#launchpool project
dencyemily · 5 months
ALT Provides In-Depth Perspectives on Allocation, Trading Pairs, and Community Influence
The eagerly anticipated ALT token, set to be Binance's 45th launchpool project, has ignited discussions within the cryptocurrency community. The announcement of a substantial 38.5% token allocation to insiders, encompassing the team, investors, and advisors, has sparked debates among investors, raising questions about its potential impact on market dynamics.
Alt_Layer, the driving force behind ALT, is strategically positioning the token for a January 25th, 2024 debut on the Binance exchange. Trading pairs against major cryptocurrencies such as BTC, USDT, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY are expected to mark a pivotal moment for Alt_Layer, potentially expanding its influence in the crypto market. Analysts are closely monitoring the launch, recognizing the pivotal role initial distribution plays in shaping a token's future performance.
The attention-grabbing allocation of 38.5% of ALT tokens to insiders has fueled debates about its potential repercussions on the token's pricing and market stability. As investors weigh the impact of this distribution strategy, market observers are keen to assess how it may shape the token's trajectory in the weeks and months following its launch.
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bithubi · 2 months
This Altcoin in Binance is in the Focus of the Famous Name: A Rise Awaits!
The altcoin market has been going through a very active period lately, with increasing investor interest and the emergence of new projects. One of the prominent projects of this activity is Ethena (ENA), which was launched as the Binance Launchpool project. ENA, which was listed on many exchanges in a short time and achieved an increase of over 20%, attracted the attention of Arthur Hayes, one of…
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aitoreda · 11 days
AI Toreda Token (AITO) - Definition, Applications, Benefits, ICO, Uses
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What is AITO? 
AITO is the cryptocurrency token that fuels the AI Toreda Ecosystem. It serves as the backbone for various functionalities and transactions within the AI Toreda platform. Similar to other utility tokens, AITO offers versatile applications and benefits, making it an essential component of the AI Toreda Ecosystem. To learn more about AITO, click here.
How does AI Toreda Token work? 
AI Toreda Token (AITO) operates on the Solana blockchain network, strategically chosen for its high-performance capabilities in facilitating scalable and cost-effective transactions. This decision aligns with AI Toreda's mission of providing accessible and democratized financial services. The Solana blockchain's robust infrastructure ensures rapid transaction processing, enhancing AITO's efficiency and reliability in powering various financial activities within the AI Toreda ecosystem. Using a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm, AITO ensures rapid and reliable transactions, making it a robust token for various financial services.
 The Technology Behind AITO 
The technology behind AI Toreda Token is built on a robust and future-proof foundation that ensures seamless integration, rapid development, and unmatched scalability. Utilizing the MERN stack, AI Toreda offers diverse financial services, including cryptocurrency trading and project funding, through its decentralized application (DApp). The proprietary AI Toreda enhances cryptocurrency trading efficiency, with AITO serving as a pivotal token within this ecosystem. Additionally, the AI Toreda provides a highly efficient decentralized exchange for cryptocurrency trading. This strategic technological infrastructure underscores AI Toreda's commitment to surpassing user and stakeholder expectations.
Applications of AI Toreda Token 
AI Toreda Token offers a wide range of applications within the AI Toreda ecosystem, driven by a strong foundation of passive income generation, tokenomic incentives, and robust technology. As a trading pair on the AI Toreda DEX, operating on the high-performance built on Solana, AITO facilitates decentralized exchange activities. It supports crypto staking, allowing users to earn rewards and contribute to network security. AITO also grants exclusive access to AI-augmented DeFi services, including a P2P lending platform with AI-optimized risk assessment and interest rates, branded crypto-fiat debit/credit cards, a multi-chain non-custodial DeFi wallet, and a decentralized crypto payment gateway. The deflationary buybacks and burns funded by high-yield AI trading bots enhance token value, while early investors benefit from structured distribution, vesting, and priority access to DeFi services. AITO’s versatility and comprehensive benefits make it an invaluable asset within the AI Toreda ecosystem.
Benefits of AI Toreda Token 
AI Toreda Token offers numerous advantages for investors and users alike. Some of its key benefits include,
Low transaction fees and discounts on trading fees.
Staking opportunities for earning rewards.
Access to diverse financial services, including insurance and lending.
Facilitation of crowdfunding activities.
Supported by one of the leading AI-driven trading platforms, making it highly sought-after and rich in possibilities.
Explore What AI Toreda Token Holds
AI Toreda Token provides a range of opportunities for users.
Save on trading fees with AITO.
Participate in AI Toreda's VIP Program for additional benefits.
Explore token farming opportunities on AI Toreda Launchpool.
Access crypto loans through AI Toreda Loan.
Stake AITO for rewards and contribute to the security of the AI Toreda Chain ecosystem.
Earn commission through AI Toreda's Referral Program.
Engage in exclusive token sales on AI Toreda Launchpad.
