#kade yves
mypunkpansexualtwin · 2 years
Top 5 books? Top 5 video games? 👀
Hi Lou!!! I'm gonna level with you, I can't remember the last time I had the focus to sit down and read a real book. Write ungodly amounts of my own stuff, about 84k words this year, that I can do, but reading? Apparently too much for my brain. That said, I will still gladly do my best. As far as video games, I have the opposite problem. I may end up breaking it down by franchise for a couple, otherwise 80% of that list is gonna be Mass Effect.
Top 5 Books, in no particular order:
Daughter of the Forest, Juliet Marillier: Technically the first three books, mostly because I was not aware there were actually 6 total until about 10 minutes ago.
The Wee Free Men, Terry Pratchett: The "all witches are selfish" quote Changed me as a teenager, not gonna lie.
The Penultimate Peril, Lemony Snicket: Again, the whole series was great, but that one just. Hurt. In a good way. In a terrible way. Unsurprising given the name of the series.
Soul Music, Terry Pratchett: The book that actually got me into the Discworld books, and I'm restraining myself from just making this whole list Discworld. The Watch books and the Witch books are fantastic.
Odd Thomas, Dean Koontz: It's been literally over a decade since I read it and the plot twist at the end still breaks my fucking heart. Unfortunately for me, my school library never carried more than the first one.
Top 5 Video Games, also in no particular order:
Mass Effect: Okay I said no particular order, but this franchise is like coming home. If it's been long enough, I will just sit on the main menu of 1 and just vibe to Vigil. I think you'd like my boy Yves, he pretty.
Persona 5: Royal: My friend bought me the game as a birthday present for my birthday right before covid really started picking up. A year and a half and about 60k words of fanfiction later over the course of that whole span of time, I still make a point of telling them you did this to me. Because they did. I preordered the direct sequel, P5: Strikers (which honestly, I might as well include as part of the entry here, both games are great). I don't preorder games anymore, not since Spyro: Reignited. I have beaten both games a total of about a dozen times in the last year and a half.
Dragon Quest Builders 2: Fun little minecraft-type building sim with a solid story, tools for better ease of building, and a Buddy to keep you company while you carve a mountain in half trying to get iron, Persona 5 was my friend's revenge for me getting them hopelessly into this game for a good 6 months. There's a demo on steam I always recommend to people, and if you get the full version, the season pass is worth snagging for the extra building materials and the fishing.
Hades: Kade got me this one back in like. June? July? I finally sat down to play it almost exactly a month ago and it's quickly shaping up to be another you did this to me. Having a lot of fun, especially the few times I've streamed it on discord and Kade has accused me of war crimes that even Ares would look at and go "That's not okay." I have apparently lucked my way into some stupidly crunchy builds.
Bayonetta: Again, we're talking the franchise, I adore both games and my excitement was frankly embarrassing when the trailer for 3 dropped. Love me a good hack n slash with angels that are just as grotesque as the demons and two witches that are pretty clearly gay as fuck for each other.
Ask me my top 5 anything!
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daisy-masterlists · 3 years
Matchup Masterlist
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scandalkhq · 3 years
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Sejam todos bem-vindos a Scandal Korea! Espero que você goste de trabalhar na empresa e não seja uma das demissões da semana, de todo modo boa sorte.
Você viu quem passou por aqui mais cedo? Era [ Jordan Harrison-Kang (@SK97JK)], ela é [contadora] do setor [financeiro] aqui da revista. Elx nasceu [24/10/1997] em [Queenstown, Nova Zelândia] e todos dizem que ela é a cara daquele famoso, qual é mesmo o nome? Ah, é a [Rosé (Blackpink)]! Particularmente, só acho que ela seja [esquiva e receosa] mas também dizem que ela é [determinada e gentil], talvez eu só não conseguido a chance de ver esse lado dela mas tanto faz.
