#just a little au I wrote for Mae but thought I’d share it
piebingo · 6 months
There’s this myth that when you knit a hair in a piece you are making, you’ll bind your soul to the receiver of the knit. Or something like that.
Wilmon AU where 15 y/o prince Wille learns to knit, curled over various projects, hair falling down in his eyes and wrists hurting from the repetitive motion. But he hates what he makes, so he gives it anonymously to a thrift shop (while he thinks it's bad he doesn't have it in himself to throw it out). Days later one Simon Eriksson, who is visiting Stockholm, buys this stripped beanie at the thrift shop because he lost his on the trip and he's cold. He wears it the rest of the trip, and starting from there he starts having weird dreams of this boy. The more they happen, the more he thinks the boy is real but he can't say anything to anyone because saying you communicate with someone else in your dreams doesn't sound very sane. He has no idea who the boy is but slowly and surely, as the months pass, he starts falling for this boy.
Fall arrive and a video of Prince Wilhelm headbutting a guy in a club makes its round on the internet. He is transfered to Hillerska, where he sees someone familiar sing a song to him on his first day. He doesn't know the boy with the pretty curls but he can't shake the feeling that he knows him inside and out.
Simon gets to know this Wille boy who's nothing like he would have imagined the younger prince to be. He's kind and funny and listens to him so intently. But Simon can't shake the feeling that it feels like he's known Wille for longer then a few weeks. He swears Wille knows some specific things about him that he hasn't told the other boy, and vice-versa.
They're both falling for each other, but Simon's heart is still stuck on that boy in his dream. A boy who hasn't come back in quite a few weeks. Wille, too, feels lonely now that his nights are quieter, that the boy in his dream disappeared, but he has Simon in his life now, making the pain lesser. Maybe the headbutting shook his head a bit too much and made the boy disappear. Slowly but surely, they both stop thinking about the boy in their dream, discovering this other boy that seem much more real.
One day, Simon arrives to school with a beanie on, one with stripes that looks oddly familiar to Wille. He walks to the lake with Simon, unable to stop looking away from that knitted beanie. Until it hits him: he made that beanie. He asks Simon where he got it, the other boy telling him that he bought it in a thrift shop in Stockholm last year. Wille tells him that he's the one who made it. That's when they both realize that the boy from their dream was one another, and that those dreams disappeared because their souls finally got reunited.
And they lived happily ever after and all that jazz ❣️
If you wanna take that idea and write it 👀 i wouldn’t mind reading it👀 let me know👀
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durotoswrites · 3 years
For the writing meme thingy: 🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write? 🍑 do you/would you write smut? 📒 any fics planned?
🍄 How do you get yourself in the mood to write?
Getting in the mood to write and actually wanting to sit down and start writing are two very different things, but they're connected, so I'll explain both.
To set into “creative mode” it helps me to do these things:
Listen to music that makes me think of a character/situation in my story/stories. I've got playlists separated by character and pairing. Sometimes I also just work on curating those playlists for fun and get my brain going.
Bounce overall ideas off of my friends and husband/editor (but he's my best friend, too 💗)
Reread old chapters or recent ones and future snippets based on what I want to do.
Once I actually want to put words down, I get a little more strict with myself. I get distracted verrrry easily sometimes and I have to fight the urge to open a million more tabs when researching a small detail.
I move to instrumental music (I have playlists for different moods like “emotional”, “soft”, “sad”, etc. I usually listen to “soft” as a general soothing background sound, as I can get pretty dang emotional when I write, especially with the stuff I've been churning out lately.
So, yeah, I need tissues within reach if I get upset. (Wow, I'm not making this sound fun at all, lmao)
After sound has been established, I like to eat a snack (something with protein) because I can be under for hours, lol. Eat it and finish it. Otherwise, I get distracted.
I also like to have drinks available. I always have a bottle of water, but I also like having a hot cup of tea. I think it's the time of year for me to switch to cold barley tea.
I write while seated on a recliner with my feet up. I have my laptop on a lap desk and it's a pretty cozy setup.
