arysbruv · 1 year
Alright so Erik learns about peter and has like split custody with Magda
Erik has referred to Peter as my sweet baby boy ITS CANON TO ME-
Peter wins all the ‘My dad could beat up your dad’
Even if he didn’t have a mutation Erik probably could beat all the other dads-
Charles and Raven tells Peter embarrassing things his father has done.
Charles also tells him things they did when they were younger (Raven sticks with embarrassing stories)
Raven teaches him how to escape the law
Spends time at the mansion and is one of the first students to be enrolled at the school
Peter has been banned from all the running events because he beat everyone (obviously)
Erik to the other students and Charles: Sounds like a skill issue tbh-
Charles: ERIK THEY ARE 8
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charlestichy · 2 years
My name is Innocent Mkhomolo I am 26 years old I was born with hydrocephalus it is hard for me to find a job my dream is to open up a business I am in need of a liposuction machine or a cavitation machine to do my business please help me raise funds your help will be highly appreciated. Also you can use PayPal my email:[email protected]
innocent #naturepic #thing #lifeisaparty #sorrynotsorry #childofgod #innocent #naturepic #thing #lifeisaparty #sorrynotsorry #childofgod #greatestmotherintheworld #petermaximoff #truepeople #nametattoos #onlynature #newbabyboy #dontwastemytime #makeitright #kisaanmajdoorektazindabad #lovepeople #yourname #catchmeifyoucan #mumofboys #nanatsunotaizai #name #iphonephoto #that #mycity #never #haveaniceday #dontgiveup #prettygirls #not #myheroacademia #guess #livethelittlethings #believeinyourself #mumlife #is #true #nevergiveup #i #momlife #loveyou #selflove #loveyourself #my #boy #me #selfie #picoftheday #instagood #givingtuesday #nft #education #nftart #happy #covid #support #philanthropy #india #volunteers #hope #donationsneeded #donate #volunteer #fundraising #giving #kids #socialgood #crypto #nftartist #thankyou #nonprofitorganization #community #humanity #donatetoday #bhfyp #nonprofit #volunteering #ukraine #makeadifference #donations #giveback #helpingothers #charityevent #ngo #socialwork #change #dogood #donation #fitness #life #fundraiser #children #nfts #help #food #givingback
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Do Something! - Xavier Plympton
pairing: xavier plympton x reader
warnings: swearing, gore, anxiety
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“The only way we’re getting out of this is if we split up.” Ray suggested. All four of us widened our eyes simultaneously.
“Split up? Are you fucking nuts? That’ll get us all killed faster!” I shouted, my hands on my hips.
“Well I don’t see anyone else jumping up with fucking ideas, do you?” He yelled back at me.
“Guys, stop yelling at each other! Y/N, I know you hate to hear it, but Ray’s right.” I rolled my eyes at Brooke; she’ll always side with a boy if it comes to it.
“We’re cornered right now, we don’t have many options. Jingles is out there, too, so maybe running in a huge group where he can pick us off might not be such a good idea.” She said.
“I think Brooke is right. Let’s split up. Y/N, you come with me and Brooke, and Ray you go with Rita. Look for everyone else, and if you can’t find them, double back to the cars, okay?” Chet spoke, surprisingly levelheaded in this intense situation. We all nodded and broke off into our groups.
We’d barely made it out of the cabin when we heard an eerily familiar voice.
“I told you I’d find you again, Satan’s path led me right to you.” The killer said. Brooke fell to the ground in her panic, looking back to me and Chet.
“Run!” She wailed, pointing to a trail heading into the woods. Chet looked to me and nodded, following me into the darkness. We ran for god knows how long with nothing chasing us, so we decided to stop and catch our breaths.
“Do you think Brooke’s okay?” I panted, leaning up against a thick branch. Chet stood a few feet away, hands on his knees as he swallowed air ferociously.
“She’ll be fine, that chick has a good survival instinct. We shou-” He was interrupted by a sound.
A terrifying sound I never hoped to hear:
Keys jingling.
We both stood straight up, paralyzed in terror. My heart rate sped up; I could practically feel it pounding in my chest.
I took off as fast as I could, hardly noticing the sound of Chet’s body hitting the ground behind me. I took a chance and glanced over my shoulder to see Mr Jingles only several steps away.
I yelped as my foot caught on a root, sending me hurtling to the forest floor. I slid backwards across the dirt, backing away as much as I could before I backed into a tree.
