kongnextdoor · 4 years
//The firehose of falsehood, or firehosing, is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. Much like Gaslighting before it, I want everyone to watch this video so they can use this term correctly. When a habitual liar, like say, Kirmun, whines about people accusing her of gaslighting, it’s not because she hasn’t done it, or thinks you don’t know she’s done it, or thinks that any of her followers are convinced that she hasn’t. It’s all a power move, she looks you in the eye and smiles, and practically says ‘I know you know and that fact arouses me.’ 
Now she has confirmed herself that she is a Republican (and I’m not sure why since she denies everything else), and I’m not sure if all her brown nosers are too, but somehow they are all complacent with the way she does this. Roughly half of her posts are rants by now, and everyone just smiles and nods in agreement. Sure, this makes sense. Everything other that what our overlord tells us is surly fake news. Fact-checking is for chumps.
But Stacy, sometimes she tells them to ‘do their own research’! Yeah, so do Flat Earthers, it’s just another power move. I still can’t fathom how anyone could be that confident that no one would actually check.
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thelastresidents · 4 years
go kill yourself shit bag
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“But… I’m already dead?”
((Let me take a wild guess at what happened. Stacy called out Kirmun for Doxxing people and also being a hypocrite because she considers Doxxing to be the worst thing imaginable. Then one of her cronies, and not herself, personalty decided to send anonymous hate, but Stacy still has anons turned off. So you sent it to me, knowing full well that I have nothing to do with it because of that time I defended her… last... April was it? My how time flies. Anyhow, I haven’t mentioned her all year, and I literally have no other enemies on tumblr… or anywhere online for that matter, so that’s all I can think of.
So, how close was I?))
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askwendyokoopa · 4 years
It’s evidently that time again...
((The time to give Kirmun the attention she’s begging for, even though she doesn’t deserve it and she’s done nothing but lie and cause trouble, in hopes that she’ll leave me alone. One of the problems when dealing with a covert narcissist, is they’re never being candid with you. It’s similar to being yandere, but without any of the charm, she gaslights me, then gaslights me about gaslighting, then makes a random post about what gaslighting is and is not... and it’s all performative. None of it matches up.
Rather than attempt to debunk any of my claims or actual canon, she falls back on ‘I personally headcanon Wendy as twelve, because they were called koopa kids... in that same episode where she was explicitly stated as sixteen. And kid means minor, and minors can’t age.’ Also I have apparently been sending ‘NSFW-ish asks’ like my infamous “Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse” which got me blocked.
Is there anything I haven’t gone over before? I assumed she did have all my personal information. I’ve mentioned numerous times that I willfully doxxed myself five, now six years ago; which she purposely and repeatedly misinterprets for some reason to suit whatever narrative she’s pushing at the moment. Anyway, I’ve posted things from my facebook and twitter several times since she’s been hounding me. If she does’t have my personal information it’s her own dumb fault. I believe I’ve been as polite as I can given the circumstances... given her constant swearing and name-calling. I honestly don’t know what to think anymore, I 100% believe she is capable of being possibly the only follower of mine who doesn’t know my name and couldn’t google my address if they were so inclined. At the same time I 100% believe she could be sitting on my full address, but since she knows every single charge against me was literally fabricated inside her own head, there’s nothing she can do about it.
I know I’ve gone over ninetyeightpointsix before, but I still don’t see why that name that I’ve been using online since around 1998 sends her into apoplectic rage. And even though the nickname is literally older than her, and she hates it sooo much, she still acts like she is the one who came up with it. It’s literally in the FAQ of the call out... “I thought that was the best name to give them for consistency sake.” Like how are you a real person? But ‘Oops, I slapped you again, no hitbacksies! Also I’m only 19, so you’re literally bullying a child!’ uh... in that case, the defense rests.
So, uh, ouch, you have defeated me somehow...
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now leave me alone. Forever this time... if possible.))
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imperialroseking · 5 years
Fine, You Win
//Look, are you guys waiting for me to kill myself? Is that what you want? You don't want me to take breaks or leave you alone. You just want to harass and abuse me until I kill myself like Alec Holowka. You slandered and smeared me on lies and out-of-context posts, called me a liar for rectifying it and posting my own receipts, then harassing me until I either end up in the hospital or die as many old anons were clamouring for.
