#jung su yeon
whenlovetriestoleave · 2 months
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"full bloom" : eum seo yoon by park jongha for elle korea mar '24 hair by jo mi yeon, makeup by jung su yeon
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koobokjoo · 2 years
extraordinary attorney woo showing us two very different types of female friendships with long lasting loyal friend geu ra mi who knows everything about young woo bc they grew up together and grudging teammate choi su yeon who doesn’t always understand young woo but is always trying her hardest to learn more about her is so wonderful. i love how different the two friendships are and beautifully woo young woo’s affection for both women is portrayed.
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jipuragi · 2 years
Attorney Jung, seeing people do something idiotic: Oh god, what complete idiots.
Attorney Jung, after realizing it's Young Woo, Su Yeon and Min Woo: Oh no, those are my idiots.
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transpidergwen · 2 years
This episode was a rollercoaster specifically the part where you're going up for a minute and then get dropped into a nosedive
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itzanimelover08 · 2 years
did any one else look at attorney Jung and thought,
"Hey that's not an attorney mentor, trying to guide the rookies."
"THAT'S AN ATTORNEY MOM, TRYING TO RAISE 3 KIDS (2 troublemakers and an autistic genius) AND HAS MARRIAGE ISSUES"
like am i the only one to think that?
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screamsofthesilence · 3 months
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Train to Busan (2016) Directed by Yeon Sang-ho
“Good riddance. Always giving to others instead of to yourself. Why did you live like that? What was the point? What a load of crap.”
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pahintulot · 2 years
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Atty. Jung Myeong Seok is a real mentor.
I could never thank him enough for being such a reliable sunbae for all the rookie attorneys. I love how he handled this situation. He is warm hearted and a very competent professional.
I am really looking forward how the rookie attorneys would learn from him and how he, would also learn from them in return. Because I guess that's what a real mentor is--someone who is not afraid to learn from others despite the experienced they already have within them. Someone who is always still willing to be taught.
Fighting Atty. Jung!
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passionforfiction · 21 days
Queen of Tears
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This series is not perfect, but it is still good. It has a solid storyline, and great characters. Hong Hae In and Baek Hyun Woo have been married for 3 years and the love that had united them at the beginning seems to have disappeared in their distance and silence after a miscarriage that broke their hearts. When Baek Hyun Woo finally has the courage to present the divorce papers to Hong Hae In, she tells him she has a tumor and doesn't have much time left. His decision to stay with her gives them an unexpected chance at finding that love that had united them once. Family interactions between their very different families questions dynamics and help characters grow.
I like the fact that they didn't take the easy way out with our main antagonist. The story in itself is really good and I loved it, however, production was a bit careless with details that were too big to miss: Hae In's operation - how can a person with a brain tumor have a surgery with her hair intact. Or Hyun Woo's neck injury suddenly disappearing in a second, ext. These kind of details show some careless oversight. But we can forgive them - we laugh it off and keep watching to see what happens next.
I liked it and recommend it.
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hobiberrystuff · 2 years
You know what? I'm freaking obsessed with this outfit
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billornot · 1 month
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stafdash · 2 months
my hyperfixations rn
jay walker:i think where gonna have to kill this guy young-woo
woo-young-woo: danm
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whenlovetriestoleave · 2 months
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"fantasy addiction" : lee sooa by songyi yoon for marie claire korea feb '24
nails by tomoya nakagawa, makeup by jung su yeon, hair by gabe sin, styling by hyeon kukseon
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raingalaxy · 2 years
If we really get another season for extraordinary attorney woo, Minwoo better be well-developed, or I'll start a riot, no one is buying the sudden change, and I really don't want our spring sunshine to be trapped in the" I fixed the bad boy with my love" trope, I can accept a character change of heart, but you need to show me the damn growth. 
Also, he getting development doesn't mean that we need excuse his bullshit, change, grow as a person doesn't mean automatic forgiveness.
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alexiethymia · 2 years
on that confession
first, to get everything out of the way. I AM SO GLAD TO BE PROVEN WRONG. young-woo really does want to be in a relationship with him, because whose example does she follow to get him to fall in love with her (not without a lot of help from Hairy aka ra-mi's boss aka I can't believe I still don't know his name)? she copies the same actions of jun-ho that made her fall in love with him in the first place, and I just find that so sweet.
second, on min-woo. he's still on thin ice, but I love the hint of having a mentor like atty. jung can help steer people to the right path and be better than they were (although it still would have to be min-woo's choice). atty. jung makes a great point about how he didn't penalize min-woo for his actions either, which really proves that he's not giving special treatment to young-woo, but merely following his mentoring philosophy. we had so little of su-yeon, but what little we had was glorious! eat your heart out min-woo! I actually do not mind the su-yeon x hairy agenda, but the implication that young-woo may intentionally have been trying to dash min-woo's chances before he even starts is hilarious to me because it makes absolute sense. from her perspective, no way would she give up her spring sunshine to a jerk like min-woo. so again I reiterate, he better shape up soon (meanwhile it's min-woo who finally gives jun-ho the push he needed. haha irony).
