#kuroda sana
lilyhanaart · 2 years
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i did the "heipro characters in my style" challenge! it was fun drawing the other characters (since i mainly only draw hakumika lol)
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Heisei Dominantation 02 Chapter IV "Spear and Shield"
After confirming that Haku and the others had left, Sana returned to the corridor where he had passed. This was a one-way street, so he could secure a retreat and respond as soon as someone came. He leaned against the aisle wall and held Izanagi in his hand. For Sana, this sword was his life. From the time he realized it, he devoted himself to training and tried to become the best swordsman in the world.
His hard training had begun every morning before the sun rose. Sana's father, who was a swordsman, wouldn't forgive his child for anything less. He would take him to the waterfall under the guise of spiritual training, and wouldn't let him leave until he was blood-soaked. Thanks to that, Sana didn't know how many times he fainted. Nevertheless, with his inherent tenacity and indomitable will, he never made a sound.
Sana's turning point came six years ago when he was 13 years old. It was the first time other-style fighting was held at the Kuroda family's dojo.
That's right. My destiny changed that day…
Sana was wary of his surroundings, but he went back to the current of his memories—.
At that time, 〔White Noise〕 had already occurred and the order of the city was being lost. But that's why Sana's father had lifted the ban on other-style fighting, when he had been severely warned to use his swordplay to protect people. His father's argument that he could improve his skills by clashing swords with other schools was reasonable, and Sana himself was secretly excited because it was his first time practicing with someone other than his father.
It was the parents and children of the Takenaka family who came. The Takenaka family once formed a family with the Kuroda family and eventually became an independent branch of the Kuroda family, and their abilities were guaranteed.
However, because of this, they also had a connection with the Kuroda family. Sana sat on his knees with his father. Soon the Takenaka family, wearing protective gear and holding wooden swords, appeared. The head of the Takenaka family was also dignified, but what bothered Sana was a boy of his age who followed. Sana must have been curious about the boy. The boy gave him a glimpse, but immediately turned away and lined up.
"I thank you for coming all the way here. I hope this match will be meaningful to both families."
When Kuroda's formal greeting was over, the arrangements were finally made.
"Now then, let us begin."
His father went to the center of the dojo with a wooden sword. Now that he had invited guests, it was polite for the dojo owner to exchange swords first. Naturally, a person of comparable rank, the head of the Takenaka family, would be his opponent. Everyone, including Sana, thought so. But the boy who stood up was the boy who exchanged eyes with Sana. Kuroda's pupils made a noise full of criticism.
"How rude!"
"He's so arrogant!"
"You don't have to deal with him, master!"
Sana's father won silently over his pupils, who stood on their knees and tried to approach him. Instead, he turned to the head of the Takenaka family and asked in a stern voice.
"Do you mean you don't care what the result is? I won't go easy on him and I can't afford to do anything about it."
"I don't care."
The head of the Takenaka family also responded with a bold voice.
"He is a great fool. Try and break one or two of his arms, if you can."
"If I can… you say?"
Sana's father's shoulders trembled at the provocative behavior. An invisible blade seemed to already be flying between them.
"...That's fine."
Sana's father and Hirokina faced each other in a squatting position.
Teach that cheeky fellow a lesson, old man.
Sana muttered to himself, putting his fists on his knees.
He was too strict a father, but he respected him as a sword master. He had always accompanied Sana for the morning and evening training that he was given. Even though he was already in the middle of his old age, he wouldn't lose to anyone.
Sana clearly didn't remember after the referee waved his hand down. The only memory he had was a rolling wooden sword, his falling father, and desperately trying to lift him up.
"Keep yourself together, old man!"
His father had lost consciousness, as the call had not been answered. His right wrist was twisted in an impossible direction and swinging helplessly. In his confused mind, Sana understood that his father had lost. A cone-like voice pierced his back as if he were chasing him.
"The Kuroda dojo isn't a big deal either."
Looking back with tears of frustration, Sana's vision came to Hirokina looking down at him quietly. His angry calm attitude didn't sound like his contemporaries. Hirokina called out to the head of the Takenaka family behind him.
"Father, it's a waste of a treasure to have Izanagi in a house like this."
"Don't screw with me!"
Sana, who usually didn't talk much, couldn't help yelling. Izanagi was a sacred sword that the Kuroda family inherited from generation to generation. Its blade never rusted and it could cut off everything. Sana, of course, had never even seen it because it was a treasured sword, but he knew how important it was. It would be a disgrace to the Kuroda family if they were deprived of it.
"I'll be your next opponent. Kuroda Sana, here!"
He stood up with a wooden sword in hand. Hirokina squinted as if to measure Sana's ability, but immediately shook his head.
"You can't deal with me. Know what you're talking about."
As soon as he screamed, Sana jumped deep into Hirokina. He had been training many times, and he pushed with all his best thrust. However, it was easily dodged. As Hirokina retreated only half a step, he twisted his body and passed Sana's rush. When Sana's upper body collapsed and he stood on a stick, he was struck by a sharp blow from the right side.
Hirokina screamed. At the moment, Sana couldn't breathe, and at the same time, he felt a numb pain. He dropped his wooden sword in a clumsy manner, and held his side and fluttered around.
There may have been a crack in Sana's ribs. His vision turned red with so much pain. Still, Hirokina showed no signs of agitation.
"If this had been a serious match, you would have been killed."
After turning the wooden sword to Sana, he returned to his waist and called out to Kuroda's students, who were silent.
"The Kuroda dojo is closed for today. You guys should think about how to behave from now on, shouldn't you?"
The students, looking at each other, left the dojo as if they were running away, perhaps frightened by the greatness of Hirokina's skill. Only his unconscious father and Sana were left behind.
"Now then, Father. Let's go receive Izanagi. I'm sure Izanami wants to see her brother after a long time."
"Yes. That's right."
The head of the Takenaka family nodded.
Sana stretched out his arms to Hirokina in a hard breath. He barely grabbed him by the ankle.
"What, you still had energy?"
"Izanagi... I won't give it to you…"
His father always said that the sacred sword Izanagi was the family treasure of the Kuroda family and that it was also his hope to save the chaotic world. Sana, who couldn't use magic, had no choice but to sit back and watch while 〔Deviators〕were rampant and committed crimes.
But if I could have Izanagi, wouldn't it be possible to contribute even a little to the stability and peace of the world?
It shouldn't have been a possibility to dream of it and to be robbed of the most important Izanagi even though he had endured hard training.
"Then you may come at me again."
Hirokina looked at the rolling wooden sword with a squatting chin. Sana crawled and picked it up, standing up with it in hand.
"Here we go!"
Sana fought with all his might, but the result remained the same. His wooden sword was knocked out of his hands and he was hit by a basket.
