#legend of zelda hero's purpose
oriato · 2 years
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"What brings you back to Hyrule?"
> I'm looking for a friend.
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kengi-bengi · 1 year
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wanted to do like a screenshot modification/redraw?? like its technically just drawing it as a shaky lined comic book style thing
it was fun to experiment with! I hope to do more fanart like this
please go watch LoZ Hero’s Purpose on YT if your a LoZ fan!! Its made by this amazing long running LoZ animator MajorLink!
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srahviola · 2 years
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I found several dance references on Pinterest and decided to make them ZeLink. Draw your OTP/squad prompts are my life-blood 😂
Refs from @bangpaze on Twitter, @thedignityofman on Twitter, YCH on DeviantArt, and @baM_HOW_ (or something?)
I also used MajorLink's Hero's Purpose Link design again because I love it and it hits the heart 💜
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If you haven’t watched a Hero‘s Purpose yet PLEASE do, it’s incredible
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skyward-floored · 5 months
“Hero, what ails you?” - Chapter 2
Here’s chapter two! The third and final chapter will probably be put up tomorrow at some point.
First | Chapter Three
Kakariko wasn’t too far away, but the Shade and Midna, who retreated to Link’s shadow, were silent nearly the entire trip, the quiet only occasionally broken by Link’s worsening cough.
He’d obviously been hiding how ill he truly was for some time now, and his brief stint in the Shade’s realm seemed to have been his last desperate attempt to soldier through it. But Link’s guard was completely down now, and his sickness was horribly evident by the raging fever and continual coughs that wracked through him.
All the Shade could do was hope that the man the twilit princess had spoken of was truly as skilled as she claimed.
They were in the middle of Hyrule field, just in view of the sunset-colored cliffs that supposedly bordered the town, when Link mumbled a little and cracked his eyes open. He hadn’t spoken at all so far, and had mostly dozed, interrupted only by his coughs and the occasional sneeze.
He stared around uncomprehendingly for a moment, then his murky gaze landed on the Shade’s face.
“...R-Rusl..? Who...”
The Shade blew out a slow breath, then brushed some hair out of his descendant’s face, feeling his forehead. Still much too warm.
“Go back to sleep Link,” he said, and his descendant frowned.
“...Dad?“ he murmured, and despite the situation, the Shade couldn’t help but let out a surprised huff of amusement.
“Not quite.”
Link furrowed his brow and studied the Shade’s face further, still looking dazed.
“Thn’ who?” he asked, and he looked so horribly confused that the Shade felt rather bad for him. He glanced up at the sky that was steadily turning orange in the light of the setting sun, and let out a small hum, looking back down at Link.
“Someone who cares.”
Link stared at him, then let out a small huh, which gave way to the same wheezing cough that continued to make his entire frame shake. The sound of it spurred the Shade into a quicker stride, his thick boots cutting through the long grass.
They made their way across the field quickly, the Shade purposely steering around any monsters as soon as he saw them. He couldn’t very well fight while holding an entire person, and the last thing Link needed was a wound on top of all this. A kargarok did swoop at them once, but the Shade managed to dispatch it quickly with his blade, and glared so intensely at another one that drew near that they weren’t bothered again.
They’d come in sight of the rock bridge that lead to the village when a strange sound came from the boy in his arms.
The Shade looked down at him in confusion. Link wasn’t coughing at the moment, but his chest was shaking in a way that seemed like he was trying to, and the Shade only realized what was happening when a wheezing noise suddenly escaped the boy.
Link was having trouble breathing.
Link was having trouble breathing.
The Shade immediately stopped walking and dropped to his knees, frantically studying the boy in his arms. Rapid, choking gasps interspersed with coughs shuddered through him, and he kept making the strange wheezing sound. Midna leapt out of his descendant’s shadow with an unparalleled speed, and immediately flew to his side, eyes wide with panic.
“He can’t— he can’t breathe, he— what’s wrong with him?!”
