#larryboy & the fib from outer space
huntersapprentice · 1 year
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interesting factoid: did yall know that in the first Latam Spanish dub of VeggieTales, Bob was voiced by Jorge Araneda, who also voiced Jon Arbuckle in the Latam dub of Garfield and Friends? I thought that was interesting
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ms--galactic · 2 months
Well, well, well, look who decided to draw something criNGewoRtHy
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Does this look weird or what
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tf is he pink? He's supposed TO be RED WAIT what if it was a girl? Or was it confirmed to be a male???
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Archibald: Hello to you too, whoever you are...
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booloocrew-blog · 2 years
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Cringe Culture is dead and god killed it.
Larryboy/Veggietales humanizations/ginjinkas because the nostalgia is hitting hard. For the baddies, please go here.
shout out to @weaponsdrawn for convincing me to post this!
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gabrielsartvoid · 1 month
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The day after the 2017 state dinner: MegaLiar w/a photo of Sarah Rose & Sparry
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Sadly I can't tell if this is Giles Coren lying again.
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How sad for William & Catherine to experience such unadulterated hatred from a brother, Sparry.
It still shocks me that Sparry has worked hand in hand w/his diabolical wife to destroy innocent families. He of all people should show "compassion in action 🙄" and tell the truth. His own mother (Saint Diana) was engaged in multiple affairs and as a result, the majority of the world questions Sparry's paternity. How diabolical of him to inflict that same pain on others.
Several years ago, Sparry's friend confessed "he needs the HARD FALL."
Even kids know: The TRUTH sets you FREE Larryboy & the Rumour Weed
Larry Boy & the Fib from Outer Space
Has anyone else noticed that both MEgain & Sparry have creepy tongue behavior? Why are they constantly flicking them out at the public as they speak? Is it drugs?
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Anytime they want something, they will resurrect this affair FIB just like the racism FIB.
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multi-level-shipper · 10 months
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But wait, there’s more! Here are a couple times Veggietales left “gender norms” in the dust:
In the episode “Madame Blueberry”, the countertop opening has Larry driving around in what basically amounts to a Barbie car (Susie Action Jeep), and he mentions how excited he is that he finally has it. Bob doesn’t say shit about the car being a “girl’s toy”, he only inquires Larry when Larry mentions needing the rest of the extensive line of accessories that go with it. Madame Blueberry was released in 1998, this very easily could have led to some sexist jabs, but it didn’t.
In the commentary for “Larryboy and the Fib from Outer Space”, it is mentioned that originally Junior’s mom was meant to faint at the sight of Larryboy “dying” (as part of a throwaway gag.) Instead, they had Junior’s dad faint. A very minor detail, but it still shows just how unbothered these people were. For Christian media in the 90′s, I’d say that was pretty fucking cool of them.
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VeggieTales LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space! Closing countertop
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madamebristow · 2 years
If y'all wanna see Larry x Archie content for Pride Month, here are some episodes and songs from the OG series you could watch:
Where's God When I'm Scared? (The Water Buffalo Song and all the way to the end)
Larryboy and The Fib From Outer Space!
His Cheeseburger (Madame Blueberry)
The End Of Silliness?
Ring Little Bells (VeggieTales Christmas Spectacular)
Larryboy and The Rumor Weed
Larry's High Silk Hat (Lyle The Kindly Viking)
Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (And The Promo Video)
The Biscuit Of Zazamarandabo (I don't know how to spell that :/) (Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry)
Twas' The Night Before Easter
MacLarry and The Stinky Cheese Battle
Celery Night Fever
If I missed any please let me know!
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monkey-network · 2 years
Veggietales Season 1 Ranked
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I just got into Veggietales this Spring for no real reason and I gotta say, this series was actually pretty good. At worst, an episode can be forgettable but they'll have a great moment or two in them. Plus I loved the animation; there's a charm with how it slowly evolves over the years & you can see that. This is why this countdown exists. From the beginning, I'm ranking the original 9 episodes from worst to best. Let's do it...
Number 9: Dave and the Giant Pickle
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Yeah, this is the worst episode not because it's bad but it's so boring. The silly song is the only saving grace because even if I didn't know David and Goliath, this was a slog building up to the big fight between Junior and the Pickle and when it done, it ended immediately. Was just not into this special, regardless of Junior remaining cute and lovable.