third, on jun-ho. THE THIRST REMAINS REAL. you think you're so slick. he could have totally gotten that eyelash on the first try, but he just kept making an excuse to see how near he could get again. it wasn't that clear on that first watch, but I think his hands were hovering on her waist again? The thirst remains real, for jun-ho, and for me. this better not be one of those dramas where there isn't even a kiss (seriously I blame Law School and Secret Forest)! and I really love these subtle progressions in their relationship, like how jun-ho starts getting closer, and how young-woo has started letting him.
fourth, on acts of service. his confusion was adorable. his jealousy was adorable. as expected it flew over young-woo's head, but I really love how it wasn't this toxic thing. it was more like he was playacting, but ultimately he couldn't help his smile seeing her so happy. the acts of service from young-woo's end were such a big deal to me, because they show her interest. her talking about different things during lunch aside from whales, and asking about whether he likes pickled radishes show to me a willingness to want to change, to meet him in the middle so to speak. so really, the hesitation mostly came from jun-ho's side (although by the look of the next episode, young-woo might face difficulties again. I'm sure they will, but they can always handle it together).
I love the slight subversion of gender roles. From su-yeon aggressively pursuing love, to young-woo pulling out jun-ho's chair and opening doors for him. and I love that the reason jun-ho gives for wanting to be on the outside is not some rubbish excuse like 'you're a girl', but practical ones, and that when he rants, it's not because he feels emasculated or anything, but that he's just adorably confused, because he seems to me like someone who relies on acts of service, like he really wants to be doing things for the people he loves. those little actions are concrete things that he can do for her. add in that of course anyone would feel embarrassed by having the object of their affection do things for them, and I was just cheering young-woo, because you go girl! give him a taste of his adorable and confusing medicine. at least jun-ho had the benefit of knowing young-woo liked him (which she reaffirms! gosh I love our straightforward girl), while young-woo was right to be perplexed at not hearing an answer but still continuing to be treated that way by jun-ho.
and now to the confession itself. I AM DECEASED. ep 7 gave us flirty jun-ho, while ep 9 gave use Jane Austen desperately confessing jun-ho and I am all for it (he had no right to don that absolutely relieved puppy face). in ep. 7, it was night time and they were wearing opposite colored shirts (blue and red), while in ep. 9 it's daylight and they're both wearing green which shows that they're finally on the same page. I love that he confessed where they met, and after she was remembering him too ('1-2-3'). and honestly, it's no wonder that he loves her as much as he does because she is amazingly brave - from the little things to attempting the revolving door without him and going out of her comfort zone to big things like her finally doing what the letter reminded her to do, 'to be more than a competent attorney who only wins in court'.
the lead-up to the confession was also perfect. as expected, he really was thinking deeply about it. his line of 'she's not someone he can start things with the mindset that it won't last ' had two implications. one, of course, was that he was still contemplating what su-yeon said, but the other might be that his feelings had already become that serious. min-woo jokes about marriage, but notice that jun-ho didn't exactly say no or scoff at it.
besides being a bit of a romantic, I think jun-ho is the wrong genre-savvy. he's been approaching this like a kdrama (ha!) and looking for romantic cues. he keeps waiting for a grand moment. as he said, he keeps feeling he has to have some great determination, maybe because he thinks that's what young-woo deserves. but he shouldn't underestimate those small and ordinary moments either, like young-woo doing those things for him just because she likes him.
he keeps getting thrown in over his head. because young-woo keeps on reaffirming that she likes him, and keeps on being nice to him and wanting to spend time with him because she likes him. the same that he'd be doing so far when it comes to her. but it's not as if she's demanding an answer. and knowing young-woo, even if by chance her feelings happened not to have been requited, I don't think she would treat jun-ho drastically different.
so ultimately, it's about jun-ho. what he wants. and just as with su-yeon, despite all of the concerns he's thinking about, he exclaims passionately that his feelings aren't temporary, that he wants this to last.
and in the quiet, he has his answer. no matter what happens in the future, he knows that in the now, he just wants to be with her. with no grand gestures, he just runs to her in home clothes, just wanting to bare out his soul to her immediately, and he looks so, so relieved when he finally does.
(and despite him being on thin ice, I love that it was min-woo who simplified things for him. to add, I know it was the production team who decided it, and it's supposed to be his hair was windswept after running all the way there, but it's also mildly funny for me thinking that despite his rush, he had enough time to fix his hair before he met to confess to his crush haha)
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heroichi-san · 2 years
I would like to refuse the recent development on the status of Atty. Jung Myeong-seok's health. JKASAFLDSCJSBVKSBLJGA You can't do this to meeeeeee! Call me overly passionate but I love him and you can't kill him. You can't look at him and tell me he deserves to die.
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Your Honour, I'm inlove and I can't go back.
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ruksarcreations · 2 years
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Minwoo & Suyeon ● "Why aren’t you denying it..? ..Do you really like me?”
Source: Extraordinary Attorney Woo/Netflix
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