“I don’t know,” he said in a panicked voice, propping the boy up and rubbing his chest, hoping it would help somehow. Link’s face had begun to redden, and if the Shade had had an actual heart still it would have stopped when he noticed his lips were faintly blue.
“Breathe Link, c’mon stupid wolf breathe!” Midna shouted, smacking her fists against his chest.
“You can do it Link,” the Shade murmured under his breath as he tried desperately to get his descendant breathing again. He loosened Link’s shirt collar from around his neck, as well as the belt across his shoulder, then sat him up slightly, not having any clue what else he should, or even could do to help.
“Please Link, breathe.”
He must have done something right, as moments later Link suddenly managed to take in a deeper breath, his frantic gasps starting to slow to a more normal speed. He broke into another coughing fit, his coughs thick and wheezing, but he was definitely breathing again. He was already looking marginally better.
The Shade felt the fear squeezing his chest fade slightly, but it still lurked there, even as he shifted his descendant back up into his arms.
“There you go, you’re okay, just focus on breathing,” he murmured as Link’s coughs started to ease into more level breaths. Link shuddered once and pressed his face against the Shade’s ragged sleeve, breathing still wheezy.
The Shade turned towards Midna then, who was still floating where Link had been lying, looking shaken.
“He’s all right for now,” he directed towards her, and she nodded a little too quickly.
“I know. He’s tough. H-he—”she cleared her throat and turned away from the Shade, crossing her arms. “Let’s just get him to Kakariko.”
And he nodded and stood up, holding Link as gently as he could while still keeping a tight grip on him.
It was long after nightfall when they finally arrived outside what Midna claimed was Kakariko, and as they passed over the bridge the Shade couldn’t help but wonder how this place had gotten the name. It was certainly not the same village of his time.
Following her directions, he strode quickly through the quiet town, avoiding the few gorons still up. Fortunately nearly all of the residents were already inside for the night and didn’t notice him walk down the street. He was sure the sight of a stranger cradling their hero would cause a bit of a stir, and while he was passable as human from a distance, he wasn’t exactly normal.
After much too long in his opinion, he finally reached the house Midna pointed out. A huge wave of relief washed over him, and he sighed.
Link would finally get the care he needed.
Stepping up to the door, he gently shifted his descendant in his arms and made to set him down.
But he paused suddenly, looking down at Link’s face.
He’d never had a opportunity before now to really look at Link, and was struck now at their similarities. The hero was dozing again, his face pale but calm, and despite how he knew he should just knock already, the Shade couldn’t help but take a moment to study the features of his descendant.
Blond-brown hair brushed over Link’s forehead, the strands damp with sweat from his fever. His eyes were closed, but the Shade knew them to be a similar shade to what his own once were, only paler. His mouth didn’t spark any sort of similarity to him, but his nose and the shape of his face...
A sharp ache settled in his chest as he looked closer, seeing less of himself the longer he stared, and instead, more of his wife.
He couldn’t remember how long it had been since he’d last seen her.
Taking an enormous effort to shove his thoughts down, the Shade set his descendant down against the wall as gently as he could. There wasn’t any use on him dwelling on such things.
He made sure Link was in a comfortable position before drawing back, and the boy mumbled something as his head rested against the frame. But he didn’t stir, the fever still holding him tight in its grip.
Midna poked her head out of the shadows, glancing around and raising an eyebrow in his direction.
“You know he needs to go inside the building, right?” she snipped, but there was a genuine confusion behind it.
The Shade let out a slow exhale.
“I may look human, but this form does not hold up well at close-quarters to those who aren’t meant to see me,” he said in a low tone as to not be heard. “Were I to go in, those inside would be able to tell I’m not... like them.”
Midna crossed her arms, but she nodded, a flicker of understanding in her eyes. The Shade then raised his hand up to knock on the door, but she floated up and stopped him before he could.
He raised an eyebrow at her, and she cleared her throat.
“I... I just wanted... to thank you,” she muttered, arms crossed. “For dragging Link here. And teaching him all those skills too. They’ve saved his life more times then I can count, and I’m... grateful.”
The Shade gave her a small smile. He could tell this was killing her.
