#kinda redesigned canada a bit
lord-of-tomatoes · 10 months
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Haven't drawn mexico in a while I kinda missed him
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comfy-pink-666 · 1 year
hihihiihihihihi!!!! I wanted to say, I absolutely LOVE your Canadian pizza tower AU, me and some people did some kinda redesigns for some of the characters! Cuz I am from Canada and I know a bit of the stereotypes (idk if you are canadian, but if you are cool!!)
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(im gonna actually post this on my blog lator so I can tag the people who helped, I just wanna know what ya think!!! :33)
Hellooooooo!!! I love these so much ^^ The art is adorable. You guys did good! I'm really glad you like my AU and I will try and work more on it (also yes i am from canada)
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Help me ahhh i can't stop thinking about what I'd do if i were in charge of a reboot of 6teen
For starters it would be more serialized, the original already had some of that and i don't wanna it to be so serialized you can't watch episodes out of order but we have streaming now so why not just have more mentions of previous episodes or foreshadowing future episodes
I'm mainly just thinking about Jonesy and how i could to not be the most hateable character, but i still want him to be a bit of a jerk to be honest but dear Lord I'm gonna give him a little chill pill like maybe he shouldn't be a literal criminal in multiple episodes, i wanna keep him being a selfish dick but maybe instead of flirting with literally all the women it's mostly just with his friends i kinda like the idea of him being demisexual idk i just like it, i also gave him more necklaces, mostly they mean nothing and he'd be happy letting another wear them, but one of his necklaces is his cremation necklace and is just really uncomfortable with the idea of others wearing it
i made jude trans, again i don't remember why i hc it but it's fun, so my design for him shows his binder under his tank top, i feel it would be mentioned but not a lot outside of a joke or two, i give him the more girly hands the women are given as a way to hint it and maybe older photos could show him with long hair or a dress. I also gave him a scarf which one thing i did add was maybe he'd like crochet/knitting and made the scarf himself (i also like to think nikki carries an opossum around that Jude made) he rollerstates everywhere even when he bumps into everything! I don't know what to headcanon his family like, they almost seem neglectful in the series as they're usually mentioned leaving jude alone at the house i feel but does that mean they're bad
Jen i feel she'd roughly stay the same, but maybe she'd be complaining a bit more about shit, i imagine she puts up with her job and school and stuff she hates because she knows it'll help her get what she wants but she doesn't care for it in private. Her parents are divorced like the original but i feel her dad isn't really explained in the original because jen remembers him as a good dad and some lines may reference him having died (omg what if he died by suicide, no I'm sorry not today) but it's never said that he's dead explicitly so it would make me wonder why in the original jen only lives with her mom, did he flee the area, was jen an unreliable narrator and he truly did something awful that warranted him not having custody, did her parents both choose to let Jen's mom have full custody for some reason? I don't know but in my version i like the idea of it being mention that she has to move between the houses (wait would she even have too, i know 16 is a bigger deal in Canada so would that give her the right to decide to not live with one of them?) but in my version of the show jens parents would have split costody of her and that would be mentioned
Nikki is a bit more nerdy i feel i made her, i like the idea of Chinese being her home language, and maybe she can also speak other languages outside of English and Chinese, i feel she'd speak Quebec French, Spanish and ASL to varying degrees of proficiency i could see her maybe considering being an interpreter as a career, she'd still be into protesting the same stuff she has before, she now has a half shaven head, one thing i don't necessarily care for with redesigns is just making her really emo but she's not really that in the original i mean sure it's alt but i don't see it as really emo. I feel like her and Wyatt talk about anime a lot. I feel she'd be fairly distant from her friends at the beginning of the series, like she's there with them they've known her most of their lives but it's not like she opens up to them about things and might seem unemphatic to them but overtime she tries to care about them and open up more maybe starting with them saying they're bi, which one is just like "wait you hadn't told us this before?"