AI Toreda Token (AITO) ICO 
AI Toreda Token's ICO marked a significant milestone in its introduction to public trading and fundraising activities. The ICO pre-launch phase will begin on either the 24th or 31st of May 2024 and will last for 4 to 6 weeks. Following this period, the official launch will take place. Through our Initial Token Offering, we aim to further decentralize and democratize access to our AI trading bot. The funds raised will enhance the capabilities of the bot and expand our decentralized financial services. Additionally, part of the trading profits generated by the AI bot will be used to buy back and burn tokens, increasing their value.
In alignment with our commitment to social responsibility and community involvement, a portion of the funds raised through the ICO will be allocated to charitable causes. The AI Toreda community will have the opportunity to vote on the distribution of these funds, ensuring transparency and inclusivity. This approach underscores our dedication to giving back to society and empowering future generations.
How to Trade AI Toreda Token (AITO) 
Trading AI Toreda Token (AITO) is straightforward:
Purchase AITO directly through designated exchanges.
Store AITO in secure crypto wallets.
Consider trading AITO CFDs for exposure to price movements without owning the underlying asset or managing wallets.
AITO Burns 
AI Toreda Token implements an Auto-Burn mechanism to manage its total supply, ensuring transparency and predictability for the community. The burning mechanism adjusts based on market conditions and transaction activity on Solana Blockchain. Additionally, AI Toreda pioneers a real-time burning mechanism tied to gas fees, further enhancing token utility and value.
In conclusion, AI Toreda Token (AITO) embodies AI Toreda's commitment to innovation and efficiency in the cryptocurrency space. Since its inception, AITO has demonstrated substantial growth and utility, offering a range of benefits for investors and users. Its integration within the AI Toreda ecosystem contributes to a thriving and dynamic financial environment.
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bitcoin-altcoin · 12 days
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How you can and should // make money on crypto // , in a trading platform of this type, in addition to #trading, investment, and #exchange. There is participation in the free or paid #distribution of new projects, which necessary can do with tokens of this #exchange, or for example Bitcoin and #usdt - #usdc, you can #participate with these coins in obtaining new #startups - or crypto mainenge. Let me remind you that many #companies are loyal to their clients and #support them in this way (by allowing them to participate in crypto mining). read NECESSARY here POOLX.. original link to the company... https://bonus.bitget.com/WKJM9S #Launchpad #launchpool #maining #staking #bitcoin #cashflov #btc #copy_trading #startap #bitcoin__crypto_trading_inwest
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market-news-24 · 24 days
In a groundbreaking move, users can now stake BNB and FDUSD to farm $NOT tokens. This innovative method allows individuals to earn rewards by participating in decentralized finance. Join the trend and start farming $NOT tokens today! Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Notcoin, a popular Telegram game, has attracted millions of users to the world of Web3. The game's simple gameplay has resonated with users, resulting in a peak of six million daily active players and a total player base of 35 million. Players earn in-game currency by tapping on a gold coin within the Telegram app, with energy levels that deplete and refill over time. By inviting friends to join the game, players can enhance their experience and potentially increase their earnings. Notcoin also features a global leaderboard where players can see how they rank against others worldwide. To boost their earnings, players can utilize various boosts and power-ups, including daily refreshable boosts and permanent boosts purchasable with Notcoin tokens. Cosmetic upgrades are also available for players to personalize their gaming experience. The upcoming launch of the $NOT token, listed on The Open Network (TON), has generated excitement within the Notcoin community. The token distribution model ensures a fair distribution to players who earn Notcoin through gameplay, avoiding the creation of early whales often seen in other crypto projects. Community participation is encouraged in Notcoin, with opportunities to earn $NOT by exploring Web3 products and contributing value to the ecosystem. Binance has announced the listing of $NOT, allowing users to stake BNB and FDUSD to farm Notcoin tokens. Participants can stake their BNB and FDUSD in separate pools to farm $NOT tokens over a three-day period. Additionally, Binance offers a Megadrop concept where loyal BNB stakers can receive tokens from future projects listed on Binance Launchpool by staking BNB for extended periods. By participating in the Megadrop, users can increase their chances of receiving airdrops and maximizing their rewards. The $NOT token's potential is significant, with predictions of listing ATH prices and Market cap ranges as the ecosystem develops. The future of Notcoin looks promising, with plans to introduce new gameplay mechanics and features after the token launch. Open Builders, the creators of Notcoin, aim to enhance the game with additional features to create a more user-friendly interface. Community involvement and ecosystem growth are key priorities for Notcoin, emphasizing a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem for users. Overall, Notcoin's innovative nature, fair distribution model, and large user base provide a strong foundation for future growth and success. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is Stake BNB and FDUSD to Farm $NOT tokens? You can stake your BNB and FDUSD tokens to earn $NOT tokens through a farming process. 2. How do I stake my BNB and FDUSD tokens? You can stake your BNB and FDUSD tokens by following the instructions on the farming platform.