“You’re welcome.”
She huffed and waved an arm at him. “Okay whatever. Let’s get on with it, Link certainly isn’t getting any better here.”
The Shade gave another nod, then running one last careful hand through his descendant’s bangs, he knocked sharply on the door.
Midna zipped back into Link’s shadow, and the Shade himself immediately moved away, slipping behind some discarded crates where he could easily watch.
The door opened moments later, and a girl of maybe fifteen took a few steps out, her eyebrows turned with confusion when there was nobody immediately there. She glanced around, then startled, finally seeing Link slumped against the wall. Calling behind her into the doorway, she immediately crouched next to Link and felt his forehead, then put an ear against his chest.
Seconds later a man came out of the building, robe sweeping behind him as he strode quickly to Link’s side. He and the girl exchanged quick words, then she helped him get Link into his arms, the man carrying him inside so carefully that any fear the Shade might have had to wether he was trustworthy or not was instantly quashed.
The girl paused in the doorway as they entered, and scanned the area near where the Shade was watching with an odd look. He quickly ducked down a little more and waited a moment, and when he cautiously raised his head, the door was closed and she was gone.
The Shade sighed, the sound heavy with exhaustion. Link was finally safe.
He stood and was about to walk away, but paused, instead slipping carefully towards the window on the side of the building. He needed to make sure Link was okay one last time. Just to be sure.
He peered in and saw the man with the long hair had already settled Link into a cot, and was placing a wet cloth on the hero’s forehead. The girl was helping him, and it seemed to him that Link already appeared less sickly.
The hero looked to be well taken care of, and the Shade knew that worrying about outside his window wouldn’t be useful in any way. It was tempting to merely sit and watch every move the healer made towards his descendant, he knew it would only end badly were he to linger and be seen.
Despite this, he found it harder then it should have been to turn away from the window.
He sighed. He would go and wait for Link to come find him once he was healed, then teach him his next hidden skill. That would be the best way to help him now; prepare for when he was better.
...and possibly hunt down a cloak for the boy so this would not happen again.
Scanning the quiet street one more time, he carefully faded back into wolf form, glancing back just once at where his descendant lay with a warm look in his eye.
“Rest up my child,” he whispered, then padded carefully out of the village.
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toopuppydream · 8 months
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He is cute
He looks like a puppy
Majorlink-"The Legend of Zelda: Hero's purpose" ep. 5
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noot-nootie · 2 months
I've just watched whole Hero's Purpose (up to the most recent part) AND I HIGHLY RECCOMEND IT!!! It's a GORGEUS animation created by MajorLink.
Guys, seriously go watch it. It's worth it.
ALSO I have a lot of good things to say abt Zelda music but this soundtrack just gives me chills.
This one is my absolute favorite
Link to the first ep:
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birb-boyo · 6 months
The first iteration of Link and Ganondorf is Time and his respective Ganon. The second is Wind, third is Twilight, last is Sky with Demise.
Now, this is definitely my favorite part of the entire teaser because the music and the visuals tie in SO perfectly it’s intoxicating and I’ve replayed the same 15 seconds so many times-
Anyway, what I came here to post about isn’t about the music, but the visuals and what went through my head while I watched it other then HOLY FUCK
My first observation is that Time and Wind are moving back, but Twilight and Sky are moving forward.
Now, the first thing that came to me was that they were kids when they fought Ganondorf, so maybe that was why. They were moving back because they were scared. Which could easily be the the reason.
But then you see how Time and Wind are positioned. Time’s footing looks absolutely terrible, like he’s seconds from falling on his butt. Like he was running backwards. Another thing is, Time has his shield out, but the only thing for him to block is Ganondorf’s hand that seems to be reaching for the Master Sword.
Wind looks kinda like the 🤺 (fencing) emoji. Almost like he’s trying to shoo away Ganondorf with his sword. And Wind has two swords coming for him, yet his shield is behind him. This could be a result of massive impact on the shield before the clip, but maybe it’s not.
