#kellan i love u sm and i would rip a man apart for you but also fuCKING HELL that was a lot kf questions in one go
zoneofsmites · 6 months
IDLE I DIDNT SEE THAT YOU REBLOGGED THE DURGE ASKS! I AM SENDING NOW! 1, 6, 11, 16, 18, 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that… that is so many… i am in bed already help.
Ok excuse any shitty formatting or spelling we’re doing this by phone. Most under the cut because my stars that’s a lot of questions:
1 - What circumstances led to your Dark Urge becoming their Class/Subclass?
Sylas is a triple multiclass of Draconic Sorcerer - Vengeance Paladin - Assassin Rogue. Mostly Dex based for weapons. This is 100% done out of flavor and storytelling but it works decently as a build for me. (note that I do have a lv20 mod so my level spread is a little wider).
Being a sorcerer is intrinsic, nothing led him on that path beyond Bhaal creating him. Shaped from the dead flesh of a divine being (also if I remember right Bhaal was a wizard or sorcerer as a mortal too?). He is a draconic bloodline - white dragon - as a nod to the default dark urge white dragonborn sorcerer.
He is an assassin rogue because that is the closest thing to formal training he has gotten in the temple. Stalking his prey, stab and maim - blood blood blood - before they can even see you. Whisper in their dying ears that they died for Bhaal. Proper worship.
Sylas is a vengeance paladin because… well because he tried to break away from the doctrine. Twice. Once when he was a teenager and once not long before the Grand Plan actually began. He failed both times and returned the obedient son (you cant start out as an oathbreaker but in my heart he does).
6 - How does your Dark Urge react to waking up with memory loss?
Not… well? Let’s just say he left the room he woke up in a worse state then when he got there before finally moving on.
So yes, angry. Then panic when that has faded. Ultimately he hopes it’s just a bad side effect… except then it isn’t because none of his companions are like this. With every night he gets less agitated and more afraid. Settling into his bones as this near constant dread until pieces of his past start opening up to him.
11 - What motivates your Dark Urge to either embrace or resist the Urge?
His companions.
Specifically - Donatello Arivae. (my friend Melon’s Tav).
Without Donnie around Sylas would probably… give up resisting at some point. So if I ever do an evil durge run it will be with me pretending Donnie isn’t around.
Donnie - or Sunny as Sy mostly calls him - is a devotion paladin of Lathander. He talks Sylas trough the panic and is capable of subduing him most of the time if he ever loses control. Most importantly he believes so deeply in second chances and is the only one who takes the Urge seriously from day 1.
Donnie is a solid 80% of his continued motivation.
16 - What is your Dark Urge’s greatest desire?
Wow… I mean getting rid of the Urge is the obvious one right? Regaining his memory.
Though it becomes clear at some point… that he wasn’t a good person (that he likely never was). His greatest desire then becomes to be… a good person - or a decent one at least? Someone that doesn’t need an external conscience (donnie and wyll).
18 - How does your Dark Urge feel about love?
For Sylas love is devotion and worship. It is all he knows. Even without memory that is what he defaults to. That worship manifest in different ways.
He worships Astarion first - it becomes a deep platonic love one day but its worship first. Sylas worships Astarion by letting the vampire use him and his blood. He thinks it’s romantic love but it isn’t. (Sylas romances Astarion until That One Conversation and admits that they would be better as friends)
He fears Donnie before he loves him - and thus worships him - because Donnie is terrifying on the field (and Sylas respects that) but most of his fear comes from kindness and he doesn't understand why that openness fills him with terror ( he can't remember not being allowed to feel such things).
Love means devotion. Love means giving part of yourself and expecting nothing in return. Worship.
Trough his journey this perception shifts and he understands love to be give and take with the relationships he has build. A healthier look on love than he ever did since stepping foot into the Temple of Bhaal.
22- What first impression does your Dark Urge give off to strangers?
“What the fuck is up with that guy?” - most of the Gate probably.
Sylas has some odd visual quirks that look pretty… out there by even Faerun standards. His eyes are like fire, and the red leaking from his eyes doesn’t seem to be make-up on closer inspection. Other than that there’s the many scars and deep red tattoo’s.
The general impression is thus. “???”
For tieflings it is this… uncanny effect. He looks like a tiefling, but he is not. Not that they can tell what it specifically would be either but a lot of tieflings feel this weird dread when they make eye-contact with him. (I’m sure most of the grove tieflings get over that once they get to know him but it initial instinct is run).
Tysm for the MANY questions Kellan <3
Questions are from here!
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