"Ugh… Not yet!"
"Why don't you just give up already? If you continue any longer, you'll die."
"If you can kill me, then give it a try!"
"—Sana, you!"
Sana's stubbornness, which never made a noise no matter how much he was shot, seemed to have ignited Hirokina's fighting spirit. If Hirokina let go of his coolness, Sana would step in without measuring the time. Sana was waiting for the moment when he had a gap in his mind. He passed through the tip of the knife, which had been shaken down from the top, and hit the body of his soul.
One beat from the sweet little sound of punching the armor, and a painful breath came out of Hirokina's mouth. Until then, Takenaka's pupils, who had been watching the match silently, opened their eyes in disbelief.
"You're kidding. He got a hit on Hirokina-san!"
"No, that's shallow. It's invalid!"
"But has anyone ever touched Hirokina-san?"
Sana grinned at the surprised reactions.
"Well…? How do you like the Kuroda's skill…?"
However, that was his limit, and as soon as he thought his whole body was weak, Sana fell face down on the floor of the dojo. He couldn't move anymore.
"You've put me through a lot of trouble. You're an inexperienced fellow."
The voice of the head of the Takenaka family could be heard far away.
"Well, that's fine. Now there's no one in the way. We will avenge the Takenaka family, who have been driven to the branch of the family with Izanagi as our own."
Sana's gut was boiling as he heard the exaltation. While the Kuroda family was worried about the future of the world, the other party was only thinking about their own house. He must have accepted this offer from the beginning only to use Hirokina to steal Izanagi.
Then, aren't they no better than 〔Deviators〕? They hurt others and take away what they want. Unforgivable.
However, he couldn't do anything about it, and he didn't even use his last strength to defeat Hirokina.
Do we have no choice but to watch Izanagi be taken away?
It was when tears began to overflow with frustration.
"I disagree with that!"
Hirokina, who approached his father, jumped into Sana's eyes as he looked up spitefully.
"I saw with my own eyes that the successor of the Kuroda family had some talent. I think it's too early to unify Kuroda and Takenaka."
"Do you mean to go against me, Hirokina? Don't be ridiculous, find Izanagi right away!"
"I refuse."
"You fool. Are you saying you can't obey your father's orders!?"
"And is it my father who can't hear me? Aren't I the strongest swordsman in the history of the Takenaka family?"
The head of the Takenaka family began to sweat on his forehead. When Sana saw the head being intimidated by his only 13-year-old child, he thought of Hirokina's talent. Hirokina, who silenced his father, gave Sana a hand. Sana stood up and gave him a sharp look.
"You're pretty good after all. I'm looking forward to the chance to fight again in due course."
Sana nodded with mixed feelings. Izanagi wasn't lost and the Kuroda family's honor was preserved, but it was thanks to Hirokina, not because of himself. And that frustration could never be forgotten.
From that day on, Sana set his sights on defeating Hirokina and practiced even harder. Sana had never forgotten Hirokina for a day, even after he took the place of his father, whose arm injury hadn't healed and had retired. And at last he became a master of all his licenses, and was permitted to possess Izanagi. After first acquiring Izanagi, Sana quickly got used to it as if it had been an old friend. He gradually refined his skills and was looking forward to the day when he met Hirokina again.
But one day, exactly a year later, there was a rumor that Hirokina had disappeared. Sana didn't believe it at first, but when it turned out to be true, he lost his purpose in life.
In the end, I couldn't beat him…
A good match for the first time. Someone I could call a friend. Such a person… Hirokina had gone out of my reach.
But he thought he would be alright. After leaving the dojo, he ran out of the house without telling his father where he was going and fought as soon as he encountered 〔Deviators〕. But every time Sana slashed his opponent with Izanagi, he fell into distrust and froze.
Is there any point in saving the world where these people are rampant?
Sana wondered how much he kept fighting. He was trapped, surrounded by 〔Deviators〕 and saved by Haku at the point of death.
"Are you alright? I'm glad I saved you in time!"
He would never forget Haku's smile when she reached out to him. It was then that Sana learned for the first time that there were people like her who wanted to save people in need. While working with Haku and the others without any other place to go, he felt that his strong heart was opening up, and Sana found himself joining the Heisei Snipers. He couldn't use magic, but he made up his mind to do everything he could. His neglected training resumed, the numbness in his arm worth it, and he regained his brilliance. Together, Sana and Izanagi, the sacred sword, had saved many suffering people. It was a pleasant memory to think about.
"...You've come."
Sana slowly opened his eyes after reminiscing, and found a man standing in the back of the aisle. It was Hirokina, his fateful opponent. He couldn't explain how he knew he was coming here. But from the moment they crossed swords two days ago, Sana was sure that they would meet at some point. It seemed the same went for Hirokina. He didn't look surprised at Sana's ambush.
"Are you alone?"
Hirokina called out to him.
"Where are your companions?"
"I don't have to answer that."
Even during a short conversation, the atmosphere became tense.
"I see... Well, I don't mind. I don't care much about that, because I'm different from Mikage and the others."
Hirokina shook his head slightly and laughed lightly.
"Rather, I'm glad to see you here in this place."
"The same goes for me, Hirokina."
"I thought I had been transferred to a strange place, but it might have actually been heaven. Did you want to meet me here?"
"No, it's too cramped to wield a sword."
Sana led Hirokina into the greenhouse. He turned his back while leading, but Hirokina didn't cut him from behind.
"Oh... This is…"
Hirokina closed his eyes for a moment when he saw a man who had been consumed with magic and turned into a shell. Even without explaining the circumstances, he seemed to have guessed for the most part. Then he distanced himself from them and moved to a place that didn't get in the way.
"Let's get started."
They faced each other with their swords. Sana in a Hasso position, and Hirokina in a Jodan position. It was the same posture as when they first met. They had confirmed their opponent's skill two days ago. Petty tricks would not work against a man of divine skill. It would be a competition between skills. Skill and strength.
I won't waste my time like that again.
Sana told himself.
Six years ago, the difference in ability with Hirokina was overwhelming. But not anymore. His constant efforts have paid off, and he wouldn't flinch in front of Hirokina, who was like a genius. As they glared at each other and moved clockwise, the distance between them gradually shrank. He was convinced that he could take it in one step. A scream echoed as if to dampen their confrontation.
"Stop it, both of you!"
It was Kagura who rushed in. Next to him was a masked young man.
"Don't get in my way, Kagura, Deyssel!"
Hirokina shouted with his sword in his hand, but Kagura, with a bloodless face, still desperately appealed.
"We don't have to fight each other. It's all part of Sakuhi's plan!"
"...Shut up. We're in the middle of a fight!"
"Deyssel told me that Sakuhi ordered Fuyuto to be kidnapped. That's how she tried to make us grow suspicious of each other and fight each other!"