Wyatt is also just nerdier, he draws, he sucks at it but he does draw, he obviously in a band, and so is jude, he just gets to do everything wyatt gets really obsessed with things he likes and will be upset if you don't like them, he also wears his headphones almost all the time, usually they're no music on though, i feel the music his band makes is just stuff that stimulates the ears it's just "hehe brain go brrrr" he's really into written art as well like fanfiction and poetry, i feel it would also be mentioned he takes care of younger siblings a lot as it's mentioned he's part of a big family in the series, i see him on the younger end of the family but still, idk maybe he could also have nieces and nephews
Caitlin also is into art, i feel she'd really be into the idea of fashion design but doesn't know how to make/modify clothing, she is the best drawer of the group, you can still very easily tell she's an only child, i liked the headcanon of her being homeschooled before joining the same school as the rest of the group, you could make an argument the first episode could imply it by saying "she didn't start until grade 10" but that also could mean she just went somewhere else, but i do think it would be fun if she didn't stop being friends with trisha despit being a bitch and the others keep trying to tell her to not hang with her but she "sees the good in her" i think it would be interesting to see it play out
I feel their parents would be mentioned more in the series, they might not show up but they are teenagers/young adults living under their parents roof so i feel it would make sense for it to be brought up more, like maybe the mention of a curfew or them complaining about something they're parents are doing or complain about rules they don't understand
It would be kinda cool to have a moment where both jen and jonesy bitch about their home lives and maybe complain that the marriage shouldn't even happen
Well that's it, i could probably say more but my brain has been satisfied
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animunerdery · 2 years
your art is very good and i love it a lot !! ur vrry talented ! however, you seem to still draw usopp with his minstrel lips? i know thatd how they look in canon but a caricature is a caricature. im not saying thid in a mean spirited way, i just want to see your art improve and not alienate who you're trying to depict
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Oda certainly has some “issues” with his designs, Usopp and most of the other black and brown characters, along with pretty much all of his women have fairly obvious “these were designed by a Japanese dude who loves boobs and has probably only seen non asian people in film/media vibes.”
That being said… if it were up to me, I probably would still exaggerate a fair amount of features, but push them more towards the direction of the ethnicity / nationality they’d represent.
Luffy and Vivi for example, I would definitely make brown. I’m pretty sure the live action show will be a disaster given how bad cowboy bebop was, BUT! The casting of live action Luffy is spot on! Curly hair? Check! Thick assed eyebrows? Check! Feral boy energy? Check!
Zoro I’d have it so he dyes his hair, his eyebrows can be dark thick assed Asian eyebrows and the moss is his choice cuz he’s an idiot and thinks it’s cool.
Nami, I’d make her overall a bit more elfin; give a bit of an upturn to her nose and freckles obviously. Aside from that not too much of a change. Animu already makes ppl kinda white looking…
Usopp would definitely be wide nose instead of long nose and frankly I’d give him more prominent eyelids. I think he’d be darker relative to the other mugiwara even if Banchina is mixed race.
Sanji I would definitely give a much bigger much more French nose and maybe make him more like a French Buscemi overall? Sanji’s biggest problems are in his writing, but I think Oda has definitely been showing growth in our weird confused little misogynist.
Chopper I can see as half Asian tbh bc there’s a ton of Asians in Canada. Also he’s a kid so not that different from the way I already draw him haha.
Robin I think would also be more about making that nose more prominent and making those deep set eyes and heavy eyelids pop. Though tbh she could be kinda mixed too, like white Eastern European mixed with Asiatic Steppe ppl blood could also work?
(The main thing I’d change with all the women is waistline and boob size lol, also Nami face, I would definitely make Hancock and Tashigi clearly Asian. Love that Nojiko is black in the live action and would totally make Miss Double Finger black as well. Vivi would totally be brown, why not black? Ptolemaic Egyptians are essentially Greeks, so more Middle Eastern Mediterranean Sefardi vibes for Vivi.)
Franky doesn’t really need much change except maybe the nose also being more prominent? He already does look kinda like a large white dude to begin with lol. His butt-butt chin thing is weird but within the realm of cartoon liberty.
