#just don't rly have time rn
dastardlydandelion · 2 years
wip-py snippy
“Good morning,” Chrissy greets softly, flicking the light switch.
A cheery smile graces her glossy lips with an enthusiasm Susan struggles to return, weary after a sleepless night of unpleasant dreams, tossing and turning. Well, not really much tossing, she supposes. And all of the turning was intentional, of course, mindful pressure relief to prevent sores. Albeit, since she couldn’t sleep, at some point the turning was less about necessity and more about movement for movement’s sake.
“Morning,” Susan returns, trying her best to beam anyway. It’ll be their first day really getting to know each other, she wants to make a good impression.
“Are you ready to get up?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Susan exhales, nervous flutter in her chest. It's the first time a stranger has assisted with her care since her rehab stay and the clinical setting had helped Susan compartmentalize the situation. Something about the stranger being in her bedroom makes it feel more awkward, more intimate than Susan is earnestly comfortable with as this young woman she barely knows goes about draining the urine from her night bag and switching it to a leg bag for the day.
But of course, it’s not like someone else managing her bodily fluids will ever be completely comfortable, regardless of who they are. Susan is leagues away from being mortified as she once was, nevertheless holds onto the hope that if she keeps putting in the work she’ll eventually be able to handle her bladder care independently. In the mean time, Susan glances away from Chrissy and focuses on the ceiling, reminding herself that this was her choice. She’s the one who wanted it to be a stranger. She’s the one who prodded her case worker for options, the one who wanted to draw boundaries in her personal relationships. It’ll be okay. Plenty of people have PCAs and do just fine. Susan isn’t special and Chrissy is a professional…she is a professional, right?
She’s just…so young. Not much older than Max, really. Susan tries to flush the seeds of doubt before they can sprout. It’s going to take some getting used to, that’s all. This is what she wanted but it’s still new, still a change. It takes time to adjust to changes, to new things and new realities. This is just one more change she needs to be patient with.
Susan watches Chrissy strip off her vinyl green gloves as she shifts from supine to sitting as hastily as she can. “Could you please pass me my transfer board?”
“Your wish is my command,” Chrissy says playfully, winking as she plucks the board off the wall and dutifully passes it over.
Before Susan can thank her, Max pops up like a puppet from Whac-A-Mole, eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“You haven’t needed that thing in like a month, Mom. What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“Nothing is wrong, Maxine, I’m just tired.”
“Nightmares again?” Max asks, rapid fire. “Are you okay? Do you need me to—“
“I need you to close the door,” Susan interrupts, irritable from the lack of sleep and her many fluctuating anxieties that the lack of sleep gave her all night to dwell upon. 
“No,” Max snaps, fixing Chrissy with a sharp glower. “Not until we know her better.”
“Maxine,” Susan demands, pointedly raising her voice.
She’s still the mother here, damn it, even if she can’t enforce a grounding or revoke privileges the way she used to. If she even used to, which she probably didn’t if she’s being honest with herself. Even when she had full use of all four limbs, Max was stubborn as a mule and wild as a mustang. Max was always going to do what Max wanted to do.
Max wheels on her heel with a hot snort and stalks away. Chrissy glides across the hardwood floor and quietly shuts the door after her.
“I’m sorry about that,” Susan murmurs. “She’s just protective of me. Especially now.”
“Must be hereditary,” Chrissy comments lightly.
Susan stiffens and the younger woman blanches when she sees her face, fanning her fingers and flapping them defensively.
“I’m sorry— I just. I know what happened…”
“Of course you do. It’s a small town.”
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the-gene-mile · 8 months
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rewatched the premier definitely super legally and just look at them
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cinna-bunnie · 2 months
i love black women
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fourthclone · 14 days
i got two replies out , woo . now i'm going to sleep .