Make sure you have the required tokens in your wallet before staking. 3. Can I unstake my tokens at any time? Yes, you can unstake your tokens at any time, but there may be a waiting period or penalty for early unstaking. Check the farming platform for specific details. 4. How do I earn $NOT tokens from staking BNB and FDUSD? By staking your BNB and FDUSD tokens, you are providing liquidity to the farming platform, and in return, you earn $NOT tokens as a reward for your contribution. 5. Is staking BNB and FDUSD to farm $NOT tokens safe? As with any investment or staking activity, there are risks involved. Make sure to do your own research and only invest what you can afford to lose. Always be cautious when participating in farming activities. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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meta-merchant · 1 month
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🌐 Binance Launchpool's latest stars are here, reshaping our digital world.
From the $244M-raised Monad to the pioneering zkPass in digital identity, these candidates are not just projects; they're revolutions waiting to happen!
Dive in and be part of the blockchain evolution.
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ecosmining · 2 months
Best Crypto to Buy in 2024
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Best Crypto to Buy in 2024
2024 seems to be a good time to invest in cryptocurrency. The global economy is expected to remain unstable, which means investors should diversify their portfolios. But what is the best crypto to buy in 2024? In this article, we’ll turn your attention to noteworthy crypto assets that have the potential to become more expensive in the foreseeable future. Plus, we’ll share our traders’ insights and inform our readers about the handy ECOS instruments that you might want to rely on as an investor.
For 15 years of its existence, Bitcoin BTC remains the most obvious investment choice. It boasts a huge audience and record-breaking market adoption. It introduced blockchain technology and the proof of work consensus concept that other crypto projects later adopted. In 2023, its price significantly recovered after a lengthy decline – and it’s projected to noticeably increase after April 2024 when the halving will take place. Another important point is that recently, the SEC approved Bitcoin ETF transactions, which paves the way for multi-billion investments in cryptocurrency markets.
A large ecosystem of dApps is thriving on the Ethereum blockchain. These include marketplaces for non-fungible tokens, publishing platforms, lending services and many more. Users can benefit from smart contracts and release their own tokens that will circulate within the whole blockchain. In 2024, the Dencun upgrade is planned for Ethereum ETH. The advantages that it will bring include upgraded staking, an advanced concept of sharding, decreased gas costs for complex transfers and the potential for price growth. The reasons for buying ETH sound solid enough, don’t they?
The price of the SOL token plummeted in 2022 but is quickly recovering and people are actively trading it – so why don’t you join them? This coin has showcased good potential for overcoming crises. Investors love it for its powerful technological advantage. It managed to solve the problem that most of its competitors failed to cope with – to couple extremely cheap transactions with the outstanding speed of their execution. This blockchain enables users to build smart contracts, which is another important brick in the foundation of its positive perspectives.
Binance Coin BNB
It’s the native token of one of the major crypto exchanges. Its holders can enjoy various benefits on this trading platform, such as paying cheaper fees. Plus, it enables developers to launch dApps in the BNB blockchain. One of the optimal variants of using this token is through the Launchpad and Launchpool programs at Binance. Their conditions and offers can change rapidly, so we’ll draw just one example here. If you stake BNB in Launchpool, it will let you earn the assets from the new blockchain projects that this pool helps to launch. Compared to other coins, BNB is likely to deliver a better yield in this case. You’ll be allowed to unstake it whenever you wish, which means your risks will be low. In the near future, Binance can announce some more exciting projects – and this news will drive up the price of its asset.
This one was conceived to build new blockchains, using a modular approach. This method simplifies the development process, enhances collaboration, allows parallel consensus across networks and supports sovereign rollups. It becomes easier to prove data availability and detect fraud. You may consider purchasing the Celestia’s TIA token because of its decent staking yield, planned airdrops and the exciting technological concept that will keep attracting numerous developers.
This blockchain was built on the layer of the ETH network, which grants exceptional security to it. Compared to its predecessor, Arbitrum offers faster and more affordable transfers. Networks that run on its blockchain have the opportunity to release custom gas tokens. Some projects that were initially launched on the ETH infrastructure moved to this advanced alternative – such as SushiSwap or Aave. The amount of total value locked in Arbitrum is among the highest in the whole DeFi segment. This project distributes grants among developers who built apps of various types, be it social media, NFT or games. Summing up all these facts, we can state that the ARB token seems to be a promising investment.
It’s a decentralized trading platform whose own token, which is used for governance, is called UNI. This cryptocurrency exchange gained prominence thanks to pioneering the automated market-making concept. It lists new coins earlier than its centralized counterparts, which expands its audience and ensures a steadily large trading volume. Many entities in the industry rely on Uniswap services, so it’s deeply integrated into the sector. The platform has proved its ability to process enormous amounts of money in spite of chaos in the market. Soon, it hopes to deliver a non-custodial wallet for smartphones. The project is rapidly evolving and might open great perspectives for its token holders.
