caitonomour · 6 years
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Could this be out of line? 
To say you're the only one breaking me down like this.
You're the only one I would take a shot on,
Keep me hanging on so contagiously
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caitonomour · 6 years
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Kammy: I’m flattered... What are you curious about?
Nathan: I’ll keep that to myself, for now, Kammy-Kat. Maybe someday soon you will find out for yourself. In the meantime, Devin and I were thinking about heading to the bluffs in Windenburg tomorrow, care to join us?
Kammy: I’m finding it very hard to say no to you, what is this alluring spell you’ve jinxed me with?
Nathan: *grinning* Wouldn’t you like to know. I’ll be seeing you, Kammy.
“Watching him walk away finally give me a clear mind, dispatching me from the haze of lust that would radiate from him. As curious as he is about something, I am also curious... Curious to know if something dark and devious lies behind those captivating blue eyes of his...”
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caitonomour · 6 years
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“Little did I know that I had eyes on me, the eyes that burn with an intense passion. Eyes that will make me melt, make my knees buckle and my breath hitch. Those same eyes will be innocent, yet daring, and they belong to a man whose name is Nathan Cruz.”
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caitonomour · 6 years
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“Home sweet home.” 
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caitonomour · 6 years
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“San Myshuno, a city full of opportunities and opportunists, a place that is home to dream jobs and dreamers, and a home that will eventually become my paradise. Let’s not get too far ahead, now. Not yet. First, we’ll start with the basics...”  
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caitonomour · 6 years
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I’ll watch the night turn light blue
But it’s not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly.
Nathan: I don’t understand just what it is about you, but whatever it is...
Kammy: What do you mean?
Nathan: It’s hard to explain... Let me show you instead.
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caitonomour · 6 years
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Nathan: I knew you had it in you, Kammy-Kat.
Kammy: That was... Exhilarating! I can’t believe I jumped!
Nathan: You don’t get out much, do you?
Kammy: Not really, no... I’m jumping again, is there a higher jump?
Nathan: Not so fast, let’s sit and relax a bit. I’d like to know more about you.
Kammy: Okay, what would you like to know?
Nathan: Well, you know that I live the nightlife as a DJ, what is it that you do?
Kammy: I’m a journalist.
Nathan: Ah, a juicy deets collector. 
Kammy: *chuckling* I guess you can say that. I’m more of a blogger, instead of going out and searching for things to write about, I write about things that come to me.
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caitonomour · 6 years
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Nathan: I’m pleased to see that you’ve made it out.
...: ...
Nathan: Has anyone ever told you that you look absolutely ravishing in red? It makes me curious...
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caitonomour · 6 years
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Who are you when I’m not around?
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caitonomour · 6 years
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Nathan: I want to show you something.
Kammy: ... Alright... What are you doing?
Nathan: Skygazing.
Kammy: But there aren’t any stars...
Nathan: Now, I know that since we live in the city, stargazing is near impossible, but the moon is high and the clouds are right. Less talky, get down here with me.
Kammy: Um... Okay.
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caitonomour · 6 years
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“We spent the entire day outside the cafe, talking about absolutely nothing but little things. Little things like why did I move to the city, or that Nathan has musical talents, and Devin is unemployed. Even though it was only small talk, it was still a great way to waste the day. We had completely lost track of time, and didn’t even realize the sun had gone down until a barista walked out to inform us that they were closing early due to the festival being in town.”
Kammy: Another festival? So soon?
Nathan: Oh yeah, the spice festival, it always comes at least a week after the romance festival.
Kammy: Spice festival?
Nathan: Yeah, a festival that celebrates food, I think you’d like it-
Devin: Okay, I can’t take this anymore.
Nathan: Devin.
Devin: No, Nate, we’ve been sitting out here for hours talking about nothing, and you haven’t even asked the woman yet.
Kammy: Ask me what?
Devin: Yeah, Nathan, ask her what?
Nathan: Uhm... Kammy... Would you like to... To... Go to the Spice Festival with me?
Kammy: What, you mean like a date?
Nathan: Uh, sure... If that’s what-
Kammy: I don’t see why not, I think it’ll be fun. Yeah, I’ll go with you.
Nathan: I mean if you don’t want to, you don’t have- I’m sorry, what did you say?
Kammy: Yes, I’ll go on a date with you to the festival.
Nathan: Great.
Devin: Yes, great, that settles it. Now, are we going to sit out here all night? You two have a date, let’s go.
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caitonomour · 6 years
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Nathan: Kammy-
Kammy: ...Nathan...
Nathan: ...
Kammy: So, I’m here... At the cafe...
Nathan: Yeah, right, sorry...
Kammy: Are you okay? You seem... choked up.
Nathan: I’m fine, thanks for asking. Um, would you-
Devin: Please, join us, Miss Kammy, we can take this outside if you’d like? Give the man some fresh air, which he obviously needs.
Kammy: Of course, I’d love to join you two outside...
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caitonomour · 6 years
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“There was a hidden purpose in the stroll that Nathan and I had. Not only was he showing me around, but there was a moment where he had taken me by the hand, and a boost of confidence vibrated through his fingers while approaching a wedding arch...”
Kammy: They really go all out at this festival, don’t they?
Nathan: Oh yeah, definitely, it’s like Las Vegas on the road. Couples get married here every year.
Kammy: How romantic.
Nathan: Seriously?
Kammy: No, I’m kidding. I mean, where’s the creativity? The time? People just meet up, have a few drinks, get flirty and then all of a sudden think that it’s a good idea to marry once they see the wedding arch? Is the wedding officiant dressed as Elvis, too?
Nathan: N-No, he’s dressed as a guru, though the Elvis thing would be even better... *chuckles* It sounds like you’ve got your special day all planned out.
Kammy: You don’t want to hear about that...
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caitonomour · 6 years
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Devin: Don’t let him lie to you, he actually convinced me to come just so he could-
Nathan: Devin... *clears throat*
Kammy: Just so he could... Are you stalking me, Nathan?
Nathan: Stalking is a harsh word, but no. Devin is right though, I am the one who convinced him, what can I say? I attend all of the festivals.
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caitonomour · 6 years
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Nathan: Join me for a bite to eat.
“It was just like a first date, but I didn’t want to call it that considering we hardly know each other, though the festival kind of set the mood for one. Asking me to grab a bite with him didn’t help the tiny thought in the back of my mind, either.”
Nathan: It’s kind of funny seeing you here, I never thought of you as one for romance.
Kammy: I am new in town, and it just seemed like something different to check out. I would like to become a city native, eventually. The romance festival just so happened to have come first.
Nathan: So, you’re not here to mingle?
Kammy: In a way, I guess I am... Why are you here?
Nathan: Devin convinced me to come.
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caitonomour · 6 years
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“His eyes were captivating, drawing me in like a venus fly trap. Getting rid of him was honestly the last thing I wanted to do, I wanted nothing more than to linger a little longer. The way he smelled, the way he spoke, it was everything that could bring a woman to her knees, and if I had stayed, he would have brought me to mine. 
“There was something comforting about him, something in his presence lured me into a zone of tranquility, despite the anxiety he brought me. I was a complete riptide, whirlpooling in emotions that even I can’t comprehend. Yet, the tranquility he brought me made it easier to manage my emotions, only for a short time.
“But can I bear to see him again, without completely losing my mind?
“Dear Journal, this is where my story truly begins.”
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