#juzt some idea ztuff ya know
voidzphere · 2 months
[WIP] //cw disturbing imagez + poorly drawn blood
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concept framez for the animatic i'm workin on ^_^
killer sans belongz to rahafwabas
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lowsodiumlevels · 4 years
Shiken gets bored and does a stupid.
Shiken was in his hive a bit bored. Walking around a few times to see if he could think of something to do. He did have a few ideas of what to do but they were all pretty dangerous. Let's just say he's been thinking about holes in his hands a lot recently. Surprisingly, He had kept the connectors Orxefo put in his hands. He froze in place, tapping his foot on the ground to calm himself down after such a thought. He knows he shouldn't do this without any supervision but at the same time he didn't want anyone to see him do this to himself. Besides, if he gets hurt bad he'll just call Janeal and tell her he was being clumsy again. 
Shiken then turned and headed upstairs to his respiteblock. Going into his closet, and getting out a wooden box. Hearing the clanking in the box, made him want to just forget about his stupid idea. However, his curiosity always gets the best of him. Opening the box, and taking hold of the connectors. Shiken took a good look at them. They were colored Fushica. The connectors also had spikes sticking out of them. The spikes retracted when the connectors were pressed on. Shiken really wasn't happy for what was coming next. He slipped off his gloves and put them in his mouth to block any screams that might come from him. Pressing down on one of the connectors and inserting it in the wound. A perfect fit, like a puzzle being completed. He took a moment to prepare himself before letting go. Finally removing his fingers, releasing the spikes, puncturing the wound and being secured in place in his hand. Shiken let out a pained cry. Feeling the throbbing pain in his hand and his golden blood now dripping from it. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he grabbed the other connector and stuck it in his hand. Feeling the spikes once again cut through his wound. He let out muffled scream. His psionics sparking from his eyes. By now he was regretting his decision. If Janeal or Reiiro knew what he was doing, they'd nag him to death. Perhaps that's what he needed.
Taking a moment to breathe, the pain settled down but wasn't completely gone. Shiken looked at what he had done. See these Fushica circles in his now bloody hands. Spitting out his gloves and putting them on his little desk he had. He walked back down the stairs and headed towards his office. Entering and walking over to the cluster of wires he had in there. Plugging them in the connectors, he felt a rush of electricity move throughout his body. He didn't really know how to feel about it, the sensation felt...good. Shiken thought it was odd though. How could this feel good now, rather than when he was on the ship. Maybe it was because he was forced. He activated his Psionics and the colors, green and orange, glowed throughout his hive. Lighting it up pretty well, his hive now glowed in the darkness. Shiken couldn't help but smile. He thought everything looked so beautiful. Being even more curious, he made his psionics pulse, making the wires and lights around his hive pulse with it. Now wanting to have fun with this he made the lights flicker and move as if there was a huge rave happening. Laughing as he did so, He was having fun with this. It really cured his boredom. But still, putting those connectors in his hands really made him feel sick. However he was too distracted by looking at all the pretty lights that now glew in his hive. 
His small moment of happiness stopped when he heard a knock on his front door. Quickly disconnecting the wires from his hands and exiting his office. He was heading towards the door before he stopped and realized he wasn't wearing his gloves. He didn't think to go upstairs and get them so he just shoved his hands in his pockets and opened the door with his psionics. 