“P-please don’t hurt me, I-I haven’t done anything wrong!” I cried out, tears springing to my eyes.
Before I could say anything else, a scream followed by several twigs snapping was heard in the distance. I silently thanked whatever god was out there for the distraction.
Mr Jingles backed up and stared into the woods, making me think he would go after the noise. Instead, he quickly turned back to me and advanced rapidly towards me.
“N-no, what are you-” I screamed in agony as he brought his boot down on my ankle, all the bones crunching beneath his foot.
I tried to back away from the killer, but immense pain shot through my leg, rooting me to my spot. Thankfully, Jingles decided not to finish me off and walked off into the brush. I rested my head against the stump behind me, fading in and out of consciousness.
Suddenly, a hand clamped over my mouth, muffling my screams of distress. I clawed at the hands grabbing me, and the quickly released me. I took another deep breath, preparing to yell for help, but a familiar face came out from behind the tree.
“Xavier? Oh my god, thank god you’re here!” I hugged him tightly.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Y/N. Where’s everyone else?” He asked, eyes darting around the dark woods.
“The stalker caught up to Brooke, Ray and Rita ran off to try to find everyone, and me and Chet ran into Jingles.” I explained, trying to level my breathing.
“Let’s get out of here before one of them finds us. Maybe we can find Margaret and Bertie before we leave.” Xavier said, staring down at me. He looked at me for a second, head tilting in confusion. “Well come on, get up and come with me!”
“I can’t fucking walk, Xav! Jingles stomped the shit out of my fucking ankle, dumbass!” I tried to maintain a thoughtful volume, but sometimes his stupidity was impressive. His eyes widened in panic, resembling those of a cartoon character.
“Oh Jesus, I’m so sorry! Here, I got you,” He bent over, looping a hand under my knees and around my shoulders, lifting me up into his arms. The sudden movement jolted my ankle, forcing a moan of pain from my throat. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Every step he took on the uneven ground bounced my foot up and down, causing little whimpers to bubble up from me.
Xavier kept apologizing as we walked, nearly every second word out of his mouth was some form of ‘sorry!’. We kept making our way towards the hope of running into any of the other counselors, but we were unlucky. We reached a clearing, stopping to catch our collective breaths when we heard it.
Two pairs of footsteps.
Coming from two different directions.
And a set of jingling keys.
I looked to Xavier with guidance, seeing his eyes wide as dinner plates. His head whipped around every which way, mapping out a place for us to hide. He managed to find a hollowed out tree, unfortunately only big enough for one body.
“Xavier, please don’t leave me. P-please don’t leave me, Xavier!” I whimpered into his neck, my tears soaking the skin there.
“Y/N, if you want both of us to make it out of here alive, I’m gonna need you to stay by yourself for a bit, okay?” He nodded reassuringly. I nodded begrudgingly, pulling myself from him and wedging into the hollowed out wood.
Xavier kept low, sliding away from me and slipping into a bush just within my field of vision. He was right, the tree was small, barely large enough to keep me standing. I tried to shift my weight onto the foot that hadn’t been mangled, but doing so made me let out an involuntary cry.
The world felt as if it had momentarily stopped spinning. Time was frozen still as I heard footsteps gaining on me. Everything moving so fast, yet so slow. In that moment, my life truly flashed before my eyes as I knew death was fast approaching.
I bit down on my hand, hot tears streaming down my face as I dared not to breathe. I looked to Xavier, his expression nearly mirroring mine.
Suddenly, I heard male voices shouting at each other, followed by grunts and knife slashes. I wanted so badly to peek out of my hiding to see what was happening, but I wasn’t sure if it was safe to come out yet.
Everything seemed to be blurring, the vivid colors of blue and green morphing into murky brown. I felt nothing, numb to the blood pouring from my shattered ankle, unaware of the fresh crimson seeping from my elbows and knees.
My leg gave out below me, the unforgiving ground quickly coming closer. But before I could crash down, I was pulled into Xavier’s arms. His gaze scanned me up and down, noticing my paled face and the cold sweat all over my body.
“Holy shit, you don’t look so good, babe.” He remarked bluntly. I groaned as he lifted me into his arms, looping mine weakly around his neck.
“Never felt better, actually.” I coughed, smiling tiredly. Xavier smiled a genuine, heartwarming smile, making my chest flutter.
