#jrock astrology
everyday-shea · 1 year
Astro 101: The Moon Signs
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What this placement means. The Moon is the fastest moving object, moving through each sign every 2.5 days. It’s very common that the Moon may have switched signs the day someone is born, which is one reason why having an accurate birth time is important.
The Moon has the largest direct influence on our daily lives and when it comes to personal astrology, many people find that they relate more to their Moon sign than their Sun sign. The Moon rules over emotions and inner processes: how we feel and process our emotions, how we internally react to our environments, our instinctual senses, and how we respond to others’ emotions. This is where the conscious meets the subconscious. Our emotional needs and support systems come from and are built by understanding the role of the Moon in our lives.
In Music, this is where we connect emotionally to what we’re hearing. The way music makes us feel, the way music helps us connect to our inner selves, and the way music helps us connect to others. The Moon helps us move past the outward representation of Ego presented by the Sun and delve deeper into ourselves and others.
Short descriptions of the signs: The signs all have their general traits or attributes across all placements, as well as ones that show more in specific placements. Each placement, as well as the individual’s life experiences, will showcase different aspects of each sign. I will go over specifically the signs’ major traits and characteristics when in the Moon placement. The rest of the planets, as well as House placements, will come in later posts. 
Aries Moon: Quick-paced and enthusiastic, Aries Moon feels, processes, and responds quickly. They can be prone to quick bursts of energy followed by sudden quiet contemplation. If not given healthy outlets to experience and process these sudden bursts, they can develop a tendency towards intense mood swings. Aries Moon doesn’t like to hang on to things for too long. If something upsets them, say a bit of drama, they may loudly rant to anyone who will hear for a few minutes, then they’ll be over it and move on. If someone brings it up again an hour later, they’ll say “that’s old news” and not want to dive back in. They enjoy and need frequent changes of pace - dwelling on the same things for drawn out periods of time will only frustrate them. They can be quite decisive and make up their minds quickly. Even if they say “I’ll take time to think on this” it’s most likely that they already decided how they feel and are just spending time finding information to back up and support their decision. 
When it comes to music, Aries Moon seeks music that not only matches their mood in general but specifically the energy of their current mood. If they’re angry, their go-to angry outlet song will depend if it’s a high energy anger or low energy anger (anger just used for example, this applies to all emotions).
Aries Moon transits: When the moon is moving through Aries, you may feel more impulsive and energetic than usual. Look where Aries is located in your chart - that is where you will benefit most in starting new things during these times.
Aries Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Aries include Toll (Buck-Tick), Sugizo & Shinya(Luna Sea), and ToshI (X)
Taurus Moon: Taurus is a sign very rooted in the physical. Being able to touch or otherwise physically experience something gives it more meaning. Those with Taurus Moon in their birth chart may be collectors or take extra good care of physical possessions. Sentimental items have a stronger-than-usual emotional attachment and can be a source of security. Taurus is the slowest moving energy of the zodiac. It likes to take time and smell the flowers, and can become quite stubborn when others try to make it change pace. Once fixated on something, it charges forward with unstoppable determination. Taurus Moon can become very single-minded towards their goals and will push onwards through obstacles. It’s a waste of time to try and force them to conform to a particular pace. Rather, it’s better for all to adapt to Taurus Moon’s pace. They remind us to stop and smell the roses on the long and winding road of life.
Taurus (along with Libra) is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and social connections. Taurus deals with the tangible sides of Venus, while Libra deals with Venus’ ideals. Taurus Moon has a keen eye for fashion, craftsmanship, architecture, and other physical representations of aesthetics and society. They are adept at learning what items are genuine or fake, as well as what social connections are genuine or fake. They may especially enjoy learning about others through their possessions, or they may find the attempt of others to signal their status through possessions to be shallow and disingenuous. 
When it comes to music, Taurus Moon seeks music they can find value in. Music that evokes a physical response, as well as music that aligns to their personal aesthetics. It’s about the lifestyle more than anything else.
Taurus Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Taurus, we may feel tired out after the hyped up energy of Moon in Aries. We may feel less inclined to act on our impulses and more inclined to simply take a nap, indulge in comfort foods, and treat ourselves to some retail therapy. Just remember not to treat yourself too much during these times as the books still need to balance at the end of the month.
Taurus Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Taurus include Ruki (The GazettE),  Hide (Buck-Tick), and Yukke (Mucc)
Gemini Moon: While all signs have multiple aspects to them, Gemini highlights themes of duality. It’s an analytical sign, being represented by the element of Air and being ruled by Mercury. Gemini Moons would rather analyze their emotions than feel them. They benefit well from having a written outlet to organize and evaluate their thoughts and feelings - journaling is a good outlet. They enjoy word play and puzzles, doing well at things such as creative jokes or word games like scrabble. Gemini Moon does best with things that have a sense of structure and a solution/explanation to be found - abstract/vague media may be more easily lost on them. They possess a determination that there’s an answer somewhere and things that purposely do not have an answer to be found can frustrate them. 
Gemini is a highly social sign and Gemini Moon connects best with people they can discuss their interests to a high level. Small talk becomes boring fast, and conversations about interests that stay only surface level become frustrating. Even the most shy and quiet Gemini Moon will gladly launch into a long-winded, energetic conversation when matched with someone who shares their interests to the same depth. 
When it comes to music, Gemini Moon appreciates music that can be broken down into pieces, examined, and put back together again. 
Gemini Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Gemini, it’s a great time for us to write out our thoughts, analyze information, and make plans. These are good times to call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, start that book you’ve been meaning to read or write, hang out with friends or at least plan a gathering. 
Gemini Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Gemini include Hyde (Larc-en-Ciel/Vamps), Satoko (Fuzzy Control), Kaz (Oblivion Dust/Vamps), and Takuro (Glay)
Cancer Moon: Being ruled by the Moon, Cancer is at home here. Someone with their Moon in Cancer may be very in touch with their feelings, but may also be easily overwhelmed. They’re sensitive to shifts in mood and energy, both their own as well as those around them. These are the empathetic criers who will tear up at the sight of someone upset even if they don’t know the details of the situation. They may also tear up at the sight of a pretty sunset “because it’s so beautiful”. Their tendency towards moodiness aside, they’re very understanding of those around them and make great empathetic listeners. They have strong memories tied to the feelings around events more than exact details. Because of this they can see people or events through rose colored glasses, or through extended grudges. It’s important for them to recognize when this happens and look more to the truth of the moment than the emotional lens through which they remember it. Sense Cancer Moon forms strong emotional ties to people and events, they can be very loyal to those they care about. Even if they’re someone who hides their emotions and comes off cold or aloof, they’ll still show great care to others in their circle. Many become very protective over others as well (think like a mother bear and her cubs). Valuing honesty and privacy above all else, Cancer Moons are great confidants. Your secrets are safe with them, just know when you tell them your secrets they will give you their honest opinions in return.
When it comes to music, Cancer Moon focuses more on the way it makes them feel than anything else. Technical and practical matters of music enjoyment come second, so while some Cancer Moons may look at those aspects, it’s only after they’ve approved the music on an emotional level.
Cancer Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Cancer, we become more sensitive to our feelings. We may feel things more strongly than usual and become overwhelmed. During these times, we may react more based on emotion than logic, so remembering to think before reacting is important here. These are great times to focus on family, loved ones, and indulge in media that pulls at our feelings.
Cancer Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Cancer include U-ta (Buck-Tick), Jin (Vamps), Tetsuya (L’arc-en-Ciel, Hideki (Siam Shade), and Yasu (Janne Da Arc/Acid Black Cherry)
Leo Moon: Shining with the brightness of the Sun, Leo Moon carries the charisma and charm of a lion. They have a pull that’s almost magnetic - people naturally want to talk to them! This can be burdensome, however, because Leo Moons are often quite shy. They don’t mind people wanting to socialize but more often than not would rather be approached than make the approach themselves. They feel things in very intense ways and often express themselves in a bold and dramatic manner. They make great actors because of this. They love to make others laugh and are often the mood makers of their friend groups. Despite coming off as easy going and even spontaneous, they do need a certain amount of control over their surroundings and benefit best from an environment of controlled chaos. It’s not uncommon for the Leo Moon friend to be center stage at a karaoke bar singing enthusiastically, encouraging others to join in the fun, as long as they get to choose the bar and the songs.
Being very generous to themselves and others, Leo Moon wants the best life within their chosen lifestyle and will do whatever it takes to get it. Being in their inner circle means being brought along for the ride and the benefit in taking part of the rewards. 
In music, Leo Moon seeks out and benefits from music that fuels their ego, pride, and self-confidence. They want to be validated in themselves, so pay attention to their favorite songs as those can point to where they feel, or want to feel, the most confident in their lives.
Leo Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Leo, we feel more confident and passionate. On the positive side, this gives us the energy boost to chase our goals and perk up our self-esteem. However this can also boost selfish & egoistic thoughts and behaviors, so be cautious. 
Leo Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Leo include Miya (Mucc/Petit Brabancon), Tatsurou (Mucc), Ju-Ken (Sengoku-Jidai/Vamps), and Toshiya (Dir en Grey)
Virgo Moon: Detailed and analytical, Virgo is similar to Gemini as being Mercury ruled signs, but in contrast is more reserved. Virgo Moon is good at keeping things under-wraps and processing their thoughts and emotions internally. They do not wear their hearts on their sleeves, rather in a mental filing cabinet. This is not to say they don’t feel as deeply as anyone else, of course they do. They just tend to prefer to not express their feelings externally. They take time to analyze situations before deciding how to react. Virgo Moons can be prone to perfectionism and are their own biggest critic. They may worry too much over details and need friends to help ease these worries so they can step outside of their comfort zone. Once they have a secure environment in which to explore, they’re curious to see what they can find. These are the people who always seem to know the best places to go for whatever you need.
Organization is key for Virgo Moon. Even if they seem disorganized to others, trust that they have a system. They are great at planning events and outings, as they take every element into account. If they miss a detail in their planning, they will ruminate on it and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
In music, Virgo Moon seeks out the details. They enjoy uncovering the intricacies of a song and all the little things that others may easily overlook. Songs that are complex, but not complicated, are going to be their favorite.
Virgo Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Virgo, we’re more perceptive towards the little things. We notice details better and can more easily put logic ahead of emotional response. These are good times to work on analytical tasks as well as practical planning. Since Virgo is also concerned with health, these transits are good times for any revisions to personal dietary or exercise habits.
Virgo Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Virgo include Uruha (The GazettE), Atsushi Sakurai & Imai (Buck-Tick), Natchin (Siam Shade), Kyo (Dir en Grey/Sukekiyo/Petit Brabancon), and Shinya (Dir en Grey/Seraph)
Libra Moon: These are the peacekeepers. With an eye for social dynamics and artistic details, they effortlessly notice the beauty in the world around them. Aligning their surroundings to a sense of balance and harmony is important. They consider everyone’s views and experiences before making decisions. It’s important for Libra Moon to learn to enforce strict boundaries in areas of life where it matters most to them, as they are often lenient towards others in the name of avoiding conflict. Libra Moons who do enforce their boundaries find less resistance and more respect than they anticipate, so it pays off in the long-run. 
Along with Taurus, Libra is ruled by Venus. While Taurus deals with the tangible aspects of Venus, Libra deals with the more idealistic aspects of Venus. Social harmony, beauty, and the concept of value. Libra Moons quickly assess and determine what value others hold to them, and hold people to that assigned value. It’s important that these expectations are communicated, as people are not going to psychically know what is expected of them. Putting such things to words can be difficult as Libra deals more with concepts. It’s easiest for Libra Moon to express how they value others through creative outlets such as music and art. 
In music, Libra Moon is drawn to whatever suits their personal aesthetic sense. While they may value lyrics and technicalities to an extent, the way the music sounds is the most important element. They may enjoy an artist simply reciting the local phone book if it’s done in a pleasant sounding way.
Libra Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Libra, we assess the people and things we value in our lives. These are good times to spend with friends, especially doing artistic hobbies. These are also good transits for social justice activities.
Libra Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Libra include Aoi (The GazettE), Sato (Ash Da Hero), Heath (X), and Yoshiki (X/The Last Rockstars)
Scorpio Moon: Seeing what is unseen. Scorpio is a sign that doesn’t like surface level things, and Scorpio Moon especially has a need to cut deep. They enjoy peeling back layers and looking at things in depth. Being able to get past others’ barriers to understand them at a deeper level is a skill of personal pride. Reading others is an easy skill to pick up, and they can tell when someone is being disingenuous. It’s not wise to try and manipulate or get one by a Scorpio Moon, they can tell what you’re doing even if they don’t outwardly say it. When it comes to themselves, they can often avoid processing emotions or major life events, pushing feelings down “for later”. It’s important for them to actually address their feelings and not procrastinate on that forever.
Because of Scorpio Moon’s need to understand people and things at a deep level, they make excellent researchers. Give them a topic and they will have a thoroughly researched essay & slideshow ready for you the next day. Scorpio Moons attach to others on an emotional level quickly and it can be difficult to shake them. Due to this loyalty, they can become easily jealous, which is a trait they need to be mindful of. Once their trust is earned, it is kept. If that trust is broken, it’s nearly impossible to earn back.
In music, Scorpio Moon looks for an outlet to understand the depth of human emotion and life experiences. Anything that helps them process their own feelings or explain what they cannot explain to others. If you share a song or playlist with them, they will use that as a means to understand you, so make sure it’s music you’re okay being judged by. 
Scorpio Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Scorpio, we feel things more intensely. Dreams may be more intense as well. Find healthy outlets to process your feelings during these times, and avoid possible addictions as Scorpio Moon transits can increase addictive patterns.
Scorpio Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Scorpio include Kai (The GazettE), Morrie (Dead End/ Creature Creature), and Ryuichi (Luna Sea)
Sagittarius Moon: Seeking truth and adventure, Sagittarius is the fast-paced philosopher. Emotional freedom is the absolute key here. People and situations that feel limited or restrictive will devastate a Sagittarius Moon. They need to be able to explore the opportunities of the world without others telling them what they must believe or to whom they must give emotional loyalty. They need to ask questions and seek answers, fuck around and find out. Where Scorpio Moon digs deep, Sagittarius Moon’s goal is to expand. Learn a variety of things, gain new insights, and broaden their horizons. Once they learn about something, they become instantly curious about what else is out there. Backed by the element of fire, they have an unstoppable energy once their curiosity is piqued. Sagittarius Moons are either at full go power or zero percent battery and there is no inbetween. They express their emotions best through physical action such as sport or acting, as well as interactive conversation - it’s not just enough to talk about interests, they want to show you as well. When their energy runs out, they crash hard. It’s important for them to learn to monitor their energy levels so they don’t crash or burn out in the middle of a task or outing. 
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth, philosophy, and luck. Sagittarius Moons can generally trust their intuition and find luck in just taking leaps of faith. However, they are still mortal humans and appropriate caution is still necessary. They enjoy showing that they can succeed outside the expectations or rules set by others. 
When it comes to music, Sagittarius Moon seeks out whatever is going to stoke their inner passions. They need music that lights a fire under them and pushes their energy forward.
Sagittarius Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Sagittarius, we find ourselves asking “why?” more often. We may also feel more impulsive and rebellious. Before you decide to randomly cut your hair in the middle of the night, check the phase of the Moon. This is a good time to engage in philosophical discussions and pursue new hobbies. 
Sagittarius Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Sagittarius include Kaoru (Dir en Grey), Kamijo (Versailles), and J (Luna Sea)
Capricorn Moon: Goal-oriented and resourceful, Capricorn Moons are always looking for opportunities that service themselves and those they care about. They don’t let many people get close to them, especially on an emotional level. Emotional investment is an energy source that must be carefully considered, so they need time to decide who to give that energy to. Once they’ve decided to include you in their circle, they become very giving. Their resourcefulness benefits everyone around them, which can attract people who would misuse their trust for selfish gain. This is why caution in trust is a priority. Emotionally, they can be very hard on themselves and may be prone to ruminating over their emotional responses/actions. It’s important to get them out of their heads before they go dizzy with circular thinking.
Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn hits the balance between maintaining tradition and initiating change. Whatever the situation, they can quickly learn how things work and use that knowledge to identify where to make changes. They know what needs to be done and are good at delegating tasks based on everyone’s skills. This comes in handy both in practical settings such as the workplace, as well as fun settings such as parties or other social gatherings. 
With music, Capricorn Moons need an escape from their thoughts and responsibilities. They find comfort in music that allows them to detach and focus on something outside of themselves for a while. 
