#latest letterhead
savethegrishaverse · 2 days
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! 🗣️ A brand NEW issue of Brekkin' News is hot off the presses, filled with updates about our campaign to #SaveShadowAndBone and greenlight the #SixOfCrowsSpinoff!
In this week's issue, we have:
- Some lovely cast anecdotes from the Shadow and Bone cast at ASOCAS!
- Three NEW letterheads to inspire you to contribute to the Grishaverse Pride mail campaign! 🏳️‍🌈
- A deep dive into some recent Shadow and Bone data and analytics.
- Updates on the latest cast projects and features.
- A brand new episode of our companion newscast, also called Brekkin' News!
- A motivational message from Milo the emotional support goat. 🐐
- All the latest campaign strategies, updates, and more!
🚀 Check out the NEW issue here!
💌 Subscribe to our future issues:
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chbnews · 2 months
(Another, slightly smaller shipping container is delivered to Delphi Strawberry Co, first letter out of two within below)
To Camp Half Bloods Counselors and Camp Directors,
Enclosed in this shipment are three things.
1:A comprehensive video guide in negotiating and obtaining contraceptives as well as a contact to legally obtain them for those nervous about buying such supplies. (We may call those who are afraid of Condoms “Cowards”)
2:3 Pallets of orders made from the Camp, Mostly Rip proof Fabrics, Ceramic Armor, and Patches among other things.
3:A Piece of Paper with Ichor on it. Last I heard your camp was mostly underage kids…Apollo earned himself that reminder at least but I’ve no clue what our guy did to him, all I know is that it’s as sunny as usual (not really) and Poseidon and Hera of all people are now ordering rather large shipments from us.
Hoping for your safety and next response,
Zachariah Von Locke and the Belmont Surplus Company Crew.
(Second letter below, written on Belmont Surplus Company Letterhead)
Found six demigods, 2 Ares, 1 Hecate, 3 Hermes. Confirmed by Lady Mother (listen I don’t know names and titles yet, I’ll get there). 2 Satyrs are MIA and 1 confirmed Satyr KIA by Empousai, Bringing kids (all under 13) to Camp at best speed, will arrive after latest shipment.
Charles Ali Abaza, Belmont Surplus Company, Security Team
Thank you, we’ll be on a lookout and bring the shipment to camp as soon as possible. - 🐞📕Anon Son of Athena 📕🐞
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yellowmagicalgirl · 5 months
The Distance of Worlds (Makes A Heart Grow Fonder)
It's been ten years since Thora was in Eberron, and she never expected to see a familiar face ever again.
Happy holidays, @pirate-melody! Remember when you told me about your friend isekai-ing Marianne into his campaign as his character's mediocre mentor? Well, despite knowing nothing about the campaign, I decided to add some Pink Lightning to its premise as a gift for you. I hope you like this!
To literally anyone else: please go read the Shardrunners series. IDK how much sense this will make without prior knowledge.
It had been ten years, but there were still mornings where Thora expected to wake up in her room in the Tarkanan manor in Sharn, with the morning color change of the everbright lanterlight streaming through her window and highlighting the white orchids on her windowsill. The room she woke up in didn't get morning light, outside lanterns or otherwise. Its primary decoration was a detailed map of an ocean one would never find in all of Eberron or even its planes.
She missed her old room. She missed House Tarkanan, and everyone in it except for Lucien and his most loyal supporters. She even supposed she missed that frustrating tiefling who had gifted those orchids, even though Thora had never intended to grow sentimental about the people she was using to do her dirty work. She had mostly rebuilt her life in a slightly different line of criminal work, but she couldn't replace the people.
Thora blinked away her infelicity, crawled out of bed, and began to get ready. Hard work had gotten her to her precarious position, and she didn't have time to grieve what she had lost.
She took out the loose braids she slept in. After she had bathed, she would tightly braid the right half of her hair against her skull. It was the best way of mimicking the hairstyle she had worn in Sharn without having someone take a razor to her head as they questioned her judgement aloud.
When she had first come to this world, her breastplate had been ruined by a crossbow bolt to the chest. No one understood the meaning of an aberrant dragonmark, which meant that it was useless for intimidation purposes. People were intimidated by the scar on her chest, though. It should have killed her instantly.
It probably had, but no one in this world knew that. Thora could use it to her advantage, leave it on display and let them think she could walk off mortal wounds.
Thora pulled on her current armor, a corset made of dragonhide that covered her midriff but not her chest. Dragons were more common in this world than Eberron, patrolling the seas, raiding ships, and feasting on sailors. One had recently cost Thora one of the ships in her sector of the smuggling network. She had rivals who were eager to take her place if she slipped up. Most of them were more willing to knock her down a peg and become her superior than they were to put a knife in her back or unleash a death curse on the city, but Thora wasn't going to take any chances.
It was late afternoon when a messenger knocked on her door. He was human, young, fifteen at the latest? Then again, it wouldn't have been the first time Thora would have underestimated someone's age.
"Missus Tarkanan?"
"Yes?" Thora answered, terseness creeping into her voice. She wasn't married. The last time she had been close enough to even consider marrying someone had been before the mark had manifested, and that was several lifetimes ago. After that, she had had painfully few suitors. Plus, there was frustrating something about the way this world assumed she had to be married or at least a widow at her age.
"Torth Whiteforce used his one message to contact you." The messanger handed over a piece of parchment, folded in thirds and sealed with a wax stamp bearing the symbol of the local lord. Thora took the parchment, sparing a glance to the letterhead bearing the address of the sheriff's office. Dammit.