“Even when the world tries to keep you down, you just keep getting back up, don’t you?” He remarked. “I’m gonna get us out of here, don’t you worry. We’re gonna get the fuck out of LA, move to San Fran or some shit. We’ll buy a huge mansion with a built in aerobics studio where I can teach lessons, and an art studio where you can paint. We’re gonna have a couple kids, and they’ll have grandkids, and we can grow old together, yeah?”
“We can put this whole fucking thing behind us, we don’t ever have to think of it anymore. I just need you to stay awake for me, okay baby?” Xavier nodded to me.
I was half passed out, but I heard every word clear as day. I’d wanted that with him for as long as I could remember, but truth be told I didn’t think he was the kind of guy to settle down so easily. What he’d just described was exactly what I wanted with him. All I ever wanted was a future with him.
But now, all I wished for was a future, and I didn’t even know if I’d get that.
“But I’m so tired, Xav, and it hurts so much.” I whined, my eyes fluttering shut.
“I know, I know, babe, I know it hurts. We’ll get you medical help as soon as we’re safe, I just need you to stay awake.” He reaffirmed, maneuvering through the brush.
“Just stay awake...”
my first cody fern fic! i’m kinda proud of this, also it turned out longer than i thought it would. i actually like the ending for once, so i’m surprised.
feedback is always appreciated!
TAGLIST: @notquitepainless @life-rocked-me-like-motley @crimsonmoonss @fuckmedobrik @polarluxray @cobainlover @magicaljellydonut @totally-true @exvanpeters @heavymetalover @peachyklss @michael-langdon-baby @gracebtw @evanpeters-petermaximoff @imma-witch-bitch @dylisbae @felloff-the-moon @psychobitchtess @rosesometimeswrites @evandearest @harmcn
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too-many-baes · 5 years
Who Needs Prom
Pairing: fem!reader x Peter Maximoff
Warning(s): N/A
Word Count: 2.2K
Summary/Request: Work colleagues and mutual crushes at X Mansion, Peter and you both manage to skip out of chaperoning for prom. You get to talking and discover Peter never went to prom, so you do your best to make it up to him. - by @evanpeters-petermaximoff
A/N: Once again big thanks to my darling for sending me another BOMB request. This was just such a cute request and I swear I had just like the goofiest grin on my face the whole time I was writing it. I don’t think I’m the best at writing dialogue, so sorry this one is pretty much just that P.S. Sorry it took me a gazillion years to get it up. Hope y’all enjoy!
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The room is quiet, the halls empty. The only sound filling the room is you rustling around in the pantry, scavenging what you can while no one’s around to catch you in the act. You smile at your find, a box of chocolate covered Oreos, tucking them under your arm as you continue your search.
A little part of you wishes that X Mansion could be like this more often, quiet and serene to match the buildings grand exterior. You shake your head slightly at yourself, knowing that you don’t really wish that at all. You love the usually loud halls, the roaring voices and constant murmur reminding you that you’re privileged enough to work somewhere that provides a safe place where mutant teens feel free and happy.
In a regular school the mutants would be the solemn and removed ones, too scared of causing a scene or being discovered to do anything but keep their heads down. Not here. Here those same kids laugh, a laughter free of care and worry. Being a teacher at such a place fills you with immeasurable pride, knowing you’re making a positive impact on their lives.
Goodies carefully nestled under your arm and feeling triumphant you head down the hallway to your room. You’d barely sat down on your bed and opened the box when a loud gust of air immediately followed by rapid knocks at your door signifies the arrival of your favourite co-worker.
“Hello Peter” you greet in synchronisation with you opening the door, the silver haired boy leaning against the bannister opposite your room.
“That’s not fair, how’d you guess?” He says as he enters your room and plonks himself in the dead centre of your bed, brushing past you and increasing your heart rate unknowingly in the process. No matter how many times Peter has come into your room, the sight of him on your bed always makes you feel like a school girl with her first crush. Absolutely ridiculous, you’d scolded yourself more times than you can count, you’re a teacher, he’s a teacher. You’re too old for sillly crushes.
“What is this?” Peter asks with a gasp, holding up the open but uneaten box of Oreos accusatorily. “A whole box and you weren’t even going to share.” You raise an eyebrow at him, prompting him to swiftly grab several chocolate coated biscuits from within.
“Hey!” You rush to your bedside, leaning to grab your prized box as he holds it out of reach, “I found those fair and square!” Try as you might you can’t reach the cookies, Peter having longer limbs than you.