Mina Protocol
Mina became famous for being a remarkably lightweight blockchain. It’s perfectly compatible with smartphones, even if they’re not too powerful. The dApps built on this platform were dubbed zkApps because they’re developed on the zero-knowledge principle. It means an individual can confirm that the data belongs to them without revealing any meaningful details about themselves to third parties. Experts predict that this principle will generate a high demand in the industry, that is why it would be wise to invest in the Mina token right now.
This project was launched to facilitate interoperability between different blockchains. If you stake its native token ATOM, you’ll be able to participate in governance, earn your fractions of the transaction fees and reap staking rewards. Apart from the appeal of its initial concept and the gained popularity, this project has one more advantage. Its community is voting to decrease the ATOM inflation rate – and one of the possible options is reducing it to zero. The results of this decision can make the project more appealing for investors from multiple viewpoints – for instance, they won’t have to pay more than the minimum necessary limit for blockchain security. 
Its vital merits are quick and affordable transfers as well as a custom consensus protocol. XRP is an element of the On-Demand Liquidity product that enables exchanges to carry out cross-border transactions. People’s interest in this coin has been recently backed up by several meaningful events. For instance, the SEC used to have claims to the top executives of this cryptocurrency – but they’re not relevant anymore. The Dubai International Financial Centre approved this coin to use. The team behind XRP helps Georgia to launch the digital analog of its national currency. If renowned organizations and governments support a coin, investors should keep an eye on it.
It’s a BTC-based asset that has been around nearly just as long as its prototype. Compared to BTC, LTC features faster data transfers. SEC seems to have nothing against this asset and hasn’t mentioned it recently when talking about suspicious cryptocurrencies. The next halving is scheduled for August 2024, after which LTC is forecasted to become more expensive. If you manage to buy it earlier, you can expect to make a nice income on it.
Shiba Inu
It’s the second-largest meme coin by market capitalization. It operates on the ERC-20 standard and has been around for approximately four years. Its popularity is unlikely to decline soon because its team has very serious intentions. They want to acquire the .shib top-level domain to use it for websites, emails and personalized usernames. This domain will ensure cross-compatibility of various services, which was previously unprecedented for the industry. It can take the team up to 5 years to get the approval for .shib and even more time to put their ambitious plans into practice – so consider it as a mid-term investment.
This blockchain was launched as an alternative to the existing ones, with an emphasis on efficiency, sustainability, scalability and interoperability. To put it simply, its founders strive to make it more user-friendly, high-performing and environmentally safe than its competitors. Cardano ADA is traded not as actively as many other cryptocurrencies from our list but its market capitalization is high. It makes sense to invest in it because its team specializes in profound research instead of craving immediate profits. 
Our Traders’ Opinion
Above, we listed some of the most in-demand coins on the crypto market. However, selected lesser-known digital assets showcased excellent performance in 2023. For instance, BONK grew by +4850%, INJ by +2780% and TRB by +1450%. 
Our experts continuously monitor the market for timely signals. They constantly create indexes for our clients to reveal coins with the highest probability of earning money and the highest possible risk. Throughout the last year and especially since midsummer, our indexes have become very popular among our audience. For example, XmasFortune, Fast Move and Yesterday Low are our favorites among the indexes. Of the coins that made up the indexes, our audience particularly appreciated SOL, SUI, ARB, SEI, LTC, TIA, WLD, LINK and DOT. Our team is already working on several new products for investors and will be ready to offer them to you soon.
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poojanegi99945 · 2 months
Top Reasons to Build Your PancakeSwap Clone on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
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In recent years, the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem has witnessed exponential growth, with various platforms emerging to provide users with opportunities for decentralized trading, lending, and yield farming. Among these platforms, PancakeSwap has stood out as one of the leading decentralized exchanges (DEX) built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). With its user-friendly interface, low transaction fees, and lucrative yield farming opportunities, PancakeSwap has garnered immense popularity among crypto enthusiasts.
For entrepreneurs and developers looking to capitalize on the success of PancakeSwap, building a PancakeSwap clone on Binance Smart Chain offers a myriad of benefits. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider developing your decentralized exchange on BSC using a PancakeSwap clone script:
1. Low Transaction Fees: 
Binance Smart Chain is renowned for its low transaction fees, making it an attractive option for users who want to engage in decentralized trading without incurring hefty gas fees. By building your PancakeSwap clone on BSC, you can provide users with a cost-effective alternative to Ethereum-based DEXs, enabling them to trade and farm tokens without worrying about high transaction costs.
2. High Performance and Scalability: 
Binance Smart Chain boasts high throughput and fast confirmation times, thanks to its innovative consensus mechanism known as Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA). This ensures that transactions on your PancakeSwap clone are processed quickly, providing users with a seamless trading experience even during periods of high network congestion. Moreover, BSC's scalability features allow your DEX to handle a large volume of transactions without compromising on performance.
