bygonely · 1 year
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What Kyiv looked like in the 1970s Through These Stunning Vintage Photos
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batasmedia99 · 2 years
Dapat Pasokan Rudal AS, Ukraina Ingin Serang Crimea
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KIEV - Ukraina memandang Semenanjung Crimea sebagai pusat militer utama dan target sah untuk persenjataan jarak jauh yang dipasok oleh Barat. Hal itu diungkapkan juru bicara Direktorat Intelijen Ukraina di Kementerian Pertahanan, Vadim Skibitskiy.
Pejabat Ukraina itu membuat pernyataan saat tampil langsung di saluran TV 1+1, setelah ditanya apakah Ukraina dapat menggunakan sistem roket peluncur ganda 142 HIMARS dan M270 MLRS buatan Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk menyerang Crimea.
“Hari ini, Semenanjung Crimea telah menjadi pusat pergerakan semua peralatan dan senjata yang berasal dari Federasi Rusia ke selatan negara kita. Ini, pertama-tama, sekelompok perangkat keras militer, amunisi, dan bahan-bahan yang terkonsentrasi di Crimea, dan kemudian dikirim untuk memasok pasukan pendudukan Rusia,” terang Skibitskiy seperti dikutip dari Russia Today, Minggu (17/7/2022).
Lebih jauh Skibitskiy mengatakan Kiev juga berusaha menyerang kapal perang Armada Laut Hitam Rusia, yang ditempatkan di Crimea.
Kapal perang digunakan untuk meluncurkan rudal jelajah dan oleh karena itu di antara target yang harus diserang untuk memastikan keselamatan warga, instalasi kami dan Ukraina pada umumnya,” jelasnya.
Ancaman itu datang sehari setelah Menteri Pertahanan Ukraina Alexey Reznikov mengumumkan bahwa Kiev telah menerima sistem MLRS M270 pertamanya. Pejabat itu tidak merinci apakah sistem itu telah dikerahkan di medan perang, atau dari mana tepatnya mereka tiba. Sebelumnya, London telah berjanji untuk memasok setidaknya tiga sistem dari jenis tersebut.
142 HIMARS dan M270 MLRS secara efektif adalah dua varian dari sistem yang sama. Tracked M270 tidak memiliki mobilitas seperti HIMARS yang berbasis truk, namun membawa dua kali tabung peluncur 277mm yaitu 12 berbanding enam.
Namun, sistem tersebut tidak memiliki jangkauan yang diperlukan untuk langsung menyerang Semenanjung Crimea. Bagaimanapun, sistem tersebut dapat dilengkapi dengan modul Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) untuk meluncurkan rudal yang lebih berat, dengan jangkauan hingga 300 kilometer.
Sementara Kiev berusaha mendapatkan amunisi jarak jauh seperti itu, Washington tampaknya enggan mengirimkannya karena khawatir akan digunakan untuk menyerang jauh ke dalam wilayah Rusia dan meningkatkan konflik yang sedang berlangsung. Bagaimanapun, Crimea tampaknya menjadi kasus khusus, mengingat baik Washington maupun Kiev tidak mengakuinya sebagai bagian integral dari Rusia.
Crimea memilih untuk meninggalkan Ukraina dan bergabung dengan Rusia pada Maret 2014, menyusul kudeta Maidan yang didukung AS di Kiev.
Kiev tampaknya terpaku pada penargetan Crimea secara keseluruhan dan, khususnya, jembatan Kerch, yang dibangun untuk menyederhanakan koneksi ke daratan Rusia. Pejabat tinggi Ukraina beberapa kali melontarkan ide uyntuk menghancurkan jembatan Kerch meskipun faktanya Moskow telah merebut bagian tenggara Ukraina, membangun koneksi darat ke Crimea.
Rusia mengirim pasukan ke Ukraina pada 24 Februari, mengutip kegagalan Kiev untuk mengimplementasikan perjanjian Minsk, yang dirancang untuk memberikan status khusus wilayah Donetsk dan Lugansk di dalam negara Ukraina.