And my Brook would probably look like an older cross between Marley and Hendrix. So not thaaat different from Oda’s design I guess? I think of him as being from Jamaica at any rate, no idea where Oda had actually slated him to be from…
I didn’t do them, but Jinbei would probably be an older chunky Asian dude, and Yamabro would probably be an albino? The whole white hair red eyes thing lol…
At any rate… design is still incredibly labor and thought intensive so despite his issues, I take my hat off with full respect to Oda sensei and base my drawings off those designs.
Also… redesign takes time and energy as well and tbh this blog is just dumb throwaway doodles that take me 5-30min to cobble together. If you wanna see beautifully redesigned mugiwaras, check out these blog rolls of incredible artists who actually put time and energy into their work!
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the-phoenix-heart · 1 year
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#i think it's very interesting to look at historical hetalia with those morally gray lenses while also incorporating the character's personal
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Here is the pretty boy himself Japan.
I don’t have much to say on his design, other than I wanted him to be very pretty, but not boring to look at. I’m not sure I succeeded, y’all be the judge of that.
Here are other Hetalia Arbreeders I have done.
148 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
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Next in the series, Romano! Who is giving some super smolder.
Romano was the first who I ever designed for Hetalia, although he was redesigned about five characters in. I wanted him to be dark skinned, and with curly hair. His hair came out slightly lighter than I imagine it, but honestly I’m really happy with how he came out. I also really wanted to give him a good jaw line because that’s just how I imagine him.
Here is Veneziano for reference. You can tell they’re related but Vene is definitely fairer colored in general, his hair is also straighter. Although looking at them their eye colors are practically identical with Romano’s being just slightly more green. Romano also has the stronger jawline.
Here are more artbreeders for Hetalia I have done.
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156 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
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Next on the list, Russia!
I love how he came out, and he’s one of the few I didn’t change at all. He’s soft, but also got some harder lines, and his eyes are ethereally beautiful. His hair also looks so soft and fluffy. I think he looks great.
Here’s other Hetalia Artbreeders I have done!
162 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
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Here’s the rat bastard man himself, England.
I actually redesigned him just a little bit before I posted this. The other versions looked too young or too conventionally attractive. England is at his best when he’s kinda ugly but also attractive in a non-conventional way. His hair is messy and he looks ready to throw down at any second. I love this version of him I made.
Here’s other Artbreeders I have done for Hetalia!
308 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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And next up is Canada!
He was made using dud America’s and I actually used my France at one point. The result is his features are a little softer, his hair and skin is lighter, and his eyes are slightly more violet than America’s. I’m also glad I was able to get his hair slightly longer than Alfred’s and curlier. Honestly America and Canada are two of the few characters I haven’t redesigned because I got them so right the first time.
Here are other Hetalia Artbreeders I have done.
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493 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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tarotjourney2021 · 3 years
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6:16 PM Last day of work before going on leave
I think this is the tower moment.. the moment they told me about.. that I am gonna have a big change which will scare me.. i think this is is.. but contarary to what I thought before, the change won't happen to me, the job won't call me back while I do nothing, this job might try to insult me again as a second blow.. and this tower of the 360 review.. which i can hear Areen's mean thoughts of how can I kick her harder.. this backstabbing bitch! She will get her karma.. and the karma will be through my work.. i will start publishing all the links and things I have been featured in.. so everyone knows how good I am.. and this my work will be the karma.. the karma won't come from an outside source.. the karma.. is me..! it's me bitch!
I think Minnow Pond said something to that effect.. he said that you will see someone get their karma.. but the karma could be through me getting my success! And that's exactly what I'm gonna do Chris.. I am done with this fool journey.. I need to step into the magician.. I need to level up.. to get my 'glow up'
very very very cheesy.