All of my old friends from the site are gone or dying. The site has been replaced by lying, thieving, abusive teenagers and mentally ill adults. You guys didn't want to hear me out at all. You wanted a witch to lynch. And I'm done burning for your amusement.
I'm deleting this app off my phone and leaving. Have thus hellhole for all I care. I'd rather be around real people than fake ones. You all need to grow up and get over yourselves.
I'm not dying for your rotten asses. Get over it.
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magnificentmuses · 5 years
Hey Tumblr
Why can’t you report a blog for false reporting other blogs and encouraging others following them to do the same? I strongly believe kirmunsdrama is behind all the blog deletions lately.
They were celebrating getting a blog deleted and lying about the content on it, yet apparently I can’t report that shit.
I hate drama but fuck it, I don’t care. Kirmun is an ass.
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crackshotingggggg · 5 years
I'm aware of what happens when people show their face and go against kirmun. They get harassed by people like you until they are run off the site, whether they're wrong or right. But hey. Have fun joining in the witch hunts.
“have fun joining the witch hunts” bitch one of the people kirmun went after called me, an autistic person, r*tarded 20 times in her ‘scathing’ response to her own callout post then constantly misgendered me throughout it (who, btw, is still on this website after doing a sloppy coverup of who she is so your ‘they get harrassed until they are run off the site’ doesn’t even fucking apply half the time)
How about you go up to a person irl and say ‘oh yeah I want to be fucked by a big dicked wolf’ and see how they feel anyways.
ps: I don’t harass people, I have better shit to do. You’re just mad because kirmun is calling out someone for enjoying pedo scat porn. If anything, the only one harrassing people here is you so uh, get a life. 
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heartbxnd-blog · 5 years
No one:
Literally no one:
Dummies in this website with way too much time in their hands:
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Local manchild won’t read books bc it will warp their reality, more news at 11.
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I think the most wild thing was how Ark called you an NPC like it was the sickest burn to ever be crafted into existence like, damb...u got roasted good : ( need some ice for that
we’re part of the hivemind now, folks. and @kirmunsdrama​? is our god.
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Await whos kirmun
Assuming this is asked in good faith, this is who she is:
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kongnextdoor · 4 years
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“Add TERF to the list of Kirmun’s crimes. At this point, who cares, right? She’s lied so much and caused so much trouble, what’s one more thing? Well, it’s two more things, because apparently she’s also been telling people that the mun has a KiwiFarms account:
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I’m a little confused by the quotes around ‘alerted,’ did she just accidentally admit she goes there all the time? No, it was probably just a stupid mistake... she makes a lot of those. Like how, since day one I’ve maintained that Diddy and Dixie are 21 and Tiny is 18, and yet she’s accidentally made a hundred posts ‘correcting’ me saying that Dixie is the older sister. She’s stupid like that...
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That link doesn’t actually go to the forum, it goes to imgur. So all we have is some cherry-picked incriminating posts, from this very real man. His name is supposedly ‘Stacy’s Mom’s Son’... okay, so someone is pretending to be my brother, or they would be if I was the only person in the world named Stacy. But they do mention Kirmun... also Goku? Who RP’s freaking Goku? It’s like they can’t decide whether or not they’re trying to frame me.
The question is who? Everyone who knows Kirmun knows who she hates, she is not subtle about it, and until recently Wendy and I were separate from her two block lists. So any of her dozens of enemies would know that imitating either one of us would eliminate any suspicion from them. Hell, it could even be Kirmun herself trying to ‘prove’ that IP Addresses aren’t doxxing just to justify handing out IPA lists. I can never tell with her.
But whatever, the main point of this post is that I’ve caught her being a TERF. She’ll deny it to her dying breath and do bizarre mental gymnastics until she can turn it back on me but I caught her. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, I actually was born a male. I’ve still chosen to use female pronouns and present as female online. In addition to all the other harassment, Kirmun has also consistently and maliciously misgendered me. Oh but I can’t prove intent! I didn’t say I was going to take you to court... sheesh, why are you always so defensive? (Also, I mean... I am cis/het, so you’re actually even worse than a TERF. You’re like the white guy who follows a cis woman into the girls’ restroom because he suspects something, and checks her genitals. You’re in a group so much worse than a TERF they don’t even have an acronym for it yet.)