I basically try to remove any excuse I have to get up once I start writing, because I am the worst procrastinator I know.
🍑Do you/would you write smut?
Heheh... heck yeah, I do. Waaaaay more than most people realize. Stuff I've actually posted? It's pretty limited. I posted a couple pieces (Let Me Love You and You're Like the Sunshine) a few years ago, but I've been practicing ever since. One of my planned stories literally has what I refer to as a “smut dump” in the draft where I've been experimenting with writing different moods. I like the intimate scenes to play a role in the overall plot or have it be a bonding experience.
Despite that, I do have a shameless Gray x Mary story I should just get out there that has zero plot, just two cuties in love. In my mind it's so naughty and kinky and I get flustered thinking about it (Mary is hot, okay?), but it's probably hella vanilla, lmao. I really am grateful that people have been really supportive about my writing smut despite what I usually write, and they've been so encouraging, too! I honestly feel like the smut I've posted is really stilted because I was so self-conscious about it. I don't feel like they are terrible for first attempts, but I have definitely grown more comfortable writing it.
Will The Shy Newcomer become explicit? I kinda really want it to, but I might separate the chapters for those who don't care for that content. Overall, I'd like to write more and post more, and I want to write more than just male x female smut as well. I have some of those in my planned pieces (more about them later).
📒 Any Fics Planned?
Firstly, I'm super tickled more than one person was interested in this. I copied the answer I wrote earlier.
Short answer: Yes. I also plan to bring more of my stories over from ffn to Ao3.
Long answer under the cut, heheh. I rambled quite a bit.
Ask me about my writing processes and stories!
I have so many WIPs that haven’t been touched in years that I’d like to finish, so new planned fics aren’t posted yet. Some of them have more adult themes than most of the stuff I’ve been writing, so I get flustered sharing them. I’ve been at a crossroads, as I feel that you can’t have growth without changing things up. On the other hand, I feel like a lot of my readers associate my works with a specific “wholesome” feel-good mood. It’s kinda nice to be known for something, although that might just be my ego talking, thinking that people recognize my work as a “type”.
Regardless, in the end, I feel growth is necessary.
I don’t want to leave a lot of unfinished WIPs waiting because they stress me out and I have too many of them already, so I’d like to have a bulk of my new stories with a good chunk written before I decide to post them.
Among those include:
A longfic featuring Pete’s farm in Forget-Me-Not Valley (A blend of HMDS with the FoMT plugin and AWL). It takes place in the same universe as The Shy Newcomer (Claire in Mineral Town) and there are a few overlapping moments, although Pete’s story starts first. Pete’s personality is verrry different from Claire’s, and his story was kind of supposed to be the yang to TSN’s yin. Pete’s best friends in his story are Ruby (not sure if I’m adding Tim yet), Nami, and Rock. Readers will be treated to a poorly-socialized pre-Mineral Town Cliff (if you think he was bad at the beginning of TSN, well… heh… he’s a wreck here).
Another planned unpublished story is a crossover of Harvest Moon and the movie “In This Corner of the World”, based on a manga of the same name by Fumiyo Kouno. It was written as a gift for a friend. I have the entire outline figured out and have slowly been filling it in. My friend asked for an AU where Claire and Cliff have an arranged marriage and live with his family in Akiyama, the hometown I had created for Cliff in The Shy Newcomer. I took the opportunity to expand the characters in his family. I have it written during the same time period and society as “In This Corner of the World”, but had decided to write a spreading disease as an allegory for war, but then COVID happened and some parts of it just got really hard to write. There are also a lot of sexually explicit content as Claire slowly grows and learns from her spouse that it’s okay to express what she wants despite sex being a taboo issue. If there’s enough interest in the story, I’ll post it, but I worry it’s a little too niche for there to be many people into it.