3. Interoperability with Binance Ecosystem: 
By building on Binance Smart Chain, your PancakeSwap clone can leverage the extensive ecosystem of Binance products and services. This includes access to Binance Bridge for seamless token transfers between BSC and other blockchains, as well as integration with Binance's decentralized finance (DeFi) initiatives such as Binance Launchpool and Binance Launchpad. Leveraging the Binance ecosystem can help enhance the visibility and adoption of your DEX among crypto enthusiasts worldwide.
4. Community Support and Adoption: 
PancakeSwap has amassed a loyal community of users and developers who actively contribute to its growth and development. By building a PancakeSwap clone on Binance Smart Chain, you can tap into this vibrant community and benefit from their support, feedback, and contributions. Moreover, BSC's compatibility with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) ensures seamless migration for projects and developers already familiar with Ethereum-based DeFi protocols, further enhancing the adoption of your DEX.
5. Customization and Flexibility: 
Utilizing a PancakeSwap clone script for DEX development provides you with a solid foundation to customize and tailor the platform according to your specific requirements and preferences. Whether you want to introduce new features, integrate additional liquidity pools, or enhance the user interface, building on Binance Smart Chain offers the flexibility to innovate and differentiate your DEX in the competitive DeFi landscape.
In conclusion, building a PancakeSwap clone on Binance Smart Chain presents a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurs and developers looking to enter the decentralized finance space. With its low transaction fees, high performance, interoperability with the Binance ecosystem, community support, and flexibility, BSC offers the ideal infrastructure for launching a successful decentralized exchange. By leveraging a PancakeSwap clone script and tapping into the thriving DeFi ecosystem, you can create a feature-rich DEX that attracts users and contributes to the continued growth and innovation of decentralized finance. If you're considering embarking on this journey, partnering with a reputable DeFi exchange development company can provide you with the expertise and guidance needed to bring your vision to life and establish your presence in the burgeoning world of decentralized finance.
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luckycorner1200 · 2 months
BGB hits new all-time high at $1.19 Proud to be part of the ecosystem 
@bitget! BGB has reached an all-time high despite the bearish market. Holding bgb offers many benefits, which include participation in launchpools to airdrop quality projects.
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ecosmiing · 3 months
Best Crypto to Buy in 2024
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Best Crypto to Buy in 2024
2024 seems to be a good time to invest in cryptocurrency. The global economy is expected to remain unstable, which means investors should diversify their portfolios. But what is the best crypto to buy in 2024? In this article, we’ll turn your attention to noteworthy crypto assets that have the potential to become more expensive in the foreseeable future. Plus, we’ll share our traders’ insights and inform our readers about the handy ECOS instruments that you might want to rely on as an investor.
For 15 years of its existence, Bitcoin BTC remains the most obvious investment choice. It boasts a huge audience and record-breaking market adoption. It introduced blockchain technology and the proof of work consensus concept that other crypto projects later adopted. In 2023, its price significantly recovered after a lengthy decline – and it’s projected to noticeably increase after April 2024 when the halving will take place. Another important point is that recently, the SEC approved Bitcoin ETF transactions, which paves the way for multi-billion investments in cryptocurrency markets.
A large ecosystem of dApps is thriving on the Ethereum blockchain. These include marketplaces for non-fungible tokens, publishing platforms, lending services and many more. Users can benefit from smart contracts and release their own tokens that will circulate within the whole blockchain. In 2024, the Dencun upgrade is planned for Ethereum ETH. The advantages that it will bring include upgraded staking, an advanced concept of sharding, decreased gas costs for complex transfers and the potential for price growth. The reasons for buying ETH sound solid enough, don’t they?
The price of the SOL token plummeted in 2022 but is quickly recovering and people are actively trading it – so why don’t you join them? This coin has showcased good potential for overcoming crises. Investors love it for its powerful technological advantage. It managed to solve the problem that most of its competitors failed to cope with – to couple extremely cheap transactions with the outstanding speed of their execution. This blockchain enables users to build smart contracts, which is another important brick in the foundation of its positive perspectives.
Binance Coin BNB
It’s the native token of one of the major crypto exchanges. Its holders can enjoy various benefits on this trading platform, such as paying cheaper fees. Plus, it enables developers to launch dApps in the BNB blockchain. One of the optimal variants of using this token is through the Launchpad and Launchpool programs at Binance. Their conditions and offers can change rapidly, so we’ll draw just one example here. If you stake BNB in Launchpool, it will let you earn the assets from the new blockchain projects that this pool helps to launch. Compared to other coins, BNB is likely to deliver a better yield in this case. You’ll be allowed to unstake it whenever you wish, which means your risks will be low. In the near future, Binance can announce some more exciting projects – and this news will drive up the price of its asset.
This one was conceived to build new blockchains, using a modular approach. This method simplifies the development process, enhances collaboration, allows parallel consensus across networks and supports sovereign rollups. It becomes easier to prove data availability and detect fraud. You may consider purchasing the Celestia’s TIA token because of its decent staking yield, planned airdrops and the exciting technological concept that will keep attracting numerous developers.
