#kim donghan oneshot
chaeinedup · 1 year
Domestic WEi
You begged and begged for Daehyeon to be done with his work;
And it’s not like he wanted to leave you to boredom, he promised after many weeks apart that today was gonna be just the two of you;
But his computer got in the way;
When inspiration strikes you can’t let it runaway;
You of course understand but you really missed him and spending time with him.
So now there you were sitting on his lap while he types his thoughts away.
It didn’t take you long to fall asleep and when he noticed his heart clenched;
He felt so guilty, you only wanted one thing and he failed to give you what you wanted;
His work was finally done but he didnd’t want to wake you up, so he stayed on the couch holding you and caressing your hair making sure to whisper a “I love you” in your ear.
It was his turn to clean the dorm and let’s just say he wasn’t too happy about it;
Usually they clean in twos but they played rock paper scissors and Donghan just so happened to be the only who lost;
But lucky for him you showed up at his door an hour ago, asking if he was busy;
He told you that unfortunately he wouldn’t be available and explained he had to clean the dorms;
You went inside and immeaditely rolled up your sleeves as a sign of help;
Donghan didn’t expect you to join this tedious task but he was very happy he wouldn’t be doing this alone:
At the end of the day it took way less time and it was extremely pleasant for the both of you;
You had your dance breaks, singing duets and your own season of show me the money;
It’s safe to say Donghan wouldn’t mind losing a game again.
Avatar was all people were talking about and you never really cared that much, but your boyfriend certainly did;
He was so sad he couldn’t get tickets for the first screening of the movie, and you were so sad you couldn’t just tell him you got the tickets;
This is the downside of surprises, you have to make him suffer until it’s the right time;
The day finally came and you had asked Yongha to pick you up, you hadn’t specified why and he didn’t ask either which good for you cause you had no excuse prepared;
When he got to your place he called you and you stepped outside;
You got in the car and he asked you if you were okay, you said yes of course but you just wanted to see him;
He of course was extremely happy but when you showed him your phone he couldn’t believe his eyes;
“WAIT??!! YOU GOT TICKETS???!!!” ;
You told him you were sorry for not telling him sooner but you didn’t want to ruin the surprise;
He couldn’t care less if he was sulky for a week straight he was just so happy to have someone like you by his side, so thoughtful and loving;
Let’s just say he was like a kid with candy for the rest of the night.
He finally had some free time in his hands so the only logical thing to do was relax;
But he felt like staying in the same environment as always wouldn’t really give him the sense of free time;
So he called up a hotel and made a reservation for two people, you and him;
After getting off the phone with the receptionist he texted you;
“Tomorrow im picking you up, pack lightly”;
You were more than confused, what do you mean pack?? But you knew that if you made any questions he wouldn’t answer them;
So you packed not sure of the outfit choices but you also didn’t know what you had to pack for;
Tomorrow finally came and he did indeed show up at your door, dressed like an uncle going to hawai;
You were scared you didn’t have your passport with you and you asked him if you’d be needing it and he laughed;
“We’re going on a staycation dont worry”;
When you got there it was like paradise the place was so calm and pretty you couldn’t wait to jump in the pool.
But yohan had different plans, he layed on the bed and dragged you with him,
“Did you just come here to sleep??”;
“No but right now it’s the thing I want the most and I want to cuddle you”;
You were caught off guard with his sincerity but you quickly melted to his side.
Another day another parenting shift for Seokhwa;
And apparentely for you too;
You were both currently pet sitting cookie and dalli;
It’s not like you didn’t like it but it’s definetly not what you had in mind when Seokhwa called you to come over;
It was time for cookie’s walk so you briefly said goodbye to dalli telling her you weren’t going to take long;
And off you were for a little trip to the dog park;
Cookie is a little scared of crowed and loud places so you have to pick him up;
So it’s really just the two of you walking;
You didn’t mind it was kind of peaceful just stroling around with no places to be or anything to do really;
And of course no outing with Seokhwa would end without some silly or cute pictures;
If there’s not a picture, it never happened.
It was Yongha’s birthday and everyone was in charge of doing something for his little surprise bday party;
You and Junseo volunteered to make the cake;
So that led you to go grocery shopping and now you were in the kitchen reading the recipe;
“Are you sure we got everything we needed?”;
“Yeees, not only we double checked we triple checked Junseo you can breath”;
Everything was going well until one of you spelled the flour;
“Why would you do that?!!”;
“I didn’t it was you!!”;
As you were saying that he threw some flour in your face laughing at your now white casted face;
You didn’t let him win this war and you lathered some frosting on his face;
With all this laughing and screaming Daehyeon decided to check on what was going on;
Not only was he shocked at what he saw he had to break up “the fight” or you'd use all the ingredients on one another instead of the cake;
You both promised there was need for supervision and that you wouldn’t screw around anymore;
But stealing glances at Junseo you could tell this was far from over.
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Blush - Donghan
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(Admin: Guiiying & Kimsoo)
“Sorry,” a soft voice calls crouching down to pick up the pieces of the plate that was knocked out of your hand a second earlier, “I should have paid more attention,” the person admits you let out a small sigh crouching down next to his swatting his hands away from the sharp pieces of the broken plate.
“You’ll hurt yourself,” you say softly, “there should be a broom by the door over there,” you direct him he lets out a small hum pulling himself back up to his feet.
You settle your weight on the tiles below you letting out a sigh waiting for him to come back with the broom. Once he returns you gesture towards the dustpan for him to hand it to you. He does sweeping the broken plate onto the dustpan you’re holding muttering soft apologizes still while he does.
