#later you'll come back to that dead end and realize there's actually a road there now
mrtheinsatiable · 11 months
Starting to realize I've been unnecessarily resistant to a lot of ideas because I was just looking at them from an angle I didn't like
The idea of a "purpose driven life" is one of those things. The whole "I was Created for a Purpose" thing didn't vibe with me and also kind of pissed me off and that was pretty much the only context I had for the idea for a long time. And even the more secular version where I create my own purpose didn't work either because I've never felt like I had any particular calling or thing I Have to Do. It also feels dehumanizing to think of it that way, to a certain extent, to have a specific purpose or use like a tool or an object.
But actually a purpose driven life doesn't have to mean Having a Purpose it can just be "doing things on purpose." Life becomes a lot easier and also more fulfilling when you act with intent instead of just letting yourself loose in the day. It's hard to get your shit together when you're winging every second. A sense of purpose doesn't actually need to be deeper than that, I think, to positively influence your life
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writegoblin · 11 months
I have been severely craving my boy. No no, not Michael. Boseph uwu
Look at him. Unf.
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Bo Sinclair Headcanons!
- You ended up in Ambrose because your car alignment decided it had enough of these off road shenanigans.
- Your reasons for being out that way, for story purposes, are running from your old life. All your old family and friends are shitty so you an conveniently disappear bc smthn smthn deus ex machina
- HOW you find out about your car alignment is another story. Let's just say, tumbling in a car is much more painful than it looks. What's worse is landing in a roadkill pit. Yeah boy. You know what time it is B)
- Lester almost shit himself when you came from over the highway. He thought you were dead and was going to call Vincent when you punched out the front seat. That's hot. Alright stranger, you're coming with me!
- He tries to clean you up and get your name. Takes you back to his place because he doesn't want to catch the twins off guard. But the day you spend there is lovely.
- You get the Ambrose and immediately shits off. Long story short, you become something of a live in maid. They can't kill you because it would be a lot of hassle on their end (another deus ex. You're related to a cop or something idk), and they COULD turn this situation around. Get use out of you.
- Bo likes how witty you are. You don't like to be bossed around which is clearly why you ran away from home (what are you, 10?)
- At first he's very callous to you and makes no effort to understand you. As far as he's concerned, you're another spoiled out of towner, just impeding on he and his brother's strange get rich scheme (more on that later. I'll explain in end notes.)
- What's worse is you're argumentative. Whenever he asks you to do something (read: yells at you), you always gotta talk back. You say funny stuff sometimes but it's annoying mostly. Vincent enjoys it much more than he does.
- You make nice with Vinny first. When you aren't forced to do chores, he lets you help him with the wax. Bo sees this and eventually realizes that while you are certainly mouthy, you are human with like hobbies and shit.
- He's a chef he's a gourmand
- He cooks for he and Vincent because Vincent, due to some brain damage, has a weird palette. So anything he makes either has way too much seasoning, or it tastes like cardboard. Bo on the other hand, grew up running around the streets of Baton Rogue with his friends after school. He KNOWS how to cook good.
- He's also good at first aid. The actual surgery and medical stuff is Vincent's wheelhouse but once you broke your arm trying to fix some shutters he told you to fix. He felt bad so he very gingerly fixed your arm. It healed really nicely but you'll never forget the way those blue eyes of his were so warm when he looked at you, touching the bend in your forearm and his voice, gentle as the day you first met went, "does it hurt?"
- Yeah but you looking at me like that bout to get me pregnant hurts worse sir
- As a boyfriend he's only jealous/protective around tourists. But as a dude in a town with a population of technically 3.5 if you count Lester's visits, he gets it. He does not mind his twin ogling you. He does not mind sharing EVENTUALLY. At first, he's very apprehensive.
- Bo's love language is physical touch. Even nonsexual touch is nice. He likes laying his head in your lap while yall watch TV and you rake your nails through his scalp gently.
- When he gets night terrors he likes to hold onto you in the dark like hope. He puts his face in your chest and he's almost like a little kid for a second. You have no choice but to coddle aw noooo aw man can't believe I have this hot sexy guy in my lap crying ohbhughghh
- If you're pear shaped? He loves your hips. Man, woman, ethereal creature, it don't matter. He was born an ass man he'll die an ass man.
- If you like star gazing, he'll listen to you rattle off about constellations. He likes listening to people ramble about unique special interests because it gives him a little taste of variety in his quiet life.
- big. Thick. Cut.
- leftward pitch and he loves doing mating presses.
