#lectric shave
contac · 2 years
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Es una serie de drama criminal estadounidenseque se emitió en CBS desde septiembre de 1959 hasta septiembre de 1960, bajo el patrocinio alterno de JB Williams Company ( Aqua Velva , Lectric Shave, etc.) y American Tobacco ( Pall Mall ). Producida por Russell Rouse y Clarence Greene en asociación con Screen Gems , la serie está protagonizada por Mike Connors como un agente encubierto llamado "Nick" que fue asignado para infiltrarse en bandas criminales.
Año de inicio: 8 de septiembre de 1959
Año de finalización: 13 de septiembre de 1960
Dirección: Abner Biberman, Irving J. Moore, Russell Rouse, Oscar Rudolph
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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ashbearmeadow · 2 years
very quick opinion on name changes...
tbh....i think it's good to chase a vibe that's truly your own identity and how you'd ever want to define yourself, but there's some that i'd see in a case-by-case basis i'd just consider "pointless." and I mean "pointless" on the sense that i'm able to tell that they're wanting to run away from what they once loved...just straight-up "run" if you're not really being harmed directly so frequently -- unlike at a certain earlier point -- by the time you actually change your name, why do it? if it's already catchy, why change it?
if it's already recognizable, why change it?
If I have a grandeur following, then if I truly vibe with any current name of my own, I'd only change my own name in these case scenarios:
if there's been confusion to begin with (like "'Lectric Shave" used to be called "Whiskers" *VERY* early on but they ended up using "Whiskers" to describe facial hair too heavily in their earliest advertising, hence a quick change...it was a shaving gel)
if you're directly harming your inspiration with your behavior *ALONGSIDE* having loosely taken the name from such a person
There's times that you'd feel shame from fandoms you'd once been a part of...well, alright. If the sentimental value isn't "there" or couldn't ever be as much "there" anymore due to the former toxicity, then it becomes more understandable, but it's otherwise a mixed bag if your forefront perspective is to "search for a new vibe." And it makes following, people-looking-to-follow-you situations slightly more awkward if you only change any name "partially" due to the fact you want to believe there's roots of any fandom you've loved you want to *hope* still has merit. i have fandoms like that too that i've followed a long time...and from my experience, i can safely say that you shouldn't be faulted for being honest about how you didn't like a fandom in the past.
Tumblr was becoming a "hub" that the shame would've been "too key," too, but look what happened to Twitter. There's new value to be found in Tumblr once again, because Musk has violated rule #2 in a worser variant:
he owns and is fucking up something he never should've
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yesteryearads · 6 years
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"Win a piece of a Pro Football Team" Aqua Velva & Lectric Shave Circa 1970-1971
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vintage-tech · 2 years
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Mennen 'Hard Hat' cologne... looks like Lectric Shave.
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party-gilmore · 3 years
today's bonus gender: Using Lectric Shave As Cologne
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richardpopkin-blog · 4 years
Best electric razor for elderly man
Developing is unpreventable yet you can hack your way around looking appealing and satisfactory until the finish of time.
Energetic or old, shaving is a huge bit of most men's preparing plans. In any case, with time your skin and hair change and a razor, which was your best mate in 20s and 30s, may not be the best of choice at this point. It may end up being unnecessarily commanding or preposterously dull for your skin.
E Braun is one of the primary producers of male getting ready things acclaimed for its part rich and high-performing things. This association releases its thing in game plan and "Course of action 9" is the latest of all. This game plan has all of the features one needs in an electric razor to get a close by and pleasant shave. 9290cc is a champion among other selling Braun game plan 9 electric razors.
9290cc features five shaving parts with four cutting segments and one skin-screen. Four cutting parts join two OptiFoils, Direct Cut Trimmer, and Hyper-Lift Cut Trimmer. The OptiFoils has a hexagonal structure which gets more hair than standard balanced opening and gives a closer shave.
In a general sense, the Direct Cut Trimmer trims the hair creating in different manners while the Hyper-Lift discovers the level lying strands. What makes this best for elderly people men is the Skin-Guard which is accessible right close by Direct-Cut Trimmer. It works by smoothening the skin before the cutters make the cut to give an ideal shave freed from scratches and cuts.
