#just little moments that show that Yeah shes evil and is manipulating Apple but she's still human
rat-rosemary · 6 months
You know what I think would make Ever After High much better? They don't get rid of the book in Wonderland, it's still a thing they're struggling on the next special, Raven's mom lures Apple to the room she's kept in
But instead of taunting Apple with her happy ending, she manipulates her by playing a loving mother. She asks about how Raven is doing in school, if she's struggling with any classes, does she have friends? Are they good to her? Does she have a partner? Is her favorite food still chocolate cake, how did prom go? Was her dress pretty? Is she having fun? How tall is she now, I heard she has taken after me in hight.
She's everything Apple wishes her own Mom was. She cares about more then Raven's grades, she remembers little meaningless things like her favorite cookies. She's an attentive loving mother that wants her daughter to be free and happy
And maybe she's evil, but who's to say she actually is? None of all the things Apple was told were true, so maybe this is a lie to! And Raven deserves to have her mom!
She frees the evil queen and she hides as a student saying that she's nervous to immediately meet with Raven after all this time
And then we get the plot and stuff
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anfie-in-the-box · 3 years
Remember this thing I wrote out of the blue for Aftermare Week by @bluepalleteuniverse? Well, now the story truly begins!
Warnings: depression; a bit of manipulation, guilt-tripping, and an overall mean attitude of a random villager towards both Nightmare and Dream; not a panic attack, exactly, but definitely something similar.
Do tell me if there's anything I missed!
A negligible shift
Nightmare is done. He needs a change. Something. Anything. Please.
He sits between the roots of the Tree, hugging himself with both hands, chin on the knees. The position gets awkward, uncomfortable, but he doesn't have it in himself to move. He's drained.
He's fearful, uneasy with the deepest pain that never ends, but he's also empty. That's how it feels, at least. It's a void that nothing can fill, not even anxiety and doubts that have Nightmare in their cruel cold claws. The way misery blooms in the emptiness of his being is so alluring though, so mesmerising. Nightmare lets himself drown in the feeling. Nightmare never fights it, like he never fought the villagers, neither verbally nor physically. He's weak, isn't he?
But he isn’t evil. He's not. Can't be.
These thoughts break him more than any of the villagers ever could. Nightmare doesn’t know who he is anymore, and that makes it so much more frightening. He can't bear it. He's not brave, and he's not strong.
His hands are trembling. His whole body is trembling, Nightmare notices belatedly. His vision is blurred, too; he's crying again. He can't help it, useless even against his own tears.
Nightmare hugs himself tighter, so tight it almost hurts.
Can it be that the villagers are right? Were right all along?
No, no, no. Please, no. He doesn't want to be evil. He doesn't want to be a freak. It's supposed to count, right? He tries, he really does. It must count.
If only Nightmare could find a way to prove himself. Abruptly, he stops hugging himself, both hands limp by his sides. Does he even deserve this poor attempt of comfort? Is he really what the villagers say, a useless, stupid, good for nothing villain?
The tears keep flowing down his cheekbones. He doesn't hiccup, doesn't sob, doesn't tremble anymore.
He's drained. Done.
He really, really needs to change something. Or something to change — and wouldn't that be perfect?
Too good to be true.
His fingers touch the grass beneath him, and the trunk of the Tree is solid as ever, always there to rely on.
Nightmare tilts his head back. Just then, he sees the apples. Black, but also some golden.
Maybe... Just maybe, but...
He'd need to stay alone for that though. Dream consistently declines any help requests from the villagers, seemingly determined to never leave, but he’s just too kind, there’s bound to be someone he can’t say no to. It’s a matter of time. And waiting is fine by Nightmare, now that he has a plan. He’s not wasting his time anymore; instead, he’s being patient, ready to take the first chance he gets. It’s a smart move. Besides, the reward will be worth it.
Tired, Nightmare wipes the tears with his sleeve and makes himself as comfortable as possible, resting beside the Tree’s rough trunk. If he’s lucky, he’ll even drowse and nap a little.
Ironically, an opportunity comes up later that day.
Nightmare doesn’t remember falling asleep, but he must have at some point since some noise wakes him up. When his head gets clearer, Nightmare realises it’s two voices, one his brother’s and the other only distantly familiar. A villager, then.
“Please, don’t talk so loudly,” Dream pleads in a small voice. “Nightmare is sleeping.”
How Dream always manages to be so caring and gentle is beyond Nightmare’s understanding. His little brother doesn’t deserve all that. Luckily, Nightmare knows what to do. Currently, he just has to keep listening intently, and it’ll be better if they think he’s still asleep. So no movement or sound. Nightmare’s good at that, he likes to think.
“Of course that useless garbage is sleeping in the middle of the day. But who cares!” the villager says, clearly irritated. They do lower their voice, though, if only to please Dream a little. “We need your help, and you can’t sit this one out!”
Dream sounds tired and somewhat hurt when he replies, “I’m so sorry if my brother upset you, but please, don’t talk about him that way.” Only when the villager mutters a “Yeah, whatever” that Nightmare barely hears from his position on the other side of the Tree, Dream continues. “Can you tell me what’s so important you think I need to leave the Tree?”
“Took you long enough to ask! Some guardian you are!” the villager huffs. “Just so you know, Ava is so sick she’s dying, it’s getting worse, and we’ve tried everything, but nothing helps! There’s no cure but the golden apples. It’s our last hope.” They insist, not giving Dream a moment to hesitate, “Come on! Do you really want us to lose Ava just because you decided to be stubborn?”
Nightmare tenses. He knows exactly how much of a bleeding heart his brother is. No chance he’s turning this one down; not when it’s a matter of life and death. He’s coming to the aid if only this one time. Meanwhile, Nightmare can set his plan in motion — prove himself worthy and good. Everything’s going to be fine. Everything’s going to get better. Finally.
Despite himself, Nightmare smiles. However, he keeps his sockets shut, just in case Dream decides to check on him before going to the village. He will go, without a doubt.
And indeed, Dream gasps, terrified, “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry to hear it! Of course, I’ll help poor Ava!” Then, there are steps and rustling, quiet huffs, and at last, this specific sound of a fruit being picked from the Tree. Nightmare knows that sound, although he’s never done it himself. Nobody asked for a black apple, after all. Nobody wanted it.
Nobody wanted him.
But now, that’s alright. He’ll just show everyone that he can take care of the golden apples, too. Everyone loves them, and they will love him as well. It’s so easy, Nightmare just cannot fathom how he hadn’t come up with it before.
For a few seconds, there’s a pause.
“What are you waiting for? You got the apple, now let’s go!” the villager hurries. Suddenly, the steps sound much closer to Nightmare, and he’s been ready for that, it’s exactly the reason why he never opened his eyes, then why does he jerk?
Luckily, it doesn’t give his act away. Dream sighs and whispers, ever so softly, “I’ll be right back, brother. Sleep tight.” He goes away and says a bit louder, worry evident in his voice, “Let’s go. I really hope we’ll arrive in time...”
If the villager replies, Nightmare doesn’t hear it. He counts to a hundred five times, just to be sure, and gets up only after that.
This is his chance to make the tables turn.
For a minute, he simply stands there, looking at the Tree, his chest heavy with anticipation. His gaze is fixed on a single golden apple, the nearest to him. The one he’s going to pick and keep from harm all by himself.
While Nightmare stares at the apple, a strange feeling arises in his entire being. It’s light and unobtrusive, but also comprehensive. He’d try to identify it if he had more time, he thinks. As it is, he can’t quite put a finger on it right away and so just lets it be.
It’s getting late, Nightmare notices. The sky darkens steadily, the sun already gone. Pinks and purples linger on the horizon, and for the first time in a while, Nightmare finds himself appreciating the view. It’s been so long since he last enjoyed... anything, really. Everything except for misery and pain has become dull, faded. Being able to drink in the sight now, suddenly thrilled by that fleeting moment between day and night, relishing in the cool breeze...
Nightmare forces himself to look away. He has a plan to execute, and Dream might come back any minute. His brother is nice, but... he doesn’t understand. He wouldn’t even if Nightmare explained. So he has to do this alone.
Not like it’s the first time anyway.
Deepest sadness and utter hopelessness creep back into Nightmare’s mind and heart, but before they take hold of him, little guardian decisively comes closer to the Tree and reaches for a golden apple, the one he’d chosen before.
A moment stretches to what seems a tiny eternity. That’s what it feels like to Nightmare, who freezes, terrified. His hand trembles. The apple is so close, one slight movement and he’ll have it, feel its surface. Is it warm or cool? Nightmare wonders, distantly. Is it soft or hard?
After a long, long pause — one that lasts barely a minute, Nightmare’s mind knows, but his heart doesn’t believe it, — his hand withdraws. He holds it with his other hand against his chest, aching all of a sudden.
What’s wrong with him? Why can’t he do this? He’s a guardian just like Dream, who’s done this plenty of times! It’s so simple! It should be simple.
But his body refuses to cooperate. He’s shuddering, so anxious and afraid it’s suffocating. No wonder his chest hurts.
Tears prick the corners of Nightmare’s sockets.
Come on! Why can’t he move? Just why?
It’s not fair. This might be his only chance. Dream made an exception today, sure, but it’s not every day someone is on the verge of dying. He’s going to come back, and stay beside the Tree like a good guardian he is, and nothing’s going to change.
Filled with despair and fear, Nightmare tries one last time, putting all effort he can into stretching out his hand.
It doesn’t work. His body doesn’t work, not properly, anyway.
What’s even happening?
Just then, Nightmare hears familiar footsteps from behind. The sound makes something in him snap. The pain in his chest, the tension in his body, the feelings in his heart, and the thoughts in his mind — everything dissipates, leaving him tired and empty.
And — oh.
Nightmare sees now. That light feeling was hope. And it’s gone.
“Nightmare!” Dream calls out, not quite close yet but already explaining himself. “Sorry I left when you were sleeping, I hope you weren’t too worried when you woke up all alone... I didn’t mean to take so long or to take any time at all, but it was urgent and you don’t sleep much, so I...”
Utterly exhausted, Nightmare shrugs his brother off with a quiet “It’s fine” and, when Dream abruptly stops talking, goes away to the other side of the Tree.
Leave it up to him to not do a single thing right.
Of course, it’s all in vain. Pointless and futile.
He’ll just sleep.
