#kid kurono hari x reader
certified-boyliker · 2 years
Cute Teacher (Chronostasis x M!Reader)
“I’m doing this for Kai. I’m doing this for Kai. I’m doing this for Kai.”
“Uncle Hari, c’mon!”
“I cannot believe I’m doing this for Kai.”
“Hari, I need you to take my child to a parent-teacher meeting tonight.”
Kurono turned to his boss, his mask hiding the anger and confusion “You want me to what? Why?”
“Tatsumi’s mom is out, and I have a meeting. I’d ask Nemoto or Setsuno, but they’re both doing something. And Rappa and Mimic would just raise questions.”
Kurono sighed and resigned his position, and left, carrying the young girl.
“C’mon, my class is waiting!”
“Ugh, I’m sure the meeting hasn’t started yet.”
When he walked in the classroom, he saw four or five families looking at artworks, desks, and books. Kids were socializing and dragging their parents around, Kurono just prayed that Carrie would just do the former.
“Mister (L/N)!”
He looked up from the child, and saw a pretty man with a kind smile on his face. 
“Ah! Are you Mr. Chisaki?”
“No, I’m Mr. Kurono, Chisaki couldn’t make it today. He had a meeting that sprung up at the last minute and his wife was required to stay late at her jo-”
“He’s my Uncle Hari!”
Kurono was most likely blushing by this point, but it was quickly overtaken by anger when Carrie said that, but the man smiled, and giggled.
“I’m Mister (Y/N) (L/N). I’m her teacher, and I just wanted to say, cause I assume you’ll be telling him, that his daughter is wonderful!”
“I would guess so, her parents are wonderful, so she would be.”
The man giggled and Hari furrowed his brows, but they shot up when he saw your kind face.
“I take you didn’t actually wanna come here?”
“No, it’s not that... it was just so unexpected.”
He smiled again, “It was nice to talk to you, but I see another family walking in, and I’ll see you later.”
Kurono watched the man walk away. He was so beautiful. He had lovely hair, and vibrant eyes. He had a smile that lit up the entire world, and he was slowly slipping-
“Uncle Hari, wanna see my drawing?”
Kurono was snapped back to reality, “Huh?! Oh, yeah.”
When they sat down, Hari was once again, spacing out and staring at the teacher. He was so stunning, and he wanted to know him even more. He hadn’t realized the meeting was over, until he felt his sleeve get pulled on by Carrie. 
“C’mon! Oh! Tashiro!”
He saw the girl rush over to her friend and saw the kids meeting up, and he stood up, stretching his back.
“Heh, sorry about the chairs, sir.”
He looked down, and saw you. He blushed and smiled at him.
“It’s fine, just not what I’m used to.”
When all the parents and students were gone, Kurono and you stayed back.
“I noticed you were looking at me, so I made this.”
He handed Hari a slip of paper, and he blushed when he saw the number.
“Uh, I-I’ll call you.”
“Talk to you later, Hari Kurono.”
“You too.”
As he drove the kid back, he looked at the rambling girl.
“He has the fluffiest kitten you’ve ever seen! I can’t wait to see mom and dad back home!”
Hari screeched to a stop at the compound, slowly turning to the girl.
“I thought your mom was working till 1 am tonight and Kai was still in his meeting?”
“Oh... they did tell me to remember that.”
Hari. Couldn’t. Believe it. He just took their child to see their teacher, while they stayed home. He stormed into the compound, walked to the sitting room and glared at the couple who were playing Shogi as he set Carrie down.
“You two!”
“Hello Hari, I assume that Carrie is doing good?”
“She is doing wonderfully, but you two were trying to set us up?!”
“Well, Carrie thought it was good idea, and she wanted to see her teacher be happier than he already was, and she just wanted to see you happy!”
“And now I owe my wife ¥250, cause I assume you got her number.”
“Yes, I did.”
“Told ya, babe.”
“Shut up, angel. But thank you Hari.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Secretly, he was happy that he did meet (Y/N), and he was going to call him.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Can we get more of a back story of how kid Chrono got stuck in a tree and was the headline for the newspaper how did his flower react
Why of course-
"How?! Kurono seriously this thing about you getting stuck on high places even if you still have a fear of heights is getting old kid!" Pops shouted as Kai continued to reading his book as nothing was happening as Kurono clenched on the tree like it was a life saviour.