- much more inclined to rough sex (obviously)
- I do know he likely and unfortunately assaulted those ladies on the wall but in my HCs I like to think it was CNC instead. What stops him from doing the same here is you're too loud and mouthy, so the attraction is initially not there.
- As you soften up because of Vin though, and start opening up and smiling and being cute, he can't help but let his mind roam sometimes.
- Loves fantasizing you in different little costumes to dress up in. A visitor once visited and she was a cam girl! In your size! So lucky!
- please were garter belts this man will not be normal
- Loves intercurral. To punish you if he catches you masturbating, he'll fuck your thighs until he cuts, leaving you all hot and bothered.
- The basement does not come into equation until after the first time. And the first time is more of a gentle, romantic moment of vulnerability.
- Your first time was during a thunderstorm and you were telling him about your past and how so many people hurt you. Abused you. He felt so connected to you. You always held back your anger and he let you express it by throwing stuff and by the end of it you were a sobbing and screaming and laughing mess and he was standing in the debris and he saw himself and he reached out and kissed you in an attempt to ammend himself.
- When he made love to you that night, he decided your ass is never moving out sorry lol
- Exhibitionist. Likes to take you to Baton Rogue for little dates and fucks you in alleys and parks. The most exciting was a drive in theater he took you to where you gave him head. He fucked you in the wooded area outside after.
- Hahaha okay but what if you confessed and he fucked u in the confessional would that be crazy or what
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have a few HOW headcanons actually!
- the boys do the whole house of Wax thing in an attempt to get rich. Bo decided "oh I guess I could be mayor but hm no money here" and he rubbed two cells together and was like "WHAT IF WE MADE AN ATTRACTION THAT WAS THE BESTEST."
- tricked Vin into it cause "they're carrying Mom's legacy :(((( she'd love this trust me we're gonna expand the house into a town it'll be great."
- Lester's there cause he loves his brother's and is also admittedly a bit crazy himself. He's definitely tied a few people up and intimidated people, but that's not his usual job. He's too baby.
- Canonically, where Ambrose is located, it would be a roughly 30 min drive (or 2 hours I forgor lol) to Baton Rogue! So fun fact. They're Baton boys uwu
- I think even though Bo is a good cook, gumbo is Lester's wheelhouse cause he's just got that swagger to him. Like if I met Lester and he was like "do u want me to make you gumbo" I'd say yes, no hesitation.
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Slashers and Horror Characters SoulmateAU
:Where if you haven’t met your soulmate but have been in the same vicinity of each other (like passing each other on a street or in the same building), that day will keep repeating until you find each other
Warnings: blood/gore and mention of deaths, some regret from Thomas and tiny angst, some tiny bit of softness, horror
Characters: Thomas, Bo, and Jesse
Soulmate AU masterlist
just to precise: the first two ones are where the s/o makes the meeting take place and the other is the slasher
Don’t hesitate to tell me if I did any mistakes, it would be greatly appreciated!
Thomas Hewitt
It was not what you would except for a meeting with your soulmate, barely escaping their family's whicked grip.
Running as fast as your legs could carry you, you immediately went down the road and stopped a car, the blood of your friends still fresh on you. You couldn't think of anything else as the guy drove you to the police station where they asked you some questions, your mind blank as their deaths was as fresh as their blood on your mind. It took you two or three days of reliving that moment to understand that your soulmate was there, but you still couldn't help yourself but to cry. The thing you feared but knew was true is that it was probably one of the killers since you knew the people you came with. A small part of you is happy that it can't be the sheriff though, since he talked to you three and even knocked you out..
You were totally oblivious at the start of the next day, like whenever you came back. It was only when you saw the 'sherrif's' car that a small part of dread took place in you, and fear took place as you woke up and found yourself in the dreaded basement.
Your mind was racing as you thought about the people you didn't meet, until the obvious clicked. You had always escaped the killer, which.. which means you had never seen them. Oh, goody.
Instead of hiding under the table as you heard the heavy door at the top of the stair opening, you stupidly fell to the ground. The heavy steps down the stairs made you freeze as you saw his silhouette, his terrifying build made you whimper as his gaze finally fell on you and he froze in place. As soon as your eyes came into contact with his icy ones, they softened as his murderous ones did. Your instant connection was formed as you saw him slowly and almost shyly walk in your direction, his gaze looking down at you with a small hint of sadness and what you can only describe as regret. You can't help yourself but smile sadly as you feel his surprisingly soft but scarred hand coming into contact with your sleeveless shoulder, a small squeeze making your tearfull eyes look up at your newly found soulmate.
Bo Sinclair
You knew you should have accepted the man's ride to town.