Protokol, yang ditengahi oleh Jerman dan Prancis, pertama kali ditandatangani pada 2014. Mantan Presiden Ukraina Petro Poroshenko sejak itu mengakui bahwa tujuan utama Kiev adalah menggunakan gencatan senjata untuk mengulur waktu dan “menciptakan angkatan bersenjata yang kuat.”
Pada Februari 2022, Kremlin mengakui republik Donbass sebagai negara merdeka dan menuntut agar Ukraina secara resmi menyatakan dirinya sebagai negara netral yang tidak akan pernah bergabung dengan blok militer Barat mana pun. Kiev menegaskan serangan Rusia benar-benar tidak beralasan.
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jazzyvlogs · 5 months
Oh god, wait, is Dave and Keith separated in the apocalypse?? dear GOD the angst 😭
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modernmanblues · 4 months
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if he wants to be the centre of attention, let him be. i want him to be the centre of attention. at the very least, he is the centre of my attention. simple as that.
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trash-4u · 7 months
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OooOOooOOooo SpooOOOkkKkyYY
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akashicmuses · 2 years
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“Show yourself.” Dhaos spoke with authority into the trees. He’d been walking for some time now and the forest had grown no less wild. Which was strange to him, as he wasn’t able to sense any mana that could act as fuel for the life here. Yet, there was something... He’d never felt anything like this before.
But what he did recognize was the feeling of being watched. He’d allowed it for a time as he’d walked, but whatever this was hadn’t seemed to lose interest. Dhaos was now tired of ignoring it and had decided that he should confront whatever this was and be done with it.
He kept his eyes peeled and his arms at his sides as he peered into the darkness between the trees. Very little light shone down between the leaves, but that wouldn’t be a problem for a being from Derris-Kharlan. He was above such human limitations.
“I will not ask again.”
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summarychannel · 1 year
NATO threatens Russia in light of the presence of the Chinese president in Moscow And the beginning of the Russian capital, Moscow, which witnessed an important meeting between President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Where the episode presents full details of the meeting of the two leaders and its direct relationship to the conflict in Ukraine. Putin welcomed China's peace proposal to end the Ukraine war, promising President Xi to study it carefully. While the Chinese leader stressed his country's strategic relationship with Russia, which was considered by the Western media as evidence of Beijing's lack of neutrality towards the Ukrainian crisis. On the other hand, North Macedonia announced sending Su-27 fighters to Ukraine. This coincides with the announcement by Poland and Slovakia of supporting Kiev with MiG-29 fighters, thus starting the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to cross the red lines that the West has long declared to prevent a direct confrontation with Moscow.
And we remain with Poland, as the Polish ambassador to France said that his country may have to enter the war against Russia if Ukraine fails to defend its independence.
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worldmilitary · 1 year
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auramanipulation7-5 · 20 days
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transflynnscifo · 5 months
TOV Party members, ordered by "gameplay participation" within dungeons
what it says on the tin! I decided to order the party members of vesperia by how much they actually are in the party throughout the story.
Granted, I can't do a count by the hour, given that no player has the same runtime of the game. how I will do it instead is by counting party members' availability for every dungeon in the game. this post doesn't account for any changes within towns, ie, story cutscenes, sidequests, and so on. These tend to not amount in enough time for someone's absence to be felt.
also, yuri is banned from this list as he is ALWAYS available to play with. all information compiled will be under the cut for the sake of spoilers.
I am also color-coding the characters below cut. by the way, this is long!
