#leela my love on gallifrey! in gallifreyan robes!
clockworkouroboros · 5 years
This amazing art by @ouidamforeman inspired me. I need to go to bed, instead I’m writing stupid short fanfic about Narvin and Romana looking for their wife.
“I refuse to wear that.”
Romana hangs up the shirt with a huff, doing her best to not use her presidential voice on Narvin. Instead, she sighs. “Need I remind you, Narvin, that even if it seems nonsensical, you need to wear something not quite so… Gallifreyan?”
Oh dear. Her voice sounds just a bit too wearily imperious to pass as annoyed. Funny how the presidential voice stuck with her after all these years. She hasn’t actually been president in centuries.
Currently she and Narvin are in an old TARDIS—their TARDIS, she supposes. Its internal layout keeps reconfiguring itself. Apparently it can’t reconcile her tastes with Narvin’s. Which is fair enough, she thinks, as she looks over the rack of clothes that she found somewhere in the depths of the Ship. The only thing she and Narvin really have in common is a fondness for Leela.
Although, of course, they care very much for each other. But their upbringings were so different, and it took an actual civil war for Narvin to even ally himself with her. Now they’re friends. More than friends, really. It’s amazing how near-death experiences bring people closer together.
“Why do I have to wear these things again?” Narvin asks her, gesturing at his trousers. He’s much better at sounding annoyed than she is. “What are they called again?”
“Trousers,” she supplies tiredly. She looks him up and down, and he blushes, crossing his arms over his bare chest. “They’re practical for what we need to be doing. And anyway, most humanoid life forms wear something similar. It will help you blend in.”
“And what if I don’t want to blend in?” Narvin asks. He probably thinks he sounds rebellious and cool, but this is Narvin. He can’t do any emotions other than annoyed bureaucrat.
Romana fixes him with a hard stare. “Time Lords are not going to be the most popular people in the universe, I can guarantee it. Not with Rassilon and Mantus running around like that.” She looks him up and down again, staring at him like she’s never seen him before in her life. “You look… younger.”
“The… thing that I told you about,” Narvin mutters. “I think it gave back some of my regenerations. It also rejuvenated the current one. At least, I think it did.”
“Or maybe being on Gallifrey was slowly killing you,” Romana suggests. “I wouldn’t blame you, not the way things are going.” She ignores his death glare. “Now. We need to find you a shirt.”
“And I already said I’m not going to wear that—that thing—that you showed me!” Narvin says. If Romana was the type of person to not be overly-concerned about her wardrobe, she would laugh at how concerned Narvin is about his. But she understands fashion. She knows how important it is to have the right outfit.
“That was a perfectly good shirt,” she insists.
Narvin gives a short sigh. “I’ll grant you that,” he admits. “But I’ve never looked good in Gallifreyan day wear.”
“Oh, is that why you only wear your CIA robes?”
He gives an embarrassed cough. “I thought you said my clothes needed to be practical.” He rubs his exposed arms, like he’s cold, but Romana is fairly certain that he’s just thoroughly embarrassed. And Romana can understand it. She and Narvin love each other, but he’s the kind of Time Lord who would get embarrassed over going shirtless in front of his spouse.
So, a normal Time Lord.
She leaves him to find a shirt on his own, heading back to the console room to see where they’ve landed. On the way, she grabs a big sun hat. It goes ever so nicely with the new outfit she’s put together.
The planet is very sunny. Romana refused to let Narvin look at anything, so he knows nothing about where they are, or what the wildlife is like, or if it’s inhabited, or if the air is safe, or-
He knows Romana’s probably checked, but it’s in his nature to octuple-check these things.
So far, all he can tell about the planet is that it’s sunny. He’s walking in some sort of tall, golden grass. Romana’s just behind him. She’s wearing a giant hat that shades her from the hot sun.
Narvin can feel his cells reacting to the sunlight. He puts a little extra effort into making sure he doesn’t get a sunburn, and wonders briefly if he should let the sun tan his skin. Would Leela like him with a tan? He scratches his beard distractedly, then remembers that it doesn’t matter what Leela likes unless he and Romana find her. And there’s a possibility that she’s on this planet.
He shades his eyes with his hand, wishing that he could be wearing Romana’s big hat. Maybe Leela will be there, off in the distance.
And then a fireball from the sky shoots down, where he and Romana had just been walking and what was that from oh sweet Rassilon—wait Rassilon was actually evil—oh sweet Omega—no, he’d been bad too—oh sweet other.
Romana puts her hands to her hat to keep it from flying off as the hot air from the blast hits them. “I wonder what that is!” she calls to Narvin. She sounds rather more excited than Narvin feels is healthy.
