#keahi lamarr
tapetum-lucidum · 2 years
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ID: a poster by Obvious Plant titled "Take care of your mental health" with nine suggestions with illustrations in a grid. the illustrations are all redrawn digitally with black and white character portraits. 1) "talk about your feelings" is melvin quill, who has messy hair in a bun and glasses, smiling benignly. 2) "keep active" is iraia miller, a snake wiggling through the air with an open mouth. 3) "eat an potato" is morgan b slater, a woman with round glasses and a sweater holding some french fries. 4) "recite a dark spell" is an amorphous black blob with trails of darkness and sparkle shapes. 5) "throw your phone in the lake" is val malone, a man with messy gelled-back hair hunching his shoulders and looking suspiciously at the blob. 6) "kiss a bird gently" is keahi lamarr, a woman with bangs and a curly bun, holding up a chicken and smiling. 7) "scowl" is nora, a woman with a spiked leather jacket and half-shaved hair, glaring. 8) "make fun of someone you don't like" is a little clownlike elf on the shelf doll, smiling mysteriously. 9) "lie down in the dirt and let the earth slowly reclaim you" is cassidy, a curly-haired person pinching the bridge of their nose looking exhausted. end ID
Some of the Tapetum Lucidum cast offer their self-care strategies of choice!
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tapetum-lucidum · 3 years
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Keahi Lamarr (she/her) is a normal human farmer whose lived on the outskirts of Providence for about 5 years, blissfully unaware of the large amount of magical activity in the town. Known as Kiki to her friends, she spends most of her time doing normal human things such as taking care of her animals, going on quick swims for fun, and being allergic to shellfish. With the help of some local teens, Kiki takes care of some chickens, a goose, and a pair of rescued pygmy goats, as well as a dog and some barn cats.
[ID: A colored sketch of Keahi Lamarr, shown from the waist up against a dark blue-green background. She is a slim woman with light brown skin, freckles, and black hair pulled into two low buns. She is wearing light blue overalls and a red button-up shirt, holding a white chicken under one arm and pointing a flashlight with the other hand. end ID]
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tapetum-lucidum · 2 years
Val 1, Iraia 13, Arden 17, Kiki 25, Nora 37, Morgan 44
(corrected 44 to 41)
1. what kind of clothing does your character like to wear? do they have a style? anything they avoid wearing?
Val Malone | Val mostly wears a leather jacket over a button up, but it’s a bit bulkier because he also wears a Kevlar vest underneath that. He does try to avoid looking like a detective but fails
13. what helps them fall asleep when they're having trouble doing so?
Iraia Miller | Iraia often falls asleep in places that have a good view of the stars, whether by choice or by necessity. Her go-to strategy is to try to identify as many constellations as they can, almost like counting sheep. If they run out, they just make up new ones. She finds drawing those patterns oddly soothing, so much so that if given the choice, she'll almost always choose to sleep somewhere with a good view of the night sky.
17. do they fidget? how and/or with what?
Arden Cassidy | for how high-strung they are, you'd think so, but they're not that fidgety. cassidy tends more towards eerie stillness when uncomfortable or In Their Head about something. they do subconsciously mess with their hair a lot though
25. do they keep books on their person? what kind?
Kiki Lamarr | Yes! Before the start of the story, Kiki kept a little notebook and a little edible plant book in her bag. Once she discovered the supernatural parts of the world, she’s also started carrying around at least a “magic for dummies” book, if not more, from the library.
37. how would they pass the time on a train?
Nora [Redacted] | Nora is never without some form of portable computer/electronic device. She's either doing work or playing a game of her laptop/phone/game device, earbuds in before she's even gotten on the train.
41. what's the silliest thing they've used magic to do? if they don't have magic, what's something silly they'd use it for if they did?
Morgan B Slater | Morgan tends to be relatively practical with magic, although when she was ten she would "prank" people by conjuring ice cubes into their hot coffee when they weren't looking
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tapetum-lucidum · 2 years
Roadtrip AU....what are the main characters up to?
Morgan B Slater | Staring face against the window the entire time cause she's never been to a place in her life
Nora [Redacted] | Headphones on, totally ignoring everyone else to focus on one of her many electronic devices. Has an alarm set up on her phone for when they get close to a cool landmark, but otherwise barely even looks out the window. (will NOT share her snacks and food, and if you are playing a song she doesn't like loud enough to hear through her headphones, she WILL hack the playlist. even if its on a tape. No one is sure how exactly she does this.)