Because of that, you relived your friend's death as you hid in the woods, the long haired killer's figure barely seen in the dark as your teary eyes made it hard for you to keep track of his movements. The blood cooling on your hands with the gentle wind would make your heavy breathing become even more ragged if you acknowledged it. You'd barely escaped the killer's grip before you hid in the woods and took your friend's other car to go to town and get some help. It took some time for you to finally realize that this day was extremely familiar and that you should have gone with the man.
So that's what you did the day after, surprising yourself as you felt yourself saying yes for the ride. It was once in Ambrosse that you realized that you had changed the way your repetitive day was going, so you happily tried to forget about how your friends at your small camp might get killed. Bo, the guy said he was named? Anyway, when you found the guy, you immediately felt the connection, your eyes almost bulging out of their socket as they met his.
When he got out of the church, you knew that he felt it too, as he looked surprised and a bit smug at your presence. The only thing he said as your friend slowly came back from the wax museum after they found it closed was:
''Well, hello there, soulmate.'' If he sees your shocked expression, what you'll later know as one of his signature grin would come onto his face as he now happily can't wait for the day to finally end.
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans
It was actually your soulmate who changed your repetition.
You had run outside and to the cops as soon as you heard the blood curdling scream of your roommate. The hallway was bloody and you could hear some sickening noises coming from her room, which made you immediately run. A scream left your throat has you felt the knife barely missing your head as you turned the corner, opening the door with a slam and running as fast as you could. You fortunately went to the police station and everything was okay for the rest of the day. Until it started again.
You knew it was familiar, but you were too afraid to die to stop and see the killer. As soon as you heard the scream, you were getting ready to run again, until you felt his arms caging you at your first steps. Before you can do anything, you're on the ground and you're met with the chromed skull mask, the killer's figure hunched over to tower dangerously over you. At the moment your eyes make contact, his posture visibly relaxes and something click in your mind. You immediately know that he's your soulmate, a fuzzy feeling taking place once you see that he seems to be staring at you. The masked killer surprisingly extends his hand as he tilts his head, probably knowing the same thing you now do. The only thing you can do is take his nitrile covered hand as he gets you up and looks down at you, an unknowing smirk under his mask. You can't even think about your now dead roomate as he pushes you towards the door gently, a bloody handprint now on the back of your shirt.
If you only knew what he has in mind now that he has you.
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Ghosts from the rainforest
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Summary: A simple rescue mission will bring him back to a place full of nightmares, and maybe this time he could find redemption. Situated in 1975, 2 years after the events of Skull Island.
Warnings: Violence, blood, wounds, mentions of war, cursing, implied smut, smoking, angst.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 4: Jenny
There was just one village before crossing to Borneo, it had been two weeks since your little crew met Shukri and three days since you got proper rest and shelter, and some kind villagers gave you proper tents to camp the rest of the travel, however now your team had other problems.
"Slow down doc!" Mills voice was one second away from losing all patience and a little to close to throwing you out of the truck. "You are going to drown it!! Stop it!!" The other three men looking from the ground were to worried about their only transport possibly crashing against a three to make fun of you so you choose to call it a day and stop the engine for good.
"I'm so sorry" You told Glenn giving back the keys, "Maybe Reles could give it a go, or we are never making it on time, not with your hand like that" you said again looking at the man and the bandage you had put on his hand after he got burn trying to fix the motor of the truck.
"Maybe we could just rest, we can figure it out tomorrow" Conrad said remembering how close you were to die thanks to Reles driving a couple days before. You rolled your eyes at him but agreed anyway, since he didn't have that look ready to fight he tend to have every time you responded at him, it had been like that for the past two days, something about this lonely roads apparently upset him.
Once the night was upon you, and the fire was dancing happily and Slivko and Joe made sure to have something other than canned beans for dinner all the man were gathered next to it. You had tried to ask them apart about your father getting nowhere, and maybe it was time for a more direct approach.
"So tell me, how all of you guys meet? And don't say war because I won't buy it" you said putting apart the rest of the fish you were trying to eat that now you were not so sure it was edible.
"But we did Doc" Reles said still eating his fish. "At least Reg, Mills and I, we all did time In Vietnam, Captain Conrad joined later" He said pointing to the man who haven't even touch his food.