“If you’re really this apologetic, you could apply for a job,” you suggest with a small laugh, “my sister’s hiring,” you gesture towards the sign behind the two of you, “breaking the plate, it’s really fine, she just bought a new set,” you assure him.
“You could have hurt yourself though,” he mumbles under his breath.
“What’s your name, I’ve never seen you here before,” you cock your head to the side pushing a stray strand of your hair from your face.
“Donghan,” he answers quickly, “I just moved into a dorm near here,” he trails off turning in the direction of the windows at the front of the small restaurant, “so I decided to stop here to get lunch.”
“Stop by again sometime, I have to get back to work now,” you say softly, “living on your own is hard, make sure you have real food and not just ramyeon.”
Donghan lets out an amused laugh turning towards you but he hums nodding.
(I took my links off so that it would show up in the search on Tumblr)
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
Kim Donghan Mafia AU
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you smirked, glancing over at the shadowed figure next to you before shooting, the bullet perfectly hitting your target
“what’s that count, kim? 23-20?”
“oh, shut up,” kim donghan, your friend/enemy/rival/extremely hot person, growled back, bending down to take aim himself
of course, his shot landed, his target jerking back with a cry
“could you two stop fighting each other and actually do your jobs?” daniel hissed, glaring over at the two of you
you and donghan traded looks and immediately launched yourselves into the fray, shooting wildly as the fight broke out
you and donghan have been competing since you can remember
both of you had grown up in the 101, and so you had extremely high skill sets
and so somehow out of that, your rivalry grew?
back in reality, you were slammed against the brick wall of the alley, gasping out in pain
“can you be more aware of your surroundings?”
donghan yanked the person off of you, shooting them in the foot
“thanks,” you called over to him, before reloading your own gun
soon, the three of you were out on the main street, and threw yourselves into the waiting car
as sungwoon, the driver, checked to make sure daniel had the briefcase that you’d been after, you glanced over at donghan, who was breathing heavily
“you okay?”
donghan returned the look, a cocky smirk on his lips, “i think i won that one. 24-23.”
you rolled your eyes, a small smile on your lips, “i concede.”
daniel groaned, turning in his seat to face the two of you
“you know, if the two of you stopped competing all the time and actually worked together, maybe you’d be more effective.”
“aw, but what’s the fun in that?” you smirked over at donghan, who returned the expression, “besides, donghan sucks so much, i doubt that we’d work better as a team.”
“oh shut the hell up, dumbass,” donghan groaned, rolling his eyes, “we both know i’m way better than you are.”
daniel just kind of smirked as the two of you began bickering and turned back to face forward
well, apparently, karma’s a bitch, because a few days later daniel pulled you and donghan into his office
“our sights are set on the black jewel,” daniel explained, “and the two of you will be working together to acquire it.”
“i’m not doing this,” donghan said firmly before you were even able to get a word out, “daniel, you’ve seen us! there’s no way we can work together.”
daniel shrugged, obviously uncaring
“you can, and you will. here’s the file with your briefing.”
as donghan continued to splutter, you grabbed the file and left daniel’s office to go to your own room
donghan followed a few seconds later, slamming the door behind him as he plopped down next to you
“this is bullshit,” donghan fumed, watching as you flipped through the file, “how are you not more upset?”
“kim donghan, i’m not enjoying this any more than you are,” you snapped, looking up at the other in frustration, “but complaining about the situation isn’t gonna make it go away, so suck it up and help  me read all of this.”
donghan quieted, grabbing some of the papers that were laid out on your desk
slowly, the two of you began prepping for the job
first, the two of you memorized any high-profile people who would be attending the event where the black jewel would be showcased
then, the two of you memorize layouts, exit points, and different scenarios with combinations of possible outcomes
preparations took about four days in total
and while you definitely weren’t buddy-buddy, the two of you were getting along much better than before
“mission’s tomorrow, think we’re ready?” 
donghan was sprawled out on the couch in your office, doing one last read-through of the file
“yeah, i do,” you replied honestly, “what time does daniel want us to arrive?”
“gala starts at 8, we’re supposed to be ready by 7:30,” donghan replied
soon, the next day arrived, and you were ushered by daniel into one of the back rooms
a few of the girls who did makeup for the 101′s dancers came into the room and handed you an outfit that you were almost embarrassed to wear, given how bold and tight it was
next they worked on your makeup, letting you review the case file as they applied foundation, concealer and eyeliner
“nervous?” one of the girls, chungha, asked as she gently styled your hair
“a little,” you confessed, sighing, “this is a really big job, and donghan and i have never worked together.”
“well, you’ll certainly catch a lot of looks,” another one of the girls giggled as they finished up
you barely had time to glance at yourself in the mirror before you had to go out into the main lobby where daniel and donghan were waiting
you raised an eyebrow at how handsome donghan looked, wearing a crisp suit with his blond hair slicked up
“you clean up nice,” you muttered as you followed daniel out to the car that was waiting for you
“same to you,” donghan looked down at you, eyes traveling down and then back up as he took in your outfit
the two of you got into the car and daniel got into the passenger seat, sungwoon driving the car as usual
the gala was taking place at one of the nice museums at the center of town, and it took you about 20 minutes to drive there
about 15 minutes into the car ride, daniel turned around
“i forgot one important piece of information,” daniel smirked at the two of you, “the two of you will be masquerading as a couple.”