Torth worked for her, technically. Or more specifically, he took jobs for the smuggling network, and as the leader of this branch she was his handler. Recently he had gotten himself mixed up with an adventuring party, and now he was in jail with the rest of them. Thora really needed to find a way to get an informant within the sheriff's office, so that she could get them to do her work for her. It hadn't been as difficult back in Sharn, but in Sharn the Watch had been working for criminals for centuries. The port city of Keelster was younger and answered more directly to the local lord. It was harder to find someone to corrupt. Likewise, it had been easy for Thora to put herself in the good graces of Watch Commander Silaena Cazal because Silaena's mother bore an aberrant mark. Here, Thora was an outsider. There were no Dark Lanterns or dragonmarked houses after her. Even though this world had its own vigilante called the Phoenix, the Phoenix wasn't after Thora like the one in Sharn had been.
Here, Thora was an outsider, and there were no immediate enemies or easy alliances to be made.
Thora had been working all day, and she needed to stretch her legs. Maybe she would pay off Torth's bail in exchange for a favor. Maybe she would let him rot there because he was no longer useful. She hoped that Torth would choose to be useful, for both of their sakes.
He didn't, because Thora hadn't been able to offer the choice. Torth's party's bail had been paid already by someone else, according to the clerk. Lovely. She had just wasted her time walking here.
"You're better than this," said a voice that made Thora stop in her tracks.
"Yeah, but we needed that information," said a second voice, sounding like a young man from the neighboring province.
"And yet you still got caught picking the lock. Even I wouldn't have gotten caught breaking and entering until after I had entered," the first voice argued. It was the accent that drew Thora in. Maybe Thora just didn't know every accent there was in this world, but she could've sworn the woman's accent was that of a Thrane.
A very specific Thrane.
As Thora drew closer, she was able to confirm her suspicions. She was older, and a Lichtenburg figure peaked out from under her collar, but the sight of her was unmistakable. "Marianne?"
The tiefling jumped as she finally registered Thora's presence. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked Thora up and down, eyes lingering on the scar on Thora's chest before her face flushed and she looked elsewhere. "Thora? You, I saw, you... you changed your hair."
Suddenly self-conscious, Thora raised her hand to touch the braids on the side of her head. "Well, so did you."
Marianne had grown her hair out. Soft curls framed her face quite nicely. "Yeah, well, I bet you haven't met anyone in the past ten years who know what an undercut is, either."
Ten years. She had been here for ten years, too, and from the sound of it Marianne had also spent the last ten years convinced that she was the only one who had come to this world from Eberron. It was just the two of them.
The two of them, and perhaps the Phoenix, who had managed to avoid crossing paths with either of them. Thora didn't know how many Lucien and Krootag had killed after she and Marianne had died. But that was an issue for later.
For now, though...
"You. You got caught picking a lock?"
Torth rolled his eyes. "No, I wasn't picking the lock. Linace was."
Thora fixed her subordinate with a look that he began to squirm under. "You were still caught. I wonder what else you would get caught doing."
Even Marianne had made her way through a manor full of assassins, thieves, and former spies before being caught snooping. Kids these days just didn't know how to sneak around.
"How long have you been dealing with them?" Marianne asked, vaguely gesturing with the group.
"Torth has been doing jobs for me for a couple years. You?"
"I've been trying to mentor Linace for the past ten."
Thora shot Marianne a commiserating grimace. "Let me buy you a drink." And then, so no one would get the wrong idea, "Do not read into that."
What was she thinking? It had been ten years. Surely even Marianne knew how to get over a crush over the course of a decade. The child with a crush had died in Eberron.
But that didn't mean that Thora wasn't interested in getting to know the new Marianne. She just hoped that Torth wouldn't go starting any rumors.
A/N: Yes I did just flip the switch and make Thora the pining one, even if she refuses to admit it. She's lonely, and she thinks too highly of Marianne's ability to get over a crush.
Thora has one of those viking braided fake undercut hairstyles after the timeskip. Marianne has the hairstyle I imagined her having before I saw the reddit post that showed her true appearance.
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meyhew · 1 year
seed i need you to know i have stored in my head any info i came across about your novel and whatever you want to share abt it (even just a lil detail you wrote lately) pleeeease share it i am so curious —lyde
LYDE 🥹 well firstly here are my beloveds (zahra & connor in the foreground, musa with his angel wings in the back)
the details are still very much coming to me at odd times but i can tell u that it follows zahra & connor (and musa) thru their late teens and 20s. i dont wanna spoil the plot but it's basically wrong person, wrong time then right person, tragedy strikes then right person, right time.
u can have a little bit of connor's backstory as a treat he's a rich white boy who means a lot to me <3
Athena was the first person Connor confided in when he applied to Boston University. He knew he couldn’t go directly to his parents. His mother might have understood, but there would have been no reasoning with his father. It was a fight he didn’t want to have then and there was no reason to have it; it would only be real if the university accepted Connor. 
Of course, there was no real possibility of them rejecting him. His academic record was stellar, his extracurriculars were exemplary, and his family pedigree spoke for itself. Even the essay he’d written had gotten a stamp of approval from several adults at school.
“Dad won’t be happy,” Athena had told him, though she needn’t have. Connor already knew that. 
“He never is,” he’d said. 
There was little he could do that would make Wallace Carter happy. 
But he had been living by their rules his entire life. He had gone to the schools they picked for him and practiced the sports they wanted him to and learned the instruments they thought he should play. Every aspect of his life up until now had been carefully curated by them, with little to no effort or real involvement. They thrusted all the responsibility onto Cadence.