"Hey prince charming!" You called him, at this point your little nickname was not bothering any of you so you just roll with it. "How did you meet this fine gentlemen??" You asked when he finally met your gaze, but the sadness in his eyes made you shut and you changed the topic before he could answer. "Anyway, I understand you all work for Monarch now, what's that like?" You said and apparently touch a sensitive spot because the four man start looking at each other trying to communicate without speaking "I figured it must be extremely boring specially since you got to work with my father delusions isn't it?" You add receiving more elusive looks "Oh for fucks sake, I know Randa is dead, I'm not going to burst into tears for him, you can cut the crap already, what the hell happened to him?!!" You scream at them and Slivko finally look in your direction.
"Look Y/N" He started, aside from Conrad he was the only other person to call you by your name, maybe after your little sleepover in the truck or simply because you haven't stop him from doing so "How we end up working in Monarch, and how your father died are related, but is not our place to tell, god knows I wish I could forget, I'm sure Brooks will tell you when we come back" he was determined to shut the subject down, but at least he confirmed Randa was dead, a knot form in your chest when you hear it, but now was not the time.
"He was my father and I'm pretty sure Houston didn't send you to get me back to the funeral, I deserve to know what happened, I'm not some little child that you can lie to and will blindly follow you" you insisted and Conrad that had been silent the whole time finally spoke.
"You are right, all this secrecy is ridiculous and you deserved to know what are coming back to, but not here, come on let's take a walk" He said standing up and offering you a hand to stand.
"Are you sure Captain?" Reles asked, not doubting his reasoning but maybe your strength to take the information, wich hurt you a little.
"No, but she is right, come on" He start walking, and yo didn't take the hand he offered you but walked behind him closely.
He was following a path that was very clear for him, but invisible for you, and if you didn't knew better you would have said he was trying to make you lean on him to walk the jungle. After five minutes of jumping rocks and pretending you knew what you were doing and following the dim light he was carrying one of your ankles finally gave up and made you almost fall, and you were upset since he didn't try to catch you.
"Are you going to let me help you now?" He ask offering his hand again, and swallowing your pride you take it.
"Fine, but don't get ideas" you said to him rolling your eyes again.
"Don't worry I won't" He said pulling you closer to his chest without any effort and lifting you the of the way in a very humorous position, and you could feel his grin every time you uselessly complain trying to make him put you down.
"What the fuck was that?" You asked him once you were on the ground.
"You were taking forever" He said simply, and showed you a small clean area next to a creek. "We can sit here, not many vicious creatures come this way don't worry" He said sitting down and taking off his boots to put his feet in the water.
"And you know that because" You ask doubtfully
"Your father and Brooks hired me as a tracker about two years ago, and eight years before that, as I have told you I was here, I sadly didn't have a crazy secret admirer with an army to lend me a truck so I had to walk this bloody jungle on my own" He said looking at the calm water and you finally sit next to him.
"I'm glad you no longer call him my husband" you told him and he let go a chuckle before looking down again "ok, why does Randa hired you as a tracker?"
"To find something obviously, deep in the Pacific, a recently discovered Island, just a bunch of scientist and geologist" He said obviously lying.
"And the soldiers? Were the rocks that hard to measure?" You asked, and he then turn his face completely serious, he then proced to tell you a story, the most fantastic and terrifying story you ever heard, so obviously fabricated that might as well be the truth, and if so the very concept of reality you lived in was compromised, however there was one detail he neglected to reveal.
"And a handful of us, make it to the extract point back to America, and we have been working with Monarch ever since" He concluded.
"How did he died?" You asked in almost a whisper.
"What? You really have no other questions?" He asked surprised.
"Look, you said there was a 100 feet Ape, it could be a 100 feet Easter Bunny for all I care, I need to know how Randa died" you told him more decided than you actually feel.
"The skullcrawlers got him, we couldn't help him" he said after a while and you nodded silently fighting the tears that for some reason were forming in your eyes, and your mind was in the postcard he sent you two years before.
"Well, at least he prove to someone he was right, all those years, the missing birthdays, the fighting, the humiliation, and he was always right" you said and the knot in your chest was now in your throat "I changed my name so nobody will know I was his daughter and he was right all along, the daughter of the year right? And he died surrounded by strangers..." you start sobbing and he tried to hold you, you needed that but chose to put him away, because that pain right there was well deserved. "It's ok, it's stupid, why am I even crying? I haven't seen him in years, I just thought... I don't know I thought maybe one day we will be together again on my terms maybe, I always wanted him to know he was still my dad...that would never happen now right?" you said bitterly.
"He wanted that too." He said putting a hand on your shoulder and when you didn't push him apart he add "He make Brooks promise he would found you if something happened to him, that's why he send us, I'm sure he knew" he gave you a look full with compassion and you were fighting the urge to hide in his arms again so you change the subject.
