#kinda sad that I can’t really shout into the void abt my interests without some corporation selling my data 💖
whatawonderart · 3 months
So, in lieu of the awesome and by that I mean shitty tumblr news I’m probably not going to be posting on here very much in the future. I’ll still try to update my current comic project, but… beyond that is uncertain.
You can find me on instagram at what_the_wonder for more art, or you can follow my main blog @whatthewonder . It’s much more casual over there. I’m also on discord if you would like to say hello :) send an ask or dm w/ ur discord handle and I can shoot a lil message ur way. I’m on Twitter too with the same handles, but I haven’t really been on it at all recently. I’ve been kind of drifting away from social media to focus on irl stuff.
I’ve been on a Puzzle Agent bender recently and gotta find new places to shout abt this game
Ok. Peace and love
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