This blockchain was built on the layer of the ETH network, which grants exceptional security to it. Compared to its predecessor, Arbitrum offers faster and more affordable transfers. Networks that run on its blockchain have the opportunity to release custom gas tokens. Some projects that were initially launched on the ETH infrastructure moved to this advanced alternative – such as SushiSwap or Aave. The amount of total value locked in Arbitrum is among the highest in the whole DeFi segment. This project distributes grants among developers who built apps of various types, be it social media, NFT or games. Summing up all these facts, we can state that the ARB token seems to be a promising investment.
It’s a decentralized trading platform whose own token, which is used for governance, is called UNI. This cryptocurrency exchange gained prominence thanks to pioneering the automated market-making concept. It lists new coins earlier than its centralized counterparts, which expands its audience and ensures a steadily large trading volume. Many entities in the industry rely on Uniswap services, so it’s deeply integrated into the sector. The platform has proved its ability to process enormous amounts of money in spite of chaos in the market. Soon, it hopes to deliver a non-custodial wallet for smartphones. The project is rapidly evolving and might open great perspectives for its token holders.
Mina Protocol
Mina became famous for being a remarkably lightweight blockchain. It’s perfectly compatible with smartphones, even if they’re not too powerful. The dApps built on this platform were dubbed zkApps because they’re developed on the zero-knowledge principle. It means an individual can confirm that the data belongs to them without revealing any meaningful details about themselves to third parties. Experts predict that this principle will generate a high demand in the industry, that is why it would be wise to invest in the Mina token right now.
This project was launched to facilitate interoperability between different blockchains. If you stake its native token ATOM, you’ll be able to participate in governance, earn your fractions of the transaction fees and reap staking rewards. Apart from the appeal of its initial concept and the gained popularity, this project has one more advantage. Its community is voting to decrease the ATOM inflation rate – and one of the possible options is reducing it to zero. The results of this decision can make the project more appealing for investors from multiple viewpoints – for instance, they won’t have to pay more than the minimum necessary limit for blockchain security. 
Its vital merits are quick and affordable transfers as well as a custom consensus protocol. XRP is an element of the On-Demand Liquidity product that enables exchanges to carry out cross-border transactions. People’s interest in this coin has been recently backed up by several meaningful events. For instance, the SEC used to have claims to the top executives of this cryptocurrency – but they’re not relevant anymore. The Dubai International Financial Centre approved this coin to use. The team behind XRP helps Georgia to launch the digital analog of its national currency. If renowned organizations and governments support a coin, investors should keep an eye on it.
It’s a BTC-based asset that has been around nearly just as long as its prototype. Compared to BTC, LTC features faster data transfers. SEC seems to have nothing against this asset and hasn’t mentioned it recently when talking about suspicious cryptocurrencies. The next halving is scheduled for August 2024, after which LTC is forecasted to become more expensive. If you manage to buy it earlier, you can expect to make a nice income on it.
Shiba Inu
It’s the second-largest meme coin by market capitalization. It operates on the ERC-20 standard and has been around for approximately four years. Its popularity is unlikely to decline soon because its team has very serious intentions. They want to acquire the .shib top-level domain to use it for websites, emails and personalized usernames. This domain will ensure cross-compatibility of various services, which was previously unprecedented for the industry. It can take the team up to 5 years to get the approval for .shib and even more time to put their ambitious plans into practice – so consider it as a mid-term investment.
This blockchain was launched as an alternative to the existing ones, with an emphasis on efficiency, sustainability, scalability and interoperability. To put it simply, its founders strive to make it more user-friendly, high-performing and environmentally safe than its competitors. Cardano ADA is traded not as actively as many other cryptocurrencies from our list but its market capitalization is high. It makes sense to invest in it because its team specializes in profound research instead of craving immediate profits. 
Our Traders’ Opinion
Above, we listed some of the most in-demand coins on the crypto market. However, selected lesser-known digital assets showcased excellent performance in 2023. For instance, BONK grew by +4850%, INJ by +2780% and TRB by +1450%. 
Our experts continuously monitor the market for timely signals. They constantly create indexes for our clients to reveal coins with the highest probability of earning money and the highest possible risk. Throughout the last year and especially since midsummer, our indexes have become very popular among our audience. For example, XmasFortune, Fast Move and Yesterday Low are our favorites among the indexes. Of the coins that made up the indexes, our audience particularly appreciated SOL, SUI, ARB, SEI, LTC, TIA, WLD, LINK and DOT. Our team is already working on several new products for investors and will be ready to offer them to you soon.