">> yo what up, tEchy". Oh it's just Vizxin. "/h3y dud3, what uh- brings you h3r3?". Vizxin just pointed at Shiken. ">>arE you having a swEEt ravE without mE?". Shiken just laughed. "/no no I waz juzt m3zzing with my lightz, I know though, it look3d lik3 an 3pic party waz all up happening, but uh- I don't throw parti3z or 3v3n go to any, th3y'r3 too loud for m3". Vizxin just nodded. ">>right right, so sincE I'm hErE, can IIIIIIII hang out….with you...for a bit?….or maybE longEr?, truth bE told I'm actually fEEling a bit down". Shiken nodded and moved a bit so Vizxin could come in. Shiken then shut the door and went over to sit down on the couch. Vizxin just sat on the floor. ">>thanks dudE, I know wE ain't moirails but thanks for giving a crap out mE, ya dig?". Shiken just smiled. "/of courz3, w3r3 fri3ndz r3m3mb3r". Vizxin giggled. ">>oh right, I forgEt that's an option". Shiken just sighed and laid his head back on the couch. Vizxin noticed how tired Shiken looked. ">> hEy, arE you ok? you look a bit drainEd, yo". Shiken tired to keep his eyes open. "/y3ah, I'm fin3, I juzt waz working alot today on zom3 ztuff". Vizxin just got up from the floor and looked at Shiken. Sitting next to him now and staring at him. "/ViVi, r3ally I'm ok, you don't…..hav3 to…..w-worry". Shiken then passed out. Leaving Vizxin kinda panicked. Checking to see if Shiken was still breathing. Relieved to know that he still was. Vizxin just went ahead and turned on the TV and lowered the volume. Letting Shiken rest. Vizxin was a bit sad that he didn't have anyone to talk to now but still his friend looked like he needed rest and he'll let him have it. He then just watched TV and chilled out as Shiken was purring in his sleep. 
A few hours go by and Shiken slowly opened his eyes. Vizxin just bounced up. ">>Oh you'rE awakE now!!". Shiken jumped a bit. Vizxin just grabbed Shiken and started shaking him. ">>you wanna watch this show with mE?". Shiken looked at the TV. The show that was on was "Family guy". Shiken nodded. "/y3ah uh- but firzt I'm gonna g3t som3thing to 3at". Shiken then removed his hands from his pockets and when to grab some chips. Not realizing what he done to them previously. He looked at his hands and not even a second later started screaming. His were covered in his dried up blood. Vizxin heard the scream and rushed over to see what was going on. Shiken was on the floor off the kitchen shaking. Vizxin went over and saw the Fushica circles on Shiken's hands. Vizxin didn't really know what to do. He sat next to the panicked gold blood. ">> hEy, dudE it's ok...I don't know what's going on but it's ok, I-I'm hErE to uh- comfort you?". Vizxin thought he was bad at this. Shiken just looked up at him and hugged him. "/h3y ViVi, can you promiz3 m3 som3thing?". Vizxin nodded. "/promiz3 m3 you won't t3ll anyon3 about my handz". Vizxin didn't understand why but he just nodded. He just stayed and held Shiken until he was ok. After a while, Shiken went upstairs and put on his gloves, not bothering to take out the connectors, it already hurt so much, he figured he'd do it later. Going back to Vizxin, they continued watching TV. 
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biotechniczeal · 7 years
-- eminentConscript [EC] began pestering biotechnicZeal [BZ] at 18:59 --
EC: Are you free to speak.
BZ: jk.
BZ: what'z up?
EC: I wanted to provide you with a delayed status update.
EC: I met with my father. I'm now situated on his ship.
EC: I am sort of.
EC: Not really grounded persay.
EC: But I am not te<hni<ally permitted to leave unsupervised until further noti<e.
BZ: i can't believe orphuz got fucking grounded...
BZ: that'z probably for the bezt you goddamn flight rizk.
BZ: azzuming you're zafe?? >8?
EC: It is not te<hni<ally a grounding, that word was never used.
EC: I didn't.
EC: But yes I am safe I guess.
EC: As safe as one <an be in my situation.
BZ: okay... cool...
EC: I am <urrently undergoing the pro<ess of re<ieving a repla<ement for my lost portion of arm.
BZ: oh ZICK!! but a bummer for me... i wanted to make you one.