Connor would be eighteen soon. He would move out of this house and live on his own, regardless of where he went. He wanted that decision to be his. 
So he sat his parents down in the living room and presented them with his acceptance letters—from Duke, Stanford, and five Ivy’s. All the places he had applied to, bar his safety option.  
His father read each letter thoroughly, while his mother skimmed them all. She smiled warmly as she glanced at the letterheads and then got up to hug Connor. It was an awkward maneuver because Athena sat on the arm of the chair Connor was in, but he didn’t mind.  
“I’m so proud of you,” Marion said. 
He wanted to believe her, so he did. 
Then she went back and sat on the couch. They made a nice picture of success, the four of them: husband and wife side by side, their dutiful children across the room barely an arm’s length away from one another. It was a picture of success, if success were defined as a nuclear family in wealthy New England suburbs going through the youngest’s latest accomplishments. 
“Well done, son,” said Wallace. He regarded Connor with the same satisfaction one might hold for a dog that’s finally mastered a new trick. “You’ve nearly outdone your sister.” 
Nearly. Because Connor would always fall short of besting Athena. 
Athena had applied to and been accepted to all eight Ivy Leagues. She hadn’t entertained the notion that she might not get in. She hadn’t had a safety net. Then she went on to study neuroscience at Brown. 
Connor wasn’t upset about it. It wasn’t his goal to outdo his sister. He knew she was the smarter sibling and he didn’t see why he should bend over backwards trying to prove himself when he was already secure in his intelligence. 
That didn’t stop the backhanded compliments from cutting just deep enough.
“Have you given any thought to where you might go?” Wallace asked. “Dartmouth isn’t too far and they always loved your grandfather. There’s a legacy there.” 
Yes, the legacy. Connor grew up hearing about the legions of Carter men and women who attended Dartmouth College. He’d seen countless grayscale and sepia photographs of family members past in gowns and graduation caps. 
He didn’t want his own face to be added to the pile. 
“Actually,” he started. 
The weight of his father’s stare was too expectant and the words clogged his throat. 
Then his sister’s foot pressed against his shin. He realized he’d been bouncing his leg alarmingly fast. 
“They won’t be able to stop you,” Athena had said to him a week ago. “They’ll give you a hard time and bitch about it for a while, but ultimately it’s up to you. They won’t make you not go to college.” 
Athena wasn’t the kind of person who said bitch about it very often. Connor had found it strangely, immensely comforting to hear. 
He squared his shoulders. “I was actually thinking about the Boston area.” 
“Well, sure, that’s just as good. Harvard has a stellar reputation, though, of course—” 
“Not Harvard, Dad. Boston as in Boston University.” 
Wallace Carter wasn’t taken aback by much, so it was a great feat that he was rendered utterly speechless. He looked back and forth between his children, like he expected them to start laughing and say Oh, we got you good! Then he looked at his wife, who simply blinked back at him. 
Finally his dark eyes settled firmly on his son. 
“Carters lead by example,” he said. “We invest in our education, and do so by entrusting the most prestigious institutions with it. Why on earth would you possibly want to attend a mediocre school when you can enjoy all the privileges and benefits that come with a place like Dartmouth?” 
This was a precarious line he stood on. Teeter too much one way or the other and he would fall over. 
“I’ve been to places like Dartmouth,” he said carefully. “All my life, the schools I’ve been to have been miniature Dartmouths and Harvards. I want to explore something new. I want to know how other people are living their lives.” 
Some muscle ticked in Wallace’s jaw. “You are not other people. You are a Carter and you will behave as such. We have invested too much in you.” 
“Invested? You mean you’ve given us the basic necessities all parents are to provide their children with?” 
“Son, you know we have done damn well more than that.” 
Athena’s voice cut in quietly, firmly. “Dad, don’t do that. Don’t make this about you.” 
“And who else should it be about? We pay for your education but we can’t express an opinion? We can’t guide you when we see you making erroneous decisions?” 
“He got in. He’s still good enough for your prestigious institutions. Why can’t he choose the one that makes him happy.” 
“It’s not about getting in. It’s about making a commitment to what is right,” Wallace explained as though he were speaking to a child and not his grown daughter. 
To Connor he said, “The son we raised would not disappoint us like this.” 
Connor slipped. Toppled over the tightrope.
“Because I’m not the son you raised. You didn’t raise me. Candace did.” 
There it was. The thing they never talked about. The thing none of them ever wanted to talk about. The thing that was so normal for them it had always been a nonissue, except for the times kids at schools asked why they never saw Connor’s parents.
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frenchiefitzhere · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Ok that last thing was more of a wild 'it's dangerous to go alone...take this short Marie audio' This is my actual sharing for getting tagged by @ejunkiet for WIP Wednesday I accidentally started a crossover fic where prime!James ends up in the Imperium. He's already had his first run-in with President Moore. You can read chapters 1-3 on AO3. But here's a little bit from his next encounter... (P.S. I'm glad I waited a little to keep writing because that latest video..... daaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnngggggggg fun shit!) Note: This bit is a telepathic conversation.
You’re in the Haven–a residence for demons in exile. We live here under the auspices of the Imperium, but you, my lucky man, are one of the rare humans to earn the esteemed privilege of being locked up with our sorry demonic asses. However did you manage that, James?
“Locked up”? So it’s less of a Haven and more of a–
Avior snorted aloud.
Oh, it’s most certainly a prison. “Haven” just looks better under the Academy letterhead, I imagine. But will you answer my question? What got you locked up here, James? 