“I don’t know, and I don’t want to know,” he replies. His gaze slides back and forth between Romana and the now-smoldering fireball a little ways behind her. It clearly was some kind of spaceship. “It could be anything. Daleks, Time Lords, some other hostile alien force. It could be a sabotage from a terrorist group on this planet, and we’ll end up being blamed for it.”
“It could be Leela,” Romana says, interrupting him. “And that means we’re going to look.
Narvin looks from the wreckage to Romana, then back to the wreckage, mentally doing an extensive cost-benefit analysis in which the costs involve all manner of unpleasantness, and the only benefit is the chance of finding Leela.
He sighs and, with a look of utmost displeasure and disgust, follows Romana to the wrecked ship.
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OOOOH PROMPTS okay so I don't have anything specific in mind so it's fine if this is too vague for you to want to do, but I would really really love to read a Gallifrey fic written by you cause tbh you're one of my favorite fanfic authors ever. Ideal ships would be any combination of Leela/Romana/Narvin but I'd be happy with anything.
okay so I don’t know why, but I felt like doing an AU for this one, and came across this, at @imagineyourot3, hope you don’t mind that this is what I’ve gone with! 
(also, omg, flattery, thank you so much)
can read on AO3 here
A is a princess being sacrificed to a dragon, B is the prince saving them, and C has been cursed to become a dragon and doesn’t want a human sacrifice at all
Romana can’t believe this. 
Alright, she can believe this, because the Council of Gallifrey have always been backward, ridiculous morons. She just never thought that they would be so backward as to think that sacrificing their heir to the throne to a dragon would be a good solution to their problems. Then again, maybe they were just trying to get rid of her, and this is their excuse. That’s just as plausible, actually. 
So, here she is, in a white ceremonial gown, chained to the edge of the canyon where the dragon in question is supposed to reside, about to be eaten alive or burnt to a crisp and then eaten. Neither of which are appealing options. 
“Come on!” She says, tugging at her chains, only for it to hurt her wrists and make her wince. 
She sits down, takes a deep breath, and tries to employ all of her knowledge in order to get herself out of the shackles. She is, after all, a genius. A pair of shackles shouldn’t be a problem. Of course, the Council know that she’s a genius, and seem to have accounted for that. Damn. 
Romana leans against the rock and tries not to despair. She’s not sure how long she sits there, but they had left her there at sundown and now it has definitely been completely dark for a while. 
She shivers violently. The dress does nothing to stave off the cold. There is light, in the form of a single torch mounted into the ground that the Council left behind. But it does nothing for warmth. If the dragon doesn’t hurry up, she might freeze to death before it arrives. 
Finally, she hears the flap of wings, and is as relieved as she is filled with dread as she turns and sees the large, dark figure rising out of the canyon. She stares for a moment, entranced by the dragon’s form, so regal and magnificent - before coming to her senses and trying to get as far away from it as she can. 
“This can’t be how it ends,” she says to herself, “I refuse to die so completely pointlessly!” 
“And you will not, my lady, not today!” 
Romana turns her head to see a figure leaping from a white horse - a woman with wild dark hair, dressed in animal skins, wielding a sword in one hand and a knife in the other. 
“Who are you?!” Romana asks. 
The woman grins, rather ferally, and her blue eyes gleam in the light of the torch’s fire as she approaches. “I am Princess Leela of the Sevateem. And I was on my way to your citadel to negotiate talks of an alliance between our kingdoms, when I heard that the Gallifreyan council had sent their princess to the dragon of the canyon, in hope that the sacrifice would win them favour, and grant upon them the prosperity that dragons possess the magic to grant. I knew then that I had to help you.” 
“Oh, well, in that case, thank you!” Romana says gratefully. “Can you get me out of these chains?” 
“I must first slay the dragon,” Leela replies. “Else he might destroy us where we stand.”
“I’m sorry, has it completely escaped your notice that I’ve not made a single effort to kill either of you, despite having ample time to do so?” 
The refined, if gravelly voice is deep and loud and makes them both stare at up at the dragon still flying in place just beyond the edge of the canyon. He’s looking at them with - well, if Romana didn’t know any better, she would say it was exasperation. But there’s something so ridiculous about the idea of an exasperated dragon that she just can’t quite believe her eyes. Or her ears, for that matter. 
Romana and Leela look at each other, to verify their sanity, before looking back at the dragon. 
“Um,” Romana says. 
“You speak an interesting truth, dragon, but now you must offer an explanation,” Leela tells him, holding her sword that little bit higher. 
