#ky's cc rambles
nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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current wip: this nursery set for ts2
this blog is apparently (for some reason) known for cute nursery stuff, so i've gotta maintain that reputation 👶🏽
i even found a workaround for 'custom' playmats for babies! isn't he so cute?!?!
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bonschai · 3 years
i think my problem with lore is that i have an inability to imagine it as anything other than the ccs and their minecraft skins, i can't get immersed so i can't get invested, like on the screen c!dream will be doing something horrible to c!tommy and my brain just like can't take it seriously enough to be like yo this character is fucked up because i just see it as dream and i am happy to be listening to dream because i find his creepy lore voice kinda endearing
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dream-critical · 2 years
I think I know what that other anon was talking about with fandom and the gnf thing and it honestly sounds like a twitter in general problem? Like that person said something like “gnf is boring why do ppl like him” which is, ya know, mean, unnecessary but whatever, who cares, and then people qrt saying kys or ur wrong etc etc and that’s?? Also mean? And unnecessary?? But at the end of the day these two parts of the fandom don’t need to interact and yet they continue to do so, but that’s the Internet I guess. It’s weird and why I mainly stay on tumblr for actual discussion.
I get what you're saying and yeah both sides need to realize that what they're doing is unnecessary.
For example, back when I had a hyperfix on sapnaps content and would watch anything with him in it I constantly had to see people talking about how boring and lame he was even though he was a huge source of comfort for me and I liked him bc he was chill and very open and the way he rambled about stuff he liked was soothing, which were the things people called him useless for.
It's not a pleasant thing to see, like. Obviously. And I feel like in general everyone needs to realize that as long as a cc isn't doing harmful shit you should leave them alone. Just bc you personally don't like them doesn't mean you get to be cruel about it.
Everyone just has personal preferences, especially with content creators.
On the other hand stans also need to calm down.
I'm not saying it's kind or good that people are like that, but you can also just normally tell them to fuck off or point out they're being weird instead of immediately jumping to telling people to die or start sending people death threats or pics of gore just bc they don't like gnf or dream you know.
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dewprisms · 4 years
I thought Middleton was somewhere near like. Missouri, Nebraska or Kansas. But apparently a bunch of signs imply that it’s in Colorado? (except for one major inconsistency where, in Downhill, Mt. Middleton is apparently located right in or by WV/KY..which is several states over) And I was considering having that be the main location of my Teen Titans Central/Midwest AU but that’s not “center of US” enough for me...
(don’t mind me just rambling my crossover AU)
Honestly with some signs pointing to Amity Park being in Minnesota (and one thing from season 3 implying Michigan, which contradicts a S2 ep) I might just move them there. Unless I ignore the Colorado thing and actually move Middleton to MA/NE/KS. Cause the main TT are in California (Jump City is in CA) and Titans East being in New York, I need a place not too close to either one.
I don’t even have to worry about MLAATR because Tremorton has 0 indicators of where it’s suppose to be. So I can say they live wherever. They can just be the next town over from Middleton/Amity Park and nothing would change.
I do just worry cause I want Dash & Paulina & Sam & Tucker & Valerie and Bonnie and Brit & Tiff & Brad & Tuck & Sheldon (...ok maybe not Sheldon), plus Mr. Barkin and Mr. Lancer (idga FUCK about the Vice Principal from MLAATR), to all be included in the story but that’s kind of impossible unless they all go to the same school which. Would be hilarious because of Paulina, Bonnie and the Crust Cousins trying to out-Alpha Bitch each other. I actually did have a filler episode in mind where one of the schools shut down due to repairs from an attack and all the students went to another school with that premise but I obviously I can’t have ALL of them attend...though I suppose, if I move Tremorton to Minnesota, and just pretend that Middleton is nearby in like, Iowa instead of Colorado...
