#krisnix my beloved
notmoreflippingelves · 4 months
Krisnix - Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibilty AU, for the prompts, please? 😉🌹
"You do not suppose me capable of real feeling-- do you, Klavier? I will admit that I do not wear my heart upon my sleeve as you do, but you are wrong to assume that it does not beat and burn and long just as fiercely as your own does. I have known of Mr. Edgeworth's prior claim for months now, and for those months, I have thought of little else than Phoe--than Mr. Wright and the regard that I still hold for him. But the family needs my strength and my resolve--not least after your own romantic disappointment--so I remain ever the sense to counterbalance your own sensibility."
Klavier said nothing in reply but placed a steady hand on his brother's shoulder, until Kristoph covered the hand with one of his own.
Send me a prompt and I'll write a 4-5 sentence drabble about it
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krisnix for fucked up ship bingo :3
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Oh my GOD krisnix is. Hmmmm I have read so many many delightfully fucked up fics between these two. If you want your perfect toxic ship dynamic it's this.
The power dynamic struggle. The manipulation mansplaing and manslaughter. The gaslighting. The gatekeeping. The girlbossing. Their relationship is a 4 dimensional game of chess and I obsess over the many ways they try to break each other open and devour the other.
There's so many different flavors of fic and they are all dripping with turmoil and I love them.
Blackmail? Check framed for crimes up to and including murder? Check. Forced dates to gloat? Check.
Kristoph as a villain is my favorite of the series because of the way that he insinuates himself into phonex's life and directly take control of it like a gay little puppet master. He leads to the most interesting character developments of phoenix personality and my favorite portion of cannon to read fics of (7 year gap, my beloved).
He didn't even ruin phoenix's life for his OWN triumph. He did it for a continuation of a family legacy. (Do NOT get me started on the relationship between kristoph and klavier bc o will devolve into frothing madness) and the absolute butch power move of him being the only person to vote NOT to disbar phoenix is so deliciously manipulative.
How long did it take for phoenix to realize? Was he aware the whole time? Did he grow to care for kristoph genuinely? How much did kristoph enable his spiral to keep him dependant? What was the relationship like as a "family unit" (incorrect) with truly involved? What did miles think? What did he do? I AM SCREAMING THINKING ABOUT THEM.
AND AND AND the comparisons we can make to dahlia? One of the other 3 most single defining romantic relationships of his life??? (Shhh Krisnix is canon, and so is, obviously, wrightworth. You all have to accept this. or don't but never labor under the delusion that I do not consider it to be so) the fact that both utilize poison aimed at hurting phoenix and use it to destroy his reputation in a court of law os just the TIP of the iceberg. He has destroyed himself for both of them, as he does for anyone he is involved with.
I could go on forever but I am definitely loosing coherence and soon will just devolve into screaming wordlessly and pointing but, yeah. They sure are something I have a lot of feelings about
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averysmolkirbo · 4 months
Welcome to the Shiny Object Collection™️
A collection of my random (but mostly positive) unhinged thoughts about my hyperfixations and special interests
Fandoms i bounce between:
- Mostly ace attorney (sometimes i will share memes from my dragon's hoard)
- Pokemon (my favorite is Sw/Sh, fight me)
- Sometimes kirby (also #1 elfilin supporter he was innocent the whole time)
- birbs and sneks, because i think theyre cute (arabian sand boa my beloved)
- cats, specifically my cat because i love him and he is the best cat in the whole world
Things about me:
- the gay lawyers bring me the dopamine and make the worms in my brain dance
- favorite ships include wrightworth, klapollo, franmaya, and krisnix (for when im feeling toxic >:3 )
- sometimes i say unhinged things and one of my favorite things is making my cursed knowledge everyone else's problem
- call me a battery cuz im triple AAA: anxiety, autism, adhd
- lesbian + maybe a little bit of asexual (brain cant decide yet)
- opinion on fish: as a food, its a no from me. As a pet, not my thing but i like ranchu goldfish because they are jiggly little guys
- taste: in food, bland as hell. whiter than bread, i find ketchup spicy. In women, ones who would step on me. In men, i dont like men but when i do i like them twinky and like sad wet cats
enjoy my cringe >:3
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anemoi-i · 3 years
what’s ur opinion on kristoph and phoenix’s relationship over the seven year gap? i see so many different interpretations of it!! (personally i agree with krisnix because i think it benefits the plot the most, i wish dead dove writers would keep their hands off of it though :( )
Many AA fans dislike Krisnix because of the portrayal dead dove writers bring to the table. They turn the ship into something that's abusive, toxic, and wholly inhumane, and it's also for that reason many are wary of Krisnix shippers in like... general. It doesn't help that dead dove writers take Kristoph and write him like garbage, worsening his character. I could go on and on, but you probably get the point. I'm just going to get one thing out of the way: I don't actively seek out Krisnix content. I myself am wary of people who ship it for the reasons above, and I do not condone the abusive and toxic nature the ship can yield. I don't even read fanfiction involving Kristoph unless it is from mutuals who's writing I have read before and I trust.