Você viu quem passou por aqui mais cedo? Era [Choi Jihyo (@SK96JH)], ela é [redatora] do setor de [beleza] aqui da revista. Ela nasceu [12/09/1996] em [Jeju, Coreia do Sul] e todos dizem que ela é a cara daquela famosa, qual é mesmo o nome? Ah, é a [Yves (Loona)]! Particularmente, só acho que ela seja [ ansiosa e perfeccionista ] mas também dizem que ela é [ dedicada e extrovertida ], talvez eu só não conseguido a chance de ver esse lado dela mas tanto faz.
Você viu quem passou por aqui mais cedo? Era [Judith Astoria Macmillan (@SK95JM)], ela é [redatora] do setor de [beleza] aqui da revista. Ela nasceu [31/07/1995] em [Estados Unidos] e todos dizem que ela é a cara daquela famosa, qual é mesmo o nome? Ah, é a [Krystal Jung (Fx)]! Particularmente, só acho que ela seja [ rabugenta e teimosa ] mas também dizem que ela é [ inteligente e determinada ], talvez eu só não conseguido a chance de ver esse lado dela mas tanto faz.
Você viu quem passou por aqui mais cedo? Era [Kade Song (@SK96KS)], ele é [redator] do setor de [celebridades] aqui da revista. Ele nasceu [05/11/1996] em [Connecticut, Estados Unidos] e todos dizem que ele é a cara daquele famoso, qual é mesmo o nome? Ah, é o [Sangyeon (The Boyz)]! Particularmente, só acho que ela seja [ rancoroso e vingativo ] mas também dizem que ela é [ esforçado e ambicioso ], talvez eu só não conseguido a chance de ver esse lado dela mas tanto faz.
Você viu quem passou por aqui mais cedo? Era [Kang Taemin (@SK98KT)], ele é [assistente] do editor do setor de [negócios] aqui da revista. Ele nasceu [07/04/1998] em [Busan, Coreia do Sul] e todos dizem que ele é a cara daquele famoso, qual é mesmo o nome? Ah, é o [Sobin (TXT)]! Particularmente, só acho que ele seja  [ facilmente manipulável e distraído ] mas também dizem que ele é [ bondoso e altruísta], talvez eu só não conseguido a chance de ver esse lado dele mas tanto faz.
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transnames · 6 years
Some one-syllable neutral names
(Two-syllable names)
A: Ace, Add, Ade, Aim, Al, Ames, An, Ant, Art, Ash, Aud, Ax, Az
B: Bard, Barr, Bas, Bay, Baz, Beach, Beau, Beck, Bee, Beech, Bel, Bell, Bev, Birch, Bird, Blaine, Blair, Blake, Blaze, Bliss, Blue, Blythe, Bo, Bon, Boo, Brae, Brace, Brave, Bree, Breeze, Bret, Brook, Brooks, Bronx, Bry, Bryce, Bryn, Byrd
C: Cade, Cai, Cal, Cale, Cam, Case, Cass, Cat, Cay, Ceil, Cer, Chan, Char, Chas, Chase, Chay, Chi, Chip, Chris, Clare, Claude, Clay, Clor, Cloud, Clove, Co, Cole, Colt, Crane, Crow, Cruz, Cy, Cyd
D: Dahl, Dai, Daine, Dale, Dane, Dar, Dare, Dash, Dax, Day, Dee, Dell, Den, Dev, Dez, Di, Doe, Dor, Doss, Dove, Dray, Dream, Drew, Dru, Duff, Dune
E: East, Edge, El, Elk, Elm, Em, En, Eun, Ev, Eyre, Ez