Zaphias Castle/Zaphias sewers - Estelle (halfway through)
Quoi Woods - Estelle, Repede, Karol
Shaikos Ruins - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita
Ehmead Hill - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita
Ragou's mansion - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita
Caer Bocram - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita
Keiv Moc - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven
Dahngrest Underpass - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven
Ghasfarost - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Flynn
(fun to note that it takes a while before the first dungeon here)
Atherum - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
Weasand of Cados - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
Sands of Kogorth - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
Weasand of Cados (reprise) - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
Manor of the Wicked - Estelle, Repede, Rita, Raven, Patty
Mount Temza - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Patty
Mount Temza (boss) - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
Renansula Hollow - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
Egothor Forest - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
Fallen Shrine of Baction - Repede, Karol, Rita, Judith, Patty, Flynn
Steel Fortress Heracles (1st half of dungeon) - Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty, Flynn
Steel Fortress Heracles (2nd half of dungeon) - Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
The Blade Drifts of Zopheir (before boss) - Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
The Blade Drifts of Zopheir (until the end of the dungeon) - Repede, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
Quoi Woods (reprise, part 1) - Repede
Quoi Woods (reprise, Yuri gets wrecked) - Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
Zaphias Castle (reprise) - Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty
The Enduring Shrine of Zaude - Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith, Patty, Flynn
PART 3 (from this point on, Estelle, Repede, Karol, Rita, Raven, Judith and Patty will be marked as "everyone"
The Blade Drifts of Zopheir (reprise), Erealumen Crystallands, Relewiese Hollow, Atherum (reprise) - everyone (4 dungeons)
Tarqaron - everyone + Flynn
Post game dungeons: the sidequests for these can be started without Flynn in the party. you can even do two segments of the necropolis without Flynn. here's how this is marked for the dungeons themselves:
Labyrinth of Memories - everyone + Flynn
Necropolis of Nostalgia (first 2 parts) - everyone
Necropolis of Nostalgia (the rest, unlocked after beating the boss) - everyone + Flynn
Yuri - all (30)
Estelle - 25.5
Repede - 29
Karol - 18 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 10 = 29 (the 2x0.5 are due to him becoming unavailable after the boss in Zopheir for a bit, and Yuri's stunt in Quoi. Yuri's stunt in Quoi is why there's a .5 for many party members lol)
Rita - 27.5
Raven - 22.5
Judith - 5 + 0.5 + 5 + 0.5 + 9 = 20 (0.5 are due to her Temza rejoin and Yuri's stunt.)
Patty - 20.5
Flynn - oh boy. part 1 is 1, part 2 is 2.5 (he leaves halfway through Heracles and joins again for Zaude), part 3 + post-game is 2.5 OR 3 (depending on when you start the necropolis dungeon) = 6 OR 6.5. (I'm personally on the latter because I never start my necropolis runs without him)
Closing thoughts:
the party members that have left the party the least amount of times are Repede, Karol, Rita and Patty, where in the girls' cases they join later, so their numbers are lower.
man's best friend and new baby brother win! followed by resident girl genius
Estelle's absence seems a lot larger when it is laid out in dungeons. But given that a lot of sidequests become available when Zaude is open to explore, you can "catch up" with using her in the party from there
Patty by this math participates in gameplay as much as Judith does, and this is because she is able to catch up during Judith's strongly felt absence in part 2. not to mention both girls are absent gameplay-wise in part 1, with only Judith joining for Ghasfarost
Raven's kinda in the middle. good for him!
and... Flynn. holy shit man i have to be generous in your numbers. he's the guy in the friend group who is only ever online for 5 minutes before needing to go to bed (he is in the australian timezone)
I hope this is as interesting as it seems to me. I hope my counting wasn't wrong, but if you notice anything off, please correct me!
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bygonely · 1 year
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What Kyiv looked like in the 1960s Through These Historical Photos
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crestfallencrest · 7 months
Sound Off
Prompt: "Who's Not Dead? Sound off!" Pairings: None Genre: Action/Humor Word Count: 2,467 Summary: Brave Vesperia are hired to take care of large new monster within the forest of Keiv Moc and it quickly proves to be quite the handful.
NOTES: Hi everyone! I just wanted to start writing some oneshots so I can work on something on the side while working on my current work, Bravus Vesperia Magica! I'm likely just gonna find random prompts on tumblr and do some of those but please feel free to come forward with requests! While I do have a right to refuse certain requests, more than likely, I'd be down to try!
It was a long and arduous battle.
Usually, Yuri felt more alive than ever when he was in a fight that had him evenly matched with his opponent. The adrenaline of exchanging blows, where each swing of the sword, slash of a claw, or wave of a giant monstrous tail, had a lasting effect on Yuri that left him wondering if he was an adrenaline junkie. But then he would watch Judith and decide that that title fit her more than him. Regardless, he loved to battle more than anything, and between him, Flynn and Judith, he was glad that he was not alone in this regard. Hell, even Raven got into the thrill of battle sometimes and, while she did not admit it, sometimes he could swear to seeing something akin to a smirk appear on Rita’s face as she slings spell after spell in particularly rough fights. 