EC: You may still get the <han<e. My family is quite adamant about me getting some sort of new limb soon, however while speaking to our onboard medi<uller it <ame up that sin<e I have allowed prominent s<ar tissue to build in the year I've postponed any sort of enhan<ement, the pro<ess of, for one properly adhering te<hnology to the deteriorated nerve ends, and two retea<hing my body how to <ontrol a
EC: limb again, will take time.
BZ: ZWEET!! i'll break out the blueprintz again.
EC: Its been advised that on<e we go through with the first surgery to prep what is left of my arm for more <omplexed ma<hinery, that a temporary, and more simple repla<ement be atta<hed while I begin my re<over with that. And then I suppose upgrade at a later point in time.
EC: I'm glad that my handi<ap has spiked su<h ex<itement for you.
EC: Anyways, I'm not quite sure when the initial surgery will take pla<e, but likely some time soon.
BZ: you can keep me updated right?? like there'z no excuze not to mezzage me NIGH DAILY??
EC: I will do my best.
EC: As <li<he as it sounds I am still rea<limating to keeping in tou<h with others.
BZ: okay, then i'll juzt have to bug you too. >8P
EC: If you must.
EC: Do you?
BZ: I GOTTA. >80
EC: Then I will be sure to keep <he<king for your messages when I <an.
EC: Whi<h is often.
EC: <onsidering I am not really.
EC: Doing mu<h while I am here.
BZ: lmao damn ztraight you've got nothing better to do.
EC: Hm.
EC: <itrin, <an I ask something.
BZ: yeah, go for it. >80
EC: This most likely seems rather stupid to ask but.
EC: I suppose I'm just slightly <onfused on where we stand.
EC: I um.
EC: I went a long time likely believing that you would have moved on from me. Or at least be<ome angry enough by my disappearen<e to not wish to see me again. And I know thats not the <ase but I suppose we just havent formally talked about it yet.
BZ: oh... right...
BZ: i guezz annoying you iz juzt zo zecond nature now i didn't really think much about uh... the logizticz?? lol.
BZ: i ztill... have feelingz for you and ztuff.
EC: As do I. For you.
EC: Its a little <onfusing. Mostly be<ause I still feel a great deal of guilt for how I treated you.
BZ: yeah and i'm ztill a great deal pizzed about it!!
BZ: bluh i'm zure people would tell me not to put up with it too... but i wanna decide that for myzelf, you know?
BZ: i guezz we can juzt zee how thingz go. if we can make it work again?
EC: I would also be one of the people telling you not to put up with it.
EC: But, at the very least, I owe it to you to have the option to make that de<ision.
EC: Yes.
EC: So in that <ase, we are just.
EC: Seeing how things go.
BZ: ye...
BZ: either way, i'm ztill gonna be here for you.
EC: Likewise.
EC: Even if it does not work between us, I still would like to keep some semblen<e of friendship between us.
BZ: oh zame.
EC: Good to know.
EC: I feel a little more at ease knowing this.
BZ: good. >8)
BZ: but don't feel TOO at eaze... cuz i ztill plan on kicking your butt at any given opportunity.
EC: It will be signif<antly more easy then it used to be to try.
BZ: i'm zure it won't be any lezz FUN.
EC: I suppose the only way to know will be when you try.
EC: However I have no idea when that will be.
BZ: would it be pozzible for me to vizit? >8?
EC: Um. Yes perhaps.
BZ: i know you don't LIKE the idea but maybe if the planetz align in juzt the right way or zomething it'll be alright!!
EC: Yes, if they align.
EC: I'm sorry. I would like to be able to see you, it would just be hard not to worry.
BZ: yeah yeah, i know how it iz.
EC: Thank you.
BZ: >8P
BZ: anywayz... i guezz i zhould let you have ur fun being grounded and ztuff.
EC: Again, I wasn't really grounded.
EC: But okay.
EC: I will speak with you again soon.
BZ: zee ya.
BZ: (grounded.)
-- biotechnicZeal [BZ] ceased pestering eminentConscript [EC] at 21:04 --
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