Only that night, Nightmare tosses and turns restlessly.
As energy beings, they don’t exactly need sleep, so for Nightmare, it’s more of a way to escape than anything. Being awake means thinking and feeling, while sleep, although it seems to last just for a moment without dreams Nightmare’s only read about, gifts him a blessing of unconsciousness. When he sleeps, it’s almost like time and space cease to exist.
Almost like he ceases to exist.
It’s sweet and alluring. It’s also terrifying.
But none of this matters anymore, because, after that incident, even light sleep just won’t come. It’s called insomnia, Nightmare thinks.
Something did change after all. For the worse, that is.
It really could have been funny, but after a week of long, long days and nights Nightmare’s forced to spend wallowing in his misery, he can’t find it in himself to laugh.
He’s so very tired.
Undertale © Toby Fox
Dreamtale © jokublog
Read English version on ao3
Read Russian version on ficbook or fanficus (to be added)
This story is canon compliant, which means Nightmare is six years old at the moment of the (absence of the) Apple incident. But because he never got corrupted, he has a chance to grow up, and that he will do. His meeting with Geno will happen years later, when Nightmare is an adult.
It will become obvious as the story progresses, but I felt the need to clarify right now. Maybe I'll remove this part of the notes later.
Also, since we don't know about Dreamtale as much as I'd like, I'm trying to fill in the gaps. All places and characters mentioned are my version of Dreamtale, except for Dream, Nightmare, Nim/the Tree of Feelings, and Neil. That makes Ava just a random name to make the dialogue feel personal.
Feel free to let me know what you think if you'd like!
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davidsons89 · 3 years
Toxic Turner - part 18
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WARNINGS: this story contains signs of a toxic and manipulative relationship. also contains smut, mentions of drugs and alcohol. some scenes contain forms of abuse. read at ur own risk :)
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y/n’s birthday
a couple weeks went by, maybe 4 or 5. you’ve spent the majority of summer with your family and alex, having barbecues and going on day trips. this summer was much better compared to last years, alex was insecure back then and hated you going anywhere so you were basically isolated inside. you felt free now, though he’s still clung to your hip like a child. all summer you counted down the days until your birthday, and it finally arrived.
alex woke you up bright and early this morning to wish you a happy birthday and give you your gifts. he always wanted to be ahead of everyone else, he’s the light in your life. you spent the morning opening your gifts and responding to birthday messages from family and friends, now it’s just past midday and you’re getting ready to go for a special family meal.
“look at you, you’re so pretty” alex shocks you, standing in the doorway of the open bedroom door as you try on your dress in the mirror. you jump a little, and look at him. “stop doing that” you chuckle, putting your hand on your heart to calm yourself. he’s a sucker for it, creeping around and catching you off guard, maybe he’s aiming to catch you doing something out of the ordinary.
“that dress is beautiful on you” he smiles, looking up and down at your figure. “thanks, i’m not sure i like the color though” you shrug, looking at your body in the mirror, trying to decide whether to go for a different dress or not. “i like it. it’s a nice color” he nods, non-stop gazing at your cream colored dress.
“i want to go for something brighter. like orange or yellow, for the summer” you say, walking over to the closet to pick out a different dress but he discreetly follows behind you. “maybe this one” you say, grabbing your flowery dress from the rack, turning around to show him, to only be shocked by the sight of him standing right in front of you.
“the one you’re wearing is better” he says, reaching his hand over to yours to snatch the dress from you. “why?” you ask, frowning. “this one doesn’t look nice on you” he admits, tossing the flowery dress aside so you wouldn’t swap over. “why not?” you ask, frowning again. “it just doesn’t. now stop asking so many questions, come on” he impatiently says, grabbing your hand to pull you out of the closet, closing the doors behind you.
“it’s my birthday i can wear what i wan-” you begin to say, but don’t quite get to finish. “shut up. you’ve wasted too much time, now get your shoes on and let’s go” he cut you off, dropping your hand so it flops by your side. “fuck you then” you mumble to yourself as you begin walking to your bed to grab your cream heels from underneath. “what did you say?” he laughs at you, giving you the look of audacity as he watches you bend over to grab your shoes, noticing your underwear almost right away.
before you can answer his question, he talks again. “i can see your underwear” he sighs through his nose in annoyance, watching you stand up straight to sit down on the edge of the bed. “yeah, it’s almost like i’m wearing a dress” you say with total sarcasm as you roll your eyes at him, he’s acting stupid. “don’t talk to me like that” he says with calm aggression, slowly walking over to you on the bed.
“or what?” you look up at him after slipping your feet into your heels and tightening the straps so they won’t fall off. “or you won’t go to your own fucking meal. don’t think you’re special because it’s your birthday, and certainly don’t think you can talk to me like that” he says, reaching his hand down to grab your face, forcing it up to look at him. he gripped your face a little tighter towards the end, hoping you’ll understand him before he hurts you.
“the other dress is much shorter than the one you’re wearing, you just want attention huh?” he scoffs at you, laughing to put you down. “no i just prefer the other one” you furrow your eyebrows at him, he’s acting insecure for no reason. “you want to wear it because you’re a whore. you’re lucky i’m letting you wear that one” he says, roughly letting go of your face to point at the dress on your body. “now hurry up, we can’t be late to your own event” he chuckles, walking out of the room to leave you alone.
another 20 minutes goes by, you’re finally ready. you spent that time doing your hair, styling it to perfection. you grab your phone and purse and make your way downstairs. you’re immediately greeted by the sight of alex standing in the kitchen eating an apple. “i’m ready” you smile at him, hoping his reaction is good. he looks at you, and is amazed by your beauty. “you’re so beautiful, aren’t you?” he smiles, placing his half ware apple down on the counter to get a proper look at you.
“thanks” you giggle, admiring yourself as he walks over to you. “turn around” he says, motioning his fingers in a circle for you to face the other way. he pulls out a necklace from his pocket, and carefully places it around your neck, doing it up for you. it’s one of the gifts he bought you, which is a heart with angel wings around it. you glimpse at it in the kitchen mirror, smiling. “it’s so pretty” you face him, giving him the look of admiration now too.
“for a pretty woman, fits perfectly” he grins, grabbing his car keys and wallet from the kitchen counter as the two of you finalize everything. you make sure the house is tidy before leaving, because you’re actually having a party here afterwards with your family and friends to celebrate being on the earth for another year. you both leave, locking up the house and getting in the car to head downtown.
mid way into the drive, you get a phone call from your mom. “hello?” you answer. “where are you? we’re all here” she says. “we’re about 5 minutes away, we won’t be long” you let her know. you quickly say your goodbyes and hang up the phone as alex turns a corner. “i’m nervous” you quietly giggle. “why, darling?” he asks, glancing at you then at the road. “it’s embarrassing being the centre of attention” you snicker, looking down at your lap to fiddle with your decorated nails. “it’s your day, don’t be scared of anything” he tells you. “yeah i know but...” you start to say, not knowing how to finish your sentence.
“but nothing. today is your day, and we’ll make it special. don’t be nervous” he reassures you, reaching his hand to your leg to glide his thumb across it, making you smile and place your hand on top of his for a moment. the drive was precisely 5 more minutes, and you finally arrived. you see your family’s cars parked outside, meaning there’s a few people here with you today. you and alex get out of the car and walk inside together while romantically holding hands, making your way to the reserved table.
you spent the first minute or so greeting your family and receiving their gifts and birthday wishes. you shared thankful hugs before sitting down together as a family. you begin opening the gifts from your relatives, which were various different kinds of things. you received jewelry, alcohol, flowers, perfume, clothes and birthday carts etc. you thanked each family member individually and showed your gratefulness, you couldn’t be happier right now. the waiter soon came over to take all of your orders, now you played the waiting game.
you all found yourself in multiple different conversations as you patiently wait for your food to arrive. you’re currently talking to your cousin, while alex is distracted by talking to your mom. “so, how are things?” he asks. he’s been wary over you these past few weeks, he keeps checking up on you to make sure alex hasn’t fucked you over again. “fine. and yourself?” you ask him, noticing him giving you a weird look. he was glancing at the upper half of your body to look for things such as bruises or marks. he has his reasons to believe that alex hurts you, even though you won’t admit it or talk about it.
“i’m good” he nods. the drinks arrived at the table mid conversation, so everyone handed them to each other and resumed waiting for the food. alex interrupts your chat with your cousin to get you to try some of his drink. “y/n, have some” he says, sliding his glass over until it was in front of you. “no i don’t want any alcoh-” you begin to say, shaking your head innocent to deny it. your cousin looked away but eavesdropped on your conversation. “just taste some” alex interrupts you, cutting you off. “i don’t want alcohol until later” you say slowly but quietly, trying to get those words to sink into his brain.
“you’re so fucking boring” he chuckles at you, snatching the drink away to take a sip for himself. “asshole” you roll your eyes and look back at your cousin, but alex slyly gripped your leg under the table to hurt you discreetly. you quickly turn your head back towards him and shift your leg away. “what?” you whine, looking at your leg then looking at his face. “don’t speak to me like that, ever” he whispered in your ear as he leaned over to you, digging his nails into your leg. you nod and put your hand underneath the table, grabbing his hand to push it away.
he resumes his conversation with your mom as she stopped talking to your grandma, so you resume yours with your cousin. “what did he just say to you?” your cousin asks, giving alex evil daggers to the side of his face. “nothing, don’t worry” you say, lightly nudging him so he’ll stop looking at alex. “y/n i know he’s your boyfriend, but i fucking hate him” he whispers angrily in your ear. “why though?” you wonder, frowning at him.
“i see the way he treats you, the way he talks to you. i know something goes on when nobody’s around, you just won’t admit it” he says quietly, alex hearing none of this as your mouths are too quiet. “nothing goes on, you’re just paranoid. i’m fine” you chuckle and shake your head at him to make it seem like he’s crazy for making things up. “i’ll be watching him all day. all day” he whispers, looking at you to reassure you on the last part. you nod to show your understanding, but it made you worried a bit.
you knew alex wouldn’t last a whole day without being mean to you, and now you know he has a pair of eyes on him all day. you don’t want your cousin to hate alex, but he has perfectly good reasons to. he can get violent when it comes to family, so you feared something happening on your own birthday. alex will get caught out one day, whether that be today or years from now. it’s all down to your cousin.
an hour later
the food arrived after 10 more minutes of waiting, where you all started to dig in and enjoy your delicious meals. now, most of you are done or nearly done with your food, and are chatting amongst yourselves to wait for the others. “why’re you eating it so slow?” alex asks, furrowing his eyebrows at you. he’s recently made comments on the way you eat, so it started to affect you. “because i’m not that hungry” you lie, dropping your fork on the plate, not feeling an appetite which annoyed you. “bullshit, the whole way here you were saying you’re starving” he says, looking into your eyes with his evil glare.
