccination for yourself or others because of what a vaccine might do to the recipient. But Centner is worried about what ill-effects a person who has received a vaccination might cause in someone who hasn’t.
Specifically, she warned that vaccinated persons “may be transmitting something from their bodies” that could harm others, particularly the “reproductive systems, fertility, and normal growth and development in women and children.”
Centner gets specific,
“Reports have surfaced recently of non-vaccinated people being negatively impacted by interacting with people who have been vaccinated.”
“Even among our own population, we have at least three women with menstrual cycles impacted after having spent time with a vaccinated person.”
It is complete and absolutely debunked rubbish. Even Centner admits there may some ‘push back’ against her position,
“We know not everyone agrees on this topic, but this is our philosophy at Centner Academy, one in which many of our teachers and parents share.”
It sounds like something an apologetic proponent of the ‘Flat Earth Society’ might say. It is the attempt of someone promoting an absurd point of view to appear reasonable — when rationality is nowhere in sight.
This should be heartwarming to anyone whose child attends public school or expects their children to attend them... because this shows private schools are run by incompetent idiots.
Centner defends her position, as most cranks and loons do in the internet age, with links to sites that support her insanity. However, you won’t find any rigorous research, peer review, or academic support in her favor. As one expert, Dr. Aileen Marty, a physician and infectious disease specialist with Florida International University’s Wertheim College of Medicine, pointed out,
“It gives the illusion that she’s basing it on facts, but there’s not one citation, there’s not one physician or scientist whose name is spelled out in there. There’s [sic] no references. There’s nothing. There is no scientific evidence provided. Rumor is the only thing that’s there, and if you look at the reality, there’s zero, zero science behind those allegations.”
Centner has been active in the anti-vaxxer community for years. And brought that scientific illiteracy to her academic venture. The school announces it is a haven of “Medical freedom from mandated vaccines”. Because:
“there is a large belief in the United States that the excess of mandatory vaccines is actually damaging them. In fact, in the past 20 years, U.S. statistics prove that children are experiencing doubled rates of Attention Deficit Disorder and learning disabilities, doubled rates of asthma, tripled rates of diabetes, and a rise in autism in every single state at the rate of 600 percent.”
But not to worry, if you are a parent swayed by pseudo-science and bullshit, the Academy will work with you “to complete a medical or religious exemption form to opt out of the school vaccination program.”
And just to show how deep down the rabbit hole Centner is, in February, she welcomed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the prominent antivaccine activist. to speak to students. (Mr. Kennedy was suspended from Instagram a few days later for promoting Covid-19 vaccine misinformation.) And this month, the school hosted a Zoom talk with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, a New York pediatrician frequently cited by anti-vaccination activists.
The Centners, Leila and her husband David, opened the Centner Academy in 2019 as a ‘happiness school’.  As it says on its website,
We take happiness and emotional intelligence seriously. We aspire for kids to thrive and to lead truly ‘flourishing lives’…
To this end, the school has a chiropractor on staff to give adjustments to students and staff and practices meditation among students with the use of crystals. All harmless stuff I suppose. And make of it what you will. But note, this spirit of Kumbaya comes with a price tag. An annual fee of $29,850 for middle schoolers — and it costs $2,200 just to get enrolled in the first place.
If you want your children to be misinformed and can’t afford the $30,000 I’ll do it for half that. DM me.
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notimundo · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/sociedad/como-puedo-mejorar-la-calidad-de-mi-sueno-durante-la-pandemia/
¿Cómo puedo mejorar la calidad de mi sueño durante la pandemia?
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La situación actual de pandemia sin lugar a dudas ha afectado todas las áreas de nuestra vida, lo que incluye nuestro sueño y su calidad. Por lo general, en países como Estados Unidos, durante un año normal al menos 50 millones de adultos presentan trastornos que afectan el sueño.
Ahora, con la crisis causada por el coronavirus, la situación es incluso peor, tal como ha reflejado una reciente investigación publicada en Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Detrás de ella, se encuentra el equipo de investigadores conformado por Uri Mandelkorn, Shir Genzer, Shoham Choshen-Hillel, Joel Reiter, Miguel Meira e Cruz, Hagit Hochner, Leila Kheirandish-Gozal, David Gozal y Alex Gileles-Hillel.
Gracias a su esfuerzo conjunto, tenemos no solo una mejor perspectiva de los efectos que ha tenido la pandemia sobre nuestros hábitos de descanso, sino que también contamos con una lista de opciones con la que potenciarlos y hacerlos más saludables.
La calidad del sueño ha disminuido durante la pandemia del COVID-19
Una de las primeras observaciones del Dr. Gozal es que “ahora estamos viendo muchos patrones de sueño irregulares”. La llegada de la pandemia implicó una ruptura de todas nuestras rutinas, lo que, a la larga, terminó por afectar la calidad de nuestro sueño.
Según su investigación, en la actualidad al menos el 58% de los adultos en 49 países distintos se quejan de una mala calidad en su sueño. En esto concuerdan con otras afirmaciones como las realizadas por la revista Sleep Health, en la que se habla de que más de un tercio de los encuestados en 59 naciones reportaron una alteración en sus patrones de descanso a causa de la pandemia.