Arden Cassidy | Makes a very dedicated but tense navigator. They're good with maps and rarely miss a cue (not good at picking out places to go but by god they'll get us there), but may end up getting banished to the backseat for being Too meticulous. Oddly enough they're fine once that happens it's just if they have a Job To Do, they have to do it right
Val Malone | Suspicious of every rando at a gas station, but otherwise is very confused by every roadside attraction cause he’s barely been outside Boston before (“What do you mean there’s a CORN museum!?”). Is legitimately spooked by the hell is real billboards.
Iraia Miller | Sitting in the backseat (by choice), excitedly pointing out landmarks, making conversation, and enjoying the novelty of being on a road trip. If she's sitting next to anyone but Nora when they get tired, that person can expect to have part or all of a very sleepy snake on their person (especially Morgan, who's their closest friend of the group and thus the one who Iraia's most comfortable doing this with)
Keahi Lamarr | So Kiki is driving. She normally tries to get someone to play the license plate game with her for the duration of the trip. Her truck has one of those multi-disc cd players because she's retro, and loaded in there is the wildest assortment of music. We're talking old coldplay to tchaikovsky to doja cat to muppet show soundtrack. In the glove compartment there is an entire cd binder filled with other cds. Generally a very calm driver. Tunes out Cassidy's high strung navigation in a polite way.
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tapetum-lucidum · 3 years
Hi! For the ask game:
5 for Kiki, 22 for Iraia, 38 for Morgan, 66 for Cassidy
....3 for the elf
5. What personal trait of theirs are they most proud of/grateful for?
Keahi Lamarr | … She's very grateful that she can think quickly under pressure.
22. Already answered previous ask! :)
38. What is their living space like? Do they share it with anybody?
Morgan B Slater | She lives on her own in a small apartment. There's minimal decoration unless you count the piles of Stuff everywhere, but she does notably own five ovens due to a technicality.
66. Do they have any creative hobbies?
Arden Cassidy | Not really, currently, though they sure could probably benefit from one. Wrt the piano thing, it's not something they actively keep up (you need. a piano or whatever for that I hear). They have ideas they wanna try, but haven't had the opportunity.
3. What makes them cry?
Providence Elf | The Elf is actually incapable of crying! That happens when you don't have tear ducts. The closest they've gotten to crying is in the opening of Bambi. No, you can't know more.
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tapetum-lucidum · 3 years
28 for Cassidy, 67 for Iraia, 42 for Kiki, 65 for Morgan, 57 for Nora
28. How do they feel about religion?
Arden Cassidy | HOO. This is... very complex and I could type your eyeballs off about this, but to summarize a lot of it: bitter ex-Catholic. Does this make their job difficult sometimes? Yes. But they're a professional.
67. What do they like to talk about? Are there any topics on which they’ll enthusiastically converse?
Iraia Miller | Depends on the context! When they're nervous (which is often), Iraia has a tendency to ramble about just about anything. This tends to interact badly with the way she starts hissing when nervous; after a certain point, it's hard to understand them at all.
Otherwise, Iraia has a wealth of stories from her travels around North America, and is usually happy to share them. They also have a passion for horror movies, but engage with that at your peril. Otherwise, she may go on for hours at a time.
42. How in touch are they with popular culture?
Kiki Lamarr | Fun fact! I believe that Kiki is the oldest out of any of the main cast. Yknow that weird disconnect today between those on the millenial/gen z cusp and the actual full gen z kids? Yeah.
65. What kind of character would they make if they played a fantasy RPG?
Morgan B Slater | I wanna say she'd play a monk, anything that's high dex and gets to hit things a lot.
57. Do they like cooking? Are they good at it?
Nora [Redacted] | She's not great at cooking. She can generally make something edible, but she doesn't have the patience for it. Everything is either undercooked because she was tired of waiting or burnt because she figured "bigger flame=faster cooking"
She eats a lot of takeout, which is fine by her.
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tapetum-lucidum · 3 years
22 for Iraia and Kiki :3
22. What smells hold the strongest memories for them?
Iraia Miller | Meatloaf, because it was the last thing they ate for dinner before leaving home. The smell of plant life, because it's one of her favorite smells. And dog, for reasons they refuse to elaborate on.
Keahi 'Kiki' Lamarr | The smell of the ocean, that general city smell, metal, and the best little Latin restaurant from back when she lived in the city.
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tapetum-lucidum · 3 years
Morgan 24 and Keahi 40?
24. What is their weapon of choice?
Morgan B Slater | She prefers not to be using any weapons due to things tending to go awry, but her go-to when necessary is manipulating ice, usually for people to slip on
40. What would they want as a gift?
Keahi 'Kiki' Lamarr | She likes getting edible things like food as gifts! especially if they're homemade. She thinks giving food you've made yourself as a gift is a display of effort and thought and a willingness to share it with others.
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tapetum-lucidum · 2 years
8 for kiki
8. do they have steady hands?
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