Capricorn Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Capricorn, we can focus more clearly on the tasks we have before us. This is a great time to evaluate where we invest our time, energy, emotions, money, etc. 
Capricorn Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Capricorn include Aki (Sid), Val (DuelJewel), and Yukihiro (L’Arc-en-Ciel/Petit Brabancon)
Aquarius Moon: Idealism meets practicality in this dualistic sign. Aquarius breaks everything down to their basic elements and uses those elements to rebuild their own realities. Their fun and energetic side helps them connect to others quickly while their ability to detach their emotions from their ego allows them to place and enforce boundaries. Aquarius Moons are good at making people feel included while keeping them at an arm’s distance. This is a great trait for people in the public eye for maintaining a healthy social dynamic with their audience. When it comes to close interpersonal relations, they may come off as aloof and may have a harder time letting people get genuinely close. The people they attach to on a close emotional level are few and defended with great pride. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius deals with things revolutionary and unconventional. Aquarius Moons may find themselves particularly drawn to unconventional philosophies, ideologies, and social reforms. They’re also very open to new advances in technology, often being the first people to check out new innovations. When dealing with their emotions, Aquarius Moons try to question what they’re feeling and look towards others for advice on how to handle feelings they’re unfamiliar or uncomfortable with. 
In music, Aquarius Moon looks for quirky, innovative styles. They want something that brings out their inner rebel and/or presents a new take on a classic concept. They may particularly enjoy genre-bending and remixes.
Aquarius Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Aquarius, we can detach a bit from our emotions and look at things from new perspectives. These are good times to question traditionally held concepts and decide if there are outdated beliefs we hold that need to be updated.
Aquarius Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Aquarius include Kiyoharu (Kuroyume/Sads), Jiro (Glay), and Junji (Siam Shade/Bull Zeichen 88/Sengoku-Jidai)
Pisces Moon: The daydreaming adventurers, Pisces Moon gets a reputation for having their heads in the clouds. However, they’re more grounded than they seem, possessing a strong energetic intuition. They can pick up on the emotional energies of others easily, sometimes being unable to distinguish if what they’re feeling are their own emotions or those of others around them. The mood of their surroundings greatly impacts their personal moods, which can make them understanding and compassionate as well as touchy and moody. With Pisces being represented by the fish, these are very “go with the flow” types of people. They adapt well to a variety of social groups and may seem to float from one group to another. Being ruled by Neptune, they have a strong connection to the dream world and that is where they primarily process their feelings. Naps and meditation are go-to emotional outlets, as well as artistic outlets with loose structure and wide space for creative freedom. They excel in the abstract - as long as it makes sense to them, it doesn’t need to make sense to others. Possessing a vivid imagination, they make wonderful storytellers, though they need to be careful not to get so lost in their stories that they believe the stories to be true. Discernment between real events and fantastical interpretations of events is important. 
When it comes to music, Pisces Moon favors whatever can accompany their daydreams. They love to picture stories and images that go along with the music and often use music as a muse for their own creative endeavors. 
Pisces Moon Transits: When the Moon is in Pisces, our dreams become more vivid and it may become confusingly abstract. These are good times to do dream interpretation and to indulge in abstract arts.
Pisces Moon in Jrock: Artists who have their birth Moon in Pisces include Reita (The GazettE), Die (Dir en Grey/Decays), Ken (L’arc-en-Ciel), Pata (X/Ra:In), Kanta (Deviloof), and Miyavi (The Last Rockstars)
What’s your Moon Sign? Do you agree with my description? What’s your favorite artist’s Moon Sign? Do you see it reflected in their personality and work?
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prideofcelestia · 1 year
Hello! I saw the 1k follower event thingy, and I was hoping it wasn't too late to participate? (Item i.)
My name is Alchemi, I'm an esfp, and also a scorpio!
I'm a very cheerful person, I can pretty much lift the moods of anyone! I also talk a lot whenever I get the chance,, sometimes I talk too much to the point of overwhelming someone.. I always feel guilty whenever that happens. Oh! And even though I talk a lot, I'm always attentive whenever someone talks about something, and I'm pretty active in the conversation! I can get pretty annoying- I always back off whenever I see that I'm annoying someone or anything! I'm very honest, I barely keep anything from anyone, I'm an open book! Though I have a bad habit of hiding my feelings, talking to someone about it feels uncomfortable..
I jokingly insult ppl and play fight with someone at times, I love forming those frenemy type of bonds! I can be sort of a people pleaser, sometimes I get too into the people pleasing role.. I'm kind of too much of a people pleaser that I'd (literally) let people step on me for their entertainment.
I can be pretty charming, though it's usually just whenever I want something. I have a childlike personality, and still keep some plushies from my childhood (i own a plushie collection tbh- I always shop for more cute plushies!) I love, love, looove cute stuff! Cute clothes, accessories, etc.. I can't get enough!
I can act pretty immature and a little too childish, but I can act more mature when someone wants me to!
Here are some hobbies I have:
Gaming (though I don't exactly play games all that much anymore)
learning more about different stuff,
listening to music,
hanging out with friends,
More about me! :
I'm interested in astronomy, astrology, witchcraft, tarot, that stuff!
Even if I do like to play video games, I prefer to go outside!
I have multiple styles! such as; agejo gyaru, hime gyaru, rokku gyaru, sweet lolita, vintage lolita, gothic lolita, etc!
i send my lover/friends songs that remind me of them, our relationship, or just songs that I think they'd like!
I usually listen to; kpop, jpop, jrock, metal, that sort of stuff! Also I love wonder girls and yousei teikoku sm they're all my fave (and gidle)
I'm also a female pansexual who uses any pronouns, though I am much more comfortable with he/him or they/them pronouns!
I don't wanna bore you any longer sooo.. Thank you lots for reading this! *blows platonic kiss* mwah mwah (^_^♪)
you sound lovely. love your energy <3 hope this is fine~
*drumroll* i match you with
keep talking. mammon thinks he is in love and can't get enough of your voice. you are so gorgeous, so amazing. what did be ever do to be in your presence? you don't overwhelm him at all! in fact, you may be one of the few people who likes to stay in his company and just chatter without being mean to him all the time. he enjoys the part where you can open your heart up to him.
this demon seriously needs someone who can cheer him up. you paying attention to him means the world. he can speak a lot about himself, just as an outlet to seek validation and knowing that someone doesn't shut him up completely makes his heart flutter like gold never can.
your honesty feels like fresh wind albeit making him a little uncomfortable. he is so accustomed to unsolicited insults and his brothers hiding their real feelings that getting genuine remarks from you throws him off. once he gets used to it, he enjoys it, looking forward to your time together. if you can't always be honest about your feelings, he understands and does not probe you further.
tell him that you don't want to annoy others and he gets protective of you, asking who would ever think that. the anger in his eyes is so genuine that it takes your breath away. once you clarify that it's just your feelings, he assures you and wraps his arm around your shoulder, telling you that he won't let you leave. no excuses!
you two have gaming sessions together and he vows to defeat you every time. he likes to hear you ramble about all the stuff you read about and tries to remember them. lucifer believes that his memory has improved by being with you. if only he put so much effort in his exams...
no no no no no you are not getting stepped on in his presence. let anybody talk you down and he will show them that his title is not for show.
mammon loves to buy you cute clothes and items. seeing you get excited over them, seeing the smile and wonder in your eyes makes the fear of moneylenders worth it.
if you send him songs that remind you of him, he will be on cloud nine. you thought about him while listening to music? why, he has an entire playlist dedicated to you.
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spiritualhippybitch · 2 years
after 3 years i finally got to be on stage again! it would be amazing if you guys could check it out!
instagram: @ spiritualhippybitch
i hope you enjoy 💚✨
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diru-astrology · 4 years
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This is the third article of a series of psychological astrological natal chart readings of the band members of DIR EN GREY. We’re exploring their personalities, creativity as artists, and more.
We continue with KYO.
KYO 3: Mercury & Venus, and something advanced: the signature sign of his chart.
Before we get going on this week’s planets, let’s back up for a moment and talk about how sexuality and creativity appear in a natal chart.
There are several points that we look at in particular: astroid Eros, Venus, the DSC (Descendant) & 7th house, and the 5th house. Even the 8th. Mars too. Each have different flavors and values- our sexualities aren’t simple. Technically, you look at the entire chart, but these are hotspots.
Eros is one’s turn-ons and how they behave in bed, their style. Venus is what they find attractive and artistic... which isn’t the same thing. Mars is studied for aggressive traits. 5th house is creativity and lovers, not long term. You can see why musicians, risk taking, partying, sex romps, and one night stands are synonymous: they’re all 5th house topics.
The DSC/7h house is long term relationships, including marriages, the “Other”... and they can turn into enemies too (ex’s). It’s natural sign is Libra. The DSC also isn’t necessarily sexual. Marriages and long term relationships aren’t always physical. They can be purely intellectual, long distance, or even disability can hinder things. So the DSC/7th house is moreso the “significant others”.
Today we look at how Venus and Mercury work in KYO’s chart. What attracts him? What does he need to communicate artistically? And further: the hidden undercurrents of his chart signature... which is Libra.
Having a Libra signature points towards something that you might not expect, but it crops up in several other points in his chart: a potential for having a strong internal battle with being passive and a peace maker.
His conjunct Venus and chart ruler Mercury straddle over two houses and signs, but blur together because of the late placement of his Venus and early house/sign placement of Mercury, and Mercury’s natural ability to meld with anything it comes in contact... and a hostile opposition to Saturn in Cancer in the 2nd house.
This is a very painful engine to his chart, that fuels his need to create artistically, and undermines his romantic relationships. Artists charts are always full of hell that needs to be vented for sanity’s sake.
This hell is a very painful hell. Idealistic Aquarius Mercury conjunct aloof and standoffish Venus in Capricorn, opposing Cancer (family) Saturn in the 2nd house (values, legacy, and meaning axis), along with squares to Jupiter, Uranus, and the thorn in one’s side: Chiron; semisquare to Neptune and the DSC, sesquiquaderate the ASC, creates explosive frustrated tensions. You are not allowed to express or be you.
The trauma and soul crushing weight of that Cancer Saturn opposition to Venus/Mercury... my gut instinct feels like it *could* be a smother mother with an iron fist, though Saturn is often associated with fathers.
Familial legacy. Propriety. Protecting the family’s reputation. Tradition. Not standing out. A lot of, actually most, guys in Japanese Visual Kei have battled that one. This chart screams it. And snarls it. And growls it.
His Venus is multiply in detriment at the very edge of the 8th house (sex, death; Scorpio’s natural home) in Capricorn at the edge of Aquarius, and creates a cold, aloof, hard to penetrate protective barrier, with a difficulty in expressing romantic warmth, especially in the early stages of a connection.
This double whammy Saturn flavored Venus also points towards possibly shallow Venus attraction to those who are powerful and grounded, with serious careers, fame, wealth, reputations and status... born of a fear of tasting poverty again that is always humming in the background. This makes for a disconnect between what he thinks is ideal, and what makes him feel the most himself: a playful goofball to whom money means nothing, a spontaneous fun and out-there kinky lover that he can talk with about the secrets of the universe as an equal (Sagittarius DSC with Neptune conjunct). What the head and heart wants is diametrically opposed. A positive Venus contact between a lover’s chart and his own can shatter the deadlock. Likely it will still have power dynamics such as BDSM play. Watch out for risk of drug, alcohol, or psychological problems in the significant other (Neptune), especially possible if they’re not profoundly esoteric of thought. (Cue the wasted scary psycho band chick.)
Chart ruler Mercury is in the 9th house (Sagittarius’s natural home) in Aquarius. This illustrates a desire to study and discuss very lofty profound philosophical and esoteric concepts for humanity, but with that Venus and Saturn placement, it comes out dark and harsh. At the same time, the tension of the Saturn opposition and squares with Jupiter, Uranus, and Chiron make it explosive and needing a communication vent. This along with his Venus, is the core of his harsh style of communication and art.
Mars/Venus biquintile gifts vocal abilities and furthers a need to be near playful, creative people. There’s the sanity vent, the valve for the pressure.
...but what about the peace maker?
That tension against Cancer Saturn’s 2nd house values and authority, and the hidden Libra signature (hello ruler Venus) create a potential vulnerability from past familial rejection. Fear of upsetting people, possible people pleasing (!), wanting to prove himself helpful, and a strong need for friends to understand that he’s a good person and valuable are strongly noted in this chart.
When you hear him speak of concern for hurting or helping people with their work as they’ve faced national emergencies, you’re hearing that Libra signature, speaking through his Aquarius Mercury conjunct Venus (and his Aquarius Sun, too). Look to lyrics too.
The location of his chart ruler, Mercury, is very important as well. It lands in Aquarius in the 9th house. Travel, travel, travel, with a side order of travel. One thing that is interesting with this placement, is though he has said that he has trouble with traveling abroad because of the food (Venus), it rather says that the biggest issue is that he might get frustrated and feel helpless when he can’t communicate outside of the language and carefully studied esthetics of his own culture and possibly feeling teased as “cute” for his height or slight build outside of Japan. At the same time, with all that tension and the 9th house placement, he likely feels an intense need to do just that: travel abroad... just not on long, extended trips, then back to familiar turf where he knows what to expect and verbally rules the roost.
Up Next:
Moon & Mars!
September 14, 2020
@mysterioususerx has 17 years of experience as an astrologer at a near professional level. In DIR EN GREY years, that’s shortly before the release of the album 『VULGAR』.
If at any time you wish to not have this series appearing in your feed, it has a special hashtag that you can use to filter it out in your Tumbler settings:
diru astrology + mysterioususerx collaboration
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acidblackcherryusa · 4 years
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Astrology signs but yasu 🤣🍒
Does yours fit? This was hard! lol
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lunaarajewel · 4 years
Answering questions because I’m bored again
1. What have you eaten today? breakfast was oats with pb and banana, lunch was a zucchini stew, and then i had oats again for dinner because why not haha ><
2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant? it was sweet, felt a bit bittersweet because i said bye until next time
3. What color shoes did you last wear? black
4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week? Myself
5. What is your favorite scent? Baked goods
6. What is your favorite season? Why? Spring and or early summer, it's so nice to smell all the flowers and to hear the birds again, to feel the warmth from the sun
7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel? I can do a headstand on my forearms and a bad cartwheel xD
8. What color are your nails? currently blank!
9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? a moooon
10. What is something you find romantic? Hugs from behind when i least expect it
11. Are you happy? Yeah I'm doing really good, which is surprising because i haven't felt like that in a long time
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad? The thing that is making me happy is probably my antidepressants but they have helped me to get hope again.
13. Dogs or Cats? Cats
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library? Ooooo difficult question because it depends!
15. What is your style? Hmm i'd describe it as a mix of cottagecore, steampunk, astrology, herbalism, witchy stuff
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? Travel to japan
17. Are you in a relationship or single? I'm dating but not an official relationship nope
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? Their humor, the way they are so relaxed and careless
19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with? Whaat no i wouldn't do that
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Some toxic behaviors/habits a bit!
21. How did you celebrate last Halloween? I listened to dark music a bit extra, watched nightmare before christmas and had some halloween candy
22. Have you recently made any big decisions? I started taking antidepressants!
23. Were you ever in a school play? Yes, when i was younger i was a princess i remember
24. What movie would you use to describe your life? aaa that's difficult, i haven't watched that many movies tbh!
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? Learning piano properly, but i've been busy with mental health stuff so i haven't been able to. But I've been planning on taking it more seriously lately
26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…” all of my thoughts without judgement
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex? (for some, not all) Jealousy, constant focus on showing off to guys
28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex? (for some, not all) Bad at communicating, bad at understanding
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week? I started taking the steps to honestly change my life for the better
30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it? How I treated my ex, he was actually really kind to me but I wasn't mentally stable so I couldn't communicate well to him. But I hope he's well! I only wish him the best.
31. How long was your longest relationship? a little over a year
32. Have you ever been in love? Oh yeah
33. Are you currently in love? A bit!
34. Why did your last relationship end? I ended it because I wasn't well enough, I needed some time alone to get back to myself.