“yeah, i’ve ate a bit. just not hungry anymore” you sigh at him, seeing him roll his eyes. “just eat it” he quietly demands, but you’re having none of it. “i don’t want to eat it” you demand back at him. “stop being such a fucking child” he quietly says as your family chat with one another, but your cousin secretly eavesdropping. he isn’t going to say anything for a while, he’s going to let it build up so he can lash out later.
“i’m not being a child i just don’t want it” you sigh, feeling bad because you had no appetite. “i’m paying for this meal for you, so eat it” he sighs through his nose to stop himself from getting angry as he gestures with his hand. “you eat it, if it bothers you that much” you say, giving him a sarcastic look as he’s getting on your nerves by trying to force you to eat. you slide your plate over to his side, not aware of the drink beside you. your plate hit the drink and knocked it over, causing some to spill on you.
you gasp as some of the drink spills onto your dress, but luckily most of it only tipped onto the table. “oh my fucking god” you exclaim with annoyance as you stand up from your chair, and storm to the restroom. alex loudly sighs and stands up, following you moments later. your relatives quickly clean up the mess and move on, continuing their meals and waiting for you to dry your dress off. your cousin has been listening this whole time, and even watches alex follow you. he doesn’t want to kick up a fuss, so he leaves it and waits like everybody else at the table.
after storming into the ladies restroom, you walk over to the sinks to get some paper towels, ripping some pieces off to wipe your dress with. less than a minute later, alex walks in after you. “this is the ladies room, get out” you frown, giving him a weird look. “does it look like i give a fuck?” he says, closing the door and storming over to you. “stop being a little fucking brat” he says, gripping your face to force you to look at him. “go away” you say, shoving him away harshly, but it only made him madder. he quickly and roughly grabs your throat, forcing your head up to look at him again.
“stop being a spoiled brat, you’re ruining this day for yourself you fucking idiot” he says aggressively as his hand is wrapped around your throat tightly, his other hand gripping your waist to keep you close. “i’m just not hungry” you frown, trying to push him away but he doesn’t let you. “i don’t care, we’re all here for you, stop fucking showing off” he says, inches away from your face as he intimidates you. he raises his voice at the last part, causing you to flinch as he curses at you.
“i’m not showin-” you struggle to say as his hand is blocking your voice, you can hardly breathe. “yes you are. if you didn’t kick up a fuss, we’d still be out there enjoying our meals with your family” he cuts you off, staring into your eyes to intimidate you with his own. “then let’s go back out there” you suggest, coughing ever so slightly. “are you gonna eat your food?” he asks, speaking as if he’s talking to a child, raising his eyebrows at you. “yes” you nod and furrow yours, giving him puppy eyes of fear. “good, now fuck off” he says, roughly letting go of you to shove you in the direction of the door. you sigh and storm out, letting the door slowly close behind you.
alex stays there for a few moments, ripping off a piece of paper towel to wipe off the little spillage on himself too. he’s wearing black, so fortunately it’s not noticeable. after wiping himself, he throws the used paper towel in the bin and walks towards the door, exiting as a woman entered at the same time. “sorry” he says, sighing through his nose showing ignorance. he joins you back at the table again, where he sees you force feeding yourself because you don’t want him to yell at you again. “good girl” he whispers in your ear as he sits down beside you, you frown and ignore him, looking away from his direction.
around 20 minutes later, everyone had finished their meals and drinks and are now ready to head out. you all paid for your meals, and made your way to the cars after exiting. “can we come in your car?” your cousin asks, speaking for him and his mom, which is your favorite aunt. “of course” you say and smile as alex opens your car door for you. “my lady” he smiles, holding your hand as he helps you sit down. “thank you” you smile at him. he closes the car door and walks over to his side, as your cousin and aunt get in the back seats.
“how did you get here?” you ask, making small talk as alex drives back to the house. “in your moms car, but it’s too cramped with all of us” your aunt shrugs. “oh ok” you nod, turning on the radio so you can listen to some music on your peaceful drive home, with the windows rolled down for the cool breeze to enter the car. it’s the middle of summer, so it’s boiling hot outside and will be for another month yet.
the rest of the drive home was entertaining. all four of you talked and laughed with one another, until you finally reached the house less than 20 minutes later. you and your aunt exited the car and made your way into the house together as you giggle and joke with each other, leaving alex and your cousin alone. alex awkwardly coughed as he got out of the car, and your cousin followed along. “so.. what you say to her in the bathroom?” your cousin awkwardly asks, making small talk. “yeah, i hit her” alex very sarcastically says as he rolls his eyes, walking straight past him to get into the house. he knows how suspicious your cousin is, and how he assumes alex is violent towards you, so he feeds on the topic to wind him up.
you waited a few extra minutes for the rest of your family to arrive, and when they did, the party finally started. the music was turned on and up, the alcohol was brought out and poured, now the fun can really start. as everyone was doing their own thing in different rooms, you found alex in the back yard smoking a cigarette. “hey, are the guys coming over?” you ask him. “mhm. they’re on their way now” he nods, outing his cigarette on the wall and tossing it aside. “ok, cool” you smile up at him, hooking your hand around his arm as you walk inside together.
the guys arrived shortly after, and you greeted them as soon as they walked in. they individually wished you a happy birthday and handed you gifts and birthday cards, then you all made your way into the living room where alex was drinking with your relatives. “yo, alex” matt says, greeting him. “oh what’s up guys” he says, giving them all quick ‘bro hugs’ as he hasn’t seen them in a while. “already on the booze?” jamie jokes. “yeah, here have some” alex chuckles, shoving his opened bottle in his face for him to drink it.
while alex was occupied with his friends, you made your way to the kitchen to open your extra gifts. the house was getting filled overtime as family friends enter, and even friends of friends and so on. your hands overflowed with gifts and cards as more people came in. you received hugs and birthday wishes from everyone who walked through the door, this was your queue to stop greeting people and finally open your gifts. sat on the kitchen counter alone, nick walks in to grab a drink. “hey y/n” he says, watching you read the birthday cards from people.
“hey nick, you ok?” you ask him, he nods and walks over to you after grabbing a fresh beer from the fridge. “i’m good, who’s that one off?” he asks, making small talk as the guys are in the next room playing a game involving alcohol with your family. “you” you giggle as you read ‘from nick x’ at the bottom. he didn’t know what gift to buy you, so he put money in your card. “thank you” you smile, pulling him into a friendly hug as you lean forward a bit, still sitting on the kitchen counter as he stood in front of you.
“i need more alcoh- oh” your aunt says as she enters the kitchen to see you hugging one of your boyfriend’s best friends. you pull away from nick as your aunt walks over to the fridge to grab what she needed and be on her way, but she always kicks up a fuss when she’s drinking. “didn’t expect to see you in here with another fella” she joked, picking up a bottle of beer and exiting the room. “alex, your girlfriend’s getting all touchy with another man in there” you hear your aunt say as she walks back into the living room, which makes you sigh and roll your eyes. she’s only messing around, but alex takes this stuff seriously. way too seriously. “wow” you scoff and shake your head. “go, i’ll be there in a minute” you say to nick, motioning your head to the door as you finish opening your cards and gifts. as soon as nick walked out of the kitchen, a very annoyed alex walks in. great, what now?
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
January 27: 2x04 Mirror Mirror
Had some technical difficulties but finally managed to watch Mirror Mirror. (Now I’m very tired.)
I see these aliens are more intense pacifists than Spock.
When Kirk says “But we won’t [force you], consider that,” right over his shoulder and into camera, it looks like he’s posing for a commercial.
Ah ha, the Classic Transporter Accident. (Aka how that became a classic trope lol.)
I love that they zero in on Spock’s beard first thing, like that’s the weirdest part of this universe.
Oh no, the agonizer!
So my big question is: do all the ISS Captains wear that gold vest or is it a Kirk thing? I just find it very funny that the men in the mirrorverse wear about the same amount of clothing as in the regular universe, and the ladies wear a lot less...and then there’s Kirk, conspicuously showing off his arms. Vests are NOT regulation!
When does he get a chance to record his log? And wouldn’t it be... recorded in the mirrorverse?
Kirk’s salute is hilarious. Uh, yeah, salute and wave, I guess??
He’s really focused on Spock. “Another ship. Another Spock.”
Kirk’s patented reassuring upper arm grab.
Uhura on the bridge! You can’t tell she’s nervous because she’s brave and strong.
This episode, and to a lesser extent The Naked Time, are why I think Sulu has a thing for her. I know it’s a different universe, but I still think it’s true.
Kirk’s salute is getting better. More confident.
He just doesn’t know how to be evil. He’s too good, too pure.
Hmmm, Security Chief Sulu? He really does have a lot of interests.
I wonder what Vulcan is like in this universe. They are still clearly post-Reform. But more ruthless. Scarier. Probably meat eaters.
Damn little Chekov. Just waiting for his chance to mutiny.
Security Chief, like the Gestapo. Did not know that was what the reference was supposed to be.
Hmm, male computer voice. This MUST be an evil universe.
“I’m a doctor, not an engineer.”
Evil Kirk strikes again! Honestly, this scene of the ISS crew on the regular Enterprise might be my favorite in the whole ep. Yet again obsessed with Spock’s facial hair. And Spock is obviously just loving it. “I find it extremely interesting.”
I think Kirk and Spock BOTH know what would buy Spock.
“I should regret your death.” I mean that’s basically a love confession. I love how they depict the K and S relationship in the mirrorverse. The subtle ways in which they’re still a team.
Spock would absolutely have killed Chekov for trying to kill Kirk.
I find evil!Spock the most convincing of all of this universe. I think he simultaneously feels true to the original character, and is also obviously of this universe, and that’s a pretty impressive feat.
“Terror must be maintained or the Empire is doomed.” Print that on a t-shirt.