"Why do we have to walk here? I mean you could have told me at the camp" you said and he took his arm off your shoulder.
"I felt the need to visit this place one more time" he said all serious again.
"It's a beautiful place, but I suspect that's not the reason, what happened?" You asked sure he was not responding but glad your heart was no longer exposed, you took your feet of the water and sited with your legs crossed facing at him.
"It was 1965," He started doing the same as you did, the flashlight was in between you two making the space intimate, almost romantic. "I took on a mission from the Malaysian government to rescue the illegitimate daughter of a Malaysian woman and a British embassy worker," He started surprising you, but you avoid making any comments so he could share his story "Her name was Jenny, she was kidnapped and held for ransom by whom we thought were rogue Indonesian soldiers, I have a team of five men, and we manage to locate Jenny and we were taking her home, however we were ambushed and Jenny and two of my men were killed, just about to reach the border" He said, and you could feel the pain in his voice, you wanted to hold him, but you fear his rejection so you only keep listening. "When I went to check the bullet wound on her head I realized it came from a sniper, Jenny, the nicest sweetest seven year old you'll ever meet was just a token to ignite the political scene at the time, nobody care if she ever came back to her mother" He covered his face and even at the weak light of the flashlight you could see the tears being held with more dignity than you. "You said when you knew I was SAS that you dislike soldiers, well so do I, they are just an excuse for rich man to send other people fight battles they are to coward to fight themselves, and do things that should be unforgivable, those guys back there, they are my family, that's all I care fighting for now" He said and you were sure he was about to continue but you couldn't take it anymore and before he connected his brain with his mind you crashed your mouth on his.
He froze for a moment, and kept his eyes wide open for a second before responding the kiss and slowly opening his mouth to make you believe you had the control to immediately switch it and having you trapped by his expert tongue and his strong hands on your neck.
"What are you doing?" He asked after a couple more seconds, but you were sure he was asking himself.
"You lost someone, so did I, we are both sad, and tired, and this fucking place is getting on my nerves, don't overthink it, this doesn't have to mean anything" You said to him trying to sound seductive, he picked you up and made you sit on his lap with both legs on his hips as all response and continued kissing you.
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altairsarts · 5 years
Day seven: Free Day: Chosen Prompt: Letters
Mystery is smart. Nobody would expect anything less from him. He was the one who came up with the idea. (He might have also taken a little inspiration from a book and a movie.)
When Vivi came to him about her crush on Lewis, he told her to write letters to him, expressing how she felt, even if she never sent them. She did. And when she realized she had a crush on Arthur? The same thing.
She wrote letters.
Well, Mystery was apparently a really good confidant. Lewis and Arthur did the same, coming to Mystery and each time, he told them to write letters to each other and to her. And he kept their secrets, never telling any of them about the others, feeling it wasn't his place.
After they all got together, he may have mentioned that he told them all to write letters to each other.
Vivi wanted to read Arthur and Lewis’ letters to her. She was more than willing to let them read hers, the majority of the letters telling them about things she was interested in like shows and why she loved them.
Arthur was more hesitant. In some of his letters, he had put things he was too nervous to say to them out loud. He had also written down small things they’d said to him that he wanted to remember.
Lewis wrote down little things that he noticed that they did sometimes. He wrote his internal fanboyish responses to conversations and how they could've gone differently.
In the end though, all of their curiosity got the better of them and they exchanged the letters.
Despite Vivi writing the letters the longest, it was Arthur who had the most. Some of them singularly addressed to one of the other two, some of them addressed to both.
It was a rainy Sunday night in December when they all finally had the chance to sit down and read the letters together. Arthur kept his folded up in locked box, Vivi's were kept in an old jewelry box she kept in her closet, and Lewis’ were kept in a shoe box that he kept under his bed.
They all curled up on the couch under a blanket and started reading.
Dear Lewis,
Oh wow, it's strange to be able to write all this down somewhere. I guess if this helps I’ll have to thank Mystery. So, I guess I say all the things I want to say to you in these letters? I write ‘these’ as if I’m going to write more than one. Um, so, first I guess I want to say that I think I love you? It's hard to tell with the fact I’ve never loved anyone before and the fact that up until I realized I never thought I would like guys? Like, it's not a new concept to me by any means, I just never thought I would? I don't think I ever considered my romantic orientation actually. Huh.
So because you'll probably never read this I can spout whatever nonsense I want about whatever. So uh.. Yeah I guess the moment I realized I like you was probably yesterday when I caught you singing along to Helpless yesterday and you didn't realize I was watching until the song was almost over. You kind of just looked ethereal and I thought ‘I wanna kiss him’ and that was kinda what started this? I dunno.