The thing is, Phoenix and Kristoph's relationship is interesting, and there should have been more to it. Think about it: you had Phoenix, who was so desperate to take Kristoph down he gave Apollo falsified evidence which would have ended his career right then and there if Kristoph pointed out that evidence was fake (but he couldn't because it would call his authenticity into question) like he wanted to and not only that, he was only able to bring down Kristoph with circumstantial evidence and a run-of-the-mill jury. Kristoph didn't admit to anything. He was that conniving and ruthless that he couldn't even be taken down with concrete evidence (even if it was available, but inadmissable).
My main headcanon about this ship lies in a paranoia Kristoph developed when he did the deed and forged his evidence. It stemmed from many things, from Klavier piecing things together over the years and figuring out Kristoph manipulated him, to Phoenix realizing close to the equivalent (because there's no way Klavier, a 17 year old kid is out to get him for no reason, so there must be a mastermind) which he basically does.
So... Kristoph sticks around. He pretends to be a friend to Phoenix, someone that comforts him when he needs it most, but it is all a lie. Kristoph is skilled in masking his emotions. He is skilled in pretending to be caring or loving. When Phoenix wonders who could have taken his beloved career away, Kristoph hugs him and grins like the devil where Phoenix can't see because he thinks he's won and all he has to do is wait until Misham dies and his plan is complete, and no one will be able to cross him. This pathetic-former attorney named Phoenix Wright is taking comfort in the very man that took pleasure in ripping away his attorney's badge, and there's a carefully scripted play in that.
But Kristoph underestimated Phoenix, because Phoenix Wright is the kind of man to know when someone isn't smiling with their eyes, and he not once felt that Kristoph's care was genuine no matter how much he wanted to believe in Kristoph. Even under the walls Miles put up, he still was able to sense compassion in him. He learned from Dahlia's deception. He would never let himself be manipulated like that again, so Phoenix pretends to be the naive fool because he knows Kristoph wants that, and why not give the man a show?
The thing is, though, Kristoph Gavin made Phoenix Wright feel something he didn't even think he felt with Dahlia despite what she did to him, and what she tried to do to his closest friend: hate. I can't imagine Phoenix to say that he hates someone, but when Kristoph came into the picture, it was the first time he admitted he hated someone, because how dare this man come out of nowhere with his malevolence just because he didn't like the way Phoenix did things? How dare he, indeed? It messes Phoenix up, but he isn't alone. He has Trucy and Miles, and Trucy's whole existence is why Phoenix hasn't and would never give up worth a damn. We know the rest. Phoenix spends seven years collecting evidence to take Kristoph down.
In those seven years, Kristoph acted like a friend.
In those seven years, Phoenix pretended to accept his friendship.
Until it was time to break it off.
Kristoph lost, yes, but he did win in one thing.