The same applies to the tower.. i am the one who will take control of the tower and be the one not only jumping out of it willingly, but creating it. I will manifest what I want, and would work very hard and strategically towards it.. I will update the website.. most of it is done anyways.. just the last stop of details and making decisions and doing a bulk of work done... okay.. i have a lot to do.. but at least I know that i started and did a shit load of work before.. and it got me here.. how many times did I design and redesign the website.. even though everyone tells me it looks great.. but do i let that be and work on the technical parts of it.. like the shop or the blog or to let people share my stuff on social media..I mean! there is a lot to be done.. but that's okay.. let's push ourselves to the next phase.. because this is the price to be paid to manifest this.. I want the kind of employer that is not only impressed that I have a website, but can appreciate that I have a terrific website.. levelling up requires that, I need to ask for better things. and just because I like to research the hell out of things, I decided to watch every video ever made on youtube on manifestation, scripting.. add it to a long list.. bingewatch it as I organize my youtube videos.. so I can give them to the two editors.. and this way the youtube channel can keep going..
I will still try to keep my deadline of publishing a youtube video today.. cause I need to be consistent and to be consistent I need to stick to the plan.. the plan is good.. land the plan..or take off.. do something.. stop hovering.. stop doing things half-assed and congratulating yourself for getting out of bed, cause you have mental health issues.
We have a therapist now, so she will be helping with that, and also I am still willing to put in the work.. i am the king of pentacles.. despite the turblant water.. i am still focused on my pentacles.. still willing to sit here.. after breaking down in tears after the 360 review.. after all the work I have been doing.. and letting these as%###$@ make me work regularly long hours.. sometimes until 10 at night or midnight.. only to make me redo it all again.. because they changed their mind! Making me go on a saturday, across town in the ttc to take pictures with my personal camera and come back home at 5.. shaking with exhaustion.. and i only had sunday to work before i start the work day again.. and I wonder why I am always sick.. i work myself to the bone.
Even now.. even now .. when not even an hour ago.. i told myself to relax and sleep on the hammock to calm myself down and remind myself that the positive comments from the CEO, my manager, even my new manager can't stop saying great things about me. But you know how it is.. it is the corporate world, 360 reviews is the perfect time for anyone who has been hating on you, and to be honest with your taurus anger when someone disrespects you, especially when it involves racism, it boils my blood. And everyone wants to treat me like I am an idiot, when they hear my accent, or being black, an immigrant, single in my 30s... a lot of back-handed comments are exchanged.. racist 'jokes'.. even a suggestion of a black face from that bitch.. when the manager asked for suggestions for Halloween costumes as a team for the office virtual mandatory party. And both our TWO managers were in the meeting.. and none of them said anything! Shouldn't you 'manage' this?
I need to show them in action, very quietly without a lot of chatter that they don't get to do that.. they don't get to allow this kind of behaviour.. coming from the CEO herself and her daughter..
But I need to win all the way through, I need to keep my cool, they automatically win, if I lose it and start openly misbehaven.. the best insults are the ones that are given with class.
So what's the plan.
I will do the whole ritual thing, candles and all.
and then get to work.
Hopefully by the time I am done watching youtube, the files will be sent to my editors.. and youtube the youtube channel will start picking up soon. I think I already said that.
I will buy the sparkling water thing.. I feel the problem with staying focused is that I need hydration and somehow I can't stand tab water these days.. and I can't have enough of sparkling.. so let's make the investment.. you are officially on leave for the next two weeks, you will be able to post all those things to facebook market and sell them, and put the money back into the little investments we need to do now..
Like the investment in my time and energy I am gonna have to make to meet my illustration deadline and my youtube deadline
Let's start with youtube deadline.. I need to build the trust in myself.. by keeping this promise.. I will publish a video on youtube every week on Thursday 11 AM. I know I already missed the time deadline.. but it is still thursday.. so let's do the easiest thing to do and post it.. doesn't matter we only have 25 subscribers.. 26!! sorry!!!!  so no one is watching.. you need to jerk the giant algoritm awake and the only way to awaken this dragon is by meeting this deadline.. over and over and over again.. and I want you to have those posters of red crosses all around to see the progress that I am making in everything and keep things balanced.. and after this time off i want it to be clear in your mind.. what we are postponing, what we are focusing on.. my art.. my clay.. building this as a business... slowly but surely.
