#kaj wick
wheelrismsarchived · 2 years
Steve had forgiven and forgotten alot, and honestly he knew he should try to pick up the pieced of his life....but it had been a week since Nancy had died, a week since the woman he loved had been taken from him whole he had been forced to watch and the empty feeling inside him just grew and grew. He needed to do something, he would find every...last.. one of them, they had all fought so hard to protect this town and for what? He only had one thing left
My Muse Died, How Is Yours Handling It?
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Meme à la Kaj Wick
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jensonsbuttons · 3 years
hi katie! hope you're well!! if you have time i'd love to know what your favourite moments from jb's autobiography are, i've haven't had the opportunity to read it and i love the snipets you sprinkle into our conversations :D
xoxo, your biggest fan
hello hello kajs thank you for this wonderful ask 😌
it took me ten years to answer but only cause i was rounding everything up. by that i literally mean i reread (skimmed) the book for my favorite parts and boy oh boy there sure is a lot of good parts to his book. (and this doesn't even include the 'how to be an f1 driver' which is a whole other list of favorites.)
This got...incredibly long so it's under the cut so i don't clog anyone's dash.
Welcome one and all to a poorly written book report!!! Jenson is an author truly meant for the people. That's a genuine comment because there are favorite parts for me in his book that not only make it interesting to read but easy to read (which is very important to me because i'm incredibly bad at reading.)
Just a general warning for Jenson's book there are some big trigger warnings. I'm not going to talk about anything like this in my reviews but just in case someone is like 'huh i wanna read his book' just be aware. I will list them specifically with page numbers in this next paragraph.
Tw: death and tw: food/weight/diet mentions as well as tw: crash. Death mentions of various drivers (including a child) and his father are on pages 78-81/289/309-15/320. Food/diet/weight mentions page 75 and possibly elsewhere scattered throughout but thats the biggest mention of it I could find. Crash mention on pages 170-173. There are other various ones from his karting days but I apologize cause I did not mark those down as diligently.
That being said! Here are a few things I just love about his book:
1. his stylization!!! - idk if it was him, the editor, the ghost writer, whatever. whoever decided to write this as if it was verbatim of what jenson was saying is *chef's kiss* perfect. 10/10 for stylization. by that i mean you read it and can clearly hear his voice while you're reading. no stuffy words, no added fancy phrases. just pure dumbassery and common speak, which is so refreshing. in my opinion, it reads like a conversation and it was easy for me to follow. Here's some examples!
- "I'd met him (Alain Prost) before, but it was during the whirlwind whistle-stop schmoozefest of the Spanish GP in 1998,..." (Button, 107)
- "'Oh, wicked,' I snapped, not really taking it out on Richard but yeah, taking it out on Richard." (Button, 206)
- "In China, Flavio Briatore, my great friend from Benetton (sarcasm alert), ..." (Button, 222)
- (in reference to parking in the wrong place at the Monaco GP 2009) "...feeling a bit of a Charlie having parked up in the wrong place, but not that much of a Charlie, to be honest, because I'd just won Monaco so eat that, suckers,..." (Button, 227)
- (in reference to the 2009 season and wanting to win the Driver's Championship) "Valencia was a disappointing race for me, although Rubens won, which was great obviously (gnashes teeth),..." (Button, 231)
- "At one point we visited a restaurant and a bunch of turkeys from a TV company set up a stepladder outside the door so that i'd have to walk underneath it in order to reach the street. We pushed it over. Don't look at me like that." (Button, 233)
- "The double diffuser was an advantage, of course. But it makes me laugh (translation: it pisses me right off) when people say that we only won the World Championship because of it." (Button, 241)
- (in reference to some of lewis' tweets) "Personally I wasn't gasping in horror and clutching at my pearl necklace concerning his use of 'WTF'." (Button, 297)
2. how incredibly relatable it is - he really brings himself out of the spotlight. i know a lot of people that get carried away with athletes and other "famous" people and put them on a pedestal but jenson doesn't even let you do that. throughout the book he reminds you that he is human along with his other fellow drivers. good things (and bad things) happen to them and to us. he doesn't allow any room to thing it's all glitz and glam. he starts off the book explaining simple childhood memories and quickly goes to talk about his family life (the good, the bad and certainly the ugly of it all), girlfriends that he's had over the years, how he was almost a father at 19, how he knew he wasn't in love anymore, his focus on race days and getting short with anyone who interrupts him (haha i do that), his passion for racing (how he got it and how he lost it and then regained it) just...real things. i know that's the point of an autobiography but he really doesn't make anything out to more than it is. again, refreshing.
3. his short chapters - there are no examples for this but i'll just let you know, this helped out with reading it so much! the man has a lot to say and switches topics often so usually chapters are only a few pages. sometimes he'll talk about braking techniques or tires and those chapters will be a little longer but otherwise the chapters are 3-4 pages. good for him, i say, because again, it makes it easy to read, interesting to read and allows you to read chapter to chapter so you have a place to easily stop if you want. (usually though, you hate to put the book down.)
4. the pictures - now, i could probably googles some of these or they are in my jbseries (shameless promo for that series go check it out here) but there are some from his early ages that obviously weren't taken by the pros of f1. i can potentially upload some of them if someone hasn't but again, putting pictures in was super helpful to a) visualize just what he was talking about and b) see the young lad mucking around at home or on the track.
5. accent usage - this ties back in with stylization but i want to make it its own point. anytime an accent comes up, he murders it in cold blood and i mean it. it's terrible. i'll let the examples speak for themselves:
- (post-Monaco GP when he parks in the wrong place) "I parked the car, all excited, only to have an official piss on my chips. 'Excusez-moi, monsieur, you haff parked in ze wrong place.'" (Button, 226)
- "...but at least I got to join the two Red Bulls on the podium, where Sebastian turned to me, fixed me with that look of his, a cross between quizzical and bemused, and said, 'It is nice enjoying ziss podium viz you. It iz good.' He was right. It bloody well was." (Button, 244)
- "The tifosi used to say to me, 'Hey, Buttoni, when-a you gonna come drive for us,'..." (Button, 303)
6. his praise towards fellow drivers!! - so the man really loves some of the other drivers. and he makes a point to mention it!
- mentions of Daniel and how he is "podium gold" (Button, 282) because of the shoey and how he wouldn't "drink champagne out of my girlfriend's sweaty trainer, let alone Daniel Ricciardo's." (Button, 283)
- Practically every mention of Seb. It's either an 'oh btw seb was there' or 'wow seb and i were best friends. he's such a good job. i admire him a lot' or "Slightly contradicting what I said earlier about never winning in a Toro Rosso, Sebastian had done exactly that the previous season." (Button, 223) and "As for Sebastian, he's probably the hardest-working driver on the grid in terms of his time with the team. He reminds me of Michael Schumacher like that,..." (Button, 223)
- he said a lot about lewis (honestly a lot which hi they were teammates so it makes sense) and a lot of it was praise. not all but also nothing malicious of course. but, i've rambled for long enough. just know lewis is one of the best in jenson's eyes and he mentions it in this book and in his 'how to be an f1 driver' book.
7. his entire chapter on winning the championship - again, short chapters but pages 234-239 are about the Brazilian GP and for sure I cried.
8. some other random stories I enjoy from his book:
- when he was five he wanted to test physics (my words, not his) and took a tire from the garage and tossed it down the slanted drive, making it bounce all the way down and across the street. when confronted by his sister as to why he said "I just wanted to see what would happen." (Button, 20)
- he got into his dad's car (on that inclined drive still) and after pretending to race with it, he "decided to have a fiddle with the handbrake as well, and somehow managed to let it off." (Button, 21) which, ha ha, the car started to roll backwards, his sister came running outside, tried to stop it but didn't work so the Jaguar was sent backwards across the road and into the neighbors' wall.
- kids at school couldn't get his name right. "'Jenson' was impossibly exotic for Somerset so they settled on either JB, which has stuck, or 'Jason', which was probably just mishearing now I come to think about it. Not forgetting, of course, the inevitable nicknames that I had to pretend I thought were funny: 'Zipper', 'Jennifer' (bit late with that one), and my personal favorite, 'Genitals'." (Button, 27) He calls this back in multiple parts of the book. One where he's at school and is at an assembly "And then the curtain went back and hey presto, it's whatshisname Jason Button,..." (Button, 56) and "...and they're going to write 'Here Lies Jesper Button' on my gravestone.'" (Button, 92)
- when honda found out that they weren't continuing, one of the options was for jenson to drive for toro rosso in 2009. (think about that alternate universe for a second and tell me you don't want to walk into the ocean) he mentioned "[Toro Rosso] wanted me to bring money in the form of sponsorship to help fund the team, which was singularly unappealing." (Button, 207) So, essentially, he avoided being a RB driver (thank god) all because he didn't want to get sponsors
- someone thought he was sebastian so he got a free meal out of it (Button, 265)
- he got incredibly drunk with some other drivers and he broke his hand (305-306)
i'll be real honest: there is a whole other half of the book essentially that i could put in this section but i've taken too long to answer this and i have to get ready for work. just know that he's got *tons* of stories and is not afraid to share them. like i've said: it's the good, the bad and the ugly of his life. he doesn't hold back, whether that's self deprecating jokes or jaunts towards others or explaining in detail just exactly how to brake at a corner. absolutely i recommend the book to anyone and everyone who wants to read it and get to know a new side of Jenson "JB" "Genitals" Button.
