shurima-demigod · 6 years
@legacyofheart continued from here:
The teen looks up at him in slight confusion, then grins adorably.
“I’m Li Zheng Zhi! Sure!” they reply happily, content someone so interesting talked to them first.
“Where would be private enough? Can it be a rooftop? I want to see how big the city is.
Now he felt even worse.  This was clearly a kid, who had an old jackal as his soulmate.  Right.  He would have to work this out.
“My library has several floors.  While it is not a rooftop, it does have a view of the city from the high windows.  Will that work?”
This was probably the most awkward he had ever been with someone.  This was so strange to him, that there was this massive age gap between them.  But then again, some soulmates were never lovers, only great friends and allies.  He would have to see where his relationship went... He sincerely doubted towards anything romantic though.
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hajarsahir · 6 years
Actually CRONCHES a rock. It's a piece of slate rock that breaks into layers and dust when they try to chew it.
“ I think you did that just to spite me. Right? “
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mercless · 6 years
(( Is Talon just one of those people who particularly dislike cold weather, or is there some specific reason he's affected by low temperature more?
They’re easily affected by the cold, getting goosebumps and shivering easily when the temperature drops lower than usual. Coupled with the fact that their earlier years of life involved living in the slums of Noxus and having little to no shelter from the cold during winter, it’s really not their favourite time of the year.
Although their hate for the cold isn’t nearly as bad as their subconscious fear of water from connecting death with bodies of murky water, they would still prefer to sweat a little rather than shiver uncontrollably.
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voidhunting · 6 years
Steals a peach off your stash.
“ You just had to ask, you know? “
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shadowscythc-a · 6 years
"You want a what????"
"Children aren't a bad idea, though considering my preference and who I am with now... I don't think that will work out well." He chuckled softly, "I'm just rambling."
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goodandbadhearts · 6 years
Rams their shoulders into him and pushes them both into the pool with a fierce battlecry.
The poor geomancer sat as far away from the pool as possible. Due to his abhorrence of water.. But his pupil really wanted to come so he came with them to make sure they had fun. To Pit’s surprise though. Li had gotten behind him and somehow pushed him all the way to the pool. “NO NO NO NO NO NO! LI! NO! STOP! CEASE! IMMEDIATELY!”
But it was too late. They were falling into the pool. Pit said out loud. “Huh.. So this is how I die..” With that he fell in... And sank.. Right to the bottom. Flailing his arms as best he could. He couldn’t swim. 
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heartstrlng · 6 years
"Hey, excuse me? Can I- ask a question? How do you earn a living? I haven't seen much Vastayans outside of Ionian countryside."
Val gave the new appearance a once over with his eyes, before broaching a broad grin. “Well child, I’m a mercenary above most other things. Blades for hire and all that. But the real lucrative angle is dancing. It’s my passion in the end.” He admired Li’s inquisition.
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noxianhand · 6 years
I'm tempted to record myself singing you happy birthday
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lightshielded · 6 years
legacyofheart replied to your post: Imagine someone referring to him as Jarjar ic.
surprisingly, the most normal XD
narcisisto replied to your post: well you have: jahar'gul, jaharnam, fourth of jarly, jarjar, disney prince, prince princely, jarles jarkley: the slam-jam of demacia, chad
is disney prince even a nickname ? i thought that just was . . . 
ladybuvelle replied to your post: // Van the Man. ladybuvelle replied to your post: // Four-playa. ladybuvelle replied to your post: // Lance pfft ladybuvelle replied to your post: // Jarbil. Like gerbil.
my god. also why does the second sound like a bad porn - stars name ???
noxianhand replied to your post: darius vc: princeling
i said nicknames not pet names darius :/
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sonofshin · 6 years
Grabs onto his leg and won't let go.
“Good morning, Li.” He looks down, trying to lift his leg, which goes surprisingly easy considering there’s a child weighing it down. “Uh, could you… state your business?”
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shurima-demigod · 6 years
♥️ (post risky memes, get dirt child trolling you in your inbox)
Imagine when you find your soulmate, your heart starts to glow red. Send me “♥” for my muses reaction to it happening when our muses meet.
“You are joking.”
He could see the glow, the beautiful red that would connect them.  Nasus and his soulmate- a barely a man, if that.  He stared down for a long moment before sighing, running his hand up over his face.  This was not good.  On a variety of levels.
“Right.  Well, I am Nasus.  It seems… Actually, could we speak?  In private?”
He would rather not have prying eyes for this conversation.
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silvestreaelurus · 6 years
((askdjf look what you did to my dash everybody go cronch now
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essence-flux-primed · 6 years
((Real talk though, 'Zaunie' would be built in the similar way 'Piltie' is but it sounds way more like a name for a teddybear than a derogatory term.
    I’ve kept this ask because I always felt there was something that could be made of it and ... consider this: 
     Piltovans using Zaunie not necessarily as a derogatory term, but as a diminutive for Zaunites. “Piltie” is distinctly derogative, and it’s easy to imagine it being spat at the feet of a Piltovan (probably by a Zaunite getting arrested lbr), but Zaunie? That’s more of a drawl, or a soft tone. 
“Oh, forget him. He’s just a Zaunie.” 
“Silly Zaunies don’t know any better.”
“Seriously? A Zaunie did that?”
     Like a pet name. Would you expect anything else from a city-state that literally built themselves on top of a 3,000 year-old city?
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mercless · 6 years
legacyofheart replied to your post:
Slip… Slip… Slap?
Hands the kid a shirt, a bottle of sunscreen, and places a hat on their head. “True right.”
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voidhunting · 6 years
"I made the angry lady promise to talk to you, so please don't hurt her before she does because it took a lot win the bet with her" says a very tired and very hungover teen :((
   She stared at the child with disbelief. What the hell was that to mean?
   “ Who are you? Are you okay? “
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shadowscythc-a · 6 years
"So, like... is your offer of a place to stay still up?" grins apologetically.
Kayn perked up, “Of course it is. Does this mean you want to?”
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