“Oh doesn’t feel nice when someone doesn’t share does it?” He asks teasingly. Throwing your hands up in defeat you sit on your mattress directly beside him, resting your back on the wall behind. His amusement ending with your defeat, he reluctantly places the now half finished box between the both of you.
Neither of you speak as you enjoy your chocolate treat and the increased beating of your heart. You’d have assumed your veins would be accustomed to Peter’s presence by now, but every time their increasing speed of moving blood around your body proves you wrong.
If you’d known each other when you were teenagers you’re sure things would have already played out differently, when you were more flirty and confident, unafraid to make a move and make your intentions known. Things are different now, you’re older and less inclined to take frivolous risks. In favour of keeping the work place as free from awkward encounters as possible you had chosen not to act on your school girl crush for now. No matter how much you wanted to.
“So”, you begin after you’d helped demolish the box, “what’d you do to weasel your way out of chaperoning?” As you spoke the entire student body were at the large hall that had been hired to host prom. This was the first year you and Peter were working together that one was held. Having been made to attend the previous ones, you wondered how he managed to evade attending his very first one.
“You really think Professor X would trust me at a glorified party without joining in?” He queries with a quirked brow, eliciting a laugh in agreeance from you. “What about you? Would’ve thought prom would’ve been your thing.” You tilt your head and furrow your brows in confusion.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You question light-heartedly, earning a disbelieving look from him.
“Oh c’mon, a girl like you? I’m sure you were prom queen five years running.” You let out a hearty laugh while you try to disguise the blush that crept its way on your cheeks with his words.
“You couldn’t be more wrong actually,” you disagree, “I was pretty forgettable in high school.”
“I find that hard to believe.” Just like the blush that had almost dissipated came flooding back brighter than before at his kind words and eyes that rested on your face.
“Okay then Mr. Class Clown”, you change the subject to bring some normalcy to your features, “what were you doing at prom? Spiking the punch bowl I bet.” Oh how wrong your joke was.
“I was never even at one.” You couldn’t keep the shock off your face which made Peter laugh lightly at you.
“Not a single one?” Your shock even more evident in your voice than it is on your face. He shakes his head, a smile at your surprise still present. “Why not?”
“I don’t know really. I didn’t get on with a lot of the kids at school and I guess I didn’t think it was important”, ending his sentence with a dismissive shrug.
“Do you regret it?” He thought on your question for a minute before answering.
“Yea… I think I do.” While you weren’t the prom queen Peter had predicted, you had always gone with a group of your friends. The photos and memories you have of those nights you cherish, the fact Peter couldn’t share in that saddened you for him indescribably. You’re sure he would have loved it. Laughing, clowning around, slow dancing… Slow dancing. That gave you an idea. You perk up instantly, tucking your feet excitedly under your body as you turn to face him.
“Peter, where’s your Walkman?” He seems confused, but like a puppy with other puppies he latches on to your excitement.
“In my room.” He ends with an upwards inflection as if it was a question.
“Go grab it.” Your hair flies around your face as you blink, seeing a seemingly unmoved Peter, but now his portable cassette player was firmly in hand. This time you all but leap from the bed, grasping Peter’s free hand in your own as you tug him out of your room.
“Where are we going?” He struggles to get his sentence out amidst his excited laughter.
“To the lake now c’mon.” You tug his hand even tighter with your last word. Unexpectedly he yanks back, briefly making you collide with his chest, effectively stilling your movement.
“I know how we can get there quicker.” You remind yourself to breathe as he quickly and firmly wraps his arms around your middle. “Hold on tight”, he speaks in your hair. You’re pretty sure you know what’s coming so you close your eyes as a precaution. One minute you were in the halls in the X-Mansion, the next you’re at the aforementioned lake separating yourself from Peter and gasping for air. Your empty lungs, while still to do with Peter, were not merely down to his presence or words alone this time.
“Sorry, it’s a bit jarring the first few times.” Eventually you settle yourself enough that you can stand up straight once more. You finally allow yourself to take in your surroundings as Peter was already doing. The lake usually shrouded with students was completely void of anyone barring you and Peter. The water rippled occasionally in the light breeze and the moon cast its beams upon it. Looking at the picturesque view before you it was almost like being in a Van Gogh painting, although you preferred your reality that included the speedster beside you.