"I'm sorry! One billipns times sorry just help me please!" He shouted, denying it to look down for two reasons.
One, he didn't want it to see Pops looking at him with a frown that just screamed "I told you so"
And two, and most important.... (Y/n), his crush, was down there. Looking up at him.
He never felt so humiliated on all his short years of life.
The elder sighed before looking up again.
"At least tell m a good reason for you to get up there in the first place?!"
"Kurono Hari if you don't tell me I'm asking Chisaki about it." Kai looked up, as if he was saying 'dont get me involved with this shit.' As you still looked at the poor boy up there on that tree.
"No! No, don't ask! I-i... saw a apple and-"
"Wring tree type block head." Chisaki said as he flipped one page of his book to continue his reading "Try again."
"Kurono." Pops crossed his arms as Kurono whined internally.
"FINE! I was trying to impress (Y/n) okay?! Just GET ME OUT OF HERE!" he screamed at the tops of hsi lungs as you covered your mouth and widen your eyes at seing the boy so scared.
"The firemans are coming Kurono, just hang in there." The man sighed as he called Chisaki inside "Soon you will be out."
As Pops had said, the fireman come with their gigantic cartruck as oen bearded man took Chrono out of the three as he was some sort of scaredy cat.
He grumply jumped out of the man's hands when he was close enough to the ground and almost ran inside the house out of embarrassment if it wasn't for you holding his hand.
"You're okay?" You asked softly as he looked down, one way of trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Yeah..." you smirkes at how cute this boy looked before peeking him on the cheek, giggling at how hjs head shot up amd his eye widened.
"You were sooo brave! I would never be able to do that Hari!" The boy, still awestruck, tried to form words befor ehe was lushed by you inside the house "C'mon! Lets play something else or eat something to ease our nerves down!"
He smiled as he allowed you to drag him, passing by Chisaki who muttered "Gross." In disgust. But he couldn't care less.
He was damn happy now that he was out of that cursed tree.
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Character: Chronostasis x retired actress reader
@goblinchild99​ Thank you so much for requesting! I always love the ideas you come up with, they’re so much fun to write! I hope this is okay :)
*mentions of a stroke*
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‘Here we go…’ You took a deep breath as you stepped off of your private plane, walking towards the car that was there to pick you up. Today would be your first day in your new home, Japan. You, Y/n L/n used to be a quite famous actress in America. That is until you were working on a big project and the stress got to you…causing you to have a stroke…Thankfully you were okay, but you had to keep your life as stress free as possible, and you knew being in Hollywood would not be the best option. 
So, you retired early, packed up and moved to Japan, which had always been a favorite place of yours to visit! You would be living in Musutafu a fairly populated, but also calm part of Japan. You would be living in a nice home and seeing as how you were *ahem* rich, money wouldn’t be a problem. Now that you know the background, let’s get into the good stuff shall we~ You started acting from a pretty young age, around 6. You started in tv shows and movies or whatnot, even staring in a few kids shows and as you got older your passion for acting only grew! Your quirk also helped a lot believe it or not! Your quirk is called Hair morph, and it allows you to change your hair at will. Be it length, color, texture you name it. You can also keep it as what you want it to be pretty much as long as you like, but it is nice to return to H/c every once in a while. Today you had long wavy bright blue hair, because  w h y  n o t ? You had been in Japan for about a month now, pretty much spending your time traveling and meeting knew people. On this specific day you were walking around a park. It wasn’t too populated which was weird since it was such a nice day! You had been walking around, excitedly looking at everything, when a certain persons hair had caught your eye. You considered yourself as a sort of hair enthusiast seeing as your quirk was centered around your hair. So when you found someone with the most peculiar, beautiful silver white hair with arrows at the end!?! You were in love…okay with their hair BUT STILL!! Without even thinking your long wavy bright blue hair had changed to still long silver with arrows at the end. Still in a daze, you didn’t realize the stranger making their way towards you. “Uh…can I help you” You shook your head and looked to the beautiful man in front of you. ‘Oh sh-‘ “uH- no, yes, maybe?” The stranger chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest, white hoodie showing off his toned arms. “Uhm. This is going to sound really weird, but I like your hair, it’s really