Originally, the premise was that Reign Storm fucked up the like. ghostly energy around AP and it caused the portal to stop working so the Fentons moved to Middleton where it started working again, but I guess I could just keep the setting in AP and have Kim and Ron leave Middleton instead? idk. I mean KP like ONLY has Bonnie to worry about. Brick barely shows up and he’s well, dumb as bricks. Unless I make some bullshit where, for whatever reason, Bonnie’s family moves to AP and she and Paulina become friends (....or claw each other’s eyes out) THEN have the CC move in and compete, since the Cousins DO care about each other which would give a CC vs Paulina/Bonnie fight.... idk man
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nonsensical-pixels · 9 days
sorry to break it to y'all but sending the same requests from multiple accounts pretending to be different people does not make me any more inclined to convert your 20k poly sweaters
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nonsensical-pixels · 20 days
Hi!!! I'm new here and I was wondering what apps you use to convert clothes,items,😂 literally anything from The Sims 4 to The Sims 2. You have inspired me to start making conversions for CC.
Your CC conversions always look breathtaking and it inspires me to do the same. Thank you so much for this.You really are helping out.
Have the most joyful day ever! 😌
hi nonny, thank you for your lovely kind words! i use so many programs to convert stuff that i'm honestly not sure where to start...? do you want the programs or do you want actual tutorials on how to use them to convert stuff from ts4 to ts2 🥴
for anything involving ts2 cc, simpe is a must-have. it's also used to edit your sims 2 towns and other stuff involving the game.
for modelling software, i use blender 4.1, blender 2.79b, and milkshape. plus also the sims 2 plugins for milkshape.
for extracting the models and textures from sims 4, i use sims4studio (you must have the game installed alongside the appropriate version of blender).
for editing the textures to match sims 2, i use an older version of photoshop (photopea or GIMP could probably also work).
for editing the bones of CAS and other items to match the sims 2 models, i use the meshtoolkit and WSO plugins from t$r workshop
for binning my hairs, adding basic tooltips, making collection files, and compressorizing my file sizes, i use the hair binner, tooltipper, collections creator, and compressorizer edited by @lazyduchess, respectively.
for organising my outfit categories, adding repo'd ages to my outfits, changing the categories of my objects, and other stuff, i use a variety of tools by @picknmixsims.
and of course, for outfits and scalp textures that need to be painted directly onto a sim's skin, i use @paluding's iconic sim tattooer.
i think it's important to stress at this point that at the moment, as far as i'm aware, there is no one program to directly port sims 4 assets to the sims 2. it seems to be a common misconception but 4t2 creators are making new packages, adding new bones, resizing textures, and a bunch of other stuff that is necessary to import these assets to the game. at some point the only similarities are the meshes and their textures (and even those are subject to change!)
if you want tutorials on how to use these programs and how 4t2 creations actually work, feel free to check out the cc creation section of the simscord - i also occasionally will livestream my process there 😄
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nonsensical-pixels · 9 months
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experimenting with my favourite singles
missed opportunity for maxis not to have mimi landgraab as a singles girl... 😔
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nonsensical-pixels · 2 months
i swear 90% of me making cas cc for ts2 is just waiting for bodyshop to load
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nonsensical-pixels · 9 months
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first real 'alpha' dress conversion... why am i digging this sm?? 🎆
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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current wip: this kid's bedroom for ts2, as suggested by @ferryghost!
i'm actually really pleased with how everything is going!
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nonsensical-pixels · 10 months
might become a sims 3 convert, sims 2 slots are killing me rn
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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sisters! 🦇
still a wip for @profesionalpartyguest 💗
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nonsensical-pixels · 5 months
my sfs and mediafire folders are such a mess that even thinking of adding new uploads to them makes me wince, but i'd rather crawl through the redlit ventilation system that is simpe and churn out dozens of new conversions than spend more than a minute trying to organise them 😍
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nonsensical-pixels · 6 months
you know what i really want opents2 to allow us to have? morphs. on accessories. there are SO MANY gorgeous accessory jackets for ts4 that would be great for ts2 but i refuse to convert them if i can't add morphs to them...
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
might break my shiny new schedule just to post that new grandma's treasures kit on sunday, i just like it very much it has a heart bed MATTRESS
oh and also mirrors with transparency which is driving me mad but i can't complain
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nonsensical-pixels · 9 months
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just a 'little' wip time 💞
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