#kratos and mimir were his impulse control
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Ragnarok in a nutshell
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valentinecult · 1 year
You said Kratos was going 'all out' against Thor in the second fight but Kratos never used Spartan Rage and never killed Thor. He's clearly holding back like he did in the last fight.
Kratos was holding back, yes.
He's holding back all his strength to avoid killing Thor after slipping up with Heimdall, whom caused Kratos to relapse back to his murderous impulses.
However, Kratos was fighting much more seriously and putting in more effort. If you notice, when Thor carries Kratos in flight mode, Kratos would start punching Thor in the face. First time, those punches didn't phase Thor, implying Kratos pulling his punches. Second time, before the fight started, Kratos briefly knocked Thor back, hitting much harder than before. Little details like that clearly show Kratos approaching the fight differently.
Remember also, Thor was toying with Kratos in the first encounter, he never was serious and kept goading Kratos to get serious.
Even if you used Spartan Rage, Mimir will warn Kratos to stay in control of his anger.
Now, even if Kratos wanted to kill Thor and reverted back to the Ghost of Sparta, the fight wouldn't be as easy as many would believe. In his journal notes, Kratos admitted and acknowledges how strong Thor's attacks were, Thor packs a lot of power behind his blows. The guy was able to hit the World Serpent so freakin' hard, he sent the poor thing back in time! That goes to show that Thor is physically the strongest Aesir God in the Norse pantheon!
Thor has even showed monstrous amounts of endurance. It's true that one of the reasons why Kratos is able to beat him is thanks to having a versatile set of weapons, but Thor isn't a weakling. He took a punch to the face from a temporarily enraged Kratos and all that did was break one of his teeth.
Bruno Velazquez, one of the workers of Santa Monica that worked on God of War, stated that Thor could put up a good fight against Poseidon's hippocampus. Now, we can take it this with a grain of salt, but clearly Thor isn't someone to be underestimated.
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Thor is a monster and a true rival to Kratos in terms of physical might.
So in my opinion, even if Kratos wanted to kill Thor, Thor wouldn't go down easily.
He may not be as powerful as Zeus, but even Kratos knows better than to downplay his enemies.
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