Number 8: God Wants Me to Forgive Them?!?
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This is one of two episodes where one half was far better than the other. The Grapes of Wrath is a funny and charming, while Larry's Lagoon was simple and forgettable save for the end song. "Grapes of Wrath" fits better with the message of forgiveness because it's minor in scope; the grapes were merely picking on Junior and they rightfully apologize and act better. Larry's Lagoon has Larry gets him and his friends stranded on a island and things get muddled when he doesn't even try to make up what happen while Bob and the others just have to apologize for being rightfully upset. I'll remember this one better than Dave and the Pickle but that's because there's more going on. Otherwise, it's half and half.
Number 7: Are You My Neighbor?
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This is also where one half was far better than the other except it's flipped where the space story with the gourds was better than the first story. The Good Samaritan story is simple and *good* enough, but was pretty boring aside the part where one character gets hit with a shoe. The USS Applepies works better because you're with Junior in learning his lesson about getting to know new people. I like Veggietales when you feel more a part of the story with the characters than it being narrated to you. It's more charming with an awesome closing song on top of the Hairbrush Song, a classic.
Number 6: Rack, Shack and Benny
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I can suspend my disbelief well enough for a series like this but man, the ending is... not good. I just cannot buy the fact that the main characters fall into a furnace but are suddenly saved when Jesus just appears with them. This doesn't happen at any other time, there's no legit reason like the furnace broke down, it's a bad literal deus ex machina and it seriously sours the story for me. Not to say it's all bad, in fact it's really good up to that point. The Bunny Song is a pure bop, I like how it unceremoniously introduced Laura Carrot and Mr Lunt, it ends with just as good as closing song, and the lesson is still a worthwhile one to know. I can't get over the ending, but it'll never outweigh the good this special had.
Number 5: Larry-Boy! And the Fib from Outer Space!
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Larryboy barely used his plunger ears so I gotta knock points for that. Otherwise, this didn't sour my engagement as much as Rack, Shack and Benny because it definitely does better. It's certainly funnier than the previous specials, especially with Alfred, and I like that it works as a simple story about lying. I like how Junior makes up more of a stupid fib and how easy things go south fast when Larryboy fights the alien. And the Larryboy theme song... *chef's kiss* pure soul that tingles the body. This all comes together for a good introduction for the eventual mainstay Larryboy would be.
Number 4: The Toy That Saved Christmas
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For it's first Christmas special, I really dug this. It has some great classic jokes, it worked better as a narrated story, I like that Mr Nezzer was trying to sell a toy that could literally kill 'em because of the buzzsaw hands. It's a story about giving so it's genuinely anti-capitalist. I just have a soft spot for Christmas specials, what else can I say.
Number 3: Josh and the Big Wall!
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This was Dave and the Giant Pickle done better where there was more going on here with it setting up The Israelites and their conflict with the Jericho wall, the peas reminding me jovially of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Junior stepping into the story to help, the fact that we get to see everyone scream and it saves the day and it was hilarious; it was a more believable ending. We got the Cebu song which is in my top 5 silly songs. This was a great final special for the season.
Number 2: Where's God When I'm S-Scared?
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This is my personal favorite, probably in the series' entirety. We got "God is Bigger than the Boogie Man", "The Water Buffalo Song", and the ultimate bop that's "What we gonna do" all in one. I love the first story for the practical way it helps kids with the idea of fear, it's a lovable conversation with Bob, Larry, and Junior offering the latter a way to curb his fears. Plus any show that can mention Godzilla and King Kong is doing something right. Daniel and the Lion's Den does good in being a funny but humble retelling with Larry as the best protagonist and the Scallions as the best villains for the story. It's short and sweet as well. All this with animation that I felt was enjoyable unique even if it's simple; there's a charm with how Veggietales overall slowly evolves over the years & you can see that with this being the beginning of the show. That's why it's at the top of the list... if not for
Number 1: Very Silly Songs!
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You can't topple the best, you can't spell Christianity without some of the letters for music. We got all the good tunes, subtitled, with Larry Home Improvement included, COME ON NOW! Veggietales delivered better than most gospel singers nowadays, don't at me. If you never saw Veggietales, give this special a chance if nothing else.