I actually just rewatched the clip and realized that Wind is blocking one of Ganon’s swords with his sword, but I still don’t know why his shield is behind him. Plus, he still looks like he’s being effortlessly pushed back🥲
Now I wanna talk about Twilight and Sky.
Twilight looks ready here. Like he’s been training for this moment his entire life. His sword and shield seem to be ready for use and the guy is just steady. I don’t have much to say about him. However, Twilight’s face is definitely the clearest and it looks like his eyebrows are furrowed. Maybe in concentration. Maybe in anger. I’m not sure. It also sort of looks like his teeth are gritted.
Sky’s face may be the most clouded over, but I could easily be wrong and it could be Wind’s, but he also looks ready. Maybe because he was actually trained, and that may just be a consant with Twilight and Sky.
Twilight was trained by Time while he was the Hero’s Shade
Sky was trained in a whole academy for knights
Time doesn’t really get taught how to fight(I think)
Wind gets taught how to fight breifly
Sky has had years of training. And maybe Twilight didn’t have those years, he had the help of, not only someone who was in his shoes, but his training is throughout the game, not just a side-quest you do it ten minutes.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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168 Days since Tears of the Kingdom Released. MajorLink released a teaser trailer for episode 6 of A Hero's Purpose. I'm so freaking excited. I love this series so much.
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camifornilla · 10 months
Someone on TikTok was like “Link can only sleep in beds at an inn or that he owns” to explain how Link and Zelda are a thing and I’m playing the game and it checks out.
HOWEVER! Link can also sleep in Sidon’s Bed! WHICH MEANS! That my man, my husband, the love of my life, Sidon, is a CHEATIN ASS WHORE
So basically, I leave to go dungeon crawling with my homegirl Z; chaos ensues and all but I still managed to walk, climb, fight, and almost die making my way back up to my mans. I clean sludge off the statue we had commissioned of the two of us on our first date only to meet some bitch who’s out here calling herself HIS FIANCÉE??? And this bitch is out here calling my Husband my “best friend” and all this other bullshit!
Anyway! I decide to go find my man to go sort all this nonsense out, and he’s up in this little thinking spot ALSO CALLING ME HIS BEST FRIEND!!! I’ve only been gone, what, a couple days? Maybe a month or two? AND HE FINDS HIMSELF A NEW BITCH?????
I hate it hereeee
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theherooftime76 · 2 months
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I will fight as long as I can stand and hold my sword, no one will be able to get behind me
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selkies-song · 3 months
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The Legend of Zelda: A Hero's Purpose by MajorLink on Youtube
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aufi-creative-mind · 1 year
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A redrawing of that one scene from Majorlink's "A Hero's Purpose". I love this series and highly recommend it for any Zelda fans out there. Especially if you have played Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask.
This scene from Episode 5 however, made me scream in excitement. I look forward to see where this amazing story goes. This was also an art practice for me with lighting / shading.
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caramel-catss · 2 months
big huge long rant/analysis about the hero of time and ganondorf in hero's purpose
i have a lot to say about this show so buckle up
first off, link. he's given his entire life, multiple times over, to the kingdom. and yet here he stands again. he enlists because he genuinely doesn't know what else to do with himself. he's known nothing but being the hero since he left the forest.
by continuing to fight, link reinforces demise's curse. and he doesn't. even. know it. zelda never told him. nobody ever told him. no matter what he does, link will only have to fight ganondorf again in his next life.
and he doesn't know what to think about it. when ganondorf finally tells him about the curse, he's so conflicted. being the hero ruined him. we've seen in the previous episodes his attempts to heal, to find something to give his life new meaning. but he only has found that in fighting longer. he doesn't know peace; only war. so when ganondorf tells him it's meaningless, this fight is meaningless, link doesn't know what to do. (these screenshots are from before he describes the curse but he tells link the exact details after)
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he pauses each time before replying. his thoughts drift before he goes back to what he's always known, what's been told to him. he tries to come up with excuses why he should not listen to ganondorf - the people of hyrule (who don't remember him) and his father's death. zelda's lullaby plays as link and ganondorf fight. he is doing this for her. he is doing this for the kingdom. he's trying to remind himself that, because the alternative to fighting for hyrule is unthinkable.