I was kinda in shock and was really flustered actually and the way you got all embarrassed about it helped me realize that it wasn't just a passing thought and I actually really really wanna kiss you and love you and wow this is rambly. Like that was so cute oh my gosh. Anyway, I’ll have to remember that Hamilton is your favorite musical, maybe surprise you with one of the songs on your birthday. Also I’ll have to listen to it. The only reason I know the name of that song was because I googled the lyrics. Anyway, that's really all I can think of at the moment. I think I will continue writing these letters, they do help.
Lewis smiled at the letter and leaned his head on Arthur's shoulder, smiling and retrieved the next letter addressed to him. Vivi laughed at something the letter she was reading.
Dear Vivi and Arthur,
So I’ve known I love you both for a while now and I just talked to Mystery about it and he suggested this and it's a great idea, I don't know how I haven't thought of it before, what with me watching all those romance movies and shows but I’m writing now. Anyway, where should I start?
The beginning might be a good place. So I first realized I liked Vivi when you dragged us to that festival you wanted to go to. I knew it was probably a really bad idea since it was colder than usual and it was nearing cold and flu season and you said that you had been feeling more tired and less hungry than usual, which is normally a sign of being sick but you were so determined anyway. And then when you brought me that little flower crown I kinda just figured that you were who I wanted to spend my life with? I don't know if that's a good way to explain it but that's kinda what happened.
I realized I liked Arthur when we all drove down to that clearing in the woods together. You fell out if the van but ended up slipping into one of those ‘draw me like one of your French girls’ poses on accident and it was just so funny and you tried to play it off like you meant to do that and the level of sarcasm was the best and I knew I wanted you around for the rest of our lives, just like I did with Vivi.
So recently I noticed that we make up the pan flag with me being pink, Arthur yellow, and Vivi blue. It probably doesn't relate but this is my letter and you might not even ever read it so I’ll talk about the pan flag if I want to.
I’d love to talk on and on about the little things I notice about both of you but that’ll be in another letter since it's nearly eleven and I'm tired. Goodnight :)
Vivi grinned at the letter and then neatly put it back in the envelope she found it in, addressed to both her and Arthur and labeled ‘Number 1’, sliding it into Arthur's pile of unread letters while he read one of hers.
Dear Arthur,
Heyyyy so letters proclaiming everlasting love are more Lew’s thing so I have absolutely no idea how to do this. But yeah I just realized I love you (And Lewis too but this is your letter) a few hours ago when you did that whole party for my birthday and it was really fun. Actually now that I think about it the signs were all there I just never picked up on them. Huh, looks like none of us actually know what we're doing do we?
No we don't. But I can assure you it's totally, one hundred percent working! I mean, none of us are dead yet and that has to count for something. Anyway, I'm determined to tell you guys on a special occasion like Valentines Day or Christmas or some holiday or something because dramatics are fun. I freaking swear if either of you feel the same way and tell me or each other first… I need my moment people.
So there’s this new show I like that I think you’d be really interested in, if you haven't already watched it. It's Voltron: Legendary Defender and it's this kinda sci-fi thing but there's also magic which Lew would be into and overall I think that it would be fun to watch it all together. Make a night out of it whenever a new season is released, sit up with popcorn and snacks watching it.
There's also this band I’ve started liking recently. I can't remember their name for the life of me though. I’ll have to look it up later.
Oh maybe I’ll tell you through songs. Oh now I have ideas. I’m gonna go write them all before I forget.
Occasionally, one of them would go ‘awww’ or lean closer to the person whose letter they were reading, or laugh at something that was written.
You just caught me singing to Helpless. And I was singing about you two. Oh gosh, I hope you didn't notice. Or maybe I hope you did? I mean notice about me singing about you? Ah I don't make sense right now.
Update: the band’s name was Panic! At The Disco. Was the exclamation point necessary? Probably not but it adds to the aesthetic.
I only just noticed how your hair smells like the ocean. Vivi is everything you do blue?
Arthur, I love you but you have no idea how to make cinnamon rolls. I think you used up all of my sugar yesterday in your attempts. I swear that is the very first thing I'm teaching you to do if you ever let me teach you how to bake.
Holy heck Lewis how do you get your hair so fluffy and soft? Like I was really tempted to play with it and braid it during the movie but I didn't know whether or not you’d be okay with that?
I didn't think you remembered that road to the little cove I brought you to. But apparently you did and put up little fairy lights all over. I’m not sure how you managed to power those but I’m impressed.