"I think Kagura is right."
The masked man agreed.
"I see, so that's what happened."
Sana felt the questions that had been stuck in his mind were melting away. Kyou insisted that he wasn't the one who shot Kagura, and now it was proven true. He was relieved to know that he wasn't a coward who shot from behind.
This won't hurt the justice of the Heisei Snipers.
As he thought so, Sana didn't look away from Hirokina for a second. The fighting spirit released from Hirokina's body was stronger than ever before.
"...I understand what you're saying."
At Hirokina's words, Kagura breathed a sigh of relief, putting his hand on his chest.
"I'm glad you understood. It was worth having Deyssel carry me here."
But Hirokina soon quelled Kagura's relief.
"Tell Mikage directly what you just told me. I'll probably be down the road ahead. The rest is for her to judge. I must settle things with him!"
"What are you saying, Hirokina!?"
Perhaps Kagura didn't understand Hirokina's feelings, and he clung to Deyssel in dismay. Sana, however, agreed with Hirokina.
No one can stand in the way of a six-year confrontation. No matter what their reason may be.
Hirokina, holding his sword, encouraged Deyssel.
"Take Kagura. Hurry up or you won't be able to see Mikage."
"Hurry up, Deyssel!"
"...I understand."
Sana thanked the masked man in his heart for understanding their feelings. Perhaps he had the same unwavering faith in something as the two of them did in themselves.
And that's why he understood the cause of Sana's duel with Hirokina— Their fate.
Holding Kagura in his hands, Deyssel called out to Hirokina.
"We'll go on ahead. We'll be waiting for you!"
"Yeah, I'll catch up with you soon."
"No, we won't. We have to stop them here. Hey, Deyssel. Deyssel!"
Kagura tried hard to resist, but his wound wasn't healed. He couldn't move when he was lifted up by Deyssel. Deyssel spoke gravely to Kagura.
"A warrior has a time when he must follow his own destiny... when he must prove his existence, even at the risk of his life."
"I don't understand. Why do we have to fight each other? I don't like that. I don't like it…"
"Go, Deyssel!"
Sana followed Hirokina.
"Kagura, it was a short time knowing you, but I liked you. You must heal your wound quickly."
Kagura, in tears, was led away by Deyssel into the back of the opposite door. Haku and the others were up ahead, but as Hirokina said, it was up to Haku to decide whether to believe Kagura's words or not. After that thought, Sana erased the Heisei Snipers from his low level of thought.
There is only one thing I should do. And that is to defeat the worthy opponent in front of me.
When Sana stepped in with superhuman luck, he flashed a flash of Izanagi on his sleeve. Hirokina was eagerly waiting for this moment.
I'm overjoyed to be able to cross swords with Sana.
"Come, Sana!"
Sana moved as soon as he provoked him. With spirit, Sana brushed away the blade he had delivered with Izanami's cutting edge. The sharpened steel collided with steel, and an orange spark flew. Hirokina was inwardly surprised at the step beyond his imagination as a child. Sana had improved his swordplay even more than he had two days ago.
"Hirokina, prepare yourself!"
Then he came to brush his torso, and this time he threw his hand over the peak of Izanami.
Izanagi and Izanami. It had been said that since ancient times, these two sacred swords cut off everything except each other. Furthermore, when it came to a skillful confrontation, even a moment of relaxation wasn't allowed.
Hirokina screamed and launched a counterattack. While sinking his upper body, he flashed Izanami sideways and tried to mow Sana's side. But before the tip reached, Sana jumped back as if he had expected the move.
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He's a difficult opponent…
Sana intended to decide the game with a single sword, but was successfully dodged and Hirokina was tongue-in-cheek.
I can't believe we've come this far… It's fun. Even more so than I ever imagined it would be.
It reminded Hirokina of the day when he first met Sana six years ago. Hirokina couldn't care less about his father's tax ambition to get Izanagi back and revive the Takenaka family, but he accompanied him anyway to kill his boredom. The head who was waiting for him at the Kuroda dojo was poor and gloomy, and above all, he didn't feel the power of the sword. Hirokina, who was already famous as a genius swordsman at that time, was able to see through his ability just by looking at his opponent.
Is this all the Kuroda family can do?
Hirokina had regretted going all the way there, and couldn't wait to go home. He had literally slashed the head of the Kuroda family with a single sword, and that was the end of his duties. He didn't expect a boy to come out there. Despite the overwhelming difference in ability, the boy had tried hard to get at him, and, unexpectedly, he had been completely overpowered. It was a shocking experience for Hirokina. Until then, no one had been able to deal with him properly, and even his mentor's parents had already avoided practicing with him.
I can't believe I'm falling behind this skinny brat…
He trembled with humiliation. At that time, if they had done it again, he would have beaten him to the bone, because Sana had collapsed to the floor and couldn't even move properly.
"Stand up and fight me again!" The words came up to his throat, but he didn't speak them.
Instead, Hirokina eventually swallowed them back and instead wished for a second fight. If Sana grew up well as a swordsman, they may eventually be able to compete with each other on an equal footing. It was because of such selfish expectations.
No, not yet. The previous match was just a fluke, and there was too much of a difference between me and him. It would be as if I was going to smash a fishbowl here by taking him on again.
Hirokina remembered clearly that he thought that while looking at Sana falling down.
But he never gives up... Interesting. It's the first time someone has ever risked their life to challenge me.
For Hirokina, who felt bored that he had no equal because of his genius, Sana seemed to be a good opponent who suddenly appeared. That's why he dared to give Sana time to grow up.
Become stronger and stronger. And then, show yourself before me again.
After polishing his skills and becoming the only swordsman in the world, he wanted to defeat Sana himself. That was Hirokina's real intention. That wish seemed to have been shattered by his transfer to the 〔Reverse World〕, but the star of fate reunited them.
The sky peeping through the glass ceiling had changed from twilight to deep indigo. Hirokina and Sana were dyed all blue in the drops of stars.
"I'm overjoyed, Sana!"
While re-establishing Izanami, Hirokina couldn't control his joy. Over the past six years, Sana had become stronger than he imagined. Only by defeating him could one claim to be the world's strongest.
This time, Hirokina moved first. It would be rude to be attacked only by Sana. If he switched from the middle to the lower position, he could slide Izanami as if he were crawling on the ground and aiming at the ground.
But Sana dodged it with amazing agility. When he leaped close to Hirokina's head, he slashed with Izanagi, waving it with both hands. The shining tip of its blade came close to Hirokina.
Hirokina immediately turned his wrist and accepted it with Izanami. He pushed back with all his might, even though the blade was pointed in front of him.
Clang. Clang.