“the fuck?” you gaped at daniel, fury rising in your system, “how the hell is this something that you forgot?”
daniel just grinned, shrugging his shoulders, “the hosts know you two to be a couple, so i’d suggest playing along if you want to succeed.”
you traded an angry look with donghan, who just sighed as the car pulled up to the museum, a few other attendees milling around in expensive clothing
the two of you got into the event easily, donghan’s arm wrapped awkwardly around your waist
“you’re too stiff,” you hissed as the two of you entered the main ballroom
“oh, how would you suggest, then?” donghan shot back, whispering furiously into your ear
you rolled your eyes, grabbing his hand to adjust it more comfortably on your waist
you felt a slight shiver run up your spine as donghan’s grip on your waist got a bit tighter, the two of you picking up champagne glasses
“i see the undercover security,” you whispered in donghan’s ear, lips only a few millimeters away from him so that no one would over hear, “three to our side, one behind us.”
donghan nodded, steering the two of you towards the edge of the room so that you could observe
“the unveiling of the jewel is at 9,” donghan reminded you, “and the lights and cameras are programmed to go out directly at 9:01, so you’ll have to work quickly.”
you just rolled your eyes again, your fingers digging into donghan’s thigh sharply, “you think i don’t remember that, punk?”
donghan smirked at you, pulling you a little closer so that he could whisper in your ear, “just a reminder, no need to get worked up.”
you scooted way from the taller man, feeling your cheeks flush slightly at the innuendo
the two of you stayed on the sidelines, observing everything that was happening and taking careful mental notes
“excuse me?”
you looked up, surprised that anyone was talking to the two antisocial people sitting at the back of the room
“i was just wondering if maybe you wanted to dance,” the tall man standing in front of you smiled charmingly, revealing a gorgeous smile and cute dimples as he held out his hand for you to take
“they’re fine here,” donghan gritted out, and you almost punched him when you felt him place a hand on your knee
“well, i think the beauty can speak for themself,” the man replied smoothly, raising an eyebrow at you
and donghan’s hand was now resting mid-thigh and what in the hell was happening?
you were almost tempted to accept the offer just to see what donghan would do, but you knew that you were here for a very specific purpose
“thank you, but i’ll have to decline,” you said calmly, “i’m afraid these shoes don’t fit very well.”
“understandable,” the man smiled, “well, i wish a wonderful night to the both of you.”
“what the hell was that?” you hissed as soon as he was out of listening range, turning to face your idiotic partner
donghan just shrugged, “i didn’t like how he was looking at you.”
you sighed, shaking your head, “yeah, well, next time, i think i can speak for myself.”
the two of you sat there a little while longer, the clock coming closer and closer to 9:00
when the clock hit 8:55, the two of you stood up in sync, and you felt a sudden coldness on your thigh
it was then that you realized donghan’s hand had been on your thigh the entire time????
however, you didn’t have much time to think about this, as everyone began gathering around the pedestal that housed the black jewel, covered in a piece of white cloth
as the curator of the museum gave a speech, you and donghan wove your way through the crowd, getting closer and closer to the podium
“so ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present... the black jewel!”
right as the white cloth lifted, all the lights in the museum blacked out, followed by the sound of donghan shattering the glass case around the jewel
you felt donghan press the jewel into your hand, and the two of you hurried to make your way through the panicking crowd towards the back garden that you’d make your escape through
the crowds were now resembling a panicked mob, and you were incredibly grateful that you’d memorized the floor layout
“almost there,” you felt donghan’s lips brush against your ear, and tried to ignore the tingle in your stomach
you could die any second, now wasnt the time for sexual attraction, goddamnit
the cold air of the night hit you like a million bricks as you ran out onto the patio, yanking off your shoes so that you could run next to donghan through the wet, dewy garden
“hey you, freeze!” you froze at the sound of a security guard, eyes meeting donghan’s panicked ones. “why are you out here in the gardens?”
in the spur of the moment, you did the first thing that came to mind-- your hand shot out to grab donghan’s necktie and you pulled him towards you, crashing your lips against his
initially donghan stiffened, but then he relaxed, lips moving with the kiss as he wrapped an arm around your waist, the other coming up to cradle your head
you gasped as he bit your bottom lip, closing your eyes as the kiss deepened
“it’s just a couple kissing, eric,” you heard another security guard growl, “get your fucking act together.”
the two of you parted when you heard the security guards, the air still around you as the two of you stared at each other, breath heavy
“holy shit,” donghan muttered before pulling you towards him to kiss you again, hands gripping your waist tightly
“donghan, (y/n), you can literally make out any other time of the day,” daniel shouted into your in-ear, “maybe don’t do it right as you’re finishing a mission?”
donghan pulled away from you and the two of you traded looks and started running towards the waiting car, bursting out into laughter
as the two of you ran down the grassy hill, wet blades of grass hitting your bare feet and chilly air whipping your hair around, you reached over to intertwine your fingers with donghan’s, the multi-million dollar jewel clutched in your other hand
and that was how the legendary heist couple was born
yeah eric get your fucking act together
(this is not a personal attack on anyone named eric haha)
tysm to @ohkaypopthis for the story idea (this is something you sent in literally ages ago and i’m just now using it... wowwwww im so sorry but youre an angel)
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fleurdae · 3 years
wei masterlist.
[ last updated: - ] ; total: 0
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- there's nothing here yet
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— wei college au based on the webdrama dating class — wip progress: outlined / writing bittersweet chap. one
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- there's nothing here yet
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- there's nothing here yet
- there's nothing here yet
- there's nothing here yet
- there's nothing here yet
- there's nothing here yet
- there's nothing here yet
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[!!] go back to navigation.