cool!” He nodded as a small side smile made it’s way to his face. “I noticed.” He pointed to your hair, a confused look made it’s way to your face before it was replaced with a petrified one as you realized your hair had changed. “A-ah, I’m sorry about that,” You nervously chuckled as your hand came up to the back of your neck. “My quirk is hair morph, so sometimes it just happens when I see someone with hair I like…sorry, I bet that was kind of weird to see huh?” He just shook his head, arrow like hair softly moving with him. “Not really. But I’ve gotta say, in all the years I’ve had this hair, you’re the first one to say it’s cool.” Your eyes widened at this, “Really?! But why?! I think it’s unique, not to mention you look really handsome-“ Your eyes widened as you slapped a hand over your mouth, muttering a ‘sorry’. He lightly laughed as he looked down, shaking his head lightly as he dug in his pocket for his phone. “I hope this isn’t too sudden, but I’d like to get to know you better. Would it bother you if I got your number?” Still not recovered from your embarrassing outburst, you gave a small smile as you nodded, handing him your phone as you two exchanged contacts. “Well, I should probably head back, my boss gets real grumpy if I’m ever late, but uh, I’ll text you later…?” “Y/n! Y/n L/n. I didn’t catch your name either…” He smiled at you, “Hari Kurono, bye Y/n.” You nodded giving him a small wave, “Bye Hari, I’ll talk to you soon!” He turned around and started to walk away, you were about to turn around when you heard “Oh! By the way, you pull it off better than I do, you look beautiful.” And with that he turned around and walked away, leaving a stuttering, smiling you behind. It’s safe to say you both very happily texted the other that night, and may have met up not long after…
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
So basically He has a crush on Reader and Wanted to give her a pretty present and a confession U-UBUUT Pops has so many misteltoes everywhere that Hari ends Up with you under one👀
With his to gue poking oit of his lips and sweat cripping down his forehead, the little boy tried to wrap perfwctly the box where he bought a plushie of your favorite animal... although, he never would have thought that wrapping a gift would be so... difficult.
"You're doing it wrong." He yelped at the sudden sound of his best friend's voice and accidentaly and tear the christmas themed paper.
"Darn it..." he mumbled while angrily throwing the paper on the trash can only to give a side glare to Kai whose only turned a page from his book. "You made me tear it you know?"
"You did this by yourself. Dont blame me on it. Also, who told you to invite her?"
Just about when he was to snao a comment Pops knocked on the room to call for him to answer the door. Only to gasp with a open goofy smile at sieng you there.
"Hi Hari-kun! Good afternoon sir!" You greeted them with a bright smile, brighter than the snow out there as he almost jumped on his feet out of happines befor ehe saw you gasping looking up at the door frame.
He heard pops laughter until his face flushed deep red at seeing the mistletoe hanging there.
"Well would you look at that?" The elder said with a hearted chuckle while crossing his arms.
He gave the man a desperate look before you shifted on your feet before placong a warm and soft kiss on his cheek before giggling at the boy almost fainting.
It was gonna be a good christmas eve
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
What if kid Chrono goes to his flower when she’s with her friends and gives her a flower and tells her that she looks nice today and that she should go and watch him practice climbing things and once he leaves her friends a are like is that your boyfriend
Your friends started to giggled while looking at something behind you, at least you hoped, as you continue eating your bento confusely.
"Don't freak out now (L/n)-chan. But look who is coming here~" you let out a confused sound before you heard the motive of this conversation calling from behind you.
"Ah! Kurono-kun!" You smiled after swallowing what was left inside your mouth. The boy smiled back at you, a faint blush coming over his cheeks as he decided that the clouds were a more interesting thing to look.
"Uh.." his grey eyes found yours again aa he suddenly showed you a flower on his hand, offering it to you, smilling at how he at least got you to smile and to take the flower he was offering to you.
"I just wanted to tell how beautiful you looked today." You blushed crinsom red at his words as your friends awed from the scene, not helping how embarrassed you were.
"T-Thank you... I guess." You looked down at the flower as hs kicked the ground for a bit before speaking up again.
"Maybe if you want later, you would like to see me practicing? You know... climbing and jumping stuff?"
"She accepts!" Your other friend yelled, starling not only Kurono but you as well as you almost dropped the flower when they were gripping your shoulders so tightly.
