#kensei is like a dad who does not want to get a dog
recurring-polynya · 3 years
Do you ever think about the fact that the ninth runs the Seireitei Bulletin, like I just imagine Kuna and Shuuhei going around trying to journalist. Maybe they drag Kensei along and he just stands in the background staring disapprovingly.
Yes, of course. I think about Shuuhei running that damn newspaper constantly.
The Seireitei Bulletin might be my favorite world-buildy thing about Bleach. I love it. I love that nearly all the captains write columns for it, and half of them are extremely unpopular and the other half are batshit insane (You will never convince me that Unohana's Every Nook and Cranny is not a sex column). I love that the special Ryouka Invasion Issue claimed that Orihime's "offenses are odious" and that Captain Zaraki "fell victim to her poison fangs." I love that there was a filler episode where Shuuhei tried to drum up drama at a Kite Festival for the purposes of getting a juicy story. I love the shitty promotions they are constantly running to try and get people to read it (free sake-flavored rice cakes?? I guess I would take a newspaper if it came with a dessert?)
I do have a little difficulty picturing Kensei running this thing in the TBTP era, so here's my personal headcanon regarding the Bulletin. Please note that I have not and will never read CFYOW, and also I am not a hard-core 9th aficionado, so I am probably wrong about this, but I don't really care.
The Bulletin has allegedly been around for over 1000 years, but I like to think that it used to be a smaller operation, probably run under the 1st Division, and that it was basically just a Gotei propaganda machine. I can definitely see Tousen, upon becoming captain, deciding that he wants to take it over so that he can shed an impartial light on the happenings inside the Seireitei. It’s also possible that Aizen came up with the idea, because it helps him control public knowledge/opinion, but I really prefer the idea that this was Tousen’s brainchild, it seems Very Tousen to me.
Fun fact! Tousen used to write a column called The Path of Justice, which everyone hated, but he refused to cancel. He eventually turned it into a cooking column which was beloved by many female shinigami. Personally, I like to believe that Tousen is also the one who taught Hisagi to cook.
I think Tousen was, in general, too hardcore for most people. He had principles and he stuck to them, and many people found this very tiring, but it’s actually a Big Chief Editor Mood. Like, Len Downie, the legendary Editor-in-Chief of the Washington Post refused to vote, because he felt like he needed to remain so unbiased that it would be immoral for him to pick a candidate.
However, I think that Hisagi both admired Tousen’s attitude as Editor-in-Chief, but also loved the Bulletin as an entity. I think the two of them built this thing into an embodiment of their twin visions: hard-hitting investigative journalism, Truth Above All Else, but also, we gotta fund this baby, so let’s throw in some ads for sunglasses and an Agony Aunt column.
By the time Kensei arrives, it’s there. It’s an institution. I actually wrote a bit in a fanfic where he finds out that his division runs a newspaper from Kenpachi of all people, during the shit-shooting that precedes a Captain’s Meeting, and he is horrified because he thought Hisagi was trying to have one over on him. 
So, while I think that if you had asked him up front, Kensei would have categorically refused to publish a newspaper under the auspices of his division, the fact is, it’s already happening. They’ve already got all this staff, they got printing presses, and Hisagi takes care of 99% of it anyway, so he just lets it... keep going. After all, he’s got two lieutenants, one can run the newspaper and the other can...do... whatever it is Mashiro does. Of course, what Mashiro does is nothing, so Kensei is constantly forced to hear about the newspaper from his functional lieutenant and he gets kinda fond of it. I feel like Kensei is the sort of guy who tries to avoid taking things on, but once he has accepted a task, he wants to do it well. He doesn’t micromanage the Bulletin the way Tousen used to, but he gives Hisagi the resources he needs, and will use his clout as a captain to protect his reporters or to get access to information. He takes over Tousen’s cooking column and there’s a picture of him in a little apron. It is, once again, extremely popular with the female shinigami.
Mashiro can’t be depended on for anything, but she will sometimes throw a bunch of handwritten copy on Hisagi’s desk and then walk away. It might be a shocking expose on the illicit activities of one of the Noble Houses or it might be a ten-page review of a vegetable stand down in the Market District. It takes at least three copy-editors working together to turn her work into something readable, but Hisagi prints everything she has ever written.
Bonus: Here’s the fanfic I wrote once where Rose and Kira write a restaurant review column.
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weseebleach · 5 years
How would the captains from bleach react to their future s/o being a single mother?
Shunsui Kyoraku-Heck, the man’s probably got a couple of pups going around, with all the fooling around he’s done in his life. I think he would be very understanding, but he’ll try to interact with the kid if he intends to stick around, to show that he’s in it for the long run. 