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likemosaic · 3 years
also not to be on my shit again but when j*hn wick watches the video of his wife on his phone when he thinks he’s going to die vs when joss replays the holotape codsworth gives them, over and over, to hear their family’s voice again after so many years vs when kaj listens to christine’s divide logs in the big empty, to the point of memorizing her notes and muttering them as a sort of meaningless mantra
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Las Vegas
Joker x Kaj
Word Count: 1325
Tag List: @fangedwife @heavenshipped @the-schizotypal-cryptid @ghostlyvenus
Summary: Kaj and Joker head to Las Vegas on business matters.
Warnings: Suggestive but of course not NSFW, mentions of a casino so = gambling, smoking, drinking, dude gets shot (implied he doesn’t survive).
The Nevada sun relentlessly beat down on The Joker’s convertible, but neither criminal in the car seemed to care about that. At the very least, there was a bit of a breeze to keep them cool. The two were visiting the Las Vegas strip, technically for business reasons, though both knew it’d be too easy to not resist the temptations of the city. Kaj sighed, leaning his seat back and shading his eyes from the sun, though he already wore circular sunglasses.
“We really should’ve looked for an alternative route,” he muttered, mostly bored rather than truly upset. Joker huffed, hunched over the steering wheel.
“I know, darling, I know,” he responded, quick to irritate in situations like these. They had been surrounded by a traffic jam that stretched far as the eye could see, supposedly caused by construction up ahead. Kaj rested his arms behind his head.
“Well, we could bail and walk to the hotel.”
Joker turned to look over his shoulder at the luggage in the backseat. Kaj propped himself up on his elbows, his sunglasses sliding down his nose just enough to look his fiancé in the eyes; “C’mon, don’t tell me you’re gonna sit here for another half hour.”
Joker smiled and Kaj corrected his seat.
“Ah, you’re always right, pumpkin. Let’s blow this pop stand.”
The two criminals exited their car, removed their luggage, and took a leisurely stroll past the jam, Joker even having the audacity to wave in a taunting manner.
“Have fun being stuck!” He chuckled before wrapping his free arm around Kaj’s waist, keeping him close.
By the time they reached the hotel, the jam had moved slightly, and they couldn’t care less about whatever happened to their car.
“A room for two, if you’d please,~” The Joker purred, casually leaning against the main desk. The clerk looked up, jumping slightly at the sight of a clown in front of him, though it was obvious he wasn’t familiar enough to realize he was looking at two very dangerous criminals.
“Name and address…?” He started, returning his attention to the computer in front of him.
“That won’t be necessary,” Kaj spoke up, subtly aiming a pistol at the clerk.
“Manners, Kaj,” Joker added with a smirk.
“Please,” the mercenary rolled his eyes. The clerk nodded nervously and fetched a key before setting it on the desk.
“Room 953. Enjoy your stay,” he swallowed nervously as Joker snatched up the key.
“Oh, we will,” the criminal mastermind chuckled before leading the way to the elevators.
After a long day of wandering the strip and making plans, the two returned to their comfortably air-conditioned hotel room.
“Ahh,” Joker sighed contently as he stretched out on the bed, “y’know, sometimes I forget how gloomy Gotham is!”
Kaj nodded, working on unpacking their suits for the next day’s meeting. Joker grinned, eyes closed as he relished the coolness of the room. When Kaj did not come to his side quick enough, he opened one of his crystalline eyes.
“Darling,” he hummed impatiently, “what could possibly be keeping you busy?? We’re on vacation, my dear, do try to relax!”
“If I relax too much, we’ll never get anything done,” Kaj responded, finally kicking off his wicked heels and sliding into the spot beside his lover. Joker’s spindly arm immediately found its place around Kaj’s waist, and the open eye slipped shut again, a wide smile still plastered on his pale face.
“What do you want for dinner?” The mercenary asked, thumbing through a phonebook on the bedside table. Joker’s eyes fully opened and he sat up a bit more, resting his chin on Kaj’s shoulder.
“Dinner?? That’s scarcely been on my mind… all I could think about all day was dessert.~”
His cherry lips ghosted over Kaj’s jaw and neck, and the mercenary responded with a pleasant shiver.
“Good things come to those who wait,” Kaj teased, “how about seafood?”
Joker stuck out his tongue childishly, “eugh, no. I still have fish smell in one of my jackets from falling in Cobblepot’s pool.”
“Alright… Italian?”
Joker mulled it over, still occasionally pressing feather-light kisses to Kaj’s neck.
Kaj ordered the food, then snuggled comfortably into his lover’s side.
“So… dessert. You’ve been keeping that sweet tooth in check for a few hours, then.”
Joker sucked in a breath, squeezing Kaj.
“Oh, don’t tease, you naughty boy. Making me wait for dinner first,” Joker harumphed, looking exasperated, “it’s preposterous!”
Kaj hid an amused smile behind his hand before kissing his fiancé.
“I love you,” he hummed.
“I love you, too, precious.~”
Joker’s gloved hand lazily ran through Kaj’s short, jet-black locks as he studied Kaj’s face, constantly mesmerized by the fact this was his partner… handsome, loyal, unapologetic…
Kaj tapped the end of his fiancé’s prominent nose with an acutely manicured finger, a small smile on his petite lips.
“You’re staring,~” he purred and Joker smirked, kissing him again, deeper this time.
A knock on the door shook the couple from their tangled limbs.
“Bet it’s dinner,” Joker mused before giving Kaj a firm pat on the rear. Kaj rolled his eyes and brushed his nose against Joker’s before climbing off the bed to answer the door.
“Well, this is thematically appropriate,” Kaj mentioned as he stepped arm-in-arm with Joker into the Circus Circus casino.
“Mm-hm… stay close, now. We can look at all the shinies later.~”
Joker led Kaj to a conference room where other criminals sat waiting around a long table. As soon as he stepped into that room, Joker became all business, taking his seat at the table and waving Kaj off.
“Go get us some drinks, wouldja please?” He asked coldly, having to set aside his adoration in favor of professionalism. Kaj nodded, for this was the way. Stay quiet in the presence of strangers, show no mercy if things get hairy. He left the others to their meeting, then.
Now, it wasn’t all doom and gloom when it came to business… sometimes Kaj liked to have a little fun with his lover if things weren’t too tense. And oh, how Joker loved to make others jealous. Kaj returned when he fetched the drinks, then sat prettily on Joker’s restless thigh as he lit a cigarette, cool as a cucumber while the men spoke in dark tones about fake money and robbery. Kaj was always fascinated by those who wanted to deal with The Joker… some, he supposed, thought they could bend him to their will, or perhaps figure out his motive. Kaj mentally scoffed at the thought. Joker was an agent of chaos. Much like the weather, he was a devastating, unstoppable force.
Kaj was his only weakness, and hell knew how many people had tried to use that against him. Joker’s hand suddenly came up to cover Kaj’s ear, forcing the other ear against his chest, while the other hand fired a gun at one of the meeting attendants. He finally released Kaj when the barrel stopped smoking, and the mercenary stood, unperturbed.
“Come on, Kaj. I’m tired of dealing with these maze-minded canaries,” Joker huffed, standing and practically dragging Kaj out of the room.
“J,” Kaj finally spoke up once they had tromped away from the conference room. Joker took a breath, threw on a light smile, and looked at Kaj, his gaze instantly softening.
“Yes, dear?”
“Why do you attend these meetings? We all know lesser criminals just want to find a way to extract the genius from the madness,” Kaj caressed Joker’s cheek.
“Sometimes I get to kill people. It’s funny seeing the look of shock, the realization, on everyone’s faces in the end…” Joker chuckled cruelly, “Let’s play.~”
Joker excitedly led Kaj in between slot machines and poker tables. Kaj slipped a screwdriver from his pocket and handed it to Joker.
“You take the machines, I’ll go find a blackjack dealer to cheat.”
“Oh, you know me so well.~”
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druzanrp · 6 years
Kajetan - New Home & Friends
Description: Kajetan meets a bear whom he befriends that ends up leading him to a new job and home. Fate works in mysterious ways.
Sitting outside the inn curled up with his books, Kajetan spots a lost bear, Makumu, and offers the hungry creature an apple.
Makumu would utter a gentle growl, his wide eyes moved from apple to the man and back again. He would lick his lips clean of drool if only for a moment.
A soft chuckle left the man's lips as he looked over the bear. "Go on take it silly." Kajetan said not honestly sure if the animal understood a single word."
Makuma would happily, but gently lick the apple from the elven man's hand quick to munch it down. The beast would look up with wide thankful eyes and he would sniff at the man licking his hand if still stretched out towards the beast. The bear was massive in size and easily stood close to if not taller then the man on all fours. His nose had only one scar from cheek to cheek and from what the elven man could tell the beast was battle ready, very muscular.
Another chuckle left Kaj's lips as the warm air from the beast came in contact with his hand. "Sorry I don't have more fella." He said as if he were talking to a stray dog instead of a huge bear.
Makumu would whined but understood and would settle for a lick a the mans knee as he sat. His eyes would wonder over the elven mans form, ears curiously listening and his tail wiggling happily.
Hearing the whine he couldn't help but smile. "Okay... I think I have a few coins left." He said as he dug though his satchel to remove a small pouch of coins. It looked pretty light but he pulled out a silver piece and headed into the inn. "Now you wait here and don't let anyone take my stuff," he teased.