"Cool." He answered blankly while staring at them with a poker face before leaving, not before looking over his shoulder to send you a smile "See you later then, (Y/n)-chan."
You stuttered as he left as your friends squealed from behind you.
"W-Would you guys stop that?! I-Is already embarrassing enough!"
"Oh admit ya girl have the biggest crush on one of the boys from that mafia!"
"Who knew (l/n) had on her!"
"Did you guys notice how he spoke her first name?!"
You could only burry your tomato face in your hands as they continue rambling, but not denying your obvious crish on that arrow haired styled boy.
"I'm honestly surprised that you actually went." Chisaki spoke nonchantly, not bothering to look over at his friend whose was covering his face with his hoodie, while reading his book.
"Shut up! It was not easy okay?! Just give me the yen you own me!"
"Fine fine drama king. Have any plans on how you're not getting stuck on some tree this time?"
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
One life for the other
An Young Chisaki Kai x Guardian angel Reader.
(A/n): there is cleary mentions of God here and as always, dont like it, dont read it.
Thanks for reading and for the support ^^
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"I'm late!!! I'm late!!!! I'm late!!!!" You exclaimed while flying around the city on the middle of the night... furrowing your eyebrows at noticing the destined house you were suppose to be.
"Oh no..." you whimpered before an idea popped in your head as your wings scratched in glee before you flew to the near hospital... Your instincts as an future guardian angel were ringing like crazy when you found an window and entered an dessert room.
You arched your eyebrow at that flinching at hearing some screaming from the other side of the door. Those were the parents of who you had to protect?!
Your disgust was soon substituted by glee when you saw a crib. You opened your mouth in glee as your feather ruffled up as you aproached slowly the crib to see a baby sleeping inside. Small tuffs of dark brow hair on the top of his head as he slept peacefully... even if his mother was no where around.
"My lord.." you gushed, your wings flapping as you saw the golden orbs open slightly only to close again after the yawn he let out
"Chisaki Kai." You cooed while flapping your wings "A perfect name." The baby sneezed at the breeze your wings were making while you giggled at his confusion face.
Such a hot day... you were trying your best to protect Kai from overheat... but what an angel could do asides from protecting someone as sneakily as they can?
"... I will be alone forever..." you freezed at the words Kai let out and you flew to be in his front to gasp at seing golden eyes glossy with tears, yet still remained the same stoic expression as he curled up on himself, sitting on the ground.
You clenched your jaw at remembering the parents... They shouldn't even ever be called that. Even as a angel, you were secretely grateful that Kai's quirk had activated when his father was going to beat him once again.
Ever time you would get Chisaki out of the way when his father or mother would throw something at him... But if it was indirect contact you were obligated to just watch... one time where you slapped his father's hand away when he went to grab his hair, an lottle amount of feathers fell from your wings.
Direct contact between angels and humans was extremely forbidden... so this served as some punishment.
Yet you loved Kai too much to just let someone hit him once again....
You sitted besides him, wishing how he could see you to prove to him that he wasn't never alone... but now, the only thing you could do was to tear up and scratch oen of your wings to cover him.
"Thank you for your mercy sir." Your ears perked up at hearing a woman speaking to man as he only lifted his hand.
"Is not a problem..." you arched your eyebrow and pursue your lips at that before following the man for one second... you bited your bottom lip in fear before doing one more forbided thing.
Read this man's thoughts and story of his life...
You hissed at the feeling of some feathers falling but smiled at seing that despite him being on the mafia, he was indeed a good man with excellent morals. You picked the hem of his clothes and started to pull him.
"Whoa!" The elder cursed at the brute force as you scoffed when he escaped your grip, before you smiled and grabbed his ear to catch his attention... breaking once again one of the rules....
You hissed but smiled at seing the man looking at Chisaki. You flew next to the boy once again and waited.
"... Kid?" Chisaki looked up and got on his feet with your help.
"Got no where to call a home?" The elder frowned in sympathy as you smiled up at him... Thank God... "What's your name kiddo?"
"Chisaki.." you looked at your side to see Kai with golden shining eyes at the elder who made you jump in glee while flapping your wings.
"Chisaki Kai..."