Pastor Carter and Doctor Trent are one of my favorite rare pair ships. I’ve had a partial draft for a story about them for a few years now, especially focusing on Trent growing up and acknowledging that he has an unhealthy addiction for things that he knows he can’t have. There are some more adult/sexual themes in this piece, too, including the main character lusting after a married woman (who also happens to be his patient) and some lemons. (Does anyone call it that anymore or is it just referred to as “smut” nowadays? Haha) I always feel so bad for neglecting the folks at the clinic in-game and wanted to write a piece that focused more on them, Trent specifically. It’s a multi-chap fic, but I don’t think I’m going to let it get as long as some of my other pieces.
I also really want to write a short romantic oneshot for every marriage candidate in Mineral Town, around 1,000 words each. So far, I have one for Cliff and one for Gray. I want to write Claire with everyone, because I think it would be fun to explore all the different personalities.
I have more installments planned for A Single Day, including a day in the life of the following characters, all with drafts in varying degrees of progress:
Nora (yes, I’m writing from the point of view of the cat living at the inn)
More to come – I think Lillia and Thomas would be especially interesting to explore
I do still have that Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask piece I’ve been pondering where Link befriends the soul of the deku scrub child while possessed by the mask. I don’t have much written about it, but I really love the world of Majora’s Mask. Such a fun game.
I also think about the lead carpenter’s son in Ocarina of Time and that weird side quest involving the blue chicken and the son being lost to the forest. Then that unique-looking kokiri girl explaining that all who get taken in the lost woods become stalfos. Like, did the guy die? Was he sick? Did he want to die? There’s just so much going on there that would be fun to explore.
I also have played OMORI recently and have like… A LOT of feelings about it. I don’t know what I’d write, but I’m still damn impressed at how well the characters are developed in such a short game.
Other games I’ve had vague ideas about writing for include the following:
The Flame in the Flood: I’m thinking a survivalist/action story fleshing out Scout’s backstory a bit more and her thoughts as she’s traveling. I feel like she’s a very lonely person, but isn’t given the chance to really dwell on it.
Night In the Woods: I’d love to write more about Mae’s dreams and what they mean to her. She doesn’t really talk to anyone about them openly, so it’s really hard to tell her feelings about them in some regards. We know that she’s distressed about them, but I’d like to dive a little deeper. Do the nightmares end after the games does? What about Bea’s new nightmares?
Hades (Supergiant Games): I think it would be fun to write more about the events that take place before the game starts, like Zagreus’s duties in the house of Hades, and expand on the strained relationship with his father.
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TeruSae AU drabble cuz I'm the s word for mythology aus
This has been in the inbox ever since I first posted about the aus and I’m sorry it took a wile jkbkgjfg Hope you like it though!! I wrote it also while waiting for the thing gkjdfbg
There were some mentioned so
The god of music belongs to @polar-star-dorks aka Emile!!
The goddess of dedication is Hanako and Rin belongs to @polar-stars!!
“You’re going to be a successful hero one day, Kuga Terunori.”
Those words were never forgotten by the younger hero. He couldn’t identify which god or goddess said that once he had successfully finished his frist quest. Certainly, even if the voice was not identifiable, he did believe that those words were unforgettable- and he wished he could know which of them said that to him that same day.
He could guess that he was favored by them, but he hated how his memories of how that voice sounded like was distorted after just a few days after. They probably didn’t want him to know either. It was rare for a human to hear the voice of them- especially that they were nothing related to a god at all. Demigods had it easy and they were allowed to remember the voices of them, maybe even remember their faces.
One day, he swore to the holy beings up above. He’d end up knowing which of them told him those words. He didn’t want to do anything bad- he only wanted to thank them. For believing in them even if people said otherwise. That he could be a successful hero just like Eishi Tsukasa. That was his dream and people told him it was impossible… and yet a divine being told him otherwise.
“Hero!” A playful yet loud whisper was heard by him.
He jumped aside before preparing his sword to fight, and he instantly placed it down once he saw the person- well, more of god- that said that. “It’s just you.” He was one of the ONLY gods and goddesses who didn’t go with the “don’t remember my appearance or voice” rule, and he was pretty thankful… sometimes.