I’m actually not sure. There’s something strange about how I even got here in the first place. Maybe you can help me understand. But….how do I know if I can trust you?
Trust… Avior raised an eyebrow. You don’t. You don’t know. But I promise you: I’m the best friend you’ve got right now. 
James sighed thoughtfully. I seem to be in some kind of…parallel universe to my own. I’m not sure how I got here. I was on my way out the door and wound up in the middle of campus. 
A campus you recognized, I surmise?
Sort of. Some of the buildings are familiar. But the name is different. And the academy I know doesn’t have a Haven. Daemons there are…
James couldn’t quite put a label on the emotion forming in Avior’s mind.
It’s chagrin. Or, more precisely, a heavy dose of envy mixed with melancholy and just the tiniest dash of hope. I suppose I should thank you for that last item, but I’m not going to. Tell me more about the daemons in your…world.
Also: @tepid-judas and @obsessivedino - BEHOLD! I TAGGETH THEE! 🥳
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excelhelps · 1 year
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Company Letterhead https://etsy.me/3oQWa1a #companyletterhead #letterhead #business #customizable #design #smallbusiness #professionalletter #corporate
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What is the news update for Canada PR Spouse Visa 2024?
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Are you planning to join your Spouse in Canada Permanently you can do so with the help of Canada Spouse Visa. As per the Canada Spouse Visa latest news the Canadian government has recently updated the amount of money required to sponsor your spouse to Canada. This is a crucial news for those applying under the Canada Spouse Visa category or those who have already applied.
For a Spouse Visa applicant to remain eligible, you must update your settlement funds in your profile by June 2, 2024.
Why is the proof of funds an important requirement for Canada PR?
Proof of funds is a mandatory requirement to demonstrate you have enough money to support yourself and your spouse or any other additional member upon arrival in Canada PR  . If invited to apply, you must provide written proof of these funds. The amount needed depends on the size of your family, including:
Your spouse or common-law partner
Your dependent children
Your spouse or common-law partner’s dependent children
Even if your spouse, common-law partner, or children are Canadian citizens or permanent residents or not coming to Canada with you, they must still be included in the family size calculation.
New Updated Minimum Funds Requirement in 2024:
Illustrated below is the latest table showing the minimum amount of funds you need based on your family size:Number of family membersFunds you need (in Canadian dollars) 1$14,690                               2$18,288                               3$22,483                               4$27,297                              
If an applicant has more funds, then he or she should list the full amount in their profile or application.
What are the acceptable proof of funds?
Your funds must be accessible to you both the sponsor and the spouse at the time of your application and when a permanent resident visa is issued. You must prove legal access to these funds upon arrival in Canada. Acceptable proof includes:
Funds that are not tied to equity on real property
Funds that are not borrowed from another person
You can use funds in a joint account with your spouse or common law partner, or in an account solely under your spouse’s name, provided you can prove access to the money.
What are the required documents to show your proof of funds?
For proof of funds, obtain official letters from your banks or financial institutions. These letters must be printed on the institution’s letterhead and include:
The bank or institution’s contact information (address, telephone number, and email address)
Your name
Outstanding debts (such as credit card debts and loans)
Details for each current banking and investment account, including:
Account numbers
Date each account was opened
Current account balances
Average balance for the past 6 months
This Canada Spouse Visa latest news is essential for applicants, especially those applying under the Canada Spouse Visa category, to ensure their settlement funds meet the new requirements and maintain their eligibility for immigration to Canada.
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Discover the Best Printing Shops in East London with Printpal London
East London is home to a myriad of vibrant businesses, each with its own unique identity and needs. Among the essential services for these enterprises are top-notch printing solutions. Whether you need business cards, promotional materials, or comprehensive business stationery, finding the right printing company can make a significant difference. Here’s why Printpal London stands out as a premier choice for printing shops east london.
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Customization and Quality: With a variety of design options, finishes, and high-quality paper choices, your business cards will reflect the professionalism and unique identity of your business.
Quick Turnaround: In the fast-paced business environment of East London, Printpal London offers quick and reliable business card printing services to meet your urgent needs.
2. Comprehensive Printing Services
Posters and Roller Banners: Eye-catching posters and roller banners are essential for marketing events, exhibitions, and storefront displays. Printpal London specializes in producing visually striking and durable posters and banners that grab attention.
Leaflets and Flyers: Effective marketing often relies on well-designed leaflets and flyers. Whether for a local campaign or a broader marketing effort, Printpal London provides expertly crafted materials that communicate your message clearly and attractively.
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3. Business Stationery Solutions
Professional Image: Maintaining a consistent and professional image is crucial for any business. Printpal London offers a range of business stationery solutions, including letterheads, envelopes, and notepads, ensuring your brand’s image is cohesive and polished.
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Why Choose Printpal London?
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Competitive Pricing: High-quality printing doesn’t have to come with a high price tag. Printpal London offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality, making it an affordable choice for businesses of all sizes.
For businesses in East London looking to elevate their branding and marketing materials, Printpal London is the go-to printing company. With a comprehensive range of services, from business card printing to full-scale marketing materials, and a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Printpal London ensures your business always puts its best foot forward. Discover the difference that professional printing can make for your business with Printpal London, where your print needs are handled with expertise and care.
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printaz-co-uk · 13 days
Business Cards Printing Service in Dewsbury
Looking for top-notch printing services in Dewsbury? Look no further than Printaz! As the leading printing company in Dewsbury, we specialize in a wide range of services, from wedding cards printing to business stationery. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart as the best online printing services company in Dewsbury.