Makumu would follow curiously, ears twitching at the sound of the coin. The beast seemed concerned perhaps the beast didn’t feel it necessary.
Kaj stopped and folded his arms pointing back to where the bear had been sitting. "Now stay. You are suppose to be guarding my books." He said with a warm tease before he disappeared into the inn.
Makumu grumbled but obeyed wandering close to the area he had been before and looked at the beautiful lantern and the elven mans goods making sure no one would take any. His gaze shifted back and forth from the doorway the man left through to the stuff he left behind.
-Inside the inn Kajetan purchased some fish. In the process an deathknight (Anathemas) was having a disagreement with another elf (Vynair). The deathknight attempted to pull Kaj into the situation calling him eye candy.  Kaj walked out with his fish instead to feed his new friend informing them that their eye candy was busy.-
Returning, Kaj held two fish in each hand or rather fingers and he placed all four of them down in front of the bear.
Makumu's eyes would light up and he would growl happily his tail wiggling. The beast was happy to see the small elf return and sniffed at lantern and goods left behind as if to say 'Look, look, its all here.' The beasts eyes were quick to find the tasty offerings the man had returned with, quicklysnapping them up off the ground and even sniffing towards him offering to clean his fingers too if he would have it.
"So where is your home big guy?" Kaj inquired raising a brow having noticed the tooth. "You get separated from your master?" He smiled noticing his belonging still there. "Thank you for watching them." Makumu's features melted into ones of sorrow, seemed the beast was at loss without his master. The bear seemed a bit older and the elf would know dire beast may have actually outlived his master given dire beats can live much longer then some races.
Kajetan looked over the beast and pondered. "Well I would take you home but I am not sure if I can afford to keep someone like you." He thought about it for a few minutes. "I do know a hunter though. Ravens and wolves are usually his thing." Tapping his fingers over his lips he thought about it only to wrinkle his nose at the fishy smell on them.
Makumu tilted his head at the words and utters a playful growl. Stepping forward the massive beast would gently lick the elf's hand then poke him with a cold wet nose.
Kajetan let out a little squeal that was far from masculine before bursting into laughter at the wet nose. "Oh come on. I suppose we can get enough to feed you tonight at least.... so long as you like mudsnappers."
Makumu growls playfully once more, then turns about to lay down and eat the leftover snapper. Shortly after the beast would look up at the elf and let out a roar, the beast tried to bake it sound happy or excited but might have been taken differently. His tail wiggled and he stood up to patter his paws back and forth as if he wanted to prove he could find food too.
-Gathering his things Kaj returns to the inn beckoning the bear to follow hoping not to get in trouble for bringing the beast inside. The two men from before are still inside happily making speculations about Kaj's profession and the bear as Kaj purchases more fish for Makumu. Kaj finally gets tired of the two men talking to his back and turns around engaging them. The normal elf is drunk and nervous about the huge bear.
Makumu-WyrmrestAccord growled playfully and showed his toothy maw off once more, the golden tooth polished and sharp.
Vynair's soured expression slowly faded as he shut his eyes somewhat tightly. Once they opened would lashes bat rapidly. A slight sway of his tall frame occurred before he spoke. “ That is a wild BEAR. That creature probably doesn't understand you. Why it's let into the city is beyond me.”
Anathemas doesn't know what to make of the spectacle.
Kajetan rolled his eyes a little. "Keen eyes there. You do know what a bear is and obviously not wild."
Vynair spoke, “ ....I swear by the sunwell you run your smart-ass mouth at me again and I’ll show ya' what it's good for.”
Anathemas takes notice of his drunk friend, “Sweetie, you're drunk. You need to go home now.” He gently pats Vynair.
Kajetan looked up at his new furry friend before speaking, “They let him into the city because he is more civil than you of course.” With that he gave a wicked grin towards Vynair not seeming at all threatened.
Vynair made an irritated sound, left hand lifting to smack Anathemas. It was a weak gesture....as it was his busted arm he used to whack the Knight with.
Makumu tilted a head in response, his sloppy tongue rolling out of his mouth to lick his fishy lips. His blue hues of eyes looked back to the smaller elf, Kaj, who was closest to him.
“Well you eat fish... and apples..” Kaj spoke talking more to himself than anyone honestly not sure how much the bear understood. “... but where do bears sleep when their owners are in the city?”
Makumu uttered a whine in agreement, licking his lips the beast was always hungry it seemed.
Anathemas takes the smack gracefully, head flopping to the side in a dramatic display and ears pinning back against his head. He's not dissuaded, however. Ana recovers and sneaks up behind Vyn, pushing him from behind towards the exit. "Come on, now. I know where you can find a more worthy opponent.” There's a target dummy with your name on it.”
Anathemas answered Kaj's speculations, “Perhaps he can fit in bed with you. The.. bear. With the.. Nevermind.”
Kajetan wrinkled his nose. "And here I was starting to like you." He said offering a chuckle.
Vynair snarled, drink splashing over the edge of the cup as he stumbled forward with the nudging of Anathemas. This was for the best. "What are you even saying? I don't want to smack no dummy you miserable snipe."
Anathemas spoke,  “You can smack me around, then.”
Vynair replied, “Keep pushing me and I will.”
Anathemas looked at Kajetan, “Well he -is- single.”
Vynair added, “Starting to like who? WHO?”
With that Kajetan clarified, “You not him.” The words were spoken as he pointed to the far less drunk of the two men.
Vynair spat, “You're a damn liar. He's an abomination.”
Anathemas added smiling at Vynair,  “He's.. not so bad, when you get to know him.”
Vynair bares his teeth and snarls at Anathemas.
“Cute witty... and far less drunk. Being dead... isn't my first choice but it is easier to work than your problems.” Kaj informed Vynair with a wicked grin before turning back to the bear. Where can we find you somewhere to sleep?
Vynair's brows shot high at that. “Oh really?”
“Yes really.” Kaj spoke drawing the word really out with a laugh.
Anathemas cut in, “He's just a big old sweetie under all the teeth and booze. Just wait.”
Makumu's ears flick as he listens to the bickering of the elves, a grin wrinkling his face he must find this interesting.
Anathemas blinks. "Well.. I suppose. I ah.. I'll see you around.” He says before giving Kajetan a nod turning towards Vynair and speaking, “Come on, you.”
Vynair whined, “Maybe a rogue will show mercy on me and give me a good stab to the throat. Be a good way to go, really.”
Anathemas keeps pushing. He's stronger than he looks.
“Don't touch me.” Vynair snaps.
Kaj watches them go as he beckons the bear over. “Do you fish?” He inquires feeling a little silly asking the bear.
Makumu would utter a happy whine and his head would even nod.
Kajetan smiled speaking, “Well lets go take a walk outside.” Outside he drummed his fingers along his bottom lip as they walked towards the city gates. “I should have brought a cloak. Maybe you like eating cranky drunk elves instead?” The words were spoken with a chipper tease. “I can't imagine dead ones would taste good after all.”
Makumu growled as if he understood, and actually remembered earlier when the small elven man said he didn’t go out much. He would nose the small elf's shoulder placing a warm chin on the shoulder for a moment before the stepping of the two made him walk a bit further behind him. A growl at the dead ones comment would signal agreement.
Kajetan reached back to pat the large head. “Cranky drunk ones are only good if they give you their money and forget they did.”  He smiled his mind wandering as he walked. He moved in a slow methodical way as if not to get himself dirty.
Makumu huffed, his hot breath washing over his neck and back.
-A splendidly dressed man (Lluathön) and woman ( Jurazel) appear on the road ahead.-
Lluathön bows before Kajetan.
Makumu watched as the elf led them through the forest, and the beast seemed a bit more a home as well as relaxed.
Jurazel smiles at Kajetan.
Kajetan blinks seeing two other elves on the road, one dressed far nicer than himself before giving a half bow and greeting them. “Good evening.”
Lluathön smiled warmly, "Bal'adash, friend."
Jurazel-WyrmrestAccord bows her head.
Makumu's ears flickered and his tail wiggled happily, the beast seemed tame even sat patently listening.
Lluathön spoke, "Where are you and your magnificent beast heading?"
Kajetan gestured up the path. "To find somewhere he can fish for something to eat. I am not exactly sure how much bears eat but it is a lot.” He smiled looking back towards the large bear. Feeding him at the inn would eat him out of all his coin. “What brings you out here?" He didn't expect to see two nobles wandering the road by foot at night. As a few guards patrolled by Kaj gave them a friendly wave.
Jurazel glances at the bear and smiles wide. She always loved animals.
"Ah, I was on a walk with my wife. There is a River just past the mountain range." Lluathön pointed over yonder behind him.
Makumu was a massive beast and no doubt would take quite a lot to fill the ursine. Dispite this the beast seemed happy to have company none the less.
Kajetan moved to the side offering a deep bow towards the woman as held out his hand towards the woman.
Makumu sniffs the air around him.
Jurazel takes his hand in her own.
Kajetan takes her fingers gently in his hand bringing the hand upwards planting a soft kiss to the back of the digits before letting her hand go. "A beautiful lady for a handsome man. I am Kajetan and who might I have the honor of addressing?" He inquired.
"Lord Lluathon of House Dawnbreaker and my wife, Lady Jurazel."
Kajetan took a small step back after letting the hand go and patted the snout of the big bear following him as if thanking him for being patient but he had no idea if that was communicated though the gesture.
Jurazel blushed softly Kajetan.