F: Fang, Fawn, Fay, Fern, Fife, Finch, Finn, Fionn, Flame, Flann, Flick, Flint, Flip, Flor, Flynn, Fox, Fran, Free, Frost
G: Gab, Gale, Gen, Gene, Gil, Glade, Glaw, Glenn, Glo, Glynn, Gray, Green, Grey, Grove, Gull, Gus, Gwyn
H: Hal, Hale, Hail, Hall, Halle, Han, Hao, Harl, Hawk, Hayes, Haze, Hyeon
I: Ille, Inge, Io, Ire, Isle, Iss, Iv, Ives, Ix, Iz
J: Jade, Jae, Jak, Jam, Jan, Jas, Jax, Jay, Jayme, Jazz, Jean, Jem, Jeri, Jerre, Jess, Jet, Jewel, Jin, Jo, Joyce, Jude, Jules, June
K: Kade, Kai, Kal, Kam, Kass, Kay, Kaz, Keats, Kei, Kel, Kerr, Kick, Kim, Kit, Klaude, Klay, Klee, Knight, Knox, Kris, Ky, Kyle
L: Lan, Land, Lane, Lang, Lake, Lark, Leaf, Lee, Leeds, Leigh, Leith, Len, Lex, Li, Lin, Liv, Loch, Locke, Lon, Lorne, Lou, Luck, Lute, Lux, Lyre, Lyse
M: Mack, Mai, Maize, Mal, Mar, March, Marl, Mars, Marsh, Max, Mays, Mel, Mer, Merce, Merle, Mies, Miles, Mills, Min, Mint, Moe, Moon, Murph, Muse, Myrl, Myrrh
N: Nao, Nat, Neel, Nell, Nev, Nic, Night, Nile, Noe, Noel, Noor, Norm, North, Nove, Nox, Nyx
O: Oak, Oakes, Oates, Ode, Ore, Oz
P: Pace, Page, Park, Pat, Patch, Payne, Pau, Pax, Paz, Peace, Pearl, Per, Phi, Pier, Pierce, Pike, Pim, Pine, Pip, Poe, Puck
Q: Quail, Quay, Quest, Quill, Quince, Quinn
R: Rae, Rail, Rain, Raz, Red, Ree, Reed, Reese, Reeve, Rei, Reid, Reign, Ren, Reyes, Rho, Rhys, Rian, Ridge, Riles, Rin, Ro, Roan, Roar, Rome, Ronne, Roone, Roth, Roux, Rowan, Rox, Roy, Royce, Rue, Rune, Ry, Ryn, Ryo
S: Sage, Sal, Sam, Scout, Sea, Sev, Sey, Shade, Shale, Shan, Shark, Shaw, Shawn, Shay, Shea, Shel, Sim, Siv, Sky, Slate, Sloane, Smith, Snow, Spike, Sol, Sorrel, Spring, Spruce, Star, Steel, Stone, Storm, Sun, Sy, Syd
T: Tai, Taj, Tal, Tam, Tate, Tau, Tay, Taz, Teal, Tee, Tib, Tide, Tix, Tobes, Trace, Trev, True, Truth, Ty
U: Ulf, Ull
V: Val, Vale, Van, Vane, Verne, Vi, Vic, Viv, Von, Voss, Vox
W: Wade, Ward, West, Whit, Wil, Wild, Win, Wolf, Worth, Wren, Wyle, Wynn
X: Xan, Xande, Xav, Xen, Xi, Xie
Y: Yale, Yang, Yates, Yeats, Yon, Yu, Yule, Yve, Yves
Z: Zabe, Zade, Zahn, Zale, Zan, Zane, Zeal, Zed, Zee, Zell, Zen, Zeph, Zev, Zinc, Ziv, Zo
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marienela · 5 years
NEW YORK, Sep 6, 2019/ FW/ — Yesterday, at Pier 59 Studios Stage C, Supima celebrated its 12th Anniversary Runway show with the 2019 Design Competition finalists.
Linh La from the Academy of Art University, Gina (Zinan) Guo from Drexel University, Illene Martoseno from the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, Ishwari Vijh from the Fashion Institute of Technology, Shuxian Kong from Kent State University, Andrew Kwon from Parsons School of Design, Isabel Hajian from Rhode Island School of Design and Yoohyeon Kim from Savannah College of Art and Design – all recent graduates from the nation’s leading design schools filled the roster.