Comprehensive Printing Services in Dewsbury
At Printaz, we offer a variety of printing services to cater to your unique needs:
Keyrings Printing Services in Dewsbury: Make a lasting impression with our custom keyrings printing services. Perfect for promotional giveaways or personalized gifts.
Bags Printing Services in Dewsbury: Promote your brand with our high-quality bags printing services. Ideal for businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts.
Print Invitation Paper Services in Dewsbury: From weddings to corporate events, our print invitation paper services ensure your invitations are elegant and memorable.
Wedding Cards Printer Dewsbury: Trust us with your wedding cards printing needs. We use the best wedding invitation printer paper to create beautiful, bespoke designs.
Stationery Printing Dewsbury: Enhance your professional image with our custom stationery printing services. From letterheads to envelopes, we’ve got you covered.
Poster Printing in Dewsbury: Get noticed with our vibrant and eye-catching poster printing services. Perfect for events, promotions, and advertising.
Business Cards Printing Service in Dewsbury: Make a great first impression with our high-quality business cards. We offer a range of designs and finishes to suit your brand.
Why Choose Printaz?
High-Quality Materials: We use the finest materials and the latest printing technology to ensure the highest quality for all our products.
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Your Trusted Print Agency in Dewsbury
As a trusted print agency in Dewsbury, Printaz is dedicated to meeting all your printing needs. Whether you need wedding invitations, business cards, or promotional materials, we are here to help. Visit our website at printaz.co.uk to explore our full range of services and place your order today.
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What are the completed documents required for vendor assessment for a book?
Documents Required for Vendor Assessment for Book:
For desktop assessment, on Companies Letterhead with Stamp and Signature:
GST Certificate or Tax Certificate
Registration Certificate (MSME, Incorporation Certificate)
Address proof of registered Address (Electricity bill, Rent agreement, Internet Bill)
Import Export Certificate (Optional)
Quality Certificate (ISO & CE)
License Available for Product Applied (NSIC, BIS)
Udyam Aadhar or MSME Certificate
Contract Agreement or Service Agreement (For Contract Manufacturing)
Latest & oldest Work order copy
Private Purchase Order Copy of 4 Different Zone (East, West, North, South)
Director Identity Proof Like Passport, Visa & Aadhar Card
Trademark Certificate
Government Purchase & Private Purchase Order (Maximum 3)
Master Company Data, MGT-7 & AOC-4 (For Private Company) or Financial Statement for Other Entities
Test report of the Product (Wherever Applicable)
Catalogue list
Customize declaration
Debarred / Blacklisted by any government organization in India
Process flow diagram available with the firm
Specific process flow diagram available of the products which are being manufactured by the firm (Optional)
List of all the machines involved in the manufacturing process
Monthly manufacturing capacity
Monthly Utilization Capacity against the manufacturing capacity
Quality Assurance
Part wise inspection plan Process (Optional)
Supplier List
SOP (Firm monitor their performance) (Optional)
Rejected Material Process
Customer complaints (Optional)
Is there a safety standard operating procedures manual available with the firm? (Optional)
Does the firm provide warranty/ guarantee or recalling to the product? (Optional)
Research & Development (Optional)
Beneficial Ownership Declaration
List Of Shareholder
List of Directors
Authorization letter in favor of the signing official for certification
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alfalahhost · 18 days
Design, Develop, Market: Your Guide to Software House & Digital Marketing Agency Services in Pakistan
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business. This is where a reputable Software House & Digital Marketing Agency in Pakistan can play a pivotal role. From creating stunning websites to implementing effective digital marketing strategies, these agencies offer a wide range of services to help businesses thrive in the online world.
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Creating a Stunning Online Presence with WordPress Website Design
WordPress is a popular platform for creating websites due to its flexibility and ease of use. WordPress website design services can help businesses create a stunning and functional website that meets their unique needs.
Finding the Best SEO Expert in Pakistan
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for improving a website’s visibility on search engines. In Pakistan, finding the best SEO expert can significantly impact your online presence. Look for experts who have a proven track record of delivering results and staying updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithms.
Maximizing Your Reach with Search Engine Marketing Consulting Services
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers online. Consulting services can help businesses create effective SEM campaigns that drive traffic and conversions. These services often include keyword research, ad creation, and performance tracking to ensure maximum ROI.
Choosing the Right Technical Search Engine Optimization Agencies
Technical SEO is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. Agencies specializing in technical SEO can help businesses optimize their website structure, improve site speed, and ensure proper indexing by search engines. Look for agencies with a proven track record of improving organic search rankings.
Harnessing the Expertise of a Technical SEO Expert
A Technical SEO expert can help businesses identify and fix technical issues that may be hindering their website’s performance in search engine rankings. These experts are well-versed in website architecture, code optimization, and other technical aspects that impact SEO.
Optimizing Your Website with Technical SEO Service
Technical SEO services focus on optimizing the technical aspects of a website to improve its visibility in search engine results. These services often include site audits, keyword optimization, and website performance optimization to ensure the website meets search engine guidelines.
Creating a Lasting Impression with Custom Logo Design
A logo is a visual representation of a brand and plays a crucial role in creating a lasting impression on customers. Custom logo design services can help businesses create a unique and memorable logo that reflects their brand identity.
Elevating Your Brand with Custom Stationery Design
Custom stationery design can help businesses create a cohesive brand identity across all their communication materials. From letterheads to envelopes, custom stationery design services can help businesses make a professional impression on their customers.