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chaeinedup · 2 years
WEi when you fall asleep on another member
He sees no harm in it;
You’re tired and he would never be upset by you falling asleep on junseo’s shoulder;
He will however carry you very gently to his bed;
His priority is your comfort and he for sure doesn’t want you waking up with back pain or a sore neck;
And if you wake up during the process and ask him to nap with you or stay, unless he’s really busy he for sure will;
Of course the request is gonna make him feel so warm and fuzy, the will to kiss you all over your face is getting hard to control;
He wished you could know just how adorable you are.
You were working on the living room floor while they were watching TV;
But your all nighters were definetly catching up to you so you decided to close your laptop and lean your back against the bunkbed;
One second you saw the TV screen the next one you were fast asleep;
Seokhwa noticed your head on his shoulder and he tapped Donghan’s arm;
Donghan couldnt help but smile to himself, he had told you to take the day off to rest but you’re as stubborn as it gets;
He got up placing his cold hand on your face;
You opened your eyes due to the temperature change and he asked;
“do you want to sleep in my bed?”
You of course said yes as long as he stayed with you;
He had been out for the day due to personal schedules so you were left alone with the rest of the guys;
There was no concerns about that he knew you can handle them pretty well and if you need something the others would gladly help;
When he opened the door he saw everyone in the living room having some snacks;
He also saw you half asleep on yohan’s shoulder;
His heart ached a little, not because of jealousy but because he wished he could’ve been there to take care of you;
But now that he’s here will make sure to do just that so he sat himself next to you and carefully moved your head to his shoulder;
He grabbed your hand as well caressing it too.
It was dinner time so yohan was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner along with Donghan;
Daehyeon was setting the plates and junseo and seokhwa were changing clothes;
Everyone was a wreck, packed day enough said;
So much so you and yongha knocked out leaning on each other, mouth open and everything;
When Junseo and Seokhwa came back to the living room they couldn’t help but laugh and tease a little;
All that commotion made yohan turn around and he actually found it very endearing;
Obviously he was gonna tease you both about this but he can’t lie that his heart skipped a few beats he just loves you so much.
Seokhwa invited you over since he couldnt sleep and tomorrow they had a day off;
You didn’t want to tell him you were tired because truth be told, you wanted to go and have a little fun with your friends;
All was going well but you fell sleep mid board game which is unusual;
Donghan couldn’t sto giggling he was scared of making a bigger move and waking you up;
Of course seokhwa being seokhwa he just had to take a picture and he did, multiple actually;
After a small photoshoot he slightly shook you to wake you up;
You woke up a little startled and after realising everyone was looking at you, you got a little embarassed;
Seokhwa suggested for you to sleep in his bed while they finised the game and you galdy took his offer.
You were waiting on Junseo with Daehyeon;
Daehyeon was on his computer and you were on your phone, you were all to go out for a late night snack but you were battleling with sleep;
Hunger and tiredness which one will win;
Once Junseo was fully ready sleep had by far won and he felt so bad he didn’t want to wake you up but he also knew if you woke up again you’d be just as hungry;
So there was only one thing to do, leave you sound asleep since you were already on his bed but still get you food;
He knew what you were craving so he made a mental note to get you exactly that;
And by some miracle once they came back home you had just woken up;
You were gonna ask why he didn’t wake you but then he showed you the Mc Donald’s bags;
Junseo didn’t want you eating alone either so they just brough the food home and ate with you;
He also said “next time don’t fall asleep on Daehyeon hyung my pillows are more comfortable” while smilling. 
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chaeinedup · 2 years
WEi when you’re mad at them
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It’s rare when you guys have some kind of argument;
But when it does happen it’s pretty serious;
This time the argument was about how he wasn’t resting enough, you care about him a lot so you worry it’s only natural;
He was dismissing your concers without even meaning to, he’s just so used to this lifestyle;
You were starting to show signs of annoyance and that’s when he knew he definetely did something wrong;
Since communication is key his next move was to apologize and calmly tell you that there’s nothing to worry about;
You’d eventually talk things out so in the end there was never hard feelings or a tense environment.
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I think he’s a big whiner, like the tone he uses a lot;
That might start a lot of fights if interpreted in the wrong away;
He’s not necessarily trying to start one but if you’re more sensitive you might not digest it so well;
He feels awful every time something like this happens, hates seeing you upset and obviously he doesn’t want the air to be so cut-throat;
If you’re mad at him he’s going to try his best to stay calm so you stay that way as well and hear you as best as he can;
After the makeup he’d go up to you and kiss your temple;
As a way of saying he loves you no matter what.
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He’d feel guilty as hell if he ever pushed the wrong buttons;
Panic would start building inside of him;
If you needed some space alone he would gladly step away;
But after a few hours he’d go to you with puppy eyes and a soft voice;
He just wants to make it up to you, so he’d apologize as soon as possible and he’d give you an offer he knew you never say no to;
A message :D;
You couldn’t stay mad at him for too long, when he was being this sweet to you.
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This dude has pride as his middle name;
So if it’s a serious fight my guy is gonna take it as far as he can if it means he gets to be right;
But if it his something small he’s gonna tease you about it;
And he's gonna giggle and poke you;
“Oh someone is upset”;
You love him but in times like these you can’t stand him;
At the end of the day he calms down and talks it down with you;
He likes to get under your skin but he loves you very much.
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He hates not talking to the people he loves;
So leaving someone sad or mad??!! never ever would he do that;
Things will be settled that day, he hates dragging these things it only makes you both feel worse;
He’s going to try to be racional since emotions tend to get the best out of people and he doesn’t want the situation to become worse;
Once you’re both cool headed, he’s gonna suggest having dinner out or some kind of activity to spend some quality time together.