Their collective runway show of women’s evening wear were made exclusively with donated Supima cotton fabrics. The winner, selected by a panel of industry judges, will receive a $10,000 check from Supima to kick-start their design career. This year’s host, Blair Eadie.
Panel of judges of include:
Aria Darcella – fashion news editor, The Daily Front Row
Godfrey Deeny – global editor-in-chief, Fashion Network
Avril Graham – executive fashion and beauty editor, Harper’s BAZAAR
Jade Frampton – editorial director, ShopBAZAAR
Carmen Lilly – closet therapist and wardrobe consultant, Stylistic
Laurel Pantin – fashion features director, InStyle.com
Celestino Couture – designers Sergio Guadarrama and Kade Johnson
Mary Alice Stephenson– style and beauty expert, Glam4Good
Faith Cummings – fashion and lifestyle contributor
Sharifa Murdock – founding partner, Liberty Fairs
Fern Mallis – founder, New York Fashion Week
Tyler McCall – editor-in-chief, Fashionista.com
Returning for the fifth year, fashion designer Bibhu Mohapatra served as designer mentor to the eight finalists, providing invaluable feedback and insight throughout the process.
Started in 2008, the annual Supima Design Competition was created to give runway exposure to emerging talent and was modeled on the legendary 1954 Wool Secretariat competition that launched the careers of the then-teenaged Yves St. Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld. Since its start, former Supima Design Competition winners have gone on to launch their own labels, show at New York Fashion Week, and secure jobs with top international labels including Michael Kors, Marchesa, Ralph Lauren and Phillip Lim.
Photos courtesy of Supima
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Models are seen backstage during the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: A model prepares backstage at the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Bibhu Mohapatra attends the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Supima’s Buxton Midyette and host Blair Eadie attend the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Supima’s Buxton Midyette attends the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: (L-R) Designers Yoohyeon Kim, Isabel Hajian, Illene Martoseno, Linh La, Buxton Midyette, Shuxian Kong, Gina (Zinan) Guo, Ishwari Vijh, Andrew Kwon attend the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Fern Mallis, Bibhu Mohapatra, Supima’s Buxton Midyette and host Blair Eadie and guests pose for a photo as they attend the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Host Blair Eadie speaks on the runway at the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios during New York Fashion Week on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Host Blair Eadie speaks on stage during the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Supima’s Buxton Midyette speaks on stage during the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Supima’s Buxton Midyette speaks on stage during the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Models walk the runway during the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Supima’s Buxton Midyette and host Blair Eadie speak on stage during the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images for Supima)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 05: Yoohyeon Kim, Isabel Hajian, Illene Martoseno, Linh La, Buxton Midyette, David Leung, Shuxian Kong, Gina (Zinan) Guo, Ishwari Vijh, Andrew Kwon, and guest attend the 12th Annual Supima Design Competition at Pier 59 Studios on September 05, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for Supima)
Backstage: Supima Design Competition 2019 @supima @LaForceNYC NEW YORK, Sep 6, 2019/ FW/ --- Yesterday, at Pier 59 Studios Stage C, Supima celebrated its 12th Anniversary Runway show with the 2019 Design Competition finalists.
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lulakanschoolblog · 6 years
Apuntes clase <3
"El arte no puede crecer donde existe la intolerancia."
- Jorge Morales
La escuela de New York: expresionista abstracto.
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( Retrato de los miembros de la “Escuela de Nueva York” Fuente: https://moovemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/escuela-de-nueva-york-expresionismo-abstracto-action-painting-fotografia-portada-revista-lifre-pollock-blanco-y-negro-e1467236817961.jpg)
El gurú de esta generación fue Jackson Pollock. Pinta cosas totalmente expresivas.
El alma rebelde de un pintor, "action painting", la pintura en acción de Jackson Pollock. Pintura de carga visceral y cargada de vida.