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Also there’s her claim that ‘I tried to settle this in the IM’s’ and she links to the post where she unblocked Wendy and sent him 9 messages and one anon, then blocked him again. Well, she did that to me too on 7/16/2019 I may dissect it later, but she swiftly unblocked, sent 14 IMs and 3 anons, then blocked me again, I made a post about it at the time. She obviously had no intention of settling anything behind the scenes, I don’t know how long you have to wait until it gets another timestamp, but she never triggered one once. I don’t remember what I was doing last year, but I came back to Pi in my inbox.
But maybe those weren’t her. Maybe someone else sent those three anons in the same ten minutes or so... from the same IP Address... and the same computer ID... and same Operating System, Browser, Screen Resolution, User Agent... and you know what, I bet lot of people spell ‘attension’ like that...
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No... it pretty much is just you... don’t they have spell checkers where you come from? Which brings us to the final point, after about a year of teasing her, she finally learned how to use a spell checker and spelled attention right, seven times in our call out document. Mama’s so proud. Can we get a golf clap?
Now, if we could just get her to admit to sending anons that aren’t even really that hateful, but she still denies them on principle.”
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kongnextdoor · 5 years
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//I can honestly never tell with you. Is this another dog-whistle to see if I’ve unfollowed you yet? You know I have evidence that you send anons from your IPA from your computer in your house, you’ll never admit it for pride reasons, but you do actually know this... right? I guess I’ve answered myself: you’ll never admit it. Well good luck discerning which follower is me, because unlike 98.6 I don’t keep a huge fucking list of other accounts that’s clearly labeled... and yet somehow takes four months to find.
Also, thank you, for the massive influx of followers~
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askwendyokoopa · 5 years
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((I can’t believe after all this time she was just an anti-shipper. I-- that’s just a lot to unpack. Do you have any idea just how much of everyone’s time she wasted? I know, she’s a troll... that’s kinda what they do.
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... but I’m not the smartest in the room, I’ve never claimed to be in the top-- any percentile. Someone explain to me how faking the Dunning–Kruger effect for four months was somehow necessary. I should have known something was up when she mentioned in this post that ‘on well their age isn’t stated in canon’ [sic], because in the very first post where I literally reveal myself to her I state Wendy’s canon age, the age given in canon. And I have proof she saw that one because she archived it on April 26, 2019. I constantly tried to convince myself that she had just misread it or had lousy reading comprehension or something, but no. This whole time she’s just been knowingly lying to her followers to push her own narrative, while also playing the victim card... I just...
How many times did she unblock me and send me a bunch of angry messages to never mention her again because she was leaving me and ‘the Kong-fucker’ alone (she makes about a dozen posts about me for every one time I mention her... that’s hardly leaving me alone, but whatever). And it’s not like I’m even mentioning her derogatorily, I’m literally just trying to argue my case, but she really hates getting tagged for some reason? Of course she’ll block me again two minutes later, but if you read the call-out supposedly that was her ‘trying to settle things privately.’
Yes, I just linked to my own call-out post, and I welcome anyone to read it if they’ve been following this situation. It’s not all lies, most of it is just intentionally misleading. Also I don’t think she can tell Stacy and me apart, I said that doxxing was bad but I didn’t say it quite as explicitly as she would have liked so I’m apparently pure evil. Also she has gone back and archived that ask 3 times just in case I ever change it. In another post I ask my followers if it sounded like I was defending Stacy, no answers, no archives, the post is clearly tagged, Kirmun must have seen it and is just avoiding it. Not avoiding really, so much as purposefully misrepresenting it as “oh I’ve been doxxed it’s fine” which isn’t really close to what I said in either post.
Another thing, you’ll notice how careful I was when answering this ask. She was very obviously trying to get me to use the term ‘anti-anti’ but I wouldn’t. I avoided it because even though an anti-anti(shipper) is a normal person, it is specifically designed to sound like the opposite of an anti(pedo) which is also a normal person. However, my careful wording was completely ignored and she went ahead and added that Stacy and I were those because of that time we non-consecutively reblogged that post about not abusing children by praying the gay away... with liberal language. We should be ashamed of ourselves! You know it takes really big cojones to link directly to a post that says pretty much the opposite of what you claim it does and just rely 100% on tumblr’s inability to fact check.