“Set it up to start at the next song.” You motion with your head at the Walkman. He obliges, taking only a second before a genuinely innocent smile crosses his face. He hands you the right earbud, the left already taken by him.
“Haven’t worn through these ones just yet huh?” You ask, still smiling from his previous gesture which had made you notice he was using the headphones you’d gifted him. It was his birthday not all that long ago, you’d wanted to get him something so he knew you were thinking of him but you’d struggled finding an item that fit. Eventually you’d chosen the white headphones before you now, as the packet had guaranteed the buds would stay put while exercising. Perfect for a man that never stops doing just that.
“I think they’re the best ones I’ve ever had.” The music was quiet, probably due to the fact you were both restricted to one earbud. You reach over and increase the volume a couple of notches, the melody to one of your favourite songs filling your ears. It was slow too, perfect to dance to. You start swaying, but only just so it was noticeable. Peter gazes at you, watching you shift your weight from foot to foot in time with the song. Tentatively you take one of his hands in yours, holding it out to the side.
“Usually when music’s playing people dance.” Your joking probe breaks him of his momentary trance. Clipping the Walkman to his belt his places a delicate hand upon your waist, your free one laying upon his shoulder. You both sway like awkward teens making you realise you were giving him much more of an authentic prom experience than what you had thought you could. In Peter’s soft gaze your nerves dissolve more and more with every word sung in your ear. You get the courage to release his hand in favour of wrapping your arms around his neck, him following suit and encircling your waist.
If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
Jim Croce’s voice is melodic, it fills the moonlit air around you with a magic only the two of you could feel.
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
If you had a choice you’d stay in this moment forever, just you, Peter, the moon and his Walkman.
Of how they were answered by you
As answered by the very song you were listening to you just couldn’t, time would always slip away from you, no matter how much you wanted to cling to it in the hopes of eternalising this precious moment.
“Y/N?” He takes your unflinching eye contact as a response, and with a sudden confidence he leans in, capturing your waiting lips in a chaste kiss.
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
You thought Peter was done stealing the air from your lungs but his lips moving away from yours proves you wrong. He rests his forehead on yours, close enough that the breath he stole could dance against your face.
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with
The final notes of the song float through your ears. When it finishes neither of you can move, almost glued to one another. Maybe it was the moon, or the music that put magic in the air. Whatever it was you never wanted it to relinquish its hold on the both of you.
“Everything in my life is fast Y/N, I have trouble slowing down”, he announces seemingly out of the blue. You reluctantly move your forehead away from his to get a better look in his eyes, gently playing with the hair at the back of his neck. “No matter how fast, you’re the one I want to go through time with.”
If anybody else on planet Earth had spoken those words to you you’d have rolled your eyes, maybe even laughed right at them. The man in front of you was the only exception to that rule. He could make dirty words sound pretty, and he could turn cliché ones into poetry handwritten for your ears only.
The smile on your face is contagious, his lips mirroring your own while you search for the right words to say. How do you even tell him how you feel? He summed it up so perfectly that any words you could think to use seem feeble in comparison.
“Really?” is the only word that manages to make it past your teeth, leaving Peter to smile at you and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I had no idea how to tell you, I’ve been too nervous.” You’re surprised at his words, you’d never have pegged Peter as one for nerves. “Apparently all I needed was prom.” Peter reaches down long enough to restart Time in a Bottle.
“Just once more” was the biggest lie told all night. That song played over and over, leaving you both in that magic moment you wanted to hold on to.
This was no prom. You had no chaperones, no curfew, no rules you had to follow. You’re both adults, making your own rules as you go. You had to silently disagree with Peter on one point though.
He didn’t need prom, neither did you. Prom paled in comparison to tonight.
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domestic-void · 5 years
rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you wanna know better
nickname: riri or ri
zodiac sign: i’m an aquarius! i actually have an aquarius tattoo on my middle finger
height: 5′4
hogwarts house: i’m the poster child for ravenclaw
last thing i googled: where to find a fire stone in sword and shield (my roommate and i were having a growlithe crisis)
fave musicians: bts, exo, stray kids, halsey, troye sivan, panic! at the disco
song stuck in my head: weirdly enough, Superman by Super Junior
amount of sleep: somewhere between 8 and 12 cause i get cranky
what i’m wearing: my pajamas, aka shorts and a tshirt
dream job: i would love to work with psychology in the video game industry somehow??? don’t know how that’ll work???