Making a Statement with Business Card Design
Business cards are an essential marketing tool for any business. A well-designed business card can leave a lasting impression on potential customers and help businesses stand out from the competition. Look for design services that offer unique and eye-catching designs that reflect your brand.
Showcasing Your Company with Company Profile Design
A company profile is a powerful marketing tool that showcases a company’s strengths, services, and achievements. Company profile design services can help businesses create a professional and engaging profile that attracts potential customers.
Ensuring Reliability with Domain and Web Hosting Services
Domain and web hosting services are essential for ensuring a website is accessible online. Reliable domain and web hosting services can help businesses avoid downtime and ensure their website is always available to customers.
Building an E-commerce Empire with Shopify Store Design
Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create online stores. Shopify store design services can help businesses create a visually appealing and user-friendly online store that drives sales and revenue.
Designing a Beautiful Website with SquareSpace Website Design
SquareSpace is a website building platform known for its beautiful and responsive designs. SquareSpace website design services can help businesses create a professional and visually appealing website that stands out from the competition.
Creating a Professional Website with Wix Website Design
Wix is a popular website builder that allows businesses to create professional-looking websites without any coding knowledge. Wix website design services can help businesses create a stunning website that reflects their brand and attracts customers.
Developing Web & Mobile Apps to Expand Your Reach
Web and mobile apps are essential for reaching customers on the go. Web & mobile app development services can help businesses create custom apps that meet their specific needs and drive engagement with their target audience.
Keeping Your Website Fresh with Website Update & Maintenance Services
Regular website updates and maintenance are essential for keeping a website secure and up to date. Website update & maintenance services can help businesses ensure their website is always running smoothly and efficiently.
Increasing Conversions with Jornaya Trusted Form Landing Page Integration
Jornaya Trusted Form Landing Page Integration is a powerful tool for increasing conversions on landing pages. This integration allows businesses to verify leads in real-time, ensuring they are genuine and reliable.
Partnering with Alfalah Host for Comprehensive Solutions & Services
Alfalah Host is a leading provider of digital solutions and services in Pakistan. From web hosting to SEO services, Alfalah Host offers a wide range of services to help businesses succeed online.
Mastering Search Engine Optimization for Improved Online Visibility
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for improving a website’s visibility on search engines. SEO services can help businesses optimize their website for search engines, improve their search engine rankings, and drive organic traffic to their website.
Boosting Engagement with Social Media & PPC Campaigns
Social Media & PPC campaigns are effective ways to engage with customers and drive traffic to a website. Social Media & PPC campaigns services can help businesses create and manage successful campaigns that reach their target audience and drive results.
Creating Engaging Content with SEO Content Writing Services
Content is king in the digital world, and SEO content writing services can help businesses create engaging and SEO-friendly content that attracts readers and drives traffic to their website.
Enhancing Your Brand with Video Production Services
Video is a powerful tool for storytelling and engaging with audiences. Video production services can help businesses create high-quality videos that showcase their brand and products effectively.CommentShare on Social0Favourites0Comments
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mdidminfoway-blog · 1 month
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🌟Hey #tumblr 🌟
🌟 Today marks a milestone as we unveil our latest logo, meticulously crafted by the talented team at MDIDM INFOWAY! 🖌️✨
Hold on there's more! At MDIDM INFOWAY, we're not just about logos. Explore our array of services tailored to elevate your brand:
🎨 Logo Design 📱 Social Media Posts 🎟️ Visiting Cards 🎊 Festival Wishes Packages 💳 Digital Cards 📜 Letterheads 📋 Brochure Designs 🏢 Company Profile Designs 📹 Promotional Videos 🗺️ Google Map Optimization 🌐 Informative Website Development 🛒 E-Commerce Website Development 📱 Mobile Application Development 💡 All Kinds of Digital Marketing Solutions
Let's embark on a journey of innovation and excellence together! Contact us today to bring your brand vision to life. 💼💬
MDIDMInfoway #BrandElevation #MDIDMInfowayServices #BrandElevationSuite #MDIDMDesigns #MDIDMCreations #MDIDMDigitalSolutions #MDIDMInnovationHub #MDIDMBrandBoosters #MDIDMBusinessBloomers #MDIDMExcellenceSuite #MDIDMBrandCrafting #MDIDMOnlinePresence #MDIDMAppInnovations #MDIDMDigitalMarketingHub #LogoDesign #BrandIdentity #CreativeAgency #GlobalTrade#logodesignlondon #logodesignbrasil #logodesigncanada#logodesigncompany #brandingagencylondon#brandingagency #logoinitials #logoconcep
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munira1591 · 1 month
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business card Dubai
Make a great impression through attractive professional prints and promotional products in premium quality and latest fonts and graphics from the Print Shop, Dubai. Customize visiting cards, eye-catching leaflets, letterheads, envelopes, stamps and seals, corporate gifts, promotional products and much more online and offline in amazing deals. https://theprintshop.ae/
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nikitapatels-blog · 2 months
Types of BIS Hallmarking Certificates
BIS Registration for Hallmarking Showroom/Jewellers
BIS Hallmarking Registration is compulsory for jewellers to manufacture or sell gold & silver jewellery. Under the Hallmarking Scheme, BIS grants Hallmarking Registration to jewellers for the specified location. A jeweller who wants to sell BIS Hallmarked gold jewellery must first obtain Hallmark Registration from BIS for each of their sales outlets. BIS-certified jewellers can have their jewellery hallmarked at BIS Assaying & Hallmarking Centres.