"THIS KID!!!" Jophiel shouted as his wings scratched in horror as he flew from the spots you two were sharing a tree to prevent Hari Kurono to fall face plant on the ground after some jumping and running around on the walls of the yakusa.
You laughed while kicking your legs as the angel glared at you from the spot where he was checking over Hari.
"Must be good to have a quiet fellow to watch over huh?!" He laughed as you giggled and slowly flew down from the tree as he checked twice if Hari didn't had any bruises "If it wasn't for me, Kurono would be on the hospital at least 5 times in only one week!"
You watched one of leafs fall delicately towards Chisaki's head before you just blew away as Kai only scract hee his head a bit, looked around and hesitantly got back to read.
"If you weren't an angel (Y/n) I would assume you are in love with him!" Jophiel sighed, wings flapping as you snorted.
"Well, I do love him." You watched Kai with a soft look as Jophiel sighed before Pops called the both kids as you two little angels flew behind them.
"One or two of the subbordinates will be watching over you two. Dont get in trouble while I am out." Pops said before ruffling Kai's hair as you and Jophiel followed the kids.
"Oh no." Jophiel muttered when he saw both boys leaving the room while hidding as your eyes flew open.
"I should be the one who said that..." you and Jophiel interlocked looks before worriedly following them.
"I dont think is a good idea to follow Pops Chisaki." Hari muttered as Kai lead the way, ocassionaly hidding behind some walls of the alley to not be catched by Pops.
"We can help Pops. And this way I can retribuit what he done for me." You rolled your eyes while flying on Kai's side as Kurono jumped from a stair of the buildings, Jophiel casually helping him around to not get hurt.
"You know, from how much we have luck our guardian angels must be exausted." Hati snickered as Jophiel only deadpanned at the kid.
"Oh please." Kai rolled his eyes, widening his eyes at seing the abandonment building the elder just entered along with some guards "Is here. Get your sickness ready."
Hati rolled his eyes and climbed the stairs along with the dark haired boy as Jophiel tilted his head.
"He read a book once." You sighed and flew high until where teh boys were watching from a hole on the building.
You shooed away some rats that tried to get away from Chisaki as the boy tsked.
"They refused Pops offer. Bastards." You looked at him before widening your eyes at seing Chisaki using his quirk subsconciously, Jophiel was lucky enough to pull some of the concrete to prevent Hari to fall but Chisaki cursed under his breath when he fell.
"KAI!" You shouted, flying towards him, ignoring Jophiel calls as you were finally able to catch Chisaki under his arms and prevent the fall, landing him gently on the ground with a huff.
You clenched another puff of your feathers in your tiny hands and teared up... as more as your feathers fell, your wings were getting weaker and weaker.
"What is the meaning of this?!" The other man shouted as Pops looked at Chisaki with wide eyes.
"Using a kid as a spy huh? How noble old man." The older one spoke before snapping his fingers "Get him."
You blinked as Kai desperately tried to punch the ground, some effort to get his quirk to work as some gunshots echoed on the ground.
Jophiel had to follow Hari down and casually helped you up with his strengh. His wings compared to yours were way much bigger like an archangel instead of a guardian... while your own one were almost matching ones of a little hurt bird.
"What are you two doing in here?!" Pops shouted while shielding them both as the guards helped them to get out.
Jophiel flew towards Hari as you tried to get out of the ground for some minutes, but landed on the ground with heavy pants.
"Cmon (Y/n)!" Jophiel over his shoulder before a man appeared to fight Pops. The man cursed under his breath and told both boys to hide behind the car. But Kai being the stubborn child he was, stayed there and finally managed to use his quirk to send the guy flying. Pops looked over hsi shoulder in shock.
You smiled at seing this before you saw a woman aiming some weird goo behind him, you tried to get up and fly towards him but you couldn't...
"No-!" You shouted but the woman shot Kai with the goo as she laughed when Pops knocked her down.
Kai looked at his hands mortified before feeling his whole body go limp... He was nauseaus yet... his body just simply gave up, and fainted.
You extended your hand... but not even that. When Kai needed you the most... you weren't there fo help him out...
You dropped your head as Jophiel continued protecting Hari but still looking at you in pity.
"I am afraid our most skillful doctors won't be able to help him my old friend..." the doctor talked with Pops as the boy slept with a high fever on his bed "His state is... terminal..."