“Conquest is easy. Control is not.” A lot of the mirror verse is over the top cartoony villainy but this is a very good point, and this scene in general is super interesting and subtle.
Kirk is so tunred on by that conversation with Spock. Like even in these circumstances, he still looks at Spock like he’s in love.
Hmmm, I like Marlena.
Of course evil!Kirk has an on-ship girlfriend, which good!Kirk would never do.
Evil!Spock is still very loyal, so much for all that “I would be a formidable enemy” stuff lol. “You’ll never find another man like him.” Too true.
Of course there’s some plundered alien tech plot device. I actually think that’s an interesting twist in a way... of course the ISS wouldn’t care about stealing, and so some...interesting artifacts might find their way onto starships.
Spock is upset he wasn’t included in this landing party meeting.
Hmmm, Sulu already wants to be Captain.
Marlena’s Starfleet uniform was hotter than this...paisley nightgown thing.
She’s so dramatic. Kirk is busy one time and she’s like well! I guess we’re over! Transfer me to another ship!
Another Captain Kirk arm grab moment.
I love how literally no one was surprised by that Uhura and Sulu moment on the bridge. “I’ve changed my mind again whoops.”
I can’t believe getting kicked once and then knocked on the head would almost kill Spock lol--seems like probably he might just have a concussion?--but I do like the concept of McCoy risking being left behind to help him. (And Kirk signing off on it because duh.) McCoy is just so good hearted.
Captain Sulu strikes again. Everyone has their own agenda lol. So many obstacles when everyone’s just out for himself.
Haha well that solved that. Zap zap zap and they’re gone.
As suspected, Spock recovered pretty fast. And he goes straight for the mind meld, obviously. That does seem pretty evil of him.
And another obstacle lol. I like that Kirk says Marlena can’t come with them because they can only bring 4 people because of the Calculations, even though... like surely he should already be able to guess there’s another Marlena in his universe and she can’t exactly replace a person who already exists? That would be bad.
Damn Uhura, saving the day again and looking damn fine doing it.
“I must have my Captain back.” Not even subtle about it. He MUST.
The Empire is illogical because it cannot endure.
Is Kirk literally asking this Spock to overthrow his other self and become Captain?
Also...is Marlena going to attach herself to the new Captain?? What does she think of all this?
This is probably one of the best end-of-episode bridge banter scenes in the series. “If I read my Spocks correctly.” Spock is a bit of a pirate. (I think Sarek would agree.) Spock loving the evil humans. Being jealous of Marlena. Kirk probably wondering how Mirror!Kirk and his Spock got along.
I think this is a really great episode, obviously, and I liked all of the intrigue. I thought the double, triple, quadruple crossing was really well plotted. Marlena is one of the better Love Interests and I thought she was really compelling. I LOVED Mirror Spock, and the general characterization of and subtleties to both Spocks. Mirror Sulu was interesting (what does he say about real Sulu I wonder?) and of course we got great Uhura moments and a good Bones moment too. I thought Kirk was interesting in this ep also, not quite confronting his evil side like in The Enemy Within, but...well I do think that was a part of him, the inferred characterization of mirror!Kirk, ambitious, single-minded--”inflexible, disciplined once you’ve made up your mind”--isn’t so outrageous or hard to understand.
I think the weakness of the ep is in the Mirror verse itself. It’s always struck me as a bit too cartoon-villain-y, painted in too broad strokes. Everyone wants to use violence to gain power. If deaths are so common, how has anyone survived this long lol? They allude to this sometimes--Spock not wanting command because it makes him a target, Kirk telling Spock the Empire is wasteful and ultimately unsustainable and thus illogical--but that just invites scrutiny under which the premise doesn’t hold. Imo, an organization like the Empire could never have lasted as long as or become as powerful as the Federation. As Kirk says, control is harder than conquest. I’m not even sure that all of the planets of the Federation could have come together in an Empire, and any allegiance would be very unstable. In other words, I don’t think “the Federation but make it evil” is even a sustainable premise.
Also, while people surely do crave power for the sake of power, I... tend to need a little more in my villainous characterization. Like, when I see that kind of villain, I always think of Price in Mr. Robot: “Every room I’m in, I ask myself ‘am I the most powerful person here?’ and I don’t stop until the answer is always yes.” That really is the core of him--and yet he’s still a subtle villain. That’s kind of the standard for me, I think. To put it another way, maybe the core of all villainy is just lust for power (and/or money) and maybe the best way to get power is brute strength, but the manifestations of evil are usually more subtle: some people who just want power, some people who have more narrow goals and can’t see the whole, many people who have been manipulated, and then just human ills like laziness, ineptitude, selfishness, short-sightedness. Only the most blunt of those traits and instruments really made it into the Mirror verse.
I would have liked to see the mirrorverse be more like... the mob.
...But it is only a 50 minute episode lmao.
Anyway, I find it very interesting that mirror!Spock has Vulcan operatives. His personal security guard is Vulcan, and taking these facts together, I think it’s safe to say that there are more Vulcan officers and enlisted on the ISS Enterprise than USS Enterprise. I’m not sure what to do with that but I find it very interesting. Is he more powerful on Vulcan? Is he more attuned to his Vulcan side? Are Vulcans more impressed with or deferential to him?
Anyway I am exhausted rn and I still have two more days this week so... off to bed. Next week’s ep is The Classic, The Apple.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Whit-ty Headcanons: Whitley and Weiss Drifted Apart
The Steven Universe Stan Side of My Brain: Still thinking about Spinel and her song ‘Drift Away’ about her abandonment by Pink Diamond who she thought was her friend.
The Whit Side of My Brain: Yeah but like…imagine if Whitley’s relationship with Weiss growing up in Schnee Manor was the same as Spinel and Pink?Imagine if Whitley felt abandoned by Weiss after failing to realize how much the two had drifted apart over the years or that they never truly had a bond at all since Weiss never really loved him? Picture Whitley singing ‘Drift Away’. Don’t you think the lyrics could fit him?
The Headcanoning Side of My Brain: *immediately grabs keyboard and starts vigorously typing*
 In the beginning, my main headcanon for Whitley was that once upon a time, he and Weiss actually used to get along when they were much younger until an incident involving their father caused them to drift apart. In more recent times, I’ve started leaning more towards the idea that from the moment he was born, Whitley has had a somewhat strained relationship with Weiss that had very little to do with him and more with Weiss’s perception of him due to how he was treated by their father.
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My idea was that since Whitley was the only boy child, he was often given more special treatment by Jacques than his sisters. Yes I know that one of the main theories for Whitley is that he’s secretly being abuse by his father. While I personally am still holding onto that theory too, this is not the topic of my headcanon.
The idea I had in mine is that Whitley was always treated better by Jacques than his sisters. In the sense that Jacques rarely got as angry or as malicious with Whitley as he did with Weiss and Winter. Perhaps Whitley was the spoiled one of the three siblings and since he was always placed on a higher pedestal than his sisters in a sense, this caused Winter and Weiss to look at Whitley differently and have a poor perception of him. 
The spoiled apple of the bunch that didn’t fall too far from the tree---rotten to the core. 
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The idea I had is that since their father always favoured Whitley more than her, this caused Weiss to always think poorly of her brother to the point that any gesture that Whitley made to get close to his sister was always met with coldness and annoyance.
To me I’m picturing a moment where a young Weiss is probably playing with a toy. She looks like she’s having fun and her excitement encourages Whitley to want to play with her. So Whitley wants to play with the toy with Weiss however Weiss isn’t too keen on playing with Whitley. So she tells Whitley she doesn’t want to play with him. This upsets Whitley. He cries and Whitley’s outcries results in Weiss getting in trouble because of Whitley. Weiss is sent to her room on punishment leaving poor Whitley alone with the toy. 
Perhaps Klein is there to play with the toy with Whitley. However Whitley is disinterested in playing with toy since his objective wasn’t to play with it alone or even with Klein. He wanted to spend some time with his sister. But as always, she didn’t want anything to do with him.
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This is how I pictured Weiss and Whitley’s relationship. Years of Whitley reaching out to grow close to his big sister only to be given the cold shoulder with every attempt. Weiss would always close the door in on Whitley, no matter how many times he tried and no matter how many attempts he made to show her that his kindness is genuine.
My theory is that because Whitley is such a ‘daddy’s boy’, Weiss probably sees him exactly like their father. Manipulative. Cruel and insincere. As I rightfully phrased it, rotten to the core, right?
And because she has this perceived idea of her brother, Weiss has always treated him that way. The only time she let her guard down was in V4 and…admittedly, I still think the events leading up to Weiss thinking Whitley had betrayed her were…odd.
I am a Whit, not just cause I’ve learned to like Whitley due to finding his character mildly fascinating. But in all honestly, I think Whitley doesn’t deserve ANY of the hate he gets from the FNDM since he literally did NOTHING wrong. 
He didn’t cause Jacques to punish Weiss yet she accused him of it anyways. And like a fool, Whitley didn’t even attempt to deny the claims against him.
It was…so awkwardly done that I’m sorry. I just don’t think Whitley is a bad person. This is why I’m an advocate for Whitley being the Nebula to Weiss’ Gamora.
He just wants his sisters to love him the same way they love each other. They’re always leaving him behind and for Whitley’s sake, I hope V7 actually spends some time developing him and showing more of his past with Weiss instead of pulling the usual thing of only focusing on Weiss and Winter’s relationship.
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I get it. Weiss and Winter are sisters. They looked out for each other. Winter looked out for Weiss and supported her. She’s her closest family member. Yada! Yada! I GET IT!
So much that I’m actually bored with the Weiss and Winter’s dynamic since every material with Weiss focuses on her relationship with her Winter as a plot point.
Is it so bad that I’d love to learn more about what her past was like with Whitley? Is it so bad that I want V7 to focus more on Weiss and Whitley while Winter and Weiss take a backseat for a chang?
 As a matter of fact, can I get both sisters learning to care for their little brother? Can I get that CRWBY?
I still believe that the negative impression Weiss has of her brother isn’t true. Whitley is the black sheep of the Schnee Siblings. The one always left behind and in the dark by his sisters.
But I’d love to think that Whitley is no different than his sisters. This is why I dig my headcanon of Whitley awakening his family’s semblance but using it on behalf of his father’s evil deeds.