“Just me? Oh how rude of you. I’m the main communication between you mortals and the rest of the gods.” He rolled his eyes before coughing. “Ahem. Messenger god, after all.” He coughed once again. “And you’re just a hero who is also pretty much a little runt.”
“You’re such a bastard even if you’re a damn god!” Kuga hissed, a bit irritated by the god’s comment. He was one of the more laid-back ones who loved teasing humans or fellow gods- so this caused him not to be worried of his words at all. “What do you want? I was supposed to rest before meeting Mister Smiley Hero.”
The god laughed before giving a tiny grin. “I, Kaoru, is here to drop a message from a god or goddess.”
“As always. But will you ever tell me which one?”
“Can’t.” Kaoru replied. “They told me not to say. And I go by my word.”
Kuga sheathed his sword before sighing. If he knew, he’d give even more offerings to them as a thank you. But well, he could never figure out who it was. He’s got several blessings over time, but Kaoru did say that they may have requested other holy beings to give him such. “Fine then, Red Wings.”
“How many times should I tell you to treat me with respect!” Kaoru shook his head in disappointment before placing his arm in a sack of letters. “You’re lucky that I’m in a good mood after hearing our most blessed Emile play a song before I went out to send messages to you mere humans.”
“Yeah, right, whatever. You probably won’t hurt a hero.” Kuga posed before winking. “The best hero at that.”
A tiny chuckle came out of the god before he handed out a letter to him. “Believe what you want to believe. Even if you’re one of the most known heroes, it doesn’t mean you’re the absolute best.” He began floating in mid-air before he snapped his fingers. “The God of Music and God of Dedication are not the most famous, but I do believe they’re one of the bests.”
“Maybe that’s personal bias.”
“Same goes to you calling yourself the best hero, little runt.”
‘You shit!“ Kuga growled before twitching. Yeah. Now he knew about this so-called god before, his respect for him died. "I fucking hate you.”
“I know you don’t. You’re probably just annoyed!”
“You’re a bitch.”
The messenger only laughed before vanishing into nothingness with his last words being “Don’t forget to check the letter.”
The hero slowly opened the letter and he began reading it with his eyes
“Dear Kuga Terunori,
I hope you received this letter in peace. I do know how troublesome our Messenger God can be, but please forgive him. He only wants to have some attachments to special humans like you. You’ll be having a next trial soon and I hope the other gods and goddesses will be in your favor. All I can say is, good luck and I wish you the best, young hero.”
As always, there was no information given to him about who sent it. A cocky smile appeared on his face. Of course he’d finish the trial in peace, but the fact that he was directly noticed by a god may show how truly talented he is. “Thank you to you, whichever god you are. But trust me, I’ll be able to get pass this trial like all the rest.” He spoke out loud as if the holy being could hear him from up above despite all the possibilities of other people praying to them.
But funny enough, they did hear his voice. In fact, they heard him clearly.
A goddess was holding a crystal ball with her delicate fingers and a warm smile was appearing on her face. A random flower popped out of her hair and she began giggling to herself. “Cocky, yes. But he deserves to be. He never lost a trial yet.” She quickly tapped on the ball before the face of the hero disappeared. “But he should know that each trial gets harder each time…” She placed the ball down before she took a glimpse around her room. Flower were everywhere, and some plants were growing on the walls- even a couple of rabbits went out of their hiding place once she began to look at them.
The moment she exited the room, she heard a loud gasp from a being outside. “Goddess of Nature, you finally went out the room! I thought that the God of Death may have captured you!” The being had hearts shaped pupils, and he even had a necklace with a heart locket around his neck. He was created by the Goddess of Love to be her assistant, and it was obvious by how he looked.
“You’re exaggerating. I was only there for hours.” She took a step near the matchmaker before ruffling his hair. “If I were captured by the God of Death, I’d try and choke him with thorns.”
“That’s our goddess! Beautiful and brave.” He giggled before wrapping his arms around the superior being. “But I do believe you would have to avoid contact with that hideous being. I heard he can bring people to his side.”
