#kiran my beloved you had two scenes but I love you
yael-art-den · 5 months
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Im fighting tooth and nail with the composition, but it's finally cleaned up!!!
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zackcrazyvalentine · 2 years
When in the Scalding Sands [Xeron Bhatt x Kiran Strisha
Ehehe, a little silly fic featuring these two beloved OC boys!
Xeron, my darling redhead fae & Kiran, @sugarandmelody's precious tiger boy
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Summary: Xeron spends some days vacationing in Kiran's hometown in the Scalding Sands. It is know that the ancient settlers of the Rangeen Jungle (Xeron's hometown) came from this part of the country of hot sands. Thus, Xeron wishes to learn about their history and compare the culture he knows from home with the new one he'll be partaking in for a while.
What better way to begin than with food?
[This boys very much in love, so be ready for my self indulgent fluff between these two... Not really educational, like the summary sets it out to be fjkdgk]
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The colorful market buzzed with energy. Multitudes of people passed from stall to stall in search of something that caught their eye, vendors and customers alike spoke loud within the murmur of a thousand voices. In the chaotic, but oh so fun scene, one thing could be clearly detected: the fragrant smell of freshly made food that opened the appetites of anyone walking nearby.
Tiger and fae pushed their way out of the crowd, protective magic casted around the hot plate of homemade goodness they so impatiently waited to taste.
“I’m telling you, Beastly! You never tasted butter chicken like the one from the Scalding Sands!” Kiran chuckled while tugging on Xeron’s hand, leading him away to a more secluded place in which they could sit down and enjoy the delicious meal.
Xeron answered with a faint laugh of his own. “I trust your word. The smell alone had my mouth watering.”
A short break from school, summer vacations in full swing. Bhatt decided to spend some days in Kiran’s hometown after receiving an offer from the beastkin himself, saying he managed to work some time off his duties to show him around the place.
To spend time with someone who brings you immense joy, discover many new things with them, get to know what built them to who they are today…. How could Xeron ever say no to this opportunity?
Finally, they found a quiet place to sit and eat in a less concurred alley. 
The magic was casted aside, now it was time to feast!
However, before Xeron could tear a piece of the flatbread to begin preparing his first bite, Kiran slapped his hand away. The redhead stared at the tiger in utter confusion.
“No, no! Let me prepare it for you!” He answered, bright smile showing his sharp canines. “To make your first bite even more special and memorable.”
The fae felt his ears grow warm. “Ah… Thank you.” It was close to unnoticeable, but a small smile graced his lips. Green eyes observed the beastfolk’s movements, mouth salivating at the delightful aroma of the freshly baked roti and warm spices of the chicken dish. It already smelled different from the one he was accustomed to back home.
Suddenly, the food was presented to him. “Open wide~” Sing sang Kiran as he held the bite and his unoccupied hand under it to collect any spillage.
Xeron blushed further, the heat covering all of his face up to the very tips of his pointed ears. Eyebrows twitched in bashfulness, but nonetheless he opened his mouth to please the one he loved. 
Kiran carefully placed the food on his Beastly’s tongue. “There we go~” He was careful to remove his fingers before the boy chomped down on his fingers. As he watched Xe chew and savor the chicken, his tail swished in happiness, ticking the fae’s ankles a couple of times.
Xeron’s embarrassment faded away slowly as he finally got to taste the hot food. This time, the smile was much more noticeable developed on his lips. He simply nodded and nodded while looking at Kiran. “Much different. Very tasty.” The fae mumbled as he ate. One hand politely covered his mouth to prevent any chewed food to jump out into the plate.
The tiger straightened up in pride and joy, ears flicking in the cutest way ever and tail swaying again. “You see~! Told ya so!”
Few seconds of silence carried after Kiran’s words while the fae took his time to analyze the flavor.
“There’s no doubt the spirit carried over to the one we cook in the jungle, but it’s faint. Not as creamy or complex, we also use a couple different spices back home.” Xeron gave a more elaborated comment after swallowing. “Our roots definitely come from here, that’s evident.” Glee was clear as day on his face. “I love it, it’s wonderful.” A bubbling of mirth made his voice sound lighter than his usual serious tone.
The triumphant laugh that left Kiran had Xeron’s heart fluttering madly, so he did the only reasonable thing he could: he leaned towards him and placed a kiss on Strisha’s cheek. What greeted the grinning tiger boy afterwards was a tender smile on Xe’s face.
Before Kiran could attempt to return the affection, a piece of butter chicken dipped roti came face to face with him. The redhead snorted lightly at his lover’s adorable head tilt. “My turn now, go on. It may not be your first bite ever, but to cement the memory of the occasion.” 
Fluffy ears flattened slightly. “Beastly…” A pleasant chill traveled through Kiran’s spine and an arrow struck his heart. With a tinge of shyness but tons of joy, he opened wide.
Like the tiger did with him, Xeron placed the food on the other’s tongue carefully and observed his reaction as he tasted the precious meal. Happiness, tender nostalgia, love, everything reflected on the beastkin’s visage. “It tastes even better than I remember.” Kiran’s smile turned smug, “I think it’s because you’re here with me~”
Xeron pushed him away gently in playful banter. “Cheesy tiger.”
“Your cheesy tiger.”
That elicited a genuine laugh from Bhatt, and earned Kiran another kiss, this time on the lips. “And I wouldn’t change that for anything.” Hand sneaking into Kiran’s, Xe entwined their fingers to properly hold hands. “Now, let’s continue eating before the food turns cold on us.”
Yet Kiran refused to let go of the fae’s hand. “I feed you, you feed me?” Shining yellow eyes looked expectantly into his lover’s leaf green ones.
Xeron smiled lovingly at the tiger. “Of course, I’d love that.”
Ah, but what a mess it was to tear the bread with one hand~ Well, it’s a bit of fun to sprinkle in this sweet memory of theirs, right? Everything’s fine~
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Ehehe~ Hope you enjoyed this short little story!
Because I know I loved exploring Xeron in such a sweet light I love Kiran & Xeron a whole lot, I HAAAAAAD to indulge!!
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