Kajetan gave a nod as he brushed strands of golden hair back behind his ear trying not to disturb the flowers. "Charmed and honored." He said using the first word to look at Jurazel and the second while gazing at Lluathon. "Did you happen to notice fish in the river?" His question was hopeful.
Lluathön answered, "That I am uncertain of... You would have to check yourself."
Kajetan nodded giving another inquiry, “How about a ranger running around frantically looking for his companion?” While he knew that this question was far less likely to get an helpful answer but he asked it anyway.
Jurazel speaks up softly. "I frequent quite often. There are lots of fish.."
Makumu returns with a rather satisfied look on his face, feeling as if any would be monsters were now taken care of.
Kajetan turned to look at the bear and to the area he had chased something. “Did you kill a rabbit?” The question was asked as he eyed the bear up and down. “I do hope you ate it if you did.”
Lluathön steps forward as the bear returns and pets Makumu ruffling his hair.
Makumu happily nods and blinks his eyes. A pleased sound comes from the massive beast and he offers a gold toothed smile liking the attention.
"Love? You can't just go around petting creatures without asking first..," Jurazel said.
Lluathön smiled, "Sweetheart, one thing you learn when you are as attuned to the light, is to feel for life...This is a gentle beast, Aren't you?" With that he smiled at the bear.
Jurazel replied, "One of the many things i must learn from you.."
Kajetan spoke up at those word, “He is more than welcome. I just found him. He obviously isn't wild but I can't seem to find his owner anywhere and he was starving when I found him.” With that he took a couple of steps backwards so he was standing next to the woman as he shrugged his shoulders whispering softly to her. “I think he just likes him.”
Makumu playfully licks the air as if to agree to the gentle comment. He stands to all fours and his tail wiggles happily.
Lluathön smiles at Jurazel.
Lluathön opened his satchel. "I think I have something for the ursine. This will tied you over until you get to the river."
Kajetan laughed shaking his head with a little sigh as he spoke under his breath to Jurazel, “Till we get to the river. I think he will make it a hundred paces without dieing from starvation.” The creature had already eaten a dozen cooked fish, an apple and now a rabbit not two minutes ago.
Jurazel chuckles softly and whispers back. "You might be right"
Makumu 's eyes would widen and gently would take the offering, licking his lips and any crumbs off the ground happily. A wide-eyed look and a almost overly happy roar would surly let anyone around know the beast was thankful.
Jurazel covers her mouth to hold in a laugh.
Kajetan shook his head chuckling softly.
Lluathön smiled warmly, turning back to his wife, "My Queen, shall we continue on our journey?"
Jurazel nods smiling wide. "Of course, my love."
Lluathön pets Makumu.
Kajetan smiled as he pulled a paper with his information on it holding it out to Jurazel,  “If you find someone that is missing one very big furry friend pleas tell him to come find me?”
Makumu whines and watches the two depart.
"Will do. If no one claims him, I shall. I could always a friendly beast such as that." Lluathön says smiling at Makumu.
“He would make a very good guard bear.” Kaj stated giving the couple a bow. “Have a safe walk back to the city.”
Jurazel takes it and smiles. She goes to stand next to her husband.
Lluathön smiled, "He would. If hed like to come with me, I would gladly take him as a Guard Bear. He would be most definitely well fed."
Makumu patters his feet happily as if he understood.
Kajetan eyed the bear moving towards him ruffling his hear. "Do you want to go with him friend? Maybe I could come visit you." A relieved look crossed his face. He liked the bear but he didn't have the means or experience to take care of such a creature. “That is if visiting him would be okay with you.”
Makumu's ears flickered, but he turned back to the smaller elf and was satisfied to continue to follow him around.
Lluathön smiles at Kaj, “Seems you've got yourself a bear, good sir."
Jurazel nods. "Lucky one you are."
Kajetan set down the lantern and placed a hand on either side of the bears muzzle. “You know boy I have no idea how to take care of you and you wont fit in my little place.”
Jurazel holds her hand out to the bear. "Hey.."
Makumu turns and sniffs towards the stretched hand, slowly moving closer as to not scare.
Kajetan chuckled softly at the stubborn bear moving towards him patting his head.
Jurazel gently pats the bears muzzle. "I promise if you come with us, we will take you to the lake to get you all the fish you want"
Lluathön smiles at Jurazel.
Makumu's face lights up and he wiggles his entire body happily, but then looks back to the smaller elf he had been following. He beast seemed torn he just didn't know what to do.
Jurazel smiles. "He said he will visit often, right?" She finished the sentence glancing towards Kaj.
"Actually..." Lluathön cut in, “Kajetan, you said you did not have a big enough house, right?"
Makumu thought on it for a bit, then took a step towards Kaj. The beast lets out a huff and growled protectively deciding the keep the small elf company in the forest at night. His eyes shifted between the married couple and reassured himself the two could keep each other safe.
Kajetan took a moment to decide how much he wanted to say.  “I usually end up staying in an inn. I have a small place outside the city. My work usually takes care of where I spend my nights.”
Lluathön thought for a long moment. "Why don't you come live with my wife and I at my estate? As we said...we are a Lord and Lady of a very notable house. You would be fed, and have a much better living situation than simply a room at a inn..."
Jurazel smiles and nods. "I assure you that you and your bear friend would love it."
Kajetan let a brow raise. "Only if I have something to offer in return." He might have seemed embarrassed about his living situation but he clearly was not willing to be a charity case.
"Well, what skills do you hold?" Lluathön asked.
Makumu sat and looked about the forest ears flickering as he listened to the sounds. His nose would wiggle at the smells, the beast was more at home in the wilds than anywhere else and would no doubt wonder or run off months maybe years at a time.
Kajetan nodded and spoke, " I have been a companion after my parents passed." There was not a hint of shame or embarrassment in those words. He was good at his and did it honestly. "I am a self taught herbalist and am fairly skilled and mixing both herbal and alchemical elixirs, salves, and the like." The pride in his gaze seemed to increase with that. "Also, I have procured someone to teach me the arcane arts that I have been learning on my own. Though it will probably be some time before I am any good in that field."
Lluathön thought for a moment, "It sounds like you would be a fantastic Maester within our house. There is never a shortage of those, besides - we can definitely see that your arcane talents are grown."
Kajetan shifted and pulled out a small pouch from the satchel. The pouch was soft blue suede with a silk draw string. Opening it he removed a small bottle with a cloudy purple liquid. "This is one of my own concoctions." He held it out towards the man.
Lluathön took the concoction from the man and smiled. "Tell me about it."
Jurazel tilted her head to get a better look at the swirling liquid in her husbands hands.
Kajetan smiled giving a nod. "I crafted it for someone having night terrors preventing them from sleeping after normal means didn't help much. This knocks someone out and puts them into a dreamless sleep."
Lluathön nodded, "That's...that is incredible. We could certainly use someone with that kind of knowledge."
Makumu takes a step back and sits, his large form slowly melting to lay down after a few moments.
Kajetan turned petting the bear's snout giving the creature a grin."I saw a wild cat down there. Does that sound better than fish?" He asked grinning at him.
Makumu would catch himself before he completely melted and sta up his eyes lighting up and tongue rolling out sloppily at the words of fish.
Jurazel raises her brow. "My husband is right." she looks up. "You would be a great fit in our house"
“You can keep that one if you want but you need to take the instructions too.” Kajetan moved to fetch a piece of paper from his bag to write the instructions down for the man.
Lluathön nodded, He would approach extending his hand. "How about instead, I have you nearby to tell me the instructions yourself?"
Jurazel tilts her head slightly.
Kajetan's eyes sparkled at the words. "I would love to learn more about your House." While he was not ready to commit without learning more first but it was clear he was excited at the prospect. Attempts to hide it were not working very well.
"Sure thing! What would you like to know?" Lluathön asked.
"Well I have heard of your House." It was hard not to know of the prominent players and houses with the circle he usually worked in. "Though I don't know much about your goals, businesses, and the general makeup of your household?”
Kajetan looked towards the bear waiting patiently. "Though... perhaps I can take him fishing first." Though before he could do anything the bear had already run up the hill the river. Supposing his furry friend was okay without him for now he turned his attention back to Lluathön and Jurazel.
"Well, right now are major goal is to build our forces...we are prepping for war, so any and all available soldiers will be welcome. Aside from war, we are looking for Scholars, but anyone is welcome with our House." Lluathön began.
“Helping with preparations is no problem and I am a fast learner but I am no a fighter.” Kaj said.
"I wont put you in combat unless you are ready, that I promise." Lluathön replied.
Kajetan paused thinking it over before inquiring about contracts, living arrangements, work, and everything in between. He listened to the answers as they were given and when they had finished he gave a nod. “It sounds like a good arrangement.”
"My wife and I must return to Silvermoon now." Lluathön quipped.
Kajetan gave a bow to the man and smiled as they finished exchanging information. “Have a safe trip my Lord and Lady.”
Lluathön bowed and replied, "You as well, friend."
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isayeed-blog · 4 years
Extra! Extra! Man Bites Dog! Read All About it! Extra! Extra!
Mainstream media like the BBC, the Guardian and TIME publish predictable news: dog bites man. Take Tahmima Anam’s report on corruption in Bangladesh. She accuses General Ershad “who ruled Bangladesh for nine years, [of] destroying our nascent democratic institutions and creating the foundations for the unbridled corruption that has since hobbled the nation.”