“I know, Dai.” She allowed the male to cling to her but she tried to reassure him. “But you don’t need to fear, I’m not planning to meet him any time soon. I also think that he won’t suddenly appear out of nowhere.”
He quickly released her before sighing dreamily. “You really know how to calm a servant like me when I’m worried, dear goddess.” A quick smirk was now on his face. “But I wonder when you’d have a child. Whether they be a god or demigod, I’d spoil them endlessly!”
A blush came across the face of the woman before she shook her head. “I’m… not interested in anyone at the moment, Dai.”
“Wrong. I sense something burning in you. It’s definitely love. I was created to make couples get together but I can’t ever pinpoint on who it is… Since your love never burns up when you’re with the other gods, it just happens when you hold your-” Dai paused before pointing at her. “-crystal ball…”
“Hm? What’s with that reaction?”
“Oh my Goddess of Nature…” His eyes widened. “Are you in love with a human?”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s totally a human! That stupid God of Sight told me something before! You only could watch your followers with that ball!” He zoomed in closer before holding both her shoulders. “Are you perhaps using such a heavenly item to watch a human, the love of your life?”
“Of course not!” She protested. “I wouldn’t use it for that. I have to see how my followers are doing. I choose to give them some blessings and request other gods to do so if I believe they deserved it. One out of many would be that human named Lyron Maes.”
“You’re in love with hero Lyron?”
“I told, I’m not in love with a human!”
“Then who do you love?!”
“No one!”
“Liar!” He shook her body. “You totally do! My senses never lie! Ask the Goddess of Love herself! Don’t make me bring in the God of Truth-”
“Admitting it?”
“Maybe I do.” She finally gave up and this caused the male to light up. “But I wouldn’t tell you.”
A frown came on the face of Dai before he dropped the formalities. “Masae! You can’t just NOT tell me once I know you do love someone! that’s like… me failing my only reason of living! I have to know!”
The goddess sighed before fiddling with her hair with her fingers. Dai was right. His sole purpose was to know about love, and making people together. He wasn’t so used to being rejected unless the humans he had to deal with were to stubborn to tell him who they loved- and this caused the romance to never happen. She didn’t want another report of him failing to the Goddess of Love to happen again.
“If I do say it, you have to keep it to yourself… and the Goddess of Love and to your magical creature friend, Rin.”
“Absolutely! I’ll inform them ahead to not share it! Romances of gods and goddess are much more private than humans, after all.” He placed his hand on his chest. “I swear, Masae. I’ll not tell anyone but them.”
“It’s… that new hero.”
“Please be more specific… I know several heroes from the north, east, west and south…”
“The hero who saved the creatures I created…” She made her voice much softer before she finally admitted the truth. “Kuga Terunori.”
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frostiifae · 6 years
Hmm Ayra/Lachesis and Celica/Lachesis.......
When did I start shipping it: Pretty much as soon as we’d recruited them both. Lachesis learned swordplay from Ayra. She probably also learned a few other things. 
My thoughts: There are a lot of good wlw ships in FE4 gen 1 but I think this one is my favorite. Ayra and Lachesis have great potential for chemistry even though they don’t interact very much in-game. I just wish they actually… y’know… did interact more. 
What makes me happy about them: Ayra and Lachesis are both kind of “alone” in the world. Lachesis especially doesn’t really have anywhere to go even after they win (if only). It’s nice to imagine them finding comfort and companionship in each other. Lachesis doesn’t have much else to live for, really. 
What makes me sad about them: Can I just say “Belhalla” and that’s good enough? 
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: Hey uh I’m a bad girl and don’t actually read a whole lot of fanfic, lol. I imagine it would be difficult to annoy me as long as you wrote the characters… y’know… in character. There are a lot of different dynamics you could write for them that’d still be really fun. 
Things I look for in fanfic: This is more of a general thing, but in fanfic I like for power dynamics to be maintained to some extent (assuming it’s an AU), and I like to see personal growth and soft fluffy intimate time in equal measure. I’ll have to go looking for ayra/lach so I can actually, like, form opinions. 