35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it? A heart necklace i made, handmade bracelet from a market, 3 earrings from hm
36. When was the last time you cried and why? When i first took my antidepressants i burst out crying so its around 3 weeks ago i think
37. Name someone pretty. Uma thurman
38. What did you receive last Valentines Day? Japanese snacks
39. Do you get jealous easily? Nope
40. Have you ever been cheated on? Not that i know of
41. Do you trust your partner/best friend? Yes
42. Ever had detention? hahah yeah because i skipped class to buy piercing jewelry
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city? hmmm, difficult question. I think i'm that kinda person that likes to switch between the two
44. What do people call you? Luna since it's my name
45. What was the last book you read? "stjärnhimlen" (a book about stars)
46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? well i'm a nerd for moss e.e
47. What kind of music do you listen to? veryyy mixed, metal, rock, indie, alternative rock, jrock, instrumental, kpop, pop, rap
48. How tall are you? 163cm
49. Do you like kids? I don't mind them!
50. Favorite fruits? Banana, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberry, persimmon
51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Sweats
52. What’s your earliest memory? In kindergarten i used to dance to Westlife music
53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you? Nope not that i know of
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind
55. Do you have a collection of anything? Moon stuff
56. Do you save money or spend it? I try to save!
57. What would your dream house be like? Filled with things i've made and antique stuff as well
58. What top 5 things make you the angriest? Aaa i dont know, i try not to focus on those things
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? a good meal, plants, good music, animals, finishing something i made
60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I would help the dog
61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? Yeah i'd probably tell the ones closest to me that arent my family. then i'd just make the most of my time, i'd travel to japan for a week, france/germany for a week, a week with my family and last with the ones close to me outside of family. I would probably be a bit scared but i wouldn't try to focus on that fear too much, because well if theres nothing i can do about it then worrying about it will just stop me from enjoying the last of my days
62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. A heart shape ❤️
63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Japan!
64. Do you like the beach? It's okay, not my favorite place
65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special? Yes
66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it! I have two middle names, Ida and Johanna
67. Do you talk to yourself? Yes, because it helps me to understand my own thoughts and situations better
68. Describe your hair. Thin, blonde
69. What is the meaning of life. To enjoy it
70. What is your ideal partner like? Calming, feels like home, a bit spontaneous romantic, supporting, good listener and communicator
71. Do you want to get married? Yeah it would be cute
72. Do you want to have kids? A bit torn on that question, can't say no or yes
73. Like or dislike your family? A bit so so
74. Are you Chunky or Slim? Somewhere in between
75. Would you consider yourself smart? Yes in some ways
76. What would you change about your life? The place I live
77. Religious or Not? Nope
78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? I dont drink so no one!
79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Nope
80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? Nope, and my family doesn't say it either
81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Probably sleeping
82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? Yes but my mom wouldn't be too happy haha
83. Do you like when people play with your hair? yes it's nice sometimes
84. Do you like bubble baths? Nope, i don't really like baths so much
85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? Nope
86. Have you ever danced in the rain? Yes, with my old best friend
87. Do you trust anyone with your life? Yes the ones closest to me, not really my family though
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? I wanna eat haha
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) Japan for 3 weeks, France, Germany, LA, Italy, Greece, Thailand, England
90. How was your day today? It was good! I made some stew for the week
91. Play an instrument? A bit of piano, some chords on guitar but thats it
92. Describe the what you think of the ocean. It's okay, if i go i usually prefer a smaller beach with few or no people
93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens but not like in movies, anything that is alive outside of our planet so anything even if it's an ant sized creature it's an alien to me. And as for ghosts i'm open to the idea of it but i haven't really invested much time in that topic!
94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? Nope, but i believe they will be someday
95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side? Not bitchy but a bit scary maybe
96. When are you vulnerable? When i'm deeply in love
97. How much free time do you have? A lot currently but i'm taking that time to relax
98. Do you like to go hiking? Never been!
99. Odd or Even Numbers? Even
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities? hmmm, i can't say for sure
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vulgar-blue · 5 years
I was tagged by: @reita-is-fucking-trash bless <3
Rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know and wrangle them into answering the questions below
Nickname: my bf calls me Sof and sometimes one of my friends calls me Soffe
Gender: female presenting nipple
Astrological sign: caprisun
Sexuality: chaos bi
Hogwarts house: gryffindor
Favorite animals: cats, doggos, lions, any big cats tbh, bears, turtles, wolves
Number of blankets: none because its summer and i live in an old, non-ac apartment building and my window faces east so basically my room is a furnace at night and especially in the morning >:(
Where I’m from: finland 
Dream trip: tokyo, paris, athens, reykjavik, idk its too hard to pick just one dream trip location bc i’ve never been anywhere beyond the baltic sea and i would like to go everywhere ykno
When I started this account: 2012... oof
Why I started this account: i was a blooming jrock and animu nerd and tumblr was the place to go for such content, plus my best friends back then already had accs and recommended i make one too
I TAG: honestly i have... no clue... who to tag i’ve basically become a hermit on here :’(
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strawberrii-mochii · 5 years
6-8-11-20-49-84 for the ask game c:
Thanks 💖
6. what kind of music do you listen to?This one took me the longest to answer tbh// Visual Kei, jrock, some kpop, what my friend calls dark pop (i.e Billie Eillish, Kailee Morgue, Melanie Martinez), gothic metal
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn?Something dealing with glamour like changing my hair color or something
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be?Minimalist, a lot of gray and bamboo, natural light, fuzzy blankets and beautiful art on the wall to give some splash of color, skull & bone shaped decorations, hints of pale pink
20. something most people don’t know about you.I’m a pretty big skeptic, idk why but a lot of people assume I believe in the paranormal or astrology
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart?I don’t think so
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most?Well I am a dancer so I will say that, mainly ballet and interpretive, fine art wise ukiyo-e and russian avant-garde 
Ask Game
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lapinkpig · 5 years
I was tagged by @oneforsorrovv​ , thank you darling <3 :3
Rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better.
Nickname: Lili, Lapinkpig/ Pinkpig/ Pig’;
Gender: Female;
Astrological sign: Libra;
Height: 1.58 m;
Sexuality: Straight;
Hogwarts house: Slytherin;
Favorite animal: Cats, tigers, lions, horses and eagles;
Average hours of sleep: 6/7;
Number of blankets: 2;
Where I’m from: Brazil;
Dream trip: Dublin, Japan, Finland, Sweden;
When I created the account: 28 of october, 2011;
Why I created this account: Pictures of The GazettE, Jrock, anime...;
I tag everyone! Feel free to try :3
0 notes
wrathfulmercy · 3 years
Get to know me uncomfortably well 6, 11, 14, 23, 25, 31, 36, 37, 42, 47, 60, 72, 77, 90, 94, 95 and no I am not curious at all what are you even talking about :D
Get to know me uncomfortably well from here
6. What’s your lucky number?
4 or 14
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
So studies say 20 is average and I think I might be around that. I always have 7 pairs in reach at the door (but I only use 2 of them regularly 😂) for summer and winter (so that makes 14) and then I have some I keep in my closet or special boxes cause they are unique (like my Rick boots) and only for events or high fashion. So I guess it’s around 20 but last year I maybe wore 4 different pairs all the time 😂😂😂😂 in fact my shoes are so old, that some of them are nearly destroyed and I still wear them. I was never a shoe collector cause I have two different sizes and can’t wear open shoes (like high heels, loafers or sandals), so all shoes I own are boots that look the same (all black and maybe silver / golden elements and all kinds of fake leather) and my sneakers which are often high fit too (converse, vans or adidas). Right now I ordered one pair new sneakers cause the last time I bought shoes is years ago and my white adidas pair looks honestly dead 😂
As a proof here are my Rick boots ♥︎
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14. Are you psychic in any way?
Well, I started with tarot as I was 8, used the pendulum as I turnt 10 and used to have deja vues daily. I know a few things about magic, crystals and astrology , but I would never dare to call myself psychic or Wicca cause I have friends who are way more trained in it. Sometimes I have dreams that show the future and sometimes I feel emotions that aren’t mine and know that someone got hurt or feels bad for example. Since my tarot readings started to be dangerously accurate in an early age and I predicted a death with one of my dreams, I stepped back from using magic. I do tarot once a year for New Years and that’s it. But visions come as they want, that’s nothing I can control. But am I psychic now? Have no clue.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Yes. I guess the most famous one is Paul McCartney (Beatles). I have a few contacts to the YouTube scene in Germany and japan, but are youtubers celebrities? And I met some JRock bands and a german designer.
25. What color socks are you wearing?
ALWAYS COLORFUL. Seriously, I think I might own 3 pairs of complete black ones and the rest is completely full of characters, cats, frogs, dinosaurs etc. Also I have an absolute weakness for socks and collect them somehow 😂 cause I wear socks every day and everywhere (yes also at the beach and 40 degrees 😂). This meme describes it very well:
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31. What position do you usually sleep in?
Embryonale, in the side and neck twisted like a mess 😂
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
Jesus Christ. (Does that count? 😂)
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I always thought yes but that doesn’t help me to feel pity for bad humans and feel attracted to them anyways cause I want to help and change them. I had a best friend for 18 years who betrayed me badly, one I had for 12 years who betrayed me even more and recently lost two I knew and loved and trusted for 10 years with my life and still they let me down. So I don’t know…
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
A golden leather jacket and my Rick boots.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
I talk to my cat, does that count? 😂
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Depends. Inside: usually no. Outside: yes. So I don’t leave the house alone when it’s dark (or only when I feel very stable and brave). Also the house I grew up in scares me to shit when it’s dark. And when I wake up from a nightmare or from a panic attack, I also need to turn on the lights in my current bedroom.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
I grew up in a traumatizing family with (among other things I won’t mention) alcoholic parents/siblings, so yes. My “mother” drank when she was pregnant and I got alcohol daily with two years on (to make me shut up). Guess that answer is detailed enough.
90. What makes you angry?
Injustice, ignorance, intolerance, violence, hate, abuse, bullying, egoism, envy, malevolence
94. What are you strengths?
My empathy, my eloquence, my creativity, my strong emotions, my resilience and caretaking nature
95. What are your weaknesses?
Also my emotions cause I take everything too personal and can’t distance myself from some things while others would say “forget about it”. I worry and care too much, am too selfless and can’t defend myself (cause of my learned helplessness). So if someone asks me what I would want to do or eat or whatever (someone asking for my needs), I struggle a lot cause I don’t dare to say it. Also the word “no” is something I just recently learnt to say and still try to use more often. Also my physical health is a big weakness cause I have many chronic illnesses that make me feel like a grandma sometimes.
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everyday-shea · 2 years
Album Astrology Analysis: DIR EN GREY - PHALARIS
The Astrology of PHALARIS
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While birth charts for people are the most common charts discussed in the astrological mainstream, you can actually use charts for anything! With my specialization in music related topics for astrology, I want to get into that more as I build up this blog. 
Album release charts are a fun way to look at an album from a different perspective. However, how do we decide what an album’s “birth chart” should be? It’s not as simple as a person, where we lock in the chart based on when they took their first breath. With albums, there are a lot of stages in the process of the release. Sure, there’s the official release date, but there are early releases for fanclubs, singles, and many aspects to consider. 
Here is the structure I have personally decided to use when reading a chart for an album (other astrologers may have slightly different approaches).
- Long term transits. Looking at the astrological transits from when the album was first conceived up to its release date.
- Intermediate transits. Looking at important transits around the time of singles being released and early releases before the official release date.
- Official release date. What would be considered the official “birth chart” of the album when it is being shown in its entirety to the mass public.
With Phalaris, the members of DIR EN GREY have stated that they began thinking about and working on songs for this album shortly after the release of their last album The Insulated World. So, we will start from there and work our way up to the Phalaris release.
Table of Contents
Insulated World Release Transits 2019-2022 Transits May-June 2022 Transits Phalaris Official Release 
The Insulated World - released September 26th 2018
This album marked a transitional chapter for the band as they had just recently celebrated 20 years together. Over their entire career they have never stopped evolving and adjusting their style. Every album has its own vibe and personality that reflects where the members individually, and the band as a whole, were at that time. 
When Insulated World released, DIR EN GREY’s two band charts (Indies debut and Major Debut) were in their 8th and 10th house years respectively. “House years” show which of the 12 houses are activated or emphasized in a chart each year, these are called profections. This can show where major events are likely to occur and direct our attention to areas that will benefit from extra attention that year. The 8th house represents shared resources and energies. When the 8th house is  profected, attention is drawn to the areas of our life where we are sharing resources, energy, and materials. This can mean money, physical items, dependents (children/pets/etc), property, and such physical things. It can also mean non-physical things such as sharing of intimacy, deeper emotions, personal time and energy. The 10th house represents career, public image, and long-term plans. When the 10th house is profected, emphasis is drawn to our public image (what we can control and what we can’t control), what changes need to be made to our long term aspirations in career and personal matters. 10th house years are helpful times to set oneself up for long-term success. So with DIR EN GREY, these themes were being emphasized around the release of The Insulated World. The future of the band in the long-term from that point was being heavily discussed, largely behind closed doors. Of course, with a band, the future is always being discussed, but this time it would have had a heightened sense of “all-or-nothing”. That if the band were to continue, every member would need a strong sense of long-term commitment. 
It is with this energy of setting the band up to continue another say 20 years, that the members set about promoting Insulated World and looking to the next step of their career.
2019 - 2022
The members have said that they started planning the songs for a new album shortly after Insulated World, though the bulk of song-writing and formation of Phalaris occurred from 2021 - 2022. No doubt the global pandemic played a large hand in their process as the members spent lock-down translating their emotions about the situation into their music. Astrologically, let's take a look at the long-term transits of this time period and how I see those energies reflected in the album.
For long-term transits, we look at the last 4 outer planets, which move the slowest: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Saturn in Capricorn → Aquarius: During this time period, Saturn made its shift from the sign of Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius in December of 2020. Capricorn represents the more serious side of devotion to work, such as schedule structure, resource acquisition, resource management, and diligent planning. Saturn in Capricorn is a good time to draft long-term plans both for business and for self. During the pandemic it was difficult to know what the long term could potentially look like. Many people had drafted their long term plans at the beginning of Saturn in Capricorn, only to have the end phase of Saturn in Capricorn call those plans into question. Figuring out what was realistic versus unrealistic, adjusting procedures, and managing expectations in light of changing circumstances became a necessary skill for survival. Now, DIR EN GREY had already become accustomed to writing music at home and working remotely. Therefore this aspect wasn’t as difficult an adjustment for the members as it was for bands that write best together in the studio. But for the members of DIR EN GREY there still came an adjustment of time management as they usually would have tours and outside promotions to give their time to and now found themselves largely working in their respective home studios. A big lesson with Saturn in Capricorn, especially when it came to adjusting work habits in the pandemic, is finding that work-life balance so you can maximize productivity and not burn yourself out. When Saturn shifted into Aquarius in December of 2020, the questions around changes to work approach became highly experimental and largely tech based. People were more accustomed to virtual business and were finding success in trying new things. Aquarius prizes experimentation and innovation, so with music, Aquarius Saturn has really pushed musicians to challenge their preconceived notions around what music should sound like or how their music should be. Experimenting with different song structures and instrumental techniques ultimately unveils new sounds and styles for various artists. And since Saturn rules over lessons, the Saturn in Aquarius transit challenges artists to use lessons learned from the past and apply that to their progressive innovation. With Phalaris, we get an album that incorporates elements of older DIR EN GREY albums while remaining new and unique. There are definitely call backs to the DUM SPIRO SPERO and Withering To Death albums, both of which were written during times of drastic transformation with the band’s sound and direction. 
Uranus in Taurus (2018 - 2026): Uranus is the planet of radical, sudden change, and Taurus is the sign of steady, sturdy, stubborn energy. So when Uranus is in Taurus and we are faced with areas of life that require huge changes, we can either resist it with Taurus’ stubborn nature and feel stuck in the mud, or we can use Taurus’ persistence to push change ahead relentlessly. With music, this transit is giving artists the drive to pull out their more complex and risky moves, pushing new ideas ahead despite push-back from others. Many artists during this time have been, and will continue to, produce music quite different from their normal style. There’s confidence behind these changes and that confidence is what helps the new styles take hold with the artists' fans. 
Taurus rules over tangible beauty - i.e. physical things related to beauty and aesthetics such as clothing, decorative items, and home goods. Uranus in Taurus values comfort and practicality over edginess and extremes. Pay attention to artists' clothing over this time, especially in scenes like Visual Kei, as there is a general shift to clothing that emphasizes textures and bold yet sturdy statement pieces. Taurus also rules the throat, so many vocalists can benefit from this transit by taking extra care in the development of their voice - many are improving their vocal quality, widening their range, and experimenting with new vocal techniques and styles. With Phalaris we definitely see Kyo’s voice in its healthiest, most robust, and most experimental form since DIR EN GREY’s debut. He’s been using this transit to great benefit across all 3 of his bands and his range of vocal styles is building steadily.