The mix of cutting segments and Skin-Guard is gainful to such a degree, that it can work flawlessly on a three-day long stubbles. It gives indications of progress considering the versatile head that can turn in 10 one of a kind ways, cool, would it say it isn't? The best electric razor for elderly man versatile head gently acclimates to the types of the body and gets hair even in hard to-land at regions. Its adaptability doesn't stop here, you can tie down the head in a specific circumstance to achieve raised degrees of precision.
lectric razors are an accomplishment in more seasoned men because of their extraordinary prosperity profile than common razors. Regardless, your journey for the best electric razor can be tiring and redundant.
This is in light of the fact that essentially the total of the associations don't expressly concentrate on this age gathering. In any case, if you have a sharp eye and know your skin and hair type well, you can find your new shaving buddy viably.
There are a lot of features to consider and a huge amount of exhibiting gimmicky as a wide scope of language to make this to the extent anybody knows adequately search a headache. Braun Series 7 featured a decision to adjust the power as showed by the thickness of facial hair which genuinely was essentially purposeless. Nevertheless, in Series 9, Braun has used another SyncroSonic-Technology which normally modifies the power as showed by the thickness of hair. It is an OK swap for an outdated component that vital manual course.
9290cc is a waterproof electric razor which makes it best for men who lean toward wet-shaving. You can shave with this electric razor while you are tidying up, with your favored shaving foam or gel. Likewise, it also makes the cleaning of this electric razor significantly less complex.
Continuing ahead, it admits all and charge station which is a straightforward enhancement. It uses an alcohol based without germ to clean the electric razor of all the trash and keep up the sterile conditions
Regardless, stress no more, if anybody knows shaving and razors that is us. We tunneled significant this time and bring the best market brings to the table for our old allies.
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embersoot · 5 years
Honesty - Cesta
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Name:  “Cestalia Olivia Embersoot. I go by ‘Rosewood’ nowadays. People don’t get to know my house name unless they’ve proven themselves trustworthy.”
Eye Color: “Milky white, with little pockets of glittering void stuff in the irises. It’s weird. I just wear glasses to cover them up.”
Hair Style/Color: “It’s white at the moment, but I dye it every color under the rainbow. Got it styled into a side shave. I’m rather fond of it now. Lets me show off my wilder side while still being comparatively professional if need be.”
Height: “Five feet and nine inches. My sister Qory got the jackpot at six feet even. Don’t ever tell her, but I’m very jealous.” 
Clothing Style: “For one, always a pair of tinted round glasses. Don’t ever leave home with them. From there, depends on the day. If I’m mainly working on the clinic, a tunic, cravat, and sweater vest. If I’m mainly going off on my own business, leather jackets or vests with spikes on the shoulders and finger less gloves.”
Your Fears: “Becoming weak. Becoming unable to keep someone else from being taken from me. Being overshadowed by Qory.”
Your Guilty Pleasure:  “The death races. I can’t get enough of them. I never feel more free or in control than when I’m behind the wheel of whatever contraption the sponsors have for me, and I’m dodging bullets and missiles.”
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: “When people try to muscle in and try to solve my problems unprovoked. I can deal with my own conflicts. I’ll tell you if I need help.
Your Ambition for the Future: “Learn more about what I can control. The demons, the fel, the curses. I don’t quite know where to use these gifts most effectively. I don’t know if I’d ever want to settle down. It’s just not my style. I’m going to go out in a blaze of glory, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: “Where the hell’s the whiskey? VOZ!”
What You Think About the Most: “My surroundings. I listen to every single sound and take in every smell and touch around me. The sensations soon take shape into things I recognize: objects, people, animals...  I’ve gotten pretty good at it after two years. I can tell people apart by the way they walk and how they smell before they even speak.”
What You Think About Before Bed: “I need to fix that damn creaking window one of these days.”