dream trip: either tokyo, seoul, or back to my family in the philippines
instruments: piano since age 6 and vocal since like i could speak. i’m a huge choir nerd
languages: english, french in high school, and a hint of tagalog also i can read hangul but no idea what it means
10 favorite songs: this is kinda an overall list but i’m probably forgetting like 50 other songs
누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay) - Shinee
Hopeless - Halsey
Nightmare - Halsey
12월의 기적 Miracles in December - EXO
Happy Little Pill - Troye Sivan
for him. - Troye Sivan
I Need U - BTS
Maze of Memories - Stray Kids
Nine in the Afternoon - Panic! at the Disco
Hazy Shade of Winter - Gerard Way
10 chill songs: i don’t really like chill songs too much cause my adhd brain is like DO IT LOUD but okay
Euphoria - BTS
Serendipity - BTS
i’m so tired... - Troye Sivan and Lauv
The Good Side - Troye Sivan
BITE - Troye Sivan
Is There Somewhere - Halsey
Tokyo Narita (Freestyle) - Halsey
What Is Love - EXO
상사병 (Symptoms) - Shinee
인어의 눈물 (Baby Don’t Cry) - EXO
10 energetic songs:
Yeah! - Usher, Lil John, Ludacris
Crazy - 4Minute
Side Effects - Stray Kids
Grrr 총량의 법칙 - Stray Kids
MIC Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) - BTS
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea - Fall Out Boy
Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time - Panic! at the Disco
Love Me - The 1975
One, Two Step - Ciara, Missy Elliot
That’s What You Get - Paramore
random fact: i’m one of the biggest video game nerds ever. like i can talk pokemon/overwatch/fire emblem for HOURS
my aesthetic: origami stars, dark nail polish, pink/purple sunsets, stacks of books, blue cloudy skies, 8 bit video games, sweater paws, the entirety of christmas, subtle eyeshadow
thank you so much @silverlightqueen for tagging me i love you so much simmy
tagging: @borhapparker @evanpeters-petermaximoff and literally anyone else who wants to do it cause apparently everyone else i knew on tumblr deactivated
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too-many-baes · 5 years
Pairing: fem!reader x Peter Maximoff
Warning(s): Pregnancy, fluff
Word Count: 2.2K
Request: Hi Darling! I just wanted to say I really really LOVE your last fic of Peter M that I read at least once everyday. Thank you so much again for accepting my request! My mood for Peter is still ongoing and I just had this idea for quite some time and it might be related to the last fic as well. So it's after Dark Phoenix and by that time Peter and the reader are married for like 7 years or so. When they married, they agreed to not have kids bc Peter was not sure/confident/ready to be a dad. Reader loved kids but she was okay with that and just happy being with Peter. Somehow Dadneto issue was resolved. One day Peter says he's kinda ready and wants to have kids with her only if she wants. They try and it's a long process so they decide to be patient. She loves coffee and Peter always brings coffee from her favorite cafe when she asks. One day Peter comes back with coffee and she says she might need hot chocolate or smt and Peter is confused. She reveals she's pregnant. I'm so sorry it's very long. You can change the idea as you wish. Always thank you for your time! - by @evanpeters-petermaximoff
A/N: Thank you again lovely for your amazing mind sending ideas to little ole me. I appreciate you so much  💖
Masterlist     Requests Open
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“One Americano, as requested.” Your husband places your order down in front of you, presenting you with his cheek and only sitting with his own coffee after you’d placed a peck upon it. A small smile rests upon his lips, as it always does after receiving a kiss from you, as he takes the first sip of his caramel latté. This is how you loved to spend your Saturday mornings, sitting side by side on the couch you had all but claimed at your favourite coffee shop down the road, sipping your drinks in relaxed silence.
When you had first moved in with your now husband Peter you had gone on a quest to find the best coffee in town. He liked his sweet whereas you preferred your coffee dark, so you’d had to find a place that did both well. You’d wanted to try as many of the cafés around as possible, however you’d stopped two cafés in as you’d tried ‘Brew’, your now weekly coffee stop. Being only two blocks away it was close enough that you could walk there, strolling down the footpath hand in hand to remind him to keep pace with you, lest he jetted off as he’s known for doing. You only ever really both had the time to go together on Saturday mornings, so throughout the week Peter would bring you a takeaway cup with your piping hot Americano. Sometimes he wouldn’t even get one for himself, going out of his way to bring one for you, making you wonder how you were lucky enough to have a husband that was still so thoughtful seven years into marriage.