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 I like the irony of Whitley believing that being a huntsman is barbaric but using his family power to dish out crime for his father isn’t. I think that could be an interesting twist for Whit and a cool way for Weiss to get invested in his well-being. Just as how Jacques used Weiss before, I like the idea of him using Whitley too. Using him for his power since he’s the only Schnee child with Nick’s amazing semblance that he can control.
I really dig this idea for Whitley’s story and would love to see something like it for V7. But alas…only time will tell.
As for the connection between Whit and Spinel. I just can’t shake this imagined scene in my head where Whit used to be like Spinel in a way. Growing up, all he ever wanted was to be friends with Weiss. He wanted her to love him. Or at least like him. But Weiss would always push him away. So much so that the more Whit tried to be close to her, the further she’d drift away from him.
Till one day, she was gone. She had left him to go to Beacon. To start a whole new life away from him without him. To make new friends and learn to love them in a way she never loved him. And she’d be occasionally watched over by Winter. The other sister who had left Whitley behind.They’d still be together while Whitley is just...left behind as always.
Isn’t that lovely? Isn’t that cool and isn’t that cruel and wouldn’t that make Whitley a fool for happily waiting…happily stayed. Happily watched his sisters drift away and leave him behind in the cold, like always.
I don’t blame Whit for staying close to Jacques. Poor kid probably feels abandoned by all the women in his life. Makes me pray that Whit is close with Klein at least and it’s Klein who spills the beans to Weiss on poor Whit and what Jacques forces him to do with his powers if my headcanon is true. But eyyy…we’ll see I guess.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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screamin bout zi-o 36
i had fun doing this last week, so let’s make another screencap post! of course, i said that, and then it took several days to upload all the pictures because tumblr just stops fucking working sometimes. anyhoo! it’s yuko kitajima roast hour. image-heavy and spoiler-heavy, naturally.
so ginga blew everyone up and they ran away to a sewer it seems.
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honestly that theory makes as much sense as anything else on this booty ass fuckin’ kamen rider show
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i was just like...he isn’t
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but then he was
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swartz: she could step on me in those red pumps and i’d say Thank You
hora: i regret so much right now
uhr: *shonen anime character walking down the street pose*
then over quartzer plays and im starting to feel a little lost because i don’t get to hear about the episode according to woz’s book? hello??
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yuko’s still out gettin her spa treatments and shit, god only knows how she got the money for all that, and somehow she never crosses paths with the cops or anyone who recognizes her from the news?? uh
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honestly yeah?? a queen deserves to look GOOD. her theme music is eerily sexy, i need an mp3 of it right now
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don’t get me wrong, im well aware that swartz is being a suck-up to try and get yuko to help with his plan to seize ginga’s power, but damn im kinda shipping swartz with yuko now too...i mean, he WAS looking at her while doing the sexy ice cream thing last week. what flavor ice cream would yuko be? black cherry chip maybe?
(headcanon: woz tries apple pie ice cream and declares it a crime against both apple pie and ice cream alike--but he still eats the whole coneful)
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hora and uhr get ZA WARUDO’D down the stairs by swartz
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we were all uhr right here
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yeaaaaaah she just doesn’t want to fight ginga
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tsukuyomi’s a mood. someone put a band-aid on geiz’s forehead pls
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ok woz i get that if you’re looking for a despotic ruler to follow that yuko is likely a better bet than sougo, but you’re missing an important detail: if yuko actually had a shot at becoming queen of everything, she’d already have one of you in tow, and you would most likely hate each other.
...majou means “demon queen” in this case, not “witch”, right?
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aaaaaand this...is the moment when yuko started making me very uncomfortable. the way she responds: “yes...i do remember. it’s you.”
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and sougo’s face just lights up--my guy, she could so easily be lying. she didn’t say one thing about the band-aid or the playground or anything that’d indicate she’s actually sougo’s crush.
like...if not for the fact that sougo had such a crush on the seifuku girl, it wouldn’t be all that major a memory. it likely wasn’t for the girl in question--just a happy sunny day cheering up a lonely little boy. a beautiful memory, yes...but memories fade.
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can someone please explain to me why woz’s characterization is all over the place in kiva arc? are you pro-yuko or anti-yuko, woz? i don’t understand what’s going through his pretty head at all honestly. he gets pretty taciturn in the scenes he’s not inhaling pie, but then at times he seems to think yuko’s cool aaaaaagh i don’t know
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junichiro: meowing, just wanted an excuse to cook lots of food
sougo: “yay, uncle’s cooking!”
woz: [deadpan monotone] “yaaaaaaay uncle’s cooking...”
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ive had enough of this evil bitch honestly but when she points it’s still Good Shit
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ridiculous move name, but also an awesome move name
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and turning to stone to heal up while the sun’s clouded over? very cool
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i noped so hard at this part. like...i really do feel protective of sougo. yuko doesn’t give a damn about him, she just doesn’t want him to get in her way.
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nope. no. nuh uh. you two step away from each other right now.
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ok but in all seriousness, do you want time jackers? because, im calling it now, letting oma zi-o go in raw is how you get time jackers.
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yeah im pretty sure miho would’ve kept at it if she’d lived, and yuko...shes not gonna listen to sougo
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thank you for the much needed reality check furry man
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so she’s a...fu-joshi? 👀
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yuko wears such fabulous shoes
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was anyone surprised at this point that yuko was the real killer? i sure wasn’t. not after all the obvious lies.
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i love her leitmotif. i need it. where do i download
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hey kids! it’s time for *mashes play button* la-la-la lies! yeah, tell me that you love me! la-la-la-lies! look deep into my eyes! la-la-la-lies! say there’s no one else above me! i’m the king of fools, cuz baby, you’re the queen of actually very hurtful and manipulative lies!
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that’s such bullshit
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now im the last person to be like “don’t play the dead mommy card”--i practically keep that card in the hello kitty wallet my dead mommy gave me. but i bet you yuko’s mom is just fine (aside from living with the trauma of knowing her daughter’s a murderer and pathological liar).
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thank you tsukuyomi. god sougo really needs a chaperone with yuko around, he’s way too dumb and thirsty.
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GUESS WHO’S BACK. BACK AGAIN. fortunately, it seems swartz and woz have been just standing there watching him for the duration of the rain shower.
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lest we forget (because i didn’t screencap it), when zi-o took the brunt of ginga’s attack earlier, it sent him flying. now, that’s a human body, which has some ability to absorb force because it’s mostly pretty soft and fluid. yuko’s manhole cover almost completely absorbed this blast--she barely shifted her weight on impact. is it just that she’s THAT ripped? 
then The Boys rider kick ginga to oblivion. rip ginga, you didn’t have a personality or a character arc, we never even saw you un-transformed--you were just a cool looking plot device with pretty attacks. but for that much, we appreciate you!
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swartz looks so pleased with himself. he must not have watched the preview for this episode.
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YOINK! gotta love how swartz doesn’t look surprised so much as puzzled.
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sure am glad kurowoz took his other self’s advice and kept an eye on swartz
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i love it so much how woz just has these magic scarf powers and it needs no explanation? hell, he can fly and time travel and make people fall asleep and he’s super strong too, with no explanation? and he’s the comic relief? ALSO HE’S REALLY HOT? woz is a being to behold honestly
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speaking of super strong and really hot, yuko is KILLING IT in that gown. i mean...i guess that’s the intention. killing it. cuz she’s a homicidal maniac. haha.
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she’s so good at pointing. yuko could be a prosecutor in shuichi kitaoka: ace attorney. (FUND IT)
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yuko throws her manhole cover at the boys (rude!) and next we see geiz holding it. a shame we don’t get to see him snatch it out of midair. or did woz catch it and just hand it to him? we may never know.
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zi-o. listen to geiz, zi-o. use the fucking watch. just use the watch, zi-o. you seriously plan on just letting another kiva go on a killing spree? do you not get by now what she’s capable of?
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thank goodness zi-o has his retainers to make wise decisions so he doesn’t have to.
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please note the placement of mars on ginga woz’s suit. very important.
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I Love You
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my favorite character gets a beautiful rainbow final attack. i feel so blessed.
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i mean...protecting all mankind would probably include protecting them from people like yuko. just sayin.
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is it bad of me that my immediate thought right then was “at least woz’s attack wasn’t what did her in.”
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this shot, especially in the context of the church, definitely gave me pieta vibes--albeit reversed somewhat.
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weirdly enough, woz does an outro instead of an intro this episode.
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at this point while watching, i said to shylax “you know what this calls for? pie!” but before i could finish--
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--PIE! cmon sougo, it’s time to gobble up your feelings!
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fucking woz, i swear, you have pie in your mouth and pie in your right hand and pie on your FACE and when your overlord expresses how miserable he is you just go for his uneaten pie with your empty hand.
...is it normal to eat pie like this in japan? because the only times i’ve seen americans make this much of a mess eating pie is when they’re toddlers.
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oh hey, what do you know? looks like sougo’s first love wasn’t a violent crazy person after all. she also wasn’t yuko.
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sougo’s just an idiot who will mistake any older woman who rubs him on the chin and calls him cute for his sailor girl.
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i blame joshua kiryu
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how eloquently this one line sums up not only kamen rider zi-o but kamen rider decade as well. that’s it, that’s the show. that’s the clusterfuck we will inevitably get whenever toei decides to make a kamen rider crossover.
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LOOK AT THIS! TSUKUYOMI REMEMBERED SOMETHING! who is she smiling at? is it her dad? is that swartz behind her?! omg baby tsukuyomi is so CUTE!
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“a team”. uh huh. is that what the youth are calling it these days? cuz when i was a wee lass, i believe they called it “fucking”.
so what have we learned this week?
very little about ginga
sougo does not remember faces all that well
before sougo dates ANYONE that person should be fully vetted by junichiro, geiz, tsukuyomi, and woz because CLEARLY HE CANNOT SAFELY CHOOSE A PARTNER FOR HIMSELF
i still really like yuko as a character, if not as a person. same as i enjoy junji ito manga, but would be very upset if most of it happened in real life.
swartz loves a woman who can kick his ass
what the fuck are manhole covers in this world
i can’t wait for baby tsukuyomi flashbacks! that, and more tsukasa.
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 3X08 - Think Lovely Thoughts
We’re nearing the end of the arc and it’s just utter PANdemonium!
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Shut up, Rumple! That was funny!
Anyway, to find out why, venture below the cut!