Who I would be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other: I think Lachesis can comfortably court any of the gen 1 princesses and I’d be happy with it - Ayra and Deirdre being my favorites, Ethlyn just behind them. Lachesis/Finn is cute and definitely worthy of respect. On the flip side, even though I do really adore Lachesis’ dynamic with Eldigan, I think it’s important (for obvious reasons) that they don’t end up together. Just… don’t be tempted. Don’t push for it. 
My happily ever after for them: You have to unravel the entire story of FE4 just to even give the a *chance* at a happily ever after. But… if I was being self-indulgent… Ayra and Lachesis survive Belhalla and flee to Leonster together, rehabilitate while helping Finn raise and protect Leif, and then carry Leif through Thracia before joining the battle against Loptyr in gen 2. Also: Nanna and Larcei still exist because of literal magic. Lesbians can have kids too don’t @ me. 
Who is big spoon/little spoon: I mean, you can go either way and it’s great, but I do think Lachesis is more likely to take the little spoon role than Ayra. 
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: I don’t know that they have one. They just love spending time with each other, enjoying that they have one another… enjoying the time they have, aware of how close they were to losing it. Ayra probably prefers quieter and more thoughtful moments and Lachesis probably prefers more energetic social activities. 
When did I start shipping it: Some ship choices are just spur-of-the moment for Cinders, while others are carefully selected from several options - but all of them are thoroughly analyzed and structured before I start writing. In this case, I knew I wanted to ship somebody with Lachesis but wasn’t sure who - we went through viable royalty options and Celica’s name stood out because I was playing SoV at the time. The more I watched Celica close herself off and sink into fear and despair the more potential I realized the pair had, and… well, now it’s one of my favorite ships I’ve ever written. 
My thoughts: Spoilers for Cinders I guess, but part of what I love about Celica and Lachesis is that they do really have good thematic synergy with each other - incredibly intense survivor’s guilt and a feeling of powerlessness, with subtle differences in the way it expresses - but they’re not healthy for each other. They’re a relationship that’s not only comforting in an immediate sense but also presents an opportunity to tell a story about how hard it is to make a relationship work between two critically depressed people. 
What makes me happy about them: I love the way that their strengths play off of one another. Lachesis knows how to take care of herself and can share that with Celica, which makes for good fluffiness (and a good relationship with Celica’s friends!); Celica knows how to express her feeling honestly when she really wants to, and that allows her to break through Lachesis’ aloofness and deliver some really earnest heart-to-heart moments that Lachesis would struggle to have with other characters. 
What makes me sad about them: Maybe not quite the answer you were expecting, but I LOVE that every time Celica casts Ragnarok, there’s serious potential for a Belhalla flashback and for Lachesis to panic over it. That is a wound that I don’t think ever completely heals. 
I just looked on AO3 and I don’t think there are any other works tagged celica x lachesis so this one belongs to me and therefore i’m skipping the fanfic questions lel
Who I would be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other: Lachesis has a lot of great options in her own game (as previously discussed). Celica isn’t really as lucky; I don��t think Celica really has any great options in SoV - I don’t like her with Alm, I don’t like her with Mae, you could make a case for some weird crack ships like Mathilda or Clair I guess - I think the only SoV ship I could really get behind is like… Celica/Genny. And even that is fraught with some weirdness because Genny’s age is not super clear. I just really dunno.
My happily ever after for them: Read Cinders to find out maybe! >^)
Who is big spoon/little spoon: It depends a lot on where they’re at in their own personal character growth. Right now, it depends even on who’s having a bad day. Lachesis is less likely to admit needing comfort, to be fair, so she is probably more big spoon on average.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: I think they really like being around Celica’s friends. When it’s just the two of them together, I think they like cuddling and reading. They’re very physical - not just sexually (though definitely there, too) but just because it’s very reassuring to have their partner close, and they get anxious and moody when they’re separated for very long. That’s kind of what happens when your primary fears and trauma revolve around losing your friends. 
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