Neptune in Pisces (2011-2026): Pisces is naturally ruled by Neptune. The planet of dreams, superficial beauty, and spirituality along with the sign of creative purpose, energetic sensitivity, and imaginative innovation, has been and continues to be an ideal time for creative pursuits. The Arts thrive when Neptune is in Pisces. We all dare to dream a bit bigger and indulge more in fantasy. In music, the artists receive heightened inspiration and music listeners are more easily able to enjoy the music in abstract ways. Daydreaming along to songs, letting the music play as a soundtrack to our ideas. Tied together with the Saturn in Aquarius transit, we’re seeing more artists indulging in the production of music that they want to make rather than forcing themselves to stick to the same formulas that have brought success in the past. We’re seeing more songs that break from the common structure of verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus, bridge, chorus. Artists are finding what new structures work, and which ones do not. There’s still an element of that structure widely present, yet the ways artists put their own twists on it and change it to suit their own tastes is where the industry is finding innovation. With Phalaris, we definitely see new song structures we aren’t accustomed to with DIR EN GREY in songs such as Utsutsu, Bouga wo Kurau, Mouai ni Shosu, and Kamuy. 
Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2024): Pluto is the planet of long-term transformation of social structures, often through deconstruction. The Pluto in Capricorn transit deals largely with structures relating to systems of authority, power, and resources. Major transformations in the areas of politics, religion, work-places, and education. I’m not going to get into the political side of this as that’s not what this blog is for, but look at the global news and it should speak for itself.
For the music industry, the transformation we’ve seen has been largely behind the scenes, only shown publicly when something huge occurs. This is a time when artists are rearranging contracts to become more independent, gain more control over their work and more rights to ownership of their work, and challenge authority structures within the industry. 
With these long-term transits occurring during the writing and production of Phalaris, we see a setup for an album with a sturdy yet unique structure, a stubborn yet dreamy energy, and a tactile ambience (feeling like you could touch the songs even though it’s intangible sound).
May - June 2022 Transits
Mercury RX → Saturn RX. As we get closer to the Phalaris release date in our astrological exploration, we can start looking more closely at more short-term transits. This is where we get to talk about retrogrades. Retrogrades are largely popularized in the media via hype and stereotypes specifically around Mercury Retrograde. However, all planets from Mercury to Pluto retrograde. So, what is a retrograde (or RX for short)? Well, all planets orbit the Sun at different speeds. Astrology is based on the relation of the other planets to Earth. So at times, due to the difference in orbit speed between the Earth and everyone else, the planets can seem like they’re moving backwards. This energy shift can cause friction and blockages to the ways the transits normally present. Mercury, the fastest moving planet in our solar system, appears retrograde the most frequently (3-4 times a year) which is why it is heavily emphasized in popular media.
May 2022 Mercury RX in Gemini and Taurus: Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so when Mercury entered retrograde in Gemini in May of this year, the easy flow of Gemini’s energy became restricted. Mercury Retrograde in general is characterized by increased occurrences of communication breakdown, technology troubles, and vehicle troubles (such as failures and collisions). Entering into Taurus, stubborn energy increased and we saw an increased number of conversations that should have been easier to hold, instead met with difficulty. People talking past one another instead of to one another. As far as I can tell, this didn’t have any negative effect on the Phalaris release, thank goodness. However, it did set up Mercury to re-enter Gemini from Taurus after the retrograde so that Mercury would be in Gemini again for the Phalaris release. Gemini is an excitable sign that is fueled by the exchange of a variety of information. The Gemini Mercury energy in May and June definitely added to the natural fandom excitement around the release - everyone sharing their predictions and expectations for the album.
Shortly after Mercury came out of retrograde, we were hit with another retrograde.
June 2022 Saturn RX in Aquarius: Early June marked the beginning of this transit and with it a push for personal and interpersonal adjustments for the sake of growth. Basically, Saturn rules over life lessons which are being taught gradually at all times. When Saturn enters retrograde, those lessons are presented with greater urgency and force. Aquarius rules several things but what I want to emphasize the most this transit is Aquarius’ rulership over technology, large social groups, and humanitarianism. That’s right, I’m talking about social media and especially fandom on social media. With DIR EN GREY releasing a new album, the DIR EN GREY fandom has been interacting to express excitement and reactions to said new album. Outside of the DIR EN GREY fandom, people within the larger scopes of Visual Kei, Jrock, and Metal scenes are joining in the conversation. Saturn RX in Aquarius highlights the ways in which the use of social media in an album release can affect that release, the fans relationships with one another, and the fans relationship with the band. The ways we interact over this album during this transit is setting the tone for the ways we interact as a fandom moving forward long-term, and I think that’s beautiful. 
Phalaris Release Date
Finally, we get to the day itself, the official chart of Phalaris! For the “birth time” I used midnight in JST as that is when the official drop began. I won’t go through this like I do with people’s birth charts, I just have some key features to point out and emphasize.
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Gemini Sun in the 3rd House: This is direct communication. Notifications dropping, people instantly reacting upon first listens, and sharing these reactions. The absolute pride of the fandom to share reactions to the album immediately rather than hold back or be secretive. This also indicates the overall message of the album: the strength in forming and enforcing our bonds with others in difficult circumstances. Whether someone was experiencing the album with a group of people in person or physically by themselves and experiencing the album with people via texting and social media, the energy around communication cannot be understated here. The enthusiasm in everyone not only sharing but receiving one another's reactions and opinions is very important. I didn’t see any arguments over people having “bad takes” on various platforms. Overwhelmingly there was nothing but respect and excitement for one another’s opinions on the songs individually and the album overall.
Sagittarius Moon in the 9th House: Okay, this is where things get spicy. Sagittarius Moon is an excitable transit as it encourages leaps of energetic enthusiasm. This can be an impulsive transit, often marked by impulsive shopping, people suddenly changing appearances, or even people suddenly changing life circumstances (quitting/starting new jobs, making travel plans, starting/ending relationships). It’s a transit that encourages a leap of faith towards our future goals and dreams. The 9th house represents long-distance travel, higher learning, and philosophy/religion. Phalaris was presented to us with this high energy and encouragement to look towards the parts of the world that are larger than ourselves. On top of this already hot energy, the Moon at this time was a Full Moon, which further intensifies and magnifies the energies already discussed. And with the 9th house representing long-distance travel, this chart placement sets Phalaris up to be a highly successful touring album, both in Japan and around the world. 
Gemini Mercury in the 2nd House: As discussed previously, Mercury had just re-entered Gemini after its retrograde. This refreshed energy is very at home and brings further excitement to both the fans' social interactions around the album, and the lyrics of the album itself. The lyrics of this album are a culmination of emotions built up throughout the past 3 years. The frustrations and hopelessness around a global pandemic lockdown, the strength in communities still finding ways to come together, and the spark of hope as we emerge on the other side of the ordeal. The 2nd house represents resources and an album having a 2nd house Mercury placement sets it up well in terms of successful sales. Not only is this a strong position for the album sales at the start, but any income from this album such as tour tickets will benefit as well. Gemini is naturally ruled by Mercury so having specifically Gemini Mercury in the 2nd house shows the ability of people to find strong meanings and personal connections within the songs of the album. Kyo always intentionally lends his lyrics to the listener’s interpretations, and for that this chart placement really suits his style. 
Taurus Venus in the 2nd House: This is the grounding of the album. The piece that really makes it for me astrologically. Taurus is naturally ruled by Venus and in Visual Kei having strong Venus placements in charts will always be positive. Taurus is very rooted in the physical, tangible side of beauty and aesthetics. Having this in the album’s chart indicates special care given to the visual side of the album production. I have yet to receive my physical copy of the album, so I cannot speak on the physical quality myself, but I have heard good things from others. 
This is the part that absolutely tickles me and other astrologically minded DIR/Vkei fans. Taurus as a sign is visually represented by The Bull. With Venus representing imagery and aesthetics, the fact that an album with a Taurus Venus chart placement on release day has me wondering if DIR EN GREY’s label has a resident astrologer on staff. The Bull imagery used for the Phalaris album jacket, and within the music video for the track Perfume of Sins, comes from the legend of the album’s namesake, the Emperor Phalaris who would trap people in a large bronze bull and light a fire underneath, slowly roasting them as a form of torture, entertainment, and execution. There are other aspects of Phalaris’ legend that DIR EN GREY could have used which suit their visual style (such as his famed cannibalism and penchant for eating young babies). However, it is the Bronze Bull that was decided for an album released during Venus in Taurus. Interesting.
Aries Mars & Aries Jupiter in the 1st House: As if things were not already hot and heavy, we come to the placement of Mars. Aries is ruled by Mars and is at home in this placement. This is a fast, hot-tempered energy. Along with the Sagittarius Moon, the impulsive, reckless, and fast moving energy is here heating up the Bronze Bull of Taurus Venus. The 1st house represents public presentation and first impressions. Having Mars in the 1st house of a chart offers a strong, bright image. This is the energy of the person who commands the attention of a room without even trying. And Jupiter also being in Aries in the first house heightens this energy as Jupiter represents expansion. 1st house Aries Jupiter in the album chart of Phalaris expands the charisma of the album and pushes it to the front of the conversation. This album demands to be perceived, heard, and experienced. There’s a passionate energetic wave coursing throughout the album that keeps listeners on their toes and wanting more.
I already discussed Saturn - Pluto in the long-term transits section above so I will tie them in here briefly.
Aquarius Saturn being in retrograde when the album dropped holds a square or tense energy with Taurus Venus. Our perceptions around visual art are challenged with this transit combination, which is directly in line with DIR EN GREY’s long-term image and theme in their work. Is it “appropriate” to use heavy, obscene, horrifying imagery such as people burning alive inside a Bronze Bull, as a form of artistic entertainment? How can Phalaris’ tyranny be applied to structures of authority and power today? The use of art to challenge perceptions and draw attention to large social issues has always been the prerogative of Rock Music at large, Visual Kei in particular, and DIR EN GREY in emphasis. 
Aquarius Saturn RX sits in Phalaris’ 12th house - the house of the taboo, long-term transformation, and deep subconscious. This album challenges us to bring things we push to the back of our subconscious to the front and address them directly. 
Joining Saturn in the 12th house is Neptune in Pisces. The placement that emphasizes the inner subconscious mind. Again, it’s very on brand for DIR EN GREY and that’s why this album release chart is so perfect. The album challenges us, all of us, to read between the lines of the songs for deeper meaning and to share the meaning we find with one another. By doing so we can identify areas of our social communities (whether that’s the fandom or our individual communities at home) that need reform within the way people interact, share ideas, and generally communicate. 
Whether you study astrology or think it’s all Bronze Bull Sh*t I hope this analysis has been a fun lens with which to look at the album. Let me know if there are any Visual Kei/JRock albums y’all want me to analyze in this way! I am open to suggestions.
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everyday-shea · 2 years
Ju-Ken (Sengoku-Jidai/Vamps) Birth Chart 101
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Date of Birth: June 27th 1971 Birth Time: I do not know Ju-Ken’s birth time, therefore I do not have his rising/houses
Sun: Cancer Moon: Leo Mercury: Cancer Venus: Gemini Mars: Aquarius Jupiter: Scorpio Saturn: Gemini Uranus: Libra Neptune: Sagittarius Pluto: Virgo
Table of Contents: Ju-Ken Birth Chart Inner Planets/Luminaries: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars Inner Combinations: Sun + Moon, Mercury + Venus + Mars. Outer Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto
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Inner Planets/Luminaries Since the Sun + Moon are not planets, they are referred to as the luminaries. These placements are also collectively referred to as personal placements, as they deal more with specific personal aspects, and the outer planets deal more with large group things.
Sun: Ego - Base Personality - Overarching Identity - Building Block for All Else
Sun in Cancer:  Ruled by the Moon and represented by the Crab, Cancers can have a tough outer shell but are very soft and gentle on the inside. Water signs are known for emotional sensitivity, and Cancers channel that sensitivity into their charm and charisma. A Cancer’s charisma is gentle yet powerful, commanding attention in a room even if unintentional. This natural draw for attention can make many Cancers quite shy, though there are less shy, outgoing Cancers as well - it all depends on the rest of their chart. Regardless of how shy or outgoing a Cancer is, they need a good amount of time alone to recharge their energies or they can become moody and withdrawn. Cancer energy represents new ideas, heart-on-sleeve emotions, and romantic creativity - Cancer is naturally gifted with initiating creative ideas and does well in jobs and situations involving creative brainstorming.
In youth, Cancer’s sweet, sensitive nature comes through as their shell is still soft - unfortunately this makes them prone to others trying to take advantage of them. As adults, many Cancers either come off as cool and stoic or aloof as they try to keep their sensitive side drawn back from those who would misuse them. Once a Cancer trusts you and is comfortable enough with you to show that sensitive side, they become the sweetest, most caring friends you could ask for.  
Cancers are quite particular about things, and generally run their homes, being very home-oriented and very good at planning things - especially social events. Often the “mom-friend” in their social groups, regardless of gender - making sure everyone is taken care of and having a good time. Cancer’s ego is fueled positively by giving them space to process and express their emotions and moods. They’re also prone to nostalgia/sentimentality so delving into positive memories together or listening to them reminisce will build that positive relationship.
Cancer’s ego is fueled negatively by poking and prodding at their moods, taking advantage of their sensitivity for your own gain - this will cause them to harden their shell more, and can cause resentment. If a Cancer trusts you enough to let you into their shell and you betray that trust, they can hold a grudge for a lifetime. Even if they say they forgive you, they will never forget what happened. 
Moon: Emotions - How We Process & Emotions and Information - How We React To Others’ Words, Actions, and Expressions - Our Sense of Stability/Security
Moon in Leo: Ruled by the Sun and represented by the Lion - Leo is pride and sustaining energy. Leo Moon’s emotions are tied directly to the ego, and it can be difficult to separate the two. Leo’s fire energy means emotions are felt intensely, and they can be very passionate people. In fact, emotions can be overwhelming in their intensity at times and it is important for these people to have an external outlet for their emotional waves - such as music/art/writing/fitness/hobbies involving physical work/etc - and with a flare for drama Leo Moons make excellent actors, attorneys, and sales-folk.
Leo energy is stubborn, motivated and charismatic. Emotions come in with a vigor, find a foothold, and latch on until they can be processed thoroughly. Leo Moons can be quite stubborn, letting the heart overrule the head. This applies to all kinds of emotions, both negative and positive. When upset it can take awhile to feel okay again, and when overjoyed they feel like nothing could bring them down! Leo Moon is fueled positively by emotional care to their ego. Compliment them, let them know how important and valued they are, and when giving criticisms, keep it as positive as possible. Don’t over-boost their ego, elsewise they can become full of themselves. But healthy compliments and reminders that their presence is important will keep them going! Leo Moon is fueled negatively by critiques without emotional warmth - as well as empty ego boosts. If the compliments are not sincere, and are just said to keep them happy, they will pick up on it and learn to assume that people are giving fake compliments to stay on their good side. Critiques or statements made bluntly or without a corresponding compliment can be taken to heart as them being faulty or wrong, even if that was not the original intent. 
Mercury: Communication - Gaining Knowledge - Thought Processes - Written/Verbal Expression of Ideas
Mercury in Cancer: Cancer’s sensitivity and charisma comes through with a defined duality. When it comes to communication, Cancer’s charm shines as they speak with gentleness and care. Communication can also be moody, and sometimes reserved - it’s not uncommon for Cancer Mercury to pull their energy back and cease communication for periods of time. Water signs are known for high intuition, and in Mercury, they pick up information with great ease. They absorb the energy of the room and pick up on every subtle cue - vocal tone, facial expression, things unsaid lying underneath spoken words. Because they are so good at picking up underlying meaning and energy, they can often assume that others do the same and don’t feel the need to communicate in great deal. This can cause communication issues with more direct and analytical placements as they’ll feel that Cancer Mercury is expecting them to be mind-readers. It’s important for Cancer Mercury people to understand that most others won’t understand things as intuitively as them, and some people really do need things stated or spelled out more than they think. Cancer Mercury has a great memory - especially emotional memory. They relate knowledge to emotional experience and can be very reflective and sentimental. They’re less likely to remember exact information or details about a person or experience, and more how the person/experience made them feel, which in turn determines how they communicate their thoughts about the person/experience. With expression being inclined towards feeling over practicality or detail, it is best for these people to express themselves through creative means such as music, writing/poetry, art. With Ju-Ken, his Cancer Mercury expresses itself best through his music & lyrics~
Venus: Love - Beauty - Aesthetics - Money (Earning & Spending)
Venus in Gemini: Ruled by Mercury and represented by The Twins, Gemini prizes communication and energetic movement. With interpersonal relationships, this means being drawn to people who can have interesting conversations and are knowledgeable on a variety of topics. People who can’t hold a conversation or have shallow interests will bore Gemini Venus and they’ll quickly move on to more interesting people. When it comes to romantic relationships, good looks only go so far, as they need the intellectual stimulation to keep the mood going. These people are known to be social butterflies, keeping a large social circle with a variety of people from different walks of life. They can’t stand only being surrounded by one type of person. They value and need people with different backgrounds, thoughts, and world-views to keep them intrigued. 