Corruption, first. Ershad was the prime mover of corruption. Prior to the wicked despot, we were a lily-white nation (never mind that “ba hater kaj” - left-handed work - has been since time lost to memory our local description for bribery, the left hand being considered impure: her charge is that Ershad rendered us ambidextrous). Even the article on Bangladesh in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition, 1988), stingy with the truth elsewhere, had to point to the corruption of Mujib - and his family. “Stories of waste and corruption increasingly involved Mujib and his wife and relatives.”
Lawrence Ziring has written a masterly account of the events leading up to the killing of Mujib in his “Bangladesh: From Sheikh Mujib to Ershad: An Interpretive Study” (Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1994).
 "Mujib presided over a court corrupted by power. It acted as though it could shelter itself from the realities of Bangladesh. But the license that might have been ignored in some other societies, could not be ignored in a country overrun by self-styled enforcers, gouged by profiteers, and raped by government officials. With literally hundreds and thousands dying from hunger, with millions more threatened, high living in Bangladesh could only be equated with debauchery and hedonism, with irresponsibility and indifference. To anyone with a grudge or a sense of national purpose, the conclusion was the same. Deliberate efforts had to be made to reverse course, and the only option for such a reversal lay with a new team, and the only team capable of making the manoeuvre was the Bangladesh army (p 103)."
Unless an effect comes before a cause (as psychics insist), it is hard to see how General Ershad’s corruption can account for Mujib’s corruption. Tahmima Anam can explain the latter by means of the former only by having recourse to the notion of reverse causation. As a novelist, she is entitled to flights of fancy, but historians would surely question her methodology. 
Nascent democratic institutions, second. According to the Banglapedia article on the constitution, “The Constitution was fundamentally amended in January 1975. Under the Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Bill 1975, the parliamentary system was abandoned and a one-party presidential system introduced.” 
Even Ayesha Jalal, so reticent on so much, had to make two damning observations. The first involved the election of 1973, when Mujib’s Awami League won 291 seats in a house of 300 with 73% of the votes cast. “Yet this thumping democratic endorsement of Mujibism barely disguised the regime’s drift towards authoritarianism. To garner an absolute majority, the Awami League resorted to strong-arm tactics primarily through the trusted agency of the Rakkhi Bahini to intimidate opposition candidates and voters...In early 1975, he attempted to install a one-party socialist state and began moving in a distinctly authoritarian direction. Mujib dissolved all political parties and formed a new national party, BAKSAL or the Bangladesh Peasants and Workers Awami League. It did not require cunning to realise this was the old Awami League….  (Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia, A Comparative and Historical Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p 88).” 
By the end of 1974, four thousand Awami Leaguers were believed to have been murdered, including five ministers. Mujib then belatedly distanced himself from the Rakhi Bahini, and called in the regular army to restore a semblance of order. This exposed the army to the full extent of the national problem.
On 28th December, Mujib declared a state of emergency – effectively martial law, minus the army. He thus put the constitution – the covenant between the ruler and the ruled – aside, abandoning the three-year old document as a legacy of colonial rule. The Awami League was swept away by its leader. It was a civilian coup.
 In January 1975, Mujib had himself declared president. "Mujib, not the Bangladesh army, had removed the constraints on the arbitrary uses of power (Zirring, p 102)."
What was to take the place of the Awami League? It was to be BAKSAL, Mujib's expression of the one-party state. "Thus in a more significant way, BAKSAL was meant to serve the purpose of the Bangabandhu's personal dictatorship, not the cause of national development and unity. BAKSAL was proof positive that Mujib intended to convert the country into a personal fiefdom for himself and his family members, and his many detractors did not need convincing that their once respected leader, not they, was the real threat to the nation's 'democratic' future (p 105)."
Mujib thereby anticipated, by some forty years, the famous (infamous?) definition of democracy proffered by Turkey’s elected strongman, Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Democracy is like a train, he said; you get off once you have reached your destination (Getting off the Train). 
“Our nascent democratic institutions”, to quote Ms. Anam, suffered a mysterious crib-death, or rather, infanticide by the father, not the allegedly ambidextrous son of the soil.
The ambidextrous, despotic General is an Orwellian elephant that deserves to be downsized. 
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: 29 Gifts Less Than $100 That Are Perfect For Everyone on Your List
Let them know you care without draining your bank account. These gifts hit the spending sweet spot and work for just about everyone. Entireworld Six Solid Socks A socks box. A box of socks. Six of them, organic cotton, candy colored, rainbow flavored, stretching to about a quarter of the way up your tibia. And for the math whizzes out there - buying all six at once costs less than buying six of them individually at once. So, like, deal. Plus you get a cardboard carry-all that will stir the envy of your friends. Photo Courtesy of Entireworld Potluck Utensil Set Keep it simple. Twelve no-frills tools for prepping your ingredients and serving your meals. Professional-quality construction for years of reliable use. This tightly-curated set has you covered for countless kitchen tasks, but doesn’t include anything that you won’t use. It’s just right. All pieces are BPA-free. Dishwasher-safe except for the wooden spoon and fish spatula. Photo Courtesy of Verishop Karimoku New Standard Berra Berra is a paper holder made of solid oak wood and depends on gravity. Wooden counterweights loosely placed on a sloped wooden base slide by their own weight. Simply stick your papers or postcards in-between the counterweights and gravity will hold them in place. The name Berra refers to a Swiss mountain that experienced a landslide, which reminded the designer of the functionality of this paper holder. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Field SQ Trivet The SQ Trivet combines a primitive process and material - metal bending and steel - to create a contemporary and useful tabletop object. The trivet is manufactured in Rockford, Illinois and electropolished in Chicago. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Iittala Graphics Mug Set - GWP The Graphics Mug Set by Iittala pairs the black and white illustrations of the Shaped/Shifted mug by Christopher DeLorenzo, USA with the colorful illustration by Merjin Hos, Netherlands Distortion mug. Both using shapes from nature creating a perfect pairing. Each mug comes in it's own matching gift box. From humble beginnings as a small glass factory, today Iittala offers a wide variety of modern Scandinavian housewares that demonstrate the company's commitment to design quality and product longevity. Based in Helsinki, Finland, Iittala continues to make cookware, tableware and other home accessories that are both lovely and useful, based primarily on the forward-thinking philosophies of design icons Kaj Franck and Alvar Aalto. Photo Courtesy of Lumens HAY PC Portable Lamp The freestanding PC Portable Lamp (2019) features robust ABS plastic construction with a scratch- and water-resistant matte finish, high-efficiency LED bulb and rechargeable battery, giving you the flexibility and freedom to move it anywhere. Place it in a dark living room corner for the soft effect of candlelight, pop it on a patio table for a warm glow during summer meals or bring it with you to light the way on family camping trips. PC Portable runs up to 10 hours on a single charge, so you’ll never be without light when you need it most. Includes touch-controlled step dimmer on base and USB charging cable. Suitable for residential and commercial use both indoors and out (bring indoors when not in use). Bulb (included): 3W G4 LED, 3000K. CE and ETL listed. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew The Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew designed by Alessandro Mendini is a practical and pocket-sized corkscrew in a parrot-shaped design. The Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew features cast aluminum and plastic material. Alessi, known as the Italian design factory, has manufactured household products since 1921. The stylish and fun items offered are the result of contemporary partnerships with some of the world's best designers of unique and modern home accessories. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Olli Ella Rattan Bike Basket Don’t forget to accessorize. For days when you want to peddle to the beach or park with a little lunch to-go, this handmade rattan basket is just the thing. Not only is it cute-as-all-get-out, it’s also got a long (and handily adjustable) canvas strap with brass hardware for easy toting. Attach it to your bike handles, secure it to your scooter, or sling it over your shoulder while running errands—it’s all ready to go. Photography by Rocky Luten & Ty Mecham Lunya Washable Silk Pillowcase 100% silk (front), 100% woven cotton (back) Machine wash cold like colors, lay flat to dry Photo Courtesy of Lunya Fellow Clyde Stovetop Tea Kettle A striking take on a stovetop staple, this sleek tea kettle features a two-tone harmonic whistle and a spout that stays sealed until you start pouring. That means no more flipping open the whistle cap to a flood of hot steam. Photo Courtesy of Fellow Sagaform Round Oak Cutting Board Natural oak brings distinctive color and graining to a round cutting board that can easily double as a cheese tray or trivet. Grooved detailing provides a slip-free spot to rest utensils. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Bellocq Solid Brass Candle Light up our lives. In our book, you can never have too many candles (especially if they come in a snazzy brass tin you can repurpose as a vase). These lovely mood-setters are inspired by the scent of Bellocq’s signature tea blends including mint and black varieties. They’re made from soy wax and essential oils with a wick of woven, lead-free cotton. And back to those vessels: The heavy-gauge solid brass and lid will develop a pretty patina over time. Choose between: Majorelle Mint: Freshly Torn Mint, Gunpowder Green Tea & Moroccan Cedar Le Hammeau: Lemongrass, Sweet Orange, Sage & May Rose The Queen's Guard: English Heirloom Rose, Lavender, Rose Geranium & Ceylon Tea Photography by Ty Mecham Herman Miller: A Way of Living A chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century to today. For more than 100 years, Michigan-based Herman Miller has played a central role in the evolution of modern and contemporary design, producing timeless classics while creating a culture that has had a remarkable impact on the development of the design world. Ten chapters and thousands of illustrations tell the Herman Miller story as never before, documenting its defining moments and key leaders—making Herman Miller: A Way of Living an indispensable addition to the bookshelves of design-lovers around the globe. Publisher: Phaidon Photo Courtesy of Phaidon Food52 x GreenPan Nonstick Skillet (Set of 2) The total package. In the words of our co-founder Amanda Hesser, "Many nonstick pans are appealingly affordable but not at all visually appealing. With GreenPan, we set out to create a pan that would be a real looker—chic, even!—yet still have the great functionality that would make this your everyday workhorse." So voilà! Our design comes to life here—these pans not only slide out omelettes, crepes, fish filets, and the like with ease but their sage-blue exterior and brass hardware cuts quite a pretty profile if we do say so ourselves. But don't let all that eye candy fool you, these pans have power behind 'em, too: They're made from natural ceramic nonstick without PFAS, PFOA, lead, or cadmium, and are oven and broiler safe up to a whopping 600°F. They also won't blister, peel or release toxic fumes even if heated up to 850°F (unlike most nonstick pans) and the 100% natural ceramic coating can take a beating and then some (it’s even dishwasher and metal utensil-safe). Photography by Ty Mecham, James Ransom & Rocky Luten Brynjar Siguroarson Glacier Project Candles Brynjar Siguroarson's Glacier Project candles are a subtle commentary on the issue of global warming. The collection is made of a series of candles crafted to look like glaciers, that, when lit, melt and disappear just like the precious ice forms. These beautiful ice blue/tuquoise candles look great as a little sculptural piece for your home, and when alight, remind us that preservation of the environment is in our hands. Photo Courtesy of Generate Design Vitra Rotary Tray The Rotary Tray is a contemporary rendering of the classic etagere by Jasper Morrison. Thanks to its simple shape and subtle colors, the Rotary Tray complements any interior style and lends itself to many different uses. It features a tiered composition with a top tray that rotates to maximize accessibility and meet many storage needs. Whether in the kitchen or on the dining room table, in a bathroom or entryway, at the office or in a child's room: the Rotary Tray offers a decorative way to tidy up any space. Photo Courtesy of Connox Snowe Dinner Bowls, Set of 4 Think of our dinner bowl as the dinner plate’s curvaceous cousin. All the versatility for everyday use, with just the right assets worth flaunting. From entrée pastas and salads to those oh-so-healthy grain bowls you’re craving these days, this perfectly proportioned coupe plate elevates whatever’s on the menu. Photo Courtesy of Snowe Daniel Emma Stationary Container A solid resin container holds your bits and bobs while the clear spherical lids magnify what is under them. Perfect for paperclips, thumbtacks, and other small objects. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Alessi Nomu Vacuum Flask Minimalist thermos from Alessi, designed by Naoto Fukasawa. Mirror-polished 18/10 stainless steel and thermoplastic resin. Pop-top serving lid delivers hot or cold beverages. Removable cover lid doubles as small cup. Engraved logo at base. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Moleskine Vertical Nylon Device Bag Contemporary bag from Moleskine. Webbing carrying handles. Adjustable webbing shoulder straps. Breathable air-mesh back. Wraparound two-way water-resistant zip closure. Heat-sealed front zip pocket. Interior zip pocket. Padded 15" laptop compartment. Interior organizer, pen holders and card holder with reflective trim. Polyurethane base with reflective logo patch. Honeycomb lining. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom HAY Analog Clock After having lived and worked in Milan for Lissoni Associati, American designer Shane Schneck founded his own Stockholm-based studio in 2010. Since that time, Schneck’s work has received international acclaim in the form of iF, Red Dot and Wallpaper awards. Inspired by, of all things, a vintage barometer, his boldly styled Analog Clock unabashedly protrudes from the wall. It features a striking concave face, large rod-shaped hands and crisp markers. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Volta Small Paris Standing Mobile Retro-inspired moving sculpture from Volta. Recycled aluminum and steel. Designed to rotate gently in moving air currents. Weight-balanced top with four rounded paddles in primary colors. Triangular metal base. Some assembly required. Handmade. Photo Courtesy of Need Supply Co. Lexon Tykho 3 AM/FM Radio & Bluetooth Speaker Sharp, monochromatic style defines a compact AM/FM radio that uses Bluetooth tech to connect to your device for additional utility. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Matter Made Setup Candleholder Setup Candleholder is machined from a solid block of aluminum, brass, or marble with four holes to accommodate the most common candle sizes. The austere design and the ability to use "leftover" candles is inspired by the Shaker's ideals of simplicity and efficiency. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Heller Rainbow Mugs, Set of 6 Massimo Vignelli’s iconic dinnerware won the prestigious Compasso d’Oro Award in 1964 and, in 1971, became the first product made by a company called Heller, now an international furniture manufacturer responsible for introducing the Bellini Chair®, Frank Gehry outdoor furniture and other icons of modern design. Heller Dinnerware was an instant classic, and because it’s still made using the same molds, a set bought today will blend seamlessly with vintage pieces. Heller Rainbow Mugs (1974) are made of thick, durable BPA-free polymer. They can be used for hot and cold beverages and are dishwasher and microwave safe. This multicolored set includes purple, blue, green, pink, orange and yellow mugs. Made in U.S.A. LEXON Oslo Energy Wireless Charging Pad & Bluetooth Speaker Quickly and easily charge your device with this combination charging pad and Bluetooth speaker that offers easy use and an attractive package. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Andrew Neyer Lite Light The Andrew Neyer Lite Mini Pendant is short, sweet and to the point, featuring a simple cylindrical structure capped with an exposed globe bulb. With simplicity comes endless possibilities; for instance, the Lite is perfect for multiple installations, whether in clusters or in a linear fashion. A globe bulb is recommended, leaving the choice of style up to you to customize the look of the Lite Mini Pendant. Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neyer Ember Ceramic Mug Beautifully designed to be used in your home or at your desk, the Ember® Ceramic Mug keeps your beverages at the perfect temperature from the first sip to the last drop. Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set The Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set was designed by Antonio Citterio to help build the perfect modern dining experience. The heft, smooth texture and curves of the stainless steel utensils make them a pleasure to wield. And their silvery, industrial look make them a lovely decorative accent on any dining table. Photo Courtesy of Lumens We love the products we feature and hope you do, too. If you buy something through a link on the site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Related Reading: 8 Places to Stay in Rome For Under $100 Per Night
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1260worker-blog · 6 years
La malvirtuloj kaj la Simioj havas komunaĵon, ke ili estas homoj (sed plej multaj nur nedas ĝin) kiam vi estas justa, mia frato, kiu legis kaj komprenas miajn afiŝojn, kaj por kiu mi faras ĉiun ĉi tiun laboron kiel vi faris ĝin por mi en la estinteco (Revelacio 20: 4-6), kiam vi estas antaŭ APE, nur parolu al ĝi pri bananoj, ne parolu pri ĉi tiuj sanktaj aĵoj ĉar ilia…
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Kiel Grow Hydroponics Varma Pipro En Botelo
Hydroponics estas la plantado de ĉiufoje http://slosa.blogspot.com/2016/04/cara-menanam-cabai-hidroponik-dalam-botol-bekas.html populara cxiutage. Krom esti hobio plenigi vaka tempoj, multaj personoj interesiĝas fari kultivado de hidropónicos plantado metodoj kiel la potencialo por aldoni al la familio alcancía.
 Antaŭe, mi provis uzi Botelo Hydroponics sistemo kun Wick / Wick, tiam porti desechable Akvo Nutrado Grandasil,
Kaj por la sama planto Bawang Merah Cabe.
Sed ne sukcesis.
 Mia takso, plej verŝajne pro lia Nutrado Akvo,
Post tio mi finfine kuraĝis aĉeti sterko Nutrado AB Mix, kaj mi aĉetis la pakon Hobby Hydroponics Saung por 75 mil.
Sub ekvidoj post mi eliros el la skatolo.
 Malsupre estas kelkaj avantaĝoj kaj kialoj por plifortigi vian motivado por lerni kiel kreski plantojn kun Hydroponics, inter aliaj:
 Hydroponics estas pruvita efika ol konvencia planti sur la tero ĉar ili ne devas verŝi akvon ĉiutage pro nutra solvo / amaskomunikiloj minerala solvaĵo uzata estis deponita en la ujo estas uzata, do ni nur kontrolas.
Hydroponics povas maksimumigi limigita tero ĉar ĝi ne postulas multajn lando, la amaskomunikiloj, plantoj povas esti farita en stadioj
Hydroponics estas pruvita medie amika ĉar ĝi ne uzas insekticidojn aŭ insekticidoj kiuj povas damaĝi la grundo, uzante akvon nur 1/20 de ordinara plantoj, kaj redukti CO2 ĉar ĝi ne bezonas uzi veturilo aŭ maŝino.
 Kiel Grow Hydroponics Varma Pipro En Botelo
Hydroponics estas la plantado de la ĉiam pli populara por la tago. Krom esti hobio plenigi vaka tempoj, multaj personoj interesiĝas fari kultivado de hidropónicos plantado metodoj kiel la potencialo por aldoni al la familio alcancía.
 Antaŭe, mi provis uzi Botelo Hydroponics sistemo kun Wick / Wick, tiam porti desechable Akvo Nutrado Grandasil,
Kaj por la sama planto Bawang Merah Cabe.
Sed ne sukcesis.