I’m starting to think that you might know about my crush and have taken it upon yourself to let me know you know in the absolute slowest and most romantic way possible. Like last night when you asked me to dance with you.
So last night at the campfire when you two caught me staring? Yes I was very much so staring because you're both pretty.
Soon all three of them had read each and every letter that had been addressed to them.
“That was nice,” Vivi grinned.
“It was. I’m glad I kept those letters,” Arthur agreed.
Lewis hummed. “I would've still found a way to convey all of that out loud given time.”
“Yeah but this way we get to see your immediate reaction. It's nice,” Arthur said.
“Also I would like to say something for the record,” Vivi started.
The other two hummed and allowed her to continue. “Yes, everything I do has to be blue.”
Arthur laughed at her response to the passing comment.
“So you listened to the entire Hamilton soundtrack because you knew I liked it?” Lewis asked.
“Yeah, pretty much. You’re always doing nice things for me, so,” Arthur trailed off.
They discussed their letters a while longer until Vivi eventually fell asleep during a lull in the conversation.
Despite still being on the couch, they all happily fell asleep right there. In the morning, they woke up to the soft music that had been playing turned off and an extra blanket thrown over them.
Mystery is a very good not-dog.
So! Last post of the week wow. I'm kinda sad, writing all these and drawing them was fun. Speaking of drawing, I did some sketches for this story! So to address a few things in this story. Yes, Mystery got the idea from "To All The Boys I've Loved Before". I got the idea from myself, when I was crushing hard on my now-girlfriend, I wrote a few letters to her. Some of the things written in here were inspired by the things I would've wanted to say to her. Also, I had Vivi say 'a new show' in reference to Voltron even though it literally ended today is because these letters are supposed to be old, the majority of my stories take place after the cave so the first letters were written before the incident and they're reading them after.
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I also had different fonts for their handwriting. (This was originally written on google docs) Vivi's was indie flower, Arthur's was caveat, and Lewis' was corsiva. I wanted Vivi's writing to be a bit messier because her hands are trying to keep up with her brain which is going 100 mph, but google docs didn't have anything that fit that really, so I settled.
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kookieskitty · 6 years
Mafia Husband: Jungkook ♡
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(Gif credits to the owner)
Caressing your womb was all you could do at the moment besides seeing your friend, running around in the kitchen, cooking some ecstatic dishes as your nostrils could clearly tell. You were feeling pathetic letting her cook dinner but you were choice less since your husband and his gang had gathered this evening for some private meeting.
She had come along, too intentionally as she knew that you would never let the boys step out of your house empty stomach but your condition wasn't fit enough to feed 7 boys!
Yeah well being about 8 months into your second pregnancy was all wonderful but tiring at the same time.
You couldn't even sit straight for 10 minutes without groaning due to the excess love your baby was showing you by kicking it's tiny feet against your womb, standing and cooking was definitely a far cry.
"Where's the salt?" Hyomin asks whilst stirring the ingredients
"It's in the left hand corner of shelf no. 2" you point out
She smiles brightly and nods.
"I just hope the boys don't spit it out" she chuckles whilst sprinkling the salt into the pan
"Oh come on! I'm already craving for it!! Can't you see me drooling??" You say excitedly making her laugh
"You're cute" she says
"You know you make me jelly though"
"Why?" You ask curiously, shifting yourself a bit higher up on the chair
"You'll have one complete family finally! What else would bliss be?" She says pouting as she keeps stirring the dish
"Aww come on its high time you and tae should already welcome a baby too!"
"Hmm" she says sighing
"No no no we are so not gonna opt that plan hyung. It's dangerous.... I think we should..."
"Appa" jeongsan, your 4 year old toddler holds the hem of his father's shirt, trying to get his attention for the umpteenth time.
Jungkook is a loving father and a husband one could ever wish for.....
No wonder your son is more attached to his father than you....
Although jungkook's anger is something you've always tried to avoid because once he's agitated, boy that's the last thing anyone would ever wish for..
Since the time jungkook and the boys had come back they've been doing nothing but discussing about some serious plans against the rivals but as soon as jungkook would get into the flow of structuring his plan, jeongsan would start whining, loosely putting up his weight onto Jungkook's thighs as he keeps calling out for his appa.
At first, jungkook and the boys were just joking around with jeongsan but now that he's been moping more than he should, your husband's just getting more and more irritated, trying his best not to shove his anger on jeongsan.
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"Appa..... Look at Jeong Jeong" he whispers, throat getting heavy
"Ughh.... Jeong-ie, let appa work right now. We'll play later"
Your son pouts cutely, a pout Jungkook would have fallen for otherwise had he not been so busy, but looking at his son swinging on his thighs and on the verge of crying, he immediately picks him up effortlessly and walks over to the kitchen
He sees you talking to hyomin.