Gemini energy is adaptable, analytical, and curious. They’re always looking for the next new, exciting thing to keep their curious minds busy. In Venus, this means lots of relationships, varied friend groups, lots of different jobs or many changes within one job, and a variety of hobbies. Gaining new information from a variety of sources is highly important. Venus also rules the areas of beauty, aesthetics, and fashion. Gemini Venus’ interest in many things shows they may frequently change their style or surroundings. Bright colors and unique prints keep their environments lively and energetic. With Gemini’s sociable nature, it’s common for Gemini Venus to fill homes, offices, and other personal spaces with displays of memorabilia attached to friends and family. Photos, gifts, and souvenirs from trips or other events that hold memories with the people dearest to them fill shelves and wall-space with pride. 
Mars: Action - Physicality - Assertiveness
Mars in Aquarius: Ruled by Uranus and represented by the Water Bearer, Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac. Aquarius is different for different’s sake and gets bored with routine and the mundane. They’re always looking for fun, new things to do and have trouble sitting still. Never wanting to be predictable, they love to experiment and change things up. They may regularly change their fashion style, or if they stick to a style you can be sure it is distinctly them. They stand out in a crowd, sometimes on purpose but even if they aren’t trying to, they do. There’s a strong belief in the freedom of people to express their individuality, and they are quick to encourage others to do things for themselves rather than for the expectation of others. The status quo just does not hold any appeal. While holding this need for change, rebellion, and expression, Aquarius Mars can also have a stubborn streak. They want to do things for themselves and nothing will keep them locked into a pattern or habit more than people telling them they need to change. If they do change, it will surely be in a different direction than they are being asked to go, just to prove that they can. Even with this stubborn streak, Aquarius Mars isn’t very forceful and prefers to be laid back and just enjoy the ride of life. Aquarius energy is determined, curious, and innovative. Aquarius is stubborn in the need to move around and change their environment often, in both big and small ways. Aquarius Mars thrives in environments that allow for them to do a variety of things and have a regular change of scenery. They suffer in environments that have few, repetitive tasks for them to do and don’t allow much movement. They would do much better in jobs that require travel and have flexible, varied schedules than jobs that are based out of one location and have a regular, consistent schedule. 
Inner combinations These are the major combinations, though all placements relate to each other. If you would like an analysis on any combination not covered here, please let me know.
Cancer Sun + Leo Moon: The duality of having Cancer, ruled by the Moon, in the Sun position, and Leo, ruled by the Sun, in the Moon position, means that his ego and emotions are so closely tied together that it is nearly impossible to separate them. While most people feel a tie between their emotions and their ego, for this dynamic, this connection is the strongest. This intense sensitivity makes him very passionate and compassionate, as well as very creative. However, it can also be a very overwhelming dynamic that can cause him to pull inward and need a lot of solitude at times in order to process everything. This combination brings out a strong sense of protection. Self protection of course, but also protection of others. If someone in their family or social circle is having a hard time, he’ll jump in to help any way he can without question. This trait is admirable yet can become targeted by those who would take advantage of such kindness. Therefore discretion is necessary. In my experience, most Cancer Sun, Leo Moon combination people live by the thought “I’d rather help someone who didn’t need it than not help someone who did”.
Cancer Mercury + Gemini Venus + Aquarius Mars: This combination is always seeking new, exciting avenues of life. There’s a restless energy that gets bored easily if kept in the same overall environment for too long. A variable social circle and work schedule is necessary to keep the energy flow up. Gemini and Aquarius in this combination can make it easy to detach from people and places, but Cancer both here in Mercury and in the Sun position keeps him from detaching completely so that a healthy amount of emotion stays tied with various people, places, and experiences, even after they’re long past. He can be quite nostalgic, and he has a lot to be nostalgic for! Cancer Mercury works with his Gemini Venus and Aquarius Mars to fill his home and heart with the most precious memories made with all the people he meets and places he goes. It’s important for this combination to find balance between the heart and the head as it can become too easy to get stuck in one space or the other. 
Outer planets
The planets beyond the asteroid belt move more slowly through the signs, and their traits and influence have to do more with large groups than personal things. How they relate on a personal level involves connecting them back to related personal placements, as I will show with each placement. 
Jupiter: Travel - Education - Authoritative Structures - Luck - Growth & Expansion
Jupiter will present in 1 or 2 signs in a year.
Jupiter in Scorpio: Ruled by Pluto and Mars, and represented by the Scorpion, Scorpio is the sign of deep transformation. It’s an intensely intuitive sign that brings to light the hidden depths and mysteries of life. Scorpio Jupiter uses the hardships of life to create their own happiness, luck, and freedom. Understanding the darker and difficult sides of life make it easier to distinguish genuine positivity from fake positivity - what it means to be truly happy versus faking it until you make it. Authoritative people and structures in their life impress a sense of fake happiness and freedom - an attitude that things are fine when they’re not - and Scorpio Jupiter will see through this easily. Issues with authority come from resisting the pressure to pretend things are okay and actually seek ways to make situations better. They can detect people’s true intentions and get upset if their words/actions don’t match their intentions. Therefore, they can be very private people, only opening up to those they can trust to be honest and forthright. Scorpio energy is stubborn, stead-fast, perceptive, and investigative. Scorpio is very intuitive and Scorpio Jupiter can, if they chose, be very gifted with matters of psychology, medicine, healing practices, and the occult. From therapists to detectives to psychics, they seek to understand people and help solve/heal them. When they travel, they are very observant of different people and ways of life. With Jupiter representing expansion in life, this gives a natural strength to being able to read between the lines and find deeper truths in areas they choose to focus on.
Saturn: Responsibility - Discipline - Karma Saturn will stay in a sign for about 2.5 years - Taking about 29-30 years to go through all 12 signs. Saturn rules time and life-lessons. Approximately every 28-30 years, Saturn will return to the sign it was in when you were born, and your Saturn return period emphasizes the life-lessons that Saturn is trying to teach you.
Saturn in Gemini: Gemini is all about duality, knowledge, and communication. Gemini Saturn’s lesson is about using personal intellect to communicate effectively. People with Saturn in Gemini may struggle with communication, either being overly logical and analytical in communication or not logical and analytical enough. Saturn teaches you to find the balance between communicating exactly what you need and assuming other people will just intuitively understand your thoughts and needs. It’s the balance between the heart and the head - spending too much time brooding in emotions or wrapping oneself up in logically rationalizing every part of life keeping actual action from occurring. Gemini Saturn reminds people that while yes it is important to think things through before acting, action needs to happen eventually and that communication is the best course of action. Tied in with Ju-Ken’s Cancer Mercury, I would guess that his struggle would be more with not being logical or analytical enough with communication and expecting others to intuit his words through emotions. His lesson with this placement is to communicate more under the assumption that others aren’t as intuitive about his true meaning as he thinks they should be.
Uranus: Rebellion - Liberation - Innovation - Upheavals
Uranus stays in one sign for about 7 years.
Uranus in Libra: Ruled by Venus and represented by Justice, Libra seeks balance and harmony in all things. Rebellion and innovation show through in reforms to social and structural ideas and systems of justice. What is fair or unfair, what is balanced, and what can be done to have a more harmonious balance of society. Keep in mind, with the duality of nature and nurture, the exact definitions and ideas of what is fair, harmonious, and justice will vary based on influences people are raised with. 
“The last time Uranus was in Libra was from October 1968 until September 1975 stimulating changes in social justice, diplomacy, music, and the arts.” (https://www.san.beck.org › Astro-Uranus)
One of the big social showings of this time was the hippie movement - make love not war - challenging the priority of war over interpersonal relationships.
Since this is a larger group planet, for the individual it is important to relate back into the chart. Since Libra is ruled by Venus, looking into Juken’s Venus sign is where his personal expression of this placement comes through. With his Venus being in Gemini, he seeks balance, justice, and harmony through the combination of a variety of people from multiple walks of life through open-minded communication. Going further, as Gemini is ruled by Mercury, his Cancer Mercury plays into this as well. He is sensitive and empathetic, and values the freedom for people to express their views.
Neptune: Dreams - Magic - The Subconscious
Neptune stays in one sign for 14 years.
Neptune in Sagittarius: Ruled by Jupiter and represented by the archer, Sagittarius is all about forward momentum into the unknown. These people look for potential through the lens of their personal religious/philosophical beliefs. Therefore this will present differently depending on what those beliefs are for each person. They can become very attached to their beliefs whether this be a specific religion, a driving life philosophy, or a social cause. Sagittarius likes to look for solutions, therefore Sagittarius Neptune looks for solutions to life’s problems through their deeply held beliefs - depending on social upbringing and other chart elements this can cause difficulty in accepting others’ beliefs. With Sagittarius being ruled by Jupiter and Ju-ken’s Jupiter being in Scorpio, he may be drawn to religious/philosophical beliefs and ideas that have to do with the occult, or darker sides of humanity. 
Pluto: Things That Are Hidden - The Shadow - The Taboo - Long-Term Transformation
Pluto stays in a sign anywhere from 12-30 years depending on the speed it is moving. This is the generational planet.
Pluto in Virgo: Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is detail oriented, health conscious, and pragmatic. Pluto has to do with transformation, and Virgo Pluto transforms by analyzing the details of life - what works and what doesn’t - what needs to be changed and how that change can take place in a practical way. Relating back into Juken’s chart, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Juken’s Cancer Mercury comes into play. He will find transformation in his life by using practical means of communication - i.e. utilizing his communication style to express his beliefs and needs, and to meet the needs of others around him. Further, Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is present in his Sun - so his Leo Moon and Cancer Sun pull through with his Virgo Pluto to show a need for balance between strong, charged emotions and practical, analytical communication. He can find security in healthy expressions of emotions and needs. 
Pluto was last in Virgo 1956-1972 and during this time there were a lot of pushes for societal restructuring especially around lifestyle structures. New lifestyle innovations gave people more options and flexibility to self-express away from the cookie cutter conformity of the first half of the 20th century. People born during this time continued to push alternative lifestyles and subcultures during their formative years in the 80s and 90s. 
Ju-Ken thrives in environments where he can express himself creatively in a variety of ways with a variety of people. We see this clearly as he’s a member of multiple bands, each of which have distinctly different styles, and does support/session work for a variety of other artists all of which span a wide variety of styles/genres. From classic rock, to hard rock, to metal, to punk, to visual kei, to jazzy styles, to pop styles, and all areas in between. He’s a musical chameleon and this is honestly one of the things I admire the most about him as a fan! I absolutely love how varied he is and how seemingly effortlessly he flows among musical styles. He’s introduced me to so many artists and styles that I never would have considered before, and really expanded my musical palate. Therefore, I’m very glad that he found his niche and has been able to especially develop this part of himself through music. It’s truly wonderful~
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everyday-shea · 2 years
Reita (The GazettE) Birth Chart 101
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Date of Birth: May 27th 1981 Birth Time: I do not have Reita’s birth time so I do not have his rising/houses
Sun: Gemini Moon: Pisces Mercury: Gemini Venus: Gemini Mars: Taurus Jupiter: Libra Saturn: Libra Uranus: Scorpio Neptune: Sagittarius Pluto: Libra
Table of Contents: Reita Birth Chart Inner Planets/Luminaries: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars Inner Combinations: Sun + Moon, Mercury + Venus + Mars. Outer Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto
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Inner Planets/Luminaries Since the Sun + Moon are not planets, they are referred to as the luminaries. These placements are also collectively referred to as personal placements, as they deal more with specific personal aspects, and the outer planets deal more with large group things.
Sun: Ego - Base Personality - Overarching Identity - Building Block for All Else
Sun in Gemini: They’re interested in many things and topics, there’s so much to discuss in the world so if they can’t latch their attention onto something quickly, they’ll just move on. Knowledge is a collective endeavor always fluctuating with new information, experiences, and input from others. Gemini Sun learns best through simply saying things and gaining new information from the responses of others. This has gained the negative stereotype of inconsistency, while in reality Gemini’s thoughts are just constantly shifting to accommodate new information. Because their brain cells are constantly bouncing around from idea to idea, they can end up second-guessing their choices or actions. It’s important for Gemini Suns to have a few core, set beliefs and thought processes as an anchor so they don’t get lost in their heads. Witty and mischievous, Gemini Suns have a quick tongue and often enjoy banter or word games. They have lightning quick comebacks and are masters of adding side remarks to conversations. Depending on the person, these can be funny or rude - sometimes people interpret them as rude when they don’t mean to be so. Mostly, they’re just trying to have fun and don’t think too much about what is being said - once it’s out of their mouth it’s out of mind as well. Put your Gemini friends into freestyle rap battles and take home the prize every time.
Moon: Emotions - How We Process & Emotions and Information - How We React To Others’ Words, Actions, and Expressions - Our Sense of Stability/Security
Moon in Pisces: Ruled by Neptune and represented by the fish, Pisces is incredibly in-tune with the unseen potential of the world, and Pisces Moon has a very strong sense of imagination. These are the daydreamers and fantasy thrill-seekers. Sometimes it can seem like their head is in the clouds, but when they come back to earth they are brimming with new ideas and insights. Pisces Moon is also highly sensitive to the moods of others, soaking up the energy others put out like a sponge. At times it can be difficult for them to know where their emotions end and the emotional energies of others begin. For extroverted Pisces Moon, they thrive in emotionally charged environments as this is how they gain energy. For introverted Pisces Moon, they can become easily overwhelmed by others and prefer small, calm gatherings.
Pisces Moon is fueled positively by having a calm space in which to daydream and explore their inner ideas and fantasies. Give them an outlet to put these ideas to words and use and they will make miracles happen. Pisces Moon is fueled negatively by environments that are too strict and grounded. It’s not that they lack the ability to be practical or logical, but they find such environments to be boring and restrictive. They need freedom of imagination or else they’ll become frustrated or even depressed.
Mercury: Communication - Gaining Knowledge - Thought Processes - Written/Verbal Expression of Ideas
Mercury in Gemini: Ruled by Mercury and represented by the twins - Gemini is right at home in the planet of communication and information. The mind is constantly in search of stimulation - these people are likely to have a variety of interests and may seem to jump around from topic to topic at random. They can see connections between topics that may not be as apparent to others, so when they jump from A to C they assume everyone knows how they got there and therefore don’t need to mention step B, while most others can get tied up and confused as B isn’t apparent to them and they have no idea what just happened. It’s important for Gemini Mercury to understand that not everyone will be able to keep up with this pace, and yes, you do need to spell it out more for people than you think. Mercury Gemini is a curious resource - if you bring up a topic they will have many thoughts about it regardless of how much knowledge they actually have, and will eagerly pursue further knowledge of the topic with you. However, if the pursuit of further information turns slow, stale, or just boring, they will simply move on to the next topic. 
Venus: Love - Beauty - Aesthetics - Money (Earning & Spending)
Venus in Gemini: Ruled by Mercury and represented by the twins, Gemini prizes communication and energetic movement. With interpersonal relationships, this means being drawn to people who can have interesting conversations and are knowledgeable on a variety of topics. People who can’t hold a conversation or have shallow interests will bore Gemini Venus and they’ll quickly move on to more interesting people. When it comes to romantic relationships, good looks only go so far, as they need the intellectual stimulation to keep the mood going. These people are known to be social butterflies, keeping a large social circle with a variety of people from different walks of life. They can’t stand only being surrounded by one type of person, they value and need people with different backgrounds, thoughts, and world-views to keep them intrigued. 
Gemini is flexible, adaptable, and curious. They’re always looking for the next new, exciting thing to keep their curious minds busy. In Venus, this means lots of relationships, varied friend groups, lots of different jobs or many changes within one job, and a variety of hobbies.