Your Best Quality Is: “My daring. I don’t give a damn about the risks. In fact, don’t even tell me the risks. Don’t tell me what to expect. Let me face each and every one of them, shove a grenade down each one’s gullet, and walk away from the explosion with the biggest shit-eating smirk ever.”
Single or Group Dates: “Single. If I’ve got multiple people, that means I need to split my attention. That means I can’t make the other ladies fall as far for me~”
To be Loved or Respected: “Respected. It’ll suck ass that no one’ll ever truly like me, but at least I won’t get a pig sticker in the back if I look the other way.”
Beauty or Brains: “Why not both? If they’re hot, funny, lighthearted, and not uppity? Sign me up.”
Dogs or Cats: “Cats. Don’t like the barking.”
Lie: “Hell yes I do.”
Believe in Yourself: “Can’t do what I do without stupid confidence in yourself. Fake it till you make it. Ain’t ever heard truer words spoken in my life.” 
Believe in Love: “I... guess? Yeah. Love’s a thing in the same way grass is green.”
Want Someone: “A few, yeah. But, well, most of them just turn out with me giggling with how attractive their voices sound or admiring the way they smell. It sounds more creepy than it actually is.”
Been on Stage: “Yes! Qory and I once tried to start a band! We came up with ‘Fel-lectric Sharkteeth.’ Played a couple bitchin’ songs, but it never took off.”
Done Drugs: “Of course, just like most anyone else living. Don’t actively seek them out. Like to keep my reflexes sharp for when I’m riding.”
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: “Not ever. Never will ever. I am what I am, and I don’t really give a shit if I fit in somewhere or not. I’m real to myself first and foremost.”
Favorite Color: “Black. Was it obvious?”
Favorite Animal: “Gargoyles! Most metal shit I ever seen. Flying fuckers that puke out shadow? Hell yeah.”
Favorite Food: “Pretty much anything fried or horrendously unhealthy for me. Reminds me of the food stalls back at the flats. We had unhealthy shit like greasy pizza and hot dogs all the time, and I loved every damn second of it.”
Favorite Game: “Easy. FOOTBOMB!”
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: “October Twenty-sixth.”
How Old Will You Be: “Fuck. I stopped counting. Maybe in my three-hundred and seventies?”
Age You Lost Your Virginity: “Like... Mid twenties? I think?”
Does Age Matter: “If they’re hot, I don’t really give a damn.”
Best Personality: “Laid back. Not minding a bit of danger. Maybe a bit deranged like me. Never holds me back if I want to have a bit of danger-filled fun.”
Best Eye Color: “Irrelevant. I literally give no fucks to eye color if I like a person.”
Best Hair Color: “Refer back to the eye color question.”
Best thing to do with a Partner: “What do you think?”
I love: “The feeling being in danger brings. It makes my chest soar, and I can’t help but cackle like a damn maniac.”
I feel: “Weak without my sight. But the fel has amplified the other senses. I don’t need my sight to truly see.”
I hide: “To protect Qory.”
I miss: “Everyone from the Lynxes. We’ve mostly gone our separate ways, and I feel a bit empty without them.”
I wish: “I had the power to put the fucker that took Leothys from me in the dirt permanently and wear his skull as a cod piece.”
Tagged By: No one! Just thought this’d be fun after I did it on @thornbolts
Tagging: @bigdumbchicken(any!), @glitchphil (Fnip!), @ms-winford (any!), @latildarommel,  @monster-of-master, @knownashaunt, @tilnathiel, @the-real-arcanist-val (any!), @the-soiled-dove (GET AERI UP IN HERE!), @ranekvilmas
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trustedbeards · 3 years
Williams Lectric Shave, Electric Razor Pre-Shave for Men, Green Tea Complex, Reduces Shaving Irritation for a Smoother Shave, 7 Ounce
Williams Lectric Shave, Electric Razor Pre-Shave for Men, Green Tea Complex, Reduces Shaving Irritation for a Smoother Shave, 7 Ounce
Price: (as of – Details) Electric razor pre shave for an ultra-smooth shave. Let’s your razor glide for less friction and skin irritationGives you a closer, more comfortable shave and smoother skinWith soothing green tea complexBlade close, electric smooth
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ash-nico · 3 years
Cw: genital mention
Holy fucking shit. I am amazed of how well my shaving went last time. So like a lot of afab people I learned how to shave my legs but I dont really do that anymore. BUT I only ever learned to shave with an electric razor so I never really learned about shaving cream and all the other products to use before and after shaving.