This fight, however, was just WAY too excessive. 
It was some type of giant tree-like monster (Rita claimed it could have been a new type of Giganto Monster and Yuri would definitely believe it) that seemed to take up residence within the forest of Keiv Moc. They had been passing by Dahngrest when they had heard of the creature that had taken ‘root’ so to say within the forest and had been causing all sorts of trouble.
When they heard that lives had also been taken by this newly rooted problem, Brave Vesperia decided to take on the job of getting rid of the problem. 
Finding the creature was much easier than Yuri thought it would be. After all, when a magical giant monster tree takes root in a forest, it probably begins to feel a lot braver than it usually would as it lays claim to its new territory. So when a large root shot out and grabbed Karol by the foot and dragged him off, Brave Vesperia was quick to follow and sure enough, they were led to the root of the problem: The Giant Tree in the core of the forest, currently dangling Karol upside down by the roots.
(He was fine, by the way. Though probably not without a new fear of trees developing in his brain.) 
The root was thin enough for it to be shot through with one of Raven’s arrows and Karol was dropped to the ground immediately and that’s when the fight broke out. With Yuri, Flynn, Judith and Repede taking the front lines while Estelle quickly healed Karol’s bumps and bruises from the fall, Raven, Patty and Rita took the back lines, deciding to focus their energy on their spells. 
They dodged and swiped at swinging roots and bending bark (Yuri had never seen a tree bend over to try and crush him before) as they sliced and stabbed at the wooden body of the tree and everything was going fine.
Until Rita decided to cast Crimson Flare. That’s when things went to hell extremely fast. 
You see, it was a smart decision on Rita’s part. After all, Fire + Tree = No More Tree. That was something that you probably learned long before learning how to spell your name. It was just how nature worked. Trees and fire do not mix. Granted, fire plus most things usually do not mix. For example: If you set a person on fire, (Gruesome example but it will make sense in a second, don’t worry), they usually react badly. Really badly. Like, flailing violently badly. 
Yuri never really considered it before, but he supposed that if plants were able to communicate like human beings could, they would also rightfully flail violently in order to get the fire off of them. 
Well. Three guesses as to how this giant and almost unstoppable tree reacted as its entire wooden body, roots and all, were set aflame. 
The tree violently swung its flaming roots around with a loud, echoing roar (Now, how in the hell did this tree have the vocal cords to do that?!) and its first step of action was to take a quick swipe at the mage behind all of the fire. Rita had, thankfully, been able to jump up and use her levitation spell to gracefully maneuver out of the way of the flaming root. 
Raven and Patty were not as lucky. Thankfully (as thankful as one can be in this situation), Raven took full force of the hit, fire burning into his kimono as the root connects hard with his side and Yuri is sure he can hear a crack of what he can only hope was just a rib or two before the man is thrown at the young girl, who practically squawks out in surprise and pain as her casting is interrupted. The only thing that stops Yuri from going into a silent panic was the low groans that came from both of their unmoving forms, signifying that they were alive (at least for now.) 
“Shit– Flynn! Go back up Estelle with the healing!” Yuri dodged another flailing root as he glanced at Flynn, who did not argue as he dropped his stance and hurried over to Estelle’s side. “Repede, cover Patty and Raven!” 
Karol rejoined the front lines when Flynn retreated to back up Estelle’s healing with Repede going to stand over Patty and Raven protectively. Judith, who had been jumping from branch to branch while delivering quick jabs with her spear, had to eventually jump back down onto the ground with Yuri and Karol, seeing as a tree on fire was not usually a good thing to be climbing all over. 
