#laptop stands are elite and i use mine everywhere
dipplinduo · 2 months
If there's anything you could change about your writing setup what would it be?
Probably not at ALL what you're expecting me to answer with but I'd want better air circulation and more humidity in my current room LOL. I have dry eye syndrome and it gets bad sometimes. Literally my biggest obstacle to writing if not my regular life schedule, which is often obstacle #2.
I already do a bunch of things to protect my eyes and I'd honestly advise anyone to do the same if they notice any issues with their own/these are just good things to do for your eyes in general, as needed:
- Sleep enough. No like really, try to get 8 - 8 1/2 hours as often as you can. Sleep is no joke.
- Adjust the night light on your screen so it filters out a good chunk of the blue light.
- Lower the brightness and use dark modes on literally everything. Get extensions for things that don't have them, especially if you're using them a lot (e.g. I use google docs for fic writing)
- Use a humidifier (in drier environments; this literally ensures that I don't wake up with reddened eyes)
- Use a warm compress on your eyes for 5 mins or so (emphasis on warm, not hot. Be verryyyyy careful not to burn yourself, the skin around your eyes is sensitive).
- Eye gellllllll & eyedrops omg. I'd be dead without them.
- Oh and since I decided to unsolicitedly run in this direction with the ask pls wear sunglasses and sunscreen!!! Even in the winter!!
All of the above is legit a godsent for me and it's been my default for everything since before fic writing because yes I do need all that maintenance for my sensitive lil blue orbs. And they still give me problems anyways. 🙄
The orb part was a joke btw
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silviajburke · 7 years
The Trading Revolution Can Make You Rich
This post The Trading Revolution Can Make You Rich appeared first on Daily Reckoning.
Make no mistake, there’s opportunity everywhere — stocks, bonds, treasuries, options, currencies, Bitcoins — there’s always something to take advantage of in the current market environment.
And you’re about to see how technology is opening up a whole new world of opportunity that has never before been available to you, the individual investor. I’m not talking about investing in new technology, by the way. I mean that new technology is changing the way trading has been conducted for hundreds of years.
And that could be incredible news for you — if you know how to take advantage of it. Let me show you what I mean…
Travel agents, bank tellers, most brick-and-mortar stores, etc, have all been displaced by computers.
But nowhere has the tech-boom been as hard-hitting as on the trading floor of market exchanges. There used to be 15,000 guys down on the floor in the Chicago Board of Trade alone for example, where I spent many years of my life. Now? There’s maybe a thousand on any given day.
For hundreds of years the order route was the same…
You called your broker with a buy or sell, the broker called a desk on the floor, a phone clerk wrote the request on a ticket, a runner “ran” the trade to the trading pit where a broker would execute the trade. An endorsed filled order card was grabbed by another runner and brought back to the desk, a phone call was made to your broker and they in turn called you with your confirmation.
The whole process took just a couple of minutes. Of course, a couple of minutes is dramatically different than the nanoseconds it takes nowadays.
This was intense. Tens of thousands of sweaty, belligerent, almost all alpha males battled daily in a zero sum game. It was an absolute free-for-all, but it was capitalism at its finest. It was America. It was you and the markets and the other guys.
I was there with them, personally elbowing for space in the Treasury Bond pits. That was back in the heyday of the pits, when bonds actually paid substantial interest.
But today, the trading floor of lore, and the “floor trader” is dead.
Because of technology, anybody and everybody can trade in any market anywhere anytime. Money never sleeps. It moves around the globe at lightning fast speed, or the speed of greed if you will.
A man doesn’t stand in the pit to trade anymore, he presses buttons on a laptop. Electrons fly and buy.
Fact is, right now you can click your computer or smartphone and instantaneously buy or sell anything, anywhere around the world, any time day or night. The opportunity now is so much greater than it was when I was a young trader.
The disappearance of the floor means nobody has an advantage anymore.
Big traders and small, short and tall all have equal access to opportunity. (I was disparagingly told I was hired because of my 6 foot 3 height to be seen on the floor, not my intelligence — but I beg to differ.)
When I was younger, you would trade in one pit, and your opportunities were limited to that market. If something wasn’t happening and the markets weren’t moving, you were hard-pressed to make money.
Now, I can trade any market, any direction, any time, just looking at a screen. It also allows me to be much more patient for great trade set-ups. That wasn’t a luxury that pit traders had back in the day.
And in today’s digital marketplace that means one thing — the potential to profit has never been greater.
With 24-hour markets, everyone now has the chance to join the elite money club of past floor traders and big money market players.
This is a trader’s paradise.
Technology has leveled the playing field not only from the standpoint of the trading floor, but the tools that an individual investor can use.
Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs once had the best technology on the trading floor. Now everyone has the same ability to execute an order at lightning speed.
That means millions of investors have the technology and tools to profit like never before. This is a revolution in trading. There are no longer any barriers to entry.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t put yourself one step ahead of the markets…
What if I told you there was a new way to know exactly what to trade… and when to trade… using a revolutionary trading tool that no one else has access to?
I’ve been in the market over 25 years, and I’ve seen superstars and superb trading strategies come and go. But now, I think I’ve finally locked onto the holy grail that lets you take advantage of the trading revolution for maximum, consistent profits…
See, I’m one of just 432 people in the world who has access to a powerful new market indicator… an indicator that tips you off about impending big market news… before the news becomes public.
It’s so transformative that its inventor, a colleague of mine who I can’t name right now, filed a patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to make sure no one else steals it:
To the best of my knowledge, there’s no other market indicator like it in the entire world.
I was skeptical at first. After all, I spent 25 years working in the heart of one of the biggest exchanges in the world. And I had never heard anything like it.
But then my colleague showed me all the proof. And chart after chart after chart… proving the indicator worked. I came away convinced, my mind blown (go here now to see how you can learn all about it).
So as you can imagine, this is very sensitive information. It could send shockwaves through Wall Street.
What makes this market indicator so special?
Virtually every other trading system that I’m aware of is based on price data. That is, they only trigger a “buy” signal when the price changes — after the big move has already happened. By the time you get in, you’ve already missed the biggest gains.
Remember that famous line from the movie Wall Street when trader Gordon Gecko said
“You’re either on the inside or the outside?”
Well, everyday investors like you have always been “on the outside.” Only insiders with access to special information were able to profit from major market-moving events.
The everyday investor was simply left out in the cold. But no longer.
This revolutionary market indicator is completely different. It gives you the critical information you need before the big price moves happen. It lets you get ahead of everyone else in the market, and profit when the information finally becomes public.
That’s why it’s patent-pending. This market indicator is that special.
Just ask yourself… how many people who’ve created trading platforms have gone through the time and the huge expense it requires to file a patent with the U.S. Patent Office? That’s an enormous undertaking.
I’ve done tons and tons of back testing to see just how effective this special indicator is. And the results were nothing short of shocking.
That testing showed me this indicator has the potential to produce an average weekly gain of 350%!
That’s pretty amazing when you think about it. But that’s what all that testing showed, honest to goodness.
Alan Knuckman for The Daily Reckoning
The post The Trading Revolution Can Make You Rich appeared first on Daily Reckoning.
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