Mars: Action - Physicality - Assertiveness
Mars in Taurus: Ruled by Venus and represented by the Bull, Taurus is steadfast, hard-working, and stubborn. These people will make a plan and stick through it to the end. Taurus has a very persevering energy to push through any and everything. Even when obstacles come up that would make most people give up, Taurus Mars bulldozes on ahead. Eyes are on the prize and nothing will waver that concentration. They have great stamina and stability - in physical actions they may not have a fast start or high energy, but once they get going they won’t stop until the task is complete. Doing things quickly in a moment of impulse isn’t their style - plan to take the time to do things right. As long as you don’t rush them, trust me, they will do things RIGHT. Taurus Mars moves at their own pace and it's up to the individual what that pace is. If you try to rush them or slow them down, you’ll only make them annoyed. Taurus has to do a lot with physical things and physical touch. Taurus Mars likes to touch things such as feeling the fabric of clothing before buying it. They can also be very casually touchy with friends - they make great huggers and cuddlers! Many are great cooks and those who don’t cook are great at finding the best restaurants - eating with them is always fun. An ideal casual hangout with Taurus Mars would be taking your time at a café, eating slowly, talking, and people watching together. 
Inner combinations These are the major combinations, though all placements relate to each other. If you would like an analysis on any combination not covered here, please let me know.
Gemini Sun + Pisces Moon: Both Gemini and Pisces have an energy that’s constantly on the move. This combination gets caught up in their head a lot. He may be prone to daydreaming or zoning out as a variety of thoughts, ideas, and general feelings float in and out of his mind. He may not necessarily stop to contemplate each idea as it comes through, rather just watching them pass by and going with the flow. Despite being prone to daydreaming, he is very perceptive as well. You may think he’s zoning out during a conversation, but he’ll turn around and surprise you by remembering details you thought had flown past. Few details actually escape him, it just comes down to which ones he decides are worth his energy to hold on to versus which ones to let go.
Gemini Mercury + Gemini Venus + Taurus Mars: A very curious combination, this shows someone who loves to be around people as much as possible. Whether he’s the center of the conversation or quietly listening from the side, he enjoys hearing his friends talking about a variety of things. Social atmospheres that cover multiple topics with a balance of serious discussion and fun, witty humor will bring him a lot of comfort and satisfaction. He has great social stamina, being able to stay up all night talking with the right people. While having a certain amount of teasing wit in the way he interacts with his friends, he is also very steady and reliable. A good ear for those needing to vent and a sturdy shoulder to lean on.
Outer planets
The planets beyond the asteroid belt move more slowly through the signs, and their traits and influence have to do more with large groups than personal things. How they relate on a personal level involves connecting them back to related personal placements, as I will show with each placement. 
Jupiter: Travel - Education - Authoritative Structures - Luck - Growth & Expansion
Jupiter will present in 1 or 2 signs in a year.
Jupiter in Libra: Libra is naturally ruled by Venus - Represented by the scales of justice, Libra in Jupiter places emphasis on interpersonal relationships. Making connections may be easy for them - they may feel lucky in terms of the people in their life and the opportunities they have to meet people. However, it’s important for them to not take this for granted. They have to learn how to maintain those connections after they’re formed. People won’t just hang around forever on the basis of mutually liking one another. Relationships must be nurtured and maintained, and Libra Jupiter highlights this. They may be naturally gifted at maintaining long-term relations, or they may find themselves making a lot of quick, superficial connections with good potential that fade just as quickly when efforts to maintain and grow them are not put in. Libra Jupiter also draws emphasis on maintaining harmony in social groups. They may have had to moderate social disagreements among peers and/or with authority figures in their youth. When studying and traveling, they pick up on lessons around interpersonal balance and making decisions that work to best benefit the group as well as the individual. Libra Jupiter is constantly searching for ways to maintain social harmony and make it easier for people to get along.
Saturn: Responsibility - Discipline - Karma Saturn will stay in a sign for about 2.5 years - Taking about 29-30 years to go through all 12 signs. Saturn rules time and life-lessons. Approximately every 28-30 years, Saturn will return to the sign it was in when you were born, and your Saturn return period emphasizes the life-lessons that Saturn is trying to teach you.
Saturn in Libra: Saturn in Libra brings emphasis to the balance of one’s own wants and needs and those of greater society. Cooperation over competition is a huge theme in Libra Saturn’s recurring lessons - they often find themselves as the diplomatic figure in social groups. Learning to use tact and grace to maintain social harmony is an important life skill, and Libra Saturn can develop this skill quite naturally. They have to be careful not to be so focused on making everyone else satisfied that they neglect their own needs and comfort. 
Libra is ruled by Venus, so Reita’s Gemini Venus pulls in emphasis to the variety of people he’s surrounded by. All of us can benefit from having a diverse social group, and in Reita’s case he benefits best when it comes to gaining wisdom and finding his sense of harmony and justice. When he has a question or problem, seeking answers or advice from multiple viewpoints will help him draw the best conclusions and make the best decisions. His personal lessons will kick him in the butt if he makes decisions based on limited information from a limited number of sources. There’s always another way of looking at things, and those perspectives are necessary to help fill in the gaps.
Uranus: Rebellion - Liberation - Innovation - Upheavals
Uranus stays in one sign for about 7 years.
Uranus in Scorpio: Dual ruled by Mars and Pluto and represented by the Scorpion, Scorpio can bring an intense energy to the chart. Especially in the sign of immense change. Rebellion and innovation show through their hard fast determination. Once their mind is made up about a direction to run towards, it’s full steam ahead. They identify their values and beliefs and pursue social change in accordance to those beliefs with intensity. Traditional patterns relating to the taboo and supernatural can be of particular focus - the individual’s beliefs and social upbringing influencing whether they dive head first into the supernatural or actively fight against it. There’s an emphasis on the sides of society that are hidden or swept under the rug. Scorpio Uranus brings those things to light.
Uranus was last in Scorpio from 1974 - 1981. During that time the punk movement had a huge wave of popularity (1975-1980) as people were finding more extreme ways to express their issues with society. Scorpio is dual ruled by Mars and Pluto, so Reita’s Taurus Mars and Libra Pluto come in here. Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, so when looking at the extremes and taboos of society, he’ll find that areas related to beauty, aesthetics, fashion, and the use of money, will be the most interesting and beneficial for him to explore. We already see this influence to an extent in his visual style - the way his key style of covering his nose brings about discussions around concepts of beauty in facial features like the nose, insecurities therein, and how you can use fashion to your advantage when dealing with such things. We’ve definitely seen other bandmen follow his lead with the nose covering style being copied and incorporated after him across the industry.
Neptune: Dreams - Magic - The Subconscious
Neptune stays in one sign for 14 years.
Neptune in Sagittarius: Ruled by Jupiter and represented by the Archer. Sagittarius is always seeking, trying to find the next direction, answer, and opportunity. People with Neptune in Sagittarius are always looking for new answers about philosophical questions and may get restless in an environment that has one set answer and mindset that everyone must adhere to. They can become fanatics in trying to seek truths, or can become active rebels against the concept of truth and religious ideology. Whatever their beliefs, the underlying energy and desire to seek new directions is there. Sagittarius is also associated with luck, and Sagittarius Neptune points to luck with endeavors in magic and divination, should the individual wish to practice them. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and Reita’s Libra Jupiter shows his seeking energies in the realms of art, beauty, and relationships. He may contemplate philosophical questions around the concepts of art and beauty a lot. 
Neptune was last in Sagittarius from 1970-1984. During this time, popular media around the unknown beyond our world was at a high point with huge interest in the Star Trek series’ and the start of the highly popular Star Wars franchise. 
Pluto: Things That Are Hidden - The Shadow - The Taboo - Long-Term Transformation
Pluto stays in a sign anywhere from 12-30 years depending on the speed it is moving. This is the generational planet.
Pluto in Libra: Transformation is made through interpersonal relationships - relating to others, building strong social networks, and perfecting personal concepts of diplomacy and harmony. Pluto in Libra also transforms through reimagined concepts of art and beauty. Utilizing art and visual effects in new ways - taking art forms and transforming them into their own unique style.
Pluto was last in Libra 1971 to 1984 - during that time visual marketing took off in new directions and major changes and developments to cinema were made. The people born during that time went on to lead the way in the development of modern social media. Relating back into his chart, Libra is ruled by Venus and Reita’s Gemini Venus again brings focus to diversity in communities. Social reforms only work if everyone can find a middle ground and agreement, despite working with a variety of viewpoints, ideologies, and opinions. Reita’s larger questions about life and the universe will be most satisfied by contemplating how the diverse array of ideas, philosophies, lifestyles, cultures, etc in the world can balance out in harmonious ways. As a musician, he already has a sense of this in the way that music brings diverse groups together.
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everyday-shea · 2 years
Uruha (The GazettE) Birth Chart 101
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Date of Birth: June 9th 1981 Birth Time: I do not have Uruha’s birth time so I do not have his rising/houses
Sun: Gemini Moon: Virgo Mercury: Cancer Venus: Cancer Mars: Gemini Jupiter: Libra Saturn: Libra Uranus: Scorpio Neptune: Sagittarius Pluto: Libra
Table of Contents: Uruha Birth Chart Inner Planets/Luminaries: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars Inner Combinations: Sun + Moon, Mercury + Venus + Mars. Outer Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto
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Inner Planets/Luminaries Since the Sun + Moon are not planets, they are referred to as the luminaries. These placements are also collectively referred to as personal placements, as they deal more with specific personal aspects, and the outer planets deal more with large group things.
Sun: Ego - Base Personality - Overarching Identity - Building Block for All Else
Sun in Gemini: They’re interested in many things and topics, there’s so much to discuss in the world so if they can’t latch their attention onto something quickly, they’ll just move on. Knowledge is a collective endeavor always fluctuating with new information, experiences, and input from others. Gemini Sun learns best through simply saying things and gaining new information from the responses of others. This has gained the negative stereotype of inconsistency, while in reality Gemini’s thoughts are just constantly shifting to accommodate new information. Because their brain cells are constantly bouncing around from idea to idea, they can end up second-guessing their choices or actions. It’s important for Gemini Suns to have a few core, set beliefs and thought processes as an anchor so they don’t get lost in their heads. Witty and mischievous, Gemini Suns have a quick tongue and often enjoy banter or word games. They have lightning quick comebacks and are masters of adding side remarks to conversations. Depending on the person, these can be funny or rude - sometimes people interpret them as rude when they don’t mean to be so. Mostly, they’re just trying to have fun and don’t think too much about what is being said - once it’s out of their mouth it’s out of mind as well. Put your Gemini friends into freestyle rap battles and take home the prize every time.
Moon: Emotions - How We Process & Emotions and Information - How We React To Others’ Words, Actions, and Expressions - Our Sense of Stability/Security
Moon in Virgo: Ruled by Mercury - Virgo is the pragmatist of the zodiac. In the sign of emotions, these people can come off as stoic and calculating. This doesn’t mean they don’t feel as strongly as others, rather they process emotions more internally and are very particular about how they express them externally. They value organization in their lives and can be very picky about their home and surroundings. Virgo Moon likes everything to be in its place and have predictability where they can so as to reduce the stress that comes with the unpredictable chaos of the world at large. Very aware of their surroundings, Virgo Moons are good at noticing details that most would skim over. They are good people watchers, and good event planners, thriving in situations where they can analyze people or organize actions that will entertain and please others. They pride themselves in creating atmospheres that others will enjoy and talk about for a long time.
Virgo does best in areas where analysis of environmental factors can be practically applied to create a productive outcome. In the placement of emotional aspects, Virgo Moons channel their emotions into practical action, and any that can’t be processed this way are pushed aside for better or for worse. Others who express emotions more impulsively both amuse and frustrate Virgo Moons.
Mercury: Communication - Gaining Knowledge - Thought Processes - Written/Verbal Expression of Ideas
Mercury in Cancer: Ruled by the Moon and represented by the Crab, Cancer is a quiet and contemplative sign. In the planet of communication, we see a communication style that is led by the heart before the head. They think carefully about what they want to say, understanding that the way things are said is more important than just the words themselves. There’s a duality where their speaking and writing style can be either very flowery, poetic and romantic, or stoic and to-the-point in favor of saying as little as possible. They make great creative writers - poets and lyricists.
Deeply nostalgic, they attach to events, places, people, and memories with ease. It’s easier for them to remember the emotions/feelings around people and events than distinctly tangible details. Cancer Mercury forms impressions and opinions of others by how their words and actions make them feel, and they are very good at being able to tell when someone’s words and actions don’t match up. Fool them once, shame on them. Fool them twice, you’ll never hear from them again because you will be blocked and listed as untrustworthy. As long as you’re being honest and not playing complicated games, Cancer Mercury will gladly lend their ear and support. Being direct about what you mean is important as their highly active imaginations will fill in the gaps with their own ideas. Just don’t be too blunt in your directness as over-bluntness can easily rub them the wrong way and be taken as rudeness or aggression even if that wasn’t the intention.
Venus: Love - Beauty - Aesthetics - Money (Earning & Spending)
Venus in Cancer: This placement puts a high emphasis on taking care of those they care about. There’s a sense of pride in being able to intuitively know what others need and being able to provide that. Not letting them help you can be taken as a personal slight and rejection needs to be handled with care. They can certainly hold a grudge, so be sure to apologize for any wrong-doing before that iron-clad wall goes up. Attachment for Cancer Venus comes with a great sentimentality. They are the type to keep a gift from an ex long after the breakup as a way to remember the good times. When it comes to gift giving, they put a lot of care into selecting gifts for loved ones, so you know any gift they give you comes from the heart. When it comes to spending money, Cancer Venus can be quite frugal and cautious, but will go all in on things that have meaning to them such as something related to a hobby/interest or a gift for a loved one. Venus also rules aesthetics and sense of beauty. Cancer Venus’ sense of beauty again comes from the heart. They seek art, music, movies, and the like that touch their hearts and evoke a response. With Cancer being a water sign ruled by the moon, they may particularly enjoy aesthetics around night time and/or water themes. Soft yet dark colors, and comforting fabrics will appeal the most.
Mars: Action - Physicality - Assertiveness
Mars in Gemini: Gemini’s playful energy comes through in Mars! These people can be mischievous, but mostly they just really seek fun and humor! Generally gifted comedians themselves, they enjoy anyone who can find new ways to make them laugh. Though they can be serious when need be, when it’s ok to loosen up they can be down-right goofy. Gemini Mars loves movement - both literal physical movement and figurative movement of projects and events. They’re always working on something new and looking forward to the next project. This can lead to starting a lot of things without finishing them - though with fixed placements and earth placements this is less of an issue (thank goodness for Uruha’s Virgo Moon!) Friendships & relationships need to stay engaging and active, or else they can get restless and go off looking for new people to stimulate their needs. Not generally aggressive, they prefer to simply bounce around from project to project/person to person rather than directly confront or address issues that keep something from moving in the way they want. 
Since Gemini can become easily restless, Gemini Mars does best in environments that are fast paced and allow them to have a lot of motion. Desk jobs are not generally a great fit. This is the kid who was always squirming in their seat and doodling in class. They need to be able to express themselves externally! Sitting still is simply not an option. 
Inner combinations These are the major combinations, though all placements relate to each other. If you would like an analysis on any combination not covered here, please let me know.
Gemini Sun + Virgo Moon: The double Mercury here really shows that his thoughts mostly present in words more than abstract feelings or vibes. He just constantly has words going through his mind. When he thinks out loud, the words seem to come from nowhere. While it may make sense to him, to others it seems like “he really just says things, huh”. Having a journal, blog, or similar outlet to put his thoughts and feelings into words is greatly beneficial. Bouncing ideas off of others is also an important way for him to make sense of his own thoughts and feelings, so he values being around people who he can brainstorm with. People who will discuss various topics with him and not mind if his thoughts are abstract or seemingly come from nowhere, will be the best people for him to be around.
Cancer Mercury + Cancer Venus + Gemini Mars:  The double Cancer here balances out with his strong Mercurial placements. Cancer attaches to things/people easily and Gemini detaches easily, so having both in his chart shows an ability to be mindful about where his attachments are, so he doesn’t attach too strongly nor detach too much. Forming new connections with others can be a bit slow at the start as he would mostly prefer others to approach him first. Once that connection has been made, then he’ll enthusiastically approach the person first with offers to get together. This is the “friend who calls you at 3AM to hang out because they can’t sleep” energy. 
Outer planets
The planets beyond the asteroid belt move more slowly through the signs, and their traits and influence have to do more with large groups than personal things. How they relate on a personal level involves connecting them back to related personal placements, as I will show with each placement. 
Jupiter: Travel - Education - Authoritative Structures - Luck - Growth & Expansion
Jupiter will present in 1 or 2 signs in a year.