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So it came to my attention that he’s more sensitive than I thought he would be;
Therefore he’d take these moments pretty seriously, no joking around just getting to the point;
He’s pretty calm which is good and not hot tempered which means things would never get out of control, no screams no agressiveness no nothing;
I know for a fact after you both reach an agreement he’s gonna stuck to you like gum;
He’s not gonna leave you alone, help you with little things, pamper you, the whole shabang.
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chaeinedup · 1 year
Reacting to WEi teaser photos (hyung line)
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maknae line
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chaeinedup · 2 years
WEi going to their idol s/o concert
I feel like not only he’s very supportive of you having this career, he probably really loves helping you work on your own projects;
Him being a producer himself he knows how important feedback and opinions from other people might actually help improve songs;
So when he finally got to see the final product on stage he felt so proud of you and everything you’re achiving and conquering;
He would be complementing you left and right after the concert ends.
He’s kinda like a mom and a fanboy at the same time;
He made sure to take the lightstick, learn all the fanchants beforehand and record pretty much the whole show,
Safe to say he’s your biggest fan;
So much so he had your photocard on his phonecase;
He’s a shameless guy and he’s in a private area there’s no way he isn’t gonna go all out for you.
On the discrete side;
Doesn’t want to stand out that much so he’s not gonna be screaing like crazy;
But he makes mental notes of everything he thought during the show so he can compliment you as much as he wants;
Thinks it’s so cool to see you from an audiecne point of view because as much as you guys hangout it’s not like he sees you practice that much or at all, so he really was impressed on how hard you work.~
He would literally attend all your concerts;
He’d personally arrive early with a big bouquet of flowers as a little “good luck” treat;
Obviously he wants to motivate you as much as he can cause he knows how nerve wrecking it is to be on stage;
So he just wants you to have the time of your life.
First of all he wouldn’t even give you time to invite him;
He’d text you “I GOT THE TICKETS!” as soon as the pre sale started;
He’s probably more excited than you;
Makes sure even his managers have proper merch, he’s getting everyone that’s coming with him prepared for the show of their lives;
Obsessed doesn’t begin to cover it, he’s just so supportive and genuinely impressed by your stage presence.
He’s lowkey flattered that you invited him to go;
So excited to see you idol abilities live, he knows how charming you are as a person but he really wants to experience your charisma in person;
Prepares small little gifts for when the show ends and you can have a reward for your hard work;
 He also invited his friends and of course everyone left being a big fan of you and your group.
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
Come Home?
Jealous + Donghan
You gritted your teeth, turning off your phone angrily. Donghan was at a gala with a girl from his company as his date, and was posting pictures of the afterparty to every social media he had. He was doing this on purpose.
The two of you had argued, you not wanting to go out while he did, and you’d ultimately shouted for him to just leave.
Next to you, your phone lit up with another notification, this one from one of Donghan co-workers, asking where Donghan was. With a twisted smile, you replied that you had no idea.
You sighed heavily, rolling onto your stomach. From your pos   ition sprawled out on the bed you shared with Donghan, you could see the framed picture of the two of you from Disneyland. Without thinking, you picked up your phone and dialed.
“I’m sorry, come home?” you said quietly as soon as the line picked up.
“Sorry, who’s this?”
Your blood ran cold at the sound of a breathy female voice.
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Make It Official
Donghan + the way for anon
“five, six, seven, eight, and final position!”
You stared at your reflection in the mirror of the dance studio, proud of yourself for having gotten through the choreography perfectly. Next to you, Kim Donghan was panting slightly, a huge grin on his face.
The two of you were known for your amazing duo dances and completely in-sync chemistry, which some people chalked up to the insane amount of sexual tension between you two.
“Nice work, (y/n),” Donghan said cheerfully as he clapped you on the shoulder, fingers lingering for a moment too long before he headed over to where his things were strewn on the studio floor. You rejoined your own friends, body automatically going into the moves to properly stretch your body.
“Geez, (y/n), you two really just need to, you know, do it already,” Momo, one of your good friends at the studio, chuckled as she watched you. You just smiled at that.
“Seriously,” Chungha sighed, “you two are like the gods of duo dance; I wish I had someone like that. You two are practically dating, anyways, so you might as well make it official.”
It wasn’t like you’d never thought of asking Donghan out. The two of you clearly liked each other, if the flirty remarks and winks during practice were any sign, but honestly speaking, you’d been too scared of sacrificing your strong, albeit strange, friendship with him.
“You down for getting milk tea?” Donghan came up to you, sports bag slung casually over his shoulder. You nodded, gathering your own things before saying goodnight to your friends. Whenever you had practice, it was tradition for you and Donghan to get milk tea afterwards.
“You know, I overheard what Chungha said,” Donghan commented, looking at you over his honeydew milk tea.
“Hm?” You met his gaze, mouth full of boba.
“About us practically dating,” he continued, eyes still trained on you. You felt your heart speed up. “She’s right, you know, we might as well make it official.”
You grinned, tilting your head. “I don’t think the proper way to make it official is to just say ‘let’s make it official’, you know.”
Donghan groaned playfully, rolling his eyes, “fine, (y/n), will you go out with me?”
“Yes,” you replied, grinning even wider, “yes, idiot, I’ll go out with you.”
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
They’re Wrong
24/7 + donghan
Donghan curled up next to you on the couch, his quiet presence making you look over in concern.
“You okay babe?” You asked, letting him snuggle into your side. Donghan normally wasn’t this cuddly unless there was something wrong, and you could tell by the way that he wouldn’t meet your eyes that something was up.