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dencyemily · 5 months
$XAI Token Skyrockets by 60% in a Week Amid Bitcoin's Cooling Period
The recent surge in XAI Games' native token, $XAI, has garnered significant attention, especially amid Bitcoin's cooling-off period. This impressive 60% surge within a week showcases the interconnected and volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market. Exploring the driving forces behind XAI's rapid valuation growth reveals the pivotal roles played by strategic partnerships, promotional events, and the influence of sector trends.
Key Catalysts for XAI's Surge:
Binance Listing and Airdrop Event: The strategic partnership with Binance has proven instrumental in XAI's valuation growth. Being listed as Binance's 43rd launchpool project and subsequent listing on January 9 opened doors to a vast user base, fueling optimism among altcoin enthusiasts. Additionally, a recent airdrop event by XAI Games, distributing $125 million worth of $XAI tokens to NFT series holders and selected network validators, contributed to increased speculation and buying interest, propelling the token's valuation to an impressive $137 million.
GameFi and Web3 Gaming Resurgence: XAI's surge aligns with the resurgence of the GameFi and Web3 gaming sectors. After a challenging phase in 2022, these sectors are experiencing a notable comeback, driven by the rebounding NFT market and the resilience of projects that weathered the previous bear market. This sectoral revival positions $XAI as an attractive investment option, especially for those optimistic about Ethereum, its layer 2 solutions, and the potential of Web3 gaming.
Current Statistics and Future Trajectory:
While the future trajectory of $XAI remains speculative, the current statistics present a promising picture. With a value of $0.0111965, a 10.09% rise within the day, and an impressive 157.14% increase over the past 7 days, $XAI's recent success vividly illustrates the fluctuating and dynamic character of the cryptocurrency market. Investors and enthusiasts keenly observe how these factors will shape the ongoing momentum of $XAI in the evolving crypto landscape.
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bithubi · 2 months
There is Hot News Including List of PENDLE Coin and These 7 Altcoins!
Investment doors are opening for Dopamine (DOPE) today. Bitget will add Wormhole and Andy on SOL (ANDY) to its list. A whale recently transferred a large amount of PENDLE Coin to Binance. And more… There is news from PENDLE Coin and these 7 altcoins! Bitget’s Launchpool project Dopamine (DOPE) is open for investment! Bitget’s current Launchpool project Dopamine (DOPE) opened for investment today…
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aitoreda · 11 days
AI Toreda Token (AITO) - Definition, Applications, Benefits, ICO, Uses
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What is AITO? 
AITO is the cryptocurrency token that fuels the AI Toreda Ecosystem. It serves as the backbone for various functionalities and transactions within the AI Toreda platform. Similar to other utility tokens, AITO offers versatile applications and benefits, making it an essential component of the AI Toreda Ecosystem. To learn more about AITO, click here.
How does AI Toreda Token work? 
AI Toreda Token (AITO) operates on the Solana blockchain network, strategically chosen for its high-performance capabilities in facilitating scalable and cost-effective transactions. This decision aligns with AI Toreda's mission of providing accessible and democratized financial services. The Solana blockchain's robust infrastructure ensures rapid transaction processing, enhancing AITO's efficiency and reliability in powering various financial activities within the AI Toreda ecosystem. Using a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm, AITO ensures rapid and reliable transactions, making it a robust token for various financial services.
 The Technology Behind AITO 
The technology behind AI Toreda Token is built on a robust and future-proof foundation that ensures seamless integration, rapid development, and unmatched scalability. Utilizing the MERN stack, AI Toreda offers diverse financial services, including cryptocurrency trading and project funding, through its decentralized application (DApp). The proprietary AI Toreda enhances cryptocurrency trading efficiency, with AITO serving as a pivotal token within this ecosystem. Additionally, the AI Toreda provides a highly efficient decentralized exchange for cryptocurrency trading. This strategic technological infrastructure underscores AI Toreda's commitment to surpassing user and stakeholder expectations.
Applications of AI Toreda Token 
AI Toreda Token offers a wide range of applications within the AI Toreda ecosystem, driven by a strong foundation of passive income generation, tokenomic incentives, and robust technology. As a trading pair on the AI Toreda DEX, operating on the high-performance built on Solana, AITO facilitates decentralized exchange activities. It supports crypto staking, allowing users to earn rewards and contribute to network security. AITO also grants exclusive access to AI-augmented DeFi services, including a P2P lending platform with AI-optimized risk assessment and interest rates, branded crypto-fiat debit/credit cards, a multi-chain non-custodial DeFi wallet, and a decentralized crypto payment gateway. The deflationary buybacks and burns funded by high-yield AI trading bots enhance token value, while early investors benefit from structured distribution, vesting, and priority access to DeFi services. AITO’s versatility and comprehensive benefits make it an invaluable asset within the AI Toreda ecosystem.
Benefits of AI Toreda Token 
AI Toreda Token offers numerous advantages for investors and users alike. Some of its key benefits include,
Low transaction fees and discounts on trading fees.
Staking opportunities for earning rewards.
Access to diverse financial services, including insurance and lending.