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(Gotas de pintura. Jackson Pollock Fuente: https://moovemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/cuadro-jackson-pollock-action-painting-expresionismo-abstracto-gotas-de-pintura-2-e1467238823831.jpeg)
Willem de Kooning
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(Willem de Kooning. Fuente: Willem de Kooning in His Studio, Smithsonian Institution Archives. Local Number SIA2011-2241., Dominio público, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19990417)
Pintura sucia y mermada es exactamente eso, una pintura suelta que no dice nada pero lo dice todo.
Cómo espectador me obliga a buscar metáforas nuevas para poder interpretarlo. Hay que acudir a otras formas de pensar para poder acudir a la propuesta de Kooning.
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(Abstracto - Willem Kooning. Fuente: http://pt.wahooart.com/Art.nsf/O/8XZ6VQ/$File/Willem-De-Kooning-Abstraction.JPG)
Mark Rothko
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(De Latvijas Pasts (Latvian Post) - http://www.wnsstamps.post/en/stamps?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search[authority_id]=71&search[year]=2013&search[month]=&search[theme_id]=&search[freetext]=&search[order_by]=asc, Dominio público, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=31988088)
Composiciones de campos de luz, manchas flotantes, sobrios e intensos, la poesía del color.
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(Naranja, rojo y amarillo. Fuente:https://arte.laguia2000.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Naranja-rojo-y-amarillo-de-Rothko.jpg)
Intenta captar el movimiento. Para el futurista no hay nada más bello que el auto. Es una de las vanguardias que inicia el siglo XX. Sean crean íconos bastante predecible y un arte más gráfico.
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(Fuente: https://www.google.com.mx/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjQsPSi8LjcAhUJIKwKHRBdC3YQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdefinicion.mx%2Ffuturismo%2F&psig=AOvVaw3y7FNZckfy132Ou3ttvSar&ust=1532560861354094)
Duchamp fue el alma de las vanguardias.
Umberto Boccioni, uno de los máximos exponentes del futurismo dicen que el arte de la cuarta dimensión es el movimiento.
En fin, que la revolución industrial basada en los descubrimientos del avión y el automóvil crean una red de vínculos en el planeta. El ferrocarril era un sistema de puntos fijos en el plano, pero el avión crea un nuevo panorama.
Esto genera que el arte contemporáneo se expande y crea un arte deconstruido y libre. Una visión conceptual que desplaza la naturaleza.
En Marcel Duchamp y Ernesto encontramos esa nueva apología. Ahora se venera el objeto industrial. El mejor ejemplo es el urinario de Duchamp alegando que es la obra máximo de la maquinaria.
Esto significa el éxito del objeto industrial, de objetos estético.
En el arte pop lo encontramos a Andy Warhol, con el objeto estético por definición. Lo común y lo normal se vuelve objeto de veneración y culto. Tiene Impacto en el mercado.
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(Lichstenstein and Warhol. Fuente: https://www.google.com.mx/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjhhLzQ8LjcAhVBY6wKHXUJBhkQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fculture%2Fart%2Fart-features%2F9902833%2FWarhol-vs-Lichtenstein-A-case-of-prophet-and-gloss.html&psig=AOvVaw0nK7tgL6K5XPD7iXV_-gYZ&ust=1532560946940169)
Duane Hanson
A diferencia de Warhol no se queda con el objeto, sino el consumidor. Aquí la estrella es el consumidor arrogante (así representado), lo más vulgar, señalando como el arte tiene que recuperar la realidad inmediata de la calle. El arte no tiene que crear el arte, la ve y encuentra en todos lados. Aunque sigue siendo arte mometico.
Lo que crea, pinta y expone lo inmediato. Crea esculturas de fibra de vidrio y pintadas a mano.
Es la idea de redescubrir lo humano en lo cotidiano.
En los 60s, Truman Capote crea una novela de un asesinato en tiempo real llamado "A sangre fría". Esto es la literatura en época del arte pop.