Jupiter in Libra: Libra is naturally ruled by Venus - Represented by the scales of justice, Libra in Jupiter places emphasis on interpersonal relationships. Making connections may be easy for them - they may feel lucky in terms of the people in their life and the opportunities they have to meet people. However, it’s important for them to not take this for granted. They have to learn how to maintain those connections after they’re formed. People won’t just hang around forever on the basis of mutually liking one another. Relationships must be nurtured and maintained, and Libra Jupiter highlights this. They may be naturally gifted at maintaining long-term relations, or they may find themselves making a lot of quick, superficial connections with good potential that fade just as quickly when efforts to maintain and grow them are not put in. Libra Jupiter also draws emphasis on maintaining harmony in social groups. They may have had to moderate social disagreements among peers and/or with authority figures in their youth. When studying and traveling, they pick up on lessons around interpersonal balance and making decisions that work to best benefit the group as well as the individual. Libra Jupiter is constantly searching for ways to maintain social harmony and make it easier for people to get along.
Saturn: Responsibility - Discipline - Karma Saturn will stay in a sign for about 2.5 years - Taking about 29-30 years to go through all 12 signs. Saturn rules time and life-lessons. Approximately every 28-30 years, Saturn will return to the sign it was in when you were born, and your Saturn return period emphasizes the life-lessons that Saturn is trying to teach you.
Saturn in Libra: Saturn in Libra brings emphasis to the balance of one’s own wants and needs and those of greater society. Cooperation over competition is a huge theme in Libra Saturn’s recurring lessons - they often find themselves as the diplomatic figure in social groups. Learning to use tact and grace to maintain social harmony is an important life skill, and Libra Saturn can develop this skill quite naturally. They have to be careful not to be so focused on making everyone else satisfied that they neglect their own needs and comfort. Libra is ruled by Venus, so Uruha’s Cancer Venus comes in here. Cancer can be highly sensitive and the Libra-Cancer dynamic here emphasizes the lessons around managing one’s reactions to sensitivity. If someone says or does something that makes him feel slighted and hurt, his natural reaction may be to retreat into his shell and put up a cold shoulder. It’s important to learn to not retreat and rather communicate his feelings to the other person and give them a chance to explain their side/apologize for the slight. This makes everyone feel better long term.
Uranus: Rebellion - Liberation - Innovation - Upheavals
Uranus stays in one sign for about 7 years.
Uranus in Scorpio: Dual ruled by Mars and Pluto and represented by the Scorpion, Scorpio can bring an intense energy to the chart. Especially in the sign of immense change. Rebellion and innovation show through their hard fast determination. Once their mind is made up about a direction to run towards, it’s full steam ahead. They identify their values and beliefs and pursue social change in accordance to those beliefs with intensity. Traditional patterns relating to the taboo and supernatural can be of particular focus - the individual’s beliefs and social upbringing influencing whether they dive head first into the supernatural or actively fight against it. There’s an emphasis on the sides of society that are hidden or swept under the rug. Scorpio Uranus brings those things to light.
Uranus was last in Scorpio from 1974 - 1981. During that time the punk movement had a huge wave of popularity (1975-1980) as people were finding more extreme ways to express their issues with society. Scorpio is dual ruled by Mars and Pluto, so Uruha’s Gemini Mars and Libra Pluto come in to add a social element to this placement. Sitting with thoughts about the hidden side of society isn’t enough to actually enact change. Things need to be discussed, no matter how uncomfortable it may be to have those conversations. Only through talking with others can society address its issues and move forward.
Neptune: Dreams - Magic - The Subconscious
Neptune stays in one sign for 14 years.
Neptune in Sagittarius: Ruled by Jupiter and represented by the Archer. Sagittarius is always seeking, trying to find the next direction, answer, and opportunity. People with Neptune in Sagittarius are always looking for new answers about philosophical questions and may get restless in an environment that has one set answer and mindset that everyone must adhere to. They can become fanatics in trying to seek truths, or can become active rebels against the concept of truth and religious ideology. Whatever their beliefs, the underlying energy and desire to seek new directions is there. Sagittarius is also associated with luck, and Sagittarius Neptune points to luck with endeavors in magic and divination, should the individual wish to practice them. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and Uruha’s Libra Jupiter shows his seeking energies in the realms of art, beauty, and relationships. He may contemplate philosophical questions around the concepts of art and beauty a lot. 
Neptune was last in Sagittarius from 1970-1984. During this time, popular media around the unknown beyond our world was at a high point with huge interest in the Star Trek series’ and the start of the highly popular Star Wars franchise. 
Pluto: Things That Are Hidden - The Shadow - The Taboo - Long-Term Transformation
Pluto stays in a sign anywhere from 12-30 years depending on the speed it is moving. This is the generational planet.
Pluto in Libra: Transformation is made through interpersonal relationships - relating to others, building strong social networks, and perfecting personal concepts of diplomacy and harmony. 
Pluto in Libra also transforms through reimagined concepts of art and beauty. Utilizing art and visual effects in new ways - taking art forms and transforming them into their own unique style.
Pluto was last in Libra 1971 to 1984 - during that time visual marketing took off in new directions and major changes and developments to cinema were made. The people born during that time went on to lead the way in the development of modern social media. 
Relating back into his chart, Libra is ruled by Venus and Uruha’s Cancer Venus brings in an emotional intelligence around his personal sense of Justice and harmony. His sense of diplomacy grows around the sense of what would make everyone feel the most satisfied and secure. He has a natural sense for when someone is uneasy in a situation. Whether he’s aware of what that feeling is or not, there’s a natural pull to make sure that everyone is comfortable. If others feel uneasy or uncomfortable, he’ll have an unsettled feeling in his stomach that won’t go away until he can do something about it. 
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everyday-shea · 2 years
Yoshiki (X/The Last Rockstars) Birth Chart 101
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Yoshiki Chart 101
Date of Birth: 11/20/1965 Birth Time: I do not have a birth time for Yoshiki, so I do not have his rising/houses
Sun: Scorpio Moon: Libra Mercury: Sagittarius Venus: Capricorn Mars: Capricorn Jupiter: Gemini Saturn: Pisces Uranus: Virgo Neptune: Scorpio Pluto: Virgo
Contents: Yoshiki Birth Chart Inner Planets/Luminaries: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars Inner Combinations: Sun + Moon, Mercury + Venus + Mars. Outer Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto
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Inner Planets/Luminaries Since the Sun + Moon are not planets, they are referred to as the luminaries. These placements are also collectively referred to as personal placements, as they deal more with specific personal aspects, and the outer planets deal more with large group things.
Sun: Ego - Base Personality - Overarching Identity - Building Block for All Else
Sun in Scorpio: Ruled by both Mars & Pluto, and represented by the Scorpion, the water sign of Scorpio has a reputation for intensity. People with Scorpio Sun tend to do things in an all or nothing manner. Their need to complete what they started by any means necessary can lead to risk taking - while some risk taking can be a good thing, at times it can be dangerous. Scorpio Sun may find they are accident prone and need to learn to exercise caution before taking bold or risky moves. Scorpio is a perceptive sign and in the placement of the Ego & Identity, you would think that this means they understand themselves well. However, it’s more common that Scorpio Sun has an easier time understanding others and seeing the potential in others than in themselves. Because of this, they tend to make good mentors who can pull out and nurture the hidden talents of others. Since they are good at helping others find their true strengths, others assume the Scorpio Sun has a good sense of themselves. In reality, the Scorpio Sun will do best with others who help them find their sense of self and nurture their strengths in return. This can be a difficult thing for the Scorpio Sun to ask for in others, as they often struggle to find the balance between their fierce sense of independence and strong need for a close-knit social circle.
Scorpio Sun is positively developed by giving them as much support as they give others, and helping them find a balance between impulse and caution. Scorpio Sun is negatively developed by assuming their independent nature means that they don’t need support, and letting them take risky ventures without caution or a fall-back plan.
Moon: Emotions - How We Process & Emotions and Information - How We React To Others’ Words, Actions, and Expressions - Our Sense of Stability/Security
Moon in Libra: ruled by Venus and represented by the scales of Justice, Libra is all about bringing things into balance. With the Moon representing our emotions, thoughts, and opinions, Libra here is constantly weighing everything in comparison to one another. They want to be able to examine the pros and cons of everything before acting externally. On one hand, this makes Libra Moon very diplomatic, taking in all sides of a situation. On another hand, Libra Moon can become indecisive and have difficulty making judgment calls where the right answer isn’t very clear. Libra Moon develops their personal definition and sense of justice at a young age. While they can be pretty easy-going and flexible with most things, when it comes to their sense of justice, they stand firm. This area is where their most deeply held opinions and beliefs are - their understanding of fairness in the world. Once you know what their personal outlook is in this area, you will unlock a deeper understanding of the Libra Moon in your life. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and aesthetics. Libra Moon has a very personally defined sense of beauty as well, and they set a specific standard for themselves with their personal aesthetic. They can be picky, and may take a long time when it comes to things like shopping for clothes or getting ready, but you can be sure that when they are ready, their style will be immaculate.
Mercury: Communication - Gaining Knowledge - Thought Processes - Written/Verbal Expression of Ideas
Mercury in Sagittarius: Ruled by Jupiter and represented by the Archer, the fire sign of Sagittarius is always looking for the next move. It’s a sign that doesn’t do well sitting in one place - there’s a constant need for something new. In the planet of Knowledge and Communication, this shows up as someone who seeks out new people, places, and opportunities as a means to learn and broaden their horizons. Sagittarius Mercury is rarely at home, opting to spend their time traveling and meeting up with friends. Sagittarius is also tied to philosophy, religion, and spirituality. Sagittarius Mercury folks get wrapped up in religious and philosophical discussions, and can get quite heated as well. They are either leaders of a religious/spiritual/philosophical group, or bounce from one to another looking for their own sense of universal truth. 
Mercury in Sagittarius is direct with communication and doesn’t like taking the long way to making a point. They say exactly what they are thinking, even if it later turns into a “shouldn’t have said that” situation. Nuance and secrets can be frustrating to them. They want to be honest with their thoughts at all times, so they can become antsy in situations where they need to not speak on something. There’s a rebellious streak here - if you tell Sagittarius Mercury not to say something, it only makes them want to say it more. If you tell them to say or do something in a specific way, they will want to do or say something else just to prove that your way isn’t the only way. The most iconic example of this for Yoshiki (in my opinion) is when he was advised that X songs should be kept under 5 minutes in length so they can be played on the radio and thus increase chances of high chart rankings. After receiving this advice, he promptly got to work on writing Art of Life, a singular song that is exactly 29 minutes long. Art of Life reached number one on the Oricon chart within its first week of release.
Venus: Love - Beauty - Aesthetics - Money (Earning & Spending)
Venus in Capricorn: Ruled by Saturn and represented by the Sea Goat, Consistency is key for Capricorn in the planet of relationships, money, and beauty. These people are quick to decide if someone can be useful to them, and in what ways. They’re looking for people who are reliable and worth the investment of their time and effort. When it comes to committed relationships such as dating and marriage, they are especially particular with their expectations of a partner. They need to know that their investments won't go to waste, therefore Capricorn Venus can take some time to enter a committed relationship. Many either have many casual, short term flings, or they hardly date at all. But when they do commit, they are in for the long run. In both romantic relationships and platonic friendships, Capricorn Venus is slow to approach others and generally prefers to be approached. Whether outgoing and bubbly or more quiet and reserved, once Capricorn Venus decides you’re worth investing in, they become very loyal and dedicated companions.
Capricorn Venus as a chart placement is very beneficial for business success, as both Capricorn and Venus are associated with money as well as other valuable resources. Capricorn deals more with the work ethic and habits built around the accumulation of resources, while Venus deals more with how one values and utilizes resources. Capricorn Venus people tend to hold money and whatever resources they find valuable in high regard. Whether this results in careful financial planning, or bold financial recklessness, depends on the individual. Aesthetically, Capricorn Venus tends to like antiques such as old books, old cars, family heirlooms, and historical artifacts from their culture (and other cultures as well). There’s a respect for tradition that carries through, and they are very careful with their possessions - these people make wonderful museum curators. Even the most progressive, innovative, and forward thinking Capricorn Venus will still have a strong respect and tie in to their traditional roots. They have fun taking core elements from something traditional and adding their own, personal, modern twist.
Mars: Action - Physicality - Assertiveness
Mars in Capricorn: Capricorn’s steady reliability suits the planet of action well, as you can be assured that they will finish what they start. They’re naturally skilled at building a strong foundation to support their goals. They stay on top of tasks and are unlikely to push things off unless doing so is the best action strategically. They learn the rules and guidelines given to them to a T - some being very strict rule followers while others learn the rules so they can effectively break them. A Capricorn Mars looking to break the rules knows how to cover their tracks well and get away with it. Ambitious and determined, Capricorn Mars does not give up easily. They will keep working towards their goals until they are achieved, no matter how high they set the bar. However, they’re not so stubborn as to push through when their plan clearly isn’t working. Capricorn Mars can see where adjustments need to be made and rearrange things accordingly. Even if it looks like they’ve completely changed course to others, the end goal is still essentially the same, built on the same foundation, just in a new way to make it more obtainable. The people around them are key here - if the people they’re working with towards these goals don’t meet their expectations, tension can easily ensue. Capricorn Mars can make great leaders and managers as they make their goals and expectations clear to others, but if said goals and expectations are pushed too high out of others’ reach then adjustments need to be made or everything falls apart.
Inner combinations These are the major combinations, though all placements relate to each other. If you would like an analysis on any combination not covered here, please let me know.
Scorpio Sun + Libra Moon: Relentless dedication is the lifeforce of this combination. Once someone or something has meaning in their lives, people with this combination become very attached and devoted towards them. They take both victory and loss on a very personal level. There’s a balance between their stubborn nature and compromise that must be found, otherwise they’ll always struggle with trying to make things work out for everyone within their personal mode of operations. Meaning, they may try to make others change where they refuse to budge instead of adapting to something that will work for everyone involved. 
Sagittarius Mercury + Capricorn Venus + Capricorn Mars: This combination is non-stop energy. There’s always something to do, somewhere to go, someone to meet. “Rest” feels like a foreign concept that has to be forced for the sake of being able to keep going. There’s joy in figuring out how something works with the goal of taking it apart and adding new personal touches to it. With Yoshiki, we see how he’s constantly on the go, always pursuing new avenues of creativity and opportunity. 
Outer planets
The planets beyond the asteroid belt move more slowly through the signs, and their traits and influence have to do more with large groups than personal things. How they relate on a personal level involves connecting them back to related personal placements, as I will show with each placement. 
Jupiter: Travel - Education - Authoritative Structures - Luck - Growth & Expansion
Jupiter will present in 1 or 2 signs in a year.
Jupiter in Gemini: Ruled by Mercury and represented by the Twins, Gemini is all about duality and variety. Gemini Jupiter people love variety in life and are the type to study a bunch of different subjects. Because of the need to explore as much as possible, this study is generally limited to the basic 101 - there are few areas they will study in depth and those areas need to have a lot of variation within them to keep their attention and curiosity going. Even then, within their chosen area of study/work, they like to change things up frequently. Gemini Jupiter is skilled at keeping up with trends and following general patterns of what people are up to. They enthusiastically try out the latest thing and may have many fleeting hobbies. Gemini is a very social sign and with Jupiter’s expansive properties, Gemini Jupiter has a large social circle. They have a lot of acquaintances across many different professions, countries, and lifestyles as everyone brings some new knowledge that they can add to their personal knowledge collection. Even the more quiet or shy Gemini Jupiter will be regularly seen out and about with groups of friends. These quiet ones tend to attract more loud and boisterous friends, while the more loud and outgoing Gemini Jupiter will be the magnet for a lot of quiet and shy friends.
Saturn: Responsibility - Discipline - Karma Saturn will stay in a sign for about 2.5 years - Taking about 29-30 years to go through all 12 signs. Saturn rules time and life-lessons. Approximately every 28-30 years, Saturn will return to the sign it was in when you were born, and your Saturn return period emphasizes the life-lessons that Saturn is trying to teach you.