The two swords made a crystal-like sound every time they approached each other. At the same time, their foreheads clashed violently. They sweated coldly and hotly. Even though they were next to each other's eyes, they naturally smiled at each other.
"Don't... Sana!"
"Hirokina, too!"
Their skills were competitive. There wasn't a hair difference between Hirokina and Sana.
"Sana, I have to apologize to you."
Once he drew his sword and kept his distance, Hirokina spoke to Sana.
"I dared to give you time to grow up, but I guess it was my arrogance. You seem to have gained more strength than I had imagined in the last six years."
"Yeah, I suppose I have."
It seemed Sana had something he was thinking of.
"But it's thanks to my allies in the Heisei Snipers. It's because Haku and the others were with me."
"...I see. Maybe that's why you've gotten more intense."
Hirokina added with a smirk on his mouth.
"But it's the same for me. You can't beat me when I've been shoulder-to-shoulder with Dominant as we fought together!"
While keeping his breath in order, Hirokina took the posture of his eyes. When Sana looked at the point of the sword, he decided to bet on the next shot. In response, Sana took the same posture as a mirror match.
They could no longer hear anything. The air was uptight. And they continued to glare at each other. Perhaps because of the wind outside, the cracked glass on the ceiling fell. It was just a finger piece, but it fell as it spun through the starlight. The moment it hit the ground, they were moving at the same time.
The two shadows were different, and the arc and the straight track were crossed. In the blink of an eye, their fated battle of six years was over.
"So… this…"
Sana and Hirokina were back to back after running through. The first person to fall was Hirokina, who was dripping fresh blood from his mouth and crumbling silently.
Lying on his back, his chest was stained with fresh blood.
Sana turned around to make sure. Izanagi was dyed vermilion in his right hand. Izanami was deeply stabbed in his stomach, pointing through his back.
Just before the two swords struck, Hirokina realized that Sana was faster, and immediately switched to thrusting. Rather than avoiding it, he only thought about confronting it. Because he was a swordsman.
"...Is the end…"
Hirokina thought it wasn't a bad ending. He was glad he had the biggest duel at the end of his life, and above all, he didn't lose.
"A lifetime undefeated... I have no regrets…"
With a burst of laughter, Hirokina's consciousness was dragged into the darkness of oblivion.
"...Is it… over…?"
After confirming Hirokina's death, Sana kneeled down on the ground. His physical strength had already run out with the bleeding. It was too reckless with his current condition, but he didn't want to bend his knees like he did six years ago.
Izanagi took the place of a cane and he used it to balance when he was about to fall to the ground.
Contrary to his hazy vision, the days he spent with his allies in the Heisei Snipers' had come back to life vividly.
Liz's food was delicious.
Akari scolded me a lot.
Kyou was someone I just couldn't hate.
"Haku... I'm leaving the rest…"
Sana felt sorry that he couldn't keep his promise in a breath that was about to break.
"See you later."
That's what I promised you... I'm sorry. Haku.
My body is shaking.
But Sana, with all his might before he fell, put his hand to the handle of the sword stuck in his stomach.
He pulled out Izanami, enduring the severe pain. Blood poured out from his wound, but he didn't care. It wouldn't be long anyway. Then he knelt beside Hirokina and let him hold Izanami in his hand.
"This Izanami belongs to you."
When he nodded satisfactorily, he leaned against Hirokina and fell down.
"And this Izanagi belongs to me."
Looking up at the clear blue night, Sana breathed out his last breath.
The two swords crossed in the two hands lying side by side, as if to symbolize the strange rules of Sana and Hirokina, who had achieved their final battle.
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thekimonogallery · 3 years
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"In 1934, seven up-and-coming actresses from Shochiku Kamata are "Lucky Seven.". From the left, Sanae Takasugi, Setsuko Shinobu, Kimiko Mikage, Masae Koike, Yoshiko Kuhara, Kiyo Kuroda, and Mitsuyo Mizushima." Text by 戦前~戦後のレトロ写真@oldpicture1900
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Sawang sawa ka na ba maging single?
Hindi ko maimagine na magsusulat ako dito. Ng kabaduyan or feelings. Hahaha! But I’m currently reading “Buti pa ang Roma, May Bagong Papa” ni Noringai and so far I’m amused and had been able to relate to her stories. 
So nung nabasa ko yung chapter sa book na “Malamig ba ang christmas mo?” Noringai points out na it’s better to be single than being in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship. And naisip ko, ilang beses ko na ginawa to. Hahaha. 
Oo, sawang sawa na ako maging single. Jowang jowa na ako. Gusto ko naman maranasan ulit yung kilig factor, yung itrato ka ng parang prinsesa ng partner mo, yung may magpapangiti sayo and alam mong kasama mo at masasabihan mo pag may problem ka. Alam mo kasi, kapag may jowa ka, parang napprove yung value mo. Na desirable ka, kamahal- mahal ka. Siguro nga jinowa ko yung 3rd (ex) boyrfriend ko for self validation.
Ayun, this happened to me nung 2018. Dahil sa jowang jowa na ako. Naisipan ko mag-Tinder, but wala naman matino and ang habol lang is sex.
So naalala ko si IT guy from UST na super maeffort. I reconnected with him through Facebook. So wow, talagang desperada, nagchat ako ng parang walang nangyari hahaha. I first met him sa Omegle. We chatted, agreed na maging kami noon but marami pala siyang “special someone” hahaha. Marami pala kaming kachat niya.
SIguro malungkot rin siya, or naisip niya na malabo na magka girlfriend siya ngayon or dahil ako na mismo yung lumapit kaya chnat rin niya ako. Ano ba nman yung single siya, single ako, wala naman masama dun diba?
Sa una masaya. Andun yung excitement. Like wow, ang bilis ng landian, also after 1 month naging kami. After 1 month nga ba? Hahha first meeting namin is sa LRT1, dahil sa Monumento siya sumasakay and sa Roosevelt ako, sasakay siya ng pa Roosevelt muna para sunduin ako. Sabayan ako pumasok. Ok naman. But nung mag ttwo months na, hindi ako masaya.
I have to admit, hindi naman pala siya yung taong akala ko. Noon kasi tingin ko ang cool ng ginagawa niya. Magaling siya sa photography (omg isang deciding factor to kaya pinili ko siya maging bf dahil umaasa ako na maayos ig ko at may taga kuha ako ng picture lols). Pangalawa, he’s workaholic. Alam mo, gusto ko ung mga taong may pangarap sa buhay. May patutunguhan, hindi lang yung basta work. Gusto ko may passion. Pero I learned na hindi pala maganda mag boyfriend ng workaholic kasi wala siya gaanong time sayo. And ang boring niya
Yung pangatlong reason, hays, well tahimik siya. Pag magkasama kami nammonopolize ko yung conversation. Pag kinakamusta ko siya ok lang daw siya. One liner kung sumagot. Naiinis ako. Siguro wala kaming common ground or yung mga sinasabi ko ay wala naman siyang pake (bec they’re trivial things or too girly stuff). IDK. Maybe yung mga gusto niyang topic or conversation, is something na I don’t have interest about. 