Donghan shrugged, draping the couch throw blanket over the two of you. You watched in mild concern as he wrapped his lanky limbs around your waist, cuddling up to you even more.
“Don’t wanna talk about it?” You smiled, tugging your fingers through his hair. Donghan sighed, looking up at you.
“I read some of the YouTube comments on our MuBank performance,” he said quietly, hand going to grip yours, “they said…” Donghan sighed again, “they said that I was a bad singer, that I should just go back to busking with the dance crew.”
You looked down at your boyfriend, frowining, “hey, babe, you know that they’re wrong, right?” You squeezed his hand tightly, “I know that those words probably hurt right now, but they’re completely wrong—you’re an amazing singer, and an amazing performer who literally captured the hearts of Korea with barely any screentime. Babe, you’re a fucking legend, okay?”
Donghan smiled, just barely, but still smiled at that, squeezing your hand back. “Thank you, (y/n),” he sighed, but this time, it was a contented sigh, “you’re the best.”
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Kim Donghan: The ‘Prince Charming’ Host
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kim donghan was the absolute prince charming of the host club
like Longguo, his friends had dragged him into it, but he soon found that he genuinely enjoyed the work
Due to his kind nature and gentlemanly morals, he was immediately dubbed the ‘prince charming’ of the group
His kind words charmed every single one of his clients, and his good looks had both girls and guys constantly swooning over him
However, he seemed almost oblivious to this sudden attention he was getting, preferring to keep his head down in his studies when he wasn’t working as a host
While you and Donghan weren’t close friends, you were definitely acquaintances, as you’d been in the same homeroom for most of your time in high school
You also knew him because Takada Kenta, another host, was your best friend, and so you’d visit him at times at the host club
One day, you were bringing a textbook for Kenta when Donghan bumped into you, accidentally spilling tea all over the crisp white shirt of your uniform
He apologized immediately, hurrying you to the back room
A true gentleman, he immediately offered you one of his spare sweatshirts and explained that he’d be happy to dry-clean your shirt
The whole time, you couldn’t help but blush at how kind he was, looking down at the ground shyly as he pressed his large sweatshirt into your hands
As soon as kenta saw your flushed cheeks as you shoved his textbook towards him, he immediately figured out what had happened
Since then, Kenta would always make sure to invite you to the Host Club’s special events
He made you accompany them to the beach, to the arcade, and even on a small outing to the movies
And the entire time, he’d try to get you to talk with donghan, insisting that the tall host was really a chill guy and would want to get to know you
However, you knew that kenta was just saying that because he had to
When you all had been heading home from the beach outing, you’d trailed behind a bit, appreciating the view of the sun setting while the others raced towards the bus
“It’s beautiful, huh?”
You glanced up in shock to see donghan standing next to you with a small, wistful smile
“Yeah,” you replied, hoping to any god that was listening to not let you embarrass yourself
“Hey listen, (y/n),” Donghan said suddenly, turning his attention from the sunset to you
You were still looking up at him, and jolted in surprise from the sudden eye contact
“I’m really glad that you’ve started spending time with us,” he said with a boyish grin, ruffling his hair
You couldn’t tell if it was the rosy light from the sunset or if his cheeks were genuinely turning pink
The next time you were invited to an event, it wasn’t because Kenta was trying to set you up with Donghan-- for once
The Host Club was holding a Ball, and Kenta needed a date, since he didn’t want to bring any of his clients
You’d obliged, only because everyone from school knew who you were and wouldn’t start stupid rumors
Kenta helped you pick out an outfit, and the two of you arrived to the Ball early, as was expected of all the hosts
While the hosts hurried to finish some last-minute tasks, you stood by the drinks table, sipping a glass of sparkling apple juice awkwardly
“Kenta dragged you here, huh?”
You smiled up at Donghan, feeling only slightly less awkward around him now
“Yeah,” you shrugged, “best friend duties, I guess.”
“I must say, I was a little disappointed when I heard you already had a date,” Donghan mentioned casually
You did your best not to choke into your glass of apple cider
“Save me a dance, okay?”
With those words and a wink, Donghan strode away with his usual confidence, leaving you to splutter into your juice glass
“Are you dying?” Kenta asked you bluntly as he picked up his own glass
You watched donghan disappear into the slowly growing crowd of people on the dancefloor, heart pounding
“Yeah, I just might be.”
as the night progressed, you soon forgot about the few words that donghan had said to you
kenta kept you amused the entire time, and the two of you made plenty of people laugh with your almost non-stop dancing to various hit tracks like ‘cheer up’, ‘me gustas tu’ and the highlight, ‘i got a boy’.
soon, the night was drawing to a close, and the last song of the night started playing
even though you’d been with kenta the entire night, all of a sudden, he was nowhere to be seen
“i believe i asked you to save me a dance?”
heart pounding, you spun around to face donghan with wide eyes, carefully placing your (hopefully not sweaty) hand in his
(kenta had totally planned this)
“did you have fun tonight?” donghan asked casually as he carefully led the two of you across the dancefloor
“you know, I think I did,” you replied, nodding, “i’m really glad I came.”
“i am too,” donghan said, almost shyly
you closed your eyes and just let donghan lead you across the dancefloor, wanting to let the moment last forever
“you know, kenta is really protective of you,” donghan commented suddenly
you glanced up at donghan in confusion, wondering why he was telling you this
“he’s threatened to chop my head off and throw it in the pacific ocean a couple of times,” donghan quipped, making you raise an eyebrow-- what exactly was donghan implying?
