#ladybug redesi
teawinx · 2 years
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New and improved Marinette reference sheet!
I’m redoing the core six’s reference sheets like this one (so Adrien, Alya, Nino, Chloe and Lila) so everything is nice clean and professional. And I just like drawing Marinette.
And keeping up my motif of visual storytelling. So Marinette and Ladybug’s designs in Season 1-3 reflect her more childish and creative nature. I love her canon pigtails, I think they could be so effective for visual storytelling if they just tried for once. They’re a very childish haircut, and Marinette is 14 in this version. In her final year of middle school and is still clinging to childhood. But in the Season 3 finale she is made the Guardian after Fu’s death, and she is forced to grow up. Plus, Marinette is a control freak, her hair untied shows her being forced to grow up but also loosing control over her life. So double meaning! And she looses her bright and colourful clothing in favour of darker colours, reflecting her new mindset and mourning over Fu. 
And finally, her refreshed Ascended form ahahahaaaa... Gee I sure hope Fanbug didn’t promise herself she wouldn’t do this! Jokes aside, yeah I’m reworking the powered up/ascended forms. Mainly because I’m redefining them in the story. And honestly they were just detailed for the sake of adding detail. I went too far with them. So I’m scaling it down and using them to reflect more than just “more powerful”.
So voila! There she is, my current version of my Ladybug redesign!
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