Nowadays I pretty exclusively shave my bikini line, my butt and sometimes under my arms and being black I get hella ingrown hairs. Now recently I got sick of this and decided to actually learn about pre-shave and aftershave routines and oh my god my skin looks amazing.
I used Williams Lectric shave which honestly I'm not sure if youre supposed to use it below the belt but it worked fine for me. (Its marketed as a men's face splash for before shaving with an electric razor.) I still got a fee ingrown hairs but I expected that so I've also started using B&C razor bump creme and it works so well! My skin looks so lovely and is so soft! I love it!
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mid-centurymowing · 7 years
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Look for the big L, the first letter in Lectric Shave.
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Williams Lectric Shave, Electric Razor Pre-Shave 7 Ounce by Williams
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We are delighted to offer the famous Williams Lectric Shave, Electric Razor Pre-Shave 7 Ounce.
With so many on offer these days, it is great to have a brand you can recognise. The Williams Lectric Shave, Electric Razor Pre-Shave 7 Ounce is certainly that and will be a superb buy.
For this reduced price, the Williams Lectric Shave, Electric Razor Pre-Shave 7 Ounce is highly respected and is always a regular choice with lots of people. Williams have provided some excellent touches and this means good value.
The article was originally published here!
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kuffyswoodwork · 5 years
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I found a near perfect spiral shaving on the ground. Could light a candle with that one. Aint no need for a spill plane around here...cause I have lectric lights :D https://www.instagram.com/p/BsfsURug9lH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iqdpjlfvpqfx
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shinyballoonturtle · 3 years
5% Off on Williams Lectric Shave Electric Razor Pre Shave 7 oz. TrueGether is one of the biggest and most trusted marketplaces with over 2M+ products for sale. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. Buy Williams Lectric Shave Electric Razor Pre Shave 7 oz at TrueGether.
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itsworn · 6 years
Build a Sleeper L72: When 425 Horsepower Is not Enough for Your Restored Chevy
No other engine in muscle car history lost 25 hp simply by switching air cleaner labels, but that’s the story of Chevrolet’s 1966 427ci L72 big-block. When introduced for duty aboard the Sting Ray, the iconic, semicircular label affixed to the open-element air cleaner read “Turbo-Jet 450 HP.” But then mysteriously, after several weeks of production, a new sticker reading “425 HP” replaced it. Minds boggled, gossip and speculation flowed.
Looking back, we now know the sticker switch was an effort to elude government safety zealots. No mechanical changes were made to the L72 427, and despite the “sticker shock,” 5,258 Sting Rays were equipped with the snarling, solid-lifter rat motor in 1966, plus 1,856 installations in fullsize Chevys.
Vette owners weren’t the only lucky ones. The L72 would find its way into a handful of 1967 Camaros built by Bill Thomas and others, kicking off a whole new wave of supertuned supercars. Let’s watch as Donnie Wood and the guys at R.A.D. Auto Machine take an L72 all the way out to 489 cubes, stuff in a hydraulic roller cam, and wind up with 589 hp and 641 lb-ft of torque. We are going to need a new air cleaner label!
1 The pen points to the external oil cooler attachment points seen on all solid-lifter 427 blocks. Ours was cast on February 14, 1966, and bears suffix code IP, telling us it was born to an L72 Sting Ray. L72s destined for Impala, Bel Air, and Biscayne applications bear suffix codes ID (manual transmission) or IO (automatic).
2 The pen indicates where the crankcase needs grinding to make room for the Eagle stroker assembly. The stock L72 bore and stroke are 4.251 by 3.760 inches. With a 0.030-inch overbore an enhanced stroke to 4.250 inches, final displacement grows to 489 cubes.