“he’s always seemed to really like you, I dunno,” you shrugged at that, unsure of what to say
donghan chuckled at that
“i mean, yes, but best friends do tend to get protective when someone tells you that you’re going to be asking your best friend out,” donghan said easily, leading you into a twirl
“a-asking his best friend out?” you managed to stammer out, wincing at how you stuttered
“yes, asking his best friend out,” donghan replied with a smile, drawing you closer to him so that he could look you in the eye
“(y/n), I do really like you, and I’ve been trying to get to know you since even before you came to the host club and I spilled tea on you,” Donghan confessed, cheeks definitely a rosy pink this time, “and I wish I had worked up the courage to say this earlier-- (y/n), will you go on a date with me?”
you smiled broadly, leaning up to just barely brush a kiss to his cheek
“i would love to, my prince charming.”
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Life is Cold
10 and donghan for anon
Babe, I'm cold and yeah, this life is cold I say swear you won't come near me Keep your heart 'cause I could fuck you up Or have you never thinking clearly Never thinking clearly
listen to do u dirty
You stared across the table at Donghan, sipping your milkshake quietly. Donghan watched your every move, eyes darting from your lips wrapped around the straw to your eyes to your fingernails, drumming against the plastic tabletop. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you commented quietly, reaching over to sneak a fry off of Donghan’s plate. He just smiled crookedly, shaking his head.
“(Y/n),” he sighed, leaning back in the booth that the two of you were sitting in, “you know why I asked you here.”
“And you know why I agreed,” you replied, chuckling without humor, “look, babe, we had an agreement when we first started... whatever this was. I told you not to catch feelings, and you did. As far as I’m concerned, that’s your problem, not mine.”
Donghan ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, eyes boring into yours, “you say that, but I don’t believe you. (y/n), you can front all you want, but I don’t think you genuinely believe yourself.” You bristled at his words, not liking where this conversation was going, or, for that matter, how close to home it was hitting. “Why can’t you just give us a try?”
Wordlessly, you rose out of the booth and dug out a $10 from your back pocket, tossing it onto the table. “Because there was never an “us” to begin with.” You didn’t do relationships, and you weren’t going to start now.
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chaeinedup · 2 years
Making out with WEi
Slow and steady;
I feel like he thinks it’s more enjoyable for both of you if it’s in a more laidback environment where you won’t be interrupted;
So most likely happening in the studio;
Very touchy feely, his hands have life of their own;
Obviously accompanied by a very sweet mouth;
You honestly don’t know where to focus because he’s just doing everything he can do drive you crazy;
He also takes a little pride (just a itsy tiny bit) seeing you so pleased because of him;
It’s like a boost for him to keep going.
It’s a great way to keep things light and fun;
Of course he has other sides to him and the feelings and emotions might change midway;
But the probability of it starting cause he was teasing you about something or you were making fun of him, is big;
He not only has a way with his words he has his way with hus hands that’s all I’m gonna say;
And if you’re a donghan biased you know exactly why I’m saying this, just look at them;
Not to be that person but if it’s a more heated makeout session he’s going to manhandle you;
It does not matter id you’re on the kitchen, the living room, he does not care, it’s going down;
I rest my case.
He’s a shy little boy;
You’ll probably have to inniciate it or hint to it;
Or otherwise he’s so scared of messing up he won’t start anything;
He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, he’s a gentleman;
But once he gets the green light, he will make it memorable;
Yongha has a certain charm to him, not everyone sees it but that’s what makes it so special;
He’s also extremely cliché so if you’re a true romantic you’ll appreciate the tenderness he gives off;
Will happen on the bed I mean it just feels right to him.
He also is another member that, slow and steady wins the race;
If you’re impacient you’re done for;
He’s gonna caress your sides and just watch you squirm;
He really takes pride on the effect he has on you;
It’s like he’s in a competition, how long does it take to break you;
And each time he tries to break last times record;
Will live you hanging;
If he sees you’re enjoying it a little too much he’s gonna stop everything he’s doing;
The couch is his fav spot :D.
Another one that’s very charming;
Obviously the sass is also included;
But he’s very very fun;
I don’t think these think would happen very often with him but he does not let you down in times of need;
He likes you to say exactly what you want;
If you get a little shy or embarrased he’ll find that cute:
And of course use that to his favour and tease you about it;
He’s big on whispering things to you and get involuntary reactions from your body;
Cause this dude only works 1 of 2 ways;
Extremely sweet and caring, kissing every part of your body;
Or making you earn his time of the day....
This man just gets me going;
You’r enot making out of this sane or stable;
You’ll be thinking about this all day;
He’s either so gentle or very playful yet kinda dominant;
Either mood but he’s always seductive (being a scorpio pays off in things like this);
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chaeinedup · 2 years
WEi members as your boyfriend
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He’s very very sweet;
He’s also very supportive so not only he’s gonna back you up in everything you want to do he’s also going to motivate you to do even more;
I think that if you’re the type of person to like being taken care of than he’s perfect for you;
It’s not like he’s going to baby you (at least not always) he’s very straight forward and as much as he loves you he will always be as authentic to himself as possible;
His love languages are quality time and physical touch im pretty sure;
So i think he’d invite you over a lot and try to fit you in his routine as best as he can;
He can be a cheesy man too, expect some romantic dates like stargazing.
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He is the epitome of dating your best friend;
New game dropped, he’s going to ask you to play with him. New movie came out, clear your schedule on the day of the first screening;
Donghan makes a relationship feel casual and effortless but also very special;
He doesn’t hold back in telling you or showing you how much he loves you;
There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you;
He’s also a great safe place for when you’re feeling more emotional and sensitive he’s going to do his best to comfort you;
The ammount of trust and love within the relationship, it would make others envious!!!