The dragon lets out a huff of smoke, in what sounds bizarrely like a sigh. “You know, that ridiculous council has never actually bothered to ask whether I want human sacrifices. Or whether I’ve actually devoured a single one of the sacrifices previously brought to me.” 
“If you did not devour them, then what happened to them?” Leela asks. 
“Well, that ridiculous man Lord Borusa so stubbornly refused my help that he starved to death up here,” the dragon says, with a funny little snort. “And the Lady Flavia just asked if I could fly her to the kingdom of Monan so that she could live a quiet life away from ridiculous royal courts. I visit her twice a year. She’s doing very well for herself.”
“That’s very good of you,” Romana says. “I must say, this is… very surprising to hear. I thought that all dragons delighted in eating people.” 
“Most do, but then, I’m not what one would call a normal dragon.” The dragon flies upward, and then lands on the expanse of compact earth between the edge of the forest and Leela’s horse, and the two women and the canyon edge. The dragons rests his head on his claws and lets out another funny sigh noise. 
“What makes you different?” Romana asks. 
“I used to be human,” he laments. “I accidentally angered a witch, and I was cursed into this form.” 
“That’s terrible!” Leela says, horrified. “Is there a way to break this curse?” 
“Well, yes, and it’s actually fairly simple,” the dragon says, sounding strangely embarrassed. 
“Then why didn’t Flavia help you with it? If the two of you are so chummy these days?” Romana asks, frowning. 
“Well… it’s a kiss from a princess, see. And Flavia was not a princess.” 
Romana and Leela look at each other, and Romana lifts her eyebrows. Leela is already starting to grin, and she looks back at the dragon with a new gleam in her eye. 
“Do you have a name, my friend?” 
“Narvin,” the dragon says, with a little proud tilt of his head. 
“Well, Narvin,” Romana says, starting to smile herself, “it seems that you have found not one but two princesses willing to help you out, there.” 
She and Leela approach him so that they’re standing either side of his large head, and in unison press a kiss to his dark scales. All at once, a fog of magic swirls around them, and then it is not a dragon whose face they are kissing, but a thin man with a serious face. Who is now blushing immensely. 
“Welcome back to the world of men, Narvin of Gallifrey,” Leela says, after a single glance at the worn but familiar style of robes covering his frame. 
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Romana adds, with a little curtsy. 
Narvin looks completely overwhelmed, but does an admirable job of keeping his emotions in check. “I - thank you. Both of you.” He does a little bow, and Romana is impressed to see that it is perfectly in accordance to Gallifreyan etiquette. “I owe you… everything.” 
“You owe us nothing,” Leela says, shaking her head. “Now, given that I don’t see why either of you would wish to return to Gallifrey, what do you say that the three of us make our way back to Sevateem? I believe the three of us will fit on my horse, so long as none of us are worried about being in rather… intimate proximity.” She smirks at them. “I, for the record, am not, because Romana is very pretty and I very much like the way that Narvin blushes.” 
Narvin, right on cue, blushes again at her words, and she grins with delight. 
“There we are. Hop on, then!” 
She heads for the horse, leaving Romana and Narvin standing there, rather bemused as to what is going on. 
“Pretty?” Romana says, confused, before shrugging. “Well, I suppose I am. Never really thought about it.” 
“Certainly the prettiest sacrifice I ever had the pleasure to be offered,” Narvin says, before coughing awkwardly. “Though that, uh, isn’t actually saying much, all things considered” 
“Good, I’m not sure I’m one for flattery,” she says, but finds herself shyly tucking her hair behind her ear when she meets Leela’s gaze across the distance and the warrior princess smiles at her. 
“Are you entirely sure about that?” Narvin asks her, raising an eyebrow. 
“Not in the slightest, but I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Romana sniffs. 
“If we shall be travelling together in an intimate fashion, it seems that it will be my business,” Narvin points out. 
“We’re sharing a horse, not a bedchamber,” Romana says, rolling her eyes. “Don’t make me regret helping you. I could have left you as a dragon.”
“And I could have eaten you - do you have any idea how many days it’s been since I’ve eaten? Sheep are difficult to sneak up on, you know.” Narvin says this with such indignation that Romana can only laugh at him. 
“I’m sorry, but that might just be one of the most pitiful things I’ve ever heard,” she says, between giggles. He just lifts his chin and strides off towards Leela, apparently offended. 
Romana shakes her head and gets her laughter until control before making to follow him. 
Oh yes, this will certainly make for an interesting journey, and the most interesting set of company she’s yet to keep. 
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