You cried in your knees as Jophiel patted your back.
"Is all my fault! When he needed me the most I-I wasn't there!" You sobbed as Jophiel stared at you.
"But you did all you could..." you sniffled and grabbed onto Chisaki's hand before you furrowed your eyebrows...
A plan crossed your mind as you clenched Chisaki's hand before you looked over your shoulder at Jophiel.
"Take me up there..."
Jophiel dropped you in the stairs of heaven as you hesitantly walked and meet the guardian of the gates of heaven.
"My my, look at what the wind brought now.." the man spoke sweetly as you looked up at him with teary eyes but with a slight smile.
"Hello saint Peter..."
"Wow young one." The man crounched down to your tiny stature "Your tone of voice sounds so..."
"Things arent good..." you stiffled and explained all the story to the saint as he hummed in thought.
"Young one, I will talk with Him, then we will see what I can do..."
You nodded, passing around the gates as Saint Peter went to talk with the lord as some of the angels stared at you in all sorts of ways, disgust of you disrespecting the others, pity for the one you had been charged to protect.
"I never saw this sorta of thing happening." One angel spoke on one of the clouds as his companion nodded and pointed at you.
"I hope the lord gives you what you wish (Y/n)..." your eyes burned at that as you holded your hands together, one angel mustering about the liquid falling from your eyes.
"... Angels also cry..." you whispered under your breath as many others tears fell from your eyes.
In your prayers you were also hoping that God was listening to you as well...
"Please my lord... I discovered that even though I am an angel, I still am just a child full of hope to see the one I love to grow..." you gasped when the gates opened and Saint Peter appeared with a frown as you looked up at him.
"Please Saint... tell me there is one way to save him..."
"... There is one little one. But are you willing to do it?"
You nodded without hesitation, listening to ever word the saint had to offer to you.
Jophiel watched the scene with furrowed eyebrows before he let out a confused sound. The time seemed to freeze as you,bright as the sun flew past the door as Kai opened his eyes with a hiss.
You looked at him with a smile, grabbing his hand and tearing up when you noticed he could see you too and squeezed your hand back.
"Do we..." he coughed "Know each other? My skin didn't get irritated..."
"Sorta." You shrugged as Kai squished his eyes to try to see you better.
"Are you an angel..?" You looked over your shoulder to see your wings only to shake your head as they slowly faded into white little sparkles of light and got absorbed by Kai's body.
"I am... a child." You said while smilling, joilt of light appeared and you dropped in the ground, human clothes now on your body as your memories as once as an angel slowly faded away.
The time got back to normal as Pops went to rub Chisaki's hair before the boy groaned and got up as you smiled at him as Chisaki stared you back in shock yet glee.
"My boy?" Pops almost gasped at seing chisaki on good condition as Kai looked away from you to see Pops. "FOr crying oUT LOUD!" He grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug as Kai tensed up at the contact as you slowly got out of your hidden spot.
"Must be a miracle..." pops mused before notcing your presence. "What..? Who are you kid?"
"Ah... I knew a few minutes ago but.. I forgot?" You scratched the back of your neck in embarrassment as Kai looked at you and slowly got close.
"You forgot? Hmm..." pops mused out loud as Kai circled around you with a furrow on his eyebrows before pointing at your face.
"You're... weird. I feel like I know you somehow..." you tilted your head as Pops chuckled and messed a bit with your head.
"Well, until you regain back your memory you can stay here for a while."
"Not gonna show me your friend now pal?" Hari smirked as Kai buffed and crossed his arms with eyes closed.
"I am not obligated to tell you anything blockhead." You bited on your bottom lip to prevent to laugh as the white haired boy rolled his eyes.
"Since we're going to live together for a bit." He extended his hand and you take it with a giggle, mindfull of the glare Chisaki was wearing it on his eyes "I am Kurono, Kurono Hari, and this is Chisaki Kai."
"I know." You giggled as Kai uncrossed his arms with a doubtfull look.
"How can you know this even if you dont even know your own past?"
"Uh... I dont know. I just know it.." you smiled at Kai's scoff with a smile, calling you weirdo as Hari asked for your name.
"(Y/n)... Just (Y/n)." You smiled at both boys.
This seemed like a new life you could enjoy... without wings or whatever.
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