#juliana x aemond
shadowglens · 2 years
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i was tagged by @denerims to make some oc couples in this picrew, ty emily xx tagging @fenharel, @solasan , @arklay , @aartyom , @girlbosselrond , @chuckhansen , @swordcoasts , @marivenah & you!
amalice & daeran • saella & royce • juliana & aemond • bryna & aeryn
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shadowglens · 2 years
💥🌙🌱💗💖 for both saella and juliana please >:3
oc emoji asks
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
saella - as a young girl, saella’s anger and fire often got the better of her, and she was, in that regard and many others, her mother’s daughter. she learnt to temper herself a lot as she got older though with help from her father, and as a woman there’s little that can overwhelm or shake saella. strong feelings of sadness, such as grief or betrayal, are probably the worst for her though, even if she will rarely (if ever) show such weakness around others. it says a lot that she openly wept over her husband’s corpse in dragonstone, despite the many witnesses.
juliana - it’s not quite an emotion, but juliana has always struggled with intimacy, on all levels. she struggles to bare herself raw like that, struggles to not simply revert to her childhood coping mechanisms and hide within herself where no one can touch her. unlike her mother, juliana is well accustomed to dealing with sadness and loneliness, and doesn’t do well when either are threatened. also, anger is such a foreign thing for juliana that whenever she’s truly furious it boils out and overwhelms even herself. she is almost a direct mirror of saella when it comes to her emotions, but neither ever truly realises it.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
saella - for her house to be prosperous and powerful and legendary. for her direct family to be safe and secure in their strength. saella has only ever wanted the best for her family, even if those wishes were often poisoned by her equally-large ambition to see the targaryen dynasty of westeros continue for generations after her. it’s why she was initially so furious to be betrothed to royce, because she would not be able to bear children with the targaryen name.
juliana - to be valued and safe and powerful. juliana inherited her mother’s ambitious nature but it’s always faced inwardly for her - she wants to be respected and feared and loved by the people, wants to be more than just a lord’s second child and daughter, wants to be more than a pawn used by her parents to solidify bloodlines. juliana is quiet with her ambition, and many wouldn’t even notice she is so ambitious with how she presents herself as a meek and melancholic girl, but it’s definitely there.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
saella - growing up on dragonstone with her brothers and father and the dragons. she remembers sneaking to the dragonmount with daemon and returning home in the late hours of the night soot-stained and filled with adrenaline and laughter. she remembers viserys beside her in bed with a book spread between them long after baelon had bid them all goodnight. she remembers sitting on her father’s knee as he held grand feasts and dinners in the castle’s main hall. she remembers learning how to be a lady of the court from her grandmother alysanne. she remembers the day she claimed silverwing at the age of eleven, and the sound of her father and brothers cheering from the castle balcony as she flew by.
juliana - most of her strongest childhood memories are from the times she and her family spent in and around storms end. she remembers the journeys there from kings landing and the way she would sometimes sit tucked in front of royce on his huge beast of a stallion while aeryn was allowed to fly with their mother on silverwing. she remembers running in the long grass along the cliffside with aeryn, the two of them screaming and shouting and letting it get lost in the wind. she remembers watching the waves crash against the shore far, far below, and watching birds nest against the rocks. she also remembers being relentlessly teased and mocked by her cousins, remembers being shoved in the mud or accidentally left behind in town, but those memories are far less fond.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
saella - she is a master of her own emotions, especially around others, and so it wouldn’t be too noticeable if she did have a crush. in all honesty though, saella has rarely had crushes. as a girl there were defintiely some very attractive knights or guards that she encountered, but she was a good daughter and knew the role she would be required to play to support her brothers. even with royce there was little attraction at first, although she did grow to love him and become noticeably affectionate with him in public (although only within acceptable limits, of course). she is good at playing the happy, loving wife, even when things are tense behind closed doors sometimes.
juliana - if you know juliana well, then it is obvious, but only if you know what to look for. like her mother, she was raised in court and taught young that to show emotions is a weakness that can so easily be used against you, but she is still young and learning how to control herself. juliana tends to blush terribly whenever she’s flustered, and that’s usually the only outward sign of her crush. when she catches feelings for aemond and even after they’re married not much changes, at least in public, although she does begin subtly defending him when he’s not around, or offering other small physical contacts (eg., gently holding his forearm when she’s nervous/scared, stepping closer into his personal space without touching him, sending him small private smiles across a crowded room).
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
saella - a little showy! saella does grow to find royce very attractive and won’t lie that she enjoys having sex with him. she likes to take charge and make sure they’re both at least enjoying this part of their relationship. she is a very passionate lover and won’t hide it when they’re in private and being intimate with one another.
juliana - subtle, although she does get bolder as she ages and becomes more comfortable in her relationship with aemond. she prefers to offer him quiet comfort or gentle words of support, but she won’t lie that she does also very much enjoy being intimate with him (even if it does make her blush profusely the first time he undresses before her oop). for juliana sex is very emotionally-charged, and is one of the few times she finds she can truly let go and just exist and pleasure herself with him, without the heavy glare of court. 
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shadowglens · 2 years
aemond gifting juliana history books and gold jewels and offering her swordplay lessons and always making sure to dance with her at balls and defending her against the barbs aegon throws her way.
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shadowglens · 2 years
aemond instinctively stepping in front of juliana when daemon kills vaemond, and her silently just reaching to grip his forearm as he keeps his focus on the commotion across the hall
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shadowglens · 2 years
juliana smiling in the private way she only reserves for aemond, gently taking his hand in hers and telling him she’s proud of him, and aemond just standing there like 🥺
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shadowglens · 2 years
the comparison of saella talking gently to juliana asking if she would be okay with marrying aemond and very clearly leaving the final decision up to her daughter because she knows what it’s like to be forced into marriage young, vs viserys offhandedly mentioning that aemond’s engaged at the family dinner table one night and aegon just immediately giving him shit while aemond sits there staring at alicent like “wait since when” dahfjsdfg
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shadowglens · 2 years
juliana and aemond being intimate together for the first time makes me so 🥺 because they spend so much time just admiring each other. aemond undresses first since he knows she's nervous, but he still finds himself with a little tremor in his hands as she stands and stares at him, almost through him. juliana silently asking for permission before reaching out and ghosting her hand along his bare chest, blushing madly, before she slowly reaches up and removes his eye patch. the two of them breathing heavily into each other's skin as he achingly slowly helps remove her dress until they're both standing bare in front of each other. aemond cupping her jaw in one hand, rubbing his thumb softly along her lower lip and whispering that she's beautiful.
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shadowglens · 2 years
i’ve been listening to the hotd soundtrack all morning and daydreaming about how everything falls apart for saella and her family
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