Como si esto fuera poco, investigaciones anteriores también han abordado cómo han cambiado los patrones de sueño por la pandemia, específicamente en Europa y Estados Unidos. Acá, nuevamente, el punto común fue el deterioro paulatino de la calidad del descanso.
¿Por qué deberíamos procurar tener una buena calidad de sueño?
En breves palabras, el sueño es un proceso vital para mantener saludable a todo nuestro organismo, de allí que sea necesario cuidar su calidad incluso en tiempos de pandemia. En estudios pasados se ha visto, por ejemplo, cómo los malos hábitos de sueño pueden afectar la salud mental de los adolescentes.
Pero eso está lejos de ser todo. Del mismo modo, una mala calidad del descanso también puede traducirse en un mayor riesgo de depresión para cualquier grupo etario. Adicionalmente, se ha comprobado que el desarrollo académico y social de los más pequeños también está condicionado por la calidad de su sueño.
Por esto, tener un descanso de buena calidad, que nos permita llegar al sueño profundo, será vital para mantenernos sanos. De no hacerlo, nos arriesgamos a tener un sistema inmunológico debilitado y un mayor riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas, obesidad, aterosclerosis, hipertensión y diabetes tipo 2.
¿Qué podemos hacer para mejorar la calidad del sueño durante la pandemia?
Una vez claro el problema y por qué es necesario abordarlo, los investigadores también dedicaron un momento a proponer soluciones para garantizar la buena calidad del sueño incluso durante la pandemia. Como el principal consejo dado, los Jackson afirmó:
“Haga del sueño una prioridad y establezca una rutina para dormir y despertarse si puede, ya que dormir es tan importante como una nutrición y actividad física adecuada”.
Si ponemos al sueño como prioridad, veremos que completar las otras recomendaciones no se hace tan complicado. Basicamente, los autores recomiendan que los alejemos de los “obstáculos del sueño” como las pantallas electrónicas, los temas o tareas estresantes y cualquier actividad que nos ponga en estado de alerta.
Al hacer esto, podremos estar lo suficientemente relajados como para conciliar el sueño con facilidad. Gracias a lo cual podremos tener una noche de sueño reparador, durmiendo la cantidad de horas que nuestro organismo necesita.
En caso de que no hayamos podido tener una noche de sueño completa, Gozal comenta que las siestas también pueden ser benéficas. Sin embargo, advierte que solo aquellas que duran entre 15 y 45 minutos darán ese efecto realmente reparador. Ya que ellas nos permitirán descansar sin caer en el sueño profundo, por lo que no nos sentiremos desorientados o lentos al despertar.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Trump's use of immigration as 2020 wedge could backfire on other policies
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/trumps-use-of-immigration-as-2020-wedge-could-backfire-on-other-policies/
Trump's use of immigration as 2020 wedge could backfire on other policies
President Donald Trump’s laser focus on immigration could disrupt other foreign policy priorities and his 2020 bid. | Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images
foreign policy
Detractors and even some supporters say it has undermined everything from Trump’s effort to weaken Iran’s Islamist regime to his attempts to strike a trade deal with Mexico.
Donald Trump’s push to restrict immigration is clashing with policy goals in ways that detractors and even some supporters say could hurt his 2020 reelection bid.
It’s happened, they note, on everything from Trump’s effort to weaken Iran’s Islamist regime, to his attempts to strike a trade deal with Mexico, to his push to oust Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro. And it could happen on gun control, if Trump tries to wed expanded background checks with an immigration overhaul.
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To pro-immigrant advocates, Trump simply wants to inject immigration into as many discussions to keep it alive an election wedge issue. They argue he’s blind to the consequences that is having on his other major initiatives.
“Everything you see is about 2020,” said David Leopold, a prominent immigration lawyer and Trump critic. “He uses the issue — a very serious policy issue, a complicated policy problem, immigration — he uses it for purely selfish political reasons, to throw red meat to his base.”
But others insist he is purely going off instinct. Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors curbing immigration, laughed when asked if there was a strategy behind some of Trump’s moves.
“There are both supporters and detractors of his who imagine he’s playing 40-dimensional string theory chess, when in fact he’s just operating from his gut,” he said.
Regardless, Trump’s approach to immigration has — intentionally or not — gotten mixed up with his administration’s other initiatives.
One major Trump foreign policy goal is forcing out Maduro, whom Trump no longer recognizes as Venezuela’s president. Trump and his aides have pointed to Venezuela’s misery — an economic collapse, food and medicine shortages and corruption — as reasons why Maduro should be ousted.
But even as the Trump team has detailed the horrifying conditions that have led millions of Venezuelans to flee, it has ignored calls to grant Venezuelans in the United States “temporary protected status” so that they can stay in America even if they lack legal status.