but ganondorf is offering peace. he's offering something that to link, can only happen to other people. and his words make sense. link has been to the shadow temple, he knows hyrule's dark past. but zelda never told him about the curse. nobody ever told him that everything he's done will be meaningless in the next cycle. as ganondorf said, "meaningless courage."
this battle is not the hero of time's. it's between the chosen hero and demise. ganondorf and link are both only puppets for them, waging an eternal war they never chose to fight.
demise even takes over ganondorf's body at the end of episode five. and honestly, the same happens to link, too. zelda, skyward sword zelda, appears briefly when link's thoughts are literally changed to match his role in demise's curse. she laughs as well.
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she appears again when link backs off for a second to comprehend ganondorf's words. the hero's spirit is literally not allowing him to stop fighting.
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in episode six's teaser, the chosen hero appears, literally commanding link to return to him just like how demise commanded the same of ganondorf. the chosen hero raises his hand at the hero of time, and demise raises his at ganondorf.
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final words about link. ganondorf's words may be a desperate attempt by him to make link give up the kokiri emerald, but he's right. all along, link has been a puppet. a puppet of the crown, a puppet of the hero's spirit, a puppet of demise's curse. fucking chills
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okay next ganondorf. yeah i'm not done yet. holy shit i have so much to say about ganondorf.
ganondorf, unlike link, is aware of the cycle. "my ensuing demise has enslaved me." it is a cycle he is desperate to break. he still hates hyrule, yes, but he has put part of the blame for demise's curse on it.
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he sees link as just as cursed as he is. and not "cursed and yet the hero", but "cursed to do horrible things." his view of the world is negative to all three triforce holders. he hates zelda, he hates link, and he hates himself. he wishes to break the cycle so that all three will no longer war with each other and kill the land.
his manipulation towards link is so interesting. obviously, ganondorf does not want to become buddy-buddy with link... but he tries to convince him that they should share a common goal. he knows link is traumatized. he knows link follows the kingdom's orders without question. and he uses that against him. though ganondorf might have debatedly "good" intentions, he is still using link. both zelda and ganondorf are using link.
and the scene where he realizes who link is. screenshots won't do this one justice so i'm linking (lol) a timestamp. (the video is embedding weird sorry, it's at 29:25). the music is incredible during this scene - all of the music for hero's purpose is, but i digress.
starting with the music. it's an arrangement of great fairy fountain... with final hours in the background. the greatness and holiness of link and zelda, and ganondorf's impending death. jesus christ majorlink, you've made something better than the game itself
ganondorf's first reaction to link is fear. above all, he is still terrified of the hero of time. the man who defied nayru's laws to kill him.
and look at the way link's first sight of ganondorf is versus ganondorf's first sight of link. they are both terrified of each other.
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it's something to acknowledge that before ganondorf connects link to the soldier who stands before him now, he sees him as a child. when he tells link that they are similar in their uprisings and being forced into destiny, he isn't wrong. really, none of what ganondorf tells link is wrong. they are both victims in this story.
i'll likely reblog this later with more thoughts i have about them because this has been cooking in my head for about a year now. there's also great depictions of skull kid, impa, zelda, the happy mask salesman, malon, etc etc... i love this show. everyone watch it right now, even though if you read this i just spoiled episode five. and listen to the ost. and scream about the references to skyward sword and twilight princess with me.
ending this with a frame where impa cries out to the goddess and prays that the lives of hyruleians are not worthless, and then it cuts to zelda and link. and yes, link is a puppet to the crown - but impa and zelda still care about him very, very much.
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People who love to babygirlify Link are really missing out on the Hero’s Purpose version
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ezraphobicsoup · 1 year
hello tumbles
if you’re a zelda fan, go watch MajorLink’s “Hero’s Purpose” series
because holy FUCKING shit that new episode
i would genuinely pay to watch this somewhere, but it’s free on youtube
just. wow.
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