Flynn is the next to fall. He calls for the young mage to get close while Yuri yells for her to put out the damn fire! Rita quickly darts over to Estelle and Flynn’s side, skidding to a stop as she casts a quick version of a water spell. When a root stabs at her, Flynn is jumping in the way immediately, his knightly genes taking over to take the blow for her. The root stabs into his shield, leaving a sizable dent that leaves Yuri wondering what would have happened if it had connected with Flynn’s chest, before it’s knocked completely from his hands. Using his sword as its own cover, he holds his own but protecting Rita and Estelle while also trying to stay steady on his feet proves to be too much as a root wraps around his waist and literally tosses him a large distance away. 
He’s still conscious, at least, as he struggles to sit up. After all, its a lot harder to take Flynn out. Unfortunately, Rita and Estelle were now vulnerable. 
Judith and Yuri both worked to try and make a decent distraction, just fast enough for Estelle to utter out a Revitalize spell while Rita casts Splash, which pours water all over the burning tree. While it put some of the fire out, it was still burning slightly and burned to the touch, Yuri realized, when it slapped at his arm, burning into skin. 
Its attacks continued to persist, however, and Judith was swatted out of the air next, thrown to the ground and held there by a large root as it began to dig into the ground, trying to crush her. Karol ran over, trying to pull her free while Yuri ran forward to stab into the main bark of the tree. He’s greeted with a strange sound that made it seem as if the tree were… hollow? Then, suddenly a plan began to hatch in his head. 
As Flynn was healed by Estelle, he’s back on his feet in an instant and moving to help Karol free Judith, who begins to wiggle out of the root’s grasp. Raven is slowly climbing to his feet, aiming another arrow at the tree while Rita decides to stick with spells that consist of any other element than fire. 
So, Yuri began to chip away at the bark and even called Karol to help him try and break through the monster’s main body. Surely underneath the hollow surface was a core of some type. The tree seems to realize this too as it tries to slam Yuri and Karol away from it while swinging wildly at the other annoyances. Estelle was knocked down this time, with Raven quickly running over to stand over her while Rita was knocked back and slammed into a nearby tree with a pained groan. 
With Judith free now, she steps back, digging out a life bottle as she runs over to Estelle’s unconscious form while Flynn focuses on casting First Aid to the rest of the wounded. Repede, himself, also seems to be helping Patty to her feet, who is pointing her gun unsteadily at the tree with a tiny groan. 
Between Yuri and Karol’s swinging while trying their hardest not to get crushed, they create an opening just big enough for Yuri to shove himself part way through with his sword. The tree reacts, shifting and stabbing sharp bits of its bark into Yuri’s back and stomach as if biting him (Yuri was experiencing a lot of firsts today) but thankfully none of it seemed to be fatal (yet).
Instead, he sees a weird creature burrowed inside of the tree, all wrapped up in vines and web. Looking akin to a parasite, Yuri wondered if this was the creature that was magically manipulating the tree. Well, so much for a Giganto monster. Still, it gave them a hard enough time and Yuri wasn’t about to play around and miss the opportunity. So he steps it. Once. Twice. Three times and thankfully, it was not tougher than it seemed. 
With a loud hiss and squeaking cry, the weird bug looking monster practically falls to pieces as Yuri stabs through it multiple times and with it, the roots slow to a stop as the tree assault reaches its end. 
When it seems the threat has passed, Yuri has to yank himself from the tree, bark ripping into cloth and skin as he stumbles backwards and falls to the ground. Karol slumps to his knees behind him and he’s pretty sure he can hear Raven faceplant into the dirt behind him. 
Labored breathing from everyone can be heard through the forest as everyone tries to catch their breath and after a moment of silence, Yuri calls out to everyone. 
“Who’s… not dead? Sound… Sound off!” 
Karol, from beside him, speaks first, looking as pale as a sheet as he drops his weapon beside him. “I’m… alive. I think. I hurt all over… that means I’m alive, right? Don’t know if I can… ever trust a tree ever again though.” 
Yuri snorts lightly. “Nah, same here… Didn’t know there was a monster that could control a tree like that.” 
Next, his eyes move over to Judith, who is stepping over Raven’s unmoving body so she can pour some of the life bottle into Estelle’s mouth. There’s a tense moment of silence as Yuri watches and a sigh of relief leaves him when Estelle suddenly coughs, eyes fluttering open with a tiny whine. 