3 R.A.D. honcho Donnie Wood sets the forged steel Eagle stroker crank (PN 445442526385) in place. Bearings are fully grooved TRW items (PN MS 2976P). The oil clearance is 0.0025 on mains and rods.
4 Forged Eagle H-beam rods (PN CRS 63853D) measure 6.385 inches center-to-center and team with 0.030 oversize flattop J&E forged pistons (PN 142979). Full-floating pins are secured with Spiral-Locks. Ring end gap is set at 0.018/0.020 inch (top/second).
5 Corvette chief engineer Zora Arkus-Duntov made sure there was plenty of engine setback in the 1963 Sting Ray chassis and frame. This delivered nearly 50/50 front/rear static weight distribution even with the hefty big-block. The black pan (bottom) is a reproduction L72 Corvette unit. The extended leading edge of the Sting Ray sump interferes with Nova, Camaro, Chevelle, and Impala chassis crossmembers without surgery.
6 With the L72-specific four-bolt main caps, windage tray, and new Melling pickup screen (PN 77S9) in place, Wood installs the pan. Note the Corvette pan’s antisurge panel and spring-loaded trap door inside the sump. To preclude air leaks, Wood welds the suction tube to the pump body.
7 A Comp XR288HR hydraulic roller cam (PN 11-433-8) with 0.521/0.540-inch lift and 288/294 degrees of duration replaces the L72-spec 0.519/0.519-inch lift, solid flat-tappet cam. The pen points to the oil feed groove added by R.A.D. to the No. 5 cam journal. It works with a fully grooved Durabond No. 5 cam bearing (PN CH-9A) to ensure plenty of oil flow to the lifter galley, a critical detail with hydraulic roller lifters. Thanks to its cast steel core, the Comp roller cam is compatible with standard distributor drive gears. No bronze, plastic, or exotic distributor drive gear material is needed.
8 A double-row true roller timing set from Liberty Performance Components (PN LT98110T-9) has a narrow Torrington bearing between the top gear and block. The camshaft is installed 4 degrees advanced. The locking tabs secure the trio of cam bolts.
9 Details, details. The 1965-1966 high-performance front cover (top) is unique for its integral (spot welded) timing tab. It is also set farther outboard to clear the larger, 8-inch damper used on high-performance L78 (396)/L72 (427) engines. All pre-1967 big-block timing covers (and blocks) are also unique for their lack of alignment-dowel pin holes (nearest pen). Also specific to all pre-1967 timing covers, the farthest pen points to a “chin mounted” oil pan bolt. National Corvette Restorers Society (NCRS) judges reach down behind the damper to make sure this bolt is present on restored pre-1967 big-blocks.
10 Surprise! At 68.2 pounds, each cast iron square-port cylinder head is 10 pounds heavier than a Mopar 426 Street Hemi casting. But they flow like mad, and that’s what counts. Comp moly retainers and dual valve springs deliver 165/430 pounds (closed/at 0.550 lift).
11 The pen points out minor chamber unshrouding work. The stock diameter 2.19-inch intake valves remain, but L88-sized 1.840-inch exhaust valves (up from 1.720) help feed the extra 62 cubes. Like the block, the heads are legitimate L72 items with casting number 3873858. When done, it is headed for a restored 1966 Sting Ray.
12 With the Fel-Pro gaskets’ (PN 818OPT2) 0.042-inch crushed thickness, 0.015-inch block/0.010-inch head shave, 96cc chamber volume, and “zero” piston deck height, compression calculates to exactly 10.0:1. Despite the iron heads and 92-octane unleaded dyno gas, no preignition, detonation, or abnormal combustion was noted during our dyno tests.
13 Morel hydraulic roller lifters (PN 4603) and Comp pushrods (PN 7815-16) actuate the valves. Wood dunks the roller in oil during assembly, but not the multipiece lifter body. He says, “The oil inside the lifter can give you false readings when you’re feeling for zero lash.” Preload is a half-turn beyond the point of observed zero lash.