And that's season one (apparently). Tune in next time after I finally spearhead getting Morbius the sequel it deserves.
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freeplanet · 2 years
Lost season 2 episode 5
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Schoolhouse Polka (Bully Trouble) (FOUND!).
The Blues with Larry (Dave and the Giant Pickle) (FOUND!).
His Cheeseburger (The Gourds Must Be Crazy) (FOUND!) (Aired on Gospel music Channel).
Endangered Love (A Snoodle's Tale) (FOUND!).
Moe and the Big Exit (2007, SPLIT INTO 2 PARTS, FOUND!).
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An Easter Carol (2004, SPLIT INTO 2 PARTS, FOUND!).
The Gourds Must Be Crazy (1995, FOUND!).
LarryBoy and the Bad Apple (2006, SPLIT INTO 2 PARTS, LOST!) (Aired in 3-2-1 Penguins! and LarryBoy Stories)Įpisodes that were aired on Gosepl Music Channel (Season 3).
Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler (2006, PARTIALLY FOUND!).
The Asparagus of La-Mancha (2006, FOUND!).
Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush (2005, PARTIALLY FOUND!).
Duke and the Great Pie War (2005, FOUND!).
Babysitter in De-Nile (2005) & The Story of Flibber O Loo (1995, FOUND!).
The Ballad of Little Joe (2003, FOUND!).
Esther, the Girl who Became Queen (2000, FOUND!).
King George and the Ducky (2000, FOUND!).
Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed (1999, FOUND!).
Larry-Boy and the Fib from Outer Space (1997, FOUND!).
The Toy that Saved Christmas (1996, FOUND!).
Dave and the Giant Pickle (1996, FOUND!).
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1.3 Other Songs/Sketches That Were on Qubo.
1.1 Episodes that were aired on Gosepl Music Channel (Season 3).
It's possible that some people could be able to do a VHS capture of the episodes that were released and edit them to what the NBC episodes were. Some NBC episodes are on YouTube in Spanish. It is likely due to the fact that the stories of every episode were already available on DVD and VHS which gave people little reason to record the episodes (outside of the bridging beginning and end segments and some edits for either religious reasons or time). With the exception of the theme song, none of these NBC episodes have surfaced on the internet. Strangely, re-tellings of Bible stories still aired. Phil Vischer said that if he knew that NBC had a restriction against religious programs, he wouldn't have gave them the rights.
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But what Phil Vischer didn't know was that NBC had a rule that its programs could not advocate any religious point of view. Though similar to the home video series, these episodes featured a brand new theme song along with bridging segments taking place at Bob's house. On September 9, 2006, VeggieTales began airing on NBC's former children's programming block, qubo (which is now its own full-fledged TV channel). You can help Lost Media Archive by expanding it.
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grazer-razor · 2 years
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...and meanwhile, veggietales is BASED AF, with larryboy saying “I AM GOING TO DIE!!!” in fib from outer space, and in the saint patrick short, one of the dudes goes “we’re all going to die if we don’t get something to eat”.
NOTE: i’m not saying the concept of death is good. i’m pointing out the strangeness of a tiktok short censoring the word “die”, and a christian kids’ show not doing the same
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lesbian-duck-art · 3 years
New band just dropped! Make sure to catch their hottest new single: “Larry-Boy Can Go F-“
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A very half assed sketch that I ended up barely cleaning up to color in. Inspired by a mix of Billie Eilish, Josie and The Pussycats(movie), SIX the musical, and, in the case of the Rumor Weed, Madonna. Original Bad Apple/Temptation and Rumor Weed human designs create by @didyougetyourwaterbuffalo ! Fib designed by me.
And here’s an extra meme for your time
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betelguwuse · 3 years
The two original larryboy villains are scary as hell there I said it
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booloocrew-blog · 2 years
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for part 1, please go here
Larryboy/Veggietales humanizations/ginjinkas because the nostalgia is hitting hard. Villain editon!
Mighty proud on the ice details on Flurry, the gogo boot look of the Rumor Weed...and all of the Bad Apple, really.
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its-a-cucumber · 4 years
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I! Am! That! Hero!
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ad-post-it · 5 years
Hey y’all, let’s remember this absolute legend and help him go viral
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Art Bigotti - 1997
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