BIS Recognition of Assaying & Hallmarking Centre:
A Hallmarking Centre is a BIS-certified marking center or 3rd party evaluation center where the purity of precious metals is examined & stamped. BIS recognition is required for the center and the A&H center can apply for BIS Recognition.
Different Types of Forms for Hallmark Registration
 FormsDescriptionForm-IThis application from is for the grant of a Hallmark Registration Certificate to jewelers to sell Hallmark articles.Form-IVApplication for Recognition of Assaying & Hallmarking Centre as per IS 15820Form-VAffidavit cum undertaking submitted by Assaying & Hallmarking Centre for BIS RecognitionForm-VIIThe renewal application of Recognition of Assaying & Hallmarking Centre as per IS 15820Form-VIIIApplication for grant License to use the HallmarkForm-XIIIRenewal Application of LicenseSchedule-IIFee for Grant & Renewal of Recognition of Assaying & Hallmarking CentreSchedule-VFee for Grant & Renewal of License to Refinery/Mint
Documents Required for Hallmark Registration
Proof of a Company/ firm establishment
1. Registered partnership deed
2. Registration certificate issued by ROC and MOA(Memorandum of Association)
3. CA certificate (if the application is a proprietorship firm)
Address proof of company or firm
1. GST registration certificate
2. Income tax assessment order
3. The sale or lease deed agreement
4. Rent agreement with previous rent receipts
5. Latest receipt of property tax
6. Registration certificate issued by a state government
Proof of annual turnover:
1. Copy of GST returns of the previous financial year
2. In case the firm is new, an undertaking should be collected from the firm with an estimate of expected turnover and assurance to submit GSTR.
ID proof of the Signatory:
1. Aadhaar-based verification or e-signature
2. Copy of PAN card, Aadhaar card, passport, driving license, or photo ID card issued by a Gazette Officer on an official letterhead.
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rprservicesllc · 3 months
How to grow your property preservation business
While it is not hard to have a “get the job done” nature with regards to quick conveyances and enormous projects in any property preservation business, no measure of saved time justifies the expense of cut corners. Documentation, by which, we mean the confirmation of work and clear process, is vital for your business’s long term solidness and ability to make reliable money. Every element that happens at the site should be properly documented, whether it is a finished work, conveyances made, field reports, or sudden changes. By carrying out a solid and dependable strategy for documentation, you’ll change the way of doing your job more efficiently.
Find the best place to start: The most ideal approach to begin your property preservation business is by reaching the bank and REO provider company to land the position for the services that you provide. Numerous property preservation companies are in the business, and they are continually searching for the best vendors. Contact them and indicate the regions where you serve. Most organizations will expect you to enrol directly with them to be put on their vendor’s list so you can be added as a confided in source and likely freedom for repeating business. In some cases, work providers additionally connect with you searching for vendors.
Hiring a Property preservation work order processing company like RPR Services: Before reaching to national or regional company for more work, you first need to setup a property preservation work order processing and updating company like RPR Services, LLC., to help you with all the data processing services like work orders updating, QC Photos, bid audits, accurate bid processing, create cost estimates, PCR’s, review documents, letterhead bids, receipts, etc.
Connecting with national property preservation companies: You can add yourself to their list and bookmark their job board to know the latest work they are doing and the vendor they are searching for. If you fit as per their requirement, you can get your break from these well-known national companies that can be an add on to your profile as a property preservation company. Here’s a list of Major National Property Preservation Companies for you.
Local and regional listing: Being in a property preservation industry, you always need to socialize and expand your contact, especially in the local and regional areas where you can easily provide your services and can get a better and accessible option for a job. Add your business in the local and regional directories.
Connecting directly with real estate agent: If you are hoping to associate directly with realtors, mail out postcards to them. Begin with two small groups containing few forms of advertisement copy. When you find the copywriting of any postcard is more viable (given from which postcard who reaches back to you), you can deliver more postcards of the more fruitful adaptation. At first, if you have a low budget, you can always begin by emailing them, using the contact data from directories.
Contacting after the job is done: When you have direct contact with the clients like realtors, mortgage holders or landowners, that is the point at which you inquire whether you work was as per the requirement or not and do they mind alluding you to different organizations. Most of the individuals will say yes but if they don’t, you can always ask them for their testimonials that you can later use in your marketing strategies.
Go digital: When banks, mortgager, and different companies came to know about you, they need to find about you and the services you give. Set up a website and Facebook page as the point to let your expected new clients know about your company. Using digital platform will definitely make your business easier to discover if somebody looks on Google for property preservation work order processing company around you.
RPR Service is a property preservation work order processing and updating company, who have the most skilled property preservation processors, with an innumerable expertise in P&P & REO work and can provide all type of property preservation updating services. We are specialized in analysing the photos, preparing PCR, and submission of the most relevant bids with the full documentation for the damages incurred at the property.
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blogbeatsever · 3 months
The Complete Guide to Commercial Printing Services in Perth Amboy, NJ: Everything You Need to Know
Nestled in the bustling heart of New Jersey, Perth Amboy is a hub of local commerce, where businesses and entrepreneurs are continually seeking ways to stand out in a crowded marketplace. In this quest for visibility and professionalism, one service stands out as a foundational tool for brands of all sizes: commercial printing. From eye-catching business cards to grand format banners, the world of printing offers a vast canvas for communicating your brand's essence.
This complete guide to commercial printing Perth Amboy NJ will unravel the myriad options available to local businesses, marketing professionals, and event planners, ensuring that your next print project is a resounding success.