Press Release
Pan leads Henry to a secret cave, where he has convinced the boy that he alone can save magic and Neverland itself. But a showdown between good and evil is about to go down as Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Mr. Gold and Hook find themselves directly on a path to Pan in an effort to save Henry. Meanwhile, back in the Fairy Tale Land that was, young Rumplestiltskin is given a magical item that could help him make a fresh start with his father – who has been anything but a good dad.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
This flashback may have one of OUAT’s most mature messages: Sometimes, family can be bad and they need to be cut away from you. There’s no hope of reconciliation and not even a removed heart to blame for it all. Sometimes, they’re just garbage people and trying to keep them in your life will only hurt you.
Malcolm’s abandonemt is one of the most malicious abandonments ever shown on the show. Like, had it not been for Gothel, it would probably be number 1. Malcolm sneers as he tells Rumple he’s the only thing holding him back and then just throws him to the metaphorical wolves. It’s the meanest kind of break up and making it familial just makes it so much sadder.
Our present segment is kind of like “Into the Deep.” Like that episode, its character work is expressed not through more open-and-shut story, but through character interactions in the midst of plot progression. For a series like OUAT, I think these episodes are important because there’s always so much going on and this style keeps up the momentum of the season and of the two I’ve seen, I’ve liked them both!
It’s fantastic seeing everyone come together, flaws and and anger and all. We haven’t reached the “look how far we’ve come moment” yet, but the payoff is starting to emerge. We see bits of hope of reconciliation between Rumple and Neal, Neal forcing Rumple to do right by David, Neal and Killian working together better...yeah, there’s a lot of Neal, and I like that! Neal’s becoming a real favorite of mine and I’m really sad we’re gonna lose him soon.
But honestly, Pan is the true star of this episode again. What makes Pan such a good villain is how well he exploits tropes. He knows what buttons to press to make heroes do what he wants them to. “All heroes are tested.” He knew Henry would go tip over to his side with a line like that. Because Henry loves these tropes so well, Pan has been able to play him like a fiddle and that bit of manipulation is terrifying and fascinating.
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-”Follow the lead, gents.” Not even being subtle (And I use subtle loosely), are we? XD
-”You’d be better off without him [Rumple’s Papa].” Fuck yeah, he would be!
-Wow, watching this again shows me just how much “The Black Fairy’s” flashback fucked us over. Like, here, Malcolm doesn’t outright detest Rumple, there are just a million things he’d rather do than take care of Rumple. In “The Black Fairy’s” flashback, well, he outright hates Rumple from the second he learns of Fiona’s fate.
-Pan’s influence and manipulation, not over just Henry, but all of the Lost Boys, is incredible!
-I fucking love the Spinsters. They are such sweet old ladies! They offer to teach Rumple and they’re so friendly! Rumple, stay with them forever. Tell Malcolm to fuck off!
-”Names always make things better.” FUCK. YOU.
-”I didn’t think I had any talent.” Damn! That is so sad! Baby Rumple went through a good chunk of his childhood without any real positive reinforcement. Like, I want to say what that does to a person, but we already know and...DAMNN.
-”Your father will always be your burden, Rumplestiltskin.” Honey, you don’t know the half of it.
-OMG! Malcolm did the Rumple laugh! I love this show!
-”But you trust me. Don’t you son?” “I want to.” Holy shit. That line could’ve come JUST AS EASILY out of Rumple and Bae’s mouths.
-Rumple’s family is so freakin’ ass-y with fathers and sons! Gideon, either don’t have kids or have those Belle genes kick themselves into high gear!
-”You suddenly interesting in what I have to say? Thought I wasn’t to be trusted.” Rumple, shut up. Your karma evaporated for a damn good reason! Don’t act hoity toity!
-”No deals, no favors, understand?” YESS KING! This is what I’m talking about with Neal. He’s not giving Rumple a fucking INCH and why should he? I said this before and I’ll say it again. Neal’s death had nothing to do with Emma but EVERYTHING to do with Rumple because Rumple would never be allowed to be sleazy again had Neal stayed alive.
-*Rumple grabs Killian’s sword right from his waist* *Jenna grins like a fucking idiot*
-”Thanks mate.” *A bro nod is exchanged* *Jenna grins harder*
-”You did that for me?” Let’s talk about this line. This fucking line! Neal never had anyone try to save him like this as a kid and now he learns that the Darling family was even more amazing than he ever thought! I love this show!
-”You told her I was dead?” NOT NOW, RUMPLE!
-”It was easier than telling the truth -- my own father abandoned me.” *Jenna cries like a little bitch*
-*Malcom falls* KARMA, BITCH!
-God, Malcolm is creepy as fuck as he remembers Neverland. He looks like he belongs in an asylum.
-”Well apparently, that’s the only thanks I need these days.” *sighs* You don’t get it now, Rumple, but you will in about four seasons.
-”You promise not to be long?” More like, “You promise not to BELONG?”
-“Because you don’t belong.” Holy crap! I wasn’t wrong!
-”Are you okay?” Neal, Emma just did a fucking back flip! You tell me!
-Blocking the moon out to get rid of shadows? Emma, you are a fucking genius! <3
-Is it any coincidence that I’m fucking humming “Brandy” while watching this episode? Damn, Guardians 2 hit me.
-”Oh, it’s for the best, Rumple.” Part of me isn’t sure if that’s the best bedside manner or not. On one hand, Fuck Malcolm with a rusty nail-covered bat. On the other hand, he’s an emotionally distraught child.
-”Pleasure to see you too, Baelfire.” Pan is such a little shit!
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
The Mission to Save Henry - “We’re all going back. Together.” I love how everyone is together for the crescendo of the arc’s “climax” (Or one of like, three of them)! As I said before, it really delivers on the payoff promised at the end of Season 2 and the beginning of Season 3.
Emma Accepting Your Parents - “Maybe it’s just you rubbing off on me, but I refuse to believe that.” Until that line was said, to be honest, I was torn between being cynical of Emma for her rigid thoughts on family and her inability to understand the nuance of the situation and prideful in the character development she showed by fighting for her family. But once that line was said, I was on the latter side HARD! Also, this follows Emma’s line of thinking throughout the rest of the episode! She really wants to keep her parents!
Regina’s Redemption - Another small, yet big sign of Regina’s redemption is Regina apologizing for insinuating that Emma shouldn’t have rescued Neal right to Rumple’s face. Good job!!!
Killian’s Redemption - If my arch enemy called me a “cowardly pirate,” I wouldn’t smile. I’d gut him. I’m gonna give Killian points for being better than me in that regard!
Rumple’s Redemption - Rumple’s redemption is handled so well here! He’s still an asshole, almost charging David for the Dreamshade cure, but he’s really cooperating with the group because he knows he’s the center of a lot of bad blood. He’s trying to earn their trust because he knows Henry’s life means more than him being the top dog. And seeing him overcome his internal issues with Pan only to still lose hurts so much as a result!
Favorite Dynamic
The Nevengers and Rumple. Oh My Stars! The group teamup against Rumple was dramatic in the best way EVER. Just...everyone slowly making these points against Rumple as he weakly tries to throw a case for himself together was dramatic, tense, and incredible. All of Rumple’s bad karma comes to a head at the worst possible time and it is GLORIOUS! And the tense peace they reach is just as great! All of that distrust still remains, threatening to shake things up going forward. ”You life so much as a finger to perform magic, you’re gonna spend eternity in this box.” YESSS, Neal! And eventually, Rumple’s honorable decisions are recognized by Emma, Neal, and Regina!
David Goodman and Robert Hull are today’s writers and after their stellar start this season with “Nasty Habits,” I had high hopes for them. And they did a fantastic job here! Everything comes together very naturally, the dialogue is super en pointe, and the pacing for the packed story is just amazing!
Golden Apple. What an awesome episode. It’s a great rush seeing the final pieces come together for the grand Neverland rescue, seeing everyone work together as a team and sniping at each other while cooperating, and getting a great and comprehensive flashback at the same time! Also, everyone feels really intelligent and earnest to who they are and want to be, making this episode feel more real. It’s honestly such a great time watching it!
Thank you for reading and sorry again for the smaller review. I got caught up by my backlog after coming home from the con and losing two of my review days, so it looks like you’ll probably be getting four reviews next week. Still, I promise I’ll make something a lot better for next time to redeem myself! In the meantime, I really appreciate your patience with me! <3
Also, thanks as always to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales for putting this project together!
Season 3 Total (76/220)
Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (19/60) Kalinda Vazquez (17/40) Andrew Chambliss (17/50) Jane Espenson (10/30) David Goodman (20/40) Robert Hull (20/40) Christine Boylan (10/20) Daniel Thomsen (10/30)
Operation Rewatch Archives
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New Moon of the Dark Kingdom Chapter Hundred and Twenty Six - Metalia’s Inferno
Zoisite and Kunzite have found true love, but when some old friends, a vengeful god, and a pair of evil twins are gunning for the Shitennou all at once, life is not going to be easy
[Scene: Metalia's underworld hideaway.]
Metalia: You have some fortifications you wanted to show me, Kunzite?
Kunzite: We tried to plan for every possible contingency. This position should be completely impervious to outside attack, while allowing freedom of movement to you and those who are in your trusted inner circle.
Metalia: Sounds flawed already.
[Kunzite spreads out the blueprints, and they others gather around, with Zoi hanging back nervously and chewing his finger.]
[The blueprint shows a series of concentric spheres, with a path leading to the middle. Kunzite points the center.]
Kunzite: The defenses we've drawn up are already in place. Here we are at the core. This is where we will stay, you and your trusted Shitennou. Everything will be as it is right now, and nobody can throw any spell that will allow them detect this location.
[waves his hands over the entire map.]
Kunzite: This entire region, outside the core, is a magic deadzone. No spells can be cast there, and the dimensional matter of this area is too dense for levitation or teleportation.
[Kunzite points to the outer rim inside the deadzone.]
Kunzite: Stationed at the perimeter outside the single access point are dozens of armed human guards with the latest assault weapons. They have been given photos of the Impossible Children, and are ordered to kill them on sight. Nobody else is allowed past them without proper identification. They do not know what they are guarding, only that all their lives are forfeit if they allow entry to anyone who is not authorized to be in here.
[Traces his finger down the pathway to a barrier.]