ok, after the youtube video.. i will give myself the deadline of 45 minutes.. so we are done.. i might even make it 30 minutes.. because i want to test my theory.. that people now want youtube videos to be as short as possible maybe a minute or two.. because youtube videos now compared to what's out there on social media feel like 2-hour long movies.. we have adapted to everything being tik-tok fast and crazy, so we can't sit through anything this long.. i personally can't! So I have to assume I am not alone, and I would like to attract those people on youtube, the people that I can almost feel their pulse.. they are tuned to me, can get what I like.. feel like they know me and I know them, feel like it is a warm hug between dear friends they found each others but never knew one another. I want that. But to get there.. I need to throw a lot of things out there and assess, adjust and move forward.. I need to be more like the chariot, Cancer, my moon sign. i need to flow like water.. move a way a little bit from my Taurus ways.. my Virgo rising better pay attention to all these little details and I should give her back the hermit mode... where I can retreat into my introverted shell and stay here for a little bit, until i start to figure things out.. I am actually almost flattered to know that the magician is also a card for virgo.. and it is fitting that I am stepping into this magician.. literally.. googling magic stuff.. and petition examples.. and also physically by actively going after the laid down plan.. the plan i kept changing and working out in my head..I feel for years, but never taking a real step towards it, but now it's time. It's been long enough.. the plan is ready.. let's go.. not apologetically... not kinda.. all in! ALL #!@#@$ IN!!
That's what I promised that I would do when I had this 'awakening or whatever', that to pay back the universe lady for seeing me for what I am and what I can be, that I won't give up on myself.. and I will stand up for that voice in my head that's trying to kill me and this feeling of longing to die. I even had the urge to die today.. to give up. and wish I was gone, out of laziness more than anything.. self pity and look-at-me bo-ho.. i know i sound mean.. and I am probably an asshole on some level(s). I should be compassionate.. i'm sorry towards myself first.. I know that i am healing from a trauma. I am better, but still all over the place.. i am so stressed and so alone.. i have been a lone for too long.. i realize now since I moved to Canada 4 years ago, I got lazy on the friends front, settled into a small group of women, whom are nice, but are not my people.. they can part of my people.. but not the centre.. they should be on the side tables... I need to find the right people for me.. to give me warmth.. my life has been cold and lonely for too long.. being here alone.. starting my life over.. still in a way living a double life between the old traditions and between who i really I am and what I want..and what I have been raised on that I am not good enough to have it. Even though I know in my gut that I can have it. I used to have the dead belief in myself that I will have everything.. but something broke back in Sudan. The weight of the tradition or the culture.. the shari'a law.. and its unforgiving rules.. people and how cruel they can sometimes get with their racist misogynist lifestyles that they impose on me, with all their force... then the heart break.. I never thought anything could throw me off like that, but it did. I guess I was already beaten enough when his blow came.
He too is another person I need to be on that mountain.. on top of it.. so he doesn't miss me. he can't miss me. and I don't think it will take me as long as I think to get on the top of the mountain. The hermit is already on the top of the mountain.. but I need to trust that I need to get myself mentally there.. so this physical world follows.
But to get there... i need to focus on myself.. forget about all of those people who shook your ego. You have to shake them off.. and put your head down to pray.. even though we don't pray .. but we need to lay down the details on that little prayer ritual I made up. A small part of me thinks it is ridiculous, because it is. But the other part loves it.. it gives me strength and I can almost swear.. actually i can swear.. that it was working.. the difficult days ahead smoothed out... and the dragon weren't as scary as I thought. I got a few little chips of gold every here and there.. and now I want to go for the real deal.
I need to be Indiana Jones one more time though, I know I am tired of it.. like literally tired.. my eyes are red.. and my body is aching.. couldn't because of all the crying with myself after work. I mean today is my last day of work before time off.. and I thought judging my surprising positivity this year, I thought I will be with a glass of wine celebrating by now... but I think knowing that rest is coming soon, my body is collapsing.