“It looks like we’re okay over here.” Judith comments, voice calm as always despite the fact that she was doubled over, holding her stomach as she tried to catch her breath. “Estelle, are you alright?” 
Estelle blinks wearily between Judith and the monster before giving a tiny nod. “Um… Yes… That was tough.” 
Judith nods. “It was… but we made it through.”
“Speak for yerself, Judith, darlin’...” Raven’s low groan leaves from his place on the ground as he’s barely able to turn his head to look at everyone. “Could… could someone gimme some of that healin’ please? I think somethin’s broken.” 
As Estelle reaches over to cast a quick First Aid on Raven, Yuri snorts and glances over to Repede and Patty, the latter having to be held up by the large dog. “Patty, you good?”
“Ooh…” Patty moans out in pain as she clings to Repede before she looks over at Yuri with wide and pleading eyes. “Oh, Yuri, I feel like I’ve been through a hurricane while in the middle of the ocean.”
Yuri moves to sit up, studying her. “You look like it. You were tossed pretty hard. You gonna be okay?” 
“Oh, Yuri, you might have to carry me back to the inn–” 
Yuri looks over to his childhood friend instantly, who is currently casting a quick healing arte on Rita, who was holding her head in pain from getting it slammed into the tree. “Flynn, you’re in charge of carrying Patty.”
“But I want YOU to carry me, Yuri!” 
“Not happening.” He can’t stop the smirk from appearing on his face as his eyes dart to give Patty a final look. “If you need to be carried, Flynn’s the strongest out of the two of us anyway AND he didn’t just get bit by an angry and burning tree monster.” 
“Why did ya set it on fire , Rita darlin’?!” Raven’s complaints rise up, exasperation clear in his tone as Estelle helps him sit up.
Rita immediately lurches forward, fist clenched as she waves it at the old man. “What the HELL did you want me to do?! It’s a tree! It’s flammable! I set it on fire because that’s what you do with trees! It’s not MY fault that it didn’t die like it was SUPPOSED to! ”
Flynn has to gently pull her back. “Please don’t start jumping around just yet. You’re healed but you need to watch yourself for a moment. You hit your head pretty hard.” 
Yuri turns his head slightly. “So Flynn, you’re good too?” 
Flynn, who was already on his feet to go see about tending to Patty’s injuries, pauses for a moment before offering a small grin. “It knocked the wind out of me but my armor and shield took the brunt of it all.” And then, just to dig into Yuri a bit, his grin widens. “It’s almost like wearing armor and using a shield can actually do something for you.”
“Huh, wonder what that’s like…” Yuri’s voice was deadpan as he narrowed his eyes at Flynn before doing a quick once over of his friends once more. “So… we’re all alive then?” 
Estelle moves to stand up with a tiny and tired smile. “It seems that way!”
“No permanent injuries?”
“Seems so.” Raven hums to himself. 
Yuri suddenly can’t hold back his grin any longer as he rolls over onto his stomach and props himself up. “Would it be too soon for me to say that I wouldn’t mind fighting something like that again?”
Considering that Yuri had to roll over into Karol to dodge a tome that was thrown by Rita in sheer rage told him that it was, indeed, too soon.
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noa748 · 4 months
Also I keep waiting for someone to question why Raven knew the white haired dude’s name in Keiv Moc?? Like the first thing out of my mouth would be “do you know that guy??” Especially with the group knowing next to nothing about Raven as it is lol
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jazzyvlogs · 5 months
why r they all hot🙏
They're just built that way.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
In reference to KV (of which I keep think is pronounced Keiv), will the potential sequel have the public razing Aldera to the ground? Because at this point with it being revealed both All Might and 9th were quirkless, it might bring some light on how the quirkless are treated. Since the "greatest hero of all time" started out that way. I imagine it would definitely strike a preemptive blow against the MLA.
You are right that there’d be a lot of focus on the MLA (and also Aldera, though not as dramatic a razing as other fics), i don’t know about preemptive though, as... well, things happen and they also move earlier
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cosmicanger · 1 year
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Dirty Laundry
Curated by Torre Alain, Gözde Filinta and Marian Luft
At KEIV, Athens
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