But why does anti-shipping even exist? I can understand being against certain ships, like all pedo ships, or incestuous ships, or problematic ships like Raylo/Powser/Jarley... is that what it’s called, Jokinn, Jokley? It doesn’t matter. No one could possibly be against all shipping. One of my best friends on tumblr is asexual, and they have ships; so I looked into it. Kirmun seems to be an outlier, at one point claiming ‘if you’re rping JUST to ship? you’re rping for the wrong reason.’ Which is, of course, demonstrably false. There is no wrong reason to role play. There are wrong ways to role play, but those rules are normally formed via consensus of at least hundreds of role players, not just some lone wolf with a mad-on. You’d have to be a very bitter and obnoxious person to try and gatekeep the entire community until they aligned with your own personal feelings, just saying.
Why didn’t she at any point just send an ask saying ‘No I don’t actually believe in the Perpetual Childhood Theory, I just really hate shipping of any kind’? She could even send it on anon so she has ‘plausible deniability’ or she could have at least said ‘I didn’t send that’ and the only people it would have fooled would be her followers. Except, I’m now convinced her followers are in on it too. No one actually believes anything she says, they’re just content that she wrote a call-out so now they can all pat themselves on the back because they’ve stopped an evil shipper from shipping. The reason she never debates any points or comes up with any reasons for any of her ‘arguments’ is because this is all just a performance for her followers. And they eat it up, and reblog it amongst themselves, and I guess they’re actually doing me a favor by weeding themselves out before I even meet them.
All in all it really only hurts when a formal mutual blocks you, and starts calling you a pedophile, not because they actually agree with all the insane mental gymnastics and logical leaps and ship of Theseus arguments that make up Perpetual Childhood Theory, but because it’s easier than ‘live and let live.’ And don’t get me started on how problematic it is to treat consensual sex between two adults as ‘basically pedophilia’... if that even did make sense by any stretch of the imagination, it would be the slippery slope fallacy.))
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kongnextdoor · 5 years
Iam Innocent
//Also back in March, Steve would constantly tell people that I was “worst than Iam” [SIC] for role playing as an adult who wanted to have sex with other adults. Well, I finally got a hold of him and got his side of the story. ‘But Stacy, of course everyone’s innocent if you ask them!’ I didn’t call him up and say, ‘hey bud, you guilty?’ I got the full story... actually there’s practically nothing to tell.
This is his call out post, and it’s exactly like you would expect it to be... completely ridiculous. The first point is that in his rules he warns you that he is willing to RP darker themes like rape. That’s not for everyone, and if that’s a deal-breaker then just unfollow... it’s literally that simple. There’s no reason in the world this should have even made it into a call out, I mean he did put the warning there for specifically that reason. I also assume he tagged any applicable threads, if there even were any. Seriously though, rape & death are literary things that have existed forever. Personally, I wouldn’t RP either of them, for fear that it might be misconstrued as glorifying them, but I’m not about to condemn a man for thinking he might want to write about one of them someday.
Next up, we have the part you’ve all been waiting for, the pedo accusation. And, it’s just as bad as mine... in fact I think Puffmun used this post as a base for her half-logic when approaching me. Whoever clawheir was... I just find it hard to believe that there’s two prudes out there who literally say one thing and link to a post of something saying the literal opposite. At least two. How can anyone be that sure that not one single person is going to click on the link and read where he specifies Adult Simba? I was going to underline it, but no, take a look at it as is. Does this look confusing, or the slightest bit ambiguous to you?
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The only thing this screen shot proves to me is that he seems to be oblivious to the fact that ‘this hellsite’ implies that saintalia is actually complaining about pseudo incest. And, I agree, an authority figure who raised you since before you were legal has about a million ways it could be problematic. But just like before, if a power imbalance that creates a toxic ship is a deal breaker, simply unfollow. Maybe request that he adds ‘pseudo incest’ to his warning list or something, there’s no logical reason for a call out.
And that was it, just those 2 points, that’s why clawheir claims they made the post. I’m not sure when Tails entered the discussion, but it seems like after months of sealioning and gaslighting, maybe you should forgive him for saying ‘I don’t care.’ Because what he didn’t say was that he wanted to do anything to Tails, just that he was fictional and that you should calm down. In any case, after some explaining, he no longer ships Timon & Adult Simba, or believes that fiction can’t affect reality.