Saturn in Pisces: Ruled by Neptune and represented by the Fish, the water sign of Pisces’ long-term lesson is a balance of fantasy and reality. Letting one’s dreams run freely while also grounding to realistic, applicable uses of ideas. They’re idealists who prefer to see the world through the lens of its potential more than its reality. Understanding the reality of the world can be upsetting to them, but it is necessary in order to know where changes can be made so the world can more reflect their ideas.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune, and Yoshiki’s Neptune is in Scorpio, which is itself ruled by Mars and Pluto (action & destruction for the sake of change). In Yoshiki’s chart in particular, he has his Sun in Scorpio. Tying his Scorpio Sun and Neptune in with his Pisces Saturn, his dreams and ideals about what the world could be is directly reflected in his ego and sense of self. It’s a matter of personal pride that his dreams and ideals become his reality. This is a noble goal to have in one’s life. However, knowing how to balance those ideals with realistic expectations is key to keep him from losing himself in this endeavor.
Uranus: Rebellion - Liberation - Innovation - Upheavals
Uranus stays in one sign for about 7 years.
Uranus in Virgo: Ruled by Mercury and represented by the Virgin, the Earth sign of Virgo concerns itself with structure, simplicity, and straight-forward communication. Uranus is the planet that shows where the faults in life lie, and Uranus placements show where we are best apt to make adjustments in the world. Uranus in Virgo is best apt to bring about changes in the areas of lifestyle structure, work-life balance, and personal habits. Virgo also deals with communication and Uranus in Virgo is a great time for implementing major changes in communication. It’s a time period that allows ideals to become reality.
Uranus was in Virgo from 1878-1884 during which time major reforms to long-distance communication unfolded with the wide-spread implementation of the recently invented telephone. When Uranus was in Virgo most recently from 1961-1969 major updates in systems structures allowed for the ideals of space travel to be made into reality.
Looking into the chart to add depth to this placement - Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Yoshiki has Capricorn Mercury. He has a great natural sense of workplace structures and how to change them to fit his needs. If there’s something in the industry he doesn’t like, he can find a way around it to work for him.
It makes sense that Yoshiki, and others close in age that share this placement with him, would lead the major changes needed in the Japanese popular music scene to make the rock industry viable in Japan and set up the structures for their similarly aged yet slightly younger colleagues who have Uranus in Libra to then figure out how to make the industry more accessible and viable for a wider variety of people.
Neptune: Dreams - Magic - The Subconscious
Neptune stays in one sign for 14 years.
Neptune in Scorpio: Scorpio energy is bold, determined, and in tune with things hidden and unseen. In the planet of dreams and the subconscious, Scorpio’s abilities to read between the lines and see hidden intent/meaning behind pretenses is heightened. There’s a natural draw to the occult and taboo which can be fascinating to these people should they choose to embrace it - or a source of stress and anxiety should they resist.  Neptune also deals with Makeup and Scorpio Neptune brings attention to makeup and accessories around the eyes. People with this chart placement tend to have distinct eye makeup/accessory preferences.
During the last time Neptune was in Scorpio (1956-1970) there was a dramatic increase in a variety of religious/spiritual practices, challenges to existing practices, and examples of extremism or cultism. Scorpio is ruled by both Mars & Pluto - Yoshiki’s Capricorn Mars and Virgo Pluto come in to further highlight his intense passion towards his work and dedication to developing his career both for himself as well as others in the industry.
Pluto: Things That Are Hidden - The Shadow - The Taboo - Long-Term Transformation
Pluto stays in a sign anywhere from 12-30 years depending on the speed it is moving. This is the generational planet.
Pluto in Virgo: Virgo is detail oriented, health conscious, and pragmatic. Pluto has to do with transformation, and Virgo Pluto transforms by analyzing the details of life - what works and what doesn’t - what needs to be changed and how that change can take place in a practical way. Relating back into Yoshiki’s chart, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Yoshiki’s Sagittarius Mercury comes into play. He finds transformation through direct and honest communication that challenges the way things are and asks how the world/humanity can push towards its potential.
Pluto was last in Virgo 1956-1972 and during this time there were a lot of pushes for societal restructuring especially around lifestyle structures. New lifestyle innovations gave people more options and flexibility to self-express away from the cookie cutter conformity of the first half of the 20th century. People born during this time continued to push alternative lifestyles and subcultures during their formative years in the 80s and 90s. 
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everyday-shea · 2 years
Daita (Siam Shade) Birth Chart 101
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Date of Birth: June 19th 1971 Birth Time: I don’t know Daita’s birth time so I do not have his rising/houses
Sun: Gemini Moon: Taurus Mercury: Gemini Venus: Gemini Mars: Aquarius Jupiter: Scorpio Saturn: Gemini Uranus: Libra Neptune: Sagittarius Pluto: Virgo
Table of Contents: Daita Birth Chart Inner Planets/Luminaries: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars Inner Combinations: Sun + Moon, Mercury + Venus + Mars. Outer Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto
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Inner Planets/Luminaries Since the Sun + Moon are not planets, they are referred to as the luminaries. These placements are also collectively referred to as personal placements, as they deal more with specific personal aspects, and the outer planets deal more with large group things.
Sun: Ego - Base Personality - Overarching Identity - Building Block for All Else
Sun in Gemini: They’re interested in many things and topics, there’s so much to discuss in the world so if they can’t latch their attention onto something quickly, they’ll just move on. Knowledge is a collective endeavor always fluctuating with new information, experiences, and input from others. Gemini Sun learns best through simply saying things and gaining new information from the responses of others. This has gained the negative stereotype of inconsistency, while in reality Gemini’s thoughts are just constantly shifting to accommodate new information. Because their brain cells are constantly bouncing around from idea to idea, they can end up second-guessing their choices or actions. It’s important for Gemini Suns to have a few core, set beliefs and thought processes as an anchor so they don’t get lost in their heads. Witty and mischievous, Gemini Suns have a quick tongue and often enjoy banter or word games. They have lightning quick comebacks and are masters of adding side remarks to conversations. Depending on the person, these can be funny or rude - sometimes people interpret them as rude when they don’t mean to be so. Mostly, they’re just trying to have fun and don’t think too much about what is being said - once it’s out of their mouth it’s out of mind as well. Put your Gemini friends into freestyle rap battles and take home the prize every time.
Moon: Emotions - How We Process & Emotions and Information - How We React To Others’ Words, Actions, and Expressions - Our Sense of Stability/Security
Moon in Taurus: Ruled by Venus and represented by the Bull, Taurus is stead-fast, grounded, and very attached to the physical. When it comes to Taurus Moon, there’s a sense of personal stability and security within physical comforts - many are collectors for example. Emotional associations are heavily tied to specific objects, such as a gift from a loved one becomes more about that person and the situation in which it was gifted than the object itself. Due to this ability to apply emotional intelligence to tangible objects, Taurus Moon makes excellent gift givers! Taurus’ stead-fast nature gives them heartfelt conviction in their decisions. Once their mind is made up, it is nearly impossible to convince them of anything else. Some can be down-right stubborn. Taurus Moon is unlikely to completely change their mind but the more flexible Taurus Moon will find compromise in being able to approach a situation from a different perspective as long as their core belief of that situation or idea stays in tact. Taurus Moon is positively developed by ensuring they have a steady and secure homebase in which to store and organize their most important belongings. Also social relationships that allow for compromise and middle-ground conversations. Taurus Moon is negatively developed by disregarding the value they place on others and on the things important to them. Also social relationships that demand they change their mindsets to fit others with no room given for their personal core values and beliefs.
Mercury: Communication - Gaining Knowledge - Thought Processes - Written/Verbal Expression of Ideas
Mercury in Gemini: Ruled by Mercury and represented by the twins - Gemini is right at home in the planet of communication and information. The mind is constantly in search of stimulation - these people are likely to have a variety of interests and may seem to jump around from topic to topic at random. They can see connections between topics that may not be as apparent to others, so when they jump from A to C they assume everyone knows how they got there and therefore don’t need to mention step B, while most others can get tied up and confused as B isn’t apparent to them and they have no idea what just happened. It’s important for Gemini Mercury to understand that not everyone will be able to keep up with this pace, and yes, you do need to spell it out more for people than you think. Mercury Gemini is a curious resource - if you bring up a topic they will have many thoughts about it regardless of how much knowledge they actually have, and will eagerly pursue further knowledge of the topic with you. However, if the pursuit of further information turns slow, stale, or just boring, they will simply move on to the next topic.
Venus: Love - Beauty - Aesthetics - Money (Earning & Spending)
Venus in Gemini: Ruled by Mercury and represented by the twins, Gemini prizes communication and energetic movement. With interpersonal relationships, this means being drawn to people who can have interesting conversations and are knowledgeable on a variety of topics. People who can’t hold a conversation or have shallow interests will bore Gemini Venus and they’ll quickly move on to more interesting people. When it comes to romantic relationships, good looks only go so far, as they need the intellectual stimulation to keep the mood going. These people are known to be social butterflies, keeping a large social circle with a variety of people from different walks of life. They can’t stand only being surrounded by one type of person, they value and need people with different backgrounds, thoughts, and world-views to keep them intrigued. 
Gemini is flexible, adaptable, and curious. They’re always looking for the next new, exciting thing to keep their curious minds busy. In Venus, this means lots of relationships, varied friend groups, lots of different jobs or many changes within one job, and a variety of hobbies.
Mars: Action - Physicality - Assertiveness
Mars in Aquarius: Aquarius is the rebel of the Zodiac, and in the planet of action this presents a keen instinct to go against the norm. When a lot of people are doing something one way, Aquarius Mars asks “what other possibilities are being ignored or hidden?” - this need to explore alternative actions can be misread as thoughtless rebellion, but Aquarius also rules humanitarian action, and Aquarius Mars often acts more for what they think will be useful changes for society at large than acting out for personal interests. Aquarius Mars has a duality where they pride themselves in being reliable for others, but they don’t like to be predictable. While they can keep and maintain a regular schedule, if it becomes too routine they have a need to change things up, keep others on their toes anticipating what their next steps will be. It’s not unusual for Aquarius Mars to do something completely unexpected for no other reason than to see everyone’s reactions. Reminding people not to get used to things always being one way. Aquarius Mars gains great satisfaction if they can get people to accept sudden, radical change.
Inner combinations These are the major combinations, though all placements relate to each other. If you would like an analysis on any combination not covered here, please let me know.
Gemini Sun + Taurus Moon: This combination shows a grounded and level-headed approach to daily life. Gathering information is a strong suit - this is the type of person to know everyone’s business whether they’re intentionally collecting this information or just passively picking it up. There’s a strong ability to use gained information to organize people and events around them. This makes for good team leadership - delegating tasks and structuring group events.
Being detail oriented with a strong sense of personal style and tastes, he has a very clear idea of how he likes things to be and is very straight-forward with those expectations.
Gemini Mercury + Gemini Venus + Aquarius Mars: Building mental rapport with others is a top priority with this combination. There’s an emphasis on connecting with others who share a similar base knowledge and sense of humor. Social circles may host a variety of personality types, but the close inner circle will have that similar mental base that draws them close. The sense of humor may be abstract and witty, which can confuse more straight-forward people who take things too literally. Even with this need to have that base connection with others, variety remains important. He needs to be able to explore new ideas and concepts without simply recycling the same things over and over again.
Outer planets
The planets beyond the asteroid belt move more slowly through the signs, and their traits and influence have to do more with large groups than personal things. How they relate on a personal level involves connecting them back to related personal placements, as I will show with each placement. 
Jupiter: Travel - Education - Authoritative Structures - Luck - Growth & Expansion
Jupiter will present in 1 or 2 signs in a year.
Jupiter in Scorpio: Ruled by Pluto and Mars, and represented by the Scorpion, Scorpio is the sign of deep transformation. It’s an intensely intuitive sign that brings to light the hidden depths and mysteries of life. Scorpio Jupiter uses the hardships of life to create their own happiness, luck, and freedom. Understanding the darker and difficult sides of life make it easier to distinguish genuine positivity from fake positivity - what it means to be truly happy versus faking it until you make it. Authoritative people and structures in their life impress a sense of fake happiness and freedom - an attitude that things are fine when they’re not - and Scorpio Jupiter will see through this easily. Issues with authority come from resisting the pressure to pretend things are okay and actually seek ways to make situations better. They can detect people’s true intentions and get upset if their words/actions don’t match their intentions. Therefore, they can be very private people, only opening up to those they can trust to be honest and forthright. Scorpio energy is stubborn, stead-fast, sensitive, and perceptive. Scorpio is very intuitive and Scorpio Jupiter can, if they chose, be very gifted with matters of psychology, medicine, healing practices, and the occult. From therapists to detectives to psychics, they seek to understand people and help solve/heal them. When they travel, they are very observant of different people and ways of life. 
Saturn: Responsibility - Discipline - Karma Saturn will stay in a sign for about 2.5 years - Taking about 29-30 years to go through all 12 signs. Saturn rules time and life-lessons. Approximately every 28-30 years, Saturn will return to the sign it was in when you were born, and your Saturn return period emphasizes the life-lessons that Saturn is trying to teach you.
Saturn in Gemini: Ruled by Mercury and represented by the twins. Gemini is all about duality, knowledge, and communication. Gemini Saturn’s lesson is about using personal intellect to communicate effectively. People with Saturn in Gemini may struggle with communication, either being overly logical and analytical in communication or not logical and analytical enough. Saturn teaches you to find the balance between communicating exactly what you need and assuming other people will just intuitively understand your thoughts and needs. It’s the balance between the heart and the head - spending too much time brooding in emotions or wrapping oneself up in logically rationalizing every part of life keeping actual action from occurring. Gemini Saturn reminds people that while yes it is important to think things through before acting, action needs to happen eventually and that communication is the best course of action. Tied in with Daita’s Gemini Mercury, this comes in to highlight the way information is shared. It’s great to be able to share personal knowledge with others, but equally important to be able to listen and gain information from others. Being sure to listen for the sake of learning and connecting, not just for the sake of jumping in with a response that showcases one’s own knowledge.
Uranus: Rebellion - Liberation - Innovation - Upheavals
Uranus stays in one sign for about 7 years.
Uranus in Libra: Ruled by Venus and represented by Justice, Libra seeks balance and harmony in all things. Rebellion and innovation show through in reforms to social and structural ideas and systems of justice. What is fair or unfair, what is balanced, and what can be done to have a more harmonious balance of society. Keep in mind, with the duality of nature and nurture, the exact definitions and ideas of what is fair, harmonious, and justice will vary based on influences people are raised with. 
Since Libra is ruled by Venus, looking into Daita’s Venus sign is where his personal expression of this placement comes through. With his Venus being in Gemini, he seeks balance, justice, and harmony through the combination of a variety of people from multiple walks of life through open-minded communication. 
“The last time Uranus was in Libra was from October 1968 until September 1975 stimulating changes in social justice, diplomacy, music, and the arts.” (https://www.san.beck.org › Astro-Uranus)
One of the big social showings of this time was the hippie movement - make love not war - challenging the priority of war over interpersonal relationships.
Neptune: Dreams - Magic - The Subconscious
Neptune stays in one sign for 14 years.
Neptune in Sagittarius:  Ruled by Jupiter and represented by the archer, Sagittarius is all about forward momentum into the unknown. These people look for potential through the lens of their personal religious/philosophical beliefs. Therefore this will present differently depending on what those beliefs are for each person. They can become very attached to their beliefs whether this be a specific religion, a driving life philosophy, or a social cause. Sagittarius likes to look for solutions, therefore Sagittarius Neptune looks for solutions to life’s problems through their deeply held beliefs - depending on social upbringing and other chart elements this can cause difficulty in accepting others’ beliefs. With Sagittarius being ruled by Jupiter and Daita’s Jupiter being in Scorpio, he may be drawn to religious/philosophical beliefs and ideas that have to do with the occult, or darker sides of humanity. 
Pluto: Things That Are Hidden - The Shadow - The Taboo - Long-Term Transformation
Pluto stays in a sign anywhere from 12-30 years depending on the speed it is moving. This is the generational planet.
Pluto in Virgo: Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is detail oriented, health conscious, and pragmatic. Pluto has to do with transformation, and Virgo Pluto transforms by analyzing the details of life - what works and what doesn’t - what needs to be changed and how that change can take place in a practical way. Relating back into Daita’s chart, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, therefore Daita’s Gemini Mercury comes into play. He finds transformation through analysis and relaying information. Being able to effectively communicate a variety of complex ideas and concepts with others and hold conversations that delve deeper than surface level will help him unlock deep personal transformation.
Pluto was last in Virgo 1956-1972 and during this time there were a lot of pushes for societal restructuring especially around lifestyle structures. New lifestyle innovations gave people more options and flexibility to self-express away from the cookie cutter conformity of the first half of the 20th century. People born during this time continued to push alternative lifestyles and subcultures during their formative years in the 80s and 90s. 
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