You rest your head on Peter’s shoulder, waiting for your cup to cool down before taking a sip, when a family comes through the door. The two excited little girls burst through the door first, followed by their parents instructing them to slow down so they wouldn’t crash into anything. The girls slowed down by a fraction but did not cease in their game of tag. You look over at the mother to see that she was wearing a front pack which had the smallest little face staring at you from it. You had to supress a squeal. His face was scrunched and wrinkled, his small hands balled into fists against his mothers chest. You watched as the miniscule boy opened his mouth in what was proportionately a large yawn before closing his tired eyes.
The smile on your face speaks for itself and as you take your head off Peter’s shoulder to reach forward and grab your cooling mug. You peer at him, noting he must have been watching you looking at the family.
“Sorry, I was staring wasn’t I? They’re just so sweet”, you say, blowing on your coffee and tentatively taking your first sip. The fact you loved kids was no secret, you adored them, taking every babysitting opportunity that you could growing up. When you’d imagined your life as a little girl it had always been with children scampering around. You hadn’t accounted for meeting Peter then though.
He was a big kid himself, so when you’d first started getting serious with him you’d thought it went without saying that he’d want them too. Surprised was an understatement when you found out that wasn’t the case. At first he’d been guarded about it, laughing it off or changing the subject when you’d asked, but eventually you pieced together the truth. He was afraid he’d be like his father.
You had known fairly well immediately after meeting Peter that he didn’t have a father growing up, being raised by a single mother. You’d been shocked to say the least when he’d confided in you that the Magneto was his father. You saw the way this man was feared, how he’d put people’s lives in danger again and again. You saw how this affected Peter, how he wished his father was someone he could look up, someone to be a role model for him. He’d never found that in Erik, and while all of that was behind him now and he and Erik had sorted things out between them, those memories still wreaked havoc on his disposition towards kids.
You understood that if you stayed with Peter that he didn’t want kids for the foreseeable future, and that he very well might never want them, but you’d been surprised when you realised you were okay with that. Your friends had been concerned you were sacrificing too much when you’d married, having mentioned to them about him not wanting kids, but you didn’t see it as a sacrifice. You weren’t giving up your dream, simply realising a new one. As long as you were with Peter you were happy, kids or not.
“Pretty sure you’d have to have a screw loose to not look at that baby”, he says with a smile, trying to get a glance at the hardly a few weeks old baby himself. It’s now your turn to watch Peter, seeing how he poked his tongue out and bulged his eyes in an attempt to get the baby to smile. “I think he’s a bit young for that Peter”, you say while supressing a laugh at his antics. He shrugs at you, claiming no one is too young to find him funny before you settle down to finish your coffees, your eyes never truly straying from the happy family of five.
“So they were the cutest huh?” Peter asks you as you’re walking home, talking about the family he’d noticed you couldn’t stop smiling at. “Oh Peter, those wee girls were so cute! Did you see how the one with the pigtails kissed her baby brother on the forehead? I could’ve dropped dead right then.” You say it all with no agenda. You’d never try to change Peter’s mind, but you can’t help gushing.
He falls silent as you reach home after the short walk, him unlocking the door and letting you step inside first. He watches as he take your scarf off and hang in on the coat rack at the door, seeing how your hair falls daintily around your face and how your cheeks are a little flushed from the walk. He could never stop looking at you, sometimes he was so enraptured in watching you that you had to snap your fingers at him to pull him out of his trance.
It’s true, he hadn’t wanted kids. In the years since he’d worked things out with Erik though he’d felt a change. Something shifted, as if the worry he’d turn out removed like his own father had started to fade when he’d finally gotten to talk to him. Lately he’d noticed he was looking at kids just as much as you, thinking how great it would be to have a little Maximoff running around.
“Hey Y/N?” You stop on your way to the kitchen, turning around to look at Peter while humming to indicate you’d heard him. “You know I love you, don’t you?” You scrunch your eyebrows at the way he was speaking rather awkwardly, walking over to him and putting your arms around his neck. “Of course I do, I love you too.” Nows the time, looking into your eyes he couldn’t be more sure of it.
“I’m ready”, he speaks, having to continue when he only sees confusion on your face, “for a family. I want to have a kid.” You don’t speak for a while making Peter wonder if he’d said something wrong or if he’d chosen the wrong time. “Are you serious?” You whisper, a wide grin spreading larger across your face with every word you speak. He nods his head at you, his signature grin coming out at your happiness.
