#late night vent weeeee
roachemoji · 5 months
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Someone Else’s
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Someone Else’s  [Sometimes you just end up with the wrong person │ Changmo]
Changmo groaned, mumbling to himself. How did he even get himself in this situation? He was too nice for his own good sometimes. It was in the middle of the night, freezing cold, he had a studio session in the morning and here he was carrying your drunk ass home. He stopped to hike you up, adjusting you as you slid down his back. "You're such a pain" he mumbled.
"Oppa~" you chimed against his ear. "I can flyyyyyyyy"
"You're not flying."
"Yes I am…" you pouted "Explain this then Weeeee~" you held out your arms in a superman pose. "I'm a superhero"
"Will you stop, you're gonna fall!" he shot you a glare over his shoulder.
"You'll just pick me up again. Won't you Changmo?" The look of sincerity disarmed. You looked so damn vulnerable and he hated it. It wasn't safe for you to be that open and that drunk. "Won't you?" you asked again against his ear.
"Yeah…I will… I always do" he smiled feeling you relax on his back, you happily hummed one of his songs while playing with the lapel of his jacket.
"I was wrong…you're the superhero" you smiled sleepily.
"Shhh take a nap…I'll get you home."
"Don't wanna…"
"You're gonna crash sooner or later so you might as well-"
"No…I mean I don't wanna go home. I wanna go to your place."
"No one's gonna be home…I hate being alone…" you buried your face in his shoulder. "Please… For me?"
He was whipped. He knew it. The whole world knew it. Why else would he drop everything and coming running to you?
"Why didn't you call Donggab-Hyung to pick you up?" he whispered more so to himself.
"I did…" your voice broke and he didn't push it.
When he finally made it home, you were out like a light. Setting you down on the bed, he slipped your shoes off, setting them neatly by the bed and took your phone out of your pocket, so that you could sleep more comfortably.
He chuckled to himself as you snuggled into his bed. "You're a mess" he brushed your hair out of your face.
As he plugged your phone into the charger, your background lit up displaying a selfie of you and Donggab. His curiosity got the best of him and he looked at your call history. 10 outgoing calls to Donggab, and 1 to him.
He sighed placing your phone down, and moving to go sleep in the living room. “Changmo-Oppa…” you sleepily tugged him into bed with you. “Stay”
“What are you doing?” he laughed as you cuddled into his chest.
“Sleeping...Stay with me.” you pressed your chin against his chest, looking up at him sleepily.
He moved back a bit, not wanting to be too close. He sighed seeing your pout deepen. “Wh-what? Why pout?”
“You don’t wanna sleep with me.” your hand slipped down his chest as you whined.
“Woah-Ok no more.” he grabbed your wrist, he knew the action startled you but he kissed your wrist. “You are way too drunk” he wrapped you in the blanket, before turning you to face away.
“But I wanna see you.”
“And I wanna live to see tomorrow, by not being killed by your boyfriend.”
“Donggab won’t do anything…” you sighed, relaxing in his arms. “Donggab doesn’t care what I do.”
“Just.” he groaned. “Just. Sleep…”
He was pretty sure everyone he knew, knew about his feelings for you to some extent. He tried to hide it, but you two just clicked. You had the same taste in movies, hobbies. You two found comfort in a similar way…It's like you always knew exactly what to say and do when he was down. You were undeniably beautiful, inspired so many of his new songs, and he'd often found himself just thinking of your bright smile and laugh.
But you were his boss's girlfriend.
So being a best friend was good enough.
Somehow he was able to sleep better just knowing that you were in his room. He didn't have to worry if you were happy and safe. There was something so wholeheartedly comfortable about knowing you were so close.
Changmo woke up to seeing you going through his closet rather loudly’ holding out different shirts to your body. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms above his head. "How you feeling hotshot?"
You smiled, looking over your shoulder at him "I feel like I got hit by a bus and then he backed over me a few times just to make sure he got me"
"Why were you even drinking so much?"
You looked at the ground slipping his sweater over your body. You had a hard day at work. Your superiors had been breathing down your neck lately, and you failed to solidify the contract with the new client. It was no one's fault but your own really. But it didn't make it hurt any less. Venting to Donggab didn't help, he just brushed you off so you seeked comfort in alcohol. Same old same old.