 Mia takso, plej verŝajne pro lia Nutrado Akvo,
Post tio mi finfine kuraĝis aĉeti sterko Nutrado AB Mix, kaj mi aĉetis la pakon Hobby Hydroponics Saung por 75 mil.
Sub ekvidoj post mi eliros el la skatolo.
 Malsupre estas kelkaj avantaĝoj kaj kialoj por plifortigi vian motivado por lerni kiel kreski plantojn kun Hydroponics, inter aliaj:
 Hydroponics estas pruvita efika ol konvencia planti sur la tero ĉar ili ne devas verŝi akvon ĉiutage pro nutra solvo / amaskomunikiloj minerala solvaĵo uzata estis deponita en la ujo estas uzata, do ni nur kontrolas.
Hydroponics povas maksimumigi limigita tero ĉar ĝi ne postulas multajn lando, la amaskomunikiloj, plantoj povas esti farita en stadioj
Hydroponics estas pruvita medie amika ĉar ĝi ne uzas insekticidojn aŭ insekticidoj kiuj povas damaĝi la grundo, uzante akvon nur 1/20 de ordinara plantoj, kaj redukti CO2 ĉar ĝi ne bezonas uzi veturilo aŭ maŝino.
 By. Cara Menanam Hidroponik
Source: slosa.blogpsot.com
0 notes
Tie, Kiel Grow Per Hydroponics Simpla Sawi
Kiel kreski hidropónicos laktuko ne estis malfacila. http://slosa.blogspot.com/2016/04/cara-budidaya-sawi-secara-hidroponik.html Kiel aliaj hidropónicos kultivajojn plantita, la pasoj kiuj devus esti entreprenitaj inkludas semitaj, translokigi semojn por planti meznivelan kaj la lasta estas bontenado. Simpla maniero estas tre facile fari, tiel vi povas fari gin hejme. Jen mallonga klarigo por ciu paso.
 Tiujn avantagojn kiel ekzemple pliigita produktiveco, facila bontenado, rapida kresko kaj estas ankau imunaj al plagoj kaj malsanoj. Se vi volas fari la plantadon de mustardo kun ci hidropónicos amaskomunikiloj
 Plantante teknikoj Sawi Kun Hydroponics Wick Sistemo
Ekipajo kaj materialoj
Uzita trinkajo boteloj
Trancilo / tondilo tranci la Botelo
Borilo au najloj tra la botelo capo
nutrientes Hydroponics
Akso (tedajo de keroseno forno mecoj, flanelo, kotono au tordita)
 movo Sawi
Kiam la mustardo plantoj estas sufice malnova, tiam proponita en ujo boteloj kiuj estis plenaj Gardentero.
Spekulistoj devas atenti, por ke la radikoj ne estas trancitaj.
Humo grundo kun fingro truojn kiel profunde kiel 1 cm, kaj tiam transplantita dorso de mustardo.
 traktado Sawi
Kiu devas ciam konsideri estas la kvanto de akvo, la pH de la grundo, en kontakto kun la lumo kaj varmo ricevita.
Tiam la pH metro devas havi ilon kiu povas kontroli kiom hidropónicos nutra kiu devas esti donita.
Ne forgesu regule doni lin sterko.
 rikoltanta plantadoj
Rikoltanta plantoj kun ci komunikiloj povas esti farita rapide cirkau 2-3 monatoj de ago kaj ec malpli ol tio, depende de la Variétés Plantas kresko. Rikoltanta estas farita tra pluki la kortego petiolo au tigo de la planto kaj tiri sin el la plantado mediumo kun singardeco.
 Ke tria paso hidropónicos kultivado de mustardo en maniero kiu estas tre facile fari. Do, ne nur povas legomo terkulturistoj planti laktukojn hydroponically, vi povas ec praktikas gin hejme. Sekvante la pasoj sur kiel kreski hidropónicos laktuko, vi povos rikolti viajn proprajn mustardo. Krom la facila maniero, la teamo uzita ne estis tro da kaj ne postulas multajn elspezon.
 By . Cara Menanam Hidroponik
Source: slosa.blogspot.com
0 notes
“Goodnight, Gotham.”
Character Count: 3567
Ship: A Joker and His Ace (Kaj & Joker)
TW: Near death experience, burning building.
The flames towered high, spitting out of the building like dragon tongues, and were a drastic contrast with the deep, midnight blue of Gotham’s night sky.
“It’s going to collapse!” A fireman shouted, “Is everyone out of the building?!”
Little did the world know, this had all started only a few hours ago... An attack from Joker on his boyfriend’s parents. Kaj had only gone back to the apartment to grab some things, and had hoped he could sneak past the family that had disowned him. Joker had thought Kaj would be out by the time the building buckled under the flames... But now his wicked laughter faded into panicked silence when he couldn’t find his Prince. He swerved his car and parked across the street from the burning apartment building.
“Out of the way.” He snapped at the crowd as he stalked toward the building without fear of the fire. The people screamed in fear at the criminal, and the authorities stood in stunned silence, looking at each other.
“Should we stop ‘im?” A fireman asked his colleague, who shrugged in response. The crowd watched as Gotham’s most notorious villain fearlessly bashed his way into the burning building with a crowbar.
“Somebody else has gotta be in there.” A younger fireman said, and the chief laughed.
“Why would someone like The Joker go after another living person? Even if there is someone in there that he needs something from, we shouldn’t help them, they may as well both go up in flames, crushed by burnt floorboards.”
Inside the flame engulfed apartment, on the second floor, Joker wheezed in the clouds of smoke, dragging himself through the hallways and calling for Prince.
“Princey! Please, call out to me... I can’t...” He broke off into a violent cough and refused to let himself finish the sentence as he came to the burnt door of Kaj’s parents’ apartment. He bashed what was left of the door out of his way with his crowbar, and stepped in, finding Kaj, passed out under the kitchen table, of which the legs had collapsed, pinning Kaj under the wooden top part.
Joker heroically shoved the wood off of his boyfriend and pulled him up onto his shoulders, still coughing. For a rare moment, he frowned, walking back out into the hallway. The sound of the upper floor caving in, and then the exit was blocked. Joker sat next to the wall and put Kaj in his lap, holding him close to his chest.
“At least you won’t die alone.” He said lowly in Kaj’s ear.
Some time passed, and Joker’s head spun with all the smoke he had inhaled, an absent grin plastered on his face. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a familiar black blot, coming through the smoke and collapsed wood, and grabbing both himself and Kaj. A sudden burst of cold, clear air, filled Joker’s burning lungs, and lurched him into semi-sobriety.
“What the hell...?” He asked himself, feeling the strong shoulder beneath his ribs, “Batsy??”
No response, but of course it was. On Batman’s other shoulder, Kaj. Joker desperately grasped Kaj’s limp hand with a strained hand in his throat.
“Don’t worry about me, worry about them!” He barked at Batman, gaining something of himself back.
“I’m taking you both to the hospital. But you know afterwards where your going.” Batman said with finality.
“Oh, of course.” Joker sighed, running a hand through his wild, green hair. His mind raced, for what if his Prince was already dead? No, that couldn’t be true, he thought as he glanced at Kaj’s body, which was moving ever so slightly up-and-down with ragged breaths. This reassured him, somewhat. Whatever happened... Kaj would recover.