So was he a perfect little angel? No. But he has changed what little problematic behavior he actually had, and deserves a second chance.
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askwendyokoopa · 5 years
((Kirmun’s anonymousona has chosen to ally herself with a known troll who I’m actually giving way too big a platform to just by linking to them. They’re just some run-of-the-mill exclusionist who hates Ace/aeros, but tries to set themselves up as a safe space for them? I’m not really sure, if you have the time you can read all, like 20 posts and tell me what you think they’re trying to say. The only thing that’s clear is that they’re trolling, and Kirmun has sided with them specifically because I argued with them and she hates me, how totally unpetty of you.
Why don’t you claim your anonymousona isn’t actually you, just some other person on tumblr who thinks and acts the exact same as you do and has the same petty grudge, that’ll probably work. If not, you can always point out how me noticing you doing this makes me ‘just as petty’ and therefore, somehow worse than you? I’m still not sure how that line of logic is supposed to work, even taking into account your absurd mental gymnastics.))
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askwendyokoopa · 5 years
((Even though my official policy is and always has been to block and ignore her; every so often Puffmun, as she prefers to be called, still runs up and slaps me on the fanny, then giggles and says ‘No tag backs’ and runs off. The funniest part is she’s so sure my blog is 100% smut but refuses to find any of it to prove her point. Actually, she did comb through my whole blog, and the absolute worst thing she could find was that one intentionally crappy shitpost. People who actually read my blog gave it an average of a PG-13 rating, but she has alternative facts... or something.
But this post isn’t for you or me, if we did a Ven diagram there would probably be very few followers of both accounts. This post is for codependent individuals looking for a scapegoat, who are either wholly puritan to absurd degrees, or they just take Puffmun’s word for absolutely everything and never open up their eyes. Personally, I don’t care which, but just so you know, one of the characters I’m accused of ‘oversexualizing’ is Ms. Gsptlsnz from Superman: The Animated Series. She’s much older than Jessica Rabbit, but this particular incarnation is more or less an expy of Jessica Rabbit. No one has ever attempted to interact with this blog, so smut is not even possible, but I reblogged the equivalent of bikini pictures from an Archie comic from the 50′s.
But... you’re downplaying everything... aren’t you? Not this time, Wendy really is my sluttiest muse, and she’s nowhere near as bad as Puffmun pretends I portray her. She wants to be a modern, sexually empowered woman, like Peach or something, and in only one verse currently, she is. Every other RP isn’t even about relationships... I mean, that one with Shelly is about her ‘relationship’ with her ‘hairdresser.’ By the ending, that one’s going to be all air quotes.
But the main thing I wanted to address, who is this line for “...is making rounds again”? I never stopped, I post much more often that you do, and believe it or not, very rarely about you. Did you tell your followers that you had stopped me? And from what exactly? Being a horrible person, even though literally all the receipts you have are either provably false or simply about Stacy, but you use the pronoun ‘they’ on everything to imply that I had a hand in it somehow?
Why am I even bothering to give you the ‘attension’ [SIC] you’re begging for? Everyone knows when I explain that I am against Doxxing, or that I don’t actually smut, or basically anything I say really, will be completely ignored. You’ll craft new sentences that say whatever needs to be true at that moment to fit your presupposed narrative, and basically nothing has changed since the day we met. You need help, badly, and you can’t block everyone who tells you so... well, actually you can. So why not stay in your anti-recovery section of tumblr and leave the rest of us alone?
Post Scriptum:
I am aware she deleted her dedicated drama blog, she’s still a drama queen though, but the point is that this tag keeps all of her crap in one place. It also makes it a convenient tag to block if you want to avoid her mudslinging campaign. Have a good day!))
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askwendyokoopa · 5 years
wow so you're an anti-anti? amazing. how many pedo ships do you like
((Wanting to be able to role play as a 19-year-old turtle on my own blog makes me an anti-anti now? Cool. Well, if we count the 19-year-old Wendy x 26-year-old Mario… then approximately none. I don’t even really ship that one, Wendy just canonically has a crush on him and I wouldn’t want to be OOC. The funny part is I’m actually toning it down… but since when did you care about facts or logic?))
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