Pero at least, naenjoy ko yung food pag magkasama kami. Naaalala ko nun na sabi niya masarap yung ramen sa Ramen Kuroda (dahil maarte siya sa ramen at pinagyayabang niya na ang gusto lang niya is ung ramen sa Japan or kung saan mang restaurant) I’m proud na nagustuhan naman niya ung suggestion ko. Lol. Naging favorite ko kasi ung Ramen Kuroda hahaha since mura and masarap compared sa Ipuddo and Ramen Nagi. Hahhaa Also naging favorite restaurant ko ung Nihonbashitei. Japanese restaurant siya and fave ko ang takoyaki and salmon sashimi. pinaka ung salmon chakuze. hahaa basta salmon siya na may masarap sa sabaw and nori sa taas. But may time na nagkita rin kami tapos ilang beses na nag away kami and omg di na kami nakapagdinner. Alam mo di ko na mabilang yun and after nun ilang incident I swear binawas bawasan ko na makipagkita sa kanya. I’d rather go out with my friends than go on a date with him. Seriously, naiinis nga ko pag may lakad kaming barkada and he insisted na magkita kami sa Makati. Huhuhu I have FOMO with my friends pa naman. So... with these said....
Eto yung mga bagay na ayaw ko sa kanya:
1) Tahimik siya and di niya kayang makipagsabayan sa mood mo. 
2) Gloomy siya kasama- he’s always problematic
3) Strict siya sa pananamit ko- naalala ko noon na gsto ko magbackless pero magagalit daw siya if sinuot ko. Like hello you should be proud na sexy girlfriend mo
4) Ang bilis niya magalit. Hate ko talaga yung tinataasan ako ng boses, tapos parang laging pagalit ung sentences niya. Pag ganun, tumataas din boses ko and naiirita ako. 
5) Hindi ako proud kasama siya. Hindi ko masikmura na may makakita sa amin na kakilala ko or kakilala niya and maassociate sa kanya. Ni bnlock ko nga ung kaisa isang mutual friend namin sa fb wag lang malaman na naging boyfriend ko siya e. Kasi hindi ko type itsura niya. Kahit sa anong anggulo ayoko at pangit siya. 
6) Buti pa sana kung may sense of humor pero pangit, mapagttyagaan na. Pero duh, sabi ko bat ang seryo-seryoso mo? Alam mo mas ok if itatawa mo lahat ng problema kc di naman nawawala yung problema. If lagi kang nakabusangot every time na may pinagdadaanan ka, e di ang pangit mo na kasi di naman nawawala yan. Ganun siya. Be it family-related problem, work problem. 
7) Wala siyang friends. I mean meron naman pero ung friends niya is pangit rin. Wala naman siyang friends na as in close na someone he can talk to without judging. More on he has friends na game related. IDK what, pero IDC
8) Tingin niya sakin immature. Well totoo naman. Sorry ha, wala pang P20,000 ung sahod ko compared sa nakita kong payslip niya na... 24k per cut off niya given his age. So kung gusto nyo malaki sahod mag IT kayo lol. Medyo insecure but one time nagtingin kasi kami ng Globe Postpaid Plans. Nagsuggest ng nag attend samin na pwede ako mag IPhone 8 pero may 8k cashout tapos di ko na maalala ung per month pero hinirit agad ng bf ko na di ko kaya. E ayoko naman magsette sa phone na di ko gusto
9) Naisip ko from number 8 incident, ayoko minamaliit ako. Hindi porket nauna ka sakin magkaroon ng mataas na sahod, sasabihin mo na sakin hindi career oriented. So porket workaholic ka, you work Monday to Friday na lagi OT and the weekend for photography and restaurant stuff. Tingin mo sakin walang pangarap? I love what I do. Mukha lang akong chill. Also sana pala di nako nag kkwento ng office politics and management issues sayo kasi di mo ko naiintindihan
10) I know what I want and he’s the exact opposite. He’s short, and fat. Also crooked yung teeth niya (wala daw siyang balak magpadentist pero diba dapat every year man lang magpacleaning ka or check) tapos he’s serious, tahimik, no sense of humor, no time for fun, no sex omg (we did it once tapos praning na praning sya if nabuntis niya ako. we had condom and pills omg ano pa ba ikakaworry mo?!). Sex is not fun pag siya. Marunong siya (i think magaling) but when we do it and nakikita ko siya hindi ako nag eenjoy kasi at the back of my mind yuck.
11) Ayaw mo ko nakikipag inuman with my friends even though may mga babae rin naman ksama. Sino ba nman kasi may sabi na maglasing ako and sunduin mo ko tapos ung sumama sakin palabas ng bar is mga guy friends ko. Hahhaa di ko naman alam na magsselos ka, and grabe todo explain pa ako na may kasama rin kaming mga babae sa loob ng taxi. Alam mo hate ko tlaga ung bihira na nga lang magkita pero walang time na di ka nagalit sakin or nagtampo. Hindi ka naman kasuyo suyo.
I decided to break up nung nag SB kami sa tomas morato. I’m with my friend that time and nainis ako kasi sabi mo before christmas gusto mo ko makita and makadate. Sumasakit ung idk idc basta may sakit ka nun tapos nagpapasama ka sa ospital but i declined. Kasi before that happened nagkkwento ako tapos tawa ako ng tawa, halos mamatay nako//di nako makahinga sa kakatawa sa sarili kong joke tapos ikaw NR lang. Walang kibo. And dun ko naisip na bat di tayo magbreak? Ayoko na. Di ko maimagine na kasama ka, and ayoko na magspend ng time kasama ka next year. 
I’m sorry if nakipagbreak ako before christmas sayo. That’s December 18. 
I’m sorry if nakipagbreak ako the night after maospital ka, and di kita sinamahan and wala akong pake sa nararamdaman mong sakit kasi ayoko na- when nung nagkasakit ako ikaw yung umalalay sakin and ikaw ung nagbantay sakin sa ospital kahit pagod ka na from work.
I’m sorry if nung tayo pa, I decided to sleep over sa condo ng guy na officemate ko dati (and don’t judge wlang nangyare) but di ko pinaaalam sayo na pumunta ako dahil nung nagpaalam ako na ppunta ako sa condo ni guy, sbi mo mkikipagbreak ka pag tinuloy ko so I lied na umuwi nako.
I’m sorry if I slept with my officemate nung tayo pa.