In fact, Trump has been trying to dismantle the entire TPS program, which has also covered people from several other nations riven with violence or natural disaster. Trump is also trying to cut down on the number of people granted asylum in the U.S. just as Venezuela has become atop sourceof asylum applications filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Another Trump foreign policy goal is to weaken the Islamist government in Iran. Using primarily economic sanctions, the president and his team are raising pressure on the clerical regime, and they say they’re doing it in part to end the oppression of ordinary Iranians.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has even implied that deteriorating economic conditions in the country could cause Iranians to revolt against the regime. “I think what can change is the people can change the government,” Pompeo told CBS News earlier this year.
But Trump’s expressed love for Iranians — he’s called them “great people” — has been undercut by his decision to include Iranians in his infamous travel ban. Iranian activists point to the travel ban, and Trump’s tighter asylum policies, as evidence Trump doesn’t care about Iranians at all.
“It’s like a slap in the face. The Trump administration is asking Iranians to rise up against their cruel regime, and at the same time they are not allowing them to take safe haven in the United States,” said Leila Austin, executive director of the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, a non-profit advocacy group.
Even some supporters of Trump’s overall tough policy toward Iran say the travel ban was a mistake, and that at the very least it should have been better tailored.
“Lift the travel ban & give thousands of H1B [visas] & green cards to ordinary Iranians,” Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which has backed Trump’s “maximum pressure campaign” against the Iranian regime,tweetedin April.“Ban regime connected officials & their families from entering US.”
Trump’s tough immigration policies have at times damaged his standing with people who voted for him. For instance, many members of America’s Iraqi Christian community supported Trump because he promised to do more to protect Christians overseas. That promise also led many evangelical Christians to support the president.
But as part of his immigration crackdown, Trump has been trying to deport hundreds of Iraqi Christians back to Iraq, where many fear they’ll face torture and death. Just this past week, a 41-year-old Michigan man deported to Iraq in June died, possibly because could not obtain insulin in Baghdad to treat his diabetes. While the man, Jimmy Aldaoud, was an Iraqi national, he had been in the U.S. since he was a young child and did not speak Arabic.
Aldaoud was one of an estimated 160,000 Chaldean Catholics in Michigan, many of whom supported Trump in 2016. They now feel betrayed.
“There’s a tremendous amount of anxiety in the community,”saidMartin Manna of the Chaldean Community Foundation earlier this week.
Also this past week, following deadly mass shootings in Texas and Ohio, Trump signaled that he might support expanding background checks for people seeking to buy guns. But he also briefly floated the idea of “marrying” gun control to an immigration overhaul. Such a linkage would likely kill chances for either proposal to succeed.
Trump’s campaign insists his strict approach to immigration is actually well-matched with the president’s other initiatives — both at home and abroad.
“President Trump’s first priorities will always be the safety and prosperity of the American people, which is why he has focused on border security and the enforcement of immigration laws,” a Trump campaign spokesperson said in a statement. “He will also stand in support of freedom over tyranny around the world. These principles are compatible.”
In the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections, Trump used immigration as a major talking point, regularly inveighing against “caravans” of migrants coming to the U.S. from Latin America. Despite Democrats racking up big wins in that election, Trump hasn’t abandoned his anti-immigration emphasis.
He shut down the federal government for a record 35 days in an unsuccessful bid to get Congress to fund the construction of a border wall with Mexico. The costly move angered workers in many industrial sectors, threatening a Republican talking point for 2020 about how well the U.S. economy is doing under Trump.
Trump then stunned Washington in May when he threatened to impose tariffs on Mexico if it didn’t do more to stop migrants from crossing into the United States.
Even Republican lawmakerswarnedthat the tariffs could threaten congressional approval of what Trump considers a top achievement: His negotiation of a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico. They also noted the tariffs could hurt American workers, including many farmers who have supported Trump.
Mexico has avoided the threatened tariffs so far by stepping up efforts to deter migrants from entering the U.S. But Trump’s threats may also have spooked China, another country with whom he’s engaged in trade talks, about whether he’s reliable.
“The message that was received was that deals that the president makes don’t stick. You’re always vulnerable to him coming back and wanting to change everything,” said Bill Reinsch, an Asia expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Trump is surrounded by some top aides, such as Stephen Miller, who are known to favor much tighter restrictions on immigration. But former Trump aides and even some of his critics say that at the end of the day, it’s Trump’s own political instincts that drive his message.
Trump’s instincts apparently tell him that revving up anti-immigrant attitudes among some in the Republican base will work for him in 2020 — even after the 2018 setback and even if it means undercutting other policy goals.
“I don’t think he cares about his legacy as much as he cares about the moment,” said Frank Sharry, founder and executive director of America’s Voice, a liberal group advocating for immigration reform.
Sometimes Trump’s immigration policy appears to undermine his immigration policy.
Krikorian pointed out that while Trump talks of ensuring Americans have access to jobs, the president has alsosuggestedthat he wants to let in more immigrants to fill certain positions, such as temporary jobs in landscaping and housekeeping.
And in June, the State Department confirmed that the United States will cut off future foreign aid funds to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras — three Central American countries that are a major source of migrants to the United States.
Trump says those countries aren’t doing enough to stop their citizens from fleeing to America. But Republicans and Democrats in Congress have criticized his decision to cut off the funding. They argue that by ending support for programs that try to reduce violence and ease poverty, Trump’s decision could spur even more people to migrate to the U.S.