Kunzite: Beyond them is a six foot thick steel wall. The only way in is through a vault door. The door can only be opened by simultaneously activating a retina scanner, a voice scanner, and a recessed keypad with a fingerprint scanner to enter an access code, uniquely keyed only to those Highest Ranking members of the Dark Kingdom who took the Eternal Oath of Obedience, so that their loyalty is beyond question: namely Thetis, the DD Girls, the great youma and the Shitennou-
Metalia: Excluding the monkey, I hope.
Kunzite: Excluding Zoisite, of course.
Metalia: And if these two little retrobates can shapeshift? And figure out a passcode through telepathy?
Kunzite: I'd already thought of that. These two travel in pairs. The vault door will allow exactly one person through, until the corridor beyond is cleared. If a second person tries to force their way in , it will lower a barrier releasing hundreds of half starved hyenas, [points to the next circle] as well as activate random fire, ice, and exploding traps in the ring beyond it, turning this entire one mile radius into a no-man's land.
Metalia: And if they come through one at a time?
Kunzite: [points to the only exit tunnel] Then we kill whichever one of them steps through that archway first. Like I said, they travel as a pair. This is by necessity. Unless they pool their energy, their power levels are relatively substandard. Hardly above greater Youma level.
Metalia: And we know nothing of their origins?
Kunzite: Not a thing.
Metalia: I want to see what these two look like!
Kunzite: Of course... Jadeite?
[Jeddy waves his hand a holograms of the Heltry twins appear, morphing to all their known haircolors.]
Zoi: [blushing a bit] Oh, my!
[The others turn to stare at him, especially Kunzite.]
Zoi: When you said these were eleven year old children, I wasn't expecting to see anyone so big, strong, and handsome!
Kunzite: [sneers] You find the boy attractive, do you?
Zoi: [blinks innocently] What? I only like him because he looks like you.
[Jadeite and the servant youma look back and forth between Dev and Kunzite in amused befuddlement.]
Kunzite: [in a rare temper] He doesn't look ANYTHING like me!
Zoi: Well yeah... only because you are a dusky seven foot tall studmuffin, and he's still a child, but you do have similar features.
Kunzite: And what features might those be?
Zoi: [sheepish curls a lock around his finger and grins as his blush deepens] Same sexy nose, same smoldering blue eyes, same roguish smile, same kingly build and bearing-
Kunzite: If the boy looks JUST like me, the girl looks EXACTLY like you!
Zoi: [goes pale and releases the lock of hair] What? How can you say that?
Kunzite: Same nymph-long hair! Same willowy build! Same sultry bedroom eyes! Same plump little apple cheeks! Same soft, kissable mouth!
[Jadeite and the youma hide their amused smiles behind their hands]
Zoi: [balling his fists near tears] How dare you!
Kunzite: [grins wolfishly] You dared first.
Zoi: She doesn't look anything like me! Her hair is all limp and stringy...her eyes are mud brown...and she's A GIRL!
Metalia: [nods to Beryl] Thank you for that shameless bit of sycophantry.
[Beryl bows]
Beryl: What do you think of the plans we've drawn up, Mother?
Metalia: I suppose they will do-
Beryl: Thank you, Mother-
Metalia: With some major modifications.
Beryl: Oh?
Metalia: Replace the hyenas with the youma.
Beryl: [going pale] But mother. The whole reason we selected hyenas is because they are relentless predators that can't be manipulated or reasoned with-
Metalia: I don't care. I don't like canines. They are smelly and they leave a mess. I will not have my sacred retreat surrounded with dogshit. Replace them with youma. All the youma! I will sleep better knowing my entire army of puppets is stationed between me and the enemy.
Beryl: Yes, Mother. I will have Thetis gather up all the youma and give them their new orders.
[Thetis raises her eyebrows at Beryl from across the room. Beryl gives her a solemn nod and she teleports away.]
Jeddy: But if the youma are patrolling in a magic free zone, there will be nobody left on the outside to hunt these children.
Metalia: YOU should be out hunting these children! The Shitennou! You and Beryl and Kunzite and Nephrite, and even the monkey! You mentioned that you will cowering in here with me! I don't want that! I want you on the outside! Spending every waking moment to tracking down and killing these two youngsters so that this matter can be over and done with!
Jeddy: We've tried, Mother. If they are still in this dimension they have cloaked themselves-
Metalia: Then try harder! Aren't you good for anything but hiding?
Kunzite: Mother. We wouldn't be here to hide. We would be here as a last line of defense. As an elite guard, to watch the tunnel, to make sure nothing slips through.
Metalia: If I need you, I'll summon you. I assume, as the strongest deity in the Universe, I still have that power. Even surrounded by miles of magical deadzone.
Kunzite: [bows low] Mother, upon my honor, I will not leave you undefended. Allow me to remained sealed away with you. Until this threat is resolved.
Metalia: I hope you are not planning on bringing your pet monkey. [stares at Zoi]
Kunzite: Of course not, Mother. It will be just be the two of us.
Metalia: Well...ok. So long as it is just the two of us.
Kunzite: [kneels low] Yes, Mother. Thank you for doing me this honor. I just need to go home to gather some things. [walks by Zoi, pulling him along almost as an afterthought, but pulls Zoi close to his side. Zoi sighs happily and leans against him. Metalia gives them an evil stare]
Beryl: Hold up, Kunzite.
[Kunzite and Zoi turn.]
Beryl: [To Metalia] I must confer with Kunzite before he leaves. We will need to disable the vault temporarily, to replace the dogs with youma, once Thetis has gathered them up and given them their orders. But that can only be done from the inside-
[A familiar purple portal opens up right in front of Metalia. And everyone screams in shock as a dark haired youma girl with soulless eyes steps through.]
Metalia: I thought you said the defenses were in place!
[The girl bows so low her forehead almost touches the floor]
Youma: My Queen.
Metalia: You're not one of my youma! How did you get in here!
Youma: My name is Bree. I've come to deliver a message.
Metalia: From who! Who sent you here!
Bree: You did, My Queen. I come bearing a message from the future.
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Half Blood
(Part 10)
A dagger hit the tip of her ear and embedded itself in the outer paneling of a house with a twang. She turned, half expecting Haytham to have changed his mind and kill her himself, but found the leering, mad, green eyes of Alistair. He grinned.
Blood trickled down her neck, but she wouldn’t shrug it off. Alistair gave her a warning shot for a reason.
“What do you want to discuss?” She disengaged her hidden blades and crossed her arms. Alistair grabbed a dagger from his shoulder and twirled it between his fingers while he spoke.
“Who says I want to talk?”
“We both know you could’ve killed me just now, but you didn’t. What. Do. You. Want?”
Alistair chuckled, giving her his best puppy eyes. “You caught me. I do want something.” He grew serious, and placed his blade back. The madness momentarily left his eyes and he looked like the old Alistair again. “I need your help.”
But she couldn’t fall for it
The madness returned and he smirked. “You didn’t even hear my proposal!”
“Death follows you around. I want no part of it.”
“You’re right, I’m a terrible person and I should leave you alone. How about this? I will, if you help me.”
“Oh, I have to sweeten the pot, do I? How about I give you your freedom in exchange for this one, tiny, little favor.“
“Alistair, we both know you have no authority to do that. Leave me alone, or I’ll have to make you.”
But he didn’t take her threat seriously. Instead, he placed a finger on his chin, and thought aloud, “I could turn myself in and get those stuffy, old Assassins off your back. You get to return to your throne and Altaïr’s bloodline will continue, everyone wins!”
“And all I have to do is give you the Apple?” She raised a brow. He couldn’t be serious! There was no way Alistair was close to the Apple, so that was good. If left her time to find it herself. He must’ve been desperate to turn to her. Desperate Alistair was dangerous, but she could manipulate him. She just had to play it smart.
“How do you even know if I can find the Apple?”
“You’re a descendant of the Great Altaïr! How can you not!” Alistair threw his hands up and exclaimed. Taken aback by his outburst, he sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose, trying to compose himself. In a much more cheerful tone, he said, “I know you can do it. That’s what they were training you for, right? You and your siblings, spread around the world in search of the Pieces of Eden. I just need you to do what you were trained to do.”
“And give you the Apple?” She scoffed. “Just try to kill me already.” She released her blades, but he took the dagger strap off his shoulder and left it on the ground. He then took off his hidden blades, and raised his arms.
“Kill me if you wish, but I’m your best bet to freedom.“
“I’m not giving you the Apple, Alistair!”
“Fine!” His eyes looked a bit more evil, if that was at all possible. “Then let’s do this. Either you get me the Apple, or I start killing people. Starting with that Native you’ve been hanging around with.”
“You leave him out of this. This is about our people and our problems.”
“They’re about to be Connor’s problems too. Haytham has allowed me free reign of the Colonies, and he’s not too keen on his son right now.” She knew it! (Y/N) tried not to let the anger show, but she couldn’t help it. Alistair saw it and laughed.
“I know, I know. I’ve been a bad boy.”
“You almost got your partner killed yesterday. How do you feel about that?”
“The same with everything else, I feel nothing. That’s your weakness. Get me that Apple, or I will tear through your friends quickly, with innocents are after that. All that blood is on your hands. Get. Me. That. Apple.”
“Connor can handle himself against you.”
“Sure, against me he can. But how many Assassins can he take down, do you think? He was always so emotional. I honestly don’t see what you see in him. Maybe when I cut him open, I’ll find it.”
“If you harm him-”
“Yeah yeah, you’ll kill me. I’m shaking. Listen, I’m willing to pay respect, but the others? Well, their mad at what you’ve done to our people, leaving like that. I can’t control them. Just get me that Apple, and we’ll leave. Come on, (Y/N), we both know the Apple isn’t even the strongest Piece.”
“Then why do you want it!?”
“Are you seriously going to let people die because you just don’t want me to have it?!”
Their voices echoed, and she looked around. The streets were winding down after the day, families were having dinner and getting ready for bed, and this was not the best place for Alistair to lose his temper.
“I’ll try.” She said.
“What?” He sneered.
“I’ll try, ok? But you don’t touch Connor, none of your people do, and no one dies. Understood?”
“I’ll do my best.”
“No Alistair, give me your word.” She growled, and he sighed, bending over to retrieve his things as their conversation was done.
“Fine. You have my word that no one will touch your precious Connor and no one will die.” He extended a hand. “Now your word.”