I’m a terrible person, I know. Kaya nga okay na siguro na nakipagbreak ako kasi hindi naman talaga kita mahal-  I mean gusto to begin with. 
My friends know this story and for them ang sama kong tao, na mali ginawa ko. Na pavictim ako. Pero kahit na sinasabi nila na you’re good for me, alam ko naabuso na kita and months before nagbreak tayo I don’t care anymore. 
That Christmas, hindi naman naging malamig pasko ko. Okay nga ako e. And I vowed na maging single and hindi na makipagrelasyon sa taong di ko naman gusto. And yeah the year after that, wala na kong sinaktan na tao. Ayoko na pumasok sa isang relationship for wrong reasons. 
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marsthomasstebbings · 4 years
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Ikuo Oishi
Born in 1902, in Nihonbashi, Tokyo and died on December 4, 1944.His given name was Toraji. Japanese animation filmography.
Oishi learned to draw at Seiki Kuroda's private school and then worked as a title-card designer at Shochiku Kamata Studio.  After he presented his first animation "The Two Suns" under the name of Iku Oishi, he began producing animations in earnest and established an independent business in 1930 named Oishi Senga Seisakusho.s. Ugoki-e Kori no Tatehiki (1933), which is considered Oishi's masterpiece, was produced by the P.C.L.'s Manga Division. Anticipating reactions to the Film Law (1939) that required proficiency tests, The Cinematography Reader was issued and Oishi was in charge of writing "Section 15: The Techniques of Cartoons." Unfortunately, Oishi died at sea during the war while on a southern expedition.
A genius called the Japanese Disney
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Yasuji Murata
Born on January 24, 1896 in Yokohama, Kanagawa, and died on November 22, 1966. Murata enjoyed drawing from an early age and went to work at movie theaters as a signboard artist right after graduating from junior high school. He studied on his own through trial and error. His debut film Monkey and the Crabs and subsequent works were produced using a paper cutout technique, which was so highly refined that audiences often mistook it for cel animation
He used a paper cutout technique.
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Sanae Yamamoto
Born on February 6, 1898 in Chiba and died on February 8, 1981. Although his given name was Zenjiro Toda, he later took his wife's surname and became Zenjiro Yamamoto. Sanae was his pseudonym.
After studying at Kawabata Art School and the Yokohama branch of the Tatsumi Art Association, he was scouted in 1917 by Seitaro Kitayama, who was an instructor, and began producing animations. Yamamoto joined Kitayama Manga Seisakusho, established by Kitayama after he left Nikkatsu Mukojima Studio in 1921. There, Yamamoto took part in drawing and directing The Hare and the Tortoise (1924).
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behind the scenes: group picture of voice cast. Left to right: Yukiko Okada (cherub), Seiji Miyaguchi (Gulliver), Kyu Sakamoto (Ted), Chiyoko Honma (the princess), Junko Hori (Mac), and Shoichi Ozawa (the colonel)
ガリバーの宇宙旅行 / Garibā no Uchū Ryokō (Gulliver’s Travels Beyond the Moon)
Mar. 20th, 1965 Japan Masao Kuroda, Sanae Yamamoto
filed under: Japan, 1960s, cast
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Goblin Slayer e Shimoneta sbarcano su Netflix
Disponibili da oggi le avventure dello sterminatore di goblin e la commedia scolastica più strampalata e sconcia di sempre!
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Debuttano oggi in streaming su Netflix altre due serie targate Dynit, eccole in dettaglio!
Prima stagione della serie tratta dall’omonimo romanzo fantasy scritto da Kumo Kagyu, del quale è edita in Italia da J-POP la versione manga disegnata da Kousuke Kurose. L’anime, andato in onda l’autunno scorso, è stato diretto da Takaharu Ozaki (Girls' Last Tour) presso lo studio White Fox (Grimoire of Zero, Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-), mentre ella sceneggiatura si sono occupati Hideyuki Kurata (Drifters) e Yousuke Kuroda (Mobile Suit Gundam 00).
Una giovane sacerdotessa ha appena formato il suo primo party per l’avventura, ma si trovano in difficoltà fin da subito. A salvarli ci penserà Goblin Slayer, un uomo che ha dedicato la sua vita al completo sterminio dei goblin, con qualsiasi mezzo necessario. E quando le voci sulle sue imprese iniziano a circolare, non si può sapere chi sarà il prossimo…
Tutti i 12 episodi sono disponibili in lingua originale con sottotitoli in italiano.
Serie animata andata in onda nel 2015, tratta dal romanzo comico ecchi “Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai” (SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist) di Hirotaka Akagi. L’anime è stato diretto da Youhei Suzuki (Planet With, Danmachi: Sword Oratoria), presso lo studio J.C.Staff (Prison School, Okaasan Online), e sceneggiato da Masahiro Yokotani (Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai, Maria Holic).
L'emissione della "Legge per l'Ordine e la Morale per una Sana Educazione dei Giovani" sancisce che il linguaggio volgare è per sempre bandito in tutto il paese. Tanukichi Okuma si iscrive alla Scuola Leader nell’insegnamento della Morale pubblica. Purtroppo, una volta arrivato, viene subito a contatto con l'Organizzazione Anti-sociale (il SOX) e col suo fondatore Ayame Kajo. Ormai marchiato come membro “sotto ricatto” da Ayame, Tanukichi involontariamente diventa uno dei responsabili di una lunga seriedi atti osceni di terrorismo.
Tutti i 12 episodi sono disponibili in lingua originale con sottotitoli in italiano.
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otakunews01 · 6 years
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Natsume Yuujin-Chou ~Utsusemi ni Musubu~ movie key visual!! Opens september 29th.  
Hiroshi Kamiya as Takashi Natsume
Kazuhiko Inoue as Nyanko-sensei
Sanae Kobayashi as Reiko Natsume
Akira Ishida as Shūichi Natori
Kazuma Horie as Kaname Tanuma
Ryohei Kimura as Satoru Nishimura
Hisayoshi Suganuma as Atsushi Kitamoto
Miyuki Sawashiro as Jun Sasada
Rina Satou as Tōru Taki
Miki Itou as Tōko Fujiwara
Eiji Itō as Shigeru Fujiwara
Satsuki Yukino as Hiiragi
Akemi Okamura as Hinoe
Takaya Kuroda as Misuzu
Chō as Chōbihige
Takashi Matsuyama as One-Eyed Middle Class Yōkai
Hiroshi Shimozaki as Ox-Faced Middle Class Yōkai
Kyouko Chikiri as Kappa
Animation studio Shuka returns from the television anime's fifth and sixth seasons to animate the film. Takahiro Ōmori is again serving as chief director, but Hideki Ito is the new director. Sadayuki Murai is again handling series composition, Tatsuo Yamada is returning for yōkai design, and Makoto Yoshimori is again composing the music.