Some Trump critics wonder if Trump is intentionally trying to exacerbate the migration crisis through such moves so that he can point to it — and his self-declared toughness on immigration — as a reason why he should be re-elected.
“I think it’s a terrible move,” Leopold said. “And he’s going to learn that in 2020.”
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kristinsimmons · 6 years
The Art of Medicine: Taking a Military History
If it weren’t for the round, scaly patch on the young woman’s shoulder, her doctor might never have known that she served in the Navy for 6 years. He wouldn’t have learned about her sun exposure during a year-long station in east Africa, where temperatures regularly reached over 100°F. But because he didn’t ask about her military history, he didn’t hear about the burn pits and dust storms that filled her lungs with toxic particles. He didn’t hear about the infectious diseases to which she was exposed. He didn’t hear about whether or not she was exposed to combat, or if she experienced military sexual trauma. Perhaps if she were an older man with fading tattoos and a Marine Corps baseball cap, he might have thought to ask.
Or perhaps not.
It takes a remarkable amount of courage for an individual to choose to serve in the military. Their time in the service unquestionably impacts their worldview and every other aspect of their lives. Their health and well-being are no exceptions. That is why all health care providers should know how to ask their patients about their military experiences. More veterans receive healthcare outside the Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system than within it, and that number is surely to grow if the VA is privatized, as recently proposed. The time is now for healthcare providers to educate themselves about taking a military history. As physician and nurse practitioner resident trainees, we ask these questions as part of our routine screening both inside and outside the VA healthcare system. The patient who was just described was one of us, and the answers to these questions play a large part in how our patients are diagnosed, treated and understood as people.
The location and era of a veteran’s deployment place them at higher risk for certain conditions. For example, Vietnam-era veterans exposed to Agent Orange, a chemical defoliant and herbicide, are at increased risk for ischemic heart disease, diabetes, multiple myeloma, other cancers, and Parkinson’s disease. Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are at a higher risk for traumatic brain injury due to their exposure to improvised explosive devices. Lacking awareness of these associations can delay appropriate screening, diagnosis, and management.
Most veterans receive care outside of the VA system. As of 2014, 60% of the 21 million US veterans received health care outside the VA. In Connecticut, where we practice, about 75% of the state’s 200,000 veterans are cared for outside the VA. Recent initiatives like the Veterans Choice Program allow veterans the flexibility of seeing non-VA providers. In order for the medical community to continue providing quality medical care for our veterans, we must remain cognizant of how their military history may influence their physical and mental health.
To be sure, some clinicians working in a non-VA setting may be uncertain about what to ask and how to act upon what may be revealed. The VA has made this part easy by creating a user-friendly pocket card for taking a military health history that can be downloaded to a mobile device: https://www.va.gov/OAA/pocketcard/. The card also includes useful phone numbers and websites for more information.
As our country considers privatizing the VA, the number of veteran patients in the community is likely to rise. Like all VA providers, we know that a military background can have a huge impact on a person’s life, worldview, and health. That’s why undervaluing the impact of a military history is a disservice to our veterans, no matter where they are seen.
This article was prepared by the authors above in his/her personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Connecticut Healthcare System or the United States government.
Title: The Forgotten Question: Taking a Military History
Meredith Bertrand, NP1
Eugenia Betz, MD1,2
Alice Grant, NP1
Leila Haghighat, MD1,2
Janet Ku, NP1
Sumit R. Kumar, MD1,2
Mona Lalehzari, MD1,2
Benjamin Y. Lu, MD1,2
J. Nicholas Pumilia, MD1,2
Jonathan Stock, MD1,2
Anna Reisman, MD1,2,3
1.     VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education, West Haven Veterans Affairs Hospital, West Haven, CT
2.     Department of Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
3.     Program for Humanities in Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
The Art of Medicine: Taking a Military History published first on https://wittooth.tumblr.com/
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isaacscrawford · 6 years
The Art of Medicine: Taking a Military History
If it weren’t for the round, scaly patch on the young woman’s shoulder, her doctor might never have known that she served in the Navy for 6 years. He wouldn’t have learned about her sun exposure during a year-long station in east Africa, where temperatures regularly reached over 100°F. But because he didn’t ask about her military history, he didn’t hear about the burn pits and dust storms that filled her lungs with toxic particles. He didn’t hear about the infectious diseases to which she was exposed. He didn’t hear about whether or not she was exposed to combat, or if she experienced military sexual trauma. Perhaps if she were an older man with fading tattoos and a Marine Corps baseball cap, he might have thought to ask.
Or perhaps not.
It takes a remarkable amount of courage for an individual to choose to serve in the military. Their time in the service unquestionably impacts their worldview and every other aspect of their lives. Their health and well-being are no exceptions. That is why all health care providers should know how to ask their patients about their military experiences. More veterans receive healthcare outside the Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system than within it, and that number is surely to grow if the VA is privatized, as recently proposed. The time is now for healthcare providers to educate themselves about taking a military history. As physician and nurse practitioner resident trainees, we ask these questions as part of our routine screening both inside and outside the VA healthcare system. The patient who was just described was one of us, and the answers to these questions play a large part in how our patients are diagnosed, treated and understood as people.