Standing strong and true, she walked over to him and took his hand in a strong shake. He pulled her close to him, his eyes flashed, and his breath touched her face. Panic took her for a moment. This is it, she thought, expecting to feel the cool touch of steel and hot pain in her stomach. Instead, he smiled and said.
“Just like old times, partner.”
Months passed.
Rumors told of a weapon on the battlefield. A few drinks in some tired soldiers combined with time got her this information, and she was off the Virginia. Soldiers heard tell of this object, some calling it a trinket while others were calling it a dream, that the generals had found in battle. No one knew where it came from or where it went, but one person swore on their mother’s life that it could be found in Virginia.
“Washington snatched it up, he did.” The man slurred.
“And how would you know about the goings ons in the General’s tent?” Another said.
“He’s just looking for attention.” Said another, and they drank. (Y/N) retreated into the night, having what she needed.
Working with Alistair was easy, it was something she’d done her whole life and something she didn’t like being comfortable with. He allowed her space and privacy to work, he gave her any information he acquired, and he even stopped killing people to get on her good side.
Washington rode into the forest, checking over his shoulder every few feet. He wouldn’t see her, she thought as she leapt branch from branch, keeping up with him. Thank you, Connor. Washington entered into a clearing, and leapt off his horse. Whoever he was selling to would be dangerous, there could be henchmen she couldn’t see, and there could very well be a fight to the death. She undid her blades and watched.
Washington was too far away for her to hear his exact words, but she could hear his voice. He was frightened, and his body tensed. He reached into his coat with unsteady hands, and withdrew a rag in his palm. The object underneath was circular, and she could already see a warm, golden glow radiating from it. Her eyes found the buyer and her body tensed to leap.
Did that outfit look familiar?
And when did his hair grow back?
Connor extended a hand, and Washington looked between it and the Apple.
“Connor, no!” She leapt from her place in the trees. Connor whirled to look at her, confused, and Washington looked spooked. He dropped the Apple, Connor’s hand was still outstretched, and she was close to them. She could see the brown of his eyes, and the way his briefly smiled when he saw it was her. That smile fell when he saw the fear on her face, and he looked at the Apple.
Then everything went black.
“(Y/N).” The voice was distant and her vision was blurry as she came too. “(Y/N)?” The voice was concerned.
When her vision cleared, though it was still shakey, she could see the ceiling, it was brown and falling apart. The smell of smoke and dust infiltrated her nose, and green eyes peered down at her.
“Habibi, are you ok?” Alistair asked.
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narrators-journal · 4 years
into wonderland part 5
      So, I’m gonna try to post every Monday, also Like I always say, all of this is prone to massive changes.
    At some point, Luna must've passed out in her bed, because she woke up suddenly to her brother knocking on her door,     "Luna! Wake up before you miss dinner," he called through the door, making the girl groan but get up nonetheless. It had been a while since she'd eaten, morning at least, which was...she looked at the clock beside her bed, seeing it was now 10:00 pm, meaning she hadn't eaten since 7:00 am at most. Good god, has it really been only a day since I met Bacchus? she thought as she stood and stretched, letting her ratty black hair fall behind her.     With a yawn, she went downstairs, following the sounds of her twin's laughter and Bacchus speaking until she wandered into the large, warmly lit dining room where her twin sat, his ebony hair perfectly kept and soft looking, his green eyes shining with a sort of joy Luna envied, but his smile when he saw his older twin was the same annoying little brother smirk he gave her when they were younger and she'd caught him reading her diary, which instantly annoyed her.     Despite that, she sat beside her sibling, letting him throw a tan arm around her without showing the annoyance that doubled when she noticed how unhealthily pale she seemed in comparison to her little brother. Of course, she couldn't completely blame her brother for her being as pale as a porcelain doll and him being as tan as a farm boy, she had a habit of falling into a nocturnal sleep cycle, and even when she was awake during the day, she disliked going out into the sun too much, so she only had herself to blame for her vampiric skin tone. Of course, she couldn't linger on that thought, because Bacchus was offering her a plate of food.     "So, Luna, have you met your Guardian yet?" the yellow-green eyed man asked, his snake eyes drilling into the ebony haired girl until she finally gave a reluctant answer,     "Yeah, I met him a bit after Lucy asked, he's kind of...a douche." she said, making the silver-haired man snort,     "he's a douche?"     "yeah, a bit. He seems sort of condescending? He made me feel stupid for asking him questions," she huffed, remember the dismissive way her partner had spoken to her earlier that day,     "well, can you bring him out? See if you can just wish him into being,"  Bacchus instructed, and despite her doubting his help, Luna tried it. Hey dude, make yourself known please. she thought, opening one of her emerald eyes a moment later to see no  blonde with brown eyes sitting with Nico, Lucy, and Bacchus, so she tried again, thinking the same thing with a bit more force, but yet again, no luck.     "God damn it Lepus, get your lazy ass out here!" Luna snapped, losing her temper briefly,     "Good lord are you pushy," that familiar, lazy drawl huffed, and when she looked, she saw him, his hair still a tussled mess of blonde, his eyes still a sleepy, bored brown. He was dressed in a baggy gray sweatshirt and some sweatpants decorated with cartoon rabbits.    His look didn't change when Luna glared at him, nor did any interest creep into his eyes when Bacchus leaned closer to him and looked into them,     "Who are you?" the weirdo asked, Lucy moving closer again to look over the creature,     "I'm Lepus, the march hare," he said, making Bacchus squint suspiciously,          "No, I've met the mad March hare, you're not him," the man pointed out, and at last, finally, Lepus' face changed from exhausted boredom. Now, the Guardian gave the snake-eyed man an evil look, which turned into a smirk,     "You've got me, I'm not the March hare, but I'm not telling you my real title unless you promise to tell me why you have the eyes of a snake," The Guardian challenged, and Luna found herself oddly eager for that explanation as well.    She could feel Nico leaning over beside her, his intrigue bleeding out through his skin pretty much as they watched Bacchus nod in agreement. After that, Lepus sighed, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair as if it was a chore to speak,     "Alright, I lied, I'm not the March hare, but it's a lot of work to live up to the reputation of the white rabbit," he complained, and though Luna didn't understand, and judging from the equally confused look her brother gave her, he didn't understand either. However, Bacchus looked like a child who was just told Christmas was early this year ,    "you're the white rabbit?! Really?!" he asked, Lucy moving beside him while Lepus rolled his eyes,     "See? This shit is why I lie. No one gets excited and expects me to be some super powerful demigod." he huffed, his brown eyes narrowing at Bacchus, "And just so you know, I'm not answering any of your questions until you explain why you look so weird," he added, but Bacchus didn't say anything about his eyes.  The tall, white haired man was staring off into space, a dumb smile on his face, not even reacting when the white rabbit shook him. Soon, he just gave up,     "Oh fuck you! I'm not coming back out, fucking backstabbing son of a bitch." he snapped, and before Lucy could correct him on his word choice, he'd vanished again like a ghost, leaving the 13 year old redhead to explain.     To her credit, Lucy did try to answer Luna and Nico's questions,     "Who's the white rabbit? Why is he so important?" Nico asked, barely giving the girl a moment to turn back to them before speaking, but Lucy just kept her calm as she replied,     "The white rabbit is a rare but very powerful Guardian. He's the second strongest Guardian that we know of because he can manipulate water, which, as you know, means he can manipulate up to 70% of the human body." she explained, and Nico nodded,     "Yeah, that does seem kinda scary, but does that mean he could boil someone alive?" he asked, and Lucy shrugged, which sent a shot of ice through Luna's veins,     "We don't know exactly to what extent the White Rabbit can control water, but we assume he can control temperature and pressure, if anything just to be safe." the words made both of the twins grimace, but Luna spoke again,     "so, I know this is off topic, but what makes a Guardian rare?" she asked, and it was Bacchus who spoke this time,     "Guardians in general are rare, but some are super rare, at least to us. It's determined by how often we've run into them, for instance, the Mad Hatter we've made 10 deals with, he's a very social Guardian," the odd man explained, and when he opened his hand a small, barbie-sized boy with spikey, wild red hair the color of an apple and a golfing outfit on, "others, like the Queen of hearts, we've only made 1 deal with so far, she's the rarest and most fickle to make a deal with. And to answer your question, the white rabbit has made 2 deals, so he's the second rarest Guardian we have documented," he continued, reading the twins' minds while the small doll hopped off of his hand and into Luna's mashed potatoes.     "To be honest, the Queen of hearts is a picky bitch, that's why she's so rare," the little doll chirped, staring at Luna with unblinking blue eyes. Despite her unease at being stared at, the ebony haired girl just nodded and ate around the creature. Her food had gotten cold, but she couldn't really afford to miss this meal.     As she ate, the Mad hatter, she assumed, continued to stare at her from amidst her mashed potatoes, as if he knew she still had a question burning in her gut. All around the little Guardian unnerved her, and if his grin was anything to go by, he knew, which only added to the discomfort.     After a few more moments of everyone eating and the little Guardian, dressed in his sweater vest, colorful shorts, and knee socks, staring at her with unblinking, dead, glassy blue eyes, Luna spoke again,     "Hey, Lucy, has anyone had..weird dreams after going into the Ink?" she asked, staring back at Mad hatter until he giggled and trotted back to Bacchus,        "Well," the girl hummed, "one of the survivors of the first expedition into Wonderland had nightmares, was it like that?" she asked, but didn't explain under the duo's curious looks,      "uh, no? I don't know? It was just a weird dream about a girl and some bipedal cat creature who chased me before I woke up," Luna explained, her intrigue growing when Lucy and Bacchus shared an odd, knowing and unsettled look with one another.      "Y'know, there's a guy I know, his name's Henry, he might be able to help you decipher this weird dream." Bacchus offered, out of his awe'd stupor from seeing Lepus and now was finishing his food while Mad hatter sat by his plate, and despite Luna eyeing him suspiciously, he continued, "He's sort of The Call's scribe, so I'm sure as long as you tell him your dreams, he'd be happy to help." and after a moment, Luna nodded.     Before she knew it, the young girl was being dragged along by Bacchus, who since returning to The Call, had donned a scientist's white coat that seemed like it was at least a size too big for his lean frame, nonetheless, the erratic weirdo dragged Luna along with a surprising strength. Deep down, Luna just hoped that Henry wasn't as off-putting as Bacchus could be. 
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