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kuiinncedes · 21 days
me puttingon the filters "remote" and "data science major" on this job site from my university and just scrolling thru and applying to a ton that don't need cover letter without reading the qualifications/requirements 😀
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morayofsunshine · 3 months
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tkbrokkoli · 4 months
just had the worst hair cut experience :(
#not fandom related#personal log stardate#was rly dysphoric abt my hair so i booked an appointment online where you can basically get your hair cut immediately#booked a men's haircut. tried to be as masculine as possible when i went there. i did Not pass as a guy. they thought i was a woman#the whole time. when i wanted to pay the hairdresser was like 'you booked an appointment for a men's cut but you're a woman right?'#she asked that bc for woman the haircuts are more expensive and for men they're cheaper. like.#for a women's haircut you have to pay 20 € more lol. anyway i felt... not much tbh. i looked her in the eye and shook my head#to indicate no im not a woman and she rang me up for a men's cut#i don't feel all that much rn either it's just. looks like i don't pass. there's not much i can do.#i cant dress any more masculine my hair is short i use mens shampoo and deodorant#its probably my high voice. also im small. it might just be my ~vibe~ im a shy kinda person idk#guess i just have to wait for T to work its magic. so far nothing has rly happened#i actually had a cold and not a voice drop but i think ever since i /can/ speak a tiny bit deeper if i try#idk if my levels are good. my next appointment is in april so i just gotta be patient and wait#what's actually most bothersome abt today is that i couldn't play it cool. if this had happened to a cis guy and he would've been asked if#he's a woman he would've laughed it off or been offended and it would've been ridiculous to him. for me it was the worst come true and it#made me extremely insecure and i feel if i had just the confidence that a cis guy has it wouldn't have made me that uncomfortable and i#could've just brushed it off#anyway i gotta focus on my exams now anyway so ill just try to brush this experience off#the hairdresser wasnt even transphobic when i shook my head no im not a woman her eyes were sort of soft but calculating like she accepted#me i think but just the fact that it happened that i do Not pass that i Do have to out myself and can't just be myself w/o being questioned#hurts#also to my mutuals ive read your comments and messages i just havent had the energy to answer yet. i love you guys <3
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YAYYYY DRREAMSTUUCK HOURS!!!!! are there any specific headcanons you have that wont be explicitly included in the fic ?? things like. idk worldbuilding or little details that are so obscure that writing about them would be clunky or hard to fit nicely into plot. stuff like that etc :]
YES YES. YES I DO. okay first of all dstuck tommy is canonically trans so write that down. it's not really mentioned because wilbur straight up did not introduce the concept of gender to this kid and just called tommy he/him because he knew paradox space was going to give him a son no matter what, so when tommy learned what gender was and said "hey i'm a man >:3" wilbur was like sure ok. thog don't caare!! it is alluded to though and it will be heavily implied in my guardian wilbur oneshot that i'll prolly post sometime in the next couple months after i introduce our fourth beta player :3 (SPOILERS it's aimsey our fourth player is aimsey i feel like i've mentioned it before but yeah. fourth player aimsey :3 the session needs a knight so AIMSEY!!!)
ERET. they will not go crazy go stupid during murderstuck, they are not one of the murderers, but the concept of betrayal and redemption is very important to eret's character so they do have a backstory where they tried to hand skeppy over to the empire and get him culled. it will be mentioned!! probably will expand on it more in meteorstuck if possible, but for now it's barely there. there's SO much to include in dstuck it's insane
ponk lives in a tree because they ran away from the neighborhood they used to live in. someone got culled by some drones and in a panic, ponk ran away with their lusus and disappeared into the woods, where they met sapnap!! they were two of the first ones to meet, followed by sam, bad, and skeppy. they were the original five of their group before everyone else came in!
giving u some beta kids lore rn that will be expanded on in my guardian oneshots :3 tubbo started coding things at like three years old. GENIUS KID! PRODIGY!! he can also just kind of feel when other people are nearby? schlatt never caught him awake at night because tubbo without even hearing him would hide his book or device under his pillow when schlatt is just THINKING of checking on the kid. insane. ranboo is constantly aware of the space around him. try to trip him?? he's hopping over your foot without even realizing it. throw something at him?? he's dodging or catching it without looking up. because of this he has near perfect aim. would KILL IT in baseball!!! also would make a great marksman! unfortunately his weapon of choice is a sword, but he'll get really good with that as well and may even throw his blades in a strife. always hits his targets. tommy can keep perfect time without a metronome. knows exactly what time it is without looking. knows exactly how much time has passed since something happened last, down to the second. would make a wonderful dancer for the way he keeps time, but wants to be like his bro and become a musician!! kind of unnerving when he says "it's 1:32 pm" without even looking up from his keyboard when wilbur asks what time it is. aimsey. kind of a terrifying kid to raise! there one second and gone the next. shadows are their friend. constantly disappearing somewhere, not like they're invisible, but like they're just. completely unnoticeable until they speak. your gaze just sweeps right over them, thinking they're another shadow in the corner. kristen wakes up in the middle of the night thinking no one is in her room and then aimsey says "grandma i frew up" suddenly standing at the end of her bed. it's a got damn wonder that kid didn't give her a heart attack before the game
OOH another very little thing. ranboosprite? from the doomed timeline? not dead. :3 they'll be back :3 hehehehehehe
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soaptaculart · 1 year
C-could I get more more of my boy Sebastian pretty please? 🥺👉👈
You will in the future anon I pinkie promise... you may have to wait 4-6 months tho I have a postgrad to finish 😔🤙
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cinna-bunnie · 7 months
talking about not being loved on back as a top and being unwanted and unloved as children on tumblr's hitting too close to home this morning (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
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furby-organist · 2 years
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> “Happy Halloween, Pentagram City!”