The location and era of a veteran’s deployment place them at higher risk for certain conditions. For example, Vietnam-era veterans exposed to Agent Orange, a chemical defoliant and herbicide, are at increased risk for ischemic heart disease, diabetes, multiple myeloma, other cancers, and Parkinson’s disease. Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are at a higher risk for traumatic brain injury due to their exposure to improvised explosive devices. Lacking awareness of these associations can delay appropriate screening, diagnosis, and management.
Most veterans receive care outside of the VA system. As of 2014, 60% of the 21 million US veterans received health care outside the VA. In Connecticut, where we practice, about 75% of the state’s 200,000 veterans are cared for outside the VA. Recent initiatives like the Veterans Choice Program allow veterans the flexibility of seeing non-VA providers. In order for the medical community to continue providing quality medical care for our veterans, we must remain cognizant of how their military history may influence their physical and mental health.
To be sure, some clinicians working in a non-VA setting may be uncertain about what to ask and how to act upon what may be revealed. The VA has made this part easy by creating a user-friendly pocket card for taking a military health history that can be downloaded to a mobile device: https://www.va.gov/OAA/pocketcard/. The card also includes useful phone numbers and websites for more information.
As our country considers privatizing the VA, the number of veteran patients in the community is likely to rise. Like all VA providers, we know that a military background can have a huge impact on a person’s life, worldview, and health. That’s why undervaluing the impact of a military history is a disservice to our veterans, no matter where they are seen.
This article was prepared by the authors above in his/her personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Connecticut Healthcare System or the United States government.
Title: The Forgotten Question: Taking a Military History
Meredith Bertrand, NP1
Eugenia Betz, MD1,2
Alice Grant, NP1
Leila Haghighat, MD1,2
Janet Ku, NP1
Sumit R. Kumar, MD1,2
Mona Lalehzari, MD1,2
Benjamin Y. Lu, MD1,2
J. Nicholas Pumilia, MD1,2
Jonathan Stock, MD1,2
Anna Reisman, MD1,2,3
1.     VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education, West Haven Veterans Affairs Hospital, West Haven, CT
2.     Department of Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
3.     Program for Humanities in Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
Article source:The Health Care Blog
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annettecornell-blog · 6 years
How Does Acupuncture Work?
If they have been, most acupuncture college students may have developed a more eager appreciation for physiology and the physicality of Chinese medical pondering. Merely pondering you possibly can muster the willpower as needed could be a poor strategy to strategy this fairly obsessive routine. Acupuncture can be utilized for a lot of reasons - morning sickness for pregnant girls, muscle and bone pains and diseases, asthma and more generally it's used to help individuals to quit smoking. Benda Acupuncture and Slimming Centre is among the pioneers of Acupuncture treatments in Rajasthan, Located in Peacefully environment at Bombay Motor Circle, Jodhpur. Six to 10 treatments are common for most situations, Of course not all situations or people will respond in the identical method or within the same time-frame. Once the needles are in place, no pain is felt and most children start to feel comfortable and relaxed. As soon as you start experiencing the scorching ache you must try stretching your thigh muscles. Nevertheless, there are also studies that don't discover efficacy for acupuncture in pain.
Ache throughout therapy occurs in about 1% of remedies. There are lots of sites, which offer details on practitioners who're qualified to perform acupuncture treatment. If I reach out with a troublesome situation I'll usually hear again from Dr Haller that same day. Your practitioner will carefully evaluate your private situation by asking questions on previous and present medical historical past, taking the pulses, observing the tongue, and palpating various areas of the body for tenderness. There is clinical research behind the anti-inflammatory advantages of acupuncture which present it to be efficient against inflammatory circumstances like rosacea and eczema, but can acupuncture particularly help the pores and skin's look, even when we don't have a situation to treat? Also, if you have a critical or chronic medical condition like cancer or stroke, diabetes or prolonged ache, you usually tend to undergo from depression. It promotes good health, calms our body, relieves stress, ease the pain, and reduce weight. Based mostly on NIH/CPSI scores, the 12 men noticed marked progress with regard to ache, urinary symptoms, and quality of life after approximately 33 weeks of observe-up.
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Acupuncture may also be used for males affected with sperm-DNA-fragmentation. Acupuncture is broadly accepted as a reliable methodology to treat gastrointestinal issues, equivalent to diarrhea and constipation. In my clinic I do not have an opportunity to deal with patients in an ongoing vogue. A lot of Western nations acupuncturists are using quite a lot of acupuncture strategies to treat obesity, smoking and onerous drug addiction. Self acupuncture definitely has loads of positive factors to recommend it. There are actually lots of of acupressure points recorded in by Chinese physicians. Organs are seen in keeping with their perceived functions, slightly than the literal functions assigned by western drugs. In the Chinese advanced integrative medicine framework, the free circulation of chi throughout the body produces optimal well being. Dr. Leila Fosdick Turner is licensed as a basic household practitioner and is considered an knowledgeable in women’s well being. You'll find there is a distinction between a holistic well being practitioner and a holistic doctor. Top-notch chiropractors out there in well being clinic guide you with wonderful way of life recommendation and carry out a fruitful nutritional counseling effectively.
