adamdomingo-blog · 7 years
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Kian, Carl, Kulot and Horacio: Four Deaths That Shook The Filipino Nation.
Don’t get me wrong, any death is meant to shake any sane mind, or any sane heart at that. But the death of each of these four young men are of great significance. Within a span of 30 days, four young Filipinos were killed because of merciless violence, and what assurance have we that this will end with the death of a young man seeking refuge in the hands of men whom he regarded his brothers?
Something has happened to the Philippines. We are facing a crisis. A wave of violence has begun and any of us now could be a victim, or a perpetrator. This wave is so strong that there will come a point wherein we do not remain as mere spectators. We will either be the one or the other. This is inevitable – unless we do something about it now.
Horacio himself had been an advocate against Extra-Judicial Killings. He has condemned in his Facebook Profile the deaths of those who weren’t given the chance to defend themselves (and were killed for the thrill of it, I daresay). “Uphold Human Rights!” he proclaimed.
Let his words ring in your ears: Uphold human rights.
The young man himself had his own human rights violated. Horacio Castillo III was killed mercilessly. Like the young men for whom he screamed for justice, Horacio was treated like an animal, he had his skin burnt and his flesh paddled. Like Kian, Carl and Kulot, Horacio was treated inhumanely, like an animal led to the slaughterhouse. Like the others, his voice was muffled, his plead for mercy rejected, and his own dignity trampled upon to the point where he could no longer say “Please…”
My dear kababayans, what has happened to us?
I believe you and I can make a difference. Let us rise up and join our voices to that one voice of the man we fondly call Atio: “Itaguyod ang Karapatang Pantao! Uphold Human Rights!”
#justiceforkian #justiceforcarl #justiceforkulot #justiceforhoracio
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