Facilitation of crowdfunding activities.
Supported by one of the leading AI-driven trading platforms, making it highly sought-after and rich in possibilities.
Explore What AI Toreda Token Holds
AI Toreda Token provides a range of opportunities for users.
Save on trading fees with AITO.
Participate in AI Toreda's VIP Program for additional benefits.
Explore token farming opportunities on AI Toreda Launchpool.
Access crypto loans through AI Toreda Loan.
Stake AITO for rewards and contribute to the security of the AI Toreda Chain ecosystem.
Earn commission through AI Toreda's Referral Program.
Engage in exclusive token sales on AI Toreda Launchpad.
AI Toreda Token (AITO) ICO 
AI Toreda Token's ICO marked a significant milestone in its introduction to public trading and fundraising activities. The ICO pre-launch phase will begin on either the 24th or 31st of May 2024 and will last for 4 to 6 weeks. Following this period, the official launch will take place. Through our Initial Token Offering, we aim to further decentralize and democratize access to our AI trading bot. The funds raised will enhance the capabilities of the bot and expand our decentralized financial services. Additionally, part of the trading profits generated by the AI bot will be used to buy back and burn tokens, increasing their value.
In alignment with our commitment to social responsibility and community involvement, a portion of the funds raised through the ICO will be allocated to charitable causes. The AI Toreda community will have the opportunity to vote on the distribution of these funds, ensuring transparency and inclusivity. This approach underscores our dedication to giving back to society and empowering future generations.
How to Trade AI Toreda Token (AITO) 
Trading AI Toreda Token (AITO) is straightforward:
Purchase AITO directly through designated exchanges.
Store AITO in secure crypto wallets.
Consider trading AITO CFDs for exposure to price movements without owning the underlying asset or managing wallets.
AITO Burns 
AI Toreda Token implements an Auto-Burn mechanism to manage its total supply, ensuring transparency and predictability for the community. The burning mechanism adjusts based on market conditions and transaction activity on Solana Blockchain. Additionally, AI Toreda pioneers a real-time burning mechanism tied to gas fees, further enhancing token utility and value.
In conclusion, AI Toreda Token (AITO) embodies AI Toreda's commitment to innovation and efficiency in the cryptocurrency space. Since its inception, AITO has demonstrated substantial growth and utility, offering a range of benefits for investors and users. Its integration within the AI Toreda ecosystem contributes to a thriving and dynamic financial environment.
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cryptosnewss · 3 months
Aevo Token Staking: Binance Launchpool's Latest Offering for Crypto Enthusiasts
Key Points: Binance Launchpool announces support for Aevo, a decentralized derivatives exchange altcoin. Users can stake BNB and FDUSD to farm AEVO tokens. AEVO offers options, perpetual futures, and more within a single margin account. Binance Launchpool, the innovative platform for introducing new cryptocurrency projects, has exciting news for traders and enthusiasts alike. The 48th…
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cfviet99 · 3 months
🔥 #Binance launches AEVO (AEVO) Launchpool
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⏰ Farming time: lasts 4 days from 07:00 March 8, 2024 - 6:59 March 12, 2024 (Vietnam Time)
⏰ Listing time: 17:00 March 13, 2024 (Vietnam Time) ⚒ Stake: BNB & FDUSD
Aevo is a Layer 2 derivative built on the OP Stack (OP Chain) toolkit, formerly known as the Ribbon Finance project.
Products: Aevo provides products such as Perp, Option, OTC,... Recently, hot hit coins have emerged in the OTC market
Strengths: Attracts users thanks to an easy-to-use interface, Perp list of many new Tokens that have not yet appeared on the market, and a series of trading utilities even better than CEX such as placing orders, displaying SL/TP on Chart,...
Calling capital: Coming from Ribbon, Ribbon investment fund is also Aevo investment fund. The project has raised more than $8.8M in capital from many names such as: Paradigm, DragonFly, Coinbase Ventures,...
Token Usecase: AEVO is staked to receive sAEVO, which can be used to participate in governance and share revenue from Aevo. Futures can also be used to pay transaction fees
Tokenomics: • Total supply: 1 billion • Initial circulation: 110 million ~ 11% of total supply
The most notable allocation is nearly 50% to Treasury under Ribbon. And currently this portion is nearly 34%, with an upcoming Airdrop of 16% and the remaining 18% to implement other strategies.
👉 Details about Launchpool HERE
👉 Create Account Binance account - 20% transaction fee discount HERE
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crypto-chronicles · 4 months
BNB Holders Transfer Over $400 Million to Binance for Portal Mining
Binance Launchpool’s 47th project, Portal (PORTAL), has reportedly attracted over $400 million in BNB transfers in the past 24 hours, with the largest whale sending over $40 million. Binance Launchpool’s 47th project, Portal (PORTAL), has attracted over $400 million worth of BNB transferred to Binance in the past 24 hours from BNB whales anticipating high returns. According to on-chain data…
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