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You know those people that want or aspire to marry their first love?
Yeah that’s kinda how I view Yongha;
He takes pride in being like that, just the thought of having someone he loves that much for as long as he’s alive there’s something very meaningful and special about it;
So you you really don’t need to worry, he’s going to go above and beyond so you always feel like a princess;
He really is what we call a simp, he’s going to buy you flowers, make dinner on the days you don’t have time to or just because he wants to surprise you, calls you a lot to check on you;
If he knows you’re not feeling well and he’s not able to take care of you physically he’s still going to order food for you so you don’t skip meals.
Sweet sweet yongha <3
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Prepare to be teased for eternity;
He’s the typical “annoys you cause he thinks you’re cute when mad” kind of guy;
So every opportunity he gets he’s making the most out of it;
If you do get overly annoyed and you give signs of any discomfort he might just jump on top of you and shower you with kisses while saying “you can’t resist me”, “i have such a cute s/o”;
He will give you a lot of headaches but the good kind;
He’s going to ask you if you ate, what you ate, at what time, with who, where and if it was good;
This is his way of caring and taking care of you at the same time;
And of course because shoes always come in 2, yohan comes with a little of possessiveness on the side;
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As much as people don’t perceive him this way, he is amazing at making hearts flutter;
And he doesn’t even need to try;
I truly believe this boy has natural charm to him;
There’s going to be random times he’s going to catch you by surprise and make you blush;
He’s also a very fun, spontaneous and adventurous person so if one day he wakes you up and tells you he booked a flight for both of you to go to paris next week, don’t be surprised;
Travelling together is probably something he really likes;
He’s not only gaining knowledge and having fun but he’s also expiriencing all of that with the person he loves most.
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Truly a gentleman;
He’s the perfect ammount of shy and bold;
That makes your heart skip beats, run laps and probably do some accrobatics;
He’s going to open doors for you, help you get up if you trip, become your personal photographer, surprise you at work or school, etc;
He’s always going to find ways to make you fall harder;
I truly believe it would be the “he fell first but you feel harder” dynamic;
He’s very caring and won’t hesitate in showing it physically;
Not the biggest fan of too much PDA but trust you’ll never feel unloved as long as you’re with him.
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chaeinedup · 2 years
WEi napping with you
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This man works so hard all the time;
So he tends to fall asleep pretty fast;
And of course you understand, even if he knocks out in the middle of a conversation you’re not gonna be mad;
If anything you’re glad he’s getting the much deserved rest;
As you take longer to fall asleep you decide the best way to ensure a great nap is to actually by trying to turn off your brain;
Your sleeping routine basically consists of tossing and turning until your body grows tired;
Daehyeon is not a light sleeper but he definetly noticed you struggling and decided he wanted to help;
At this point you were getting frustrated with yourself and just then you felt a hand sliding from your lower back to your stomach area;
“I see sleep isn’t our forte”;
You smiled as you looked back at him, he had his eyes still close but a soft smile was plastered on his face.
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Donghan is know for being quite the energetic guy;
But like everyone he likes to rest on his spare time;
And of course what better way to sleep than to have something to hug;
Or should I say someone;
He’s not going to let you go, probably only when he’s deep asleep;
It’s so much easier for both of you honestly to nap together, it’s so calming and comforting;
He’s probably gonna ask you to play with his hair cause it really can’t get more relaxing than that;
More importantly he’s going to wake up in such a good mood and most likely shower you with kisses as a waking strategy.
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Sleeps hard as a rock;
Probably snores a little;
You find that cute since it’s not too loud and it’s one more reason to tease him;
I feel like napping together wouldn’t be that usual, he might take that as wasted time?? he wants to be active and awake when he’s with you;
But he does love the sight he gets once he opens his eyes;
Your slightly messed up hair and small pout really makes his heart go into overload;
Doesn’t even dare to wake you up, even ife has to pee (daehyeon you traumatized him for life ahah).
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I do think he’s a light sleeper;
So he usually is very particular at what time, place and who he naps around;
He doesn’t want his precious nap to be interrupted by possible pranksters like donghan;
But when it comes to you he loves napping with you or next to you;
He knows you take care of him really well. you’re so considerate torwards him always and for that he’s thankful;
If he wakes up first he’s gonna check the time and see what he can make so when you wake up you have something to snack on;
He’s gonna admire you while you sleep and smile;
And then proceed to think he’s down bad ahah.
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I don’t know if he’s a nap kind of person;
He might think that messes up his sleep schedule;
But for the sake of this he’s going to nap for once ahahh;
You guys were hanging out and you hadn’t gotten any sleep the night before so you asked if you could nap;
Obviously he said yes and made everything he could to make you comfortable;
You told him to nap as well since hislife is always so rushed;
He said he prefered to stay on his phone but he did indeed fall asleep;
A third person would probably have to wake you both up;
Cause that 1 hour nap turned into a full evening.
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I think it’s one of his fav things to do;
Along with netflix and legos;
We all saw him sleep with daehyeon in the muply video, I think that’s exactly how a nap with him goes;
He himself is a big teddy bear and he doesn’t mind being the big or small spoon, he likes switching it up;
Always looks the prettiest after he wakes up;
Glossy eyes, plump lips, slightly pink tinted cheeks;
He will not want to leave bed he wants more cuddles, if you’re hungry get the food and comeback or he’s gonna go after you, it’s not a threat it’s a promise.
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