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Understanding Commercial Printing
Before rushing headlong into your next printing endeavor, it's crucial to understand what commercial printing entails. Unlike digital printing which covers short-run, on-demand projects, commercial printing specializes in higher quantities, typically using offset printing methods. This distinction often brings with it higher quality and a more cost-effective solution for larger print runs.
In Perth Amboy, NJ, commercial printers are equipped with the latest technology that leverages high-speed printing and various specialty finishes to bring your visions to life in print. Understanding this process will empower you to make informed decisions and maximize the potential of your printing project.
The Diverse Range of Commercial Printing Products
Print is an incredibly versatile medium, with each product serving a specific purpose. In Perth Amboy, NJ, commercial printers can produce a comprehensive range of items, from everyday essentials to bespoke promotional pieces.
Business Cards: A business card is often the first impression potential clients receive. It must be memorable and reflective of your brand's personality. Options range from minimalist to luxury with countless materials, finishes, and shapes available.
Stationery: Letterheads, envelopes, and notepads are an integral part of business communication. They project a cohesive, professional image that extends your brand identity to every written communication.
Brochures and Flyers: Especially potent in marketing campaigns, brochures and flyers effectively communicate key messages with ample space for detail, all while being easy to distribute.
Posters and Banners: Ideal for events and promotions, large-format prints stand out in a crowd and effectively convey messages to a broader audience.
Signage and Decals: Whether it's for wayfinding within an office or branding on your company vehicle, signage and decals provide a visual presence that extends beyond the office walls.
The Printing Process Unveiled
Bringing a design from the digital realm to the tangible world is a multi-step process. A walkthrough of the printing process can demystify what happens behind the scenes at your local Perth Amboy, NJ printer.
Prepress: This preparatory stage involves reviewing artwork, converting files to a format suitable for printing, and preparing proofs for the client to approve.
Printing and Finishing: The ink meets the paper, and the magic happens. After the printing, the finishing department adds the final touches such as folding, binding, or laminating to produce the end product.
Quality Control: A crucial phase ensures that every print adheres to the highest standards, with each batch inspected for consistency.
Leveraging Technology for Customization
In the modern era, technology allows for unprecedented customization, and the field of printing is no exception. Perth Amboy, NJ print services harness cutting-edge software and machinery to provide tailored solutions to clients.
Variable Data Printing: This powerful tool enables the customization of each printed piece with unique information, perfect for personalized marketing.
Color Management Systems: Accurate color representation is key. Advanced systems ensure precise color matching to your brand's specifications across all your printed materials.
Online Design Tools and Portals: Some commercial printers offer online design tools or client portals, facilitating the design and ordering process, especially for clients with multiple locations or ongoing print needs.
Eco-Friendly Printing Practices
The environmental impact of printing is a growing concern, but many Perth Amboy, NJ commercial printers are taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint.
Recycled and Sustainable Materials: Opt for printing on papers that contain recycled content or are certified by sustainability organizations.
Eco-Solvent Inks: These inks have lower levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), reducing the impact on air quality.
Waste Reduction: Efficient printing practices and proper disposal of waste help minimize environmental impact.
Navigating the Local Printing Landscape
Finding the right printer in Perth Amboy, NJ can be a game changer. By understanding what to look for, you can select a partner that best aligns with your needs and values.
Reputation and Reviews: Research local printers and read client testimonials to gauge their reputation for quality and service.
Range of Services: Evaluate the printer's capabilities and ensure they can deliver the breadth of products you may need both now and in the future.
Customer Service and Turnaround Times: A printer's responsiveness and ability to meet tight deadlines are paramount to client satisfaction.
Post-Printing Strategies for Success
The final product is only the beginning of your print communication's lifecycle. Effective post-printing strategies can help you maximize the return on your investment.
Distribution Planning: Consider the most effective ways to distribute your printed materials. This may include direct mail, event handouts, or in-store displays.
Measurement and Analytics: When possible, use tracking tools or specific asking points in your print materials to gauge their reach and effectiveness.
Integrating with Digital Campaigns: Synergize your printed materials with digital strategies to create a holistic marketing approach.
Case Studies and Success Stories
Real-world examples of successful print campaigns or projects can offer inspiration and valuable lessons.
Local Businesses: Learn how other businesses in the Perth Amboy, NJ area have utilized print materials to achieve their marketing goals.
Design Tips and Tricks: Understand the design elements that made those campaigns successful, such as effective use of color, typography, and imagery.
Trends and Innovations in Commercial Printing
The printing industry, like any other, is not stagnant. Staying abreast of emerging print trends can give you a competitive edge.
Augmented Reality and Interactive Print: Bridge the gap between physical and digital with printed materials that come alive through augmented reality apps.
Specialty Inks and Coatings: Explore the possibilities of metallic inks, velvet finishes, spot UV, and other novel coatings to create tactile and visual interest.
Sustainability Innovations: Stay informed about the latest in eco-friendly printing materials and processes.
Choosing the Right Print Partner in Perth Amboy, NJ
In conclusion, the key to successful commercial printing in Perth Amboy, NJ lies in partnership. The right print provider will not only bring your designs to life but also offer guidance, expertise, and a commitment to your project's success.
Ensuring effective communication and a shared vision, the ideal print partner will become an extension of your marketing team, helping you to achieve your brand's full potential through the powerful medium of print.
With this in-depth guide, you are equipped to make informed decisions, plan strategically, and engage with the vibrant world of commercial printing Piscataway NJ. May your print projects be as dynamic, striking, and influential as the brands they represent.
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