Well being and health kinesiology was produced by a psychologist with an fascination in nourishment and electro-magnetic pollution. Much research in Chinese language has not even been translated into English. Even discomfort is generally minimal. There are also Chinese language constitutional types with their own particular mental and emotional tendencies. No traditional Chinese herbs needs to be outlawed without allowing Chinese medical practitioners to continue to make use of them traditionally. Ayurveda obtained the nod of the Medical council of act, in the year 1970. According to the act, the choice medication or the Ayurveda has the similar significance as the fashionable medicine has. The future of other medication holds on the potentiality of remodeling the "different medicine" into standard medication since it's now changing into extensively appreciated and practiced by medical docs. Nonetheless, acupuncture has been established as a useful apply for many people. Connally had the horse’s owner change the shoeing, and did some cortisone injections into both front feet, and then he used acupuncture on the horse’s back.
"Rather than inject the hock, we could change the shoeing, modify the horse, do some acupuncture, after which reassess the problem. Results may last a number of years but month-to-month upkeep visits are recommended. Less possible, you may experience a slight bruise round some extent if the needle has hit a capillary or small blood vessel, which can usually be painless and resolve inside 2-four days. Sure, it's definitely nicely inside the realm of risk that you will see quick outcomes out of your first therapy session. After the examination, the acupuncturist proceeds to give a prognosis and gives treatment. By visiting with them you will have the ability to ask all the questions you've got and it will give them an opportunity to ask questions of you. The therapy might have other benefits, too. Lastly, his gentle nature, fantastic contact and clarification of all the remedy is the rationale I'm referring all my friends to see him. Most remedies final from fifteen minutes to half an hour and most patients see an acupuncturist once or twice a week.
Lots of my patients who are under fixed fear or anxiety develop tension within the left facet of the spine between the scapula. Acupuncture treatment relies on the truth that two opposing forces are present within the human. So, in case you are residing in New York and on the lookout for Acupuncture Companies in Rochester, NY, be sure to have interaction the companies of a reputed service provider. Tuina therapeutic massage is yet another kind of therapy combined with this acupuncture. Most testimonials reflects that the therapy provides very tranquil and ecstatic feeling at the top of the session. This treatment can influence a terrific quantity of different systems within the physique including the nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, as well because the cardiovascular and digestive system. The physiological results of acupuncture stimulation have been well documented, and up to now 20 to 25 years acupuncture has change into an increasingly established healthcare apply.
In some circumstances. hypothyroidism was an element as nicely. Find out more about listening to impairment by means of this web site. Nevertheless, in case your doctor up finally ends up recommending that acupuncture is a technique of remedy, then they'll be capable to recommend somebody for you to go and see. See the pursuing article with a view to enable you to. Usually, the first defense in opposition to this threat is medication, but not sufficient and carries risks like upset stomach or addiction. Says Nordstrom , "There’s nothing like trying or involved in entertaining satisfying to assist us realize the vouch seeing how today’s world hosts an dilemma . By wearing older boots, you improve the quantity of stress in your joints, due to this fact giving you small assistance and luxurious. Acupuncture Jacksonville is an historic healing technique that reduces the stress stage of your physique and rejuvenates your muscles. As Chris Kresser has written, acupuncture has gained an undeserved fame for being an unsupported observe with no proof behind it.
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jucks72 · 7 years
Le donne del farro biologico Lia e Leila Luzi anticipano le tendenze
New Post has been published on http://www.it-gourmet.it/2017/10/27/le-donne-del-farro-biologico-lia-e-leila-luzi-anticipano-le-tendenze-italia-tavola/
Le donne del farro biologico Lia e Leila Luzi anticipano le tendenze
Il farro secondo gli storici proviene dalla Palestina, di là con carovane deve essere arrivato in Egitto. In molte tombe dei faraoni ne sono state trovate tracce e da lì si è diffuso in tutto il Mediterraneo.
Nella Penisola italica il farro ha iniziato a circolare intorno al VII sec. e probabilmente è stato il primo cereale a essere coltivato nel Lazio, diventando il cibo preferito di Etruschi e Romani. Ridotto a farina e mescolato al latte o acqua, era cucinato come una polenta. Nel mondo classico romano con questo grano si celebrava il rito matrimoniale (confarreatio): agli sposi veniva data da mangiare una focaccia di farro (farrum). Durante il Novecento è iniziato lentamente il suo declino, poiché sostituito dal frumento più semplice e meno costoso da coltivare.
«Negli anni Novanta ci avevano richiesto di selezionare un seme – racconta Lia Luzi, titolare della Monterosso – poi l’accordo commerciale non andò a buon fine, così abbiamo deciso di riportarlo in purezza, affidando il lavoro a un Istituto cerealicolo. Nell’82 ci voleva una buona dose di coraggio perché, allora nessuno voleva il farro. Sono occorsi dieci anni, poi i risultati sono arrivati, tanto che il ministero delle Politiche agricole nel 2009 ci ha concesso il brevetto vegetale del seme “Monterosso Select”. Così, perché avevamo a disposizione la terra, abbiamo iniziato a coltivarlo e a fare prove con la pasta, in seguito abbiamo comprato un mulino a pietra, macchinari per poi commercializzare diversi tipi di pasta».