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(Duane Hanson.  KAdE. Fuente: https://c1.staticflickr.com/4/3719/32454170873_e43eefe8f1_b.jpg)
Roy Lichtenstein
El a diferencia de Warhol no saca su inspiración de lo comercial y a diferencia de Duane, Roy lo sacará del cómic. Dice que el cómic es la narrativa del futuro por qué es pictórico, artístico y con poco diálogo. Escoje un sólo cuadro y lo pinta al óleo como si fuese una obra de arte.
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(Roy Lichstenstein. The Nurse. Fuente: By © Estate of Roy Lichtenstein - http://www.christies.com/media-library/images/features/articles/2015/10/nurse/lichtenstein.jpg, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46945938)
Una de sus obras (La Enfermera) se vendió en 2015 en 95 millones de dólares.
George Segal
Un escultor de pop Art, crea una escultura sin rostro, sin color y sólo queda su cuerpo (lo hacía "forrando" un modelo con papel y luego le liberaba haciendo un corte en la espalda).
Se trata de ambientar incluso el lugar donde se encuentra las personas. Intenta que la escena se más explícita.
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(The dancers. Fuente: https://www.christies.com/img/LotImages/2014/NYR/2014_NYR_02848_0132_000(george_segal_the_dancers).jpg)
En un café gay de Manhattan creó una obra en honor a ese café el cual fue cerrado en los 60s.
El planteamiento pop de esto es que regrese a la calle, el lugar de donde proviene.
El pop Art es una de las últimas grandes vanguardias.
Arte de la povera(movimiento italiano, "arte de la pobreza")
Pistoletto crea una obra donde el arte debe tener una función y no sólo la contemplación. Contrapone la estética griega y la estética del concepto.
Juega con el objeto cómo objeto y objeto cómo obra.
Es un arte que se aleja de lo mimetico, y da énfasis al pensamiento.
Las vanguardias exigen al espectador completar la obra. El arte y la obra interrogan al espectador obligándolo a dar una respuesta.
Land Art y arte objeto.
Joseph Beuys.
Yves Klain
Artista conceptual con obsesión con el azul, llamándolo azul Klain. Klain viene con el Performance.
Gabriel Orozco
Mayor exponente mexicano de arte objeto. Expuso una caja de zapatos en bellas artes.
Performance art
Grupos de artistas que pretenden dar un mensaje político. Usan danza, imágenes, etc.
Pussy Riot
Performancer rusa, últimamente conocida por protestar en el último partido del mundial en Rusia.
Las vanguardias de hoy en día
Maurizio Cattelan
Cattelan, el gran instalacionosta. Plantea la estética de lo oculto en el sacrificio de los animales.
Al arte de las vanguardias les interesa tocar al espectador. Provocar el asombro, sacarnos del mundo ordinario.
Jeff Koons
El de los globos gigantes (?)
Damian Hirts
Amo completamente a este sujeto.
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cawamedia · 7 years
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Stadsmuseum in Harderwijk
Huszár van de Stijl In the ‘100 Years of The Style’ Year 2017, the City Museum Harderwijk organizes an exhibition dedicated to visual artist Vilmos Huszár (Budapest 1884 – Harderwijk 1960), one of the founder of the art movement De Stijl. From the thirties he lived and lived in Hierden village near Harderwijk.
With Piet Mondriaan, Theo van Doesburg and Bart van der Leck, Vilmos Huszár was one of the prominent initiators of the world-famous art movement De Stijl in 1917. Not long after the establishment, he already made himself out of The Style, he went his own way.
Vilmos Huszár developed into a distinctive painter, draftsman, sculptor, graphic designer, advertising designer and industrial designer. The Stadsmuseum Harderwijk presents a wide-ranging exhibition that shows this artistic versatility. There are paintings and other art objects from Huszár exhibited from his heroic time. The works are from private collections, the collection of collections of the municipality of Harderwijk and collections of some museums including the Stadsmuseum Harderwijk itself. A number of paintings, which are privately owned, have never been exhibited.
