#kanade started to perk up a bit a few days after but since she was still very groggy from being on resource reserving mode for so long it
0anonymousv · 1 year
It’s not a date.
Ena had to keep reminding herself of that. She had barely caught herself from asking Mizuki if it was one just a few minutes earlier.
Actually, she had almost asked originally, too. When Mizuki had proposed the outing in the first place.
Ena had perked up from her drawing tablet when she heard Mizuki unmuting themself and speaking. They’d all been working silently for over an hour now, it seemed like an odd time to suddenly say something.
Regardless, Ena unmuted herself anyway. “Amia? What is it?”
Their voice was as cutesy as ever. “I got these tickets for a special sale at a shop just beyond Vivid Street. You should come with me!”
“Tickets?” Ena couldn’t help but question. “Why would you need tickets for a sale? If you wanna go shopping with me, just say so.”
Mizuki laughs. “Like, vouchers! So we can get something free with a different purchase.”
“You mean a coupon?”
“Who cares! Are you in or not?”
Ena rolled her eyes behind the screen. “Sure, whatever. I don’t have any other plans…”
“Yaaayyy~!” Mizuki practically cheered on the other end, making Ena’s heart swell up. But she ignores it. She had gotten good at that. Until Mizuki kept talking. “I thought maybe we could go get food after, maybe just stroll around town a bit…”
That sounds like a date.
Ena opened her mouth, really, really wanting to ask if it was a date. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she kind of hoped it was. At least Mizuki wouldn’t know that no matter what the answer was. Voice calls don’t give away the pink in her cheeks. Thankfully.
She was suddenly greeted by Kanade’s voice. “I hope you two have fun.”
And then Mafuyu’s. “Yeah.”
“What, you two don’t care about not being invited?” Ena said, trying to deflect her feelings onto them.
“Shopping isn’t really my thing… I understand why,” Kanade replied sort of weakly.
“See? I can be considerate, too, Enanan,” Mizuki snickered.
“I’m not doubting you!” Ena snapped back without a second thought. Whew. there. That was a more inconspicuous response.
“And I have cram school. I wouldn’t have really cared about going anyway…” Mafuyu spoke idly.
“We know you wouldn’t have.” Ena huffed. “Anyway. Amia, did you have a place to eat in mind?”
“Ummmm.” Mizuki seemed to be thinking for a second before mischief tainted their voice. “What about that new place by the school with all the sweets? I think L’il Bro mentioned it the other day~”
“Yeah, sure…” Ena shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant. But her heart pounded in her chest.
Even now, the next day, it still did. It was like it hadn’t stopped racing since the word “date” entered her mind. How stupid was that?
The two of them were waiting at the crossing. Mizuki rocked back and forth on their heels, which was impressive enough in those platforms. Ena glanced down at her sandals. Maybe she was underdressed. No, no I’m not. It’s not a date, remember? Mizuki just liked to dress up for everything.
“Light’s green!” Mizuki says cheerfully, suddenly grabbing Ena’s hand and pulling her across the street after them. Ena’s heart might explode out of her chest. There’s no screen to hide it this time, but Mizuki is looking ahead and not back at her - so, she’s still safe for now.
Shortly after, they reach the shop. It’s a quaint little place, but Ena remembers it having pretty nice clothes for decent prices. It had been on her radar for a while.
Mizuki pulls her inside excitedly. “Here! I’ll pick something out for you if you’ll grab me something~”
“What?? Okay- sure?” Ena watches Mizuki run off to a suspiciously gothic looking corner of the shop. Sighing, Ena starts going through the racks for something that seems… Mizuki.
Oh my god. Everything reminds me of them.
Ena, once again, feels a little like she might explode. This wasn’t fair. Mizuki shouldn’t be allowed to have such a death grip on her heart.
She finally settles on a cute sundress, and wanders over to the changing rooms to wait for Mizuki. It’s a short wait before they come bounding over, holding - oh my god. That’s gorgeous.
“Where did you find that??” Ena couldn’t help but nearly gasp, reaching out and taking the dress. “It’s stunning.”
“It reminded me of you. Stunning.” Mizuki winks, once again making Ena’s poor heart skip a beat. She just scoffs and looks away, though, still trying her best to play it off.
“Oh, sure. Here.” She pushes her own choice into Mizuki’s arms. “Go put that on while I change too.”
Mizuki just snickers, almost teasingly, as they go into one of the changing rooms. Ena heads into the other, looking at herself in the mirror and shutting the door. Wow. She felt like a mess, but at least she didn’t look like one. Other than the pretty obvious blush dusted across her cheeks.
I’m ruined. Mizuki is gonna make fun of me forever now.
Ena shakes her head to herself. She couldn’t be thinking like that. She was all over the place today. Pushing down all of those feelings, Ena changes into the dress and steps back out of the stall, where Mizuki is waiting.
They do a little spin as soon as Ena walks out. The sundress is twirly and almost fairytale, like a princess before she reaches the climax of the film.
Ena is a little bit speechless. Thankfully, or maybe unfortunately, Mizuki pipes up first. “You look so pretty in that!”
Her breath catches on itself. Immediately, as always, Ena deflects it. “Do I not look pretty all the time?” Shoot, that just sounds like I want this to be romantic. I don’t. I don’t! It’s not even a date!
“Of course you are~ but it looks especially good on you!” They grab her hands excitedly. “Let’s go try some other stuff on!”
Ena might die. This might be it for her, emotionally. It’s so over.
The two of them continue shopping for a while, ending up going to a couple other ones as well. Ena started to relax a little bit, successfully convincing herself - for the most part - that it wasn’t a date. Just two friends hanging out.
And then they went to that cafe.
Ena practically buries herself in her cheesecake, so instantly having returned to her mental back-and-forth of what the hangout meant. Meanwhile, Mizuki sits across the table, snacking on french fries with a satisfied smile.
She had to be overthinking this. So stupid.
Kind of out of nowhere, Mizuki’s phone starts ringing. They seem to have been expecting it, and take their phone out completely unbothered. “Ohh, my sister’s calling~ I’ll be right back!”
They get up and walk away, for some reason going outside. Ena eyes them leaving before sinking down in the seat. If it was a date, Mizuki probably wouldn’t run off to answer a call. But, again, who knows. She hasn’t felt this conflicted about something in months.
Ena is already finished with her cheesecake by the time Mizuki returns. “Ena!” Their cute voice speaks up from behind her.
“There you are.” Ena scoffs, turning around to look at them. “What took you-”
Mizuki is down on one knee, holding out a bouquet of pink and red flowers. They grin at Ena. “I was hoping this was a date, by the way. Unless you’d scratch me up like a kitty cat for that.”
Ena is dead.
She can feel her face being painted pink, much to her dismay. This is incredibly embarrassing.
“Y-You could’ve just said that!” Ena claims, taking the bouquet anyway and taking a deep breath of it. It smells lovely, and the whole thing was just beautiful. Was this their plan the whole time? Lure her somewhere they could - ask her out?
“It’s more fun to mess with you. Is that a yes? It’s a date?” Mizuki leans in towards Ena, smirking.
Ena recoils a little, making a face back at them. “Don’t get all in my space just because it is a date.”
“Relax~” Mizuki laughs, sitting down across the table again and resting their chin on their hands. “Does that make you my girlfriend?”
“Would you slow down?” Ena hisses, hiding her blushing face behind the bouquet. “I’m just processing this.”
Once again, Mizuki just giggles, going back to eating their fries. “I’ll be waitiiiiing.”
just a cute lil mizuena one shot i wrote like a month ago. check me on ao3 anonymousv i write sometimes
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