Va rilevato che il farro puro (triticum dicoccum) è adatto alla produzione della pasta, a differenza della spelta dal sapore amarognolo e poco gradevole. Produrre farro significa affrontare una coltivazione più complessa del riso e frumento, ma Monterosso ha scelto la strada della qualità: produce in circa 500 ettari a San Lorenzo in Campo (Pu), seguendo giorno dopo giorno la crescita e la maturazione nel rispetto dell’ambiente.
La produzione è notevolmente inferiore ai moderni cereali, ma la riscoperta del mangiare sano, ha rivalutato il farro e, grazie al coraggio di Lia e di sua figlia Leila, Monterosso, ha conquistato un posto sugli scaffali di molti supermercati e negozi specializzati, grazie anche alla sua tracciabilità. «Importante è anticipare il mercato e noi abbiamo indovinato. Entro l’anno sarà in commercio anche una linea biologica certificata, con un packaging bianco dal particolare impatto visivo. Va tenuto conto che non usiamo concimi; ma anche l’altra linea non ha nulla da invidiare a quella biologica», termina Lia Luzi.
Inserire il farro nella dieta giornaliera significa prevenire malattie cardio vascolari e il diabete, non solo è ideale anche a chi pratica sport e agonismo, perché digeribile. Monterosso vanta premi e riconoscimenti, ma Lia e Leila non si accontentano mai: il farro non significa solo coltura, ma anche cultura, per divulgare e comunicare il suo prodotto ha creato nel 2001 la prima e unica “Farroteca”, un agriturismo interamente dedicato al farro. Si tratta di un caratteristico luogo d’incontro, dove si assapora un menu a base di questo cereale, ideale nelle diete, grazie al suo alto contenuto proteico e fibre, sali minerali e antiossidanti.
Per informazioni: www.farromonterosso.it
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What Exactly Is Sleep Apnea?
For most of us who have no medical background, we don't necessarily try to make sense of everything that is happening to us. For instance, if you snore or your partner does, then that’s simply it. You or your partner snores. Irritating as it may be and leaves you deprived of precious sleep, snoring is just the tip of the iceberg. It is the characteristic symptom of a more serious sleeping disorder that is known as sleep apnea.
However, that term does not make any sense to us lay people. What does it have to do with snoring? What happens when you sleep if you have it? How can you tell that your snoring is due to sleep apnea? To better understand what sleep apnea is all about and how deadly it is, read on.
Sleep apnea is highly prevalent in patients with cardiovascular disease. These disordered breathing events are associated with a profile of perturbations that include intermittent hypoxia, oxidative stress, sympathetic activation, and endothelial dysfunction, all of which are critical mediators of cardiovascular disease. Evidence supports a causal association of sleep apnea with the incidence and morbidity of hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, and stroke. Several discoveries in the pathogenesis, along with developments in the treatment of sleep apnea, have accumulated in recent years. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of sleep apnea, the evidence that addresses the links between sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease, and research that has addressed the effect of sleep apnea treatment on cardiovascular disease and clinical endpoints. Finally, we review the recent development in sleep apnea treatment options, with special consideration of treating patients with heart disease.
(Via: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/876364)
In short…
About 60 percent of everybody who snores has some degree of sleep apnea.
Snoring and having been witnessed to have pauses in breathing increases the likelihood of having sleep apnea to upwards of 80 percent.
Obstructive sleep apnea is caused when the muscles in the airway relax/collapse, preventing the sleeper from breathing until the sleeper arouses from the apnea.
Apneas can last more than a minute, and the associated arousals are disruptive to sleep (although it is rare for the sleeper to be aware of the apneas or arousals).
Someone with moderate sleep apnea will have 15 to 30 apneas in an hour.
Some people with severe sleep apnea can stop breathing more than 100 times an hour.
It’s important to identify and treat sleep apnea (which will eliminate snoring) not only to improve sleep quality, but because of the health risks associated with untreated sleep apnea.
Things like hypertension, stroke, diabetes, heart attack, atrial fibrillation and depression are just a few of the health risks that come with sleep apnea.
(Via: http://www.htrnews.com/story/life/2017/04/03/sleep-apnea-symptoms-sleep-study-holy-family-memorial-manitowoc/99889032/)
By now you probably have a clearer understanding of this sleeping disorder and what happens to your body when you are diagnosed with it. While we often associate snoring with adults, kids can snore too and likewise suffer from sleep apnea. And considering their young age and growing body, such a condition can have detrimental effects on their health and well-being.
A recent study set out to investigate the effect of sleep apnea on the brains of 7- to 11-year-olds. In total, 16 children with obstructive sleep apnea were evaluated at the University of Chicago's pediatric sleep laboratory. All children underwent neurocognitive tests and were scanned using MRI.