Sjarel Ex, director of Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen is art historian and Vilmos Huszár expert. He advises, at the request of the Harderwijk City Museum, as a consultant in the composition of the exhibition.
At the exhibition there will be a book about Vilmos Huszár and his life and work in Hierden. The exhibition in the Harderwijk City Museum can be seen from 20 May 2017 to 7 January 2018.
  The Mondriaanhuis in Amersfoort
The Mondriaanhuis is the birth house of Piet Mondrian and a museum experience for young and old alike.
The Mondriaanhuis in Amersfoort is the birth house of Piet Mondrian (1872-1944). Piet Mondrian was born and spent his childhood here. After the Mondrian family departed, for a long time there was nothing on this spot that reminded of the world famous painter, until architect Leo Heiderijk and his wife Cis made it into the Mondriaanhuis in 1994 and opened it to the public. From late 2016 onward, the Mondriaanhuis was temporarily closed due to an extensive reorganisation. On 7 March 2017 the completely innovated museum was reopened.
Together with Kunsthal KAdE, Museum Flehite and Architecture Centre FASadE, the Mondriaanhuis is part of Stichting Amersfoort in C. Stichting Amersfoort in C has a cultural ANBI status.
Enjoy pictures from Amersfoort and the Mondriaanhuis in Holland.
  Kunsthal kade
The Colours of De Stijl
6 May – 3 September 2017
Artists: Piet Mondriaan, Theo van Doesburg, Bart van der Leck, Gerrit Rietveld, Georges Vantongerloo, Vilmos Huszár, Barnett Newman, Josef Albers, Richard Paul Lohse, Jasper Johns, Yves Klein, Ad Reinhardt, Robert Ryman, Piero Manzoni, Alan Charlton, Richard Serra, Joseph Kosuth, Poul Gernes, Olafur Eliasson, De Rijke/De Rooij, Katja Mater, Jan van der Ploeg, Steven Aalders, Roy Villevoye, Fransje Killaars
Red, yellow and blue – the three primary colours have become synonymous with the art movement known as De Stijl. But that single iconic colour combination has tended to mask the reality of the diversity of ideas advanced by its various members. At the end of the day, Piet Mondrian, Theo van Doesburg, Bart van der Leck, Gerrit Rietveld, Georges Vantongerloo and Vilmos Huszár all formulated their own individual views on colour.
  Harderwijk “Huszár – Amersfoort “The Mondriaanhuis” Stadsmuseum in Harderwijk Huszár van de Stijl In the '100 Years of The Style' Year 2017, the City Museum Harderwijk organizes an exhibition dedicated to visual artist Vilmos Huszár (Budapest 1884 - Harderwijk 1960), one of the founder of the art movement De Stijl.
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sweetasasim · 2 years
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details around kade’s home  ✧・゚:*
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sweetasasim · 3 years
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𝙷 𝙰 𝙿 𝙿 𝚈  early  𝙷 𝙰 𝙻 𝙻 𝙾 𝚆 𝙴 𝙴 𝙽!
Amelia as Princess Tiana, Ingrid as a dinosaur [both matching in green], Tobias as a pirate, and Kade as an extremely low-effort vampire. 
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sweetasasim · 3 years
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It feels good to me, it feels good to me / Oh, why wouldn't it be?
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sweetasasim · 3 years
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Bag on my side 'cause I'm up 'til dawn / Keeping it light like silk chiffon Life's so fun, life's so fun / Don't need to worry about no one
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sweetasasim · 3 years
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sweetasasim · 3 years
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Kade, Callie, Blair, Scout & Ivy Yves.
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sweetasasim · 3 years
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Extended family dinner to celebrate a special someone’s pregnancy. (!!!)
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sweetasasim · 3 years
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It's so much colder than I thought it would be / So I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on 
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sweetasasim · 3 years
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