Changmo watched how you stared off, he could see how hard you were debating on telling him. “C’mere” he lifted you up in his arms and cradled you into the kitchen.
“Ah! Yah-Changmo”
“Let’s eat” he chimed, wanting to distract you from last night. Honestly, if you had to drink that much just to forget then he really shouldn’t have been trying to remind you of it.
“I can walk, you know” you pouted as he set you down on his kitchen counter.
“Could’ve fooled me. I seemed to remember having to carry a certain someone ten blocks last night.” he smirked as he settled himself between your legs, staring you down.
You pouted, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Thanks for getting me…”
“You owe me breakfast.” he smiled brightly. He hoped that you didn’t notice just how happy he was with you. How he felt like he was home just being in your arms. How his heart fluttered as you played with the hair on his nape.  
“Deal” Changmo was always taking good care of you… Always. You leaned in closer to him. “How about my bibimguksu?”
“Sounds delicious!” he grinned and moved to get the bowls, plates, and noodles ready. There was something so relaxing on cooking with you. You two would talk about anything and everything.
The smile on your face, your airy laugh, you just looked so free. He’d known for a while that love wasn’t something that he chose. It was something you fell into. And he was too far gone.
As soon as you gathered the ingredients you started on cooking. It was a pretty easily dish to whip up, especially with Changmo attempting to help by chopping up the veggies. He looked so concentrated on getting each slice perfect it took him forever just to get a few slices of cucumbers cut. “Yah, I’d like to use these ingredients today”
“Chill, I’m working on it” he mumbled, pouting to himself. “Not everyone's an expert cook.”
“I barely ever get to cook” you laughed to yourself stirring the sauce.
“What do you mean?”
“Donggab...he likes to go out. So I never get to cook.” you shrugged. “He’s not very particular to home cook taste anyway.”
Seeing the saddened look in your eyes he set down his knife. “...You don’t have to answer but...Why are you still with him...You just look so exhausted...You don’t look happy.”
“I’m not happy.” you looked over to him. “I haven’t been for a while...You know...I used to think that when you loved someone they were supposed to love you back. Like they had to. I’m giving you my heart so you have to give me yours too. But...that’s not how it works. I practically begged Donggab to be with me...I used to love him so much and figured he’ll come around...and he did...abit...but..he never loved me like I loved him”
“Then break up. Why play games?”
“We don’t even talk...I wouldn’t even know how to break up if I wanted to.” hugging yourself you looked down. “We just are…”
“That’s stupid.”
“Is it? I mean...you know he’s cheating on me.” Changmo looked dumbfounded at your confession. “What? Didn’t know that I noticed whenever he’d have you and Hyoeun hangout with me to keep me in town. Covering for him whenever he had one of his girls over.”
“...Why didn’t you say anything…?”
“Because...Your loyalty is to him. He’s your boss...I guess I tried to use his cheating as an excuse. Like...if I hated him for that then I’d hate myself a lot less for not loving him anymore...And falling for someone else…” your eyes locked with his.
He hadn’t noticed that you moved closer to him, his kitchen was rather small but it all happened so quickly. There you were standing so close to him, looking into his eyes; Everything about your expression begging for him to kiss you. Closing your eyes you leaned closer, attempting to close the distance between you two.
He cupped your cheeks before kissing your forehead and pulling away.
“You’re still my Boss’s girlfriend…”
“You’re right…” you looked away trying to cover how your eyes filled with tears from the rejection.
“It’s not that I don’t like you, you’re just-”
“I get it.” you wiped away the stray tear that managed to fall. “I know…” You hated change. You were a big fan of ignoring a problem until it went away. Why jeopardize everything with change. No good was going to come out of breaking up with Donggab. “...He might fire you...if we’re together…”
“We can cross that bridge when we get there but first you need to…”
“You really think you can afford to be fired? You have so much potential and you haven’t had your big break yet. Being with me could ruin you”
“I can handle it” he reached for your hand, slipping his around it. “You’re not in this alone…”
You guys had no idea how long I’ve had this idea bugging me. I don’t know if I’m gonna write a part 2. But I wanted to write an angsty somethin for you all.
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