The study team was headed up by Dr. Leila Kheirandish-Gozal, director of pediatric clinical sleep research at the University of Chicago. The team worked in conjunction with researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles, who analyzed the images.
The test results and brain scans were compared with a further nine children without sleep apnea, matched for gender, age, weight, and ethnicity. They also compared the children with sleep apnea with a database of 191 MRI scans in a pre-existing National Institutes of Health (NIH) database.
Once the analysis was complete, the results were striking. The children with obstructive sleep apnea had substantial reductions in the volume of gray matter - the information processing part of the brain.
(Via: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/316437.php)
It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure that young children get enough sleep as they grow up. A growing body not only needs proper diet, supplementation, and active play but enough sleep at night as well. And when in the unfortunate event that a young child already snores and suffers from sleep apnea, see a doctor right away to undergo a sleep test to get a diagnosis.
Kids may have a hard time complying with a CPAP treatment. Even adults struggle with it too. But knowing how breathing is affected during sleep by this sleep disorder, it is important to take action right away or put their health and life at risk. Not all the time surgery is warranted to really beat sleep apnea. Check this out https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/zquiet because it is an anti-snoring mouthpiece that children can conveniently use. Or, try a similar solution with this alternative mouthpiece: https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/snorerx. Kids can manage to sleep soundly at night with these mouthpieces in place, unlike other sleep apnea managements that are not quite kid-friendly.
What Exactly Is Sleep Apnea? Read more on: TSMR
from https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/snorerx/what-exactly-is-sleep-apnea
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kristinsimmons · 6 years
The Art of Medicine: Taking a Military History
If it weren’t for the round, scaly patch on the young woman’s shoulder, her doctor might never have known that she served in the Navy for 6 years. He wouldn’t have learned about her sun exposure during a year-long station in east Africa, where temperatures regularly reached over 100°F. But because he didn’t ask about her military history, he didn’t hear about the burn pits and dust storms that filled her lungs with toxic particles. He didn’t hear about the infectious diseases to which she was exposed. He didn’t hear about whether or not she was exposed to combat, or if she experienced military sexual trauma. Perhaps if she were an older man with fading tattoos and a Marine Corps baseball cap, he might have thought to ask.
Or perhaps not.
It takes a remarkable amount of courage for an individual to choose to serve in the military. Their time in the service unquestionably impacts their worldview and every other aspect of their lives. Their health and well-being are no exceptions. That is why all health care providers should know how to ask their patients about their military experiences. More veterans receive healthcare outside the Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system than within it, and that number is surely to grow if the VA is privatized, as recently proposed. The time is now for healthcare providers to educate themselves about taking a military history. As physician and nurse practitioner resident trainees, we ask these questions as part of our routine screening both inside and outside the VA healthcare system. The patient who was just described was one of us, and the answers to these questions play a large part in how our patients are diagnosed, treated and understood as people.
The location and era of a veteran’s deployment place them at higher risk for certain conditions. For example, Vietnam-era veterans exposed to Agent Orange, a chemical defoliant and herbicide, are at increased risk for ischemic heart disease, diabetes, multiple myeloma, other cancers, and Parkinson’s disease. Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are at a higher risk for traumatic brain injury due to their exposure to improvised explosive devices. Lacking awareness of these associations can delay appropriate screening, diagnosis, and management.
Most veterans receive care outside of the VA system. As of 2014, 60% of the 21 million US veterans received health care outside the VA. In Connecticut, where we practice, about 75% of the state’s 200,000 veterans are cared for outside the VA. Recent initiatives like the Veterans Choice Program allow veterans the flexibility of seeing non-VA providers. In order for the medical community to continue providing quality medical care for our veterans, we must remain cognizant of how their military history may influence their physical and mental health.
To be sure, some clinicians working in a non-VA setting may be uncertain about what to ask and how to act upon what may be revealed. The VA has made this part easy by creating a user-friendly pocket card for taking a military health history that can be downloaded to a mobile device: https://www.va.gov/OAA/pocketcard/. The card also includes useful phone numbers and websites for more information.
As our country considers privatizing the VA, the number of veteran patients in the community is likely to rise. Like all VA providers, we know that a military background can have a huge impact on a person’s life, worldview, and health. That’s why undervaluing the impact of a military history is a disservice to our veterans, no matter where they are seen.
This article was prepared by the authors above in his/her personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Connecticut Healthcare System or the United States government.
Title: The Forgotten Question: Taking a Military History
Meredith Bertrand, NP1
Eugenia Betz, MD1,2
Alice Grant, NP1
Leila Haghighat, MD1,2
Janet Ku, NP1
Sumit R. Kumar, MD1,2
Mona Lalehzari, MD1,2
Benjamin Y. Lu, MD1,2
J. Nicholas Pumilia, MD1,2
Jonathan Stock, MD1,2
Anna Reisman, MD1,2,3
1.     VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education, West Haven Veterans Affairs Hospital, West Haven, CT
2.     Department of Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
3.     Program for Humanities in Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
The Art of Medicine: Taking a Military History published first on https://wittooth.tumblr.com/
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