Soi Fon- She’s one of the last to come around to her s/o having a kid, ya know with all those strict rules and all. But she’ll come around eventually, she just won’t interact more than a simple “I don’t mess with you, and you don’t mess with me” kind of way. and she is in for the long run she’ll try to be on their side a little more, but still, try to stick to most of her boundaries around kids
Rose Otoribashi- He is a little worried that he is a bad influence, since ya know he was an exile. but he’ll get over it soon enough. Sometimes his s/o might hear him talking to the kid about different types of music and heck, he might even take them to any concert (within reason) they might wanna go see. 
Retsu Unohana- She is a little similar to Soifon as she’ll try and be as respectful to them and respect any boundaries the child or her s/o make. And yet there will be times where she’ll talk to her s/o about any behavior that she thinks needs improvement. It’s nothing special, just as a doctor might tell you what to do. Don’t expect her to just let things slide either, she is no pushover and she will tell your mom.
Isane Kotetsu- Oh My Gosh, this girl is so anxious about meeting your kid! She wants to make a good impression on the child and doesn’t want to traumatize the kid. She’s read those books about absentee parents and really doesn’t want to do anything that might be talked about in therapy later in the kid’s life. She eventually relaxes when she realizes that she might actually really like kids and who knows they might even become friends. though she will not discipline this kid at ALL. The kid will go to Isane for things instead of their mom, and her S/O will have to tell her that it’s okay to say no to the child.
Shinji Hirako- He is so awkward around this child, it’s like walking on glass for him. I think the realization that he might not be around for forever (due to the dangers of his job) will really hit hard when his S/O brings up this child, he wants to really get close to them but keeps a safe distance from them. It’s really up to his S/O to tell him that it’s fine to get close and it’s not that deep. So yes he eventually warms up to the kid, thinks of his relationship with Momo, Ichigo, and Hiyrori all combined into one. He gets into dumbass arguments with the kid (cuz he’s a loudmouth) but will stick up for them when need be
Byakuya Kuchiki- He is very conflicted when it comes to the child. He doesn’t know if he should be distant or happy. With his uptight upbringing, even the mere thought of having a bastard child would bring his family shame. But then he has a realization, (for a lack of better words) fuck them, and he’ll try to actually get close to this child. He will try to keep them out of the family business until his S/O and he is married and they become of age. They will become the new face of his Admiral Seaweed Merch.
Sajin Komamura- He is very nervous, and for no reason at all. His S/o’s kid loves him! what is there not to love, he’s a big ass dog, he BATHES in that respecting women juice, and he is a total badass. ((If you disagree with me on this you can FIGHT ME!!!)). After the child absolutely smothers this man in the life he deserves, he is over the moon about this and will now die for this child. even if he and the S/O split he will still try to be a part of the kid’s life and support them as best he can.
Lisa Yadoumaru- She is very iffy about the kid. she’s not too big on children in general, but like Soifon, she’ll maintain a safe distance and respect boundaries. and if the kid every just needs any advise, on love, academics, or the nastier topics, she will gladly try to help them out without accidentally traumatizing them.
Kensei Muguruma- Kensei is basically if you’re baseball coach decided to date your mom, he’ll be as supportive as he can, respect boundaries, and push the kid to do their best. I mean look at this man and Mashiro and Shuhei, he is father material. He RADIATES dad energy. think Creig from Dream Daddy
Toshiro Hitsugaya (Adult)- He’s just shocked, he doesn’t know what to do. He just won’t interact with them like at all for the first couple of months. the child will forget he exists, until one day they come home to find him and their mom backing or having a good cuddle and they had lost track of time., and suddenly he has to be a part this kids’ life, and he does not know what to do. Eventually, he will get to a point where he can make a not awkward conversation with the child, but who knows they might even become friends
Mayuri Kurotsuchi- He doesn’t care. I mean he’ll protect the child cuz it’d be annoying if they died, but other than that he won’t really interact with them. Unless he plans to be with his S/O for a long time, he won’t take any real interest in them
Kenpachi Zaraki- He’s very meh, I mean yeah you got kid, you could throw a rock where he grew up and hit a single parent, heck he is a single parent. but he’ll try and be there and help out whenever there needs to be helping. EXPECT FOR HIM TO RUN WITH THIS CHILD ON HIS BACK WITH YACHIRO.
Jushiro Ukitake- THIS MAN IS FATHER MATERIAL. His S/O doesn’t even need to worry about their kid not liking this man, because he is physically impossible to hate. And he is so excited to give this kid all of the love and attention that they will ever need. His S/O will need to scold this man for giving their child too much love and attention because this kid is going to the dentist every day with all this sweet attention he is giving.
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