> “I have a treat AND a trick for you all! For the next few hours, I’ll be broadcasting my location --hints only!-- and leading you all on a scavenger hunt through the city! The first person to catch me at each checkpoint gets a treat! That is, if you can catch me at all!”
[He’ll stay at each location long enough for someone to find him, toss candy their way, and then teleport to the next place before he can be apprehended! And then he’ll give a hint about the next place he’s at, and so on. The game ends when he’s tired of playing it lol]
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wildermouse · 1 year
vent iii.
#yeah i could just make a 'read more' post but tags are better for me#more hiding#anyway#i have this problem where my sister is probably moving out next year but she can't rly do that without me bc her dog has issues#and i would have to take him out and feed all the animals while she's at work during the day bc nobody else can#but even with that being taken into account she would still charge me over double what i'm paying now for rent and i cannot afford that#and she says i'd have to get a job too but excuse me how am i supposed to work when i also have to be home to look after your animals??#barn job would be nice bc short hours but it also wouldn't be enough to pay what she'd charge me#so i'm screwed there#anyway i WISH i could make enough money to live on my own but i CAN'T#ik i probably sound very lazy and spoiled and i get that i am definitely priviliged to get to live at home for cheap rent#but it also fucks with my mental health so bad living here. and i want to live on my own but it's just not an option rn#i have dreams and they're such basic sad dreams that i still don't think i'll ever accomplish#like i want to live in my own small travel trailer. that's all. my own space. or a tiny falling apart cabin that i can fix up#that's all i want and it seems impossible for me#i'm not built to live in this world. my body and mind cannot take it. i have tried. i've tried so hard#honestly if i had to work full time again i don't think i'd actually be able to stay alive to benefit from it. it would burn me out too bad#there's no win for me#i'm still trying to figure something out but i'm honestly not hopefull at all
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kuiinncedes · 1 month
what do u meannnnnnn i'm abt to be post college graduation 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
#apparnelty some family friends coming to my graudation#bc ig i'm the first in the generation to graduate or whatever the fuck#and like whatever that's fine but ffs i wish they would've come to my show instead#that i co directed and literally love sos o so oso sosososoososooo much#so so so proud of that#i don't give a shit abt my graduation tbh lmfao TT#so it lowkey doesn't mean much to me that they want to come to my graduation ;-;#it would've meant so fucking much if i knew they would be able to come#and want to see that and i could like suggest hey instead come see this show LMAO#like it probably wouldn't have happened but whatever#also just like i have like no motivation and no interest in stats at this point lmfao#ALSO bc these ppl all gonna be fucking talking abotu and asking abt what i'm doing after#I DON'T KNOWWWWW what i'm fucking doingggggggg#i alr get enough talk from my mom abt how i'm not applying to enough jobs#i dont need family friends to also be asking me and my answer just being ha idk#i'm fucking staying at college tho like on campus bc i'm a fucking loser and don't want to move on#like not rly. i'm kinda trying to see it as like#the alternative would've been me at home being a loser lol#and that would've been so annoying and even if this isn't the 'right' thing to do or most traditional#at least i'm choosing to do it ig#and i get to stay in this club w my bestestestestest friends for another yr#idc if i'm like not moving on when i should LOL too bad for me that's a future problem#and also kinda figure out this weird right after college time period w my friend who i'm rooming with#ok. slay that was. acool turnaround from me lmfao just . yeah ok that's the positive side ig lmao#anyway i also dont give a shit about graduation bc i hate my university rn lmfao :) and the world is burning down#jeanne talks#i am . procrastinating#imagine knowing what the fuck i learned in this class this whole semester#ugh literally two group projects to end on and two of the most boring annoying group project experiences i've had LMAO
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coolspacequips · 2 years
I don't need the new pkm game I'm not interested
*sees the character creator*
I'm..... N-not interested.......
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gopissbepis · 1 year
I think I might hate my boyfriend.....
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tkbrokkoli · 1 year
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