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Natsume's Book of Friends Film Gets New Trailer
Hit series Natsume Yūjin-chō, otherwise known as Natsume's Book of Friends, received a new trailer for its upcoming film today.
The latest adaptation of Yuki Midorikawa's hit manga, Natsume's Book of Friends The Movie: Tied to the Temporal World, is set to hit Japanese theaters on September 29. The film's theme song, Remember by Uru, was previewed in the new trailer, and a new visual was unveiled alongside it.
The film showcases the return of characters such as:
Hiroshi Kamiya as Takashi Natsume
Kazuhiko Inoue as Nyanko-sensei
Sanae Kobayashi as Reiko Natsume
Akira Ishida as Shūichi Natori
Kazuma Horie as Kaname Tanuma
Ryohei Kimura as Satoru Nishimura
Hisayoshi Suganuma as Atsushi Kitamoto
Miyuki Sawashiro as Jun Sasada
Rina Satou as Tōru Taki
Miki Itou as Tōko Fujiwara
Eiji Itō as Shigeru Fujiwara
Satsuki Yukino as Hiiragi
Akemi Okamura as Hinoe
Takaya Kuroda as Misuzu
Chō as Chōbihige
Takashi Matsuyama as One-Eyed Middle Class Yōkai
Hiroshi Shimozaki as Ox-Faced Middle Class Yōkai
Kyouko Chikiri as Kappa
New characters to franchise include:
Sumi Shimamoto as Yorie Tsumura
Kengo Kora as Mukuo Tsumura
Shuka, the studio behind the last two seasons of Natsume's Book of Friends, will be producing the film project. Natsume's Book of Friends The Movie: Tied to the Temporal World is set to release on September 29 in Japan. There have been no announcements as to when it'll hit the west.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
JUJUTSU KAISEN - Crunchyroll Fall 2020 Spotlight
  Crunchyroll's Fall 2020 lineup is almost here, and with it comes the premiere of JUJUTSU KAISEN, the next Shonen Jump hit only on Crunchyroll! If you're as eager as we are to see Gege Akutami's manga make the leap to the screen, read on for an overview of the upcoming TV anime adaptation.
  Official website
Launch Info
Official Trailers
Characters and Cast
Additional Info
  Launch Info
Launch Time: October 2
Territories: North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS
Show Page (Coming Soon!)
  Official Trailers
  A boy fights... for "the right death."
   Hardship, regret, shame: the negative feelings that humans feel become Curses that lurk in our everyday lives. The Curses run rampant throughout the world, capable of leading people to terrible misfortune and even death. What's more, the Curses can only be exorcised by another Curse.
  Itadori Yuji is a boy with tremendous physical strength, though he lives a completely ordinary high school life. One day, to save a classmate who has been attacked by Curses, he eats the finger of the Double-Faced Specter, taking the Curse into his own soul. From then on, he shares one body with the Double-Faced Specter. Guided by the most powerful of sorcerers, Gojo Satoru, Itadori is admitted to the Tokyo Metropolitan Technical High School of Sorcery, an organization that fights the Curses... and thus begins the heroic tale of a boy who became a Curse to exorcise a Curse, a life from which he could never turn back.
  Characters and Cast
  Yuji Itadori
VA: Junya Enoki (Pannacotta Fugo in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind) 
      Megumi Fushiguro
VA: Yuma Uchida (Kyo Soma in Fruits Basket) 
    Nobara Kugisaki
VA: Asami Seto (Mai Sakurajima in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai)
  Satoru Gojo
VA: Yuichi Nakamura (Hawks in My Hero Academia)
    Maki Zenin
VA: Mikako Komatsu (Sanae Kozuki in Sakura Quest)
    Toge Inumaki
VA: Kouki Uchiyama (Tomura Shigaraki in My Hero Academia)
VA: Tomokazu Seki (Toji Suzuhara in Neon Genesis Evangelion)
    Kento Nanami
VA: Kenjiro Tsuda (Hannes in Attack on Titan)
    Kiyotaka Ijichi
VA: Mitsuo Iwata (Kaneda in Akira)
    Shoko Ieiri
VA: Aya Endo (Cattleya Baudelaire in Violet Evergarden)
    Masamichi Yaga
VA: Takaya Kuroda (Misuzu in Natsume's Book of Friends)
  Original Story
Gege Akutami
Sunghoo Park (The God of High School)
  Assistant Director
Yui Umemoto
  Series Composition/Script
Hiroshi Seko (Mob Psycho 100, Attack on Titan)
  Character Designs
Tadashi Hiramatsu (Yuri!!! on ICE, Parasyte -the maxim-)
  CGI Producer 
Yusuke Tannawa
  3DCG Director
Kentaro Kimura Miki Kaneda
  Art Director
Kim Jeongyeon
  Sound Director
Akiko Fujita
  Color Design
Chikako Kamata
Hiroaki Tsutsumi
Yoshimasa Terui
Arisa Okehazama
  Opening Theme
  Ending Theme
  Animation Production
Studio MAPPA
  Additional Info
  Gege Akutami's JUJUTSU KAISEN manga has been running in the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump since March of 2018. As of this August, the series has been collected in 12 volumes, and the series is simulpubbed via Manga Plus and the English Shonen Jump. 
  © Gege Akutami/Shueisha, JUJUTSU KAISEN Project
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oh-fuckdfeels · 4 years
kumakain ako kanina sa Ramen Kuroda. yung set na Kuro Ramen + Teriyaki Chicken Don - madami kasi hapon na at first meal of the day ko yun. in fairness sulit. tsaka masarap. tsaka may ibang branches daw unli noodles. omaygad.
so there i was - chill lang. tamang chopsticks dito, higop ng sabaw dyan. tapos out of nowhere ba naman dumalaw yung nostalgia. alam mo yung biglang shift ng state ng emotion tapos ramdam mong nalungkot ka?
this person came to mind and it's kinda weird kasi hindi naman na kami nag-uusap for a while, like mag-two years na. ours was a gradual build of distance. i didn't have enough time for him and i can't ask him to stay because i couldn't change the situation i was in.
nagulat ako na cya yung pumasok sa isip ko. and ang hirap bawiin yung sense of control. sa gitna ng kainan may biglang napatigil at napaisip ng ilang sandali.
kumusta na kaya yun? hindi cya ma-social media. introverted din. hindi ko naman matanong si ate kasi lolokohin ako nun. haha.
pero sana happy ka at healthy. pati buong family mo. ingat ingat!
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thekimonogallery · 4 years
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 early 1930s. "Lucky Seven" actresses. From the left, Sanae Takasugi, Masae Koike, Mitsuyo Mizushima, Yoshiko Kuhara (back row), Setsuko Shinobu, Kimiko Mikage, and Kiyo Kuroda. 