Making Phoenix Wright feel hate. Making him feel an insatiable rage that he hides deep within, because no one should see that side of him, not Miles, not Apollo, who he needed to pull away from Kristoph, not Klavier, who he never blamed for anything and would take care of, and not even towards himself... because he hates that he knows that he has that side.
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sapphire-wine · 3 years
Can I pick grey? (I followed someone into a scary forest, met you, and now I can’t leave because this is the only clearing and there’s monsters in the forest)
If I must stick to the given colours, dark blue and a bit of peach
Everyone being held here seemingly against their will as I shout nonsense is extremely on brand.
Everyone got locked into my echo chamber and all they hear are noises with the occasional "Krisnix is actually a very interesting dynamic" shooting past them like the doppler effect
Imagery of Squidward in that room with all the different colored squares but instead of those it's phrases like "Horse Prince Klavier" and "Miles and Phoenix during AA3 are a Patroclus and Achilles parallel" but the largest square is "Clay Terran, My Beloved"
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notmoreflippingelves · 2 months
I will be basic and say AA for the ask meme
put a fandom in my ask and i’ll answer:
otp: krisnix, my beloveds
favourite canon pairing: I would say miego but their canonness is a little nebulous. Like they were definitely *something* but it's unclear whether they were ever officially a couple--or just had feelings on both sides. So I am going to say Dessie/Ron.
worst pairing ever: what if I said narumitsu, what then? Honest answer is probably franmaya. Is it objectively a bad ship, not at all. I just don't "get it." Like I "get" narumayo, narumitsu, klapollo, etc even if I don't find them particularly interesting. But franmaya...it's just...they barely interact in canon and when they do, it isn't really particularly meaningful imo. Just slightly antagonistic but not in a fun, foe yay way like with klema or langworth. It feels like they just got paired because they are two female characters that are around the same age--and because fandom decided narumayo and fradrian were "too problematic." And even if we are sticking to the narrow criteria of female characters between 16-18 in the Trilogy timeline, both of them seem like they would "work" much better with Kay or Ema than with each other. Also I do feel like some of the potentially interesting aspects of the franmaya ship tend to get watered down by the fandom in favor of making them soft generic uwu girlfriends--which seems particularly ooc for Ziska at least.
guilty pleasure pairing: so many but the guiltiest is probably *whispers* Phoenix/Athena. Also Lanagantworth.
a pairing you want to see more: every ship that isn't narumitsu, klapollo, and franmaya lol. Honestly, there are so many really interesting pairings in this fandom that just get slept on, so I am going to try to limit myself to particularly rare "rare pairs" that I feel could and should have so much more content than they do. Lana/Godot (specifically in the post-canon, hurt/comfort way), Apollo/Nahyuta, Franziska/Aura, Lang/Franziska, Apollo/Edgeworth, Edgeworth/Blackquill, Lana/Blackquill, Klavier/Larry, Edgeworth/Justine.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: narumitsu. I can only ever tolerate if it's a poly ship with Kristoph, Lang, or Larry--and even then, I prefer the other iterations of the triad. Ironically I think I could really like narumitsu if and only if it wasn't the fandom juggernaut pairing--as a lot of the things I like about krisnix, cykesquill and/or nahyupollo are the same things that other people like about narumitsu. But 90 times out of 100, my brain sees the popular ship and is just like "ha ha, nope" and finds a rare pair to be insane about instead.
favorite non-romantic pair: Kay & Edgeworth & Gumshoe (though it's okay if it's kay + romantic gumworth). Their dynamic just resonates with me in a way that none of the other play character + assistant(s) do nearly as strong. I was largely indifferent to Miles before I was exposed to Investigations. I liked him well enough, but I never really understood why the fandom was so fixated on him. But Kay and Gumshoe--and especially both of them together-- are such wonderful foils to him, as their differences and similarities allow us to get to see the "real" Edgeworth--as opposed to the idealized version of him that Phoenix has or the "Demon Prosecutor" that his reputation conveys.
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