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: 29 Gifts Less Than $100 That Are Perfect For Everyone on Your List
Let them know you care without draining your bank account. These gifts hit the spending sweet spot and work for just about everyone. Entireworld Six Solid Socks A socks box. A box of socks. Six of them, organic cotton, candy colored, rainbow flavored, stretching to about a quarter of the way up your tibia. And for the math whizzes out there - buying all six at once costs less than buying six of them individually at once. So, like, deal. Plus you get a cardboard carry-all that will stir the envy of your friends. Photo Courtesy of Entireworld Potluck Utensil Set Keep it simple. Twelve no-frills tools for prepping your ingredients and serving your meals. Professional-quality construction for years of reliable use. This tightly-curated set has you covered for countless kitchen tasks, but doesn’t include anything that you won’t use. It’s just right. All pieces are BPA-free. Dishwasher-safe except for the wooden spoon and fish spatula. Photo Courtesy of Verishop Karimoku New Standard Berra Berra is a paper holder made of solid oak wood and depends on gravity. Wooden counterweights loosely placed on a sloped wooden base slide by their own weight. Simply stick your papers or postcards in-between the counterweights and gravity will hold them in place. The name Berra refers to a Swiss mountain that experienced a landslide, which reminded the designer of the functionality of this paper holder. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Field SQ Trivet The SQ Trivet combines a primitive process and material - metal bending and steel - to create a contemporary and useful tabletop object. The trivet is manufactured in Rockford, Illinois and electropolished in Chicago. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Iittala Graphics Mug Set - GWP The Graphics Mug Set by Iittala pairs the black and white illustrations of the Shaped/Shifted mug by Christopher DeLorenzo, USA with the colorful illustration by Merjin Hos, Netherlands Distortion mug. Both using shapes from nature creating a perfect pairing. Each mug comes in it's own matching gift box. From humble beginnings as a small glass factory, today Iittala offers a wide variety of modern Scandinavian housewares that demonstrate the company's commitment to design quality and product longevity. Based in Helsinki, Finland, Iittala continues to make cookware, tableware and other home accessories that are both lovely and useful, based primarily on the forward-thinking philosophies of design icons Kaj Franck and Alvar Aalto. Photo Courtesy of Lumens HAY PC Portable Lamp The freestanding PC Portable Lamp (2019) features robust ABS plastic construction with a scratch- and water-resistant matte finish, high-efficiency LED bulb and rechargeable battery, giving you the flexibility and freedom to move it anywhere. Place it in a dark living room corner for the soft effect of candlelight, pop it on a patio table for a warm glow during summer meals or bring it with you to light the way on family camping trips. PC Portable runs up to 10 hours on a single charge, so you’ll never be without light when you need it most. Includes touch-controlled step dimmer on base and USB charging cable. Suitable for residential and commercial use both indoors and out (bring indoors when not in use). Bulb (included): 3W G4 LED, 3000K. CE and ETL listed. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew The Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew designed by Alessandro Mendini is a practical and pocket-sized corkscrew in a parrot-shaped design. The Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew features cast aluminum and plastic material. Alessi, known as the Italian design factory, has manufactured household products since 1921. The stylish and fun items offered are the result of contemporary partnerships with some of the world's best designers of unique and modern home accessories. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Olli Ella Rattan Bike Basket Don’t forget to accessorize. For days when you want to peddle to the beach or park with a little lunch to-go, this handmade rattan basket is just the thing. Not only is it cute-as-all-get-out, it’s also got a long (and handily adjustable) canvas strap with brass hardware for easy toting. Attach it to your bike handles, secure it to your scooter, or sling it over your shoulder while running errands—it’s all ready to go. Photography by Rocky Luten & Ty Mecham Lunya Washable Silk Pillowcase 100% silk (front), 100% woven cotton (back) Machine wash cold like colors, lay flat to dry Photo Courtesy of Lunya Fellow Clyde Stovetop Tea Kettle A striking take on a stovetop staple, this sleek tea kettle features a two-tone harmonic whistle and a spout that stays sealed until you start pouring. That means no more flipping open the whistle cap to a flood of hot steam. Photo Courtesy of Fellow Sagaform Round Oak Cutting Board Natural oak brings distinctive color and graining to a round cutting board that can easily double as a cheese tray or trivet. Grooved detailing provides a slip-free spot to rest utensils. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Bellocq Solid Brass Candle Light up our lives. In our book, you can never have too many candles (especially if they come in a snazzy brass tin you can repurpose as a vase). These lovely mood-setters are inspired by the scent of Bellocq’s signature tea blends including mint and black varieties. They’re made from soy wax and essential oils with a wick of woven, lead-free cotton. And back to those vessels: The heavy-gauge solid brass and lid will develop a pretty patina over time. Choose between: Majorelle Mint: Freshly Torn Mint, Gunpowder Green Tea & Moroccan Cedar Le Hammeau: Lemongrass, Sweet Orange, Sage & May Rose The Queen's Guard: English Heirloom Rose, Lavender, Rose Geranium & Ceylon Tea Photography by Ty Mecham Herman Miller: A Way of Living A chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century to today. For more than 100 years, Michigan-based Herman Miller has played a central role in the evolution of modern and contemporary design, producing timeless classics while creating a culture that has had a remarkable impact on the development of the design world. Ten chapters and thousands of illustrations tell the Herman Miller story as never before, documenting its defining moments and key leaders—making Herman Miller: A Way of Living an indispensable addition to the bookshelves of design-lovers around the globe. Publisher: Phaidon Photo Courtesy of Phaidon Food52 x GreenPan Nonstick Skillet (Set of 2) The total package. In the words of our co-founder Amanda Hesser, "Many nonstick pans are appealingly affordable but not at all visually appealing. With GreenPan, we set out to create a pan that would be a real looker—chic, even!—yet still have the great functionality that would make this your everyday workhorse." So voilà! Our design comes to life here—these pans not only slide out omelettes, crepes, fish filets, and the like with ease but their sage-blue exterior and brass hardware cuts quite a pretty profile if we do say so ourselves. But don't let all that eye candy fool you, these pans have power behind 'em, too: They're made from natural ceramic nonstick without PFAS, PFOA, lead, or cadmium, and are oven and broiler safe up to a whopping 600°F. They also won't blister, peel or release toxic fumes even if heated up to 850°F (unlike most nonstick pans) and the 100% natural ceramic coating can take a beating and then some (it’s even dishwasher and metal utensil-safe). Photography by Ty Mecham, James Ransom & Rocky Luten Brynjar Siguroarson Glacier Project Candles Brynjar Siguroarson's Glacier Project candles are a subtle commentary on the issue of global warming. The collection is made of a series of candles crafted to look like glaciers, that, when lit, melt and disappear just like the precious ice forms. These beautiful ice blue/tuquoise candles look great as a little sculptural piece for your home, and when alight, remind us that preservation of the environment is in our hands. Photo Courtesy of Generate Design Vitra Rotary Tray The Rotary Tray is a contemporary rendering of the classic etagere by Jasper Morrison. Thanks to its simple shape and subtle colors, the Rotary Tray complements any interior style and lends itself to many different uses. It features a tiered composition with a top tray that rotates to maximize accessibility and meet many storage needs. Whether in the kitchen or on the dining room table, in a bathroom or entryway, at the office or in a child's room: the Rotary Tray offers a decorative way to tidy up any space. Photo Courtesy of Connox Snowe Dinner Bowls, Set of 4 Think of our dinner bowl as the dinner plate’s curvaceous cousin. All the versatility for everyday use, with just the right assets worth flaunting. From entrée pastas and salads to those oh-so-healthy grain bowls you’re craving these days, this perfectly proportioned coupe plate elevates whatever’s on the menu. Photo Courtesy of Snowe Daniel Emma Stationary Container A solid resin container holds your bits and bobs while the clear spherical lids magnify what is under them. Perfect for paperclips, thumbtacks, and other small objects. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Alessi Nomu Vacuum Flask Minimalist thermos from Alessi, designed by Naoto Fukasawa. Mirror-polished 18/10 stainless steel and thermoplastic resin. Pop-top serving lid delivers hot or cold beverages. Removable cover lid doubles as small cup. Engraved logo at base. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Moleskine Vertical Nylon Device Bag Contemporary bag from Moleskine. Webbing carrying handles. Adjustable webbing shoulder straps. Breathable air-mesh back. Wraparound two-way water-resistant zip closure. Heat-sealed front zip pocket. Interior zip pocket. Padded 15" laptop compartment. Interior organizer, pen holders and card holder with reflective trim. Polyurethane base with reflective logo patch. Honeycomb lining. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom HAY Analog Clock After having lived and worked in Milan for Lissoni Associati, American designer Shane Schneck founded his own Stockholm-based studio in 2010. Since that time, Schneck’s work has received international acclaim in the form of iF, Red Dot and Wallpaper awards. Inspired by, of all things, a vintage barometer, his boldly styled Analog Clock unabashedly protrudes from the wall. It features a striking concave face, large rod-shaped hands and crisp markers. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Volta Small Paris Standing Mobile Retro-inspired moving sculpture from Volta. Recycled aluminum and steel. Designed to rotate gently in moving air currents. Weight-balanced top with four rounded paddles in primary colors. Triangular metal base. Some assembly required. Handmade. Photo Courtesy of Need Supply Co. Lexon Tykho 3 AM/FM Radio & Bluetooth Speaker Sharp, monochromatic style defines a compact AM/FM radio that uses Bluetooth tech to connect to your device for additional utility. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Matter Made Setup Candleholder Setup Candleholder is machined from a solid block of aluminum, brass, or marble with four holes to accommodate the most common candle sizes. The austere design and the ability to use "leftover" candles is inspired by the Shaker's ideals of simplicity and efficiency. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Heller Rainbow Mugs, Set of 6 Massimo Vignelli’s iconic dinnerware won the prestigious Compasso d’Oro Award in 1964 and, in 1971, became the first product made by a company called Heller, now an international furniture manufacturer responsible for introducing the Bellini Chair®, Frank Gehry outdoor furniture and other icons of modern design. Heller Dinnerware was an instant classic, and because it’s still made using the same molds, a set bought today will blend seamlessly with vintage pieces. Heller Rainbow Mugs (1974) are made of thick, durable BPA-free polymer. They can be used for hot and cold beverages and are dishwasher and microwave safe. This multicolored set includes purple, blue, green, pink, orange and yellow mugs. Made in U.S.A. LEXON Oslo Energy Wireless Charging Pad & Bluetooth Speaker Quickly and easily charge your device with this combination charging pad and Bluetooth speaker that offers easy use and an attractive package. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Andrew Neyer Lite Light The Andrew Neyer Lite Mini Pendant is short, sweet and to the point, featuring a simple cylindrical structure capped with an exposed globe bulb. With simplicity comes endless possibilities; for instance, the Lite is perfect for multiple installations, whether in clusters or in a linear fashion. A globe bulb is recommended, leaving the choice of style up to you to customize the look of the Lite Mini Pendant. Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neyer Ember Ceramic Mug Beautifully designed to be used in your home or at your desk, the Ember® Ceramic Mug keeps your beverages at the perfect temperature from the first sip to the last drop. Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set The Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set was designed by Antonio Citterio to help build the perfect modern dining experience. The heft, smooth texture and curves of the stainless steel utensils make them a pleasure to wield. And their silvery, industrial look make them a lovely decorative accent on any dining table. Photo Courtesy of Lumens We love the products we feature and hope you do, too. If you buy something through a link on the site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Related Reading: 8 Places to Stay in Rome For Under $100 Per Night
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