#kinda crazy how after writing this ive gone hmm pecco’s not too bad
aprilias · 27 days
Wait what was that about Pecco? Finding out about the whole jm bullshit now. What happened with Pecco?
Hi anon!
I think it’s pretty obvious that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t like Pecco (me being one of them) and at first for me it was cause I thought he was massively overhyped and something was off, but there are bigger reasons.
The first one is that he’s made some kind of borderline but misogynistic comments in the past, the main one I can recall was comparing his bike to a girl on her period because it was being temperamental. I believe there were other kinds of comments like this made by him and Jack Miller but this was when I was very new to the sport so I can’t properly remember back to 2020.
He was also charged with drink driving back in 2022 during the summer break. He was 3x over the legal limit and he basically excused it by saying he was celebrating his win from Assen. The apology he posted was absolutely terrible, a complete non-apology tbh, and the way that Ducati dealt with it was by not allowing the media to ask questions, and his ex-teammate (Miller again) would berate journalists before they even got a chance to ask.
There was also the Dennis Rodman helmet saga. Basically in Misano (2022?), one of his home races, he dedicated a helmet to the former basketball player. Rodman was at his peak before Pecco was even alive so it was weird anyway but even more so when you look into Dennis Rodman. The guy has had several lawsuits for SA, drink driving and domestic violence, and also one for a hit and run. He also supports Donald Trump, and during his presidency, he was sent to North Korea to “negotiate” deals for prisoners and became besties with Kim Jong Un. It just feels very weird to do a tribute helmet to this guy, who stopped playing in the NBA when Bagnaia was 3, especially a few months after he was also done for drink driving.
There’s also his general attitude that a lot of people personally don’t like. For me we reached the point of no return when he said he wanted satellite bikes to be slower when the title fight was between himself, Martin and Bezzecchi around this time last year. Apparently it was out of context but still another massive own goal.
I can’t quite remember if there’s more with Bagnaia but these are the main things that come to mind, combined with the fact he takes zero responsibility for any of these actions (and Ducati don’t let him either). It’s actually shocked me that there’s someone more dislikable than Pecco but Jorge has done it with ease.
If anyone feels like I’ve missed something then feel free to add it as always!
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