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storyofus2019 · 5 years
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August 21, 2019
Unexpected date in Venice and having our first time eating kuroda ramen as well. Going strong everyday! Sana oil hihi.
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hearttreasures · 7 years
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Review Stase Bedah part. 1
Ini benang vicryl (sisa operasi) pemberian Pak Je. Katanya untuk latihan di rumah, biar lancar nyimpul manualnya. Padahal kan bisa pakai benang biasa ya, untuk latihan juga kayaknya pada pakai temali dulu yang besar. Tapi bapak perawat asisten bedah yang aku belum tau nama aslinya ini memang baik sekali. Di tengah hiruk-pikuk (ketegangan) Operatio Kamer, ditinggal konsulen bedah untuk latihan sama perawat-perawat semacam beliau itu sungguh melipur lara; ada juga Pak Andreas, mas Anjar, mbak Dewi, Bu Desi, mbak Ika dan banyak lagi yang kubelum tau namanya setelah hampir 3 minggu. 😢 Maafkan saya Pak, Bu, padahal hanya tersisa 2 hari lagi di sini.
Jadi ingat kata-kata Saejima-san di Code Blue S3 kepada perawat juniornya, “di saat para dokter sangat sibuk (dg beban tugas dan tanggung jawab yg lebih besar), kamu tau apa yg sangat diharapkan pasien (dan keluarganya)? Senyum perawat di sisinya.” Aku yang murid numpang belajar pun membuktikannya. Sepertinya, inilah celah besar beramal para perawat yang mungkin langka dimiliki dokter.
“Drowning, even in blood, one adapts, learns to float, to swim, even to enjoy life, bonding with the nurses, doctors, and others who are clinging to the same raft, caught in the same tide.” (Paul Kalanithi)
Sudah (baru) empat pekan di stase bedah dan aku mulai bisa memilahnya dari passion. Aku memang lebih suka berpikir daripada bertindak #lho? Maksudnya, lebih suka masalah yang bisa dipecahkan dengan kepala (telur?) daripada masalah yang berbelit-belit di atas meja operasi (usus?). Lebih suka komunikasi dengan pasien as a person daripada as an organ (a body), lebih berjiwa rasanya. Tapi, tidak passion bukan berarti ditinggalkan. Harus bisa ATLS, harus terbiasa lege artis dalam merawat luka, dll. Keterampilan bedah tetaplah satu inti kedokteran.
Maka stase bedah mengajariku; semakin sesuatu itu bermanfaat untuk hidup manusia, semakin besar keberanian mengambil risiko yang diperlukan, semakin berat tanggung jawabnya dan seringkali mempelajarinya butuh waktu lama. Seringkali, harus melewati batas suka dan tak suka, passion-bukan passion.
Meski di OK ada banyak ketegangan, meski konsulen selalu berlaku tegas, itulah pencipta iklim profesionalitas di sana. Kalau awalnya aku ingin protes tentang konsulen yang galak dan menuntut muridnya sempurna padahal semua dokter pasti memulainya dari tidak bisa jadi harusnya pelan-pelan saja, aku ingat cara ayah mengajari tajwid aku kecil yang bandel. Seandainya ayahku melunak, mungkin sampai dewasa aku salah cara bacanya. Kalau konsulen membiarkan, mungkin sampai mandiri jadi dokter aku tidak tahu bagaimana teknik yang benar. Hehehe, mungkin ini bagian dari berpikir positifku saja. Tapi, lagi-lagi, besar tanggung jawab beliau-beliau melegitimasi ketegasan tersebut. Seperti kerasnya kehidupan yang sah-sah saja membentuk karakter seseorang.
“Kematian pasien bukan hanya berpengaruh pada pasien dan keluarganya; ia juga mengubah hidup sang dokter.” (Kuroda-sensei)
“The cost of my dedication to succeed was high, and the ineluctable failure brought me nearly unbearable guilt. Those burdens are what make medicine holy and wholly impossible: in taking up another’s cross, one must sometimes get crushed by the weight.” (PK)
“Kalau bukan karena tanggung jawab, saya sudah lari Pak.” Cerita dr. Gede Sp.B(K)Onk –yang pernah menjuarai lomba menembak laras panjang, pernah ikut perang di Bosnia, terjun payung sembilan kali, teliti dan rapih menghadapi bleeding durante op serta sangat perhatian pada kesadaran para dokter umum dalam mendeteksi kanker- kepada seorang pasien, mungkin teringat keluarga beliau yang LDR di Jakarta, untuk memotivasi pasien agar tetap bersyukur.
“When there’s no place for the scalpel, words are the surgeon’s only tool.” PK
#medstudent #doktermuda (at RSPAU Dr. S. Hardjolukito Yogyakarta)
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animated guys - Mack ガリバーの宇宙旅行 / Garibā no Uchū Ryokō (Gulliver’s Travels Beyond the Moon)
Mar. 20th, 1965 Japan Masao Kuroda, Sanae Yamamoto
filed under: Japan, 1960s, animals
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gotojobin · 5 years
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#TheHeroOfTheShield #盾の勇者の成り上がり #TateNoYuushaNoNariagari #盾の英雄の台頭 #TheRisingOfTheShieldHero #盾の勇者の成り上がりく #KingDevinJoseph #キングデビンジョセフ #おたく #Otaku #オタク #GotoJobin #後藤Jobin #デヴィンジョセフ王 #Weeb #WeebDar #王デヴィンジョセフ 1. 20 Holy Evil Battle Although they are enshrined in the "Cathedral" of the Pope, they can not rest their attack. However, in a sacred area, the curse shield is invalidated and one more strike can not be reached. The text tries to use the shield of the newly released curse, but the heart of the dragon wraths her heart ... Screenplay: Tazawa Daisuke Storyboard: Aho Takao / Kuroda Yuka Director: Suzuki Takuma Drawing Director: Sonose Moto / Oshita Hisuma / Mori Ken / Yamamura Toshiya / Komatsu Sana / Shimizu Koto. 2. Twenty. Holy Evil Battle They are trapped in the Pope's "cathedral", but they can't rest their hands on the attack. However, in the sacred realm, the shield of the curse is invalidated, and one more blow is not reached. Shobun tries to use the newly liberated curse shield, but is destroyed by the wrath of the dragon. Screenwriter: Tazawa Dainori Storyboard: Takao Abo / Yuka Kuroda Directed by Takuma Suzuki, Director: Sonose Motoki / Hisama Ohshita / Ken Mori / Toshiharu Yamamura / Sana Komatsu / Shimizu Kaito. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzmQZc0HAIuiT2kO9_jQtgB9_1TCiNunpKiAZ40/?igshid=blzaqpmrelmp
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