“Do you mean that?” You ask, still unable to shake your utter shock at his announcement. He nods eagerly once more, eliciting an excited squeak from you as you tighten your arms around his neck, him reciprocating by wrapping his around your waist. You stay there for a while, too excited to release him.
When you do, you quickly squeeze his shoulders before sliding your hands down his arms to connect your hands with his. Simultaneously you start stepping backwards with him in tow, leading him towards your bedroom. “C’mon Mr. Maximoff, put a baby in me”, you say with a mischievous glint in your eyes. He laughs full and excited, “I don’t know that it happens that fast.” He says, even though he continues to follow you. “Well we won’t know unless we try.”
“Whatever you say Mrs. Maximoff.”
You sit on the closed toilet seat, absent-mindedly scrolling through your phone as you wait for three minutes to tick past.
It’s been eight months. Eight months of trying, false alarms, and looking for symptoms that weren’t there. The both of you knew going into this that people don’t get pregnant immediately, a lot of the time it takes a fair bit of trying. You just couldn’t help how impatient you were. You’d gotten used to the fact that you might never have kids, now that you were trying for one you had been impatient.
The time on your phone rolls over to 5:48pm, marking three minutes passed. You sigh and pick up the little white stick, expecting another negative. When you look at first you only see one strong red line but then beside it a very faint second line stares back at you. You don’t believe it, pulling out the instructions and reading that no matter how faint, two lines indicated a positive result. You grab another from the box and repeat the process over. 5:53pm you check again, seeing the same thing, one strong line and a fainter second one. You clap your hands over your mouth out of excitement. You were pregnant. You and Peter’s child was in your womb as you stood there gobsmacked. It was probably only the size of a bean or grape, but you look down at your still flat stomach anyway, a comically large smile on your face.
The door slams announcing Peter’s arrival home, followed by him calling out your name down the hall. You grab both tests and shove them into your pocket, opening the door and walking out to see Peter at your dining table with a takeaway cup in his hands and another in the seat opposite him. You kiss him on the cheek before taking your seat across from him, cupping the warm vessel in both hands.
You idly chat very briefly as Peter sips at his drink. You raise your cup to your lips as you intend to take a sip before you stop dead and put the cup back down. Aren’t pregnant people not supposed to have coffee?
“What’s wrong with your coffee?” Peter asks, noticing you haven’t drunk any, “Don’t tell me you’ve gone off Brew, I think I’d cry if we had to find a new favourite spot”, he says dramatically, adding “ugly crying too.” You giggle at him, reaching across the table presenting your palm to him. He reaches back and clasps your waiting hand, smiling as your thumb rubs back and forth.
“First of all we’re never leaving Brew”, you say with a cheeky quick squeeze of your hand, “but I think I need to start laying off the coffee, maybe switch to hot chocolates or something.” He furrows his brows as he takes another sip. “Why?”
“Well”, you start, your excitement now bubbling to the surface, “I hear you’ve gotta be careful how much caffeine you drink while pregnant.” “Pshh, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it babe, don’t torture your-”, he stops himself mid sentence as he realises what you said, eyes snapping to your grinning face. “Are you, are you...” He fades off when you produce the two sticks from your pocket and place them in front of him. “We did it. I’m pregnant.”
His reaction is far more immediate than yours. He holds up your hand in his, kissing the back of it before quickly shooting up and hugging you tightly in a flash. You laugh at his eagerness and your own excitement, hugging him back just as tightly.
He pulls back, placing a hand on either side of your face and kissing your forehead. “We have to tell everyone!” He exclaims, you laughing at him. “We’re not supposed to until three months.” He agrees to keep quiet for the mean time, although he did try to convince you to let him tell one person which you absolutely declined despite how much you wanted to tell people too.
“Look,” he says motioning out to the lounge with his arm around the back of your chair, “soon we’re going to have a little Peter and Y/N running around here.” You smile, being able to picture Peter playing on the floor with your child.
“You do realise this means you’re going to have to deal with me not being able to have an Americano for nine months right?” You say teasingly. “Yesh, it’s going to be rough,” he says, you doing nothing to disagree. You look up into the face of the man you love and the man who has made you the happiest you’ve ever been.
“It’s going to be worth it though”, he says with sincerity. You smile with him in agreeance.
“It sure will.
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