And true to my nature I am pushing her a little bit more. But we will rest I promise.. your cut off time is 10 PM! Then you can do whatever the hell I want. Maybe if it's not raining lay down in the hammock I need it.. I am tired.. it was so nice for a few minutes.. then I was again restless to start working again.
am I losing my mind?
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benard · 5 years
What Dreams may Come
When you sleep, it gets kinda difficult to account for the lost hours while you re unconscious. I remember only parts of my dream in detail, that is….important moments.
Like for example, the first time I remember meeting the arch angel Gabriel. I took note of what he looked like. He had a long face, light beard, and small eyes. He told me he was number 3 in the chain of command.
I also remember the time where I had to carry out my duties. Much of what I was suppose to do then were kept highly secret for some reason. Then I remember going into this beach front restaurant in one of those visions. I remember walking in and the lady who had an apron saw me and immediately ushered me to my table. There sat a being dress in a hood. I look into this face and saw a galaxy of stars. He handed me a scroll, and said….here are your mission orders. He didn’t have a mouth, nose of any facial features except the galaxy and stars that you see in the night sky.
I didn’t think much of it until I mentioned it to Colin one day. He paused and said something like….’fuck…you mean you met…XXXX’. Now he had given me the name of those class of beings. I just can’t remember their occult terms of names. So I asked him what is the big deal about meeting them? He said….’Ben, those are the messengers of the highest order from God.’ Apparently they don’t just appear for a round of coffee just for fun or  just for anyone according to Colin. I was wondering why they couldn’t just text me if they wanted to reach me as a joke but Colin always took it more seriously than me.
Of course we found out what what we were here for. We were part of the team that would provide damning evidence to the arch angels on the misdeeds of the Grey Council. The 14 members of the council have abused their position and power to meddle around for the last few thousand years and it has taken that long to bring them down.
OMFG, it has taken them this long to get the perpetrators to justice. I cannot imagine that they had taken so long to act and only two member teams were involved. I never understood why more were not asked to handle the matter. I suppose there were other damning evidence that we were not aware of and they had to act.
Sandalphon did not act but he did plan it. During the removal, he wasn’t present. Only the arch angels were present. The 14 council members were….actually I am not sure of the exact term….but I think the correct way to put it was being shot at dawn….or something like that.
What happened next in heaven was a riot and a war.
Like politics, those who found out about the sudden demise wanted answers while the shadow empires which have enjoyed much love and respect wanted an inquest and all those responsible for the damning case removed from Earth.
Colin was the first to die. He knew it was coming and he warned me to expect it really soon.
Then shit hit the fan and I had to find my own way home I guess.
As I write this, this so called war is still ensuing. I am quite happy to go home to fight but they won’t let me.
Now what is the consequence for Earth? The good news was that the end of civilization will no longer happen. Apparently that bit about doomsday were all part of the Council’s long term plans to bring more misery to Earth. That didn’t sit too well with the opposing party….who I work for, as Earth ultimately is a school for training and evolving souls from all over the Universe. Shutting down the school or for that matter limiting its intake with an all out nuclear war would mean school would be closed for centuries.
I know the aliens could come down from their places and clean it all up. But that apparently didn’t sit too well with them since they are after all bio engineers. After a million years, they are still tinkering on the best way to reform the genetic code so that we can be better suited for harsh environments. To throw a spanner in the works by having an all out nuclear war would mean going back to the drawing board to redesign the genetic code….and that would take a few millions years more.
You must understand that Human Beings are an introduced species to Earth. They are an invasive species that goes around destroying the flora a fauna when chilling out. There are so many technical problems now that we have global warming, a natural phenomena when mother nature tries to accommodate more life forms by making the earth warmer. In a few centuries, Canada would be a tropical forest. Which sounds like a great plan but not all of nature’s creatures will survive the change.
Till this day I still miss the Mammoths from the last ice age. It is this sort of nostalgia that makes me want to leave this place.
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