He sighs and places your toddler next to you, "make sure he stays here with you" without having to listen anything further he stomps out of the kitchen to join in the important discussion.
"What's with him?" Hyomin says raising one of her eyebrows
"He's got anger issues" you shake your head and gesture your hands toward your son for him to crawl into your arms but he breaks down instead.
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"Eommmmaa....." He cries as he runs over to you and stumbles on the floor because of his untied shoelace
You didn't actually had to get up since he had fallen in front of you and so you instantly pick him up and place him in the little space which were available on your thighs since most of the space was being covered by baby number 2.
"I told you to not go near appa when uncles will come, didn't I?" You say running your fingers through his silk hair
"Bu-but I did nothing eomma.... He scolded me... He is bad" he cries more
You look over at hyomin who in return gives you an apologetic look
Jungkook runs in the room where you and hyomin were in, chatting and giggling after making you son sleep
"Y/n.... Hyomin, we all need to head off to somewhere. I'll drop you at two at my mother's place, come on...." He was about to leave but his eyes glaze upon his innocent son.
"What about dinner?" You ask
"You three have eaten, right?"
You nod
"We'll have it soon, don't worry"
He quickly walks over the bed and gently pick him up, he kisses his forehead gently, trying his best to not wake him up and whispers as he begins walking, "appa made jeong-ie cry, hmm"
You both look at him walking away, "god! He speaks everything in haste.... Now where are these boys heading to? Grhh! I'm so tired of his never ending missions!" You say frustratingly getting up from the bed with hyomin's help
"I know, right.. tell me something I don't know" she says rolling her eyes
"Hyomin, y/n.... Stay put. I-I'll be back soon, okay?" Jungkook says looking around in the now deserted road as he suspects someone being around
He gets out of the car and you two look at him vanishing in one lane, hands firmly holding the gun in his back pocket.
"God! Is there someone? I'm scared.. hyomin, Jungkook's alone..... Where are the boys?"
"Geez y/n calm down! Jungkook's here to drop us to his mom's place, remember? The boys must be at their rendezvous"
You make an 'oh' sound realizing that.
"Y/n, watch out!" Hyomin shouts as she sees a figure wearing a black mask by your window.
You gulp and turn around to see that someone standing by the window, gesturing something which was hard for you to guess.
Suddenly he points out his gun towards your son who was sleeping peacefully on hyomin's lap in the back seat which makes you daunted
The man bangs the gun twice on your window as a sign to open the door, failing to get a reply from your side, he again points out his gun towards your son
Being a mother you felt this urgency to not think twice and open the door.
"Y/n.... No!" Hyomin whispers
"Aigoo.... So you are the jewel that d*uchebag fell for, huh" he says playing with your hair and then banging the gun onto your chest
"Stop it! If money is all what you want then I'll pay you but leave us, especially my son!" You backfire
He chuckles, "cute.... But I see you carrying another one so what does it even matter if one dies anyway" he says pointing his gun towards your belly and then to your son and back to your bulge again.
"Stop!!" You cry, a painful sting of pain runs down through your entire body, making you unable to stand.
You take support of the car instantly and hear your friend calling out for your name out of concern.
Little could she do for help as she had to look out for your son, too
"Oof.... Did I give you some stress, darling?" He says laughing
"I'll tell you what stress means you fvcking piece of shit!" Your hero of a husband finally makes it to your rescue.
He starts punching the man via his hard knuckles mercilessly, bleeding him to unconsciousness.
You whine due to the pain and weakly call out for your husband
He looks at you and then back to that person who now lies almost dead in kook's hands, "if anything happens to my wife or my unborn child.... I swear I'll make sure your entire clan suffers for as long as their existence will be known to earth!" He yells and drops him before running to catch you
"Jungkook.... Just take me to your eomma's place. I really need to rest...."
"No... I'll be taking you to the hospital instead, what if something happens. Eomma appa don't know how to drive and I don't want hyomin-ssi to be bothered more than she already is in case you give birth...."
"Aniyeo it's fine Jungkook-ssi.... We are one family after all" she says smiling brightly
"Thanks for everything" he replies and then looks back to you
"Jungkook I'm scared...." You say holding his hand not caring that he had already revved the wheels on the road
"What for?" He takes your hand and kisses it, "I'll be done with those nutcrackers before anything happens okay? Don't worry.... I'm never leaving you or Jeong-ie ever"
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