14 By most accounts, the factory-issued dual-plane L72 intake manifold is a very capable unit. Thanks to its aluminum composition, it only weighs 19.6 pounds. Observed markings include integrally cast part number “3855069” and a casting date of “9-26-65.” The 1.7:1 roller rocker arms (PN 0845403) are from PRW Industries.
15 The PRW roller rockers fit inside the stock Corvette valve covers without contact. The “spires” direct streams of oil toward pivot points during operation. Big-block Corvettes didn’t get chrome valve covers until the 1968 model year. Duntov’s team elected to paint the covers orange to make the engine really fill the engine bay.
16 Lacking the original 855-cfm Holley 4150 carburetor, we tested with an 850-cfm Q-850 unit from Quick Fuel Technologies. The only major difference is its double accelerator pumps. The only Corvette with a factory-issued double-pumper Holley was the 1967-1969 L88. The rest were single pumpers. Ignition is handled by a Street Fire HEI (PN 8362) set at 36 degrees BTDC.
17 More streamlined than any Chevy small-block “ram’s horn” exhaust manifold, the iron L72 castings weigh 18.8/17.0 pounds (driver/passenger) and were used on big-block Vettes with only minor variations from 1965 through 1974. Note the plumbing for the optional K19 Air Injection Reactor antismog system. The round pod is a one-way check valve that lets air in but blocks outward exhaust gas flow.
18 Ever run a marathon with a thermometer under your tongue? Typically found on California cars, the K19 system cost $44.75 and was installed on 2,380 of the 27,720 Corvettes built in 1966. The stainless tubes are fed by a belt-driven air pump. The air excites the superhot unburned hydrocarbons for one last shot at combustion before exiting the dual tail, or side, pipes.
19 The best of several baseline runs on R.A.D.’s Land and Sea dyno delivered a stout 508.2 hp at 5,700 rpm and 562.6 lb-ft at 3,500 rpm. Compared to a stock L72’s 425 (or is that 450?) horses at 5,600 rpm and 460 lb-ft at 4,000 rpm, the stroke and big cam more than make up for the one-point drop in compression ratio. To recap, we have now got an extra 83.2 hp (or 58.2, depending on the air cleaner label) and 102.6 lb-ft.
20 Like so many L72 owners who added headers on day two of ownership, R.A.D.’s Bob Petersen swaps the iron manifolds for a set of 2-inch Hooker Chevelle tubes. Everything else is left alone.
21 Holy smokes! The free-breathing headers unlocked an extra 81 hp and 79.2 lb-ft of torque! Totals are 589.2 hp at 5,800 rpm and 641.8 lb-ft of torque at 3,400 rpm over the stroked L72 exhaling through iron manifolds. Compared to a bone-stock 450-horse L72, we are 139.2 hp and 181.8 lb-ft ahead! It’s nice to see how well the Quick Fuel Q-850 carburetor adapted on its own with no adjustments needed or made.
22 To keep up with the high-revving solid cam, all L72s came standard with the Delco-Remy K66 transistorized ignition system. Instead of bounce-prone mechanical breaker points, the K66 distributor (left) uses a magnetic pickup to trigger the spark. With the iron manifolds back in place, the retro ignition delivered 504.6 hp at 5,700 rpm and 560 lb-ft of torque at 3,600 rpm, a mere 3.6 hp and 2.6 lb-ft behind the HEI unit (right).
23 Just unpacked, this N.O.S. K66 transistorized ignition system was the go-to sparker for hot rats in the pre-H.E.I. days. Note the Corvette-specific tach-drive distributor body. The finned black box is the amplifier unit. Failed boxes can be remedied with repair kits from Lectric Limited.
24 A quick way to measure the compression ratio of any assembled engine, the Katech Whistler taps into the number-one cylinder and calculates the squeeze as you slowly rotate the engine by hand. R.A.D.’s Steve Chmura quickly and easily verifies the mathematical calculation of 10.0:1 on this stroked L72 427. These machines are popular with busy engine shops and race organizations with compression ratio limits.
The post Build a Sleeper L72: When 425 Horsepower Is not Enough for Your Restored Chevy appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/build-sleeper-l72-425-horsepower-not-enough-restored-chevy/ via IFTTT
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